Download - Ellington Women’s · 2018-09-06 · Ellington Women’s Club Next meeting Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 PM The Monet's Table

Page 1: Ellington Women’s · 2018-09-06 · Ellington Women’s Club Next meeting Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 PM The Monet's Table

Ellington Women’s ClubNext meeting Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 PM

The Monet's Table167 Tolland Stage Road, Tolland

June 2015Editor: Joan RobinsonDistribution: Annette Ouellet

Greetings Ladies,

It's good-bye to another year already and the anticipation of another.

Our Officer's Installation Banquet this year will be held at Monet's Table, 167 Tolland Stage Road, Tolland, starting at 6:30 PM. Please let me know if anyone needs directions.

The menu chosen is as follows: Mixed Greens

Assorted Homemade Breads Cold Blueberry and Lime Soup

Dinner choices of: Cornflake Encrusted Baked Sole with Citrus Ginger Sauce

Grilled Chicken topped with Tomatoes and Walnut Basil Pesto or Creamy Summer Squash Wild Mushroom and Dill Lasagna

Dessert is Tiramisu Coffee and Tea

Cash bar is available for soft drinks or alcohol

We still have openings for Hospitality volunteers as follows: 2 people for November 4th, 3 people for February 3rd, and 1 person for March 2nd. Also, we still need people to help on the following committees: Publicity, Membership, Winterfest and the ever popular, Fundraising. Please think about supporting our club and volunteering on a committee. In order to keep the Ellington Women's Club alive and contributing to the causes we have been so fortunate to do in the past, we need all to be an active part of this organization.

We have a fundraiser date at Sweet Frog in Manchester: Tuesday, June 23rd from 6PM - 9PM. We need to get the word out. Tell everyone you know to go. And I hope to see each and everyone one of you there buying frozen yogurt! Remember that club dues are also due to Ann at the June meeting.Karen

Installation of Officer's Banquet _____ Enclosed is my check for $30.00 made payable to Ellington Women's Club for dinner at Monet Table. _________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Name Date

Please send your check to Ann Berak at 4 Windmill Road, Ellington, CT 06029.If you need to send in your Dues, see page 3. Ann Berak needs separate checks for dinner and dues. Thank you.

Page 2: Ellington Women’s · 2018-09-06 · Ellington Women’s Club Next meeting Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 PM The Monet's Table

June 4, 1919 The U.S. Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution

Thanks go out to Ann B., Carol and Annette for supplying refreshments at the Trolley Museum for our May meeting. Since Monet's Table will be supplying the dessert for our June banquet, the ladies who signed up as Hostesses get a pass this month. I hope all of you who have not signed up as Hostesses for next year will consider doing so at our next

meeting or by calling or e-mailing President Karen with your choice of months - we have a number of holes that we would like to fill before the next booklet is printed. I am very appreciative of those of you who served so admirably during the past year. Thanks for making my job as Hospitality Chairman so much easier!


It was another successful garden luncheon. Good food, good friends and great conversation.

Many thanks to Nadene, Ann, Annette and Liz for their garden skills in helping to prepare the herb garden for summer. It looked wonderful after weeding, planting and mulching.

A special thank you to Darlene who stopped by to see if we needed the assistance of her pickup truck. Thanks Darlene, we didn’t this time but probably will in the fall.

TUSSIE MUSSIEDiane Harrington

At the May meeting, we signed up to maintain the Veteran Monuments for the summer. By the time you receive this newsletter we will have planted around them. The weeding and watering will be done on a two-week basis, below is the schedule. We are still in need of volunteers to help cover this schedule.


May 24 & 31 (Nancy Lombard)

June 21 & 28 (Carol Hagopian, Ann Berak and Annette Ouellet)

July 5 & 12 (No one is scheduled. Please help!)

July 19 & 26 (Gretchen Ammon)

August 2 & 9 (No one is scheduled. Please help!)

August 16 & 23 (Gretchen Ammon)

Aug. 30 & Sept. 6 (Cathy Rowe)

Sept. 13 & 20 (No one is scheduled. Please help!)

Sept. 27 & 26 (Gretchen Ammon)

We will clean the beds for the winter sometime during the week of October 11. Gretchen has signed up for then. Anybody who could help please call me at 860-875-6394.

C.I.P. - Maintaining Veteran MonumentsPat Tardif

Report from the Scholarship Committee

The Club received four applications from prospective candidates. The applications were reviewed by a small group of members that included several past scholarship committee chairs. One applicant’s application was sent on to the state level for consideration with the sponsorship of our Club. Another candidate’s application was passed along to another Club for sponsorship. I expect to hear something in June and will report back to the Club in the fall. I look forward to continuing as the Chair of the Scholarship Committee and welcome others to help with the review process. Let me know if you would like to be involved with the selection process next year.

Respectfully, Cathy Rowe

Page 3: Ellington Women’s · 2018-09-06 · Ellington Women’s Club Next meeting Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30 PM The Monet's Table

Don't forget to bring your Education Box Tops to the meeting.

It’s time once again… dues need to be paid.MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM

_____ Please renew my membership. Enclosed is my check for $30.00 made payable to: Ellington Women's Club. _____ Please accept my resignation.

_________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date

Dues must be paid by the June 3, 2015 meeting. Please bring to the June 3 meeting or mail to: Ann Berak, 4 Windmill Road, Ellington, CT 06029.

Women's Club Meeting at the Connecticut Trolley Museum

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E-MAIL: [email protected]


Thank you for your donation of 37 lbs. of food and 2 gal. laundry detergent for May. Even though the Club will not be meeting during the summer, we will still collect food for the pantries. I will have the yellow box at the Senior Center on June 30 & July 1, August 4 & 5, and September 1 & 2. In this past month the Crystal Lake Pantry has increased its families by 10 to 45. Please mark your calendars to drop off items on the above dates. When school is out for the summer months the pantries will need our help more than ever!

Suggested Items: Pasta Dessert mixes Pancake mix & Syrup Tuna Spaghetti O's Canned meats Canned fruit Pasta & Sauce Peanut butter Cereal Toothpaste Toilet Paper Soups (not condensed) chicken noodle, rice, etc.