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May/June 2010

Private-sector organizations in the EOC

Destined for a life in emergency management



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In September 2009 the world came to Pittsburgh. Presidents, prime ministers, and other world leaders gathered to discuss global economic issues at the G-20 summit.

Such people never travel alone. They bring entourages, security personnel, the press corps, and—given the nature of this summit—the looming threat of violent protests and widespread property damage.

Security was on everyone’s mind. More than 130 public safety agencies were involved, including 30 federal organizations and 26 NGOs. Local law enforcement ballooned from 900 to 4,000 officers. If they were to succeed, they all needed to work together.

And they did. Much of the credit belongs to a region and city that were well prepared and ready to guard people and property—and to Knowledge Center™, an integrated incident management system that creates a virtual collaborative environment for emergency managers. Protests remained under control, as security and emergency personnel stayed well informed and prepared throughout the summit.

“Access was given not only to all those in the MACC, but to the street level and field operations,” notes Commander Richard Timme, of the U.S. Coast Guard. “Instant communications were possible via the logging

of incidents, which included every aspect of the event including 911 calls. This type of ‘common operating picture’ is something that every response organization should strive for, particularly when faced with so many different agencies.”

In the end, the city sustained about $50,000 worth of property damage, a mere fraction of the losses suffered by other cities that have hosted similar events.

UNPRECEDENTED COLLABORATIONThroughout the G20 there was an unprecedented level of round-the-clock communication among security and emergency personnel. More than 900 additional users—many of whom had never used Knowledge Center before—were seamlessly integrated into the system. Knowledge Center allowed users to share more than 3,000 individual log entries across the operational theater.

�� Knowledge Center’s intuitive Web interface made it easy to learn. A straightforward, two-sided sheet of instructions got them up to speed.

�� The system met the federal agencies’ high standards for speed, reliability, security, and situational awareness.

�� Interactive maps guided security personnel who were unfamiliar with the streets of a city that’s notoriously difficult to navigate.

�� Field personnel could enter or access critical information from any location.

Most important, it gave all users a real-time common operating picture, allowing them to track reports, locations, events, and potential protests. Field personnel knew instantly where to focus their attention, enabling them to address incidents and rumblings before they lurched out of control.


The Knowledge Center Incident Management System already was in place long before the dignitaries’ private planes landed. It has served a 13-county region and the city of Pittsburgh for four years, and it had been put to the test with the 2006 All-Star Game, the 2007 U.S. Open Golf Tournament, and severe weather events that regularly occur in the region.

The G-20, however, was far bigger than any past events, and once again Knowledge Center absorbed an influx of users.

“The Knowledge Center’s ‘common operating picture’ is something that every response organization should strive for, particularly when faced with so many different agencies.”

— Commander Timme, US Coast Guard

“I think this type of information sharing is an example of how it should be.”

— Lieutenant Zupanc Ohio Fusion Center

From Incident Management to Incident Prevention A Case Study on the G20 Summit Response and Readiness

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24Spirit for ServiceJacqueline McBride, disaster assistance employee, FEMA Region II.

16911: A National Plight?Since 911 call-takers and technologyare the fi rst line of response when citizens have an emergency, it’s surprising how standards vary throughout the nation.




28Working TogetherSince Katrina, the private sector has joined hands with the public sector during disasters.

Cover Photo by the New York City Police Department Photo Unit

44High-Tech Port ProtectionLos Angeles port authorities bolster line of defense against terrorists with technology and a specialized canine.


Tight funds and a need for interoperable radio communications inspire nearly 20 years of collaboration on a statewide network that continues to grow.

58A Critical Link Amateur radio operators fi ll communi-cation gaps and provide situational awareness to emergency managers during and after disasters.



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6 A p u b l i c a t i o n o f

Group Publisher: Don Pearson [email protected] Publisher: Tim Karney [email protected] Emergency Management/Homeland Security: Martin Pastula [email protected]: Scott Fackert [email protected]

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Government Technology’s Emergency Management is published by e.Republic Inc. © 2010 by e.Republic Inc. All rights reserved. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or editors.

Article submissions should be sent to the attention of the Managing Editor. Reprints of all articles in this issue and past issues are available (500 minimum). Please direct inquiries to the YGS Group: Attn. Mike Shober at (800) 290-5460 ext.129 or [email protected].

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14EM Bulletin

10Point of ViewSimplifying the Message

12In the News

66Last WordProtecting the Public Against H1N1

64Eric’s Corner:Selling Emergency Management



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Reader Feedback


20TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON DISASTER MANAGEMENTToronto, OntarioMetro Toronto Convention Centre

The conference is an annual event for disaster management professionals, meeting delegate demand for a global perspective on current industry issues.


Join public safety professionals, telecom-munications specialists and government leaders for a week fi lled with opportunities to develop a keen understanding of the near- and long-term issues facing public safety and plan to leave with the skills neces sary to tackle these challenges head on.

5-10 June 6-9 June 7-10 June


The program’s goal is to work with colleges and universities, emergency management profession-als and stakeholder orga-nizations to help create an emergency management system of sustained, replicable capability and disaster loss reduction through formal education, experiential learning, practice and experience.

1-4 August


Executives, dispatchersand technicians involved in all aspects of public safety com-munications from law enforcement to public safety answering points to government agencies, gather here each year.

Emergency Management Events

23-25 August

4TH ANNUAL HAZUS CONFERENCEIndianapolisIndiana Government Center South

This event will promote HAZUS training and provide quick links to key resources that encourage the use of HAZUS to make our nation safer.

7-10 June


Meet executive deci-sion-makers from all building types to get current with new developments in codes and standards, and fi nd suppliers who can help you achieve safety-related objectives.

Go to to add your event to the calendar.

Enforce the CodesComments in response to the online article

Proposed Addressing Standard Could Boost Emergency Response, which covers how inaccurate addresses cause potentially fatal delays in emergency response, but a pro-posed standard could improve the situation. Read the article at:

All of the computerized gizmos in the world don’t mean a thing until we enforce the existing codes requiring clearly visible address numbers on every structure.

— J. Allen

Twenty-fi ve years ago the Champaign County, Ill., Fire Chiefs Association started a project that did away with rural route box number addressing. Now all addressing is a locatable address instead of “telling only the postal let-ter carrier where the mailbox is.” We converted about 10,000 addresses in our county, which is the size of Rhode Island.

— Tom Harnsberger

Hot TopicCultivating Emergency Managers sparked many

comments online, and here’s what one reader had

to say about the impending shortage of emergency managers and how to groom the next generation. Join the conversation at:

It is extremely diffi cult to break into the [emer-gency management] fi eld. I have been trying for almost three years now with no luck. Local and state offi ces seem to be full of people who have been there for years and don’t plan to leave for even more years. Th ere are few to no entry-level positions. It has become so con-cerning that I am thinking about going back to school for something else. I have learned one thing in this fi eld: You cannot look for the job in your local areas, meaning you can’t wait for the job to come to you. You will have to go to the job and that means relocating. I am cur-rently looking all over the country for positions but so far still no luck.

— Tiffany Barnes

EncouragedComment in response to the interview with

FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate titled Raising the Bar in the March/April issue, in which he dis-cussed ethics, technology and the Haiti earthquake

in a rare one-on-one interview. Read the interview at:

Th is interview was very insightful and encour-aging! Craig Fugate is moving FEMA in the right direction. I do agree that the largest chal-lenge is teaching, on a local level, key stake-holders and players how to “dance” together before disasters happen!

— John Crabtree

Your opinions matter to us. Send letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please list your telephone number for confi rmation. Publication is solely at the discretion of the editors. Emergency Management reserves the right to edit submissions for length.


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Th ere are 27 items on’s list of supplies to incorpo-rate into an emergency kit, divided by recommended supplies (12) and additional items to consider (15). At the All-Hazards, All-Stakeholders Summit on March 25 in Seattle, former FEMA Region VIII Administrator Garry Briese said the cost of these items can exceed $375 and many require replenish-ment, like water and food. He said although many emergency managers take comfort in telling the public to purchase these items, a community’s economic realities need to be consid-ered when emergency supply lists are developed.

“I think we need to continue personal preparedness, abso-lutely, but I want people to work on the top 10 things we want them to have,” Briese said. “I don’t care if they have plastic wrap and duct tape. How do we simplify our message? We’re asking too much and sending mixed messages to the public.”

Some emergency management departments are simpli-fying the process of creating preparedness plans for citizens. Th e Florida Division of Emergency Management’s Web site, www.fl, has an online tool that lays out simple steps to create a family preparedness plan. It prompts resi-dents to enter information about their family, home and pets to create a personalized plan, and then calculates the amount of food and water needed based on the number of household members. Th e Web site also has a user name and password setup so families can return and update their information

as needed. Th is is one way of making the task of creating a preparedness plan simple and interactive.

Th e state also has a business disaster planning tool, which aft er 10 to 15 minutes of entering information, provides steps business owners can take to save time and money on disaster preparedness.

Florida isn’t the only government that’s providing citi-zens with online, interactive disaster planning tools. Boston launched its Family Preparedness Planner online applica-tion (http://hubmaps.cityofb

in 2009, which was built in-house by IT staff . Residents add to the planner information like important locations, such as schools and workplaces, and contact information, and they upload pictures of household members and pets.

“We really wanted to create something that would be easy to use, interactive and quick for average citizens to be able to go and develop their own emergency preparedness plan for their family,” said Donald McGough, director of the Boston Mayor’s Offi ce of Emergency Preparedness, aft er the tool went live.

Residents can download the planner and save it on their personal computers or USB thumb drives, which keeps their information private and easily accessible.

Th ese user-friendly online tools make the process of creating disaster preparedness plans straightforward and streamlined — therefore simplifying the message. k

Simplifying the Message

Point of View

Questions or comments? Please give us your input by contacting our editorial department at [email protected], or visit our Web site at

L E A D , F O L L O W O R G E T O U T O F T H E W A Y .

Best Public Safety/Trade2009 Maggie Award

Some emergency management departments are simplifying the process of creating preparedness plans for citizens.

Elaine PittmanAssociate Editor

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The storm could have been handled better from an emergency management standpoint, according to Peter LaPorte, who headed emergency management for the district under former Mayor Anthony Williams. “I would have run it out of the emergency management agency,” he told The Washington Post.

IT MIGHT SEEM as if 2010 is making its mark as the year of the devastating earthquake, but in reality there hasn’t been an increase in the magnitude or the number of temblors — the difference is that they’re occurring in heavily populated areas.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is trying to set the record straight on its website: “Although it may seem that we are having more earthquakes, earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater have remained fairly constant throughout this century and, according to our records, have actually seemed to decrease in recent years.”

The USGS also attributed the perception of increased earthquakes to its ability to detect more earthquakes using new and more expansive technology. In 1931 there were 350 seismograph stations operating in the world, and now there are more than 4,000 stations that report data using computers and satellites.

In the News

Jan. 3, 2010Solomon IslandsMagnitude 7.1

Jan. 12Port-au-Prince, Haiti Magnitude 7.0Photo courtesy of Chief Mass Commmunication Specialist James G. Pinsky/U.S. Navy

Feb. 27ChileMagnitude 8.8Photo courtesy of Walter D. Mooney/U.S. Geological Survey








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The snowstorm cut power to at least 300,000 homes as trees fell due to the snow’s weight cutting power lines. Blackouts also affected about 250,000 customers in Virginia, New Jersey and New York, according to The New York Times.

After the December 2009 snowstorm that hit Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., was declared a disaster, Obama made Virginia eligible to recover some of the $49 million it requested for storm-related costs like snow removal. In February, the district’s government oversaw the snow-removal operation that included 700 employees, 265 snowplows and trucks, 82 plow routes and 190 cameras monitoring intersections and roads. The district housed about 500 snowplow drivers in hotels to ensure that they didn’t get snowed in at their homes, according to The Washington Post.

