Download - Employee/Department Allocation - Sage Extended Solution to the standard MAS 90MAS 200 Payroll module adds the ability to allocate an employee’s earnings over different departments.The


Sage Software, Inc. • 800-854-3415 •

2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 1

OverviewThis Extended Solution to the standard MAS 90 MAS 200 Payroll module adds the ability to allocate an employee’s earnings over different departments. The allocation may be by employee, department or both. When calculating taxes, the employee’s posted department will be scanned for allocations to other departments then allocated as required. Allocations by employee occur before allocations by department. A new Payroll Distribution Report has been added to the Payroll Reports menu.

Additional functionality exists if Extended Solution PR-1019, Location Processing is also enabled and the PR-1019 option to ‘Process Location by Line’ is checked.

InstallationBefore installing this Extended Solution, please verify that the version level(s) printed on the CD label are the same as the version level(s) of the MAS 90 MAS 200 module(s) you are using. For further information, please see the Upgrades and Compatibility section below. Check your Shipping Manifest for a complete list of Extended Solutions shipped.

For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Sage website at:

Installing Your Extended Solutions under WindowsFrom a CDIf you have the autorun function turned on for your PC, the installation program will start up automatically. If not, find the autorun.exe file on your CD-ROM drive and double-click it to start the installation program. Follow the on-screen instructions.

From the Sage FTP siteWhen your Extended Solution is ready to be downloaded, you will receive an email from ‘[email protected]’ telling you that it is ready. The email will contain the Customer Name, Cross Reference, a case-sensitive Password, a link via which you can download your Extended Solution, instructions, and a Shipping Manifest. If you have any problems with this order, please email [email protected] and we will assist you during normal business hours.

Extended Solutions Control CenterInstalling any Extended Solution will add an Extended Solutions Control Center to the MAS 90MAS 200 Library Master Utilities menu. When you open the Control Center, the following options will be available: Extended Solutions Manuals Remove Extended Solutions Unlock Extended Solutions

Employee/Department AllocationPR-1051

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 2

Merge Installation Files Extended Solutions Setup options

Custom OfficeIf you customize your MAS 90 MAS 200, then you must run the Update Utility every time you install a Sage Software Extended Solution.

SetupOnce the disk is installed, you will need to access the Payroll Setup menu option screen. After the standard MAS 90 MAS 200 option screens have been displayed, a Setup screen for this Extended Solution will appear. Check the ‘Enable Extended Solution’ box to activate this Extended Solution (Figure 1). The manual for this Extended Solution, if it has been installed, can be viewed by clicking the ‘Manual’ button next to the ‘Enable Extended Solution’ check box. It can also be viewed via the Extended Solutions Control Center (see Installation, above).

Answer the following prompts:

REGULAR EARNINGS CODE: Enter the Regular Earnings Code you wish to use in the Payroll Distribution Report.

OVERTIME EARNINGS CODE: Enter the Overtime Earnings Code you wish to use in the Payroll Distribution Report.

Figure 1

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 3

DEDUCTION CODE FOR 125 PLAN: Enter the Deduction Code for 125 Plan you wish to use in the Payroll Distribution Report.

DEDUCTION CODE FOR ADDL COLUMN: Enter an additional Deduction Code you wish to print on the Payroll Distribution Report.

ADDL COLUMN TITLE OF PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION REPORT: If you have defined the Deduction Code for the additional column, then you will need to define up to 10 characters for the title of the column on the report.

Role Maintenance The following Task has been added to Payroll, Report Menu

Payroll Distribution Report Setup

Payroll Distribution Report Setup will be added to the Report Menu as a Setup Option task. Please review your security setup in Role Maintenance and make appropriate changes.

You should visit this Setup screen after each upgrade or reinstallation of this Extended Solution.

OperationEmployee Allocation MaintenanceClick the ‘Allocate’ button (Figure 2) on the Payroll Maintenance – Employee Maintenance screen to access the Employee Allocation Table (Figure 3).

Figure 3

Figure 2

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You may allocate departments by clicking the list button and selecting one of the listed departments, or you may enter the department number. You will then be prompted to enter the percentage of allocation you want to use for that department. You will not be allowed to leave this screen if the employee’s total allocations do not equal 100%.

No allocation will occur if the department entered in Payroll data entry does not match the Employee Home Department.

Employee Listing ReportEmployee allocations are printed (following earnings data) as part of the Employee Listing Report (Figure 4).

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 5

Figure 4

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PR-1019If you have Extended Solution PR-1019, Location Processing installed, you will be prompted for a Location Code with each entry (Figure 5).

You can setup multiple Department / Location combinations for an employee. Both the Department and the Location must both be defined for an entry to be valid.

The Employee Listing will reflect the Location in the allocations section (Figure 6).

Department Allocation Maintenance

Figure 5

Figure 6

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 7

This option is available only if PR-1019, Location Processing is not enabled.

The Department Allocation Table is accessed from the Department Maintenance screen. After selecting the department, you may access the Department Allocation Table by clicking the ‘More’ button (Figure 7).

Just as in Employee

Figure 7

Figure 8

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 8

Allocation, you can click the list button or enter the department number to bring up the department you want to maintain (Figure 8). You may then change the department percentage. Remember that you cannot exit this screen unless the total allocations equal 100%.

Department ListingA listing of department allocations can be printed by using the Print option from the department maintenance screen (Figure 9).

Figure 9

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Payroll Data EntryPayroll data entry and auto-pay operations are performed normally.

Payroll Data Entry Audit ReportThe Payroll Data Entry Audit Report must be printed in Detail to reflect the employee department allocations.

AllocationAllocation follows the same logic for every employee, whether she has only an Employee Allocation, only a Department Allocation, or if she has both. The logic used is as follows:

1) By answering ‘YES’ to Calculate Taxes, the allocation process will begin. All allocations will be completed before tax calculation takes place.

