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ELIR Briefing Day12th October 2010

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Learning Objectives

To develop a greater understanding of the rationale behind Enhancement-led institutional reviews (ELIR)

To understand the ELIR process To gain an awareness of how ELIR can be used as a

catalyst for change To be enabled to effectively participate fully in the

process To be able to plan for successful engagement in the


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Enhancement-led institutional review (ELIR) in Scotland

Janice Ross & Stella HeathAssistant Directors

QAA Scotland183 St Vincent Street Glasgow G2 5QD

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Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are independent and self-governing

HEIs have responsibility for maintaining academic standards and high quality provision

QAA works with HEIs to define academic standards and quality (the ‘Academic Infrastructure’)

QAA undertakes independent external review of each HEI (usually on a 4-6 year cycle)

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Quality Enhancement Framework (QEF) in Scotland

• Institution-led quality review (at subject level)• Student engagement in quality management

(inc. sparqs)• Public information• National programme of Quality Enhancement

Themes• Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR)

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ELIR focus

ELIR reports on 3 broad areas of HEI activity:

• Management of the student learning experience

• Monitoring and review of quality and academic standards (quality assurance)

• Strategic approach to quality enhancement,

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ELIR Process

Annual discussion Reflective Analysis (RA) with case studies Two-part visit Published reports (main and summary) Year-on institutional response Sector-wide feedback, and ‘Learning from

ELIR’ reports

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Three senior academic UK-based reviewers

One senior academic international reviewer

One student reviewer

One ELIR coordinating reviewer

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ELIR: Two-part review visit

Part 1: Two days at institution ‘getting to know’ the institution First half-day Who do the team meet? Developing an agenda for part 2 visit

Part 2: Between three-five days ‘bespoke’ agenda Who do the team meet? Final day Key themes letter

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Why is student involvement in ELIR important?

• Sabbatical officers’ involvement in ELIRReflective Analysis (transparent; inclusive)Institution’s ‘half-day’Responding to ELIR report, and

participating in annual discussions• Students who meet the ELIR team

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Why is student involvement in ELIR important?

• Student reviewersBrings a student ‘real world’ perspectiveHelps ELIR team focus on reality of the

student experienceGives confidence (in ELIR) to other

students who meet the ELIR teamReinforces the importance of the student

experience in the Quality Enhancement Framework

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Four year cycle 2008-09 to 2011-12


Queen Margaret University

Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

Edinburgh College of Art


University of Glasgow

University of Dundee

Glasgow School of Art

University of Strathclyde

University of Aberdeen

Scottish Agricultural College


Heriot-Watt University

University of St Andrews

Napier University

Glasgow Caledonian University

University of West of Scotland


The Robert Gordon University

University of Abertay Dundee

University of Edinburgh

UHI Millennium Institute

University of Stirling

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Some useful references

• UUK ‘Quality and standards in UK universities: A summary’

• An introduction to QAA (May 2009)

• ELIR Handbook (2nd edition, 2008)

• Good practice in Reflective Analysis when preparing for Enhancement-led institutional review (May 2009)

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Questions & Answers

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

Registered Charity numbers 1062746 and SC037786

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Student Involvement in ELIRThe Glasgow Way

Tommy Gore (GUSRC President – 2010/2011)

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Second cycle of ELIR

Every experience is different

Glasgow started preparing in 2008

ELIR visits – 20/21 October 2009; w/c 23 November

Report published March 2010

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(used to be) 9 Faculties and 50 Departments

24,000 Students (19,000 undergraduate and 5,000


Spread over multiple campuses in the city of Glasgow, as well as Crichton Campus at


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Students’ Representative Council

We’re different………….

Glasgow has an individual set up with four student bodies; two unions which run bars and venues, the sports

association and ourselves.

Founded in 1886, we are the statutory body on campus representing students. We have no commercial activities, and rely solely on the University for our block grant every


The Executive consists of four elected Sabbatical Officers, of which I lead as the President.

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In the Beginning……….