April 4MexicoMagnitude 7.2

April 6Sumatra, Indonesia Magnitude 7.7

April 11Spain Magnitude 6.3

April 13China Magnitude 6.9Photo courtesy of GeoEye









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Addressing Standard Could Boost Emergency Response

MORE THAN 300 MILLION U.S. RESIDENTS trust that their addresses are accurate and emergency responders can fi nd their houses when they dial 911. Yet fi re chiefs, 911 coordinators and GIS professionals say the addressing system that’s the foundation of their jurisdictions’ call-routing systems contains potentially dangerous errors and the ordinances that defi ne how addresses are displayed are insuffi cient or not enforced.

To help remedy this problem, in late January, a group led by the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association and the National Emergency Number Association submitted a new addressing standard to promote uniformity in how addresses are assigned, stored and shared between city, county, state and federal government agencies as well as the private sector.

Over the past fi ve years, the group, formally known as the Address Standards Working Group, collected input for the United States Th oroughfare, Landmark and Postal Address Data Standard from more than 400 stakeholders on a public wiki, and the draft standards were posted and commented on by the community.

In March, the Federal Geographic Data Committee Standards Working Group approved public review of the standard’s draft in order “to resolve address data modeling and geoprocessing and to create a comprehensive address data standard, thereby helping to make our national spatial data infrastructure truly national,” according to a statement. Th e committee is accepting comments through June 16.

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EM Bulletin

High-Defi nition Cameras Help California Assess Wildfi res

IN THE LARGEST PROJECT OF ITS KIND in the United States, the U.S. Forest Service and the Califor-nia Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) are testing a program to spot and assess fi res using high-defi nition cameras mounted atop some-times unstaff ed communications towers. Th e goal? “To size up a fi re and be more eff ective in dispatching,” said Bob Patton, the El Dorado National Forest fi re chief.

Using the El Dorado National Forest as its pilot location, three cameras allow Cal Fire dispatchers in the Camino Interagency Command Center to view forest land, better aiding dispatch communications with fi refi ghters.

“We have lookouts with human beings, and a lot of time these lookouts do not have a lot of fi re experi-ence,” said Patton, adding the cameras act as a “second eye” in detection eff orts. “We can use the tool to save money by not launching the aircraft , or by launching and keeping [destroyed] acreage down.”

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15Emergency Management

Interoperability Demonstrations Showcase Emergency Data Exchange Language Standards

THE U.S. DEPARTMENT of Homeland Security (DHS), FEMA and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, teamed with Oasis — a nonprofi t international consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards — to demonstrate the interoperability of information-sharing products enabled by the new Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) standards.

Oasis members used a simulated emergency situation to show-case the response capabilities of products utilizing these standards and the value to the practitioner and ultimately the public.

“Th e creation of the EDXL suite of standards is a breakthrough in standards development and capability,” said David Boyd, direc-tor of the DHS’ Command, Control and Interoperability (CCI) Division. “Th ey will improve the capabilities and success of emer-gency responders daily, and CCI is proud to have participated on their development.”

Th e demonstrations exhibited the suite of EDXL standards in alignment with the National Information Exchange Model Infor-mation Exchange Package Documentation. Open, nonproprietary and available at no cost, EDXL standards create a new approach to standards use and deployment. Th e standards make use of exist-ing eff orts and protocols, creating tools scalable from the local to the federal level.

Th e suite of EDXL standards includes: • Common Alerting Protocol — provides the ability to exchange all-hazards emergency

alerts, notifi cations and public warnings, which can be disseminated simultaneously over multiple devices and warning systems.

• Distribution Element — provides a fl exible message-distribution framework for data sharing in emergency information systems. Messages may be distributed by specifi c

recipients, a geographic area or other codes such as agency type.• Hospital Availability Exchange — specifi es a document format

that allows communication of the hospital’s status, its services and resources, including bed capacity and availability, emergency department status and available service coverage. Th is assists hos-pital coordination and routing of patients to the right facilities for care during emergencies.

• Resource Messaging — describes a suite of standard XML mes-sages for data sharing among emergency and other information systems that deal with requesting and providing emergency equip-ment, supplies, people and teams.

Capabilities include information sharing among emergency responder agencies for purposes such as providing alerts and warn-ings, requesting and tracking resources, and sharing situational awareness. Th e demonstration illustrated a method of information sharing with multiple vendor systems sharing information.

Working with scenario details provided by the federal agencies, the interoperability demonstrations showcased how standards can be used for hazardous materials dispatch, Emergency Alert System notices, weather radio alerts and transportation of injured fi refi ght-ers to appropriately equipped hospitals.






















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17Emergency Management

Recordings of 911 calls gone awry have been played repeatedly by broadcast media and published verbatim by print media. Some-

times blamed on outdated technology, other times on the call-taker, these phone calls highlight two of the common problems associated with 911.

Technology and call-taker standards and training vary by state and locality, where counties and cities, even those next to one another, sometimes have varying requirements. To make matters worse, the current fi scal environment,

where governments at all levels are feeling pain, is forcing some states to raid surcharges collected to pay for new 911 technologies in order to fund other initiatives. Other states are stifl ed by companies that provide emergency call center equipment that doesn’t connect with other vendors, therefore impeding the move toward next-generation 911.

From this two questions arise: Should 911 call-takers and technology be subject to national standards? And how can the nation get states to stop redirecting their 911 funds?

Nationwide RecognitionTh ere are more than 6,180 public safety

answering points (PSAPs) in the United States — the local centers that handle calls to 911. Th e call-takers and technology working in them are the fi rst level of response when someone dials those crucial three numbers to report an emer-gency. Because of the varying standards for call-takers across state and local governments, it’s nearly impossible to identify a specifi c, all-encompassing issue or problem, but there is a movement to identify best practices for the fi eld.

In April 2009, the Association of Public-Safety Communications Offi cials (APCO)

created the Professional Communications Human Resource Taskforce (PRO-CHRT) to identify human resource issues related to public safety communications professionals. PRO-CHRT wants to establish consistency nation-wide for call-takers and is working to identify how training standards vary at the state level. “Th e overall goal for the task force is for public safety communicators and dispatchers to be recognized as a profession, to be taken seri-ously,” said Kimberly Burdick, a PRO-CHRT subchair. “Th e type of work that dispatchers do

is every bit as important as a nurse or doctor except that there just isn’t the professional recognition out there for dispatchers like there is for other professions.”

Task force members sent a questionnaire to each state requesting information about its training, such as if the state has legislation that requires call-taker certifi cation. “But there are many states that don’t have any requirements, and then there are states that have volunteer certifi cation,” said Burdick, who is also the 911 communications manager for the Chouteau County (Mont.) Sheriff ’s Offi ce.

Standards can vary even more. North Caro-lina has a required certifi cation model for call-takers who work under a sheriff , but those working in the realms of emergency manage-ment, fi re or police aren’t included. “Th at’s one of the things that we want to change,” said Richard Taylor, executive director of the North Carolina 911 Board, who also said he’d like to see these issues addressed nationally.

“One thing I would like to see is a certifi ca-tion process for all 911 call-takers that trains them, so whether they’re in Los Angeles, New York or Jones County, N.C., everybody has

the same kind of training to be answering 911 calls,” he said. “It’s scary when you hear 911 calls being played on the news where a call went bad, and you hear fundamental things that if they had received proper training, possibly that call could have gone diff erently.”

Th is could be implemented all the way down to how 911 calls are answered, Taylor added. If there were a systematic set of questions asked by call-takers nationwide, it would be easier to educate the public about what questions will be asked and why.

Th e variance in call-taker standards also has led some organizations, like APCO and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), to support the creation of national requirements. “If you think about it, would you allow a police offi cer, fi refi ghter or paramedic to function in the fi eld without at least a minimum set of standardized training? You wouldn’t,” said Craig Whittington, NENA president and the 911 and special projects coordinator for Guil-ford Metro 911 in Greensboro, N.C. “Th en why in the world would you let the fi rst link in the most critical part of the system — the contact directly between the citizen and the fi eld responder — not have the same training?”

But it’s unclear who would enforce such stan-dard. Ken Lowden, executive director of the Indiana Wireless Enhanced 911 Advisory Board, thinks that the federal government could identify broad, minimum standards or specify areas that require training, but that it should remain a local issue. “I’ve been in government an awfully long time and the one thing I don’t think government does — and I don’t care where you are in govern-ment — we don’t do a very good job in very large projects most of the time,” he said. Implementing

17Emergency Management



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a federal requirement in the nation’s 6,000-plus PSAPs would constitute a very large project. Lowden added that sometimes projects must be jump-started at the federal level, but it shouldn’t set the fi nal mandates.

Supporting LocalitiesIn 2005, Tennessee’s General Assembly put

call-taker and dispatcher training under the

state Emergency Communications Board’s purview, and it set requirements modeled aft er APCO’s public safety telecommunicator stan-dards. Because training is a high priority for the board, it recently started a $2 million program to help districts pay for the training, said Lynn Questell, executive director of the board. Th e training includes at least 40 hours of supervised on-the-job training and 40 hours of public safety communications course work within the fi rst six months of employment.

“We feel it’s an extremely high priority and the board does not like to do unfunded mandates,” she said, “so the board dug deep and found some funding for dispatcher training. We’re really proud of that.”

Not all states off er monetary support for call-taker training. Montana requires new employees to attend a 40-hour course at the law enforce-ment academy within the fi rst 12 months of work. However, Burdick said, local agencies must foot the bill. She would like to see that developed into an 80-hour course, but added that training doesn’t usually end with the state-required course. Chouteau County’s training period is

640 hours and includes emergency medical dispatcher (EMD) certifi cation — another aspect of 911 call-taking that varies by agency.

EMD training certifi es the call-taker or dispatcher to provide medical information and prearrival instructions over the phone before fi rst responders arrive on the scene. “It’s not enough that a communicator knows CPR. Just knowing CPR doesn’t qualify you to give instructions,” Whittington said. “Being an EMD and knowing CPR is like champagne and water — totally diff erent ends of the spectrum.”

Taylor also said it should be a national standard for call-takers to receive training to give medical instructions over the phone, for example, to a woman in labor or even someone with a gunshot wound. “We need to have that capability globally across the United States and not just in those 911 centers that have the privilege of having a few extra dollars for that type of service,” he said.

Raiding the 911 CoffersAs with most government projects, funding

is the main barrier to implementing new tech-nologies for 911 call centers and PSAPs. Every state collects a monthly 911 surcharge from wireless and landline phone customers, which ranges from about 20 cents to $2.50, according to a NENA report. Th e money is collected to enhance 911 technologies at the PSAPs. However, the recession has led some states to raid their 911 coff ers to fund other projects.

“Th e unfortunate thing is there is really no fi rm stick that would ‘disincent’ a state from raiding its 911 funds,” said Brian Josef, director of regulatory aff airs for CTIA-Th e Wireless Association. “While they may lose some federal funding [by raiding the coff ers], oft en what we’ve seen is a state raiding the 911 fund is taking much more out of that fund than they end up losing in federal grants. So in these economic times, we understand the situation that states may be facing, but they’re robbing their constituents of eff ective 911 service.”

When jurisdictions use money from their 911 fund for other initiatives, the federal government can withhold 911 funding. Some are making changes to their funds to try to avoid the penalty.

According to Dispatch Magazine, a Wisconsin Legislature joint committee amended a bill to change the name of the surcharge from “911 fee” to the “police and fi re protection fee” in June 2009 to avoid confl ict with the federal legislation. New York changed the description of its surcharge from “911” to “public safety communications,” Th e Buff alo News reported, and it was raised from 70 cents to $1.20 in 2002. Th e surcharge generated about $600 million in 15 years, but only $84 million was distrib-uted to municipalities that operate 911 centers, according to the newspaper.

“We have states out there that are diverting tens of millions of dollars from 911 funds to go into other pots, such as buying vehicles, guns, uniforms and equipment for fi rst responders,” said NENA’s Whittington. “Th e funds were created to fund 911 centers; we have 911 centers out there with woefully outdated equipment and even the ones with the best equipment need to be preparing for next-generation 911.”

