Download - Elf Sock Knitting Pattern

  • Wee Tiny Elf Sock

    By Meg Bakewell


    Fingering weight yarn in red (MC) about 20 yards, and

    green (CC), less than 10 yards.

    6 jingle bells, 6 mm size. Size 6-8 glass beads,small jewels

    or other decorations also work.

    Needles: 2.25mm/US1 long circular for magic loop or set

    of 4 DPNs

    Spare needle or stitch holder

    Size and Gauge

    A gauge of 9 stitches per inch produces an elf sock that is about 2.5 inches tall and about 2 inches from

    heel to toe. This will fit nicely on a mini sock blocker key chain. But, unless you are knitting for an elf

    who is very picky about the fit of his or her socks, gauge is not critical.


    ssk: slip the next 2 stitches knitwise, then insert the right hand needle through the front leg of both

    stitches so you can knit them together through the back loop.

    k2tog: knit 2 together

    p2tog: purl 2 together

    w&t: Slip the next stitch purlwise. Bring the yarn to the opposite side of the work. Slip the stitch back to

    the other needle and bring the yarn back to the side it was on before. Turn the work.

    kfb: Increase 1 by knitting into the front and then the back of the next stitch.


    Using CC, cast on 1 stitch.

    Row 1: kfb (2 sts)

    Row 2-5: kfb, knit to end. (6 sts)

    Break yarn, leaving a 4 or so tail. You have made one of the 5 points that will adorn the cuff of your

    Wee Tiny Elf Sock. Transfer the point to a stitch holder or spare needle.

    Now, make 4 more points, just like the first one. On the last point, do not break yarn. Line up all the

    points on the circular needle. Make sure the yarn tail is on the left side for all 5 points, and the working

    yarn is at the far left.

    Note: The next step is to join for working in the round. However, at this point, you may find that joining

    in the round with the five points all being separate is difficult. If so, you could knit one row flat to join

  • the five points together. This would give you one extra row in the cuff, but it wont matter. Proceed as


    Join for working in the round. (30 sts)

    Stitch arrangement for magic loop: 15 stitches on each half.

    Stitch arrangement for DPNs: 10 stitches on each of 3 needles.

    Rounds 1-6: (Purl one round, knit one round) 3 times.

    Rounds 7-9: Knit 3 rounds.

    Break CC and join MC.

    Round 10: Knit.

    Round 11: (Knit 13, k2tog) twice. (28 sts)

    Rounds 12-15: Knit.

    Round 16: (Knit 5, k2tog) 4 times. (24 sts)

    Rounds 17-20: Knit.

    Round 21: (Knit 4, k2tog) 4 times. (20 sts)

    Round 22-26: Knit.

    Heel flap:

    Setup: Knit across 5 stitches. (This will center your heel flap on the beginning of the round, so that the

    middle point is at the front of the sock.) Turn work.

    The last 10 stitches you knit (5 from the end of round 26, plus the 5 extra ones from the heel flap setup,

    will be the heel flap stitches. Rearrange stitches as follows:

    Stitch arrangement for magic loop: Place the 10 heel flap stitches on one half of your circular

    needle, and the remaining 10 stitches on the other half of the needle. Position the needle tips so

    that you are ready to purl across the heel flap stitches.

    Stitch arrangement for DPNs: Place the 10 heel flap stitches on one needle, and divide the

    remaining 10 stitches evenly between 2 more needles.

    Row 1: Slip 1, purl 9. Turn work.

    Row 2: Slip 1, knit 9. Turn work.

    Rows 3-10: Repeat these 2 rows 4 more times.

    Row 11: Repeat Row 1.

    Turn heel:

    Row 1: Slip 1, knit 5, k2tog, knit 1, turn work.

    Row 2: Slip 1, purl 3, p2tog, purl 1, turn work.

    Row 3: Slip 1, knit 4, k2tog, turn work.

    Row 4: Slip 1, purl 4, p2tog, turn work.


  • Knit across 6 remaining heel stitches. Pick up and knit 6 gusset stitches along the edge of the heel flap,

    knit across 10 instep stitches, pick up and knit 6 gusset stitches on the other side.

    Stitch arrangement for magic loop: Gusset and heel stitches (18) are on one half, and your

    instep stitches (10) are on the other half.

    Stitch arrangement for DPNs: Gusset and heel stitches are divided evenly between 2 DPNs (9

    each) and 10 instep stitches are on the third DPN.

    Knit 12 stitches more, so that you are at the beginning of the instep stitches.

    Round 1: Knit across instep, ssk, knit to 2 stitches before the end of sole stitches, k2tog.

    Round 2: Knit.

    Rounds 3-8: Repeat rounds 1 and 2. 10 stitches remain in the sole.

    Rounds 9-10: Knit.

    Stitch arrangement for magic loop: 10 sole stitches are on one half, and 10 instep stitches are on

    the other half. (You shouldnt have to change anything.)

    Stitch arrangement for DPNs: Place all 10 sole stitches on 1 DPN, and divide the instep stitches

    evenly between the other 2 DPNs. This rearrangement will make the short row shaping in the

    toe section easier.

    Toe Shaping:

    Round 1: Knit across instep. Knit sole to 1 stitch before the end, w&t, purl back to one stitch before the

    end of sole stitches, w&t, knit back to the end of the sole stitches.

    Round 2: Knit all stitches.

    Round 3: Repeat Round 1.

    Round 4: ssk, knit to last 2 stitches of instep, k2tog. Ssk, knit to last 2 stitches of sole, k2tog.

    Rounds 5, 7 and 9: repeat round 1.

    Rounds 6, 8 and 10: repeat round 4.

    Note for DPNs: If you find that your DPNs want to fall out when you get down to about 8 stitches, you

    can transfer all instep stitches to a single DPN. Continue with just three DPNs for the rest of the sock.

    Round 11: K2tog, knit 2, turn work, purl 2, turn work, k2tog.

    Break yarn and pull through 2 remaining stitches.


    Attach bells with yarn tails at each point around the cuff and at the tip of the toe.

    Weave in remaining ends.


    Additional options for the adventurous:

    Alternate Cuff Method, courtesy of Staarrkatt

  • This is a method of creating the cuff using a provisional cast on, and avoids the need to join the 5

    individual points after knitting them.

    Using provisional cast on, cast on 30 stitches with CC.

    Row 1: Knit across the stitches once. Turn work.

    Row 2: K3, k2tog, k1, turn work.

    Row 3: K2, k2tog, k1, turn work.

    Row 4: K1, k2tog, k1, turn work.

    Row 5: K1, k2tog, turn work.

    Row 6: K2tog, turn work.

    Row 7: K1, cut yarn leaving a tail to attach bell, pull yarn thru stitch and tighten.

    Repeat Rows 2-7 on groups of 6 stitches at a time across the 30 cast on stitches. You'll have 5 points, all

    attached to the original row and each with a tail to attach a bell or jewel. If you knit the beginning tails

    for each point in as you go across, there will be less weaving in to do at the end. Continue with

    instructions above, from the point of joining to work in the round.


    Many thanks to Darcy (KnottyKnitter40) and Katt (Staarrkatt) for test knitting and helpful comments.

    Thanks to Katt for suggesting the alternate cuff method, above. Any errors that remain are my own.