Download - EmotaMe 1.0 - User Guide

  • 8/7/2019 EmotaMe 1.0 - User Guide



    Please scroll down to see the next page.

    (This Introduction has 19 illustrated pages.)

    The place is shared between the two of you...

    The Emota Card is a living space that continuously updates you on your friends social activities. You can easily

    share thoughts and feelings with one another.

    Each Emota Card is an invitation to visit a place you share with your friend or family member. This

    place provides a view into each others life moments and activities.

    WELCOME to the Emota application and living greeting cards.

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    Come back often to visit your places.

    When you visit the place within each card, you can:

    Leave notes and share feelings with your friend.

    See pictures, status updates, and activities

    shared by your friend.

    Have fun decorating the place with your friend.

    Since the Emota application uses the internet, each

    of you can visit your places when it is convenient

    even at different times. New updates to your places

    will be waiting for you at your next visit.

    Open a window into each others life.

    If your friend uses social networks like Facebook

    and Twitter, you can see the updates and pictures

    they share.

    Your friend can also send private Text Messages to

    you from his or her cellular phone. You can reply

    directly from the Emota Card without using a cellular


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    Different cards, different people.

    If you've received more than one Emota Card (or

    sent some cards), you have a different shared placefor each card.

    You may share different cards from different people,

    but you can also share more than one card with the

    same friend.

    You can make new cards.

    If you wish, you can make a new card and share it.

    Heres how it works:1. You identify which of your friends you want to

    share the new card with.

    2. You create a new shared place, choose its visual

    theme, and even rearrange it a little.

    3. You start the sharing. Your friend will get an

    email, inviting them to share this new card with


    Each card connects two people: you

    and one friend.

    You and that friend may also sharemore than one card, as a way to


    Your cards wont go away and the

    ability to share feelings and notes

    within each card remains.

    We suggest you leave theEmota application running

    continuously, in the

    background of your life,

    so you feel connected as

    your friends make updates.

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    780 755

    712 657

    845 832


    Suzie Q


    FROMJames andBeverly




    Welcome back! Whos the most specialgirl ever?

    Wait until

    you hearabout allthe thingsthat....

    I hope youare

    enjoyingthe autumnweather.

    Hey, Suzi.Happy Halloween!



    Card sent but not yet viewed by recipient A new card for you

    Entering the Emota Application: Your Gallery of Emota Cards.

    When you first enter the Emota application, you see your Gallery. It shows all the Emota cards you have sent

    and received.

    You can choose any card at any time and visit its shared place.

    ...create a card

    for a friend

    Tap a card to gointo its shared place

    quick preview

    of new

    emotas in

    this cards

    shared place

    whos sharing thiscard with you

    Tap a button to...

    ...view a sequence ofyour shared places,

    one after another

    filling the screen

    ...view this


    ...exit the Emota


    ....view additional

    cards in your collection

    (scroll up or down) your current Greeting in this card

    your name

    their current Greeting in this card

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    Within your shared place there are elements that represent things

    in the real world. Things like furniture and portraits of people.

    More elements on the next page...

    Our examples show a place

    much like a parlor.

    Different cards invite you to

    different places that have otherartwork, but all cards work the

    same way.

    Your shared place also has decor, such as the chandelier.

    Picture yourself tapping on one card in the Gallery.

    You are entering the shared place within that card.

    THE ELEMENTS of your shared place.

    Portrait of you Portrait of your friend

    Your Greeting Your friend's


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    MORE ELEMENTS of your shared place.

    More elements on the next page...

    Also within your shared place you'll find tools to interact with your friendto share notes, feelings and

    social network updates. Later in this introduction, well tell you how those work.

    The sheet music is a

    source of feelings and


    It is also a tool for you

    to share them.

    The Genie Lamp is a

    source of Facebookupdates and pictures.

    The Tweeter Bird is

    a source of Twitter


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    MORE ELEMENTS of your shared place.

    Emotas are symbols that represent shared notes, pictures, updates or feelings.

    Emotas float in the environment as visual reminders of shared sentiments.

    You can see emotas that you create, and the ones created by your friend.

    Some emotas represent non-verbal feelings.

    Some emotas represent a note from your friend, sent

    via the Emota application or as a text message from

    their phone.

    An update to Facebook or Twitter is a message that

    communicates whats on your friends mind. They

    post the update on the social network to tell all theirfriends, and the Emota application brings the update

    to you.

    If your friend shares a picture on Facebook, you see

    an emota for that, too.

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    View new messages, updates, shared feelings and pictures from your friend.

    When you visit your place, you may see floating emotas. Each one represents something created by your

    friendor by you.


    Many activities are possible in your shared place.

    These activities require you to touch elements on the screen. To understand the actions of touching, see the last

    section of this Introduction.

    Emotas that you have not yet viewed show a tiny envelope

    (except the non-verbal feelings emotas).

    1. Tap on the floating emota, and its message appears.

    2. If you wish, tap on it again to hide the message.

    If there has been a lot of activity in your shared space, you may see many emotas:

    A handful of large ones, which are the newest.

    Many small and tiny ones, representing older activities.

    Dont bother to tap on the smaller emotas. They are there mainly to contribute to the

    ambiance of the shared space.

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    See new emotas appear as you watch.

    You may also see a Twitter update emerging from the TweeterBird or a Facebook update or picture coming from the Genie

    Lamp. They appear when your friend has made a post to that

    social network.

