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Electronic Campus Data Export (ZORSREB)


Office of Information and Instructional Technology

May 2008

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Table of Contents Electronic Campus Data Export Introduction............................................................. 1



Purpose .................................................................................................................... Target Audience and Run Frequency .................................................................... Policy and Formatting Conditions..........................................................................

Section 1: Fee Rules and Set Up.................................................................................. Level Code Validation Table (STVLEVL)................................................................ Distance Education Flat Fee Form (ZSAFFEE)......................................................

Section 2: Code Crosswalk and Translation............................................................... 3 Creating New EDI Label Code on STVXLBL ........................................................... 3 Crosswalking Level Type Codes on SOAXREF...................................................... 3 Translating Level Type Codes on GTVSDAX..........................................................

Section 3: Executing Electronic Campus Extract....................................................... Verify Information on Forms.................................................................................... ZORSREB .................................................................................................................

Section 4: Excel Files.................................................................................................... Opening in Excel ......................................................................................................

Appendix A: Translations, Submission, and Resources............................................. SREB Contact ID ......................................................................................................

Appendix B: Electronic Campus Basics ...................................................................... Appendix C: Program Data Entry .................................................................................

General ..................................................................................................................... Admissions and Schedule ......................................................................................

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Office of Information Introduction and Instructional Technology

Electronic Campus Data Export Introduction Purpose The Electronic Campus Data Export process (ZORSREB) and the Distance Education Flat Fee form (ZSAFFEE), allow users to select all distance education courses for a single semester and prepare them for electronic transmission to the Electronic Campus database.

There are four parts to this workbook:

• Fee Rules and Set up • Code Crosswalk and Translation • Executing Electronic Campus Extract • Excel Files

The fee form contains estimates of fees to provide a base for probable fees, so potential students will be able to have a general idea of the charges for distance learning. The process will generate two pipe delimited files from required fields in Banner and information on ZSAFFEE for importation into Excel. The Electronic Campus database accepts the files in two Excel spreadsheets or in one workbook, but on different rows. Users can update listings by submitting updated Excel sheets or workbooks.

Target Audience and Run Frequency This workbook is for Registrars and staff responsible for maintaining distance education courses. The process should be run prior to the start of each term and should include future terms with available pre-registration. Policy and Formatting Conditions Be sure to follow these policies and conditions before you run ZORSREB:

• Each college or university submitting courses must register with the Southern Regional Board Electronic Campus to receive an institutional ID and contact ID. Many USG campuses already have this information. A listing of registered institutions and contacts may be found at

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Office of Information Section 1: Fee Rules and Set Up and Instructional Technology

Section 1: Fee Rules and Set Up Level Code Validation Table (STVLEVL)

Every code on STVLEVL needs a corresponding code on ZSAFFEE. You may want to run a query for all codes on STVLEVL before you start entering information on ZSAFFEE.

Distance Education Flat Fee Form (ZSAFFEE)

For each code in STVLEVL, determine the average per instructional hour cost, including tuition and fees. ZORSREB multiplies the values on this form by the credit hours in Banner.

Set up the rows in one of two ways.

Do not set up any rows like this.

You may enter dollar amounts for both of these fees or just Electronic Rate Fee (above). Note that the other fees are set to a zero dollar amount.

You may enter dollar amounts for all three of these fees. Note that the Electronic Rate is set to a zero dollar amount.

Out-of-District Fee will report with either the In-State and Out-of-State Fees or the Electronic Rate Fee.

ZORSREB will not report the Electronic Rate Fee if the In-State Fee and Out-Of-State Fee are not zero.

No Error Message – Make sure to double check each row. The process will not get an error message if all fees on a row are populated with fees more than .00.

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Office of Information Section 2: Code Crosswalk and Translation and Instructional Technology

Section 2: Code Crosswalk and Translation Once the forms for codes and rules have been completed, translations need to be set up on STVXLBL and SOAXREF.

Creating New EDI Label Code on STVXLBL

Insert a new record for the new label with the information shown.

Crosswalking Level Type Codes on SOAXREF

The new label will translate all of the institutional level codes from STVLEVL to Semester or Quarter.

Name the new code LEVELTYP

Description is “Semester/Quarter Level Type”

New code created on STVXLBL

Semester or Quarter

The level type being translated

Corresponding level type from STVLEVL

If you are adding more than one value of Quarter, you will need to add a qualifier for every instance after the first. The form will not allow entry for multiple Quarters without the qualifier. The same is true for multiple entries of Semester. ZORSREB does not use the qualifier, so you may determine your own method of numeric qualifier designation.

