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In this, the third instalment of Empire in Flames,we have some new scenarios exclusive to theEmpire wilderness setting. Some of thesescenarios specify the use of both mountedmodels and new models specific to the Empire inFlames setting.

ScenariosUse these Scenario tables instead of the one on page126 of the rulebook. There is a separate table formulti-player scenarios. As usual, the winner of ascenario gets to roll one more Exploration dice thannormal. Roll 2D6 to determine which scenario toplay. Obviously, terrain should be set up that shouldreflect the wilderness nature of Empire in Flames(see the new Empire in Flames scenarios for an ideaof what sort of terrain to set up).


2 The warband with the lower ratingchooses the scenario.

3 Breakthrough4 The Thing in the Woods5 Wyrdstone Hunt6 Skirmish7 Stagecoach Ambush8 Bounty Hunting9 Lost in the Bogs

10 Surprise Attack11 Chance Encounter12 The warband with the lower rating

chooses the scenario.


2 The warband with the lower ratingchooses the scenario.

3 The Lost Prince(Mordheim 2002 Annual, p30 or onMordheim website)

4 Monster Hunt (Mordheim 2002 Annual, p33 or onMordheim website)

5 Treasure Hunt (Mordheim 2002 Annual, p29 or onMordheim website)

6 Street Brawl(Mordheim 2002 Annual, p29 or onMordheim website)

7 Stagecoach Ambush8 Bounty Hunting9 Lost in the Bogs

10 The Thing in the Woods11 Ambush! (Mordheim 2002 Annual, p32 or

on Mordheim website)12 The warband with the lower rating

chooses the scenario.36


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Bounty HuntingYour warband has tracked a notorious band ofoutlaws to their lair, hoping to turn them in tothe authorities and collect the reward on theirheads. Unfortunately, it appears that anotherband of would-be bounty hunters is hot on theirtrail as well…

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece ofterrain, either a building, set of hedges or walls,hill, section of forest, section of swamp, river orstream, or similar item or terrain appropriate forEmpire in Flames. There should be a largebuilding in the centre of the table to representthe bandits’ hideout.

Sprcial RuleThe bandits are inside their lair, and they aren’treal anxious to be caught! At the end of eachgame turn, D6 crossbow bolts shoot out of thedoors and windows of the hideout at the nearestwarband members (they’re not particular aboutwhich warbands they shoot at!). Each bolt will bedirected at a different target if possible. Crossbowbolts are fired with a BS of 3, modified by rangeand cover as normal (and, of course, the guysinside must be able to trace a line of sight from adoor or window to the warband member).Warband members may not enter the buildinguntil the scenario is over.

Set-upAll players roll a D6 to see who deploys first,with the player rolling highest choosing a tableedge and setting up first. If there are twoplayers, then the next player sets up on theopposite board edge. If there are more thantwo players, the remaining players choose sidesand set up their warbands based on the order oftheir dice rolls, highest to lowest. A player mustset up his warband within 8" of his table edge,but not within 4" of a side edge, and not within10" of another player’s warband. Keep in mindthat more than four players should beaccommodated with a larger battlefield thannormal (see the ‘Chaos in the Streets’ article onmulti-player games in the Mordheim 2002Annual, page 26).

Starting the GameEach player rolls a D6 to determine who goesfirst. Play proceeds clockwise around the table(based on where players placed their warbands)from there.

Ending the GameThe game ends when all warbands but one havefailed their Rout test. Warbands which routautomatically lose. If one or more warbands haveallied when the other warbands have all routed,they may choose to share the victory and end thegame, or they may continue the game until onewarband is victorious.

As soon as there is a clear winner, the bandits giveup. They may be turned in to the authorities for5+1D6 GC per head (roll separately for eachbandit), and there are 6+1 bandits per warbandinvolved in the game holed up in the hideout (soif four warbands take part in the game, there are10 bandits in the hideout). The winningwarband also captures the bandits’ equipment (6 crossbows, D3 swords, 2D6 daggers, and abunch of wormy rations that are worth nothing).

Experience+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband(s) gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns+1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of


+1 Scratched by the Bandits. Any Herowho gets wounded by a bandit crossbowbut not taken out of action gains +1Experience.


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The roads of the Empire are very dangerous andteeming with all manner of bandits, Beastmenand mutants. A warband has been paid toprotect the local stage on a dangerous road tothe next coaching inn. A rival warband is layingin wait to ambush the stage on a particularlysecluded part of the route. When the stage andits outriders turn a corner in the road theambush is sprung and the chase is on!

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece ofterrain, either a stand of trees, a length ofhedgerow or a small rocky outcrop. There mustbe a distinct road marked on the battlefield for

the coach to follow. Both players should roll aD6. The highest scoring player may place thepiece of terrain anywhere along the leading tableedge, creating a continuous stretch of the road.

Set-upThe defenders may use as much of theirwarband as they have mounts for. Onlydefending warriors on the stage and warriorsriding on mounts may take part in the

scenario. The defending warband is deployedfacing the opposite short table edge and no

closer than 40" of that edge, (this edgerepresents the escape route). The

stagecoach must be placed with

the warband, and must also be facing thisdirection. Up to 50% of the attacking warbandmay be set-up in hiding anywhere on thebattlefield but no closer than 18" to any of thedefending warband. The rest of the attackingwarband is set up 24" behind the defendersfacing in the same direction – this part of theattacking warband must all be mounted.

Special rulesThe stage comes with its own driver (use theMuleskinner from ‘Blazing Saddles’ in theMordheim 2002 Annual and replace his skillswith Ride and Drive Cart and his whip with ablunderbuss). For this scenario alone, the drivercounts as an additional member of the warband.

In addition, the defending warband is loanedsome horses (or other applicable steeds) for thewarband members by the Imperial Stage (thedefending player may spend up to 250GCs onriding beasts that must be returned at the end ofthe game).

A Roadwarden Hired Sword may be hired as aone off for the defenders in this scenario at halfthe usual cost.

The attackers are loaned enough horses (orapplicable alternative mounts for races that donot use horses – eg. War Boars for Orcs) for theirwarband (the attacking player may spend up to

Stagecoach Ambush


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400GCs on riding beasts only to be used in thisscenario).

Only warbands of a good alignment may protectthe stage (ie. Human Mercenaries, Elves, Dwarfs,etc) you cannot have a Possessed warbandprotecting the Imperial Stage! You can however,adapt this scenario if only evil warbands aretaking part and have an evil warband protectingthe Carnival of Chaos Plague Cart from attack(you will have to wait for a later issue as this is awarband exclusive to Empire in Flames!)

A Highwayman Hired Sword may be hired as aone off for the attackers in this scenario at halfthe usual cost.

The Chase – This is a special rule that onlyapplies to riding mounts and for this scenarioonly. Mounted warriors may always leave closecombat in their Movement phase if they desireand because they are mounted are notautomatically hit by their enemies (this allowsthe scenario to move along at pace and not to gettoo bogged down in fighting).

Dwarf Ingenuity – If the attacking warband isDwarf Treasure Hunters then they are allowed toplace a barricade across the road no closer than18" to the stagecoach. This makes up for the factthat the short guys cannot ride mounts. If thedefending warband is Dwarf Treasure Huntersthen they are allowed to take a wagon inadditional to the stagecoach for their warriors toride upon.

Applying the Spurs! – This is a special rule thatonly applies to riding mounts and for thisscenario only. A rider may apply the spurs to hismount to make it move faster in a similar waythat applying the lash works with the stagecoach.A rider may not charge and apply the spurs in thesame turn. Roll a D6 and add this amount to therider’s move. If a 1 is rolled roll on the tableopposite:

D6 Result

1-2 Steed Tiring – The steed is growing tired– if the rider applies the spurs next turnyou must halve the score roundingfractions up.

3-4 Rider Shaken – Due to the mount’sspeed the rider is thrown all over theplace and may not apply the spurs nextturn as he recovers his composure.

5-6 Out of control – Make a roll on the WhoaBoy! table from ‘Blazing Saddles’ in theMordheim 2002 Annual.

Ending the GameThe battle ends when one warband fails a Routtest or the stagecoach leaves the table by theopposite edge it was facing when the gamestarted. Any warband which routs, losesautomatically.

Experience+1 Survives. If any Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle then they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per enemy out of action. Any Hero earns+1 Experience for each enemy he puts out ofaction.

+1 Destroying the Stagecoach. If a Hero in theattacking warband destroys the stagecoach heearns +1 Experience.

+2 Capturing the Stagecoach. If a Hero in theattacking warband captures the stagecoach intacthe earns +2 Experience.

+2 Stagecoach escapes. If the stagecoachmanages to survive and leaves the battlefieldin the hands of the defending warband theleader gains +2 Experience.



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Lost In The Bogs!

One of the warbands has become lost in thebogs and separated (obviously a change inleadership is required!). As they call to eachother to try to link back up, other warriors hearthem and decide to take advantage of theirplight…

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece ofterrain, either a building, set of hedges or walls,hill, section of forest, section of swamp, river orstream, or similar item or terrain appropriatefor Empire in Flames. At least half of the terrainplaced should be sections of swamp or marshyground.

Special RulesThe warband with the highest rating is the onethat got lost. That player places each of his

warband members on the board, not within10" of a table edge, and not within 6" of eachother. After that warband is placed, any otherwarbands set up their warbands as noted under‘Set-up’, below.

Set-upAfter the lost warband has been placed, anyremaining players roll a D6 to see whodeploys first, with the player rolling highestchoosing a table edge and setting up first. If

there are two players who are not lost, thenthe next player sets up on the opposite

board edge. If there are more thantwo players who are not lost, the

remaining players choose sides

and set up their warbands based on the orderof their dice rolls, highest to lowest. A playermust set up his warband within 8" of his tableedge, but not within 4" of a side edge. Keep inmind that more than four players setting up ontable edges should be accommodated with alarger battlefield than normal (see the ‘Chaos inthe Streets’ article on multi-player games in theMordheim 2002 Annual, page 26).

Starting the GameEach player rolls a D6 to determine who goesfirst. Play proceeds clockwise around the table(based on where players placed their warbands)from there. The lost warband automaticallygoes last.

Ending the GameThe game ends when all warbands but one havefailed their Rout test. Warbands which routautomatically lose. If one or more warbandshave allied when the other warbands have allrouted, they may choose to share the victoryand end the game, or they may continue thegame until one warband is victorious.

Experience+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband(s) gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns+1 Experience for each enemy he puts out ofaction.40

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The Thing in The WoodsYour warband is travelling to the next town whensuddenly you notice that the woods you havebeen walking through have taken on a distinctlymore ominous feeling. The shadows are muchdeeper here, and strange sounds may be heard.Some of your warriors report seeing somethingmoving just out of sight as well. You had heardrumours about the woods in this area of theEmpire being haunted by malevolent spirits andcreatures of the night, but you dismissed them asold wives’ tales, until now. Then a piercing howlbreaks the silence…

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece of

terrain, either a building, set of hedges or walls,hill, section of forest, section of swamp, river or

stream, or similar item or terrain appropriate forEmpire in Flames. At least half of the terrain piecesplaced should be sections of woods.

