Download - Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Page 1: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Elven Shamanic Healing

Presented by Vision in the Stars

Reiki Academy & Psychic Center

Master Manual

Table of Contents

Elven History Elven Gods

Symbols and Definitions Healing Techniques Herbals Techniques Herbs and their Uses

Receiving Attunements Passing on Attunements

Page 2: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Elven History Introduction

Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful, noble and wise people, however their history tells a different story - filled with strife, ranging from political maneuvering and treachery to bloody war. Tales are told of disastrous use of magic, wars that lasted for thousands of years and nearly wiped out entire races, arrogance to other to other races and even to other elves. And yet it is true that the elves created breathtaking and wondrous cities, music of sublime and ethereal beauty, and magical artifacts that still carry their power and beauty after millennia.

Ancient Times The elves did not arise on Earth, but were immigrants from other worlds via the Realms of Faerie some 25,000 years ago. It is not really known why they came - some tales tell of destruction and troubles in the worlds they left behind.

Many tales tell us that it was at this time the elves created an island to be their homeland - Evermeet. Histories vary in the stories they tell of this event; and truth, legend and myth are irrevocable entwined. Some say that the elves united in what was at one and the same time the mightiest expression of High Magic ever seen on Earth and the most destructive unleashing of power the Realms have ever known. This tore the great continent of Faerun apart, creating a mighty sea between the two halves and the Island of Evermeet set within this sea. Many thousands were drowned, and thousands more killed as the cataclysm flattened the great cities. This event is known as The Sundering.

The Crown Wars Whether or not the Sundering ever took place it is clear new and increasingly

powerful elven nations were formed, and that incessant skirmishing between these nations took place over many thousands of years. The elves are very reticent to talk about the reasons for the increasing tension and the wars that followed. The cruelty of the dark elves, and the arrogance and the ambition of the sun elves have been blamed - but it is certain the truth is more complex than these simplifications. What we know for sure is that a series of violent, turbulent and extremely destructive wars took place within the different elven subraces and nations from around -12,000 DR till -900. After these were over the old order had completely vanished - the great nations of the elves were destroyed, the dark elves had become the Drow race and had descended into the Underdark, and the nations and cities of the green and copper elves were shattered and they began a time of homeless wandering.

After the Crown Wars The sun and moon elves recovered the fastest and the most completely from this

time of turmoil and destriction. Gradually they began to form new realms, and to once again raise cities of incredible beauty and intricate lore. Though the strife between the elves had settled to a much less dangerous long running rivalry and prejudice, all was not

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well. The rise of the N’Tel’Quessir posed a new threat. This threat was most clearly seen in the rise and fall of Netheril - arrogance, ambition and the undisciplined unscrupulous use of magic led to increasing encroachment and damage to neighboring realms (including those of the elves) and eventually to catastrophe that spiraled outwards causing wide spread destruction and chaos.

Differing elves reacted to the increasing numbers, power and threat posed by the non-elven races in different ways. The wild and copper elves withdrew, using stealth and hiding to counter the threat. Other elves retreated into havens that provided a safe place exclusively for elves. The greatest of these of course was Evermeet. After around -700 DR more and more elves took the Retreat to the Island of the Elves. At the same time beleaguered elves were banding together to form the powerful realm of Cormanthyr.

A third way of dealing with N’Tel’Quessir was to form alliances with the goodly races, and to dwell alongside them in peace. This was most common among moon elves who’s openness and adaptability allowed them to get along well with humans, dwarves, halflings and gnomes. The ruling Coronal of Myth Drannor, chief city of the elven realm of Cormanthyr, embraced this idea whole heartedly and opened the city to other races. His dream was to build a place where the strengths, knowledge, arts and lore of all the races could be celebrated and shared. Sadly rivalry within the elves, ambition, resentment of the other races (especially among the sun elves), and desire for power brought this dream to a sad and bloody end. Soon after the fall of Myth Drannor the elves of Evermeet called a gathering to select the Elven Royal family. This was the culmination of a process that had been unfolding for well over 5,000 years. The Moonflowers, a moon elf family, were chosen to be the royal family, and Zoar Moonflower was crowned King.

Modern Times Following the fall of Myth Drannor the number of elves taking the Retreat to

Evermeet steadily increased. Within the last 30 years the numbers of elves on the continent itself fell to the lowest they had ever been since the original great immigrations. Many elves believed that their isolation, the superior nature of the elven race and the protection granted to Evermeet by Hanali Celanil meant they were invulnerable. However many other elves became increasingly aware that this was not the case. The continued belief of many sun elves that they should be the rulers, the undying enmity of Lolth, the increasing power and knowledge held by other races and the gradual decline of the elven defenses of Evermeet all made the Island vulnerable. This was brought home in vivid fashion when King Zoar was assassinated in 1321 as a result of a Sun elven plot. Though the Kymil Nimesin the ringleader of this plot was captured and imprisoned, he escaped. In 1371 DR he allied with Lolth and the Drow, other dissatisfied sun elves and Malar the Beastlord to lead an invasion force that brought great devastation and death to Evermeet.

It was painfully evident Evermeet was not the untouchable, invulnerable refuge the elves had thought. The ideal of elves withdrawing from Faerun into splendid isolation was shattered, and the elves had to recognize their fates were intertwined with those of the other races. After long millennia the Elven Retreat came to an end, and elves began to return to the mainland.