Not a System Required value

Every level code in STVLEVL should have a LEVLTYP on SOAXREF.

If you ran a query on STVLEVL to enter codes on ZSAFFEE, you can use the same query to make sure you include all STVLEVL codes on SOAXREF.

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Office of Information Section 2: Code Crosswalk and Translation and Instructional Technology

Translating Level Type Codes on GTVSDAX

If the zorelca_gtvsdax_insert.sql script was applied, four rows should exist with ZORELCALVL in the internal code. These rows are used as a translation of Level codes by the ZORSREB process and the Campus Data Extraction Process (ZORELCA). Enter the campus code that matches the USG standard for each level code in the External Code field. If the translation and the external code would be the same, the row can be deleted.

Internal Code of ZORELCALVL

USG standard level Code

If the local code used for the level code matches the USG standard for the level code, this GTVSDAX row can be removed. The GTVSDAX row is only required when the institutional level code does not match the USG standard.

External Code that still needs to be translated

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Office of Information Section 3: Executing Electronic Campus Extract and Instructional Technology

Section 3: Executing Electronic Campus Extract After verifying information on a few forms, you will be able to execute ZORSREB to produce the tab delimited files.

Verify Information on Forms

Before executing ZORSREB, you will need to consult several forms to ensure the process pulls the correct information.

ZORSREB will not translate formatting in the text fields on any form. Improper translation of such fields may cause problems with opening the text files in Excel.

• ZORSREB pulls all courses with an F or P in the Instructional Method field of the Course Schedule form (SSASECT). For instructions to set up the instructional method for distance education courses refer to the Curriculum User Documentation for Usage of Instructional Technology document provided by the Academic Data Mart.

• Next the process pulls data (Learning Objectives, Required Materials, and Technical Requirements) from the Section Syllabus form (SSASYLB).

To make sure all of the section syllabus information is entered correctly; please make use of the following Banner functions:

• Use the Copy From Course button on the Section Syllabus form (SSASYLB) to copy any information found at the course level. This includes fields such as the Long Course Title to insure that no abbreviations are included in the ZORSREB Courses output file.

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• Use the Faculty Self-Service Syllabus Information page (bwlksybs.P_Fac_Syllabus) to allow faculty to enter or update syllabus information as they see fit. This allows for an instant edit of the SSASYLB information. Please be aware that the Self-Service editor does not like special characters like hard returns.

• If no information is found for fields on SSASYLB, ZORSREB proceeds to the Course Syllabus for (SCASYLB) for data.

All course prerequisites may be added to the Course Detail Information form (SCADETL) under Course Description to ensure they are properly captured and readily displayed. The prerequisites may include a specific grade for a prior course or minimum test scores to enroll in a particular course.

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Office of Information Section 3: Executing Electronic Campus Extract and Instructional Technology


This process should be run for every term that distance education courses are offered and are still available for registration.

Can students register for the course online?

Is admission mandatory to enroll in the course?

Is admission available on the internet?

Provided and required by Electronic Campus


Most errors will be caused by blank fields that are considered required by the SREB. Blank fields reflect a lack of data in the database. Please work with campus personnel to make sure all required catalogue information is filled in Banner.

Parameter is missing – Check parameter listing to make sure all required parameters are entered.


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Office of Information Section 4: Excel Files and Instructional Technology

Section 4: Excel Files Once ZORSREB has been run, you will have four files (zorsreb.lis, zorsreb.log, courses file, and courseoffering file). For a complete list of the output for the two files created by the ZORSREB process, please take a look at the ZORSREB User Guide. You will need to open the courses file and courseoffering file in Excel to prepare them for the Georgia ONmyLINE database. The courses and courseoffering file will be placed in the Banjob directory and may need to be moved before opening in Excel.

Opening in Excel

There is more formatting, click Next.

Verify your row.

It is a delimited file.pen the courses text file in Excel.

When you open the file, the Text Import Wizard will open.

You will need to set the type to All Files.

One more page, click Next.

Check Other and enter | (Shift + \). Nothing else should be checked.

You will probably have to remove the check from the Tab box. Select Text.

When you are done, click Finish.