Sent drafts of the reflective analysis from the beginning

Input where our activities crossed over with the University

Once the content had been filled out, University started editing

At that point, the then President and VP Learning & Development joined the team

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In the Beginning……….

Suggesting changes to the text Importance of content and context;

you’re not just proofreading the document

Particularly student experience section – this is where our strengths lay

Consulting with Council/Class Reps – trying to get a broadly representative group

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In the Beginning….. Then asked to consider its

appropriateness Making sure the document ‘told a story’ Focus on our improved relationship with

the University Positive changes we had made to the

quality of education at Glasgow

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In the Beginning….. Making sure what they said was correct Was the process described correct? The document presented information

about Glasgow…… …..BUT – it didn’t analyse it. An opportunity for the University to say

where it knows it can improve and how it plans to do this

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In the Beginning…..

Areas where we had expressed concern or asked for change in committee

Also where it is doing well, and how it achieved that standard

Showed we play a large role, aside from ELIR, in making the University review its practices

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Time for Talky Time…… How did it work?

Past and current Presidents presented

Lots of meetings regarding the different presentations

Ours was to have a focus on the student experience

Sent staff our drafts all the way through

Two way process – they suggested changes to us, we suggested changes to them

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Time for Talky Time…… How did it work?

Asked to attend the morning session

Felt it important to involve students throughout the day

Reflects how we work with the University every day

Second presentation after the Principal

Meetings with students – a mixture of students picked by ourselves and the Senate Office

We didn’t cheat too much!

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Time for Talky Time…… How did it work?

Got asked some interesting questions – but students were honest

Beware some dodgy questions….!

Let University know how sessions went

Only need to know topics, not answers

Afterwards, sent letter outlining confidence with major headlines

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Activity: planning your involvement

BLUE cards: stages of ELIRPINK cards: actions within each stage of ELIRGREEN cards: people involved throughout ELIR

Lay out the stages in orderPut actions alongside relevant stages – write your

own ideas or duplicate actions on the flip chartLink people to activities –write your own ideas or

duplicate people on the flip chartWrite timescales for each action

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The Reflective Analysis

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The Outcomes of ELIRLooking at the reports and how to

use them

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Using the Report

Tommy Gore (GUSRC President – 2010/2011)

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Using the Report

How both the University, and the SRC, have moved on since the first ELIR

QAA expressed ‘broad confidence’ in the University

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Areas of Positive Practice

Over recent years, the University and the SRC have developed a strong and effective partnership

Student Representation

Learning and Teaching Strategy

Student participation in internal quality reviews

Student feedback

Learning environment

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Areas for Development Not everything is perfect……..

Student Voice Website

Student Equality and Diversity

Graduate Attributes and Employability

University Restructuring

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What do I need to make sure I get out of ELIR?

Read the report thoroughly Understand the findings Ensure the institution takes findings and

report seriously Raise and contribute to discussions at all

levels about the report Use it for yourself, not just the University Use report/findings to support your

arguments to improve student experience

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Glasgow examples

Areas for improvement that the SRC and University are currently working on at Glasgow

Currently working on the Student Voice Website

Finalising the Graduate Attributes Paper

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Activity: summary reports

In small groups look through a summary report and highlight the:

Main findings Opportunities Challenges

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Activity: summary reports

As a large group explore: How would you turn the opportunities into actions

at your institution? Who could you work with to do this? How could they combat the challenges? What other challenges might there be?

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Until next ELIR?

ELIR visit & report

Annual meeting & one year on report

Prepare for next cycle

Annual discussions

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Questions and final discussion

Have your hopes and fears been addressed?

Is there anything still unanswered?

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Aim and objectives

Aim: an opportunity for student officers to become familiar with the ELIR process and understand how they can be involved

Objectives: To develop a greater understanding of the rationale and

process of ELIR To gain an awareness of the potential of the ELIR process for

your students’ association To become fully empowered to effectively participate fully in

the process To be able to plan for a successful engagement in the process