As of press time, NENA was preparing a letter for Congress asking for congressional intervention to stop states from diverting 911

The Association of Public-Safety Communications Offi cials (APCO) created Project 33 (P33) in the ’90s, when the industry lacked training standards for telecommunicators and public safety communications offi cers. Although many people refer to P33 as the standard for 911 call-takers, it encompasses the minimum training standards for all the positions that can be found in public safety communications, said Amanda Byrd, special projects manager for APCO. And the association is expanding its selection of communications training standardseven further with its 2010 revision.

“Because there are so many agencies out there that are consolidated or only do law enforcement dispatch or do 911 call taking and dispatch the fi re but not law enforcement, the new version that’s coming out actually addresses a section for each of these functions,” Byrd said. “So depending on how the agency is set up, what kind of positions they have and if their offi cers are cross-trained, then they would need to meet the training requirements for the call-taker and then whatever services they provide. They confi gure it to their needs.”

The deadline to have received P33 training certifi cation for the 2007 standards was April 1, and going forward states and localities must comply with the 2010 standards.

Job-Driven Standards

The standards for 911 call-takers and dispatchers vary throughout the nation, and some believe a federal standard should regulate their certifi cation.











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funds, he said. Th e CTIA, NENA and APCO come together when they hear that a governor might raid a state’s 911 fees. “In some cases we’ve been successful at getting them to back off , and I know that in Maryland the governor, aft er announcing intentions to raid, has not taken those funds,” Josef said. “But in other states, they need the money and really there’s nothing to sway them from that.”

Ever-Evolving Technology Th e history of 911 is a long one, but to put

it in perspective, President Lyndon Johnson’s

Commission on Law Enforcement and Admin-istration of Justice recommended in 1967 that there should be a single number for people to call to reach police departments and that this number should eventually be used nationwide. In 1968, AT&T designated 911 as its universal emergency number, and the FCC recom-mended in 1972 that the number be used across the U.S. In 1974, the federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration funded a program to test the cost and benefi ts of an enhanced 911 (E911) program in Alameda County, Calif.,

which used selective routing — the capability to route a call to a specifi c PSAP.

Th e proliferation of cell phones has created the need for new technologies in 911 centers because people assume that call-takers auto-matically know their phone number and loca-tion, which isn’t always true. As of December 2009, 285.6 million U.S. residents used cell phones and 22.7 percent of U.S. households were wireless only, meaning they lack a landline telephone, which for decades was the main way people called 911, according to the CTIA.

PSAPs and wireless network carriers have been implementing E911 technology that will provide call-takers with the wireless caller’s phone number and estimated location. Th e Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 required the implementation of E911, to be executed in two phases.

Phase I required wireless carriers to provide the PSAP with the telephone number of the 911 caller and the location of the cell site or base station receiving the call. Phase II required the carriers to provide Automatic Location Identifi cation, which identifi es the address or geographic location of the calling device within 300 meters; this was to be completed by the end of 2005. Local call centers have upgraded or are in the process of upgrading their tech-nology to use the data provided by E911. However, in February 2010 NENA found that about 10 percent of the nation’s PSAPs hadn’t installed the equipment to use that information. Th e issue once again comes back to funding: According to a U.S. General Accountability Offi ce report, “Not all states have implemented a funding mechanism for wireless E911, and of those that have, some have redirected E911 funds to unrelated uses.”

Consumer technology is pushing the evolu-tion of 911 technology even further. Popular technologies like text messaging, photos and videos and the need to transfer calls and data between PSAPs has led to the need for next-generation 911, which will run off statewide

public safety IP networks. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration, “Th e next-generation 911 initiative will establish the foundation for public emergency services in this wireless environment and enable an enhanced 911 system compatible with any communications device.”

Many consider Indiana a leader in the next-generation 911 initiative. It has a statewide IP network that’s based on a redundant high-speed fi ber network. “We have an IP network that is dedicated solely to 911,” Lowden said. “We have all the counties that we can connected to it and the ability to transfer both voice and data.”

Indiana’s PSAPs have been connected to the IP network for about three years, except those that are served by AT&T. He said the AT&T counties aren’t connected because the company does a straight lease of PSAP equipment to the localities, which means it retains full control of the equipment and it refused the Indiana Wire-less Enhanced 911 Advisory Board connec-tivity to its equipment. Counties that work with other vendors buy the equipment or do a lease

A (Brief) History of 911February 1967 President Lyndon Johnson’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice recommended a nationwide single phone number to reach police.

January 1968 AT&T designated 911 as its universal emergency number.

Feb. 16, 1968 Alabama Speaker of the House Rankin Fite made the fi rst 911 call from the Haleyville City Hall to U.S. Rep. Tom Bevill at the city’s police station.

1972 The FCC recommended that 911 be implemented nationwide.

1970s Alameda County, Calif., tests the fi rst pilot project for selective routing of 911 calls. The service was operational in July 1978.

Oct. 26, 1999 President Bill Clinton signed SB 800 designating 911 as the nationwide emergency telephone number.

— Source: Dispatch Magazine

Workers at the 911 fi re dispatch at the Emergency Operations Center in Pensacola, Fla., with former Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge.











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The Association of Public-Safety Communications Offi cials created the Professional Communications Human Resource Taskforce (PRO-CHRT) to identify human resource issues that affect public safety communicators and dispatchers. Kimberly Burdick, a PRO-CHRT subchair, said states recognize 911 call-takers differently. In Montana they fall under the statute for public safety communications offi cers, but some states consider them to be fi rst responders. “There’s a lot of deviation across the board and what we’re trying to do is get some consistency for all dispatchers in all states,” Burdick said.

In Montana, she is the 911 communications manager for the Chouteau County Sheriff’s Offi ce, and got involved in human resource issues when she and Susan Bomstad tried to get 20-year retirement legislation for dispatchers during the 2009 Legislature. The legislation didn’t pass, but their work will help the task force, which hopes to develop a wealth of information where states can go to fi nd information on different initiatives.

“We would like to compile information from all the states to have a clearinghouse where people from other states and agencies can say this is how they did it, this gives me a great idea and these are the steps that we’re going to take to pursue that type of legislation,” Burdick said.

Developing Consistencypurchase on it, so they control any changes

made to it.Lowden said calls can be transferred to the

AT&T counties, but they must pass through the company’s router, which causes them to lose the digital advantage. “If there’s a Verizon county next door, they can’t transfer the call out of the AT&T network into a Verizon territory,” he said. “Once the call is inside the AT&T network it has to stay there.” Th is can impede public safety because additional information, like the caller’s location and phone number, won’t be transferred to a PSAP operating on another vendor’s equipment — just the person’s voice — therefore eliminating the benefi ts of E911.

Indiana isn’t the only state to run into provider-related hurdles. “In North Carolina, we have three major telephone companies that are 911 service providers: CenturyLink, AT&T and Verizon,” Taylor said. “And just in the county that I’m sitting in right now, Wake County, all three of those companies operate. We cannot transfer voice and data from the centers in Wake County to another center because one operates under AT&T, one under CenturyLink and one under Verizon.”

He said the companies lack interconnection agreements to exchange information, which is fundamental in next-generation 911. However, similar to the situation in Indiana, North Caro-lina has found AT&T to be the most chal-lenging to work with, Taylor said. “Companies like AT&T will absolutely refuse to allow us to have those interconnections agreements,” he said. “In fact, they have gone through all kinds of lawsuits and not just in our state, but in other states, trying to keep other companies from being able to connect into their system.”

“AT&T is committed to doing our part to make next-generation 911 available across the country,” said an AT&T spokesperson. “We work closely with public safety answering points to ensure that customers are provided with the most advanced and reliable emergency communications services. In addition, we continue to engage in the timely resolution of interconnection negotiations for the provision of competitive 911 service.”

Regulations from the FCC would help alle-viate this vendor-driven problem for sharing calls and data across PSAPs that operate on diff erent systems. Lowden said national require-ments about technology are nice to think about

but he doesn’t think it would work from a prac-tical standpoint. “I think 911 should be a local, interstate issue,” he said.

It will be interesting to see how 911 stan-dards and possibly federally mandated regula-tions change in the future. Taylor summed up the future of public safety communications this way: “911 is no longer local; even though response is local, the ability to access is no longer local and is very much global. And for everyone working on the 911 issue, whether you’ve been doing it for one year or 25 years, we have to come up with a totally new look at what we’re doing each and every day. … We’ve got to focus on the future and not on the past.” k

23Emergency Management

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Jacqueline McBride’s life has been defi ned by disasters. When she was a baby, neck-high waters forced her father to carry her over his head while evacuating during

a devastating fl ash fl ood. Then in May 1963 as a preteen, McBride lost her father, a commercial fi sherman, to the Delaware Bay.





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25Emergency Management 25Emergency Management

Jacqueline McBride coordinated fi eld personnel during the response to 9/11.

















































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Fast-forward to the future: While working for FEMA as a liaison to faith- and commu-nity-based organizations during the response to hurricanes Katrina and Rita, McBride came to a realization. “When I was an infant with my father carrying me out and holding me above the water, it was sort of like a dedication to what my life would be,” she said. “Of course, I didn’t realize it at that age, but it wasn’t until then that I was given that epiphany — aha, wow! — to be blessed enough to come here with a purpose.”

Her realization in 2005 came aft er more than 20 years of devotion to emergency manage-ment that began professionally in 1983 when she became the deputy director/coordinator of New Jersey’s Atlantic City Offi ce of Emergency Management.

Th at position didn’t exist in civil service at the time, however, so she didn’t get the typical benefi ts package of a public servant. But McBride urged that the job be elevated into the public sector, even if it meant reassigning the job to another candidate based on test scores. Her supervisor contacted the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, which created a test for the position. She ranked the highest out of the applicants and worked in the offi ce for 15 years.

Th at’s how McBride sees challenges — as opportunities to use her knowledge and skills.

Her experience and grit served her well as acting deputy director/coordinator of the Atlantic County Offi ce of Emergency Manage-ment and facilitated her selection in 1995 to join FEMA. McBride served in FEMA’s External Aff airs and Individual Assistance cadres and is

currently a disaster assistance employee (DAE) for FEMA Region II.

“Without the women’s movement, the civil rights movement and social justice movement, a lot of us wouldn’t be at the place in time we are now in terms of the roles and positions we hold,” McBride said. “I stand on the shoulders of the people who have gone before me, and having parents who encouraged and demanded that we become educated and serve our community.”

Diversifying Emergency Management

McBride has been promoting diversity in the emergency management fi eld since the ’80s. In 1984, the White House held a confer-ence on women in fi re services and emergency management, and she was in awe of the 100 or so women from across the country who convened to discuss issues related to their roles. Th e conference was one driver that pushed her to write a position paper to FEMA’s Offi ce of Equal Rights 25 years ago. “My real purpose was to encourage recruitment and representation of women, persons with disabilities and, in partic-ular, people of color as emergency managers,” she said. “And to make recommendations of how we could go about doing that with FEMA serving as the lead agency.”

Included in her recommendations were that FEMA build a relationship with the nation’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and set up mentoring programs to encourage students to enter the emergency management fi eld. Since submitting the letter,

McBride said some of her recommendations have materialized. While responding to four consecutive storms on the Atlantic Coast in 2004, McBride met Vincent Brown, a senior program specialist in FEMA’s Risk Analysis Division and the FEMA liaison to the White House HBCU Initiative.

Aft er the storm season was over, Brown developed a project at FEMA headquarters to work with HBCUs and inform them about emergency management and mitigation. McBride joined the planning team and partici-pated in the third workshop, which took place at Southern University. “Th at was another epiphany moment for me,” she said, “something that I had dreamed of and advocated for, and I was able to see it come to fruition.”

In continuing her quest for knowledge, McBride worked toward a doctorate in public administration in 1987 — but she wanted more. Th ere weren’t any degree programs in emer-gency management at the time, so she got her public administration doctorate with a special-ization in emergency management.

In 1990, McBride researched (by surveying members of the International Association of Emergency Managers) and completed the fi rst emergency managers and leadership disser-tation in the United States. “It focused on the leadership and the use of power that local emer-gency managers perceive that they have — and their roles in relationship to media, public offi -cials, and administrative and litigation issues,” she said.