Special RulesFear of the Dark – These woods are seriouslyrattling the warbands. Any warband member in aWood section must take an All Alone test everyturn (even if there are other friendly warbandmembers nearby). Failure means that thewarband member flees 2D6" toward thenearest table edge (warband members whoflee off the board are out of the game, thoughthey will not have to roll for Serious Injuryafter the battle).

Thing in the Woods – There is one Thingin the Woods for every warband involved

in the game (so a two-player game wouldhave two Things, a four-player game wouldhave four, etc). The Things are placedwithin randomly selected forest sections

and start the game hidden. At the end ofevery game turn (after all players havetaken their turns), there is a special

‘Thing turn’.

A Thing will automatically chargeany warband member that straysinto its charge range. Otherwise,they move 2D6" in a random

direction unless there is anotherforest section within range inwhich case they will always moveinto that. Just like any other player,the Things have their own hand-to-hand Combat phase, and a warriorwho is engaged in close combat witha Thing will fight during his turnand the Thing’s turn, just as if itwere engaged with a warriorfrom another warband.

Set-upAll players roll a D6

to see whodeploys first,

with the player rolling highest choosing a tableedge and setting up first. If there are two players,then the next player sets up on the oppositeboard edge. If there are more than two players,the remaining players choose sides and set uptheir warbands based on the order of their dicerolls, highest to lowest. A player must set up hiswarband within 8" of his table edge, but notwithin 4" of a side edge, and not within 10" ofanother player’s warband. Keep in mind thatmore than four players should be accommodatedwith a larger battlefield than normal (see the‘Chaos in the Streets’ article on multi-playergames in the Mordheim 2002 Annual, page 26).


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Starting the GameThe players each roll a D6 to determine whogoes first. Play proceeds clockwise around thetable (based on where players placed theirwarbands) from there.

Ending the GameThe game ends when all warbands but onehave failed their Rout test. Warbands whichrout automatically lose. If one or more

warbands have allied when the otherwarbands have all routed, they may

choose to share the victoryand end the game,

or they may continue the game until onewarband is victorious.

Experience+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband(s) gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns+1 Experience for each enemy he puts out ofaction.

+1 Takes a Thing in the Woods Out of Action.Any Hero who takes a Thing out of action gets+1 Experience (yes, this is cumulative for the+1 for taking an enemy out of action!).

(Note: The rules for the Thing in the Woods canbe found on page 78.)

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In the year following the comet that flattened thehedonistic city of Mordheim, the Empire became a muchdarker place. It is in the largely untamed wilderness of theEmpire, where hardy rural folk battle the elements anddrag a living from the soil, that the most fearsome rumourspervade. The farmsteaders and villagers of the Empire are acurious breed, somewhat backward in comparison to therelatively sophisticated city folk. They are a verysuperstitious lot, zealously religious they pray to the godsSigmar, Ulric and Taal for a good harvest, fertility andprotection from the horrors of the dark. It is also said thatthey pray to older gods, forgotten by the folk of the citiesover the centuries.

The peasantry are gruff, poorly educated but extremelyhard working folk who have little time for outsiders,especially those from the big cities whom they view as softand effete. They often lead short and unfulfilling lives andthrough back breaking hard work are bent double bymiddle age.

Despite all of this, the rural folk of the Empire areexceptionally brave, to the point of reckless insanity, andhave an incredible sense of community. They are also verysuspicious and wary of any strangers and can treat themsometimes with surprising hostility.

Woe betide any who should attempt to raid or steal fromthese strange folk!

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece of terrain, eithera set of hedges, walls, hill, section of river, swamp, forest,or other similar item. There should be D3+1 buildingsclustered in the centre of the battlefield to represent thefarmstead. The battle is fought in an area roughly 4' x 4'.

Set-upPlayers should roll a D6 and whoever rolls highest chooseswhich warband goes first. This warband is deployed within8" of any table edge the player chooses. The opponent (oropponents in the case of multi-player games) then set upwithin 8" on the opposite side.

The Frenzied Mob

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SPECIAL RULESBuildings: The following rules for buildings from TC 24should be used here – Clutter, Combat through doorwaysand stairs and such.

Looting a Building: Any Hero that spends an entire turnwithin a building doing nothing else but stealing things thatdo not belong to him counts as having looted said buildingand may gain Experience (see below). A Hero cannot loot abuilding if he is engaged in combat or the building isoccupied. Each building may only be looted once.

The Frenzied Mob: As soon as a warrior from any warbandapproaches within 8" of a building, place D3+1 Frenziedvillagers outside of the building, no closer than within 5" ofthe warrior. The Frenzied Mob(s) move in their own turn,which takes place after all warbands have moved. Counteach Frenzied Mob as a separate group of Henchmen. Atthe start of its turn, the Frenzied Mob will automaticallycharge any warriors that are within charge range. If thereare no warriors within charge range, the Mob will move sothat it is always within 5" of the building it came from (ie. Ifa previous charge had taken it further than 5" from itsparent building).

Each member of the Frenzied Mob shares the same profile:

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 6

Weapons/Armour: Members of the Frenzied Mob arearmed with an assortment of farming tools, makeshiftweapons and flaming torches. Each model counts as beingarmed with a club and a flaming torch. They do not weararmour.

Fanatical: Because they are defending their homes, thevillagers are filled with inhuman fury. They automaticallypass any Leadership-based tests they are required to take.

Ending The Game:The game ends when all the warband have routed, bar one.


+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survivesthey gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning leader. The leader of the winningwarband gains +1 Experience.

+1 Looting a Building. If a Hero successfully loots abuilding he receives +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

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BeastMen Scenario One:The Ambush

Ambushes by Beastmen warbands uponunwary travellers in the wilderness across theOld World are common. They strike withoutwarning, leaping from the dense and twistedtrees and brutally attacking those unfortunateenough to be treading the dark forgotten pathsof the Empire.

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece ofterrain, either a wood, forest, swamp, rockyoutcrop or other piece of similar terrain tocreate a dense patch of wilderness. Thereshould be a clear area about 4” wide cuttingthrough the middle of the board, from oneboard edge to the opposite side, to represent aroad. The battle is fought in an area roughly 4’by 4’.

WarbandsThe non-Beastmen warband should be set upfirst. The warband is strung out along the road,unaware at first of the impending attack. Themembers of this warband is placed anywherealong the road. Each warband member must beplaced at least 4” away from another warbandmember. Note that no model in this warbandis allowed to use any special deploymentrules (like Skaven Infiltration). After thedefending warband has been completely set

up, the ambushing Beastmen warband is setup. The Beastmen are allowed to be set upanywhere on the board that is out of sight of adefender, and at least 16” away from anyenemy model.

Special RulesThe defending warband knows that to runinto the forest will almost certainly spelltheir doom. To represent this, the defendingwarband does not need to take a Rout Test

until 50% of their warband is Out ofAction rather than 25%.

Starting the GameSometimes a Beastman warband strikes theirprey fully unaware. Other times, the prey willbecome aware of an ambush just before it islaunched. Roll a D6 to see who has the firstturn, though the Beastmen player gets to add+1 to his dice roll (unless he has a minotaur inhis warband!)

Ending the GameThe game ends when one warband fails itsRout test. The routers automatically lose.

Experience+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband gains +1 Experience. If the Beastmenwin the scenario, their leader gains anadditional +1 Experience (so, +2), because ofthe respect he gains for leading a successfulambush.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Her earns+1 experience for each enemy he puts Out ofAction.

BeastMen Scenario Two: The Raid

Beastmen often attack isolated villages andfarms. If a village or farm suspects they will beraided, they may scrape together their coins tosecure the aid of a group of mercenaries tohelp defend their homes and families

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece ofterrain, either a wood, forest, swamp, rockyoutcrop, fence, hedge or other piece of similarterrain the village or farm in the middle of thewilderness. There should be D3+1 buildingsclustered in the centre of the battlefield torepresent the village or farm. The battle isfought in an area roughly 4’ by 4’.

WarbandsThe defenders are set-up first. They are placedanywhere within 3” of one of the buildings inthe centre of the table. Once they are set-up,the attackers are set-up. They may be placedanywhere on the table, but no nearer than 20”from any of the buildings in the centre of thetable.

Special RulesThe defending warband is being well paid, andhave no wish to give lose this payment! To46

Beastmen Scenarios

Using Beastmen ScenariosIf you or your opponent is using a Beastmenwarband, you might like to use one of thesespecial Beastmen scenarios.Roll a D6 to see which scenario to fight

1-2 The Ambush2-4 The Raid5-6 The Beast Hunt

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represent this, the defending warband does notneed to take a Rout Test until 50% of theirwarband is Out of Action rather than 25%.

The Frenzied Mob:Whene a Beastman moves to within 8” of one ofthe buildings for the first time, place D3frenzied villagers outside the building, no closerthan 5” from the Beastman. The frenzied mob(s)moves in the defenders turn. Count eachfrenzied mob as a separate group of Henchmen.At the start of its turn, the frenzied mob willautomatically charge any Beastmen that arewithin charge range. If there are no Beastmenwithin charge range, the mob will move so thatit is always within 5” of the building it camefrom.

Each member of the Frenzied Mob share the sameprofile:

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 6

Weapons / Armour: Members of the frenziedmob are armed with an assortment of farmingtools, makeshift weapons and flaming torches.Each model counts as being armed with a cluband a flaming torch. They do not wear armour.

Fanatical: Because they are defending theirhomes, the villagers are filled with inhumanfury. They automatically pass any Leadership-based tests they are required to take.

Torch the Village!Any member of the Beastmen warband thatspends an entire turn touching a buildingwithout moving, fighting, shooting or casting aspell, may attempt to torch the building. Thebuilding is set ablaze on a 4+ on a D6.

Starting the GameThe Attacker gets the first turn.

Ending the GameThe Beastmen automatically win the scenario ifall the building are torched (see Torch theVillage, above). Otherwise, the game ends whenone warband fails its Rout test. The routersautomatically lose.

Experience+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband gains +1 Experience. If the Beastmenwin the scenario, their leader gains anadditional +1 Experience (so, +2), because ofthe respect he gains for leading a successfulambush.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Her earns +1experience for each enemy he puts Out ofAction.

The SpoilsThe winning warband gains 5D6gc.


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BeastMen Scenario Three:The Beast Hunt

Driven by revenge, local villagers have employeda warband to hunt down a local maraudingBeastmen warband, deep in the wild woods.They have even managed to secure the aid of afamed Beast Hunter, in the hope that theBeastmen menace will be driven from theirlands. They have tracked the foul creatures totheir encampment, clustered around someherdstones.

TerrainEach player takes it in turn to place a piece ofterrain, either a wood, forest, swamp, rockyoutcrop, fence, hedge or other piece of similar

terrain to create the dense wilderness. A circleof stones roughly 10” in diameter should be

placed in the centre of the table, with a largerstanding stone in its centre. The battle is foughtin an area roughly 4’ by 4’.

WarbandsThe Beastmen are set up first. They must all bepositioned within the herdstone circle. Theattacker then chooses a board edge, and mayset up his entire warband (including the BeastHunter), within 8” of that board edge.

Special RulesThe attacking warband have a Beast Hunter jointheir warband, without the need to pay for hisHire Fee.

The Beastmen are defending their herdstones,and do not intend on being easily driven awayfrom it! To represent this, the Beastmenwarband does not need to take a Rout Test until50% of their warband is Out of Action ratherthan 25%.