Page 4: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Elven Gods Corellon Larethian: Corellon is the emodiment of the highest ideals of elvenkind. "He" is the creator of the elven race, and as with all the elven gods, he can assume the form of either sex, but usually appears as a male, and is usually revered in this form. Corellon is a powerful warrior god, one who has protected his precious creation with hands which have the gentleness of the artist and sculptor, and which wield weapons of unspeakable power when they don his dazzling battle gauntlets. Swift and terrible, Corellon's martial might belies his soft voice and appearance of unearthly beauty. The birth of the elves, people of song and dance, and quiet and still places, is believed by them to have originated in the terrible battle Corellon fought with Gruumsh One-Eye, First Power of the Orcs. The elves were born from Corellon's blood, and they do not forget this. Likewise, they do not forget the role of Corellon in banishing Lolth and the Drow from the surface world, and in many versions of that mythic battle Corellon instructs the remaining elves to be ever-vigilant in force of arms and might of magic against any return of the banished darkness, and also to be strong in heart against the corruption from within which allowed Lolth to pervert some of the surface elves in the days of the ancients. Corellon is often referred to as "the protector and preserver of my life" by an elf in peril, reflecting his role as overseer and guardian of the elven people. While other deities may reflect the joy, delights and accomplishments of the elves, Corellon stands as an ever-vigilant watcher over them. Only when it is time for them to pass from the worlds he helped create does he renounce his watchfulness to Sehanine. Corellon is held never to sleep or rest. His life spirit flows from and into the elves and their lands, and while mortal elves daydream and reverie, Corellon never abandons his watchfulness. Here he stands in marked contrast to Sehanine, an antithesis which is emphasized by the myths which place her as his consort. Yet, while Corellon ever watches over the Elven homelands, he is eternally open to learning. It is a typically elven paradox, that a god so versed in the arts and crafts, and so wise, is always open to learning from mortals. Corellon's might reinforces a genuine humility, and his humility is one of the sources of his might. Corellon's role as an artist and craftsman is rooted in his love of life, growth and abundance. His artistic creations frequently feature prominently in Elven myth, and they usually have the properties of growth and emergence. Corellon creates magical woodland mazes which reveal deeper secrets to those who are guided to explore them, living sculptures of pure water, knowledge revealing "illusions", and much else. Corellon watches over the boundaries of elven homelands in particular. His avatars wander the borders, often disguised, and he observes the actions of priests and craftsmen. Omens to priests are revealed in the form of falling stars, crystallomancy, sudden inspirations, and a feeling of physical strength, alerting the priest to unexpected danger. His avatar always appears wearing a sky-blue cloak, and a large amulet about his neck which has a blue crescent-moon motif within a large circle.

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Priests of Corellon are expected to be leaders of Elven communities in many ways. They take a leading role in developing their own, and training others in, combat skills, magic, and arts and crafts. They are expected to mediate any disputes, and to maintain good relations with priests of other elven religions and sylvan deities.

Sehanine: "Moonbow" (Intermediate Goddess, chaotic good [n/g]) She most closely identified with the full moon. As moon goddess, Sehanine is one who governs divinations, omens, and what is often termed "subtle magic"--illusion, elemental (air) magic, alteration, and the like. She is also a protector against madness. Sehanine's second role is shared with Labelas Enoreth, god of time. Labelas granted the elves longevity, and he watches over the unfolding of their lifespans; but Sehanine watches over the passage of the elven spirits from the world, and is thus a protectress of the dead. She is also a guardian and guide to those elves who seek to travel to distant refuges, such as Evermeet. These lands are jealously hidden from outsiders by sehanine's exceptional powers of illusion. Sehanine governs long journeys, be it physical or spiritual. In those Elven cultures which proclaim the reality of reincarnation, she and Corellon work together to guide the spirit to it's best subsequent incarnation as it works its way to perfection. Sehanine rarely concerns herself directly with events in the Prime Material, other than her weaving of illusions around the secret Elven retreats and guiding those Elves coming to those lands. Her omens are usually given in dreams and waking visions. Sehanine's priests are protectors of the dead, enjoined to combat undead creatures, organizers of funeral rites, and also seers and mystics. They also help with the pratical preparations for journeys to the hidden lands, but provide no guidance themselves. Retrieval of lost arcane lore and magical knowledge, especially pertaining to illusions and divinations, is a prime task of her adventuring priests. Her symbol is a full moon with a moonbow.

Tethrin Veralde': (Demi-God, neutral good) The son of Corellon and Sehanine. Tethrin is the patron of Bladesingers and Swordsmanship. Also called "The Shining One" or "The Master of Blades".

Aerdrie Faenya: (Intermediate Goddess, chaotic good [c/n]) Goddess of Air and Weather. As a rain-bringer, she is revered as a source of fertility. She is however, percieved as a somewhat distant goddess, and the fact that she is also worshipped by some aarakocra slightly diminishes the strength of Elven devotion to her. The goddess herself takes delight in the freedom of the skies, the music of wind

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instruments, and sometimes, fairly severe and violent thunderstorms. It is rumored that she created the Winged Folk. She is friendly to all avians, aarakocra, ki-rin and lammasu, and is also popular with Elves that have flying mounts such as pegasi, hippogriffs, gryphons and so forth. Exploration and maintaining good relations with avian races (e.g., giant eagles and aarakocra) are a prime duty for Aerdrie's priests. Development of musical skills on wind instruments, and acquiring magical aids to flight, are also important goals. Her symbol is a cloud with a bird silhouette.