Of a Mind to ServeMcBride has been involved in response eff orts

to large-scale disasters still fresh in the public’s mind. In 1998, she responded to Hurricane Georges in Puerto Rico, which killed 206 people and caused $6 billion in damages. In 2001, she was part of the response to 9/11, which was “an experience no one will ever forget.” Because there was no available transportation, McBride drove with a group to New York City from New Jersey, and as they arrived in the city, they were met by empty streets and highways.

“I remember staying in north New Jersey overnight, and then the next day, driving and just saying, ‘Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.’” She was FEMA’s deputy coordinator and the fi eld communications chief who coordi-nated fi eld personnel.

• Deputy director/coordinator of the Atlantic City Offi ce of Emergency Management in New Jersey

• Acting deputy director/coordinator of the Atlantic County Offi ce of Emergency Management

• Disaster assistance employee of FEMA’s Region II

• Former president of the International Association of Emergency Managers Region II

• Served on the FEMA National Credentialing Committee since 1999

• Instructor at the Center for Domestic Preparedness


Jacqueline McBride is a disaster assistance employee for FEMA Region II. In this photo she is with FEMA Region II Deputy Director Michael Moriarty.











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27Emergency Management

During Katrina in 2005, McBride worked as the lead of community relations at a shelter in Kentucky run by the state and the American Red Cross. “What was rewarding about that experi-ence was helping those people remain calm and giving them a sense of hope that this soon will be over and they will be able to return home.”

During the response, she took on any role necessary to help, whether that meant sweeping the fl oors or wheel chairing someone to the

staging area to be transported home. “Just doing whatever needed to be done to make people’s lives comfortable away from home — that is what I call the servant attitude,” she said. “You don’t have to be the lead, you don’t have to be sitting behind a desk — sometimes the best service rendered is when you can work one-on-one with people to give them encour-agement and hope.”

When representatives from FEMA’s head-quarters in Washington, D.C., descend on a disaster, they oft en work under the reign of DAEs, like McBride. “Th ey’re the ones who make it happen out there,” Brown said, later adding, “She is maybe the most capable DAE I’ve ever come across.”

Embrace Your Community McBride’s passion is to include faith- and

community-based organizations in emergency management. She said emergency managers

must have a pulse on their community — knowing where the diverse populations are located. Th en they must start building rela-tionships with community leaders and look beyond the mainstream organizations that likely have ties to national organizations. “We need to look at the grass-roots organizations because those persons from vulnerable popu-lations do have barriers,” she said. “Some of it could be a disability in terms of preparing for,

responding to, recovering from, and mitigating and preventing disasters.”

McBride recommended setting up training programs to inform the organizations how they can work with community volunteers. Adding a state, local or county offi cial who serves as a liaison between the faith- and community-based organizations is another viable step. “Let’s look at Haiti: Your fi rst responders are faith- and community-based organizations,” she said. “So it’s essential for us to educate, equip and empower these organizations so they can help the survivors in all phases of emergency management.”

She’s also worked with United Way in various capacities through the years, most recently to bring the faith-based communities into Atlantic County’s Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), said Fran Wise, director of community investment and part-nerships for United Way of Atlantic County.

“We have a strong VOAD that brings together a lot of diff erent entities in the community,” Wise said. “Sometimes people would reach out to their church looking for assistance aft er a disaster, so it’s a really great resource.”

Whether it’s in her everyday life or while working in the fi eld, McBride said she wants to help develop the people around her. When working in a key position during disaster response, she tries to have someone else work her role for a day — allowing that person to get training during a disaster.

And for people interested in getting involved in emergency management, McBride recommended they fi nd a mentor. Seek out all available training and learn everything about the trade, like enrolling in a qualifying degree program.

To work in the fi eld also requires a spirit for service. McBride said there are situations that can cause a person’s heart to break, like loss of life or property, and people will look to the DAE for hope. Disaster response requires someone who is sincere and passionate. “We’re talking about people whose lives have been totally disrupted,” she said. “When you can walk up to someone and you can see and feel the pain from loss, whether it be of a loved one or all their personal possessions, and when you can take a tear or a frown and turn it into a smile, it’s all worth it.”

Friends and family members frequently ask why she does this line of work. “It’s because it’s my calling; it is my calling.” k

Midwest Floods

Hurricane Georges, Puerto Rico


Super Typhoon Pongsona, Guam

California Wildfi res

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008































Midwest Floods








































Hurricanes Gustav and Ike











Curriculum VitaeJacqueline McBride has held management and leadership positions during the response to the above large-scale disasters.















































































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Since Katrina, the private sector has joined hands with the public sector during disasters. W

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29Emergency Management

The October 2007 Southern California wildfi res were a severe test of the state’s emergency management capabilities. While 1,500 homes were destroyed and

more than 500,000 acres of land burned, almost half a million people were evacuated from their homes. Th e devastating fi res were also a test of the state’s new emphasis on public-private part-nerships in disaster response.

As the fi res began burning across Southern California on Oct. 20, Peter Ohtaki, executive director of the California Resiliency Alliance, and Jill Rulon, senior vice president of the California Grocers Association, made their way to the State Operations Center (SOC) in Sacramento, Calif., to serve as liaisons between the state emergency management team and their member business organizations.

As representatives of the business community, Ohtaki and Rulon were given access to situation reports twice a day and distributed the highlights to partner business organizations and companies via e-mail. Th ey also relayed requests for information from partners.

D A V I D R A T H S | C O N T R I B U T I N G W R I T E R

Working TogetherPH








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“One bank requested the evacuation areas by ZIP code so they could assess the impact on employees and customers to put mortgage payment forgiveness in place,” Ohtaki said. “So we were able to put that information together for them.” Th ere were many questions about the impact on utilities in San Diego County, and representatives of the California Utilities Emergency Association also were in the SOC to share information on the power grid’s status.

Rulon worked with suppliers to send food and 300,000 bottles of water to the shelters that needed them most.

“Th ere was lots of media attention on Qual-comm Stadium, so many organizations just sent relief aid there, but actually there were many other shelters that needed aid directed to them,” Ohtaki said. “What went wrong during Katrina went right during those wildfi res. People gener-ously donating food and supplies were much better directed.”

Th e Change Aft er Katrina If 9/11 was a cruel awakening to the fact that

the United States needed to beef up its domestic security, Hurricane Katrina was the water-shed moment when people realized that emer-gency management offi cials couldn’t respond adequately to major disasters without better coordinating eff orts with the private sector. And during Katrina, corporations such as Wal-Mart and other large retailers used their sophisticated logistics infrastructure to help communities bounce back.

“Katrina was a wake-up call to governments that they couldn’t handle the response them-selves,” said Lynne Kidder, senior vice president for public-private partnerships at the Busi-ness Executives for National Security (BENS). “Th ere were a lot of ‘Aha!’ moments during Katrina — for nongovernmental organizations, private businesses and civic leadership.”

By improving communications with govern-ment agencies, private utilities can speed the repair of power, water and other services. An association of grocers can access its network to provide food, water and other supplies to emer-gency responders and evacuation centers.

Since 2002, BENS has been working to help establish partnerships between emergency management teams and businesspeople with an interest in the community’s resilience. It has established organizations in New Jersey, Georgia, Kansas, California, Iowa and Colorado.

“Before Katrina, this was really a hard sell,” Kidder said. “Th e business people would say it wasn’t their job, and the government leaders would say they’ve got this under control. Th at all really changed aft er Katrina.”

Th e drive to improve communications with the private sector has been under way in Cali-fornia for several years.

Legislation that passed in 2005 directed government agencies to set up a voluntary program to integrate private businesses and nonprofi t organizations into governmental disaster planning programs. In 2006, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-04-06, which called on the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) to formally make the private sector part of the

During the response to Hurricane Katrina, Wal-Mart provided trucks and drivers to support relief operations.


The California Emergency Management Agency has signed memorandums of understanding with organizations like the California Grocers Association, the California Utilities Emergency Association and Wal-Mart Stores Inc.















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state’s disaster response system. Cal EMA has signed memorandums of understanding with groups like the California Grocers Association, the California Utilities Emergency Association, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Target Corp.

Th e eff ort has two main goals, said Tina Curry, assistant secretary of Cal EMA’s Planning, Protec-tion and Preparedness Division. One is to help businesses that have a statewide presence get more situational awareness; the other is to improve resource sharing. Many statewide businesses have sophisticated infrastructure for dealing with disasters and a lot to off er, she said. “Th e name of the game is becoming more effi cient and prompt at prioritizing which things are needed urgently and which can wait. Th at’s why we have devel-oped a Business and Utilities Operations Center in our Emergency Operations Center, ” Curry said. “Every disaster is diff erent and a dynamic situa-tion. We need that ongoing dialog.”

Wal-Mart’s Role One private-sector player that contributed

during the wildfi re response was retail giant

Wal-Mart. With huge truckloads of supplies being sent to Qualcomm Stadium, Wal-Mart volunteered logistical staff to unload and distribute goods.

“Wal-Mart is good at supply-chain issues,” said David Henry, the company’s emergency preparedness and planning manager. “We get the right product to the right place at the right time.”

Th e company has an emergency management department with positions that mirror those in public-sector emergency management hierar-chies. It also has a 40-seat Emergency Opera-tions Center (EOC). “We have subject-matter experts focused on potential disruptions, such as interstate closures or snowstorms, every day,” Henry explained. “Our emergency management department is good at rallying those experts in transportation, logistics and store operations, and making sure they have up-to-date situ-ational awareness to make decisions.”

In 2008, the company played an active role in Texas during Hurricane Ike. In response to the storm, which damaged 79 stores and impacted more than 60,000 Wal-Mart employees, the

retailer donated $2.5 million in cash and merchandise, and provided trucks and drivers to support relief operations.

Just as important, Henry said, was its eff ort to get stores reopened as quickly as possible to return communities to a sense of normalcy.

“We had a map in our EOC of the southern part of Texas,” he said. “In the immediate aft ermath of the storm, we gave the state GIS folks the location of all open stores in the state, and they plotted those along with the current points of emergency supply distribution. Anywhere they were within fi ve miles of each other, they realized they could close a point of distribution. Th at’s the kind of coordination that can really help.”

BENS Nurtures PartnershipsOhtaki’s group, the California Resiliency

Alliance (CRA), started as the Bay Area BENS chapter and recently became a stand-alone nonprofi t organization. A sister organization, the Homeland Security Advisory Council, plays a similar role in Southern California.

Aidmatrix: A Matchmaking PortalPerhaps one of the best and most successful examples of applying private-sector

expertise and agility to disaster response is the Aidmatrix Foundation. Established in 2000 with technology created by supply chain management software company i2 Technologies, Aidmatrix uses a Web portal to conduct matchmaking between donors and relief organizations involving the tracking, warehousing, transportation and distribution of products and services.

Aidmatrix, which has already been used in 20 major U.S. disasters, developed partnerships with FEMA and 46 states. For instance, during the Iowa fl ooding, a carpet manufacturer in California was going to dispose of some remnant material in a landfi ll, but then he realized he could offer to donate it through Iowa’s Aidmatrix portal. Habitat for Humanity responded online that it could use those remnants in its efforts to help house people. Representatives from UPS could see the donation made online and volunteer to donate the transportation costs. “This all occurs almost instantaneously,” said Scott McCallum, president and CEO of Aidmatrix and former governor of Wisconsin.

The matchmaking activity ensures that supplies get to where they are most needed, he said. “One problem is that many of the things people try to offer in the immediate aftermath of a disaster are really secondary,” McCallum said. “The perfect example is that in response to Sept. 11, people sent warehouses’ worth of material that were not needed or used.” And huge numbers of people wanted to go to Haiti to help following the January earthquake, even though they didn’t have an affi liation or needed skill. “So the upside is how generous people can be,” he said, “but the downside is that no matter how well intentioned, they can sometimes be ineffective or get in the way.”