Starting the GameThe Attacker gets the first turn.

Ending the GameThe game ends when one warband fails its Routtest. The routers automatically lose.

Experience+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman groupsurvives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winningwarband gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Her earns +1experience for each enemy he puts Out ofAction.

The SpoilsIf the attacking warband wins, then they gain4D6 gc.


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Use the lists that follow to recruit and equip yourwarband. You have 500 gold crowns to spend. Eachmodel and their equipment (if you choose to buy any)costs a set amount of money. As you make yourchoices, subtract the money you have “spent” fromyour total until you have bought all you can. Anyunspent gold crowns are put into the warband’streasury and can be used later or hoarded to buysomething more expensive.

To start with you must recruit at least three warriorsincluding a leader. The weapons, armour andmutations you choose for your warriors must berepresented on the models themselves. The exceptionsare knives and daggers, which you may assume aretucked in boots or concealed in clothing if notrepresented on the model.

heroes and henchmenFor game purposes the warriors in your warband areclassified as Heroes and Henchmen.

heroesThese are exceptional individuals who have thepotential to become legends. Heroes can be armedand equipped individually and may carry any specialequipment they might pick up during the campaign.

Leader: Every warband must have a leader. Herepresents you, the player. He makes the decisions andleads your warriors through the dark sand lonelyplaces of the Empire.

Other Heroes: Apart from its leader, your warbandmay include up to five other Heroes, who form thecore of your warband. A warband may never includemore Heroes of any specific type than the numbergiven in the Warband list.

henchmenHenchmen typically fall into two groups. There areHenchmen who gain experience and become better astime goes by (as explained in the campaign rules fromthe Mordheim rulebook). They are bought in groupsof one to five models.

The other type of Henchmen are those too dimwittedor primitive to gain experience.

Henchmen may never use any special equipment youacquire during their adventures (unless otherwisenoted); only Heroes may do so.

All Henchmen belong to a Henchmen group, whichusually consists of between one and five individuals.Henchmen groups gain experience collectively andgain advances together.

weapons and armourEach warrior you recruit can be armed with up to twoclose combat weapons, up to two different missileweapons and any armour chosen from the appropriatelist. Warriors may be restricted in regard to which typesof weapons they can use. The warband’s equipmentlists tell you exactly what equipment is available. Notethat you may buy rare weapons and armour whenstarting a warband, as indicated by the list in thewarband’s entry, but after playing the first game theonly way to get further rare weapons and armour isto roll to see if you can locate them (see the Tradingsection).

You may buy additional equipment between battles,but your warriors can only use the weapons andarmour listed in their warband entry. As theyaccumulate experience and gain skills, Heroes maylearn to use weapons other than those initiallyavailable to them.

Every model in each Henchman group must be armedand armoured in the same way. This means that if yourHenchman group has four warriors, and you want tobuy them swords, you must buy four swords.

calculate the warband ratingEach warband has a warband rating – the higherthe rating, the better the warband. The warbandrating is simply the number of warriors multipliedby 5, plus their accumulated experience.

Large creatures such as Minotaurs are worth20 points plus the number ofExperience points they haveaccumulated.


WarbandsWarbandsThis section describes two new warbands - the Carnival of Chaos andBeastmen Raiders for use in the Empire in Flames setting. Thesewarbands follow the rules for all warbands presented in the Mordheimrulebook, which are summarised below.

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Another roar of laughter came from the crowd like mutedthunder as the mock Knight Panther, bedecked in armour oftin and wielding a wooden sword, slipped upon someentrails. It was a battlefield scene; pig’s blood, uncoiledrope and animal intestine were strewn about the stage asmock carnage.

“A horse, a horse, the Emperor is a horse!” the Knight wailedas his mind succumbed to Chaos.

The travelling players had arrived in the village withoutword or prior arrangement, replete with ramshackle cartthat doubled as dressing room and makeshift theatre. A hostof colourful characters, loped and cavorted alongside, withmesmerising wit and charm, announcing to all and sundrythey would be performing a rendition of the play, ‘TheEmperor’s True Face.’

Crowds had gathered quickly, initially children, thenwomen and finally the men, and soon the entire village wasunder the players’ spell. Demitri was one of the last to jointhe eager and enraptured throng, sceptical at first but inmoments he too was utterly engrossed.

The play reached the ‘Northern Wastes’ scene, a rottedwooden placard carried across the stage describing as muchby a robed daemon with a seemingly permanent grin.Demitri marvelled as other daemonic characters, whosecostumes where uncannily realistic, danced and skippedamongst the appreciative crowd. Chicken feathers thrown by

the daemons drifted down like snow. Awonderfully macabre jester

performed acrobatics, tapping the village children’sforeheads who sat transfixed in the front row as he sprangpast with his tickle stick.

A foul and repugnant odour filled Demitri’s nostrils as anuncomfortable burning sensation grew upon his chest but hecouldn’t take his eyes off the play, utterly lost in theunfolding drama. His wife and child, sitting at the front ofthe stage, were a distant memory. Now only he and thebizarrely macabre players existed. The Knight Pantherslipped again and Demitri laughed out loud. A plaguedaemon bore down upon the play’s unlikely hero and theenraptured farmer marvelled at its realism. Eyes widening,Demitri stared with incredulity as the plague creatureswelled, stomach bloating as if filling with stagnant air. Ashape with what looked like arms and legs pawed within,stretching the flesh thin like clinging mucous.

Something was wrong. The plague creature’s mouthdistended to agonising proportions but Demitri couldn’tlook away. It belched forth a tiny daemon creature that satwallowing amidst a foul miasma of vomit and poolingslime from the creature’s stomach.


The Carnival of Chaos

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The charade was revealed for what it was; a conjuration ofChaos. Slime trails left by the actors spat and bubbled.Human eyeballs, heads; real corpses diseased and rottingwere strewn about the stage. These things wore no masksbut were daemons themselves!

A weight like a heavy millstone fell about his neck andshoulders as Demitri made to rise. He turned; panic wellingin his heart. The ruinous powers were roaming free andunchecked in the Empire! He looked to his brothers for aid,trying to raise the alarm. But they were all dead, horriblyswollen with some unseen pestilence, pustules and boils ontheir flesh spilling over with all the fervour of a grotesqueepidemic. Horrified, Demitri looked down to the burning athis chest, he ripped away his shirt in pain and saw an iconresting there, inscribed with the sigil of Sigmar.

Abruptly, a foul, filth-encrusted dagger came into view,lifting the amulet from Demitri’s chest and leaving behind ared weal.

“Is this an icon of Sigmar I see before me?” a voicereminiscent of bubbling flesh, asked. It was the head player,his moon-shaped face was covered in warts and boils andhe was dressed in thick gaudy robes.

Demitri was terrified. “What have you done?” hestammered, recoiling.

The head player moved forward a step, keeping pace asDemitri lurched back.

“Foul worshippers of Chaos!” he cried defiantly, suddenlyaware that he was surrounded.

“Yes, alas, that istrue my noble

lord,” a voice

from Demitri’s left confirmed; a thin and short character,hunched over, face like some grim theatrical mask, splitdown the forehead. An infestation of flies buzzed aroundhim as he fanned a set of tarot cards. “But your wordswound me sir,” he continued with mock offence, slicing opena cut in his wrist with one of the tarot cards. “We are butflesh like you,” he said, drawing closer, “if you prick us, dowe not bleed?” With sniggering contempt, the tarot daemonsqueezed the blood from his wound, which dripped downupon the Sigmarite talisman, dissolving it like acid.

Instantly, Demitri could feel the effects of whatever maladyhad overtaken his kinsmen. He was defenceless. Headswimming, he whirled around drunkenly a myriad ofgrinning faces surrounding him; a brutish-looking clown,with daubed on face paint hideously joined with physicalmutation, a dark grinning jester with a daemonic hand-puppet that chattered in sync with its bearer, a host ofgrinning, sneering faces awash with colour that was brightand dirty at the same time.

Demitri felt the sickness overtake him and sank to his kneesin the dirt. The dark jester lifted his chin up to face him ashis hand-puppet spoke for him.

“Why then,” it said, the talisman’s resistance ebbing, “Yourstomach is mine oyster,” he continued as a sudden silverflash from a dagger caught Demitri’s eye, “which I, withsword, shall open,” the jester himself concluded darkly.

As the blade slipped in and the Carnival players began theirgrisly work one last thought occurred to Demitri.

“Helena!” he cried, with the last of his dying breath, “Mywife…”

The head player loomed into view, his moon-like visageblotting out Demitri’s sun for the last time.

“She’s my wife now Demitri…”


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No one knows from whence it came, the dreadedCarnival of Chaos. Some have rumoured that it wasonce a gypsy caravan from the east of the Empire,wandering folk that brought their colourful farefrom village to village entertaining the poor ruralfolk of the Empire with their lavish shows and stageplays. If this past is the truth then what it hasbecome in the present is far more sinister anddeadly. Still it wanders the rural backwaters of theEmpire, in a colourful cavalcade of wagons, its folkdressed in the colourful finery of travelling players,bringing sonnet and song to excitable villagers andpeasants.

Upon reaching a new settlement, theseoutlandish showmen erect their stage andentertain the poor rural folk with songs and playsof the dark days of the Empire. Tales such as: ‘TheEmperor’s True Face’, ‘Orfeo and Pustulate’,‘Papa Noigul’s Festering Children’ and ‘AMidsummer Nightmare’ wow the enrapturedthrong.

Strongmen perform feats of incredible prowess tothe adoration of the crowd, whilst players ingarish, grinning masks juggle balls, knives andflaming brands. As the crowd’s numbers increase,a fool in bright jester’s garb with an inflated pig’sbladder on a stick leaps from one enthralledwatcher to the next joking and cackling, pokingand prodding.

It is only when the show reaches its blasphemousclimax, as the sun begins to set, that the truth of

the Carnival of Chaos is revealed in all its putrid,festering glory. For these are no mere wanderingthespians and entertainers. When the playersperform their final act, known as the ‘Dance ofDeath’, the enchantments covering their truevisages slowly slip away revealing them to theirblissfully ignorant audience for they arecavorting, cyclopean daemons with rotting fleshhanging from yellowing bones. What were

originally considered intricately decoratedmasks and cleverly applied make-up is soonrevealed as the players’ true horribly mutatedfaces, covered in pustules and pox-riddenlesions. As the villagers’ expressions turn from

those of elation to abject terror at the sight ofthese horrific visions the slaughter begins. Bynow most of the folk who made up the cheeringaudience would have already succumbed to thevirulent diseases spread by these malevolentplayers. The insidious Carnival Master,accompanied by his cackling fool, rounds upthose unfortunate women and children thatremain alive, taking a finger from each of hisnew brides, exclaiming “You’re my wife now!”.The survivors are then led away to an

unknown fate and the village is leftdeserted, its inhabitants and livestock

killed by innumerable diseases andplague.

The Carnival of Chaos is the sick joke of the GreatLord of Decay, the Chaos god known as Nurgle.Thrice cursed Nurgle is also known as theunspeakable Master of Plague and Pestilence andthe players in the Carnival are his corruptfollowers and worshippers. They are those whohave sold their souls for a twisted form ofimmortality through embracing death,destruction and decay – learning to love Nurgle’smany and varied gifts. It is not known how manyCarnivals of Chaos there are or if the handful ofreports from the lips of petrified witnesses allrefer to the same warband.

