Download - Elephant Conservation: Walk With Ranger 2015 Itinerary


Dear supporter,

Thank you for your interest in Walk With Rangers.

We are pleased to inform you that our 2015 trek registrations have now officially opened.

The trek begins Sunday 2nd August, 2015 and ends on the 12th August.

Deadline for registrations is Friday 10th July.

To register, send an email to [email protected] to receive registration, health and indemnity forms as well

as fee structure.

Please find details below on the next Great Trek for Africa’s wildlife.

NOTE: The mileages indicated are close estimates of daily route mileage, given that main roads will rarely be used and the

trek will traverse the surrounding area actual mileages could be slightly lower or above the estimates indicated in our


Mileage will range between 17km per day to 30 km per day averaging on 25km/ day.

2015 Route satellite map:


Start date: August 2nd

End date: August 12th

Full Itinerary

Day 1



Nairobi to Start point; drive to Campsite at Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary.

Participant Introductions

Talk by LUMO conservancy and Rangers

Day 2

Trek 1; EGGS – Lualenyi; 25.2km


On today’s trek, there will be plenty of plains game in sight. Take in nature at its best in this savannah landscape, but

don’t forget your sunscreen!

Site image:

Day 3

Trek 2; Lualenyi – Pusa (Mgeno Ranch); 23.4km


Trekking while patrolling with LUMO rangers, enter Mgeno Ranch

Today you will learn how to track form the finest community rangers in Taita region. Trekking through the savannah

grasslands, you will see various spoor and droppings which we will aid you in identifying. You will be camping at Ranger

base 3-0 on Mgeno hill, and the views from the top make for a stunning sunset!

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Day 4

Patrol Day


Today all participants will be joining the rangers at 3-0 camp for desnaring operations and tracking.

Site image:

OOPS! Wrong image, those cheetahs are always hanging about this area! Here’s the image we meant to show you of a

wire snare being removed from the bush:

Day 5

Trek 3; Pusa – Kasigau 29.3 km


Today’s trek will see you walk along the famous red sands of Tsavo conservation area, as you head towards one of the

regions famed climbing spots, Kasigau. Bushmeat poaching is rampant in this area, and you will learn more about the

trade and its victims from the rangers on this day.

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Day 6

Trek 4; Kasigau - Tsavo Discovery Centre


As you trek towards this much needed home comfort provider, you will come across numerous species of plains game,

and even elephant. You will have worked hard until this point, and you deserve a good shower and decent bedrest! The

campfire will be ready for you after you freshen up, and you can share your own camp stories tonight.

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Day 7

Rest Day


Today, we treat you with a game drive in this amazing open air truck. There is a lot of wildlife around these parts, so

carry your camera! After your game drive, we have lined up a series of conservation talks by renowned conservationists

from Kenya and Tanzania. You will be able to get the full conservation talk schedule on our site.

It is important in this day and age to make informed decisions on who you support in conservation, and we hope this

will help you foster new relationships with conservationists on the ground, and also learn about their projects.

Site image:

Day 8

Trek 5; TDC – Taita Ranch base2-0


Today you will trek to our founder’s favourite site in the whole area. Basecamp ‘2-0’. Here you will enjoy stunning

views of the conservation area, with a lot of game in sight as well. You will see our small radio room, where

information is shared from ground teams on patrol with the basecamp, and you will also enjoy our special shower

cubicle on the top of the hill. Talk about a shower with a view! Elephants frequently visit the camp at night, so if you

hear rumbles, you know what it is!

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Day 9

Patrol Day


Today you will join the teams on patrol. Poachers strike frequently in this region, and there will likely be some

carcasses to see. This will not be an easy day emotionally, but it will be one that you will remember always. We cannot

ignore what we are facing on the ground every day. Our elephants are walking targets, but through you experiencing

our world and spreading our message, we will be a step closer to saving our remaining herds.

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Day 10

Trek 6; Taita Ranch – Kisima Hills


Today we prepare to part ways with some of our group members. We will climb these sloping hills and view the wildlife

below, as we share our memories, and prepare for the night’s rest.

Site image:

Day 11



The trek is over, and today we will all spend time with each other, sharing our experiences, and maybe going on a final

game drive before departing for Nairobi in the morning. Final campfires can be emotional!

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Day 12



We depart at first light with a scenic game drive as we get to the main Mombasa- Nairobi highway.

It’s been a great journey, and who knows, maybe we will meet again next year!


Sunday 16th August

Walk With Rangers Nairobi symbolic walk at Karura Forest. Please join us if you can!