Download - Embassy of India, Warsaw E-Newsletter apr-June 2013Embassy of India, Warsaw E-Newsletter apr-June 2013: Opening of India Centre in Wroclaw - 1-May 29, 2013 will be a memorable date


- Opening of India Centre in Wroclaw- First Secretary Mr. G.R. Meena visits Warsaw University – Tamil Day - NATIONAL BOOK TRUST, INDIA in Warsaw- Eminent Bharatanatyam dancer Geeta Chandran’s tour in Poland- Lecture by Mr. Janardan Dwivedi, MP - "INDIAN TRADITION & MODERN VISION" at Warsaw University - First Secretary Mr. G. R. Meena’s visit to Wroclaw - Visit of Shri Suresh Goel, Director General, Indian Council for Cultural Relations - Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska on Maha Kumbha Mela - The 17th European Carrom Championship and Indian Culture Festival in Leszno- Welcome to our new redesigned website!- A new Indian restaurant in TriCity, Ganesh

Embassy of India, Warsaw E-Newsletter apr-June 2013:

Opening of India Centre in Wroclaw

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May 29, 2013 will be a memorable date in

development of business relations between Poland

and India ,grand opening of European Indian Busi-

ness and Cultural Center was held and portal portal was launched.

In a span of a

year from the discussion

about the noble idea of

the project with

Madame Monika Kapil

Mohta Ambassador of

India in Poland and IPCCI

President JJ Singh,

Adam Bisek member of

IPCCI and known busi-

ness person from Wroc-

law completed a large

part of the investment.

INDIA CENTER is located

in Wroclaw Żerniki. It's a warehouses, offices and

land covering a total of about 3 hectares. In the

final stage the center will be located near Wro-

cław in Krępice, 4 km

from Wroclaw’s airport

and 1 km from the

border of Wroclaw, the

national road 94. The

whole investment will

occupy an area of over

10 hectares. The con-

struction work has alre-

ady started. Integral

part of the project is

portal www.investpro-, unique com-

munication platform, which enables networking

for business partners, inquiries and promote the

potential of the two countries.

The ceremony was attended by the repre-

sentatives of Parliament, local authorities, busi-

nessmen and entrepreneurs. Guests of honor were

Ambassador Monika Kapil Mohta and Marshal of

Lower Silesia Ewa Mańkowska. Both of them con-

gratulated Mr Adam Bisek realization of project

and wished himfurther success. The Ambassador

also thanked IPCCI for

commitment and in

particular to Mr JJ Singh

and Mr Kartikey Johri.

Embassy of India will

provide information

about the project to the

institution, the Indian

government and busi-

ness and IPCCI will also

provide it’s valuable

contribution and coope-

ration in the said


All People who rendered great service to

the project have been awarded the title of Ambas-

sador of India Center and got an honorable access

to the portal including

Madam Ambassdor and

J.J. Singh.

Ambassador and

Mrs. Marshall were asked

to do the symbolic plan-

ting of oak trees in the

Avenue of Honor in the

House of Cosmonauts,

where the reception and

grand opening was held.

IPCCI will make

every effort to ensure

that information about the project reached the

widest of investors in both countries.

We congratulate Mr. Adam Bisek and his

team once again.

First Secretary Mr. G.R. Meena visits Warsaw University – Tamil Day

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The University of Warsaw, Faculty of Orien-

tal studies, organized a commemorative session to

mark the 40th Anniversary of Tamil Studies at the

University on 16 May 2013.


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The 4th Warsaw Book Fair was held in Warsaw from 16-19 May. National Book Trust of India participated in the fair.

Eminent Bharatanatyam dancer Geeta Chandran’s tour in Poland

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Geeta surprised by Polish Indophilia

Some of India's cultural colour brightened

up Poland recently, when acclaimed Delhi-based

Bharatanatyam dancer, Geeta Chandran, visited

the country.