The leader of the Carnival of Chaos isknown as the Carnival Master andis reputed to be a sorcerer ofgreat power, wielding theunclean magic of his lord tocause suffering and deaththrough disease and decay. Throughdark ritual and sacrifice, the Carnival Mastersummons forth the cackling, decaying Daemonsof his patron god to take part in the twistedmasquerade. His mortal followers carefullynurture their newly acquired diseases, blessingsof their gregarious deity and vie for power andadvancement under his watchful gaze. The mostblessed of these twisted, insane creatures arethose known as the Tainted Ones. These are oftenthe right-hand ‘men’ of the Carnival Master andtheir bodies are wracked with a multitude of fouldiseases and mutation. The Carnival of Chaos isjustly hunted by the many bands of zealous WitchHunters that traverse the lands but always seemsto be just one step ahead of the Sigmarites andcontinues to follow its merry path, bringing theblessings of Nurgle to all.

Special RulesDangerous to Know: Because of its ratherdiseased nature a Carnival of Chaos warbandwould find it very hard to keep any Hired Swordsalive! Therefore, a Carnival of Chaos may neverhire any type of Hired Sword.


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No one knows from whence it came, the dreadedCarnival of Chaos. Some have rumoured that it wasonce a gypsy caravan from the east of the Empire,wandering folk that brought their colourful farefrom village to village entertaining the poor ruralfolk of the Empire with their lavish shows and stageplays. If this past is the truth then what it hasbecome in the present is far more sinister anddeadly. Still it wanders the rural backwaters of theEmpire, in a colourful cavalcade of wagons, its folkdressed in the colourful finery of travelling players,bringing sonnet and song to excitable villagers andpeasants.

Upon reaching a new settlement, theseoutlandish showmen erect their stage andentertain the poor rural folk with songs and playsof the dark days of the Empire. Tales such as: ‘TheEmperor’s True Face’, ‘Orfeo and Pustulate’,‘Papa Noigul’s Festering Children’ and ‘AMidsummer Nightmare’ wow the enrapturedthrong.

Strongmen perform feats of incredible prowess tothe adoration of the crowd, whilst players ingarish, grinning masks juggle balls, knives andflaming brands. As the crowd’s numbers increase,a fool in bright jester’s garb with an inflated pig’sbladder on a stick leaps from one enthralledwatcher to the next joking and cackling, pokingand prodding.

It is only when the show reaches its blasphemousclimax, as the sun begins to set, that the truth of

the Carnival of Chaos is revealed in all its putrid,festering glory. For these are no mere wanderingthespians and entertainers. When the playersperform their final act, known as the ‘Dance ofDeath’, the enchantments covering their truevisages slowly slip away revealing them to theirblissfully ignorant audience for they arecavorting, cyclopean daemons with rotting fleshhanging from yellowing bones. What were

originally considered intricately decoratedmasks and cleverly applied make-up is soonrevealed as the players’ true horribly mutatedfaces, covered in pustules and pox-riddenlesions. As the villagers’ expressions turn from

those of elation to abject terror at the sight ofthese horrific visions the slaughter begins. Bynow most of the folk who made up the cheeringaudience would have already succumbed to thevirulent diseases spread by these malevolentplayers. The insidious Carnival Master,accompanied by his cackling fool, rounds upthose unfortunate women and children thatremain alive, taking a finger from each of hisnew brides, exclaiming “You’re my wife now!”.The survivors are then led away to an

unknown fate and the village is leftdeserted, its inhabitants and livestock

killed by innumerable diseases andplague.

The Carnival of Chaos is the sick joke of the GreatLord of Decay, the Chaos god known as Nurgle.Thrice cursed Nurgle is also known as theunspeakable Master of Plague and Pestilence andthe players in the Carnival are his corruptfollowers and worshippers. They are those whohave sold their souls for a twisted form ofimmortality through embracing death,destruction and decay – learning to love Nurgle’smany and varied gifts. It is not known how manyCarnivals of Chaos there are or if the handful ofreports from the lips of petrified witnesses allrefer to the same warband.

The leader of the Carnival of Chaos isknown as the Carnival Master andis reputed to be a sorcerer ofgreat power, wielding theunclean magic of his lord tocause suffering and deaththrough disease and decay. Throughdark ritual and sacrifice, the Carnival Mastersummons forth the cackling, decaying Daemonsof his patron god to take part in the twistedmasquerade. His mortal followers carefullynurture their newly acquired diseases, blessingsof their gregarious deity and vie for power andadvancement under his watchful gaze. The mostblessed of these twisted, insane creatures arethose known as the Tainted Ones. These are oftenthe right-hand ‘men’ of the Carnival Master andtheir bodies are wracked with a multitude of fouldiseases and mutation. The Carnival of Chaos isjustly hunted by the many bands of zealous WitchHunters that traverse the lands but always seemsto be just one step ahead of the Sigmarites andcontinues to follow its merry path, bringing theblessings of Nurgle to all.

Special RulesDangerous to Know: Because of its ratherdiseased nature a Carnival of Chaos warbandwould find it very hard to keep any Hired Swordsalive! Therefore, a Carnival of Chaos may neverhire any type of Hired Sword.


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Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger ........................................1st free/2 GC

Mace.........................................................3 GC

Hammer...................................................3 GC

Axe ...........................................................5 GC

Sword.....................................................10 GC

Double-handed Weapon........................15 GC

Spear ......................................................10 GC

Halberd ..................................................10 GC

Morning Star..........................................15 GC

Missile Weapons

Bow........................................................15 GC

Short Bow..............................................10 GC

Pistol ............................15 GC (30 for a brace)


Light Armour .........................................20 GC

Heavy Armour........................................50 GC

Shield .......................................................5 GC

Helmet ...................................................10 GC

Brute Equipment list

Double-handed Weapon........................15 GC

Flail ........................................................10 GC

Carnival equipment listsThe following lists are used by the Carnival of Chaos to pick their weapons:

Carnival of Chaos skill tablesCombat Shooting Academic Strength Speed

Master ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Brutes ✓ ✓ ✓

Tainted Ones ✓ ✓

Choice of WarriorsA Carnival of Chaos warband must include aminimum of three models. You have 500 GoldCrowns to recruit your initial warband. Themaximum number of warriors in the warbandmay never exceed 15.

HeroesCarnival Master: The Carnival of Chaos musthave one Master to lead it – no more, no less.

Brutes: Your warband may include up to twoBrutes.

Tainted Ones: Your warband may include up totwo Tainted Ones.

HenchmenPlague Bearers: Your warband may include upto two Plague Bearers.

Brethren: Your warband may include anynumber of Brethren.

Nurglings: Your warband may include anynumber of Nurglings.

Starting ExperienceCarnival Master starts with 20 Experience.

Brutes starts with 8 Experience.

Tainted Ones starts with 0 experience.

Henchmen starts with 0 experience.

Maximum CharacteristicsWith the exception of the Plague Bearers andNurglings which do not acrue experience allother members of the Carnival of Chaos use themaximum characteristics for Humans.


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1 Carnival Master

70 Gold Crowns to hireThese lead the diabolical Carnivals of Chaos. Theyare the chosen of Nurgle and wield sorcerouspowers gifted to them by their pestilential god.The Master is a power-crazed individual that leadshis coven of Daemonic entertainers throughoutthe backwaters of the Empire, tainting villages andsettlements with disease. To the backwardpeasantry of the Empire’s rural settlements, theMaster comes across as an exotic and charismaticshowman bringing outlandish entertainment intotheir otherwise dreary lives. It is the Carnival

Master’s cunning and clever enchantments thathelp to keep his minions one step ahead of the

patrols of the many Witch Hunter bands thatrove the land.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8

Weapons/Armour: The Master may be equippedwith weapons and armour chosen from theCarnival of Chaos Equipment list.

SPECIAL RULESLeader: Any models in the warband within 6" ofthe Master may use his Leadership instead of theirown.

Wizard: The Master is a wizard and uses NurgleRituals. See the Magic section for details.

0-2 Brutes

60 Gold Crowns to hireThese are a very specific type of mutant that havehad their constitution bolstered by the unnatural

vitality of the Lord of Decay. Nurgle’s foulattention has transformed what were once meninto massive, statuesque creatures rippling with

diseased muscles and a supernatural vigour.Brutes are immensely strong individuals andtheir part in the masquerade that is theCarnival of Chaos is as strongmen performingfeats of strength to entertain the crowds.They are nearly always hooded in the nature

of executioners for although their bodiesappear outwardly strong and healthy, theirfaces are often riddled with disease and arehalf-decayed. In battle, they wield hugehammers and flails with reckless abandon,whirling them around their heads likechildren’s toys.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 4 0 4 4 1 2 2 7

Weapons/Armour: Brutes may be equipped withweapons and armour chosen from the BruteEquipment list.

SPECIAL RULESUnnatural Strength: Brutes start the game withthe Strongman skill from the Strength skill list inthe Mordheim rulebook.

0-2 Tainted Ones

25 Gold Crowns to hire(+Cost of Blessings of Nurgle)The Tainted Ones are those that are most blessedand favoured of Father Nurgle. They hold aposition of great importance within the hierarchyof the Carnival. They are often heavily robed andprotected by powerful enchantments, for beneaththeir robes are unspeakable horrors. The bodies ofthe Tainted Ones are so wracked with disease andmutation that it is unsafe for even the other mortalmembers of the warband to touch their bare skin.Ironically, they take the most prestigious role inthe Carnival – the fool. The Tainted Ones leap andprance about the audience, dressed as jesters,when the Carnival is performing, laughing andjoking with the gathered throng infecting themwith their multitude of horrendous maladies.These twisted creatures are exceptionallydangerous opponents in combat too, for it is saidthat they carry the dreaded and incurable Nurgle’sRot.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour: Tainted Ones may beequipped with weapons and armour chosen fromthe Carnival of Chaos Equipment list.

SPECIAL RULESNurgle’s Blessings: Tainted Ones must start thegame with one or more Blessings of Nurgle. Seethe Blessings of Nurgle that follow.



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0–2 Plague Bearers

50 Gold Crowns to hirePlague Bearers are daemons of the Chaos godNurgle, also known as the Lord of Decay. They canbe identified by their cyclopean faces andhorrifically decayed bodies. Their entrails hangfrom tattered holes in their grey-green, pox-ridden flesh and the aura of death and decaysurrounds them. They are sometimes known asthe Tallymen of Plagues or Maggotkin and arehighly revered by the mortal members of thewarband. As with all Daemons they can never bekilled or destroyed for good so long as the powerof their god prevails. However, their presence inthe mortal world is tenuous and can only bemaintained for long periods by Dark Magic andsacrifice. In the Carnival, the Plague Bearers revelin their showy roles as stage actors and players,dressing in filth encrusted but ostentatiousdoublet and hose.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 4 3 4 4 1 4 2 10

Weapons/Armour: None. Plague Bearers havehuge filth encrusted claws, which they use to tearand slash at their foes. They therefore neitherneed nor use weapons and cannot wear armour.

