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ELI Newspaper

Fall 2013, Issue 2

Online at (blog) International Student News

Paraphrased by Thekra Al seef, Sultanah Alsenani, Tirad Almaiman and Ghadir Batarfi from an article in More About the USA published by Longman


Field Trips p2-4

Social Issues p5-10

Personal Goals p11-13

Music p14

Sport p15-16

Travel p17-20

Thanksgiving Turkey

A wild turkey

In the past we could find wild turkeys everywhere in the USA and Canada. Turkeys gave many benefits to the people who used to live in these countries, for example they could use them as a source of food, they could make tools from their bones and they could make warm clothes from their feathers. Turkeys were the basic food for Europeans when they first came to this country.

People believe that turkeys are extremely stupid. Sometimes they don’t escape from the rain storm and as a result they stay in the rain and die.

However this is only a fact about the tame turkeys of today. The original wild turkey is one of nature’s most tricky creatures and it is a smart and strong bird.

These wild turkeys are very tall birds – up to four feet tall. The males are called toms or gobblers and can weigh over 16 lbs. The females or hens can weigh over 9 lbs.

Wild turkeys are easily scared, especially mother turkeys who have babies. They are infrequently seen by humans because they hide in the trees where their color makes them almost disappear.

Modern turkeys can’t fly but wild turkeys can.

When Europeans came to live in the US they caught so many turkeys they almost killed all of them. In the 1900s rules limited how many turkeys people could catch. Now there are more than 1 million wild turkeys in most of the states in this country.

Wild turkeys are very different from the tame turkeys that we eat at Thanksgiving. If you visit the countryside in Virginia, you might see some of these wild turkeys in the woods and fields.

a modern turkey

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 2


Written by:


Abdul -Daim

Designer by:

Anfal Batarfi


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Field Trip to Madame Tussaud’s

The second amazing

field trip for me after

the Apple Orchard Trip

was with my core class

classmates and our

teacher. It was

on October 24 and we

decided to go to

Madame Tussaud’s in

Washington D.C. First

of all, we met each

other in a restaurant

at 12:00 to have our

lunch. It’s name was

“Hard Rock" café. I

went to this café for

the first time. The

dishes of this place are

so delicious.

However, it was very

crowded because there

were a lot of people

from school trips, and

the music was very

loud, so I think only

the people who don’t

like a quiet place could

enjoy it there. While

we were eating our

lunch, we enjoyed

talking about many

things with each other;

it was a wonderful


After that we were

on our way to the

museum. It was near

the café’, so we got

there at 1:00 p.m. It

is a big museum which

has many famous

American characters

that are made from

wax. The characters

were like real people.

Furthermore, you can

meet all 44 presidents!

The presidents gallery

is an exciting,

educational and

interactive exhibition

that displays all forty-

four U.S. presidents.

Also, there are many

historical characters

like, Rosa Parks. In

addition, it has

Hollywood’s American

actors and singers.

It was an amazing

trip. My friends and I

had a lot of fun and we

felt so excited. We

took many beautiful

pictures with these

famous characters,

because we thought

about these moments

that should be

memorable. Likewise,

the pictures are the

perfect way to keep

your memories.

After all, I really

benefited a lot from

this amazing second

trip, because I learned

many things about

American history such

as, the names of

presidents and what

they looked like. Also,

I went to new places in

Washington D.C that I

visited for the first

time in my life.

I wish to learn more

about gorgeous D.C,

that beautiful city

where I’m studying.

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, p 3





The biggest

contribution of the

UK is the United

States of America;

However, unlike other

American teachers,

our two British

teachers brought us

to Sully Plantation

which is an important

historic site in

Northern Virginia in

the USA.


plantation is located

in Virginia near Dullas

Arport in Chantilly.

It is a nice house

that is listed on the

national register of

historic places. It

was built by Richard

Bland Lee in 1794 to



heading up to the

main house, we

entered one of the

three original slaves’

houses which provided

shelter for 30 slaves.

Each house had 10

slaves with 2 rooms.

The first room

was for fire on the

first floor. There

was a ladder to go up

to the second room

for sleeping. The

rooms were too small

to live there. Also,

we were surprised

with the kitchen and

bathrooms of the

main house. They

were outside.