Araleth Letheranil: (Lesser God, chaotic good) God of Light, Starlight, and Twilight. Also known as " The Prince of Stars" or "The Twilight Rider".

Deep Sashelas: (Intermediate God, chaotic good) Patron deity of the Sea Elves. Master of dolphins and always knows where food or the enemy can be found. "The Knowledgeable One". His symbol is a dolphin.

Erevan Ilesere: (Intemediate God, chaotic neutral) God of Mischief and Change. As such, he is the main god of Elven Thieves and Miscreants (e.g. Laerithil). Erevan is a fickle and unpredictable deity who specializes in shape-changing. He is a woodland lover and will always wear green somewhere upon his body. He also has a weakness for fine wines. Priests of Erevan are totally unpredictable. They have minimal duties, oppose settled interests, and delight in upsetting the rule of the law, powerful people and generally creating mayhem. His symbol is a nova star with asymmetrical rays. Hanali Celanil: (Intermediate Goddess, chaotic good) Goddess of Romance, Love, and Beauty. Those wishing for luck in love, or to enhance their own beauty, often look to Hanali for help. She has a crystal fountain of immense size which she shares only with the goddess Aphrodite, and draughts from it are given to her senior priests as philtres of love. Hanali is a being of timeless beauty and benign nature, and forgiving of minor transgressions. She delights in rewarding her followers with the bliss of unexpected love and affection. Hanali's priests preside over marriages and rites of passage ceremonies for young Elves. They must cultivate fine gardens, amass personal (or temple-based) collections of gems,

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crystal sculptures and the like. They must always be finely dressed and must always give shelter and succor to young lovers. Her symbol is a heart of gold.

Kirith Sotheril: (Lesser Goddess, neutral good) Goddess of Divination and Enchantment Magic. "The Magess".

Labelas Enoreth: (Intermediate God, chaotic good) God of Longevity. The acknowledged master of time and aging, he is responsible for the extended lifespan Elves enjoy, and knows the pasts and futures of every Elf and all Elven-related creatures. Labelas is also a philosopher, a patient teacher and instructor. Labelas' priests are responsible for educating the young and promoting and acquiring knowledge. They are also record keepers and historians. His symbol is a setting sun.

Melira Taralen: (Lesser Goddess, chaotic good) Goddess of Half-Elven Bards, Elven Minstrels, and Songwriting. "The Songstress".

Naralis Analor: (Lesser God, neutral good) God of Healing and the Easing of Pain and Death. "The Healer" or "The Watcher of Souls".

Rellavar Danuvien: (Lesser God, neutral good) Patron of Frost Sprites, Protection from the Elements (particularly the cold). "The Frost Sprite King" or "The Warder Against Elements".

Rillifane Rallathil:( Intermediate God, chaotic good) God of Forests and the Environment. "The Leaflord". He is worshipped by most Elven Druids and Wood Elves. He is depicted as a giant oak tree whose roots mingle with every other plant in the world. This being is concerned that all creatures have the opportunity to act out their roles in nature without abusing them. Rillifane's clerics are deadly enemies of those who would hunt for sport or harm trees maliciously or unnecessarily.

Page 8: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

His symbol is an oak tree.

Solonor Thelandira: (Intermediate God, chaotic good) God of Archery and Hunting. His magical bow has a range that reaches as far as the horizon. If he anticipates a battle with a particularly dangerous opponent, he will try to physically touch that being, then retreat. Once by himself, he will manufacture an arrow of slaying designed to kill that one foe, should it strike home. His symbol is a silver arrow with green fletching.

Tarsellis Meunniduin: (Intermediate God, chaotic neutral) God of Mountains, Rivers, Snow Elves, and the Wilderness. "The Lord of Mountains".

Page 9: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Symbols and Definitions This set is the first of two sets that I was shown and therefore it is the practitoner symbols. What I was shown was that each symbol is used to represent something in their environment that aids in the healing process. Therefore, use you intuition when drawing on certain elements. 7 Pointed Star – This is the common Elven 7 Pointed Star seen often in their history and lore. This symbol is used to represents the Tel'Quessir, and therefore allows us to start our Elven Healing. Arda – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from the Earth.

Page 10: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Vilya – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from the Air. Naur – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from the Fire. Alu – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from the Water. Helin Runya – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from the Violet Flame. Fea – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from Spirit. Keaver Sintar – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from Animal Guides. In the picture it's shown as Fea Cora, this is simply another translation meaning Spirit Leader. Hyandra Fallaner – This symbol allows us to channel the healing from the blade of

healing. This sword was something I was shown.

Page 11: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Master Symbols

set of symbols I was shown and it takes the healing to a new level. This is the second Leuthil – This symbol channels energy from crystals, in the Elven world these crystals are as big as mountains, and are used to replenish the Elven's energy. They are required to visit these mountains once every two years to stay healthy. Shae – This symbol allows us to channel energy embedded deep within the ocean. It gives a powerful cleansing of the body, mind and soul. Alkarinque – This is the star of healing, it allows healing energy to come from the stars in the Elven sky. Feanor – This symbol is the fire phoenix, or spirit of fire. It allows healing to come from the lava and fires that burn under the earth. This symbol also channels the energy from this spectacular mythical bird. Maikar – This is the Master Symbol, it attunes others to the Elven energy and creates in

ealing Techniques

their soul a oneness with the Elven Healing Energy. When I was attuned to this symbol I felt the need to claim the title of Elven Shaman. That is the transformation this symbol creates.