The Padma

Shri awardee was

invited by Monika

Mohta, India's

ambassador in

Warsaw, as part of

her efforts to show-

case India's soft

power there.

Rajiv Chan-

dran of the UN,

Geeta's husband,

recounts how surpri-

sed they were by the

popularity of Indian

arts and culture

there. During her

visit, Geeta inaugu-

rated the India Day

at the University of

Poznan and the Asia

Week at the Gdansk

University. She also

conducted a session

for ballet dancers at

the government--

sponsored Ballet

School in Poznan and

an abhinaya workshop for Polish Bharatanatyam

dancers in the idyllic mountain resort of Czorsztyn.

Geeta says that she was highly impressed

by the level of interest in Indology in Poland. The

Tamil Department at the University of Warsaw is 80

years old, she added. "And after my performance,

one scholar came and asked me if my first piece

was from the Thiruvilayadil Puranam. It was!" she

exclaims. Rajiv adds that at one performance,

when he was making the English announcements

preceding the dance, the Polish translator requ-

ested that he repeat

them in Hindi. "It was

apparently easier for

them to translate

from Hindi to Polish

than from English to

Polish," he laughs.

The couple

adds that scholars in

Sanskrit and Hindi are

conducting serious

linguistics work in

Poznan, Wroclaw,

Krakow and Warsaw.

Major Indian texts,

including chapters of

the Natya Shastra,

are also being trans-

lated into the Polish

language. But apart

from classical dance

and linguistics, they

added, what engages

the Polish people

most is Indian food.

"The numerous Indian

restaurants in all the

cities of Poland that I

visited are virtually

mini-embassies that are interpreting Indian

customs and culture for the Poles," says Geeta. She

visited Poland under the aegis of ICCR.


Lecture by Mr. Janardan Dwivedi, MP - "INDIAN TRADITION & MODERN VISION"

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Click here and find the speeches>>

First Secretary/HOC Mr. Meena’s visit to Wroclaw

Visit of Shri Suresh Goel, Director General, Indian Council for Cultural Relations

Director General of Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Mr. Suresh Kumar Goyal and H E Mrs. Monika Kapil Mohta Ambassador of India visited Krakow on 20th June 2013. Professors of Indology Department and management of Indo-Polish Cultural Committee (IPCC) organized a small cultural show and a meeting with DG ICCR at Ganesh Restaurant in Krakow. Head of Indology department of Jagillonian University Prof. Marzena Drodzowicz and Prof. Cezary Galewicz thanked Mr. Goyal for the support and help of ICCR to the Indology Department. Mr. Umesh Nauiyal prsident of IPCC also thanked Mr. Goyal for his help and contribution in promoting Indian Cultureand national language of India Hindi in Poland. Ms. Katrrzyna Bielanska -vice president , Mr. Krzysztof Fugiel -General secretary of IPCC were also present in the meeting. Indian Classical Dance Group NATARANG and Natyalaya ' dancers performed Indian classical dances Bharat natyam and Kuchipudi. ICCR provide �anacial assistance to IPCC to run hindi courses in Krakow and Gdansk.Mr. Suresh Kumar Goyal also visited museum of Jagillonian University.

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India Day was celebrated by students of Wroclaw University on 14&15 June 2013.

Please see more details>>

Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska on Maha Kumbha Mela

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The 17th European Carrom Championship and Indian Culture Festival in Leszno

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On 20-24 June 2013, in Leszno, there stayed

almost 120 best European carrom players – a game com-

monly called the Indian billiards, somewhat similar to

billiards, and somewhat to playing with bottlecaps.

Players from ten European states, i.e. the Czech Repu-

blic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain,

Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, came to

Leszno for the 17th European Carrom Championships, to

play games and select the best national teams, doubles,

and, most of all, the 2013 European Champion. It was

the first, and already very successful Carrom Euro Cup

tournament in Poland.