In the winter

they didn’t use the

bathroom at night

because it was

outside. They had a

chamber pot inside

the bedroom

This was one

of the great trips we

had because it

showed us how

people lived in this

area in the time of

the civil war and

what limited facilities

they had b. So it

could be a good

chance to have more

information about a

different culture.

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International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 2, p 4 FIELD TRIPS AlHanoof al Sharief

Two weeks ago our lovely core class teacher Mrs. Bonny asked us to choose any place that we preferred to go on a field trip to have fun with each other. The majority of the class voted for the movie theater the first time, but we changed our minds because we wanted to go somewhere where we could speak to each other and be active, So we decided it would much better to do something other than watch movie, and we finally all agreed to go bowling together. We arrived at 11 o’clock in the morning at Bowl America. I liked the place at once

because it was very cold outside but they turned on the heater inside so we all felt warm. We played two times as every round takes half an hour or more. The winner was me in the first round . Then our wonderful teacher ordered the tastiest pizza for us. After we finished the lunch, we went back to start the second round. But this time my friend Nailah was the winner. We spent an amazing time with each other and I wish to repeat this experience with my family as soon as possible .

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 5



Written by;

Soheir alamri

Social justice

Pictures from


Triangle of social inequality

They don’t imagine a

luxury life. They need a

dignified life. They are

the oppressed people

who advocate social

equality to get rid of


First of all, we have to

know the notion of social

equality; it is a social

state where differences

disappear. Also it means

equal opportunity.

This means each one can

find a good job and

income does not depend

on race, religion or sex.

As a result of this, we

will see an improvement

in financial income and

cultural conditions for

everyone. On the other

hand, it is a problem if

inequality exists. It in unethical and leads to immorality and prejudice, and theft, insubordination and lawlessness will become common.

As a paradigm, we could find inequality in ancient

times and all through history. In these days we find inequality in every society in governmental and non-governmental sectors.

For example, in many countries in Europe it is hard to find a job because it depends on; race, religion, age and sex in that order. So, someone who has a dark skin cannot find a job as good as someone who is fair-skinned, which means not as good wages or working conditions. Also someone should not be prevented from working on the basis of his religion or nationality,

What should we do to amend this? To produce an equal society?

In fact, it is a real problem, so there is no magical solution. We must work hard to counter this phenomenon by:

Activating the principle of equal opportunities. This means who can work

in a specific job should depend on qualifications and experience and not on age, race, sex or religion.

Providing social solidarity by provision of health care and financial assistance to those who cannot work with the help of the wealthy through government and voluntary institutions.

Preventing the exploitation of human beings by using a balance between working hours and pay, and paying overtime for extra work.

These are the solutions that have to be applied, , but they cannot be accomplished quickly.

Finally, society without inequality will result in a society dominated by social justice, and that will be a good thing for everyone.

Social Inequality

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 6




- Definition of

pepper spray

- The effect of

pepper spray

and how it is



from Wikipedia

Picture from


Moni Alhaidar - Yes to

weapons! No to pepper Spray

- Blame the

law - World peace


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Gun or Pepper Spray?

Between a rock and a hard place!

Police using pepper spray on demonstrators

There are

many logical ways

for people to

protect themselves

such as with pepper

spray. This is also

known as oleoresin

capsicum. It is a

lachrymatory agent,

which means it is a

chemical compound

that irritates the

eyes to cause

tears, pain, and



It is used

in policing, riot

control, crowd

control, and

personal self-

defense, including

defense against

dogs and bears. Its


effects cause the

eyes to close,

taking away vision.

This temporary

blindness allows

officers to more

easily catch and

hold people. It

also lets people

who are being

attached to use

pepper spray for

self-defense and

get an opportunity

to escape.


effects are:

difficulty in

breathing, runny

nose, and coughing.

It is a dangerous

weapon. Laws in the

U.S for pepper

spray are different

from state to

state. Pepper spray

is legal for use in

Virginia, but it is

not allowed in


courthouses, as it

is considered a

dangerous weapon.