H s shown many of the Elven Healing Techniques. Many

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see a bright light that sho

Elven Healing with the motion of hands.

f the Head

ir points)

While in meditation I wae included mantras that help to bring the energy forth, although the language

spoken was a different dilect, as I was not able to translate the information. The first Mantra was one used with the 7 Pointed Star. The Shamtar over the Solar Plexus Chakra. The words as I heard them were “Madillasca

sento shima une kye. Lash taka, Lash taka, Kaiyce un devi kaimo ty.” The Shaman clapped his hands above the solar plexus and the star entered the body.

The Shaman then put his hand over the belly button, and I couldne like a lazer up through the heart, throat, brow, crown and 5 spiritual chakras. I

believe that this method is what activated the healing. The Shamn then showed me how to apply the We began at the eyes and he guided me to first put my palms facing upwards, and

then flip them to face below. I held the first position with palms up for 30 seconds, then the position with palms down for a longer period of time, 3-5 minutes. We did the same on many parts of the body, and I will list them in order below for you. Eyes Top oSides of the HeadBack of the Head Throat (Fingers meeting at theShoulders

Page 12: Elven Shamanic Healing - ana eugénio photography · Elven History Introduction Elven history is somewhat of a paradox. The elves are seen (not least by themselves) as a peaceful,

Move to the side of the person. guided to be right hand above, left hand below and to

agm men

is time the person was instructed to turn over if they were not sleeping.)

f Knees


ulder Blades turn my hands vertical and put them over the middle of the

s above head) th chakra down to the solar plexus where the star resided.

erbal Techniques

Breast Bone (my hands were nowthe left, your hands should make stairs. I continued down the body in this way.) Heart DiaphrUpper AbdoCenter Abdomen Lower Abdomen Genitals Thighs Knees Shins Feet (At thHeels Shins Back oBack of Thighs Bottom Lower BMid Back Lower ShoI was then instructed toshoulder blades, my hands tandem to one another. Back of Neck Back of Head Crown (2 incheI then drew a line from the 12The star rose out of the body, and more words were spoken to me in mantra style. “Nevo semo, semasin, cheemo grat lai do chi ty.” I was then instructed to push the star down into the client, to embed the star in their solar plexus.

H tance healings, and does not involve the actual physical herb. This technique works for dis

You simply need to have the names of the herbs available and know what their uses are. For each person you heal in this way you will need to know what it is that ails them or use a scanning method to determine what is wrong. Then you will choose 3 herbs which

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compliment the ailments, include them in a sachet, and seal them. Upon the sachet draw the symbols that will aid in the healing. For instance, if a client was feeling emotionally distressed, and therefore causing themselves to be fatigued, mal-nourished and feverish, I would use Black Cohosh, Carnation, and Chamomile to help them heal. I would then write the symbols of Shae, Feanor, and Hyandra Fallaner to help their healing process. Once the sachet is made meditate upon the person of whom you are sending the healing

compendium of

erbs and their Uses

to, and make sure to draw the 7 pointed star over their name to channel the energy to them. Leave the sachet for 7 days and release the herbs or names of the herbs to the main element used to heal. For my herbal sachet I would release it to the fire. If you do not know much about herbs I have included a magickal common herbs that will help you decide what to include in the sachet.

H Acacia Gum:Psychic Powers, Protection.When burned with sandalwood it stimulates psychic powers. Used in attraction spells (money, love). Agrimony:Protection.Used in protection spells and sachets to protect and banish all negative energies and spirits. Also used to reverse hexes, ie; not only breaks hexes but sends them back to the hexer. Allspice:Money, luck, Healing.Burn as incense to attract money or luck. Almond:Money, Prosperity, Wisdom. Althea (Marshmallow) Root:Protection, Psychic Powers.Known to attract good spirits


during rituals when placed upon the altar. Burn as incense to protect or stimulate psychic powers. Angelica Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions. Used in Protective and exorcism rituals and healing incenses. Sprinkle either the perimeter of your property or the four corners of your house to ward off evil. Added to the bath Angelica removes curses, hexes and any spells cast against you. The root carried in the pocket was often used as a gambling talisman, especially amongst some American Indian tribes. Anise:Purification, Protection, Prevents nightmares. Apple:Love, Happiness, Healing, Immortality. Balm of Gilead:Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing.Carry the herb for

simply protective and healing purposes or to mend a broken heart. To make a love potionsteep in red wine. Basil:Purification, Protection, Prosperity, Exorcism, Love.To protect the home place small amounts of the herb in each room of the house, for where basil is no evil can live. For this reason basil is often used in purification baths and exorcism incenses. Basil is also used to bring wealth to those who carry it. Alternatively, place basil in a cash register or on the door sill to attract customers Bay:Strength, Psychic Powers, Curse Breaker.Often worn or carried as an amulet to ward off negativity and evil, burned or scattered during exorcism rituals or hung to prevent any poltergeists from working any mischief in the home. To remove curses and evil spells burn with sandalwood. Place beneath your pillow to induce prophetic dreams,