SPECIAL RULESCloud of Flies: Plague Bearers are surroundedby a cloud of flies, which buzz around them andtheir combat opponent. They do not affect the

Plague Bearer but distract foes by buzzing intoeyes, nostrils and mouths. A Plague Bearer’s closecombat opponent suffers a -1 to hit modifier on allattacks.

Stream of Corruption: Plague Bearers canspew forth a grotesque stream of maggots, entrailsand filth. This is counted as a shooting attack witha range of 6" and is resolved at Strength 3 with nosaves for armour.

Demonic: Plague Bearers are Daemons of thelord of disease, Nurgle, and are not made of livingflesh but the eternal and unchanging forces ofChaos. Therefore they never gain Experience.

Immune to Poison: Plague Bearers are theDaemonic embodiment of disease and pestilence.They are totally immune to all poisons anddiseases.

Immune to Psychology: Plague Bearers areDaemons and do not know the concept of fear.They automatically pass any Leadership-based testthey are required to take.

Cause Fear: Plague Bearers are horrifyingsupernatural creatures and therefore cause fear.

Daemonic Aura: Due to the magical, intangiblenature of Daemons they have a special Armoursave of 5+. This is modified by the Strength of theattack as normal and is completely negated bymagic weapons and spells. Plague Bearers’ attacksare considered as magical also.

Daemonic Instability: Plague Bearers arebound to the world by Dark Sorcery that ishighly volatile and unstable. If taken out ofaction a Plague Bearer is banished andeffectively destroyed on a D6 roll of 1-3 (do notroll for injury). In addition, if the warband routsthen every Plague Bearer in the warband musttake an immediate Leadership test. If this test isfailed, then the Plague Bearer counts asdestroyed.


15 Gold Crowns to hireNurglings are tiny Daemons of Nurgle and areviewed by other followers of the pus god as akin tohis beloved children. They are like rotten boilswith legs and razor sharp teeth, that pick and tearand infect their foes with filth-encrusted claws.Nurglings are generally more of a nuisance in afight than any real threat but in sufficientnumbers can overwhelm even the toughest ofwarriors. Nurglings are mischievous littlebundles of filth and pus and take greatdelight in their part in the Carnival ofChaos, not only as musicians but alsoas fools and slapstick comedians.Nurglings often befriend thechildren of each village they

Henchmen (Bought in groups of 1-5)


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visit, only revealing their foul identity to theirterrified victims at the final stage of ‘Nurgle’s GreatPlay’.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 3 0 3 2 1 3 1 10

Weapons/Armour: None. Nurglings do not useweapons or wear armour.

SPECIAL RULESCloud of Flies: Nurglings are surrounded by acloud of flies, which buzz around them and theircombat opponent. They do not affect theNurglings but distract foes by buzzing into eyes,nostrils and mouths. A Nurgling’s close combatopponent suffers a -1 to hit modifier on allattacks.

Swarm: You may summon as many Nurglings asyou wish (ie. you may have more than fiveNurglings in a Henchman group).

Daemonic: Nurglings are Daemons of thediseased Lord Nurgle and are not made of livingflesh but the eternal and unchanging forces ofChaos. Therefore they never gain Experience.

Immune to Poison: Nurglings are theDaemonic embodiment of disease andpestilence. They are totally immune to all poisonsand diseases.

Immune to Psychology: Nurglings areDaemons and do not know the concept of fear.They automatically pass any Leadership-basedtest they are required to take.

Daemonic Aura: Due to the magical, intangiblenature of Daemons they have a special Armoursave of 5+. This is modified by the Strength of theattack as normal and is completely negated bymagic weapons and spells. Nurglings’ attacks arealso considered as magical.

Daemonic Instability: Nurglings are bound tothe world by Dark Sorcery that is highly volatileand unstable. If taken out of action a Nurgling isbanished and effectively destroyed on a D6 rollof 1-3 (do not roll for injury). In addition, if thewarband routs then every Nurgling in the

warband must take an immediate Leadershiptest. If this test is failed, then Nurgling counts asdestroyed.


25 Gold Crowns to hireBrethren are the crazed and devoted followersof Nurgle the Lord of Decay. They have totallyembraced the philosophy of the great Lord ofDecay and the path of damnation is the road

that they have chosen. Most brethren areinfected with foul diseases and some have

even started to decay. Their faces arecovered in warts and boils and other

lesser gifts of their lord. In the

Carnival, the Brethren take on all of the minorroles: stagehands, puppeteers, etc.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour: Brethren may be equippedwith weapons and armour chosen from theCarnival of Chaos Equipment list.

0–1 Plague Cart

120 Gold Crowns to hireThe Plague Cart is the embodiment of Nurgle andthe core of the Carnival of Chaos. Bedecked inthe colourful, garish finery of the coaches oftravelling players and thespians,the Cart easily draws the eyes ofthe dull and bland peasantry ofthe villages. However, the canvasis tattered and rotten, the framesplintered and bent, the metalworkpitted and rusted and the steeds rotted and dank.Few mortals have ever seen the interior of one ofthese most sinister of vehicles for it is only theCarnival Master and his Daemonic minions thatare permitted entry. It is rumoured that theseramshackle wagons contain a pentagram daubedwith dark runes of incredible potency thatactually creates a portal to the realms of Chaosand the dwelling place of great Nurgle himself.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Cart - - - - 8 4 - - -

Wheel - - - - 6 1 - - -

Horse 8 - - 3 3 1 3 - -

Guardian - 3 - 3 3 - 3 1 -

Weapons/Armour: None. The Plague Cart’sGuardian does not use or need weapons butsuffers no penalties for fighting unarmed.Therefore it cannot use weapons and cannotwear armour.

SPECIAL RULESPlague Cart: The Daemonic nature of thePlague Cart fills both the Daemons and mortals ofthe Carnival of Chaos with vigour. The maximumnumber of warriors allowed in the warband isincreased by +2.

In addition, the Daemonic Instability of theDaemons within the warband is slightly offset.Plague Bearers and Nurglings may re-rollLeadership tests for Instability and may +1 totheir Injury tests if taken out of action.

Guardian: The Guardian comes as part of thePlague Cart. In fact, more often than not he isphysically bonded to the cart in some twistednightmare of flesh and wood. He may thereforenever dismount from the cart or leave under anycircumstances. In addition, as he is part of theCart he cannot be injured unless the Cart isdestroyed in which case so is he. The Guardian is


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Nurgle RitualsThe Carnival Master uses the rituals of Nurgle to pervert and corrupt nature, inflictinghideous diseases for which there are no known cures. Roll a D6.

D6 Result1 Daemonic Vigour Difficulty 8

The Master imbues his Daemonic minions with supernatural power.

Any Plague Bearers or Nurglings within 8" of the Master increase their DaemonicAura save from 5+ to 4+ until the beginning of their next turn.

2 Buboes Difficulty 7The Master bestows the gift of pus-filled buboes upon his enemies.

This spell has a range of 8" and affects a single enemy warrior. The warrior mustpass a Toughness test or lose a Wound. No Armour saves are allowed.

3 Stench of Nurgle Difficulty 8The Master spews forth a foul, stinking mist that chokes his foes.

This spell has a range of 6" and affects all living creatures – friend or foe. Eachenemy warrior in range must pass a Toughness test or lose an Attack until theirnext turn.

4 Pestilence Difficulty 10The Master inflicts horrible diseases upon the unbelievers.

All enemy models within 12" of the Master suffer a Strength 3 hit. No Armoursaves are allowed.

5 Scabrous Hide Difficulty 8The Master’s skin becomes tough and leathery like that of his patron god.

The Master has an armour save of 2+ which replaces any normal Armour save.The Scabrous Hide lasts until the beginning of his next Shooting phase.

6 Nurgle’s Rot Difficulty 9The Master bestows the blessing of the Plague God upon his foe.

All enemy models in base contact with the Master must immediately test againsttheir Toughness or contract Nurgle’s Rot (see Nurgle’s Rot opposite).


considered a Daemonic creature and so nevergains any Experience. Attacks from the Guardiancause Nurgle’s Rot (see below).

Immune to Psychology: The Plague Cart andGuardian are considered Daemonic and don’tknow the concept of fear. The Plague Cartautomatically passes any Leadership-based test it isrequired to take.

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Blessings of NurgleThose that worship at the fetid altar of the Lord of Decay suffer from terrible diseasesand decay, which are known as Blessings of Nurgle.

Blessings of Nurgle may be bought for Tainted Ones only when they are recruited; youmay not buy new Blessings for a model after recruitment. Any Tainted may have one ormore Blessings. The first Blessing is bought at the price indicated, but second andsubsequent Blessings cost double.

Stream of CorruptionThe Tainted One can spew forth a grotesque stream of maggots, entrails and filth. Thisis counted as a shooting attack with a range of 6" and is resolved at Strength 3 with nosaves for armour.

Cost: 25 Gold Crowns

Nurgle’s RotThe Tainted One is infected with the deadly pestilence of its lord – Nurgle’s Rot. Inaddition, the Tainted One is immune to all poisons. Nurgle’s Rot is a deadly contagionfor which there is no known cure. This virulent disease can be passed on in hand-to-hand combat. If the Tainted One makes a successful to hit roll of 6 this will result inthe target model contracting the Rot (note: Nurgle’s Rot only affects the living, soUndead, Daemons and the Possessed are unaffected). Once a warrior has contractedthe Rot, mark this on the warband roster. Rather than killing the victim immediately,the Rot can take some time to set in. From now on, before the start of each battle, thewarrior must pass a Toughness test. If successful, his constitution has managed to staveoff the Rot’s effects. If unsuccessful, the warrior loses one point of Toughnesspermanently (if he reaches zero, he has succumbed to the Rot and died, remove himfrom the roster). In addition, if a 6 is rolled for the Toughness test then he hasunwittingly passed the Rot on to another member of the warband (randomly allocate awarband member and mark this on the roster).

Cost: 50 Gold Crowns

Cloud of FliesThe Tainted One is surrounded by a cloud of flies, which buzz around him and hiscombat opponent. They do not affect the Tainted One but distract foes by buzzing intoeyes, nostrils and mouths. The Tainted One’s close combat opponent suffers a-1 to hit modifier on all attacks.

Cost: 25 Gold Crowns

Bloated FoulnessThe Tainted One is a huge, disgusting mass of diseased, flabby folds. It gains +1Wound and +1 Toughness but has its Movement reduced by -1.

Cost: 40 Gold Crowns

Mark of NurgleThe Tainted One is burned with the great mark of Nurgle, the three spheres, that weepfoul pus constantly. It gains +1 Wound and is immune to all poisons.

Cost: 35 Gold Crowns

HideousThe Tainted One is so disgusting that its flesh hangs in tatters from its body and itsentrails are rotten and exposed. It causes Fear.

Cost: 40 Gold Crowns

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Beastmen Raiders

Wilhelm hung his head and pushed his longfringe of wet hair from his eyes once again. Hisfeet were sore, his toes were wet and cold fromthe sodden mud of the road, and he was readyto drop. In his left hand he held the reins of thestubborn pack mule he had been leading for thepast week. One foot in front of the other, heplodded along the road behind the rest of thegroup, too tired, wet and bored to even botheravoiding the larger puddles. This was a millionleagues from what he imagined he would bedoing right now. He had left home full ofexcitement, imagining the adventures he wouldhave on the road, the riches he would find inMordheim and the famous deeds that he wouldachieve. Never in his dreams did he imaginehimself walking for a week through the rain,leading a stupid mule that seemed intent onmaking his life a misery, towards a place thatnever seemed to arrive.