Adding private-sector strategies to disaster management can benefi t companies and those managing the disaster recovery. “We can apply this supply-chain technology used every day in the private sector,” he said. “We have the expertise and training to reconfi gure it to each specifi c disaster in a short amount of time.”







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Approximately 50 companies and business organizations are CRA members. Th at may not sound like many, but some of those member organizations pull in leaders from multiple companies, such as the Bay Area Response Coalition, which is a coalition of leaders from the fi nancial sector. Other CRA members include representatives from the Business Recovery Managers Association and the Asso-ciation of Contingency Planners. “It is really a ‘network of networks’ approach,” Ohtaki said.

BENS’ Kidder said building a self-sustaining partnership such as the CRA is a challenge. Some have been formed around a single event or an exercise, and then faded away once it was over.

“We have learned they have to be built from the ground up. We can’t develop a single model, bring it in and impose it on a region, nor can the federal government,” she said, adding, “In order to become sustainable, it must be locally owned and managed and set its own priorities.”

From Wal-Mart’s perspective, the informa-tion fl ow with these groups is improving, Henry said. In some states, such as Texas, the company works directly with state offi cials and has access to the EOC. In other states, it works through groups like the Florida Retail Federation or a BENS. Henry said Wal-Mart would like to see more uniformity in how these groups commu-nicate with the public sector. “We see so many diff erent models because we work in 50 states and see 50 diff erent ways of doing it.”

Kidder pointed to the Safeguard Iowa Part-nership (SIP) as one of the most robust and

eff ective eff orts in the country. “Th e business community in Iowa has really bought into it,” she said, “and that is the key to eff ectiveness and sustainability.”

Jami Haberl, SIP’s executive director, said the organization had only been in existence a year when serious fl ooding hit Iowa in June 2008. During a fl ood, emergency offi cials are extremely busy and don’t have time to be fully engaged with businesses. Her presence in the EOC provides them “one-stop shopping” for private industry, she said.

Besides coordinating the donations of bottled water and plastic sheeting for sandbag-ging, Haberl e-mailed SIP partners with regular updates from inside the EOC. “If they have to make a decision about evacuating an offi ce building, they don’t have to rely on reports from the media,” she said. “Or if they have an issue, they can pick up the phone and call me.”

She said during the fl oods, trucking compa-nies got access to up-to-date information from the Department of Transportation about the best routes into and out of Cedar Rapids. “Th at is critical because one of our goals is to make sure there is still stuff on store shelves,” Haberl said.

Iowa government offi cials were active part-ners in the development of SIP. “We began to see that if the businesses don’t survive, the commu-nity wouldn’t bounce back,” said David Miller,

administrator of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division. “And the businesses saw that if the community suff ered, its employees couldn’t come back to work. So it was in the interest of both to get the whole community back up and running.”

Miller said state offi cials were also driven by the recognition that 65 to 80 percent of critical infrastructure, whether in communications, banking or energy, is privately owned. “We need to understand their emergency response eff orts,” he said, “and we need to share informa-tion more actively.”

He said Haberl played a key role in the 2008 fl ood response. “She understood how we worked because she had a public health background, and she could translate that information to business groups. She could give us information from companies about what might be threat-ened by fl ooding and why it was important.”

Th e SIP has teamed with the state to develop an online business resource registry for private-sector volunteer or for-hire assets, Haberl said. “Our biggest goal now is strategic planning about how best to deal with the upcoming fl ood season,” she added. “We are working on solidi-fying our communications approach to help mitigate the impact of a fl ood.” k

David Raths is a Philadelphia-based writer for Government Technology, Public CIO and Emergency Management magazines.















Wal-Mart has aided the response to large-scale disasters including Hurricane Ike in 2008.

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Education Directory


Emergency Management and Homeland Security Certificate Programs

Institution Contact Phone E-Mail

American University of Puerto Rico Rosabel Vazquez (787) 620-1032 [email protected]

Barton Community College Bill Nash (785) 238-8550 [email protected]

Blair College Don Collins (719) 574-1082

Bryman College San Jose North Alan Pruitt (408) 246-4171

California University of Pennsylvania Charles P. Nemeth (724) 597-7400 [email protected]

Center for Homeland Defense & Security Office for Domestic Preparedness Kevin Saupp [email protected]

Columbus State Community College Tracy Lamar-Nickoli (614) 287-2681 [email protected]

Columbus State Community College J.R. Thomas (614) 287-2681 [email protected]

Community College of Denver Public Security Management John Belcastro (303) 556-2485 [email protected]

Corinthian Colleges Inc. Academic Affairs Daniel Byram (714) 427-3000 ext. 201 [email protected]

Cumberland County College Charles Kocher (856) 691-8600 ext. 277 [email protected]

Curry College Steve Belaief (617) 333-0500 [email protected]

Delgado Community College Patrick Cote (504) 361-6246 [email protected]

Fairleigh Dickinson University Off-Campus Credit Program Ronald Calissi (202) 692-6520 [email protected]

George Washington University Greg Shaw (202) 991-6736 [email protected]

Georgetown Public Policy Institute Virginia Anundsen (202) 687-2269 [email protected]

Georgetown Public Policy Institute Eugenia Pyntikova (202) 687-3422 [email protected]

Indiana University School of Public & Environmental Affairs Kelly Brown (765) 455-9328 [email protected]

Iowa Central Community College Homeland Security Training Center Michael Burke (800) 362-2793 ext. 2226 [email protected]

John Jay College of Criminal Justice Julie O’Brien (212) 237-8433 [email protected]

Johns Hopkins University Steven David (410) 516-7530 [email protected]

Johns Hopkins University Dorothea Wolfson (202) 452-1123 [email protected]

Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Thomas Mahnken (202) 663-5947 [email protected]

Kaplan College Frank Desena (866) 523-34737 ext. 7457 [email protected]

Lakeland Community College Fire Science & Emergency Management Department Lee Silvi (440) 525-7252 [email protected]

Lamar Institute of Technology Jim Doane (409) 880-8093 [email protected]

Long Island University at Riverhead Homeland Security Management Institute Vincent Henry (631) 287-8010 [email protected]

Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice Phillip Schertzing (517) 432-3156 [email protected]

Missouri State University Bernard McCarthy (417) 836-6679 [email protected]

Northern Virginia Community College Linda Malami (703) 257-6634 [email protected]

Ohio Dominican University Renee Aitken (614) 251-4761 [email protected]

Parks College Stuart Goldman (303) 745-6244

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Preventing and responding to disasters. Preparing for acts of terrorism. Government and private employers need thousands of managers with these critical skills. Be ready with a degree from University of Maryland University College (UMUC). You can earn your BS in emergency management. Or choose from an MS in technology management or an MS in management—each with a specialization in emergency management.



disaster preparation and response plans

for crisis management and disaster response

monthly payment plan available

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Education Directory


Emergency Management and Homeland Security Certificate Programs

Institution Contact Phone E-Mail

For more information, please visit

Penn State Fayette’s Center for Community & Public Safety Ted Mellors (724) 430-4215 [email protected]

Pikes Peak Community College Lonnie Inzer (719) 502-3195 [email protected]

Purdue University School of Industrial Engineering Dennis Engi (765) 496-7757 [email protected]

Saint Louis University Institute of Biosecurity Larry Bommarito (314) 977-8135 [email protected]

Southwestern College Kevin Farlow (316) 684-5335 [email protected]

Southwestern College Kelley Krahn (888) 684-5335 ext. 124 [email protected]

Southwestern College Mike Packard (316) 684-5335 [email protected]

Southwest Tennessee Community College Business Department Tracy DeWitt (901) 833-8973 [email protected]

Tulane University School of Continuing Studies Keith Amacker (504) 247-1662 [email protected]

University of Central Florida Naim Kapucu (407) 823-6096 [email protected]

University of Cincinnati/Clermont College Head Criminal Justice Program Ed Bridgeman (513) 732-5251 [email protected]

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Debbie Sagen (719) 262-3357 [email protected]

University of Denver Graduate School of International Studies David Goldfischer (303) 871-2564 [email protected]

University of Findlay School of Environmental & Emergency Management Harold Huffman (419) 434-5814 [email protected]

University of Maryland University College (800) 888-UMUC [email protected]

University of Massachusetts Lowell Kim Downey (978) 734-2143

University of Massachusetts Lowell David Hirschel (978) 934-4106 [email protected]

University of Massachusetts Lowell Cathy Kendrick (978) 934-2495 [email protected]

University of New Haven Thomas Johnson (203) 932-7260 [email protected]

University of New Haven John Tippit (650) 787-9684 [email protected]

University of South Florida Sally Szydlo (813) 974-3783 [email protected]

University of Southern California Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Evelyn Felina (213) 740-7549 [email protected]

University of Tennessee Center for Homeland Security & Counterproliferation Macel Ely II (865) 740-1748 [email protected]

Virginia Commonwealth University John Aughenbaugh (804) 828-8098 [email protected]

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AMU offers respected online degree programs designed for students who want to advance their career. Our Fire Science and Emergency and Disaster Management programs are among 76 online degree programs for those who wish to serve, learn and lead as an Emergency or Fire Services Manager.

FoHE accredited/FESHE compliant.

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2009 International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) recipient of:• Academic Recognition Award, Emergency & Disaster Mgmt. Program.

• Student Council Chapter of the Year, APUS International Association of Emergency Managers Student Association (IEMSA).

American Military University is a member institution of the regionally accredited American Public University System

www.amuonline.comLEARN MORE AT OR CALL


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Master’s Degree Programs

Institution Program Contact Phone E-Mail

Adelphi University Emergency Management Programs Richard Rotanze (516) 877-4572 [email protected]

Arkansas Tech University Emergency Administration and Management Ed Leachman (479) 964-0536 [email protected]

American Public University Emergency and Disaster Management Chris Reynolds (877) 777-9081 [email protected] Military University

California State University Professional Studies Department Anthony Argott (888) 999-9935 [email protected] Beach

California University Master’s in Legal Studies in Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Charles P. Nemeth (724) 597-7400 [email protected] Pennsylvania

Eastern Kentucky University Master of Science in Safety, Security & Emergency Management Elizabeth Ballou (859) 622-8325 [email protected]

Eastern Michigan University Department of Interdisciplinary Technology Gerald Lawver (734) 487-3170 [email protected]

Elmira College Master of Science in Emergency Preparedness Angela Wood (607) 735-1825 [email protected]

Florida Atlantic University Crisis & Emergency Management Master of Mantha Mehallis (561) 297-0052 [email protected] Business Administration Program

Florida State University Florida Public Affairs Center and the Center for Disaster Risk Policy Janet D. Dilling (850) 644-9961 [email protected]

George Washington University Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management Gregory L. Shaw (202) 994-6736 [email protected]

Georgia State University Master of Public Administration with a William L. Waugh Jr. (404) 651-4592 [email protected] Concentration in Emergency Management

Jacksonville State University Institute for Emergency Preparedness Barry Cox (800) 231-5291 [email protected]

John Jay College, City Master’s Degree Concentration in Emergency Management Norman Groner (212) 237-8865 [email protected] of New York

Lynn University Master of Science in Administration/Specialization in Ernest G. Vendrell (561) 237-7146 [email protected] Emergency Planning

Louisiana State University Disaster Science and Management John C. Pine (225) 578-1075 [email protected]

Loma Linda University Emergency Preparedness and Response Program Ehren Ngo (909) 558-8519 [email protected]

Massachusetts Maritime Emergency Management and Facilities Management Alfred Towle (508) 830-5098 [email protected]

Metropolitan College of New York Emergency & Disaster Management School of Public David Longshore (646) 243-7608 [email protected] Affairs & Administration

Millersville University Master’s Degree in Emergency Management Henry W. Fischer (717) 872-3568 [email protected] of Pennsylvania

National University Master of Science in Homeland Security and Safety Engineering Dr. Shekar Viswanathan (858) 309-3416 [email protected]

New Jersey Institute of Information Systems Department Michael Chumer (973) 596-5484 [email protected]

New York Medical College, Graduate Certificate in Emergency Preparedness Michael Reilly (914) 594-4919 [email protected] School of Public Health

North Dakota State University Master’s Degree in Emergency Management Daniel Klenow (701) 231-8925 [email protected]

Northcentral University Graduate Degree Programs with Homeland Security Specialization Francisco C. Lopez (877) 756-0839 [email protected]

Norwich University Master of Science in Business Continuity Management, Online John Orlando (802) 485-2729 [email protected]

Education Directory


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Global uncertainty is creating thousands of public and private sector jobs in homeland security. Be ready by enrolling in an undergraduate or graduate program in homeland security from University of Maryland University College (UMUC). UMUC’s unique curriculum goes beyond the hypothetical to provide practical, cutting-edge instruction.

by professionals with real-world experience

free monthly payment plan available






Copyright © 2010 University of Maryland University College

Enroll now. Call 800-888-UMUCor visit

Building Collaborative

Disaster Planning

Processes Between

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This free, first-of-its-kind training

addresses the importance of cre-

ating and maintaining collabora-

tive relationships before a disas-

ter occurs in your community, as

well as how to effectively recover

before the next disaster happens.