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or burn to cause visions. Bayberry:Money, Good Luck, Peace, Harmony, Well-being. Benzoin:Purification, Prosperity. Excellent 'clearing' herb, Burn to purify. To attract customers to your business burn a mixture of Benzoin, Cinnamon, and Basil. Bergamot:Attract Money, Hex-breaking. Betony (wood):Protection, Purification, Love. Traditionally burned at the midsummer bonfire, jump through the smoke and purify the body of all ills. Add to purification and protective incenses or place beneath your pillow to shield yourself from visions or dreams. Betony is also a good herb to carry if making love advances and is said to reunite quarrelling couples if the herb is added to food. Birch leaf:Protection, Exorcism, Purification.The wytch's broom was traditionally made from birch twigs. Renown for its purifying nature. It is also highly protective. Bistort root:Psychic Powers, Purification, Money.Sprinkle an infusion of bistort to dispel negative spirits or energies. Burn with frankincense to enhance psychic power or simply carry, or add to wealth mixtures to attract money. Black Cohosh:Purification, Love.Sprinkle an infusion of Black Cohosh to dispel negative spirits or energies. Also added to love sachets or baths to attract love. Bladderwrack:Protection, Money, Safe Travel.Wash the floors and doors of your business to attract customers and bring good vibrations. Carry to protect yourself whilst traveling over water. Also used to summon the wind or sea spirits. Boneset:Protection, Exorcism.Sprinkle an infusion of boneset to drive away negative or evil spirits. Borage:Courage, Psychic Powers.A tea made from borage induces psychic powers. Burdock:Protection, Healing.Cast around the home to ward off negativity or add to protection incenses and mixtures. It is also said the leaves of burdock when laid to the soles of the feet help to cure gout. Caraway seeds:Protection, Lust, Health, Mental Powers.When carried, the herb is


known to protect against all forms of negative or evil spirits. To attract a partner, add to sachets. Cardam Lust, Love.To make a quick lust potion add a crushed seed to warmed wine. Alternatively, add to love sachets and incense. Carnation:Protection,Strength, Healing, Vitality. Cascara bark:Protection, Money, Legals.Often used in money spell mixtures, carry to protect against curses or negative spirits. To assist with court cases sprinkle around your home before going to court. Catnip:Cat Magick, Love, Beauty, Happiness. Catnip is often used in love sachets and spells designed to enhance beauty and happiness. Given to your cat it is said to create a psychic bond between the two of you. Cedar& Maple powder: Healing, Courage, Purification, Protection, Money, Hex-breaking.Excellent incense base especially when mixed with sandalwood. The smoke is both purifying and uplifting.

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Celery seeds:Mental powers, Lust, Psychic Powers.Chew the seeds to aid in concentration and focus (although they may also induce lust). Burn with orris root to increase psychic powers. Chamomile:Prosperity, Meditation, Calmness.Sprinkled around your property, chamomile protects and purifies whilst removing spells and curses cast against you. Add to the bath to relax and attract love into your life. The herb is also used to attract money, sometimes gamblers use an infusion as a hand wash to ensure winnings. Cherry:Divination, Love. Chickweed:Fidelity, Love.Carry or use in spells to attract love or to maintain a relationship. Cinnamon:Psychic Powers, Protection, Success, Healing, Clairvoyance, Prosperity.When burned, cinnamon raises high spiritual vibrations, aids in healing, draws money, stimulates psychic powers and produces protective vibrations. Cinnamon should also be used in any love sachets or incense. Clove:Money, Love, Exorcism, Protection.Burnt as incense cloves purify the area, drive away hostile or negative forces produce high spiritual vibrations and attract riches. It will also stop others from gossiping about you. Clover red:Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Success, Exorcism.Add to your bath water to aid in financial dealings. Sprinkle an infusion to remove negative spirits. Also used in lust potions. Colts foot:Love, Visions.Add to love sachets and use in spells of peace and tranquillity. Comfrey:Safety during travel, Money.Comfrey protects and ensures safe travel when carried or worn. Pack in your suitcases to ensure they don't get lost or stolen. Comfrey root can also be used in money spells and incenses. Copal gum:Love, Purification.An excellent gum to use in love and purification incenses. Coriander:Love, Lust. Often used in love spells and sachets. To make a quick lust potion add a crushed seed to warmed wine. Cumin:Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism, lust.Scatter on the floor with salt to drive out evil or burn with frankincense for protection. When given to a lover it will promote fidelity, and when steeped in wine it makes an effective lust potion. Damiana:Visions, Lust, Love. Burn to assist with divination. Often used in lust spells or spells designed to add spice to an existing relationship. Dandelion root:Divination, Calling Spirits.Burn with acacia gum or frankincense to promote visions or spirit communications. Dill:Seeds and flowers, Attraction for money or Love, Lust.Add to a bath to make you irresistible or eat to stimulate lust. Also used in money spells. Dittany of Crete:Manifestations, Astral Projection.Mix with equal parts of vanilla benzoin and sandalwood to make an astral projection incense. It also makes an excellent base for manifestation of spirits; the wraiths will appear in the smoke rising from the censor. Elder berries:Exorcism, Protection, Prosperity.The Elder tree is sacred to many