    Sometimes you see a new emota actually

    emerging. That means your friend is sharing

    at this very moment.

    For example, you may see a Heart emotaa

    symbol of love and caringcoming from the

    piano. Your friend sent it within the shared



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    Share a feeling with your friend.

    To share a feeling with your friend, put a new emota into your shared place.

    Here's how to do it:

    1. Tap the sheet music. 2. You see a circle of


    3. Along the top half

    of the circle, find your

    desired emota symbol

    and tap it.

    4. The emota emerges

    from the piano.

    This example shows the questioning emota. You might choose to share this emota when you feel

    uncertain or worried.


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    Share a message with your friend.

    If you want to share more than a feeling, you can share a message. Heres how to do it:

    When you tap Send, two things happen:

    A new chat emota floats out of the piano, so

    your friend can see it in the shared place.

    A text message is sent to your friend's phone.

    2. In the circle, tap the note

    symbol. A panel appears.

    3. Tap the message text area to

    bring up the typing keyboard.

    4. Type in your message.

    1. Tap the sheet music (just like on the previous page).

    5. Tap the Send

    button in the



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    2. At the top, there's a choice to

    edit your Greeting. Tap it. A

    panel appears.

    4. Type in your Greeting.

    1. Tap your portrait. You see a circle of choices.

    Update your greeting.

    If you want to communicate something that is less fleeting than an emota, you can add or update the

    Greeting on your portrait. Here's how to do it:

    5. Tap the Set button in the panel.

    3. The panel shows your current

    Greeting (if any). Tap the

    message text area to bring up

    the typing keyboard.


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    The Sources...

    View past updates and messages.

    You can tap a Source to see past updates or messages. Here's how to do this:

    For past notes


    choose the

    History on the

    sheet music.

    For Twitter


    choose the

    History on the

    Tweeter Bird.

    For Facebook


    choose the

    History on the

    Genie Lamp.

    1. Tap the Source element so

    you see a circle of choices.

    2. In the circle, tap the History

    choice on the right. A panelappears.

    3. The panel shows a list of

    past messages.

    When finished viewing, tap the

    OK button.


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    3. In the panel, tap Set to


    Change the Settings for an element.

    Almost all the elements in your shared place have Settings

    that give you control over their size and other features.

    For example, to view and change the Settings on the

    Tweeter Bird:

    1. Tap the element so you see a circle of choices.

    2. In the circle, tap the gears at the bottom. A panel appears.

    3. Make changes in the panel. For Twitter, you can choose

    whose updates you want to see in this shared place.

    4. In the panel, tap Set to finish.

    Change the Settings for a floating emota.

    A floating emota has settings where you control its size on the screen, and whether it keeps moving. Heres

    how to view and change an emota's Settings:

    2. Make changes in the


    1. Touch and hold the emota.

    When the ring appears

    around your finger, lift up

    your finger.

    A panel appears.


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    Update your place and rearrange elements.

    Some elements in your place are just for fun.

    For example, tap the chandelier to turn it on and

    off, brightening and dimming the room.

    Remember, your friend will see the changes whenthey visit the shared place.

    You can also rearrange things.For example, you might choose to move

    the portraits by dragging them. Moving

    them upward on the screen moves them

    back along the piano top, so they get

    smaller as they move back.


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    See changes your friend is making to the shared place.

    Your card may also have things that move on

    their own.

    For example, your shared place may be a

    garden instead of a parlor. The garden has

    clouds moving without actions by you or your

    friend so the place feels lively. The garden

    also has a sun you can tap or drag. Try it!

    Here you see your friend's portrait moving. It is

    changing because your friend is currently

    visiting the shared place and dragging their

    portrait around.


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    Tap the Help symbol in

    the top corner of the

    screen. The screen goes

    into helping mode.

    You see information about the chosen element

    when you request help in either way.

    In helping mode, tap on an element's help label to

    see a description.

    To end helping mode, just tap the HELP button

    again (it's pulsing when in helping mode).

    At any time, you can

    get help for an

    individual element.

    Simply tap the

    element, view the

    circle of choices, and

    choose Help from the


    To learn about everything you can do, get Help on elements of your place.


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    To see other Emota Cards, you exit one shared place and go to your Gallery. Here's how it works:

    Go to your Gallery of all your Emota Cards.

    1. Tap on the doorway.

    2. The Emota application will

    ask you, "Do you really

    want to leave this card?"

    3. You exit your shared place.

    You saw the Gallery when you first entered the Emota application

    (described on page 4 of this Introduction).

    4. You move into your Gallery.

    The Gallery has its own Help button

    to assist you.


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    Almost all elements in your shared place can be touched. This includes the portraits, the piano front, the Tweeter

    Bird, the Genie Lamp, and the chandelier. When you touch an element, you can change it, learn something or

    initiate an action.

    Use different touches to perform different sorts of actions.

    HOW TO TOUCH elements in the Emota application on your iPad.

    Some elements also

    respond to a press-

    and-hold touch. Simply

    touch the element on the

    screen, and continuetouching until a ring appears

    under your finger. Then lift

    up your finger.

    To choose an element,

    you tap it. Simply

    touch the element on

    the screen (and then lift

    up your finger). Forexample, when you tap

    a floating emota, you

    see who it's from.

    To reposition an element,

    you drag it. Simply touch

    the element on the screen, and

    then move your finger while

    still pressing on the screen.

    The element moves along with

    your finger.

    To push a button, you

    tap it. Simply touch the

    button (and then lift up

    your finger).