Virginia law also

prohibits pepper

spray from being

used to subdue

patients in health

care settings.


government gives

permission for

people to carry

guns in VA and

several other

states. In case

anyone gets

attacked by a

criminal, they can

defend themselves

with their gun.

This allows

the public to help

the policemen with

their work and

accomplish human

safety at the same


However, in

many states, people

are not allowed to

have pepper spray

because it may hurt

the attacker! There

are many people who

are not convinced

with the reason why

pepper sprays are

not allowed to be

carried instead of

a weapon that is a

lot more dangerous

than pepper spray.

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 7



Nehal and Moni continued


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Guns and Pepper Spray cont.

caption for picture


there are some


weapons in a wrong

way. Unfortunately,

these people use

them for their own

illegal goals.

This reminds

me of a tragedy

that happened this

summer. There was a

guy named George

Zimmerman who

claimed that he saw

a suspicious person

in his


This person was an

African American

boy wearing a hoody

on his head called

Trayvon Martin. As

a result of that,

somehow George

Zimmerman acted

like he had

finally found

somebody that he

could use his

weapon against even

though the boy

didn’t have any

weapon. He had a

fight with this boy

and he killed him.

The main

point of this

tragedy is that

innocent people can

be killed if people

try to find

anything that could

be suspicious even

if there is nothing

to be suspicious

about. The reason

for that is when

there is a

contradiction in

the law which says

it is okay for

weapons to be

flowing around

instead of pepper

spray as

protection. Not

mention that people

do not have privacy

or security in

their life because

somebody else with

a gun can threaten

their safety.

Here, we are

not trying to blame

the law or the

program. The point

is do not prevent

something such as

pepper spray and

say the reason for

that is we want

safety for people

but then allow a

more dangerous

weapons like guns.

In the end,

World peace will

become true when

people have their

privacy and

security and are

not being followed

at every step by a

suspicious person

with a gun.

World peace

will become true

when there is a law

that benefits and

protects all the

people and nothing

else. When that

happens, people

will collaborate to

accomplish security

and safety in their


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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 8





What is poverty?


Survey of poor countries



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Children face death

What is poverty?

Poverty is hunger. Poverty is loss of haven. Poverty is not being able to see a doctor or get therapy if you get sick. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read and write. That means being an illiterate person. Poverty is not having a job, having panic for the future. Poverty is weakness, and lack of freedom. Poverty is a rough word for any human being that is poor, or has heard about it or seen it. But what do we know about the poverty in the world?. I say briefly the poverty is a problem that a lot of people suffer from around the world. And there is no state in the world without poor even if it is a rich state. Causes of poverty:

The causes of poverty are many and multiple. The most prominent aare rapid population growth, lack of income, war, natural disaster and the lack of food for the population. Just in Asia the population is about 58% of

the world’s population, and this large number has led to poverty. And the poorest countries in Asia are India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh, has a very high population density. Therefore it is one of the poorest countries in Asia. A large part of the country is low lying, and therefore it is in danger of flooding. Many of the people who are in the countryside live in areas that often have extreme flooding every year which causes huge damage to their homes and ways of live. Many African countries such as Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Niger have suffered from scourge of poverty. For example, the cause of poverty in Somalia is the civil war that began between the North and South since 1999-1992 This has disrupted economic life and agriculture, which resulted in desertification of a lot of fertile land which led to the scarcity of food day after day until it reached the extent of starvation. While in Niger, drought is a

common natural disaster that causes poverty. On the other hand, spread of crime, attacks and the death of thousands of world’s population is the most prominent effect of poverty. Poverty is a source of crime, and work is the best way of development and sophistication. As Helen Keller said “you can shut down all prisons the day that you can find work for everyone”. We can reduce poverty and hunger by: investment in agriculture, job creation, expanding social safety nets, expanding food programs for pre-school age children, encouraging women to be treated equally to men especially with job opportunities, and protection of vulnerable countries during crises.