For more information, visit


For registration information,

download the guide (PDF) at

For questions, contact:

Linda Becker, Coordinator

American College of Emergency


E-mail: [email protected]

Become a fan on Facebook!

This program is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 2007-GT-T7-K020, administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA. Points of view or opinions in this program are those of the author(s) and do not represent the position or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA. | 877.777.9081

Degree programs

with Real World relevance

taught by accomplished

practitioners for likeminded

adult learners who

work in the emergency

management profession.

FoHE accredited/FESHE compliant.

Real World.

2009 International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) recipient of:

• Academic RecognitionAward, Emergency & DisasterMgmt. Program.

• Student Council Chapterof the Year, APUS’International Association ofEmergency Managers StudentAssociation (IEMSA).

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Master’s Degree Programs

Institution Program Contact Phone E-Mail

Education Directory


For more information, please visit

Olivet Nazarene University Master of Science in Nursing Degree: Emergency Linda Davison (815) 939-5340 [email protected] Preparedness Disaster Readiness Track

Park University Disaster and Emergency Management Concentration Laurie N. DiPadova-Stocks (816) 421-1125 [email protected] within the Master of Public Affairs Degree

Saint Leo University Criminal Justice Rande Matteson (352) 588-8848 [email protected]

Saint Louis University Master of Science in Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness Larry Bommarito (314) 977-8135 [email protected]

Saint Xavier University Graduate Certificate in Disaster Preparedness and Management James C. Hagen (708) 802-6220 [email protected]

Texas A&M University Graduate Certificate in Environmental Hazard Management Michael K. Lindell (979) 862-3969 [email protected]

University of Chicago Master of Science in Threat and Response Management Marsha Hawk (773) 702-0460 [email protected]

University of Colorado at Denver Emergency Management and Homeland Security Lloyd Burton (303) 315-2482 [email protected]

University of Connecticut Master of Professional Studies In Homeland Security Donna Lee Campbell (860) 486-0184 [email protected]

University of Delaware Master of Environmental and Energy Policy and Young-Doo Wang (302) 831-8405 [email protected] Ph.D. in Environmental and Energy Policy

University of Florida Master of Science in Fire and Emergency Services Barbara Klingensmith (352) 369-2800 [email protected]

University of Maryland MS in management, specialization in emergency management (800) 888-UMUC [email protected] College MS in technology management, specialization in emergency management MS in information technology, specialization in homeland security MS in management, specialization in homeland security MS in technology, specialization in homeland security

University of Nevada at Executive Master of Science in Crisis and Emergency Christine G. Springer (702) 895-4835 [email protected] Las Vegas Management Program

University of New Orleans Master of Public Administration with Hazard Policy Track John J. Kiefer (504) 280-6457 [email protected]

University of North Carolina Master of Science in Disaster Management Jim Porto (919) 966-7354 [email protected] Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina Master of Public Administration with Emergency James W. Douglas (704) 687-4532 [email protected] Charlotte Management Concentration

University of North Carolina Emergency Management Master of Public Administation Concentration Nicholas Giannatasio (910) 521-6531 [email protected] Pembroke

University of North Texas Master of Public Administration with Bob Bland (940) 565-2165 [email protected] Specialization in Emergency Administration and Planning

University of Richmond Master of Disaster Science Degree, Online (Thesis Track) Leigh Anne Giblin (804) 287-6897 [email protected]

University of South Florida, Graduate Certificate in Disaster Management Wayne Westhoff (813) 974-6621 [email protected] of Public Health

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Emergency Management within Master’s Degree in Safety Susan M. Smith (865) 974-1108 [email protected]

University of Washington Institute for Hazard Mitigation Planning and Research Bob Freitag (206) 818-1175 [email protected]

Virginia Commonwealth University Master of Arts and Graduate Certificate in Homeland John Aughenbaugh (804) 828-8098 [email protected] Security and Emergency Preparedness

Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security Gregory L. Shaw (804) 827-0879 [email protected] and Emergency Preparedness

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This free first-of-its-kind online training covers the development and maintenance of collaborative planning relationships, the sharing and tracking of information, patients, and resources, and examples of disaster preparedness and response via a large scenario case study.

Each of the four training modules is approximately one hour in length and features pre-filmed streaming video with synchronized transcript and slides. Additional materials are available for download. Upon registration, each participant is placed into a state-specific virtual community to foster increased collaboration.

This training is available nationwide with registration information at There will be live Q&A sessions for each state, featuring a panel of subject matter experts from within each state who will address state-specific implementation of general ideas presented.

For questions, contact Linda Becker at [email protected].

Photo credit: FEMA/Greg Henshall.

Building Collaborative Disaster Planning Processes Between Hospitals

and Emergency Management

Now available!!!

This program is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 2007-GT-T7-K020, administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA. Points of view or opinions in this program are those of the author(s) and do not represent the position or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA.

Protect Your Homeland.Become Certified in Homeland Security, CHS® today.

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The CHSSM program has earned its reputation as the premier group dedicated to providing certification, training, and continuing education to profession-als across the nation who are committed to improving homeland security. We boast a total commitment to our country’s safety, an extraordinary knowledge base, and an in-place organizational structure that delivers the highest-quali-ty certification and continuing education opportunities in homeland security.

Join us today as we work together to protect what matters most—our families, communities, country, and way of life.

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Port ProtHigh-Tech

The Ocean Rescue II scans the hulls of ships entering the port complex and can detect traces of weapons of mass destruction. Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

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Los Angeles port authorities bolster line of defense against terrorists with technology and a specialized canine.

On paper, it reads like a prop list for a high-budget, futuristic action thriller:

a $3 million high-tech screening ship, a radiation-detecting helicop-ter and a badge-carrying Labrador retriever who can sniff out chemi-cal and biological weapons.

But this is no movie. At the Los Angeles-Long Beach port com-plex, these tactical tools are the latest in artillery aimed to prevent weapons of mass destruction (WMD) from infi ltrating the criti-cal infrastructure facility, where 40 percent of all U.S. imports enter the country. How critical is this port complex? Consider this: If an incident forced the port complex to close, it would cost the U.S. economy about $1 billion a day, said Jack Ewell, who oversees the port security project for the L.A. Sheriff ’s Department.

“Th at would fl at-out cripple the economy if all of these agencies weren’t working together to ensure the safety of that complex,” he said. “We want to stop anything that may be illicit before it gets in the port.”

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With cutting-edge detection technology, offi -cials said, this project has upgraded collabora-tion between participating agencies, such as the U.S. Coast Guard, local law enforcement, pub-lic safety and the port police, and has enhanced security at the nation’s busiest container port.

“It’s a critical tool for us ensuring that we’re safe against the threat of terrorism,” said L.A. Port Police Chief Ron Boyd. “When it comes to detecting the threat, part of what you do is go out there and show the would-be attacker that you’re ready.”

Tools of the TradeTo prevent potential terrorist attacks, port

offi cials launched the 55-foot screening vessel — the fi rst of its kind in the world — armed

with the most advanced technology available. Called the Ocean Rescue II, the vessel can scan the hulls of ships entering the port complex, detect traces of WMD materials and transmit real-time data to land-based labs. Th e vessel also holds medical and disaster response equip-ment, an advanced sonar system that can detect threats in zero-visibility waters, and a rover that can dive to 3,000 feet.

Th e detection process didn’t work this way in the past. Even with portable bomb-detec-tion equipment, Ewell said, port authorities

had no remote screening system, no chemical and biological detection tools, and couldn’t send real-time information back to the Sher-iff ’s Department’s hazardous-materials detail headquarters.

“Technology advances happen daily, and this equipment just did not exist years ago,” he said. “All of the agencies involved are constantly looking for what’s new. If you’re standing still, you’re going backward.”

Th e combination of security resources really optimizes the eff ort, he added. Th e Eurocopter

“When it comes to detecting the threat, part of what you do is go out there and show the would-be attacker that you’re ready.” — Ron Boyd, chief, Los Angeles Port Police


The Eurocopter AS350 B2 helicopter’s advanced radiation-detection pod lets authorities screen ships from above. Photo courtesy of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

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The Homeland Security Management Instituteof Long Island University

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The Homeland Security Management Institute offers an accredited, 36-credit Master of Science degree in Homeland Security Management anda 15-credit graduate-level Advanced Certificate in Homeland SecurityManagement, both delivered entirely online, with no in-residence component.Our rigorous curriculum focuses on the complexities of the homeland securityenterprise, providing executives, managers and practitioners with exceptionalprofessional education.

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Full-time and part time study options are available for the online 15 credit AdvancedCertificate and the 36 credit Master of Science degree. Students can complete either or bothprograms in a timely fashion. Scholarships and financial aid available for those who qualify.

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Flexible online learning format designedto accommodate the unpredictableschedules of busy professionals

Faculty of Senior Fellows are activehomeland security professionals withdoctoral degrees and other outstandingacademic credentials

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AS350 B2 helicopter’s advanced radiation-detection pod, worth $220,000, lets authorities screen ships from above.

But adoption doesn’t happen overnight. Th e technology, Boyd said, must be folded into each agency’s concept of operations. Not only that, but it must also be maintained, he said, otherwise it’s like having a Rolls-Royce in your driveway that doesn’t work and you’re still paying the car note and insurance.

“It increases your responsibility,” he said. “Now that you’ve spent all this money, you must make sure you’re maintaining the detection equipment correctly. We must make sure that aft er we’ve gotten profi cient, these things don’t break down and we suddenly have nowhere to go.”

HAZMAT Dog Fights TerrorismAt 19 months old, Johnny Ringo is a badge-

carrying black Labrador retriever, and the latest — and furriest — counterterrorism fi ghter for the L.A. County Sheriff ’s Department’s Hazard-ous Materials Operations. And he’s unique with a nose keen enough to sniff out anthrax and other chemical and biological WMDs.

Since joining the force in January 2010, Johnny Ringo has been sniffi ng his way around urban facilities for sweeps, planned events and big venues, such as the Rose Bowl and Golden Globe Awards.

“It’s not hard to detect chemical and biological weapons once they’re dispersed,” said Detective Wayne Carpini, the dog’s handler. “He’s the only dog that can detect something before it goes off .”

Th e dog was named aft er the notorious gun-slinger of the Old West, known as “the King of the Cowboys.” But the happy-go-lucky canine aims to serve to protect: His ability makes him an invaluable asset to the L.A. Port complex.

But this is all new territory for Johnny Ringo. Originally from Holland, he was brought to America by Work Dogs International, a Ban-ning, Calif.-based company that raises and trains canine security assets.

Th e specialized dog spent six weeks at a lab in Austin, Texas, where Carpini trained his nose to track scents and odors in chemical and bio-logical agents related to WMDs. No other dog in the world does what he does, mainly because of the nature of the job.

“One of the biggest concerns is if a dog smells anthrax, then the dog and handlers are dead,”

2010 Port FundingThe Port Security Grant Program

saw a decrease of $100 million for fi scal 2010 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security compared with 2009’s funds. The program received $288 million for the protection of critical port infrastructure from terrorism for fi scal 2010. According to FEMA, the “funds are primarily intended to assist ports in enhancing maritime domain awareness, enhancing risk management capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to and recover from attacks involving improvised explosive devices, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive and other nonconventional weapons, as well as training and exercises.”