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Goddesses, due to its white flowers. Grown in the garden it protects the household against the ravages of sorcery whilst it attracts prosperity. Hung over doorways and windows it keeps evil from the house. Wear to ward off attackers and protect against evil and negativity. Elder also has the power to force evil magicians to release any spells they may have against you. To bless a person, place, or thing, scatter the leaves and berries to the four winds in the name of the person or object to be blessed. Then scatter some more Elder over the person or object itself. Elder is also used at weddings to bring good luck to the couple. Elecampane:Protection, Love, Psychic Powers. Smoulder the herb on charcoal to sharpen psychic powers, especially when scrying. Carried or worn, elecampane protects and attracts love. To make a love pouch sew some of the leaves or flowers into pink cloth. Eucalyptus:Protection, Healing.Use the leaves to stuff healing poppets and carry to maintain good health and ensure protection. Fennel:Protection, Healing, Purification.Often used in healing and purification mixtures. Hang above windows and doors or carry to ward off evil spirits and negativity. Fenugreek:Money.To attract money into the house, add a few fenugreek seeds to the mop water or make an infusion then add to water. Frankincense:Spirituality, Protection, Exorcism, Consecration. When burned the gum releases powerful uplifting vibrations driving out all evil and negativity. Burn to protect, purify, and consecrate, to aid meditation, induce visions and to enhance spiritual growth. Galangal Root:Luck, Money, Hex-breaking, Protection. Burn powdered galangal to break spells or curses. Place together with silver in a sachet of leather to attract money. Worn or carried it protects the bearer and draws good luck. Gardenia:Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality. Gentian:Love, Power, Curse breaker.Add to any mixture, especially those for love or breaking curses to intensify its power. Ginger:Success, Power, Money, Love.Add a pinch of ginger to any of the above mixtures to ensure success and increase its power. To attract money, sprinkle the powdered root on a green candle and burn during the waxing moon. Add a pinch to love mixtures to add some spice. Ginseng:Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection. To ward off evil spirits break hexes and curses, smoulder on charcoal. Carry the root to enhance beauty, to attract love or money. Ginseng is often substituted for Mandrake. Grains of paradise:Lust, Luck, Money, Wishes. Use this herb in lust luck love and money spells, incenses and sachets. To make a wish, hold some of the herb in your hand, concentrate on your intent, then throw a little to each direction, starting and ending in the north. Hazel:Mental powers, Hazel nuts are used in fertility spells. Hops:Healing, Sleep.Add hops to healing sachets and incenses. A pillow stuffed with dried hops brings on sleep and rest. Horehound:Protection, Mental powers, Exorcism.Burn to honour the Egyptian god

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Horus. Use in protective sachets or scatter as an exorcism herb. Excellent for clearing ones mind, promoting quick thinking, and strengthening mental powers by drinking an infusion of the herb. Hyssop:Purification, Protection.One of the most widely used purification herbs used in magick. Use in purification baths or sachets or hung up in the home to purge it of evil and negativity. To cleanse a person or object, sprinkle with an infusion. Irish Moss:Money, Safe Travel. To attract money or luck into your home place beneath rugs. Carry to ensure safe and protected travel. Jasmine:Love, Money.Carry or burn the flowers to attract wealth or money. Add to sachets to attract spiritual love. Juniper:Protection, Anti Theft, Exorcism.Hang above the door or windows to protect against evil forces or theft. Breaks hexes or curses when carried or burned and is often used in exorcism rituals. John the Conqueror:Money, Love, Happiness, Hex-breaking, Protection. Long been used for love spells. Lavender:, Sleep, Purification, Happiness, Peace.The scent of Lavender can also be worn to attract men. Burn to induce sleep or rest, or scatter around the home to maintain peace and happiness. Lemon Balm:Health, Success, Love.Often used in spells to ensure success. The herb is also used in healing incenses and sachets. To influence love, soak the herb in wine for several hours, strain and share with that special person. To find love, carry the herb around with you Lemon grass:Lust, Psychic Powers.Planted around the home lemon grass is known to repel snakes. Commonly used to aid in developing psychic powers by making an infusion of the herb. Often mixed with sage and copal gum to make smudge sticks. Lemon Verbena:Purification, Love.Burn to purify an area or add to purification baths. Often added to other mixtures to increase thier strength and potency. To become attractive to the opposite gender carry the herb or use in love incenses and mixtures. Liquorice:Lust, Love.Add to love and lust sachets or simply carry to attract love. Liquorice sticks also make useful wands. Lilac:Protection, Banishing. Lotus:Spirituality, Love, Protection. (leaves and roots)Ancient Egyptians held this plant sacred and often used it as an offering to the gods. Therefore any part of the Lotus carried or worn is said to ensure the blessings of the gods and good luck. Lotus seeds and pods are used as an antidote to love spells Magnolia:Peace, Nature spells, Hair growth. Marigold:Protection, Legal Matters, Psychic Powers.Marigold flowers strung in a garland placed at the doors will stop evil entering the house. Scattered under the bed will protect you while you sleep. Carried in your pocket, will help justice to smile favourably upon you in court and added to bath water will help you win the respect and admiration of those you meet. Marjoram:Protection, Health, Money.When placed around the house (a little in each room and replaced monthly) or carried, it shields against evil, protecting against ill intent