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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 9





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Obesity is when you are so fat, it increases risk of diseases that can damage your health and take years of your life. There are many causes that threaten your body because of obesity, such as watching TV, in-activity, unhealthy eating, medication, genetics and pregnancy. Thanks to watching movies on TV all the day, you will eat a lot without thinking. Thus, you will become fat. Also, inactivity is considered one of the most

significant reasons because lack of exercise and physical movement impact your body. As a result of inactivity, you can't burn fat in your body. Moreover, unhealthy eating habits affect your health. For instance, a man called Morgan Spurlock made a movie called “Super Size Me”about only eating junk food for a month. He had breakfast, lunch and dinner from Mcdonald’s. Then he had a problem with his health. So, you should avoid junk food, such as burgers. In addition, there are many medications that

cause obesity, such as, anti-depression medicine. Some people are fat because of their family's genes; therefore, they can't lose weight easily. The last one is pregnancy which naturally leads to obesity since women gain weight during pregnancy and it is difficult to lose it after birth. Apart from pregnancy, you should avoid these causes to not be infected with obesity.


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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,Page 10





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I think everybody likes to go to famous restaurants for fast food like McDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut. I am one of those who likes to eat fast food maybe once or twice a week. Everybody knows what the damages of fast food are but they continue to eat it. We realized it is very delicious but it's not healthy. Some people ask why it is called fast food. Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. It first became popular in the 1950s in the United States. This country has the largest fast food industry in the world.

Fast food has some pros and many cons. One of the best pros is that it is very delicious and it attracts more people who smell it. In addition, it is made very quickly and helps people who don't have time to cook. Especially it is also cheap so students and employee prefer to eat it for lunch. However a big con is that it has a large amount of fat and sugar. So, it leads people to become over weight. The most dangerous thing from the fat in this food is making many diseases for the human body such as high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, fast food

can cause the memory of people to work more slowly because the many fats affect people’s brains, Fast food can also lead to diabetes because it contains starches. Also, if people eat fast food every day, tit will lead them to economic risks because they spend their money every day to eat this dangerous food. However, we have a lot of choices to avoid eating this unhealthy food. First, we can decrease eating this food for example to just, once in the month. The people should focus on eating more vegetables in their meals .That can help the people to protect themselves from many diseases.

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, P 11





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"Every night look for the stars, make your dreams by them, try to talk with them, give them your special secrets, and make a good relation with them. Then you can touch them and get all of your dreams. " My grandmother said that to me every night, and she was always telling me a story before I went to my bed. She made me love the dream and the stars. She made me love impossible dreams to challenge myself to touch them; for example, I didn't accept getting less than excellent when I was in elementary and high school. It was a big deal if I lost one grade.

All of these things made me love studying, and I put my heart in to getting higher grades .I selected my goal by my dream that made me stronger because it showed me a lot of thing in this life that I didn’t know. It told me if I want to touch my dream I have to keep working for it to be true. Don't depend on any person to help you because no person can be with you all the time. No person can feel what you exactly feel, and what you see around you and in front of you which leads you to make your dream become true. Depend on yourself, on your power, on your

brain, on your senses, on everything pretty around you and everything which can give you good emotions and happiness. I belief the life is very beautiful, and it deserves to have a little time spend on it. In a short time I will see my dreams come true. I have almost finished my journey and now I am just a short step from becoming a doctor in my major. Now I am here to complete what I have dreamt about since all these years ago, and nothing will trouble me. I believe it will become true.

My Dreams

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International Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2,P 12





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When I finished my

Bachelor’s degree in my

country, I decided to learn

English and complete my

master’s degree. Most

people told me it is better if

you can complete your

education in another

country where the English

language is the first

language. But I was very

confused because I have a

lot of good options in my


After all, I have to decide

where I should learn

English and complete my

Master, in my country or

in another. It was really

hard for me to decide

about that. If I figure out

how to complete my

education in my country

I will be so happy. There, I

have my own home, my

family, and my friends

around me. Also,

sometimes I can depend on

my family about

something I cannot do.

However, I think If I learn

there , I won’t speak

English perfectly ,

because I’m going to

speak Arabic a lot with

Arabic people and with

my family . Likewise, I

will take a long time to

learn this Language.

