Download - Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

Page 1: Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety


Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

18th April 2018

Page 2: Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

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Page 3: Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute


• Case reviews

• Underlying causes

• Clinical context

• NSW Health guidance

Participation encouraged throughout

(But please turn off camera & mute mic when not talking)

Page 4: Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

Case 1 – Night visits

54 yr old male, homeless, alcohol dependence polysubstance abuse

Mental health problems erratic med compliance

Multiple visits, no GP, refuses social services, lost to follow up

Sunday 01:00 am – BIBA assaulted and kicked in head multiple times

Smell of alcohol

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Case 1 Continued

01:48 am – Cat 3 Soft collar on took off

R posterior heamatoma and jaw pain, EtOH +++

Vital signs stable GCS 15

03:00 am – vitals stable GCS 14; sats 88% refused O2

For iv cannula struck out and swore at RN

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Case 1

RN TL intervened – need to run tests

Patient refused.

Placed in WR by 03:38 am

Patient gone by 04:48 am

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Case 1 - aftermath

Member of public reported him at 13:40 at a nearby park bench

14:15 no signs of life


Acute subdural haematoma at autopsy

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•What went well?

•What could have gone wrong?

•How can this help local



Page 10: Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

Types of ED Presentations

• Anxiety and panic

• Self harm

• Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts

• Depression

• Psychosis

• Pain

• Physical issues – co-morbidities

• Situational crisis

• Stress

• Drug and alcohol

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Role of ED assessment and the aggressive/MH patient

Cause for presentation

Clinical issue that requires acute management

Minimum exam: gastro, cardio, resp, neuro, abdo with obs

To ensure that disposition is appropriate (ie the presentation is

primarily psychiatric and the patient is physiologically stable)

New presentations/ Elderly/

Abnormal Vital signs

Atypical symptoms

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• NOT an “insurance exam”

• NOT a guarantee that the person has no intercurrent illness

• NOT a guarantee that there is no risk of subsequent illness

• LOOK for: - ingestion/side effects

• excessive drowsiness or confusion (not same as psychosis)

• - physical causes

• - issues for psychiatry to follow up

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Case 2: Rivers and tributaries

40 year old indigenous male

BIB Parents concerned about safety with GP letter

Alcohol and cannabis ?admission

Low mood alcohol problems, poor sleep, relationship breakdown, employment

issues, 1/7 suicidal ideation

Obs 36.4 141/76 HR 86 RR 22 Sats 97%

Cat 3

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Case 2 - cont

Agitation – given diazepam 15 mg po and thiamine

Distressed mood, slurred speech, denied perceptual or added stimuli

Denied self harm or planning.

Deemed low suicidal risk note concerns from others

Depression + alcohol; refused detox, self discharged from ED

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Case 2 -aftermath

Day 2 follow up – declined

Day 7 went to hotel for alcohol, kicked out.

Found next morning in garden by father

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RCA issues

Engagement of patient

Alcohol as a masking agent ASSESSED WHILST INEBRIATED

Follow up and structures available

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Patient perspective

Therapeutic intervention

Not ‘assessment’ but ‘assistance’

Less history taking

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Approach considerations

• De-escalation

• Stance and body language

• Explanations

• Environment

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Case 3 – Coffee time

43 year old male BIBA 08:00 am

Known iv metamphetamine user with chronic suicidal ideation and

schizophrenia – paranoid thinking

Recurrent visits in ED

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Case 3 - continued

Given droperidol iv – slept

Reviewed by mental health, to stay in ED until psych bed available and

reassess post substance

1:1 special assigned – several periods of leave for cigarettes

Stayed in ED overnight

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How common are patient journey delays transferring care between ED and


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08:30 am left ED and went to an outdoor café, refusing to leave

No behavioural disturbances, no expressions of suicidal or self-harm intent

Paranoid thinking improved considerably


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Case 3 - developments

Reviewed by clinician that knew him in the café

Either forcibly return to ED +/- police;

Or discharge from café

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Use of force and restraints – chemical

and physical

Recurrence of certain presentations

Importance of staff safety

Therapeutic relationships

Drug overlay on MH conditions


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Metamphetamine Management

Mental Health for Emergency Departments – A Reference Guide. NSW Ministry of Health.

Amended March 2015.

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Body brought back in ED at 21:00 – jumped off a building

RCA did not find any issues with ED management

Final outcome

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Case 4: Friday Night Fever

51 year old male 00:30

Brought in by 6 policemen from a reinforced patrol car.

Found having fights outside pub – no obvious injuries, ?alcohol consumption

Police section 22

Observations – unable to record, agitation and violence

Spitting, aggressive, attempting to punch staff

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Case 4 - continued

00:35 – Droperiol and midazolam im, no ivc 10 mg and 10 mg

00:45 – minimal effect – another 10 mg of droperidol

00:53 Observations 38 HR 110 BP 130/70 RR 20 Sats 99% on air – started

rousing up

In total: 10 mg of midazolam im, 40 mg droperidol im 20 mg droperidol iv

Urine drug screen metamphetamines, THC

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Local protocols?

Discuss what you would do in your facility

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Mental Health for Emergency Departments: A

reference Guide March 2015

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Case resolution

Drug induced psychosis

Review in the morning by MH team – symptom resolution

Back to police custody

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From ECI Website

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• Least restrictive alternative, and must consider their safety and that of others;

• closest available to home and usual supports wherever possible, especially for

younger children and Aboriginal families;

• most developmentally and clinically appropriate care given available resources.

Policy 08/11/2011

Key Principles for Pediatric /adolescent Patients

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Classification of resources

for ages 0 - 17

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Resources available• Telephone: The Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 has been established for

these patients, family and car

• Websites:


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Determine physical issues on presentation

Various methods available for management

Know what is available in area

Online resources


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Discussion/ Questions?

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E-QuESTs so far•Atypical Chest Pain - ACS

•Sepsis in the elderly

•Abdominal pain in the elderly - AAA & Ischaemic gut

•Scrotal emergencies

•Deadly headaches

•Paediatric deterioration

•Head injuries

•Opthalmological emergencies

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Looking to next month, please…

•Share your cases

•Share your patient safety actions

•Spread the word with your colleagues

(or send me their email: [email protected])

What would you like to see / hear about?

Page 44: Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference€¦ · Emergency - Quality, Education and Safety Teleconference Dr Nicholas Lelos | Advanced Trainee | Emergency Care Institute

Level 4, 67 Albert Avenue

Chatswood NSW 2067

PO Box 699

Chatswood NSW 2057

T + 61 2 9464 4666

F + 61 2 9464 4728

[email protected]

Many thanks!

Next E-QuEST

Thursday 17th May 08:00 am

Look out for our email survey

We need your responses to guide future