Wondering if he had made a horrible mistake injoining the small band of Reikland warriors,Wilhelm let has gaze wander over the rest of theparty. Pieter, the leader of this little band, rodeat the front of the group on the back of apowerful warhorse. That steed had looked somighty and noble when they had rode into hisvillage, but now it too was merely another tiredand wet, miserable creature. Still, Pieter heldhis noble head high, ignoring the foul weatheras if it were below him. At his side walked themassive warrior Brock, his huge greatswordstrapped over his bull-like shoulders. How thebig veteran had laughed when Wilhelmstruggled to lift that titanic weapon theprevious night.

Behind the pair of seasoned warriors was thewagon, where five other trained warriors rode,somewhat protected from the weather by afaded leather canopy. The wagon was pulled bya pair of horses, their heads hanging wearily asthey trudged though the clinging mud.

The wheels of the wagon carved deep furrows inthe road, and Wilhelm stumbled suddenly intoone of them. A strong hand grabbed him by theshoulder, steadying him.

‘Steady lad. We will be stopping soon,’ said adeep voice from behind him.

Wilhelm nodded his thanks to the stern warriorMikhel, embarrassed to have shown hisweakness in front of the tall Reiklander.

The mule Wilhelm was leading whinniedsuddenly, pulling its head sharply to one side,nearly ripping Wilhelm’s shoulder from itssocket.

‘Whoa, boy!’ he called. He had almost had

enough of the animal’s behaviour.

‘To arms!’

The scream cut through Wilhelm’s thoughts. Helooked up to see the draught horses that pulledthe wagon rearing up in fear, while a warriortried desperately to hold them in check. Thesudden crack of a pistol firing ripped throughthe air, and Wilhelm saw Pieter circling hiswarhorse, smoke rising from his dischargedweapon. The noble warband leader swiftlydrew and fired a second pistol into an enemythat Wilhelm couldn’t yet see.

The mule suddenly pulled again at the reinswrapped around Wilhelm’s hand, and he wasjerked from his feet. As he pushed himself upfrom the ground, he caught his first glimpse ofthe enemy. A dark, shaggy shape leapt from theundergrowth at the side of the road, launchingitself towards him with an unnatural, inhumangait. The creature had a bestial, goat-like head,complete with an impressive set of curvinghorns, and in it’s hands it held a massive,rusting axe. Its eyes were wide, like those of anenraged bull, and its wide spread mouthexposed yellowing, tusk-like teeth. His firstthought was that this was a merely a mask, ahideous and terrifying mask, but in an instanthe knew this was not so. This was one of thefeared Beastmen of the deep forest, a creaturehe had only heard of in tales told by ageingsoldiers around the campfire.

Pushing himself to his feet, Wilhelm drew hisshortsword and raised it just in time to blockthe attack of the Beastman, a wild overheadblow. The force of the strike dropped Wilhelmto his knees, and he knew the next attackwould be the end of him. It never came, for aheavy sword-blade suddenly chopped into theside of the creature’s neck, spraying afountain of dark red blood. Wilhelm wasdragged to his feet by the tall warrior Mikhel,who then leapt forwards to aid the otherReiklanders as more of the Beastmen leaptfrom their ambush. The air was filled withshouts, bestial roars and growling, and horsesscreaming in terror.

Breaking into a run to follow, Wilhelm onlymade it three steps before a heavy weight hithim from behind, and he dropped into themud once again, shouting in pain. Halfrolling, he looked up into the slavering jawsof a gigantic, hulking hound that was allfur and brute muscle and intent on himas its prey. Crying out in fear,Wilhelm stabbed his short swordinto the beast’s massive chestas it closed on him, pulling


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his face away from the fearful beast. Pulling thesword out, he stabbed again, and then pushedthe dying, twitching weight away from him.

Rising, he saw Pieter’s warhorse fall, pulleddown to the ground by a pair of malevolentBeastmen. Pieter leapt from his falling steedand rolled smoothly as he landed, his pistolsnow replaced by a rapier and a dagger. Thewagon itself was suddenly hurled onto its side,throwing luggage and men clear as a hugeshape burst from the trees and smashed fullyinto the heavy carriage. Standing fully nine feettall, the Minotaur snorted, steam puffing fromits nostrils as it surveyed the carnage.

In horrified shock, Wilhelm watched as smallerBeastmen leapt around the mayhem, savagelycutting down the Reiklanders with axes asthey tried to rise. The immense Minotaurleapt upon the fallen horse of Pieter, its

jaws closing around its neck. The mightywarrior Brock appeared, swinging hismighty greatsword down in a fluid arc. Itcut deeply into the shaggy shoulders ofthe stooping Minotaur, a blow thatwould have cut a man in two. Thebeast merely raised itself from itsmeal, blood and gore dripping fromits face, and lashed out with itsgreat cleaver-like weapon. The blowhacked into Brock’s neck, nearsevering his head from hisshoulders. Wilhelm was petrified,rooted to the spot.

A creature bounded over the felledwagon. It was a hideous blend of

Beastman and what looked like ashaggy ox, a beastman’s upper bodywhere the horses neck and headshould have been. Its face was

contorted into a growl, and thickstrands of drool hung from its thicklips. Its glazed eyes suddenlyregistered Wilhelm’s presence, and

with a roar, it launched into agallop.

Wilhelm ran. He turned off theroad, and plunged into thetrees, stumbling and falling over

saturated, rotting logs. He knewthen that he would never reachMordheim, that he never shouldhave left home at all. His breathingwas ragged as he staggeredthrough the dark trees, branchesand twigs lashing at his face. Herisked a glance behind him,and saw the hideous creaturewhooping as it closed on

him. A barbed spear washeld in its hands, and it

thrust the cruelweapon forwards

as it reached itsprey.

The spear smashed deeply into the human boy’slower back, and he dropped instantly, his spinesevered. The Centigor paused for a moment,and pulled a flagon from its harness-belt. Itswayed slightly as it drank deeply, uncaring ofthe ale that spilled over its face and fur. Then, itturned and launched itself back towards theroad. It did not wishing to miss the end of theslaughter.

And once that was finished, the feast wouldbegin…


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Beastmen Warbands

The Beastmen are brutish, wild and unnaturalcreatures that live in the deep forests. Anyonetravelling through this untamed wilderness risksbeing attacked by these unpredictable raiders. Manyof those who dwell within the forests around theoutskirts of Mordheim claim that these vile creaturesof Chaos outnumber mankind, though suchstatements are impossible to prove, for the Beastmenbuild no cities and do not create any structured formof society as such. Order and organisation are alienand hated by them, and they roam where they will,pillaging and killing for whatever they have need orwant for. They willingly turn on each other, pickingon the weakest amongst them for food and fun.

The Beastmen naturally form into roamingwarbands, though whether they do so consciously ormerely instinctively is unknown. A small warband isable to move swiftly through the wildernessunnoticed, and can cover hundreds of miles eachseason as they travel where they will. They are led bythe strongest and most ferocious of their kind, and ifever one within the warband senses a weakness intheir leader, they will turn on him in a brutishleadership challenge that can only result in one ofthe two being killed and consumed by the victor.Literally thousands of these small warbands infest thedark forests of the Old World, preying upon travellersand farmsteads.

A Beastmen warband attacks without warning, andvillagers, merchants and travellerslive in constant fear of ambushfrom these forest denizens.They try to preparethemselves for such anevent, and oftendesperately appealto the nobles toscour the forestswith their Statetroops –however, atsuch a time

of political upheaval, the nobles have far morepressing concerns than the pleas of low-bornvillagers. Forced to fend for themselves, terrifiedvillagers hack down great swathes of the forestaround their settlements, and sometimes hire theservices of mercenaries to protect them, barricadingthemselves indoors when they hear rumours of amarauding band within the area. Nevertheless,purges of the forest are nearly always hopeless, forthe Beastmen warbands generally move far awayfrom an area they have struck well before organisedretaliation can be mounted.

The more isolated farms and villages are most at riskfrom attack, being far from any aid. Frequently,travellers will discover buildings and farms burnt tothe ground, cattle butchered and lying where theywere cut down. Full of malevolence, Beastmen takeparticular delight in tearing down the carefullyconstructed and ordered structures of men. Theysmash down fences and rip buildings down torubble, allowing them to be reclaimed by theforests. They maliciously soil and blight painstakinglyplanted crops, and will tear the throats fromnewborn lambs merely for sport.

Beastmen warbands often form temporaryencampments, from which to raid the surroundingareas. These are crude things, usually little more thana place to store any plundered loot and food. Theymay include roughly staked out pens for theirmassive war hounds or for holding captives – bothare taunted and starved for no other reason than it is

in the Beastmens nature to behaveso. Typically, a warband will

remain at this encampmentuntil it makes one sizeableraid, whereupon theBeastman chief will movehis camp to another area.These encampments areoften positioned nearbyroads and settlements,for such areas are ripe forplunder. The Beastmenare a constant threat, andeven if travellers are luckyenough not to encounterthem, their presence can

always be felt, watchingand waiting in the

twisted shadowsamongst the darktrees. None canpredict theirmovements, andmany live inconstant fear oftheir attacks.


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Beastmen are brutish creatures, the Children ofChaos and Old Night. They roam the great forestsof the Old World, and are amongst the most bitterenemies of Mankind. The raging power of Chaoshas given them a ferocious vitality which makesthem shrug off ghastly wounds and carry onfighting regardless of the consequences. Even theOrcs are comparatively vulnerable to damagecompared to the awesome vitality of the Beastmen.

Beastmen are a crossbreed between men andanimals, usually resulting in the horned head of agoat, though many other variations are also

known to exist. The Beastmen are divided intoto two distinct breeds: Ungors, who are more

numerous, twisted creatures that combine theworst qualities of man and beast, and Bestigors, agiant breed of Beastmen, a mix between somepowerful animal and man.

The Ungor are smaller Beastmen, who cannotcompete with Bestigors in strength and power.They may have one horn or many, but these won’tbe recognised as those of goat.

Bray Shaman are very special Beastmen and arerevered by all Beastmen, for they are the prophetsand servants of Chaos Powers.

Each warband of Beastmen includes a mix ofsome Bestigor, Gor warriors and Ungorwho are the mainstay of the tribes.

Seven great Herdstones stand hidden inthe forests surrounding the city of

Mordheim. From there the Beastmenwarbands come to raid the city: Warherd ofThulak, Headtakers of Gorlord Zharak, the

Horned Ones of Krazak Gore, and manyothers.

The shards of the meteorite are seen as holyobjects, which can be sold to thepowerful Beastlords and reveredShamans in exchange for new weaponsand services of warriors.

For the tribes of Beastmen the battlesfought in Mordheim are part of a great

religious war, an effort to bring down thecivilisation of man which offends theChaos gods. After the taint of Man hasbeen wiped from the face of the earththen the Beastmen shall inherit.

Appearance:Beastmen Bestigor standsome six-seven feet tall, and theirheavily muscled bodies are coveredwith fur. Ungor are lesser Beastmen, no

larger than Humans, but their toughbodies and vicious tempers easily

make them a match to anyHuman warrior.