In another way, if I

decide to learn English

in another country where

English is the first

language, I will change

a lot of things in my

life. Firstly , I’m going

to depend on myself for

many things such as ,

if I got sick , I will help

myself, but it will be

different than if I was in

my country where my

family would be with

me. So, I will do a lot of

things I was not doing

in my hometown.

In contrast, I will learn

English very well

because there are many

people who can speak

English fluently. On

the other hand, the most

amazing thing is

learning about different

cultures, so you should

speak with these people

in English .Also, the

purpose of learning

English is not only to

prepare me to complete

my Master or find a job,

but to enlighten my

mind, as well.

I will save my time

and learn English

faster in the United

States of America. So I

decided to come here and

I will be proud of myself

if I can speak English

fluently and have two

languages. That will

make me feel better

about myself because it

is going to bring

success to my life.

I am really happy to

choose this beautiful

country, and I wish to

learn English faster to

complete my Master’s.

Then I will return to my

country, and find a

good job there.

MY Experience

learning English

Page 13: ELI Student Newspaper: "International Student News"

goals after organizing your

time and materials.

For example, a lawyer who has

many cases to study has to put

the papers for each case in a

separate folder with all its

important information on the

cover page.

Moreover, he should list all

his important appointments, on

his agenda. Therefore, he will

not miss any important event

or be late. He must also plan

ahead before any specific

obligation, so he can save his

time from searching for any

missing papers or from

preparing or writing any paper.

In short, working hard, being

responsible and organizing

time and materials combined

with learning from previous

International Student News Fall 2013, Issue 2 Page 13 PERSONAL GOALS AlHanoof al Sharief

The achievement of success

is not easy in our life because

there are many factors that

can play a very big role in

being a successful person.

Those factors are different

from one person to another

depending on the personality.

In my opinion, success can

be reached by two important

factors, which are working

hard and learning from

mistakes. On the other hand,

luck is not included in the list

of ways to success.


Being a hard worker is the

first factor needed for a

successful life, which

involves being organized and

responsible. If you work hard

with a strong desire for

success, you can reach your

mistakes are the most important

keys of successful life.

A successful person can

achieve whatever he wants, and

luck is not involved in that.

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International Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, p 14




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Umm Kulthum is to the Arabic people as Edith Piaf is to the French. She is the most famous Egyptian singer and actress of all time. She has been famous in Egypt and the Arab world since the twentieth century. Her nicknames are Star of the East and the Arab lady singing.

Umm Kulthum was a source of income for her family. She started to sing classical and romantic music at ten years old. She sang 077 songs inside and outside Egypt, such as Tunisia, Jordan, and France. Most people love her because of her great, strong and sensitive voice.

There is research about the layers of sound. They found that the human has

twenty layers in the throat. A normal human can perform approximately ten layers and extraordinary humans can perform fourteen layers, but Umm Kulthum could perform approximately seventeen layers.

Umm Kulthum was elected honorary member of the International American Mark Twain Society. It was founded in 1953, and its members include Eisenhower, Churchill and Roosevelt.

Umm Kulthum reduced her musical concerts because of her health problems. She began to wear dark glasses because of thyroiditis disease which led to the bulging of her eyes.

She married Hassan Sayed Hifnauy, who was one of the doctors who gave her treatment. The marriage lasted until her death.

She died on February 3, 1975 in Cairo.

When she died, Euro French newspaper wrote that she represented the Arabs like Edith Piaf represented the French, but the numbers of her fans were many times the number of fans of Edith Piaf. I like many songs by Umm Kulthum like “You are my life”.Some of her songs can be found at this link. (

Umm Kulthum

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, p 15



Manchester united

Sir Alex Ferguson


Provided by

A fan of Manchester United was walking in the Al-Dahna Desert after Sir Alex Ferguson announ-ced that he was going to retire. Suddenly, he found an enchanted lamp and a genie came out from the lamp. The genie asked him to make a wish. The fan said, “I want Mourinho to become our manager.” The genie said, “Ok, let me spell his name. Is that M-O……?” “Yes”, the fan answered too quickly. Unfortunately, David Moyes became the manger of MUFC.