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and negativity. Marjoram is also used in love spells or added to food to strengthen love. Meadowsweet:Love, Peace, Happiness.The scent is said to cheer the heart. Often used in love spells or strewn about the house to keep peace. Mint:Money, Protection.Often used in money and prosperity spells. To attract money, place a few leaves in your purse or wallet, or rub where money is kept. Mix with rosemary, marjoram,salt and water and sprinkle to rid a place of evil. Mistletoe:Protection,Mistletoe is an all-purpose herb, favoured by the Druids. Burn or carry to banish evil or to protect against misfortune. Mug wort:Divination, Clairvoyance, Psychic powers, Protection,Sleeping on a pillow stuffed with mug wort will help produce prophetic dreams. To enhance psychic powers drink an infusion before divination. To cleanse crystal balls or magick mirrors wash them in an infusion of mugwortt. Strongest when picked on a full moon night. Musk:Courage, Fertility, Lust. Mustard:Fertility, Protection, Money.Crush in your mortar and pestle mustard seeds, cloves cinnamon, and sandalwood. Carry the powder with you (preferably in a green bag) or place anywhere money is kept, to attract money and prosperity. Myrrh:Spirituality, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism, Transformation, Healing.Burn to purify and lift the vibrations of the area to create peace. Also used to purify bless and consecrate objects such as amulets, talismans, charms and magick tools. Often burned with frankincense. It also aids in meditation. Nettle:Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust.Nettle is widely known for its protective powers. To remove a curse and send it back to its owner, stuff a poppet with nettle or simply carry some in a sachet. Sprinkle around the house to keep out evil, or throw into a fire to avert danger. Nutmeg:, prosperity.Nutmeg is used in many money and prosperity spells and mixtures. One of the easiest is to sprinkle on green candles and burn down to their socket on a Thursday. Oak moss:Money.To attract money: carry with you (in a green or gold bag) rub onto money, or use in money spells and mixtures. Orange:Divination, Love, Luck, Money. Orris Root:Love. Orris is often known as 'love drawing powder' so has long been used to find and hold love. The root can be carried or the powder may be sprinkled on the sheets, clothing, around the house or on the body to attract love. Parsley:Purification, Protection.Parsley is often used in purification baths and to stop all misfortune. Fresh Parsley eaten also aids in reducing blood pressure. Passionflower:Peace, Friendships.Place around the house to reduce problems and troubles and bring peace. Carry to attract friends and enjoy great popularity. Patchouli:Fertility, Lust, Money. Often used in money and prosperity spells. Sprinkle onto money, place around green candles and burn, or add to purses or wallets to attract money. Also used on a fertility talisman and is often substituted for 'graveyard dust' where called for. Pennyroyal:Protection, Peace, Strength.Known as a herb of peace. Given to

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quarrelling couples it will cause them to cease fighting, and when worn it guards against the evil eye. Aids in making business deals. When placed in the shoe it also prevents weariness during travel and strengthens the body in general. Pepper:Protection, Exorcism.Mix with salt and scatter to dispel evil. Pepper is also added to amulets to protect against the evil eye. Peppermint:Purification, Healing. Often used in Healing and purification spells and mixtures. It is excellent for cleansing furniture, walls and floorboards of any evil or negativity by steeping the herb in your washing water It will also raise the vibrations of the area. Pimento:Love. Used in love spells and sachets especially amongst the gypsies. Eaten it will also induce feelings of love. Pine:Healing, Protection, Exorcism, Fertility, Money. Poppy:Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck.Carry to promote fertility, attract luck and money. The seeds are also added to food and sachets to induce love. Quassia:Love.Use in love mixtures to draw and maintain love. Raspberry:Love. Often served as a love inducing food, raspberry leaves are also carried to alleviate the pains of pregnancy and childbirth. Rose:Love, Beauty, Luck, Protection. Due to the flowers association with the emotions, roses have long been used in love spells and mixtures. Add to the bath water to attract love or simply scatter the petals on your altar to enhance the power of your love spell. Roses are also added to fast-luck and protection mixtures. Rose Geranium:Protection, Fertility, Love, Health. Rosemary:Protects from negativity, Blessing, Consecration, Aids memory, Protection rituals. Rosemary is one of the oldest incenses. When burned it emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations. Place under your pillow to ensure a good night's sleep and to drive away nightmares, or place under your bed to guard against all harm whilst you are sleeping. When hung over doors rosemary is said to keep thieves away. Used in purification baths, infusions of this herb are also used to wash the hands prior to healing work. Burn with juniper to promote healing. Rue:Curse-Breaker, Healing, Love, Mental Powers.Add to all banishing mixtures and baths to break any curses cast against you, or wash the floors with an infusion. Hang above the doors to protect the home or burn to clear the head where love is confused. Sage:Wisdom, Prosperity, Healing, Longevity.Carry to promote wisdom or wear a small horn filled with sage to guard against the evil eye. Sage is used in countless healing and money spells. it is also the main ingredient used in smudging. Sandalwood:Spirituality, Protection, Wishes, Healing, Exorcism.When burned sandalwood emits very powerful spiritual vibrations whilst being very grounding. Often used as a base ingredient in incense especially for protection, healing and full moon rituals. St John's Wort:Health, Strength, Happiness, Protection.This herb is often dried over midsummer fires and hung near the window to protect against evil spirits. If you can't do this place the herb in a jar and place it near the window as it will have the same effect, or burn to banish spirits and demons.

