Download - Elizabeth final final final

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Written By

Emma Northfield and Tully Mead

Based on 'Elizabeth' by Louanne Honey. 1


Dim flickering light coming from the overhead street lamp, large industrial bins line the alleyway. Faint noises of traffic and police sirens can be heard in the background. MASON (18) who has scruffy but long brown hair, quite tall but very skinny, wearing a dark blue zip up hoodie, white loose fitting t-shirt, black jeans and fashionable trainers is shown stumbling along the alleyway with ELIZABETH (17) who has long blonde hair, average size and height who is wearing a slightly cropped black top, high waisted black jeans and a oversized flannel plaid shirt with the buttons undone. MASON has a bottle of vodka in his hand. Both acting quite childish due to the amount of alcohol they have consumed.

MASON lightly nudges ELIZABETH but ELLIE doesn't respond.

MASONYou're no fun anymore Ellie.


Mason, lets go home. (said more seriously this time while facing MASON, hint of force in her voice).

MASONEver since...

ELIZABETH turns suddenly to MASON, a slight tear forming in her eye. She is obviously upset.



ELIZABETH swiftly grabs the bottle of alcohol from MASON'S hand and drinks a large quantity of it. MASON then tries to grab the bottle back from ELIZABETH. You then see MASON and ELIZABETH almost play fight over the bottle.


Ellie, You never let me win (jokily said)

Sound of a police car turns into the sound of an alarm

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MASON'S bedroom is neat and clean. There is a single bed in the middle of the room, with a wooden bedside table. A pair of glasses, an alarm clock and a small glass of water are on top of the table. To the left of the room, there is a wardrobe and next to this is the bathroom.

A distressed and restless MASON (now 45) wakes up. His bed sheets are scattered across the rest of the bed and floor. MASON has a slight red tint to his face, and messy hair. MASON reaches across to his bed stand, grabs a pair of glasses and switches on the bed side lamp.

MASONOh you've got to be kidding me...(muttered lightly under his breath)

MASON continues to stare at the alarm clock. Montage of him getting ready, quick cuts between shots to show the speed that he gets ready in. Montage starts with him going into the bathroom, staring into the mirror and grabbing his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth. You then see him washing his face and combing his hair before running down the upstairs landing to his room and putting on his work clothes. (White shirt under a blue jumper so the shirt collar can be seen. His trousers look like suit trousers and his hair is neatly combed). MASON runs down the stairs, a couple at a time and runs into his kitchen. He grabs some breakfast and starts to eat it while running around the table picking up all of the papers on it and putting them in his bag (a brown satchel) and quickly drinks all of his tea.

MASON then pulls his phone out of his pocket and dial's some numbers. He waits a few seconds for a response.


PRINCIPLE Ah MR COLLINS. are you alright

MASONI'm awfully sorry but i'm afraid i will be late.

PRINCIPALNo need to worry its only a training day. Oh but whilst your on your way would you mind picking up some tea bags for us. Were out.

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MASONNo problem, see you in a few.

He runs out of the house while picking up his keys which are placed on a table near his door. You see his house door 3

close and he unlocks his beaten up bike. He jumps on it and walks it to the path on his street.


The street MASON lives on is very quiet. There are neat houses on either side of his and his house looks out of place as it is slightly beaten down. You see MASON continue to cycle down the road.

You then see MASON arrive at the shop and lock up his bike. He walks inside the shop and a bell rings as he opens the door.


The shop is a typical corner shop. Racks upon racks are stuffed with out of date magazines. Milk and a small selection of fizzy drinks are stored in a small fridge nearby. There is also a rack of sweets and biscuits and another rack of very cheesy cards. To the left of the door is the tills with a vast array of cigarettes, lighters, matches and fireworks.

SHOP KEEPERMorning (very grumpy tone, while shop keeper continues to stare at that mornings newspaper)

MASON starts to search the shop racks to find some tea bags and eventually finds some near the fridge with the milk in. 5

MASON then walks over to the tills and puts the packet down on the table.

SHOP KEEPERCould I interest you in buying a lottery ticket this morning? (still said with a grumpy tone)

MASONNo thanks, I'll just take the tea bags...

MASON hands over the cash. The SHOP KEEPER presses a few

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buttons on the till and hands MASON his change and a crumpled up receipt.

MASONThank you.

MASON then goes to leave the shop. As he goes to open the door, he bumps into a woman. She is quite short and has long blonde hair. MASON drops the packet of tea bags on the floor whilst she also drops a jar of coffee which smashes on the floor. They both stand shocked for a moment before she picks up the tea bags from the floor and passes them to him. The shop keeper looks up and walks out back to get a dustpan and brush for the smashed glass.

WOMANSorry i'm a bit clumsy(said with a very light tone to her voice)

MASON lightly laughs and turns a slight shade of red.

MASONNo its my fault. I don't suit early mornings. Let me buy you another pot.(he is obviously very embarrassed)

WOMANOh no, don't worry about it, it's fine!

MASONI insist.

MASON then looks up into the WOMAN'S eyes and faintly recognised them but can't place a name on it.

MASONI recognise you, but I'm not sure where from? My names Mason...

The WOMAN looks hesitant to answer.

WOMANI'm LIZ but I'm not sure where you'd recognise me from... I'm not from around her...

MASONMaybe we could talk while I buy you a drink later?

WOMANYes, I'd like that.

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The two of them walk over to the till where the shopkeeper re emerges from the back with a dustpan and brush.