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Thank you for serving this nation’s communities and remember; the next time you’re called upon, make sure you’re fully equipped with “Rite in the Rain”.



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said Patrick Beltz, Work Dogs International’s chief instructor, who named the canine detec-tive. “But dogs fi nd heroin and cocaine daily and nobody overdoses.”

But, Beltz predicts, more WMD-sniffi ng canines will come on the scene in the next few years as authorities realize the potential of a dog that can detect toxins at ports of call, airports and waterways — a skill that requires constant training.

Carpini works to keep Johnny Ringo’s skills sharp. “Every day I come to work, I run him on scents and odors, search him long and search him short,” he said.

When off duty, Johnny Ringo goes home with Carpini, who lives on a two-acre plot just outside of Los Angeles County. Unfortunately not enough people know about the dog yet, so his services haven’t been utilized as much as they could be.

“I had people who watched the Super Bowl asking, ‘How come your dog’s not there?’” Carpini said. “I said ‘It’s not me. I don’t make this call.’”

Many Agencies, One MissionTh e Los Angeles-Long Beach port complex

is a Venn diagram of federal, state and local government jurisdictions. From the U.S. Coast Guard to local law enforcement and public safety departments, multiple agencies contribute to operations at the port. While new technology helps streamline the port security process, the fi rst layer of defense is communication.

“We all have our own turf and interests,” said Boyd, “but we take the time to meet with each other and iron things out to make sure we’re not stepping on toes.”

Th e agencies have worked together for years, Ewell said, developing a comprehensive,

layered approach to security — especially in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Th e screening vessel was acquired by the Sheriff ’s Depart-ment, but this latest program came about as a joint eff ort, paid for by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

“When you have everyone on the same page, the idea is that you can lessen the impact on maritime commerce and improve the ability to keep us safe by bringing resources together,” said Lt. j.g. Tyler Stutin, a spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard. “It’s all about working together in this day and age more than ever.” k

“It’s not hard to detect chemical and biological weapons once they’re dispersed. He’s the only dog that can detect something before it goes off .” — Wayne Carpini, detective, Los Angeles Sheriff ’s Department

Johnny Ringo, a Labrador retriever, and Detective Wayne Carpini work as a team to detect chemical and biological weapons. Photo courtesy of Detective Wayne Carpini

Los Angeles sheriff’s offi cers prepare Johnny Ringo for duty. Photo courtesy of Detective Wayne Carpini

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Tight funds and a need for interoperable radio communications inspire nearly 20 years of collaboration on a statewide network that continues to grow.


IF necessity is the mother of invention, it may also be the secret to the success of Palmetto 800 (PAL 800), South Carolina’s statewide emer-

gency communications radio system. Founded in the early 1990s, the 800 MHz trunked network has grown into one of the nation’s largest state-wide systems, providing interoperable commu-nications for more than 450 state, county and municipal agencies.

Today PAL 800 supports more than 25,000 voice radios, including some in North Carolina, and 1,400 mobile data devices. It operates largely on a pay-as-you-go basis. System offi cials are preparing to extend its reach into neighboring counties in Georgia.

George Crouch, who has worked with the system since its start, said it has grown and thrived because necessity forced its owners to innovate.

“Th ere wasn’t a huge pot of money so we really had to be creative,” said Crouch, statewide interop-erability coordinator for South Carolina’s Division of State Information Technology.

Th e history of PAL 800 stretches back to 1989, when Hurricane Hugo ravaged parts of South Caro-lina. As fi rst responders from other areas poured in to help, incompatible radio systems made it diffi cult to coordinate public safety eff orts.

State offi cials decided they needed a state-wide system that would let fi rst responders from throughout South Carolina talk to one another in times of need. But with an estimated price tag of $100 million, how to build such a network was a puzzle. “Th e state at the time just didn’t have the money to go out and fund a complete system,” Crouch said.

While the state explored its options, Spartanburg County, S.C., was looking into building a trunked radio network of its own. Lack of funds posed an obstacle there too.

Spartanburg County offi cials decided to forge a partnership with Scana Corp., a power company that owns electrical utilities in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia, and also wanted to expand its radio infrastructure. Th e utility and

county agreed to join forces on a system they could both use, building out from Scana’s existing Motorola 800 MHz trunked radio network. Spar-tanburg County would provide the towers and generators for new antenna sites, and Scana would provide the radio frequency equipment and manage the network. User fees would fi nance operations.

Between 1992 and 1995, the system expanded, somewhat informally, to include users from state government and other counties. Agencies signed their own agreements with Scana or oper-ated with no contracts at all, said Crouch, who was Spartanburg County’s 911 communications director at the time.

In 1995, South Carolina signed a contract of its own with the utility. “Th at’s where it kicked off and began to grow,” said Crouch, who soon came to work for the state. “And it’s been growing each year since.”

Under the agreement with the state, Scana would provide and manage the network infrastructure. Public safety agencies would buy radios for their

users and pay fees to help cover network operating costs. Each government entity paid a fee based on the geographic area it needed to cover with its radios.

Chicken and EggAlthough this arrangement worked well for

several years, eventually Scana and its government users ran into a chicken-and-egg dilemma, said Tom Fletcher, deputy director for the Network Services and Disaster Recovery section of South Carolina’s Division of State Information Technology. To fi nance further expansion, Scana needed fresh revenues. But new users didn’t want to join until the network covered their jurisdictions.

“We recognized that the system should be expanded to cover the entire state to be most eff ec-tive for its customers,” said Scana spokesman Eric Boomhower.

A statewide expansion would take more capital than Scana could provide. So in 2001, with the state’s blessing, Scana agreed to sell the network

Born From Necessity

By Merrill Douglas, Contributing Writer











A destroyed mobile home in Middendorf, S.C., is a result of tornado damage from Hurricane Frances in 2004. Founded in the early 1990s, South Carolina’s 800 MHz trunked network has grown into one of the nation’s largest statewide systems, providing interoperable communications during emergencies.

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infrastructure to Motorola, which would operate the system and fund its expansion. South Carolina also contributed some capital, Fletcher said.

Today Motorola operates PAL 800 under contract to the state. An advisory committee, with members representing the state and local government agen-cies on the system, provides oversight and develops policies. User fees continue to fund the network’s operation.

Scana is still a large user on the network. Th e utility provides some maintenance services and operates a phone center to fi eld aft er-hours trouble calls, said Crouch. PAL 800 has since added nine other regional and local power utilities as members, he said.

While Motorola invested in the network, the federal government started making dollars available to improve public safety communica-tions aft er 9/11. “With the emphasis on home-land security, we started getting more and more grants to buy radios for local govern-ment,” Fletcher said. Th ese also helped the statewide system grow.

Along with growth, Motorola’s arrival spurred a technology upgrade for PAL 800. Among other things, the vendor installed a 64-port zone controller, which allowed both analog and digital communications.

More recently, Motorola has been installing equipment that conforms to Project 25 (P25), the digital radio commu-nications standard developed by the Asso-ciation of Public-Safety Communications Offi cials International to promote interoperable communi-cations. Th e state now requires agencies to buy P25 radios or units they can upgrade to that standard in the future, Crouch said. “So while we still have quite a few of the older units out there, we’ve been preparing now for nine years for P25,” he said.

With the move to P25, users can buy radios from manufacturers other than Motorola and remain interoperable.

Switching Back and ForthNot every local government in South Carolina

has joined PAL 800. Seven counties still operate their own networks. But since these all use Motorola 800 MHz technology, their fi rst responders can talk to fee-paying users on the state system. “Th ere are another 20,000 users out there on private county systems that we have interoperability with that can switch back and forth between their systems and our system,” Crouch said.

Nevertheless, there are still some holdout agen-cies in South Carolina that don’t enjoy interoper-able communications at all. To help close the gap, Crouch and his team have given at least one PAL 800 radio to every police and fi re department and emergency medical service in the state. “So they at

least have interoperability at the command-and-control level,” he said.

Th e cost of replacing legacy systems is the greatest obstacle keeping some agencies from joining PAL 800, Crouch said. Also, some agency leaders may be reluctant to let someone else manage their commu-nications technology.

“I think some people would argue that you don’t have direct control over your system,” said Matthew Littleton, deputy chief of operations at Anderson County, S.C., Emergency Services and a member of the PAL 800 advisory committee. “I see that as an advantage.” Motorola takes care of all the details of running the radio system, and when an agency needs help with its radios, Motorola’s technicians are just a phone call away, he said.

Collaboration on the statewide infrastructure gives agencies a better network than many could aff ord to build on their own, Littleton said. For example, a single fi re department might not be able to install a second radio repeater site to take over if

the primary one went down, he said. But the state system off ers that kind of redundancy.

Also, the statewide network eliminates territorial confl icts, Littleton said. Agencies don’t have to decide whether to allow another agency to access their radio channels. “By contract and by design, if you’re a

customer on the PAL 800 system, you have to have access to the statewide mutual-aid channels.”

When fi rst responders need to travel beyond their home area, PAL 800 makes it easy to roam to additional radio towers, Littleton said. “Our Sheriff ’s Offi ce chased a murder suspect three counties over, and because of the state-wide network, we never lost contact between the dispatcher and the deputies who were in the chase.” In the old days, with agencies oper-ating on a patchwork of diff erent radio bands, this would have been impossible, he said.

Border CrossingTh e reach of PAL 800 is extending beyond the

state border as South Carolina makes connec-tions with neighboring jurisdictions. “Every North Carolina Highway Patrol district offi ce that touches South Carolina has our equipment in their highway patrol offi ce, so they can talk to those regions that touch them,” Crouch said. “We are in the middle of doing that with Georgia on the other side.”

Besides reaching out to neighbors, the state and Motorola also are in the midst of another project, a multiyear eff ort to move the radio

system from one set of 800 MHz frequencies to another. Th is is part of the mandatory, nationwide rebanding eff ort that will separate all 800 MHz public safety radio channels from channels used by the Nextel wireless network.

Rebanding poses a major challenge for South Carolina because it’s impossible to convert the entire state system at once. “We’re still pounding out how to do this transition and this frequency update without totally confusing all the public safety agencies for a year or so before everything’s completed,” Crouch said.

Despite that and other struggles, PAL 800 continues to fl ourish, thanks to creativity sparked by necessity. Credit also is due to all the participants who collaborate so well on the network, Crouch said. “It has truly been a partnership between the vendors, the power utilities and public safety. Th at’s what’s made us successful.” k

Merrill Douglas is a writer based in upstate New York.


When fi rst responders need to travel beyond their home area, South Carolina’s PAL 800 communications network makes it easy to roam to additional radiotowers. It also extends beyond the state border to connect with neighboring jurisdictions.

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Amateur radio operators fi ll communication gaps and provide situational awareness to emergency managers during and after disasters.

Technology and Trends

Immediately aft er the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti that killed 230,000 people, injured an estimated 300,000 more and destroyed

much of Port-au-Prince, medical teams from the University of Miami Project Medishare program had sporadic communication with the United States and the nearby U.S. Naval Ship (USNS) Comfort’s Medical Treatment Facility — until teams of amateur/ham radio operators arrived, that is.

“Th ey had already lost one satellite link. Th e other one was not reliable,” said Julio Ripoll, an architect for the University of Miami Medical School who coordinated amateur radio com-munications during the disaster. “So they were worried that they would not be able to commu-nicate to Haiti from Miami in case they lost their other satellite link.”

What was initially designed as a backup system soon handled all local emergency communica-tions. Before Ripoll’s teams of radio operators arrived, the fi eld hospital had very little commu-nication directly with the USNS Comfort. “Th ey would send an e-mail by using a BlackBerry,” Ripoll said, “and sometimes it would sit there for quite a while before someone saw it.”