That event was organised by the Polish Carrom

Association and the Gmina

of Leszno. The Polish

Carrom Association, with

the support from the Euro-

pean Carrom Confedera-

tion, has been promoting

that sport in Poland, still

exotic but very intere-

sting, since 2009. For a

few years, regular carrom

classes, workshops, and

tournaments have taken

place in various parts of

Poland, both for children, teenagers, and adults, and

the numbers of carrom players are growing from year to

year. For a few years, Polish players have participated in

international competitions in various parts of Europe.

That shared passion of many people contributed to the

fact that, after four years of functioning of the organi-

sation, we were able, with the support from the Voit of

the Leszno Commune, to organise the excellent Europe-

an Championships. The honorary patronage over the

17th Carrom Euro Cup was taken by: the Ambassador of

India to Poland Ms Monika Kapil Mohta, the Mazowieckie

Voivode Mr Jacek Kozłowski, the Marshal of the Mazo-

wieckie Voivodeship Mr Adam Struzik, the Starost of the

Warsaw-West Poviat Mr Jan Żychliński, the Indo Polish

Chamber of Commerce and the Museum of Asia and the


Preparations for the tournament took more

than a year, but it was worth it. The President of the

International Carrom Federation Mr Arif Naqvi, present

during the whole tournament, as well as the players,

kept repeating that this year's European Carrom Cham-

pionships were the “Best Euro Cup over 17 years”.

In addition, on the last day of the games, i.e.

on Sunday, 23 June, in the charming park by the BGŻ

Centre at Fabryczna 1 Street, an Indian Culture Festival

took place, open to the general public, which the

carrom players also enjoyed very much. This rare and

first of a kind event in

Leszno was organised by

the Polish Carrom Associa-

tion and the Leszno Com-

mune. The Festival was

co-financed from the funds

obtained from the Warsaw--

West Poviat, and the event

was sponsored by: the Indo

Polish Chamber of Commer-

ce and Industry (IPCCI), the

Indian Association in Poland

(IAP) and the company Auto

Żoliborz. Thanks to their support and cooperation with

the ArtInDialog Foundation and the Mohini group, on the

stage appeared, among others, excellent dancers

straight from India, as well as fantastic Polish artists.

Participants could take part in Bollywood dance, yoga,

cricket and carrom workshops. There took place compe-

titions with attractive prizes financed by the numerous

partners of the Festival, including the Buddha Restau-

rant, the Buddha Spa, Indigo, the Halasana Yoga School,

Radhashop and the company Auto Żoliborz. One could

taste the extraordinarily aromatic Indian cuisine, avail

oneself of some traditional body henna paintings, learn

the alphabet and some Hindu words, buy original Indian

products as well as interesting books and learn, when

and where it is best to go to India.

Please visit our website:

Welcome to our new redesigned website!

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A new Indian restaurant in TriCity, Ganesh

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The chain of restaurants Ganesh has been

developing dynamically. On 27 June, a ceremonio-

us opening of another, the 9th restaurant took

place. Mr Tapinder Sharma, the chain owner,

ensures that the success is due to excellent

co-workers, love for food and intuition. 'Only

cooks from India work in our restaurants. We

bring spices, several kinds of rice from there. It is

key for us – in

an Indian

restaurant, we

must feel like in

India. We also

find families

important – that

is why there is a


corner,' says




opening was

preceded by

“blessing” of

the restaurant.

Each room was incensed, a little yellow and red

cross and a piece of orange was placed next to

every device. 'Yellow and red are sacred colours,

orange also symbolises a sacred colour. All toge-

ther, for good fortune, that is our custom,' expla-

ins Tapinder Sharma, owner of the Ganesh chain

in Poland. The very opening started with a Sikh

prayer. All guests sat on a large, white sheet,

obligatorily with shoes off, and headscarves on.

'That is out of respect for the holy book,' explains

JJ Singh, Presi-

dent of the Indo

Polish Chamber

of Commerce and


We congratulate

Mr Tapinder

Sharma and his


Please visit the Gallery>>

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