2) The employee is checked for allocations. If there are any Employee Allocations, they are made. This process continues until all Employee Allocations are finished.

3) After all employee allocations are made, the department allocations are made. This process continues until all Department Allocations are finished.

4) Note that for both Employee and Department allocations, there may be multiple allocation processing cycles depending on the number of allocations and the number of Payroll data entry line items. Each cycle may cause rounding discrepancies. The discrepancy is allotted to the last line created by each allocation cycle. Since this Extended Solution corrects for rounding discrepancies by allocation cycle and not on a line-by-line basis, the Payroll Data Entry Audit report may, for some lines, print the standard MAS 90 MAS 200 message that the ‘Rate Times Hours Does Not Equal Amount.’

5) Allocations have now been completed and standard Payroll tax calculation begins.

An allocation can only occur once for an employee, changing Employee or Department allocations will not change the records for allocations already completed.

Allocations with PR-1019When Extended Solution PR-1019, Location Processing is also installed, the allocation of a check entry in PR Tax Calculation will be processed as follows:All existing earnings line which references both the employee’s Home Department andHome Location will explode according to that employee’s allocation schedule. Existing earnings lines which do not match for both Home Department and Home Location will remain untouched.

Period End ProcessingAllocations from both files will be deleted whenever an Employee’s files are deleted during Period End Processing.

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 10

Payroll Distribution ReportThis report may be generated while Payroll Data Entry is in progress. Once the Check Register has been updated, the report’s data will no longer be available.

The report maybe selected by a range of Employee Numbers, and may be sorted either by Department Worked/Employee Number or by Employee Number/Department Worked (Figure 10). The Pay Period Ending Date will be printed in the report header.

When sorted by Department/Employee, the report will print one line per employee in the data entry file with earnings in the department. When sorted by Employee/Department, the report will print one line per Department Worked for each employee with a check in the data entry file.

The report will include the following data elements:

Data Element CommentDepartment Worked Code and DescriptionEmployee First NameEmployee Last namePercent Applied(1) From the PR-1051 file, the percentage indicated for this

employee/departmentRegular Hours Hours for the ‘Regular’ Earnings Code specified in SetupOvertime Hours Hours for the ‘Overtime’ Earnings Code specified in SetupOther Hours Hours for all other Earnings CodesRegular Gross Gross Pay Amount for the ‘Regular’ Earnings Code specified in

SetupOvertime Gross Gross Pay Amount for the ‘Overtime’ Earnings Code specified in

SetupOther Gross Gross Pay Amount for all other Earnings Codes125 Plan(2) Total Deduction Amount for the Deduction Code specified in

Setup, multiplied by the ‘Percent Applied’Additional Deduction(2,3) Total Deduction Amount for the Deduction Code specified in

Setup, multiplied by the ‘Percent Applied’Other Deductions(2) Total Deduction Amount for all other Deductions, multiplied by

‘Percent Applied’

Figure 10

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(1)Percent Applied refers only to the Employee Department allocation file (PR_ED). Lines which reference the Department allocations (PR_CD) will print ‘zero’ for a percentage.

(2)Since deduction lines do not reference a department, this information is calculated based on the percentage value held in PR-1051 files.

(3)If you defined an Additional Deduction Code in Setup, it will be inserted between the ‘125 Plan’ and ‘Other Deduct’ columns. ‘Other Deduct’ will be modified to exclude the values used for this second deduction.

Figure 11 is an example of the report with no Additional Deduction specified. Figure 12 shows the additional deduction column.

Figure 12

Figure 11

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 12

Specific Purpose Rule applies to this report. The described feature was developed for a specific client to its specifications and may not conform to generally accepted MAS 90MAS200 standards and procedures.

Visual IntegratorThe files listed below have been added or changed in the Data Dictionary by this Extended Solution for Visual Integrator purposes.




The Data Dictionary may contain other files and data fields that are not available without their corresponding Sage Software Extended Solutions installed.

ODBC DictionaryThe files listed below have been added or changed in the ODBC Dictionaries by this Extended Solution for Crystal Reports purposes.

File: Description Fields:PR_CD Dept Allocation File Department


PR_ED Emp Dept Allocation File EmployeeDepartmentEmployeeNumberDepartmentLocationCodeDeptPercent

Be aware that the ODBC Dictionaries may contain other files and data fields that will be unavailable without their corresponding Extended Solutions installed.

What’s NewWith the 09-02-08 release:

Added integration with PR-1019, Location Processing

Upgrades and CompatibilityThe installation CD is labeled with the version of the MAS 90 MAS 200 module for which this Extended Solution was prepared. This Extended Solution will check its compatibility with the appropriate MAS 90 MAS 200 modules and will be disabled if an incompatibility is found. If

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2008 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. PR-1051 (Revised 08/08) Page 13

you upgrade your MAS 90 MAS 200 modules, this Extended Solution must be upgraded as well. Your MAS 90 MAS 200 dealer can supply this upgrade.

Documentation Only changes made by The Sage Software, Inc. to the standard operation of Sage Software, Inc. MAS 90 MAS 200 have been documented in this manual. Operations not documented in this manual are standard procedures of MAS 90 MAS 200 processing. Standard MAS 90 MAS 200 processes, data entry screens, inquiry screens, reports, updates, etc., have not been changed unless addressed in this document.

Parts of this document may refer to the Specific Purpose Rule. When referenced, the described feature was developed for a specific client to its specifications and may not conform to generally accepted MAS 90 MAS 200 standards and procedures. These features may or may not benefit you in your application of MAS 90 MAS 200.

Acknowledgments © 2005 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage Software, MAS 90 and MAS 200 are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.