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Skullcap:Love, Fidelity, Peace. Use in peace and relaxation spells and rituals. (Never burn as the fumes are poisonous) It is said that a woman who wears or carries this herb will protect her partner from the charms of another woman. Sesame:Money, Lust.Leave a jar of sesame seeds open in the house to attract money. (The seeds should be changed every month.) Star Anise:Protection, Purification.Sleep on a small pillowcase filled with Star Anise seeds to chase nightmares away. Mix with Bay leaves for purification baths. Tangerine:Psychic powers, mental powers. Tea Tree:Healing, Anti fungal. Thyme:Healing, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage.Thyme is often burned prior to rituals to purify an area or mixed with Marjoram especially in Spring to create a magickal cleansing bath to remove all sorrows and ills of the past. For this reason Thyme is often burned or carried in healing rituals as well. Placed beneath a pillow Thyme will ensure a peaceful sleep. Turmeric:Purification.Scatter on the floor to protect a magick circle, or mix with salt water and sprinkle to purify an area. Valerian:Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection,Powdered Valerian root is often used as a substitute for 'graveyard dust' when called for due to its protective qualities. The herb is also used in love spells and mixtures, especially to soothe and settle tension or calm quarrelling in a relationship. Vanilla:Magickal powers, Mental powers, Love, Lust, Rejuvenation. Vervain:Love, Protection, Peace, Money, Healing.Vervain is a common ingredient used in love, protection/exorcism and purification mixtures and spells. Sprinkle an infusion around the home to chase off evil spirits or malignant forces, or scatter the herb around to bring peace and calm the emotions. the herb is also used in money and prosperity spells. In fact when the herb is burned in the garden or placed in the house it is said that wealth will flow. Vetivert:Hex-breaking, Peace, Love, Protection, Exorcism. Violet Leaf:Wishes, Love, Lust.Carry to attract luck and good fortune. Or burn with Lavender to arouse lust and stimulate love. White Willow:Protection, Love, Healing, Spirit Communication.To communicate with spirits, burn outdoors with Sandalwood during the waning moon. Often used in love and healing mixtures. Carry or place in your home to protect against evil or negative spirits. Witch Hazel:Cool Passions, Protection.Carry to help mend a broken heart, or to cool passions. Carry to protect against negative influences. Wormwood:Psychic powers, Calling spirits, Protection, Love.Burn to aid in developing psychic power or mix with Sandalwood to summon spirits. When carried the herb also protects against bewitchment or when hung on the rear view mirror it protects the vehicle from accidents on treacherous roads. Yarrow:Courage, Love, Psychic powers, Exorcism.Yarrow is often carried to bring love and attract friends, ie: it draws the attention of those you most want to impress. Yarrow is often used in wedding decorations to ensure a love lasting at least seven years

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and is therefore used in many love spells. The herb is also used to exorcise evil or negativity and protect the wearer Ylang Ylang:Love,Lust, Peace.

Receiving The Attunements I received these attunements in two processes. The practitioner level attunement I received while on my way to sleep. This allowed me to dream about the methods in which were used and allowed the energy to settle deep within my soul. For the first of these two attunements I would recommend doing them before you go to bed. To accept this attunement, make sure you are comfortable, relaxed and ready. Then say to yourself, “I am now ready to accept the Elven Spiritual Healing Attunement as prepared for me by Violet Paille.” Then relax and allow the energy to flow to you. For the Master Attunement I actually received this attunement while taking a bath, and so to keep with the purity of this healing modality, when you receive this attunement, it will also be during a bath. After you have set up your sacred space in the bathroom, say to yourself, “I am now ready to accept the Elven Shamanic Healing Attunement as prepated for me by Violet Paille.” Then relax and allow the energy to flow to you. The difference between the attunements is that only at Master level can you call yourself an Elven Shaman. The first attunement connects you to the Elven Spiritual Healing, where as the Master attunement connects you forever to the Elven Shamanic Healing System. Passing on Attunements Start by creating your sacred space, candles, incense, picture or card with the name of the person you are attuning on it. Start by drawing the 7 pointed star above their solar plexus and saying the mantra to call upon the Elven Energy. You will see the energy beam from the star to their 12th chakra and that is when you can begin. Begin by placing the first 9 symbols within each of the chakras starting at the base chakra. Do this for all 7 chakras, and then place the symbols simultaeneously in each of the palms. When you place the symbols in the palms your palms should be face down to theirs and you should be in front of them, they should be sitting upright. Seal this process by embedding the Elven Star into their solar plexus and placing an affirmation that the Elven Spiritual Healing Energy is with them always. Master Level Attunement To attune one to Master Level is a bit more complicated. I will tell you how I was

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attuned, and you can base your attunements for others on that. As I said, I was in the bath, but I first felt myself being called to the Elven Realms. In this way I literally astral projected to the Elven Realm. I could see the environment around me, trees, grass, nature. There were also two people there, male and female. The female Elf began by passing on the 4 master level symbols through my crown chakra. Each symbol travelled down to my root chakra. She began with Alkarinque, then Shae, then Leuthil, and then Feanor. When that process was finished, the male Elf then places each of the symbols within my palms. I could feel heat in my hands and I saw the symbols in gold. The Maikar symbol was then drawn over my entire body, from my crown to my root chakra, by first the female elf, and then the male elf. Each of them them spoke to me first in Elven and then I asked them to speak in English for me so that I could understand them. They told me many affirmations and connected me forever to the Elven Shamanic Healing. I was also told that I was now an Elven Shaman. For this attunement, I would recommend asking these two Elven Gods to complete the attunement for you when you pass it on to others. I have decided that this is the best way to keep this energy pure. As always, if you ever need any support with this healing modality, I am here for you. I hope you have learned a lot from this manual and I ask you to keep the purity of the Elven Traditions alive. You will be an Elven Shaman and with that comes great responsibility. Love and Light, Violet Copyright 2005 Vision in the Stars Reiki Academy & Psychic Center