Beastmen wear little clothing, but often dress inthe fur of their defeated rivals. They usually carrythe skulls of their vanquished enemies as these arethought to bring good luck. While most Beastmenhave dark brown skin and fur, black-furred or evenalbino Beastmen are not unknown.

Beastmen wear heavy armlets and necklaces whichserve as armour as well as decoration.

Apart from the most primitive clubs and woodenshields, the Beastmen make few weapons. It is notthe nature of Chaos to create, but to destroy.

Choice of WarriorsA Beastmen warband must include a minimum of3 models. You have 500 Gold Crowns which youcan use to recruit your initial warband. Themaximum number of warriors in the warband is15, though some buildings in the warband’sencampment may increase this.

Beastmen Chief: Each Beastmen warband musthave one Chief: no more, no less!

Shaman: Your warband may include a singleBeastmen Shaman.

Bestigors: Your warband may include up to twoBestigors.


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BEASTMAN EQUIPMENT LISTHand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1st free/2 GC

Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC

Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC

Battle Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC

Sword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

Double-handed Weapon . . . . . . . . . 15 GC

Halberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

Missile Weapons



Light Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 GC

Heavy Armour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 GC

Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC

Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

UNGOR EQUIPMENT LISTHand-to-hand Combat Weapons

Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1st free/2 GC

Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC

Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GC

Battle Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC

Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GC

Missile Weapons



Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GC

Beastman equipment listsThe following lists are used by Beastman warbands to pick their weapons:

Beastman skill tablesCombat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Special

Chief 3 3 3 3

Shaman 3 3 3

Bestigor 3 3 3

Centigors 3 3 3

Centigors: Your warband may include a singleCentigor.

Gor: Your warband may include up to five Gor.

Ungor: Your warband may include anynumber of Ungor.

Minotaur: Your warband may include a singleMinotaur.

Warhounds of Chaos: Your warband mayinclude up to five Warhounds of Chaos.

Starting ExperienceBeastman Chief starts with 20 Experience.

Beastman Shaman starts with 11 Experience.

Bestigors start with 8 Experience.

Centigors start with 8 Experience.

All Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Maximum CharacteristicsBestogors: As Gor, but M5Centigors: As Gor, but M9

AnimalsBeastmen are fearsome creatures of Chaos thatdo not interact with other races other than inwar. A Beastmen warband may never hire anyHired Swords unless specifically stated withthe Hired Sword.


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1 Beastmen Chieftain

65 Gold Crowns to hireBeastmen chieftains have gained their positionthrough sheer brutality. He leads the Beastmento Mordheim to gather the Chaos Stones to hisHerdstone.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

5 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 7

Weapons/Armour: The Beastmen Chieftainmay be equipped with weapons and armourchosen from the Beastmen Equipment list.

SPECIAL RULESLeader: Any Warrior within 6" of the BeastmanChieftain may use his Leadership when takingLd tests.

0-1 Beastmen Shaman

45 Gold Crowns to hireBeastmen Shamans are prophets of the DarkGods, and the most respected of all theBeastmen.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

5 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 6

Weapons/Armour: Beastmen Shamansmay be equipped with weapons chosenfrom the Beastmen Equipment listexcept that they never wear armour.

SPECIAL RULESWizard: A Beastmen Shaman is a Wizardand may use Chaos Rituals, as detailedin the Magic section.

0-2 Bestigors

45 Gold Crowns to hireBestigors are the largest type ofBeastmen, the great horned warriors ofthe Beastmen warbands. They aremassive creatures with an inhumanresistance of pain.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

5 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour: Bestigors may beequipped with weapons chosen fromthe Beastmen Equipment list.

0-1 Centigors

80 Gold Crowns to hireA Centigor is a disturbing cross

between a horse or oxen andBeastman. Being quadruped

grants them great strength andspeed whilst their

humanoid upper torsos

allow them to wield weapons. These beast-centaurs are powerful creatures but they arenot particularly agile or dexterous.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

8 4 3 4 4 1 2 1(2) 7

Weapons/Armour: Centigors may be armedwith weapons and armour chosen from GorEquipment list.

SPECIAL RULESDrunken: Centigor are inclined to drinkvast quantities of noxious beer and lootedwine and spirits before battle, workingthemselves up into a drunken frenzy. Roll1D6 at the start of each turn. On a roll of 1,they must test for stupidity that turn. On aroll of 2-5 nothing happens and on the rollof a 6 they become subject to frenzy for thatturn. Whilst subject to both stupidity andfrenzy they are immune to all other forms ofpsychology.

Woodland Dwelling: Centigors are creaturesof the deep, dark forests. They suffer nomovement penalties for moving throughwooded areas.



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henchmen (Brought in groups of 1-5)

Trample: As well as their weapons,Centigors use their hooves and sheer size tocrush their enemies. This counts as anadditional attack, which does not benefitfrom weapon bonuses or penalties...


25 Gold Crowns to hireUngor are the most numerous of the Beastmen.They are small, spiteful creatures, butdangerous in large masses.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

5 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Weapons/Armour: Ungor may be armed withweapons and armour chosen from UngorEquipment list.

SPECIAL RULESLowest of the Low: Ungor are on the lowestrung of Beastmen society and regardless of howmuch Experience they accrue they will neveracquire a position of authority. If an Ungor rolls‘That lad’s got talent’ it must be re-rolled.

0-5 Gor

35 Gold Crowns to hireGor are nearly as numerous as Ungor but arelarger and more brutish...

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

5 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 6

Weapons/Armour: Gor may be armed withweapons and armour chosen from BeastmenEquipment list.

Warhounds of Chaos

15 Gold Crowns to hireChaos Hounds are titanic, mastiff-like creatureswhich are insanely dangerous in combat.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

7 4 0 4 3 1 3 1 5

Weapons/Armour: None! Apart from theirfangs and nasty tempers the Chaos Houndsdon’t have weapons and can fight without anypenalties.

SPECIAL RULESAnimals: Chaos Hounds are animals and nevergain Experience.

0-1 Minotaur

200 Gold Crowns to hireMinotaurs are gigantic, bull-headed Beastmen.Fearsome and powerful, any Beastmen Chiefwill try to recruit a Minotaur into his warband ifpossible.

Profile M WSBS S T W I A Ld

6 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 8

Weapons/Armour: Minotaurs may be armedwith weapons and armour chosen from theBeastmen Equipment list.

SPECIAL RULESFear: Minotaurs are huge, bellowing monstersand cause fear. See Psychology section fordetails.

Bloodgreed: If a Minotaur puts all of itsenemies out of action in hand-to-hand combat,it becomes frenzied on a D6 roll of 4+.

Animal: A Minotaur is far more bestial than itsBeastmen brethren and, although it may gainExperience, it may never become a Hero.

Large: A Minotaur is a huge creature andstands out from amongst its smaller brethren.Any model may shoot at a Minotaur, even if it isnot the closest target.

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Shaggy HideThe bestial hero is titanic in size and may use adouble-handed weapon in one hand.

MutantThe Beastman may buy one mutation.See Mutants section on special rules.

FearlessImmune to fear and terror and All Alone test.

Horned OneThe Beastman has mighty horns, and canmake an additional Attack with its basicStrength on a turn it charges.

Bellowing RoarOnly the Beastmen Chief mayhave this skill. He may re-roll anyfailed Rout tests.

ManhaterWill be affected by the rules of hatredwhen fighting any Human warbands.

Beastmen Special Skills

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The Devil of the DrakwaldThe forest gloom was like a death shroud in thecreeping silence of the Drakwald. The arborealvoid held the promise of dark imaginings, ofbestial torture and debauched acts of inhumanlust. Seldom were the calls of birds heard, or anerrant shaft of sunlight that had lost its wayseen; even the breeze held the stink of blood. Aman would be foolish indeed to wander suchpaths in the dark, to traverse such belligerentterrain without armoured escort or even a guide.And in spite of that a figure wandered there,along darkened pathways, scorched brackencrunching loudly underfoot, a miasma ofblackness before him, the eyes of devils at hisback…

“Man-flesh,” Boraash, an inhuman Beastmangrowled in the murk of the undergrowth. Gorgothsnorted next to him, his hunched shouldersflexing at the prospect of battle, eyes narrowingwith dark anticipation. A third, Kornak, lickedthe burgeoning saliva off his fangs and snout,raking the air impatiently with thick gnarledhorns and uttered.

“Encircle him!”

The forest was thickening, all the while theoutside world becoming ever more remote, all buta faded memory. And yet the traveller continued,seemingly unaware of the creatures stalking him.

Boraash sped quickly through the black bracken,sweeping past low lying branches, moving rapidlythrough thick foliage. The rest of his foul hordewas a blur as they too raced ahead of theirhuman prey. Boraash felt his shaggy mane twitchin anticipation. He could almost taste the bloodhe would soon drink.

A red haze overlaid Gorgoth’s vision. Sharp andwhipping tree limbs lashed at his face but theydid not deter him, a frenzy was upon his very souland he plunged headlong full of blood feveredzeal. Fangs bared, he was about to spring out inthe open to tear the man-thing’s flesh and devourit whole when a thick, sharpened stake piercedhis gut, flung upwards from the forest bed.

Kornak’s instincts had warned him to stay back,to remain in the wake of Boraash and Gorgoth.His animal eyes widened when he saw Gorgothpitched into the air, a thick fountain of bloodissuing from his back like black rain. Boraashhad stalled, poised to attack. Kornak watchedhim slow, acutely aware that their prey hadsuddenly and abruptly disappeared…

Boraash sniffed the air, ears twitching, fearcreeping upon him at the grim sight of Gorgoth,but he could find no trace of the man-thing’sstench. He would feast on his brethren’s carcassafter he had bled the man-thing, he would suckthe flesh from his bones, he would…

A silver-grey blur and a whistling in the treessilenced Boraash’s intent. He fell back; a heavybladed throwing axe embedded deep in his skull,thick, oily matter oozing down the haft.

Kornak snorted in fear as Boraash was thrownoff his feet. His eyes darted back to the proneshape of Gorgoth, fur matting with his own blood.When he looked back, a figure was silhouettedagainst the gloom. At first he thought it wasBoraash, somehow having survived the axeblade. But one of his horns was broken and hedidn’t smell right.

It was the traveller. He had come back.

“Man-thing!”, Kornak roared in a feral rage,bursting through the branches and foliage as ifthey were nothing. He raised a crude, gore-splattered mace intent on pulping the man’sskull like paste. He would eat the grey jellywithin. But as Kornak swung for the killingblow the man-thing pulled a sharp axe as iffrom the forest air. Kornak felt his macesmash against the stout haft. There was aflash of silver in the man-thing’s other hand.Like fire, something bit deep. Kornak feltwarm blood flowing down his side and withdying bestial eyes looked upon the visage of hisslayer and balked in terror. For there beforehim was a thing more bestial than his brethren,eyes burning with animal hatred, bodyswathed in the foul-smelling skins of his kin,daubed in unguents that burned Kornak’s noseand mouth. He had encountered a devil, adevil of the woods, his nightmare; his scourge.