Th e amateur radio station became a critical communication link. “When we had patients who would come in and needed emergency surgery that we couldn’t handle, we called the Comfort,” he said, “and then we would coordinate either the helicopter medevac or [transport] a few times by speedboat if it was in the middle of the night.”

Th at’s just one example of how amateur radio operators, who use various types of radio commu-nications equipment for nonprofi t purposes, can provide a valuable resource during a disaster.

Links With Emergency RespondersVolunteer radio operators assisting emergency

personnel fall into two groups: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) and Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) members. Many people participate in both organizations,

but the main diff erence between the two is that ARES members provide emergency communi-cations before an emergency has been offi cially declared, while RACES operators, which are registered with state and local governments, are activated aft er an emergency declaration. RAC-ES members may operate from state emergency operations centers (EOCs).

Th e American Radio Relay League (ARRL), a U.S. organization of amateur radio operators, has memorandums of understanding with numerous organizations, including FEMA, the AmericanRed Cross, National Weather Service and the Association of Public-Safety Communications Offi cials International. As a result of those agree-ments, the ARRL trains with and works to develop these organizations’ amateur radio communica-tions capacity. It also builds relationships with these organizations to collaborate during disasters.

About 684,000 amateur radio operators are ARRL members. Th e best way for these ham

operators to connect with local responders is to participate in their local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT). “We may, in our case, probably connect with CERT, and so we’ll prob-ably be linked up close with the fi re department,” said Charlie Lum Kee, founder of the Virgin ValleyAmateur Radio Club in Mesquite, Nev., and leaderof the local CERT program. “We do have a little bit of a plan for our area as to where we would locate individuals [in an emergency].”

Amateur radio operators can also get special license plates displaying their call signs, which identify them to emergency crews, getting them past roadblocks and into the aff ected area to pro-vide communications assistance.

In Oregon, about 1,800 RACES volunteers are authorized to work in state and county EOCs facilitating communication during disasters. For example, during the Great Coastal Gale of 2007 that knocked out communications to the state’s Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties, ham

A Critical Link

By Corey McKenna, Staff Writer




















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Members of the USS Wisconsin Radio Club chat with others throughout the world via Morse code onboard the retired battleship.

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Technology and Trends

radio operators used a radio frequency messag-ing system called Winlink to transmit the counties’requests for assistance to the state’s Offi ce of Emergency Management. “Monday morning the governor came in and we were briefi ng and later on called amateur radio operators ‘angels’ because that was the only source of communication we had to the coast,” said Marshall McKillip, the Emergency Management Offi ce’s communications offi cer.

Following the storm, Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski funded improvements to the state’s amateur radio infrastructure with a $250,000 grant for Winlink systems in each of the state’s 36 county-level EOCs. “We bought the appropriate equipment and then organized the delivery, the set up, the training and everything with amateur radio resources,” McKillip said. “It was quite a task for the amateurs to take on, but they did a great job.”

Assorted RolesAmateur radio operators can play a variety

of roles that allow public safety officials to maximize their resources, including facilitating communications; providing emergency managers with on-scene situational awareness; and helping manage large-scale events, such as state fairs and marathons.

Earlier this year as blizzards blanketed Dela-ware, RACES members manned ham radio stations at the Sussex County EOC, and 60 ARES mem-bers drove around the county’s 958 square miles reporting what they were seeing and confi rming reports from the National Weather Service. “While [the police and emergency medical services] were moving around, they had better things to do than stop and measure the snow,” said Walt Palmer, pub-lic information offi cer for the ARRL in Delaware. “So that’s where amateur radio’s guys were coming in.”

At one point during the storms, the county set up two shelters for approximately 70,000 resi-dents, all of whom were without electricity, and deployed an amateur radio operator to the larger shelter to facilitate communication with the EOC. “We were able to get good information back from the shelter as to how many people were there, were they making out OK and that kind of thing,” said Sussex County EOC Director Joe Th omas. “We actually tried to get an operator in the second shelter, but we never did get to that point because of the snowstorm.”

In the aft ermath of a disaster, amateur radio operators are oft en the fi rst to report what hap-pened to emergency managers so they can start

formulating a response. “Let’s say up the street a nuclear facility has an issue, and we start los-ing power here. Th e ham operators would start reporting that because we would be the ones on the ground,” Palmer said. “Our job is to com-municate that to public offi cials. Our mantra for that is, ‘Provide the right information to the right

people at the right time so they can make the right decisions.’”

Communities countrywide have signature large-scale events like state fairs, marathons and food festivals during which amateur radio opera-tors can work with public safety personnel so the departments can maximize their resources. “Rather than use police or other county or state offi cers, ham radio operators will come together and we’ll get assigned to diff erent points around, let’s say, a 26-mile race course,” Palmer said. “We’re there just to observe. If somebody has a problem, if a runner goes down or a bicycle falls apart or whatever, our guys are there and they’re able to report back so a proper response can be orches-trated to help that runner.”

If Delmarva Peninsula — a popular resort area on the East Coast with a winter population of 700,000 that can swell to 4 million in the summer — needs to be evacuated, ham radio operators can monitor traffi c or facilitate communications between shelters and EOCs.

“While the Red Cross does a terrifi c job with the shelters, they’re there helping to prepare food and taking care of the residents of the shelter,” Palmer said. “Th ey don’t always have the com-munication needs to get information back to the EOC — we have this many special needs people; we need more insulin because we have a problem here with a lot of diabetics. Amateur radio folks will be assigned to shelters to move that kind of traffi c.” k












An emergency management team leader for the Biloxi (Miss.) Regional Hospital demonstrates how to use a ham radio. The hospital acquired the radios after Hurricane Katrina to improve communications for future storms.

Portable ham radio stations operate independent of infrastruc-ture in disaster zones.










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Capturing the SceneUsing cameras to track incidents is becoming more common as technology becomes

smaller and more portable. Digital Ally Inc.’s FirstVu is a compact digital video/audio recorder and camera that’s designed to capture evidence hands-free. A clip system allows secure locking or quick transfer between locations, such as from the wearable uniform fastener to a vehicle’s windshield. Impact and weather resistant, the device uses solid-state memory that’s unaff ected by violent motion.

Smart TalkTh e Mobile Communicator for Black-

Berry turns smartphones into two-way radios by enabling users to “tune” their mobile device to a WAVE-supported radio channel. Twisted Pair Solutions developed the Radio-over-IP and WAVE group com-munications soft ware to let BlackBerry users use push-to-talk radio communica-tions. Th e communicator application uses WAVE Th in-Client technology to create new architecture for radio communica-tions across cellular and Wi-Fi networks. Th e application allows smartphones to communicate regardless of the BlackBerry device or network on which they run.

Training SoftwareAvalias’ new scenario-based training soft ware lets incident responders across multiple agen-

cies create and coordinate disaster scenarios. Th e Avalanche TTX soft ware allows time-based exercises with cross-agency interaction challenges that let participants measure the eff ectiveness of response strategies. It also records the exercise, which aids aft er-action reviews. Th e soft ware can be installed on one computer to run tabletop discussion exercises or on multiple computers within the same fi rewall, allowing the installations to com-municate.

Trace DetectorA dual-mode handheld trace

detector, Morpho Detection’s MobileTrace expands the range of targeted explosives a user can identify in a single sample-en-abling faster, more comprehensive security screening. MobileTracegives users the option to swipe surfaces for a particle trace or analyze vapors using the detector’s nozzle. Data is shown on a 3.5-inch color screen, and the unit has a USB port for network-ing capabilities.


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Eric’s Corner

Eric Holdeman is the former director of the King County, Wash., Offi ce of Emergency Manage-ment. His blog is located at

Eric Holdemanby Eric Holdemanbby


Put more crudely, it means you must “sell emergency man-agement” to a variety of people and organizations. Th e list is endless and there isn’t an element of your public or private community that doesn’t need what emergency management has to off er.

You might be scratching your heads at this notion that you are a salesperson with a job of having people buy into emer-gency management so let’s start with the basics:• No one wants to be sold anything — they want to be buyers.

Th e good thing about being in your position is that people won’t immediately recognize that you’re selling something and they’re the potential buyer. Th at will remove a few barri-ers to making the sale.

• Remember that you’re selling the benefi ts and not the features of emergency management. Th ink about trying to sell four-wheel drive or air conditioning in a car. Th e wrong thing to do is talk about how it works, what it costs and how to operate it. Instead, the idea is to describe what it can do for you.

• Before you start selling emergency management, you must know what the buyer wants. You do this by fi rst listening and then working to build a relationship with the buyer. It may take some time to build rapport with a particular indi-vidual or organization. Th e key is maintaining contact. Add them to your e-mail lists for information on grant programs,

informational seminars and the like. Doing this will help build trust. Without trust, the sale will never be made.

• Th ink about timing and when it’s best to have a sale. Th e answer is when people are motivated to buy. When is that in emergency management? When there’s a disaster. Anytime there’s a catastrophe anywhere in the world is a good time to push your emergency management wares.

• Update your Web page with information on how people can help with disaster relief eff orts. Some emergency manage-ment organizations also use Facebook and Twitter to dis-seminate information. If you’re a part of a government organization, one of your cus-

tomer segments is your jurisdiction’s elected offi cials and senior appointed policymakers. Your job is to make them look good all the time. Here are few tips for keeping them engaged:• Keep them informed on incidents happening in their juris-

diction and neighboring ones. People like to be in the loop, and you can build a strong relationship just by keeping them informed with an occasional phone call or e-mail.

• Include them in every public event you have. If you’re having a disaster presentation in an elected offi cial’s district, invite them to attend. Off er them an opportunity to give opening remarks and provide them with a few talking points to make it easy for them.

• Include a quote in your news releases (coordinated of course) from the elected offi cial on the topic you’re addressing.Lastly in these circumstances, the media is oft en your friend.

Th ey provide free advertising by covering your messages. Get to know the assignment editors and news directors for your local television and radio stations.

Happy selling — and sorry, there are no sales commissions.

WWhen you look at job descriptions in emergency manage-ment, you fi nd titles like program manager and director. Th e responsibilities might include disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. However, the unspoken job function that comes with every emergency management position is that of marketing.

Selling Emergency Management

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Protecting the Public Against H1N1

Last Word

Did state and local health departments do a good job keeping the spread of H1N1 to a minimum this year? I’m sure this question will be debated for months to come.

When an emergency manager asked me this question, I responded: “How do we do protecting the citizens from harm during tornadoes, fl oods, ice storms and other disasters?” In other words, it’s hard to monitor the eff ectiveness when it comes

to inclement weather condi-tions and H1N1 mitigation eff orts. It’s diffi cult to eff ec-tively measure how well we communicated our concerns to the public and if citizens did enough to protect them-selves and their families.

Th e following are the mes-sages we tried to convey to the

public. Th e answers to these questions could go a long way to determine how well we com-bated H1N1 and if we’re out of the woods yet: • Did the unprecedented turnout for sea-

sonal vaccine, completely exhausting our fl u supplies, stop the spread of infl uenza?

• Did our stay-at-home-when-sick, wash hands, cough-in-sleeve campaigns work?

• Did the proactive steps taken by educa-tion and public health offi cials to close schools work?

• Did faith-based organizations minimize certain infl uenza pathogens when their congregation stayed home or was it preventive measures taken at churches?

• Did proactive steps to ensure minimum contamination during shelter operations work?

• Did inclement weather during the Dec. 24, 2009, blizzard curtail

transmission by causing family members not to gather for the holiday season?

• Did our crisis communications provide citizens with enough information to let them make informed decisions to decrease transmission?All of these measures could or should

have limited the spread of this year’s sea-sonal fl u and H1N1. It’s hard to determine if we dodged the bullet or if we did an out-standing job amply warning the public, which allowed citizens to take preventive measures.

Studies by Harvard and Yale universities show that public health offi cials were credibleand proactive steps were taken during the H1N1 crisis. As more surveys and analysis are conducted, we’ll better know how we did against H1N1 and how we compare against a future wave. k

Ed Kostiuk joined the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Service in April 2003.

Ed Kostiukby

Approximately 57 million H1N1 cases occurred in the United States from April 2009 to Jan. 16, 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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