Sir Alex did choose the right time to retire because he got a premier championship in his last season; however, he might not have picked the right man to be the manager of MUFC. This summer, a lot of great teams in Europe changed their head coaches, but most of them are in good positions in their league

ranking except MUFC. Look at the ranking of the Premier League, MUFC is No 8 and has 14 points while the first, Arsenal,has 22 points. Moreover, they are only four points above the relegation zone. Yes! Don’t be surprised. You have to accept the truth if you’re a fan of MUFC.

I think that he should not have been the chosen one. First, as Talk Sports said, he has not asked advice frequently from Sir Alex. E! He has never been a manger of a great team like MUFC, so why doesn’t he ask suggestion from his “ex”? He needs more experience of this club even though he had been an assistant coach of MUFC.

Next, he just spent £27,50m for transferring and bought only one player, Fellaini, who was his player in Everton. In contrast, Manchester City

spent almost £100m on transfers. Also, he missed Mesut Ozil because he was irresolute on deadline day. The funniest thing is that he had said that they needed 2 or 3 giant players if MUFC wanted to be champion. Excuse me? Didn’t Sir Alex get championships by these players? If you need them, why didn’t you work fast on Walmart of players?

Third, he has made some mistakes on how to use players. Obviously, we have not seen Wilfred Zaha’s face either on the pitch or the bench. Moreover, he just started using Kagawa in the last two matches; on the other hand, he did not use him at the beginning of this season.

Maybe, these aren’t big problems for him. He might only need time to create his own “Grand Theft Auto”. Moyes, take your time. Old Trafford is waiting.

Moyes? No Yes Yet!

Page 16: ELI Student Newspaper: "International Student News"

Monday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm

Tuesday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm

Wednesday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm

Thursday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm

Friday 6:00 am – 10:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sunday 9:00 am – 11:00 pm

Can We Live on Other Planets?


Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, p 16



Today I will observe and write about the fitness centers in GMU. At GMU there are three fitness centers with different sizes and in different places: RAC, Skyline, and AFC. If you have free time, or a long break or after your classes, you can go to any building near to you to work out. Next I will write about the biggest one. This one is on Patriot Circle behind Shenandoah parking. This one looks very big from outside and

is huge on the inside. I think there are three floors. There are some rooms for group classes. There are two amazing swimming pools and one small one for kids. In addition, there are big locker rooms for women and men. They are very good rooms. Now I will write about my favorite section in the fitness center. It’s the weight lifting area. It’s two floors. On the first floor there are many machines for warming up. If you want to run

or to do any exercises there are a lot of different kinds of machines. On the second floor there are all the things you need for muscle exercise. There are many machines and equipment. The last thing is a small rest lounge if you want to stay or drink something. It’s a comfortable place. Finally, I think fitness center it’s good place if you have free time or along break. You can go any time morning or afternoon. The hours of operation are below.

Fitness Center

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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, p 17




necessary for life on another planet

Water Gravitation Oxygen

caption for picture

Have you ever thought

we may live on another

planet? It is actually a

new, different and

strange idea. However,

we may imagine that in

our minds and see what

might happen for the

people and the nature. In

my opinion, there are

several things which may

happen and there are

reasons for every single

one also.

First of all, we must find a

new way to breath

because we are unable to

live without oxygen and

there may be no oxygen

on another planet. We

also must have water

because if there is no

water, there is no life!

Second, I think it is hard

to live on the planet

which does not have

gravity like the earth’s

because the movement

will be random. So we

must make the

movement organized and

neat like on the earth or

better still, find a planet

with gravity like the


Third, we must have

plants and animals.

Nature always gives life to

humans. For example, the

trees take the carbon

dioxide which humans’

exhale, and humans take

the oxygen which the

trees give. So the result is

the relationship between

nature and humans who

are sharing and getting

benefits from each other.

In the end, I think

humans are eligible to live

on other planets if there

are these rules:

1- great nature

2- perfect gravitation

3- enough water for all.

I also hope we may live on

other planet because

there are absolute

differences in many things

like bone strength, aging

and the whole way of life

that will change. It is so

exiting and interesting to

think about!

Can We Live on Other Planets?