Vantigan allowed the foul body of the bestialspawn to slide like spoiled meat from his blade.Then, without pause he hacked off thecreature’s head with a single, powerful blow.In moments he had stripped it of flesh andother matter and rammed it deep upon astake. It would make a fine trophy for hisrack. But he had other prey that yeteluded him in these woods. Night wasclose and that would bring it intothe open. These beastmen hadbeen lured and vanquishedeasily. The balewolf wouldnot nearly be asstraight forward…

This section covers new Hired Swords exclusive to the Empire in Flames wilderness setting. These newcharacters follow the generic rules for hiring and maintaining Hired Swords from page 147 of the Mordheimrulebook.


Hired SwordsHired Swords

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Once again, the moon waxed full. Awatchman, was conducting his nightly patrolswhen he was alerted by the sounds ofscreaming across the village square. Rain wasfalling and thunder rolled across the growingcloud as he bolted through the downpour tothe apothecary’s abode from where theterrible sounds were emanating.

The door was rent from its hinges andsplintered wood lay all about like bone as thewind and rain whipped within. Inside, abroken lantern swung frenziedly from theceiling. It illuminated a dark and terriblevista which the watchman would take to hisgrave. His blood splattered upon the walls, thevillage apothecary was little more than apartially devoured corpse, steaming in thenight chill.

He had been slain by some terrible beast, anightmare made flesh. As if in answer, a low,ululating howl rang out through the stormand dark silhouette was stark against thewhite slashes of lightning. The monster washuge, akin to a wolf and yet not so. As quicklyas it was revealed it disappeared in the forestgloom beyond, lost into myth.

Of the traveller no sign was ever found.

The Myth of the BalewolfLashing rain poured out of the blackness andlightning tore ragged strips in the sky as a lonetraveller slowly wandered injured and dyingto the little known village of Högenhath. Abenevolent people, the villagers of Högenhath,rushed the stranger to the local apothecary,who tended to his wounds. Through crackedlips, with the last of his breath, he told theapothecary he was attacked on the road by awolf but that it was no ordinary beast. A hugeapparition as if from the depths of the pititself, it held the gait of a man rather than abeast. In the frantic struggle that followed hehad fought the creature off, piercing its heartwith his broken sword but not before he hadbeen badly wounded in return. Upon thatremark he fell unconscious…

Regarding the ashen pallor of his charge, theapothecary feared the worst, convinced hewould not last the night.

As daylight broke, the apothecary awoke andfound to his amazement that miraculouslythe man’s wounds had completely healed! Theday passed without event as the traveller waswelcomed by the entire village, his strengthrecovered, but the following night the truehorror of what had taken place was revealedand Sigmar’s hand had no part in it…

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The Beast Hunter is a dark wanderer, full ofmystery and self-loathing. His is a woeful tale.Kith and kin slaughtered by the foul Beastmenof the wild. He is one of many such men whohave been driven to the very edge by theirexperiences, yearning only now forunquenchable revenge against those thatdestroyed their once normal lives. Theybedeck themselves in the skins of their foesand take on a truly frightening aspect. It is astout captain indeed who hires such ‘wildmen’ of the forest but their hunter’s skills arewithout equal and their raw strength incombat is too awesome to ignore. Dangerousand ferocious, ideal qualities for survival inthe dark, unbridled wilds...

Hire Fee: 35 Gold Crowns to hire + 15 GoldCrowns upkeep.

May be Hired: Any warband other thanSkaven, Beastmen, Undead, Orcs & Goblins,Possessed and Carnival of Chaos may hire aBeast Hunter.

Rating: A Beast Hunter increases thewarband’s rating by +18 points, plus 1 pointfor each Experience Point he has.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Beast Hunter 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 7

Equipment: Two axes, throwing axe (countsas a throwing knife with +1 Strength), lightarmour.

SPECIAL RULESBeastmen Vengeance: The Beast Hunterhates all Beastmen (this includes Gors, Ungors,Centigors and Minotaurs) and will fight for noupkeep cost in battles against Beastmen.

Skull Rack: The Beast Hunter wears a grislyskull rack bedecked with bestial skulls. Hecauses fear in all Beastmen.

Predator: The Beast Hunter is a predator of allfell creatures but most especially Beastmen. Inany battle that is set in the wilderness (ie. notwithin Mordheim) that involves Beastmen, theBeast Hunter may be set up after bothwarbands have deployed. He may be set upanywhere on the board that is hidden andoutside of the enemy deployment zone.

Skills: A Beast Hunter may choose fromCombat and Strength skills when he gains anew skill.


Beast Hunter

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The ‘Thing’ is a creature encounter for theEmpire in Flames setting as detailed in thescenario ‘The Thing in the Woods’ on page 42.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Balewolf 5 4 0 5 5 3 4 2(3) 7

SPECIAL RULESLarge Beast: The Balewolf is a huge creatureand counts as a large target for the purposes ofshooting and may be targeted even if it isn’t theclosest model.

Fear: The Balewolf is a terrible andfrightening creature that causes fear.

Forged by Chaos: A creation of Chaos; theBalewolf was born from some nefarious yetunknown origin. The power of Chaos knits itsform together when it is wounded and as suchthe Balewolf has the ability to supernaturallyheal itself. At the start of each of its turns roll aD6 if the Balewolf is wounded. On aroll of 5+ one Wound is restored asits skin miraculous knits backtogether.

Flesh of Iron: The Balewolf ’s skin isthicker than toughened leather,wholly capable of turning asideblades and arrows alike. TheBalewolf has an Armour save of 4+

which is reduced by the Strength ofthe attack as normal.

Vicious Jaws: The Balewolf ’s massivejaws are capable of crushing a man’sbody in two. The Balewolf has anextra Attack from its jaws (as denotedin its profile) which is always its firstattack. If this attack hits, it causes a

critical hit on a roll of 5 or 6.

Lycanthrope: The blood of theBalewolf contains a terrible andpowerful curse. Any model takenout of action from an attack from

the Balewolf risks the taint of itsdark blood (note that this onlyaffects man-sized creatures andnon-mutants). After the battle, if themodel survives the attack, roll a D6.On a roll of a 6 any injuries themodel is currently suffering arecured but they are now cursed!

In each subsequent battlewhenever the cursed model is

wounded they must take aLeadership test. If they fail

they transform horrifically

before the eyes of their comrades into theBalewolf! The model now has the same stat-line as the Balewolf. Any armour orequipment it was wearing is destroyed andany weapons the model was carrying are lostbut may be recovered after the battle. TheBalewolf will always charge the nearestmodel, friend or foe, if it can, otherwise itwill move at maximum speed towards them.It may try and restrain itself from attacking acomrade by taking a test against his ownLeadership (he may not use the leader’s). Ifpassed, the Balewolf will ignore friendlymodels.

Roll a D6 after the battle. On a roll of 2-6 themodel returns to normal (albeit withoutattire…) but still carries the curse. On a rollof 1, the Balewolf takes hold completely andin his feral state disappears into thewilderness lost forever in myth and legend(remove from roster).

The Thing in the Woods


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Roaming the woods and secluded byways ofthe Empire, highwaymen prey on the manycoaches and wagons foolish or desperateenough to travel there. These are dark anddangerous men, often employed for theirknowledge of cargo charters and skill atambush. Oft they appear to the naked eye,bereft of their blackened garb, as foppish,charming characters, but that ruse is a genteelmasquerade as their cruelty and viciousnesswill testify. Deadly pistoliers and expertriders, they are an asset to any warband butwatch your back, for they are untrustworthy,self-serving men.

Hire Fee: 35 Gold Crowns to hire + 20 GoldCrowns upkeep.

May be Hired: Any warband, except Sisters ofSigmar, Witch Hunters and any good-alignedElves may hire a Highwayman. A Highwaymanwill never join a warband that also contains aRoadwarden.

Rating: A Highwayman increases thewarband’s rating by +20 points, plus 1 pointfor each Experience Point he has.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Highwayman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

Horse 8 0 0 3 3 1 3 0 5

Weapons/Armour: Brace of pistols, rapier(p.84 Mordheim Annual), cloak (acts as abuckler in close combat) and dagger.If you are using the optional rulesfor mounted models then theHighwayman also rides a horse.When the Highwayman ismounted, he has a save of 6+, onfoot he has no Armour save.

Skills: A Highwayman may choose fromCombat, Shooting and Speed skills when hegains a new skill.

SPECIAL RULESExpert Pistolier: A Highwayman’s skill with abrace of pistols is unrivalled and as such hecombines the effects of the skills Pistolier and

Trick Shooter.

Unscrupulous: A Highwayman, despiteall his skill and bravado, is not to betrusted. At the end of each battle roll a

D6, on a rollof a 1 thew a r b a n dreceives 1

less piece ofTreasure than they

would normally as theHighwayman has stolen it

for himself (this Treasure is notspent on the Highwayman, it islost!). Obviously, if this keepshappening it will be up towarband leader to keep theHighwayman in his employ ornot…

Expert Rider: A Highwayman isa superb rider and as such whilehe is mounted he counts asbeing stationary for thepurposes of shooting (ie. no -1modifier to hit) and he alsobenefits from the skill as hecan reload quickly whilst onhorseback.

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Patrolling the fraught and dangeroushighways of the Empire, Roadwardens aredour men of the sternest courage. Solitaryfigures, they range far and wide, often withlittle food and in all weathers. They arehardened and brutal fighters,uncompromising and without any martialcode, they give no quarter as they expectnone to be given in return. Their skill lieswith the crossbow, with which they areexcellent hunters and deadly marksmen.Highwaymen, deviants and bandits aretheir common quarry, safety of theroadways their charge and they executeboth with deliberate and unswerving


Hire Fee: 40 Gold Crowns to hire + 20 GoldCrowns upkeep.

May be Hired: Any good-aligned warbandmay hire a Roadwarden such as WitchHunters, Sisters of Sigmar, Dwarfs andHuman Mercenaries. A Roadwarden willnever join a warband that also contains aHighwayman.

Rating: A Roadwarden increases the warband’srating by +22 points, plus 1 point for eachexperience point he has.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Roadwarden 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8

Horse 8 0 0 3 3 1 3 0 5

Weapons/Armour: Crossbow, horseman’shammer (p.14 Town Cryer 24), dagger,heavy armour and three torches (p.14Town Cryer 24). If you are usingthe optional rules formounted models then the

Roadwarden also rides ahorse. The Roadwarden’s saveis 4+ whilst mounted and 5+whilst on foot.

Skills: A Roadwarden maychoose from Combat, Strengthand Shooting skills when hegains a new skill.

SPECIAL RULESLethal Marksman: A master withthe crossbow, a Roadwardencombines the skills of TrickShooter and Eagle Eyes.

Stern: Working alone and in thedark for the majority of his

profession the Roadwarden is made of strongstuff indeed. He may re-roll any failedLeadership test for panic, fear, and is immuneto the rules for being All Alone.

Expert Rider: A highly skilled horseman, aRoadwarden counts as having the Nimble skillwhilst on horseback and suffers no modifiersfor moving and shooting.


STAGECOACHESBoth Highwaymen and Roadwardens areparticularly suited to battles involvingstagecoaches, wagons, etc. To representthis, in any scenario in which one or bothsides have a stagecoach or a wagon, anyHighwayman or Roadwarden in eitherwarband may re-roll a single dice rollonce per turn. This special bonus lastsuntil the re-rolled dice comes up as a 1 asit is designed to represent their ability topredict and perform at their peak infamiliar and well-practiced territory.


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