Page 18: ELI Student Newspaper: "International Student News"


Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, P 18


Abdulla alkaabi

Masdar from dream to fact

The dream of all people is

living in a city where

there is no pollution. But

we have to ask our selves

if that could happen and

find this place to live in .

The United Arab

Emirates is working to

make this dream become

reality. since they started

to build Masdar city in

2010 in Abu-Dhabi. It is

going to work with solar

energy and other

renewable energy.

Without any pollution.

Masdar City, is going to

be one of the best

friendly city for the

environment when it is

completed in 2016. The

city centre of the city is

going to be designed like

umbrella which is going

to open in the morning

to absorb sunlight and

use it in the evening to

turn on the electricity in

the city. In addition, the

space that will be

operated by the city

isnearly 6 kilometres.

For that, the city will be

home to 50,000 people

and 1,500 businesses.

Also, all the things

which are going to work

with electricity in the

people homes such as,

the hot or cold water

and the lights, have to

get their energy from

the solar panels on the

top of houses. Masdar

city is going to work

without any cars;

However, There will be a

special kind of

transportation that is

going to be used in this

city, and it's going to

connect the whole city

with one system. The

United Arab Emirates is

working hard to show to

world that nothing is

impossible when they

think about the all things

that help protect humans

and the earth from


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Student News

Fall 2013

Issue 2, P 19


Tirad Al maiman

State of Florida

Most popular city:

Miami City

Longest Miami Beach

From my point of views, Miami in the state of Florida is the best place to visit for three reasons. Firstly, its beach is thrilling, intriguing and the longest beach in the word. Miami is the most popular destination for many tourists from around the world, for example, Arabs and Asians. Although, Miami is so far away from a lot of countries around the world, many tourists still visit during the year. In addition to this, Miami’s prices are budget and cheap, even in the high end resorts! In contrast to NY, Las Vegas or California, Florida is still reasonable and the best, especially Miami city. Second, Miami’s weather is the perfect weather ever because



there is a mild climates. For example, in the summer it is warm and in the winter it is not too cold. In fact, the weather there is still better than New York or California. As well, in all Florida the weather is humid, which is the most desirable weather for 87% of tourists from all the world, according to a lot of research. By the way, Miami’s taxes are one of the lower sales taxes in the U.S. The tax there is 3% so lots of things are cheaper such as shopping, beach hotels and skydiving. So, Miami is the appropriate place to visit for everyone including families and teenagers. Also, Miami’s beach has a special place for families, and another place for teenagers.

Third, Miami has the most beautiful, newest, biggest, and exciting and the more popular airport in Florida. The government replaced Miami International Airport because of the power of the stress on Miami from the tourists during the year By the way, if the U.S.’ government was not sure and confident about the income and the theory of establishing and building an airport like Miami International Airport, they would not have done it. But it was the best idea in Miami’s history. Overall, these are my points of view about the best place to visit in the United States of America, and I highly recommend that you give it a try one day.

Miami At Night


Page 20: ELI Student Newspaper: "International Student News"

International Student


Fall 2013

Issue 2, p 20


Tirad Al maiman

The best picnic


On October 4, 2013, my cousin, three of our friends and I decided to have a picnic in a beautiful place outdoors because the weather was attractive, warm and sunny.

So we decided to go to National Harbor in Washington DC. First we gathered at my home. Second while we were on our way to the National Harbor, we stopped at a supermarket to buy some beverages and food to cook. We got pasta and chicken. Next we arrived there at 10:30 am and we chose my cousin to cook for us.

While the food was cooking, we played tennis and soccer. It was really enjoyable and thrilling. In addition, we discovered more about each other and learned more about each other’s past

Next, we walked for 2 miles beside the river. Although, the weather was sunny, the air was a little cold because we were near the river water.

Also, we rented and rode a motor boat for an hour. We drove around the beach and enjoyed that.

After that we took a picture together in front of the planes that were flying over the harbor.

Finally, when the food was well done at 1:30 pm we ate it at the waterside. The meal was fresh, delicious and healthy.

In conclusion, we decided to leave at 5:45pm, and we gathered our stuff together.

Actually, it was a really nice, beautiful and enjoyable place and picnic. I recommend all of you to go there for picnic.