If the file does not look right, go back and check the formatting in the text fields of SSASECT, SSASYLB, and SCASYLB (Section 3). Formatting in these fields may be breaking the formatting of the file. A translation table for contract to PDFID is included in the Appendix A. Page 8 Campus Data Extraction May 2008

Office of Information Appendix A: Translations, Submission, and Resources and Instructional Technology

Appendix A: Translations, Submission, and Resources

Contract and PDFID Translations Below is the Contract to PDFID translation.

Banner Code

Banner Description Electronic Campus code

EC Description

01 Video 8 Videotape 02 Satellite 6 Satellite (Analog) 7 Satellite (Digital) 03 GSAMS 3 Computer-aided instruction 04 Two-Way Interactive 4 E-mail 10 Voice mail 05 Television 5 Open broadcast 06 Internet 9 Internet 07 Other Network 13 Other 08 Print- Based Materials 13 Other 09 Other 13 Other 10 CD-ROM 1 CD-ROM 11 DVD 2 Compressed Video

Electronic Campus and File Submission Electronic Campus is a website that provides access to a full array of online and distance education offerings from the colleges and universities in the Southern Regional Education Board. Through this site prospective and enrolled students can quickly find programs and/or courses that meet their career or degree needs. OIIT released this Georgia Enhancement to pull course information from Banner that will be made available through Elecronic Campus.

Personnel using ZORSREB or ZSAFFEE who encounter issues or have questions should contact the OIIT Helpdesk:

• Web support request self-service: • E-mail: [email protected] • Phone: -706-583-2001 or Toll free within Georgia: 1-888-875-3697

Banner Production Support Website –

SREB Contact ID

If you do not know your institution’s contact ID or institutional number, we have posted a link for all of the contacts on the site too.

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Office of Information Appendix B: Georgia ONmyLINE Basics and Instructional Technology

Appendix B: Electronic Campus Basics

Searchable Catalog of Distance Education Courses: All campuses will be expected to submit selected information on all courses delivered 50% or more at a distance prior to registration each semester. OIIT provided campuses that use Banner with the Electronic Campus Data Export process (ZORSREB) which will facilitate the collection of this information. However, if the required data is not being collected by your campus into the appropriate Banner fields at the appropriate time, your campus’ course listings will not be complete.

Information about technical requirements, delivery methods, course learning objectives, or campus visitation requirements may be known by faculty but not recorded in Banner at a time or in a manner that would allow it to be visible to students during pre-registration. A formal process to identify and collect this information from faculty prior to registration may not exist or the information might be recorded differently in Banner than expected by the ZORSREB. New or alternative business practices relating to collecting this course delivery information may need to be developed.

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Office of Information Appendix C: Program Data Entry and Instructional Technology

Appendix C: Program Data Entry

Instructions for Completing Georgia ONmyLINE Program Data Entry Form Program data is not collected in Banner, however, registrars or distance education representatives may be asked to enter this information as part of the Georgia ONmyLINE website. The following directions describe the data necessary to collect to complete this process. Once program information has been collected, it can be entered in through the Program Data Entry form found at

Any program entered into the Georgia ONmyLINE Program database must meet two requirements before it will be approved to be displayed:

• Program must be offered 90% or more through distance technologies. • Program must be approved by the Board of Regents to be offered externally.

The following instructions provide details on each field in the Program Data Entry (PDE) site for the University System of Georgia searchable catalog only. Please email [email protected] to notify them of a program that will ONLY be in the Georgia ONmyLINE catalog.

There must be information entered into all fields. When a field is not applicable to a specific program, please use a complete sentence to indicate this.

You may list URLs in the entry, but they will not appear as links in the database. All entries should be done in complete sentences, without abbreviations or misspellings.

NOTE: If you wish to have a program listed in both the Electronic Campus and USG catalogs, you must follow the Electronic Campus guidelines and approval process for completing program information. Please notify the Georgia State Coordinator that you intend to have the program viewed in both catalogs.

General Status: A newly added program has the status of Disabled. University System of

Georgia coordinating staff will review the entry to:

• verify the entry is accurate and agrees with the institution’s web site, and

• verify the entry has no abbreviations or misspellings.

If the program meets the requirements, USG coordinating staff will request to change the status to Enabled and the program becomes available to student searches on the USG site only.

Electronic Campus Approval:

If you wish to have a program listed in both the Electronic Campus and USG catalogs, you must follow the Electronic Campus guidelines and approval process for completing program information. Please notify the USG State Coordinator that you intend to have the program viewed in both catalogs. If entry is complete, click Approved. If the entry is not yet complete, click Pending.

Non-Credit: At this time, no non-credit programs will be listed in Georgia catalog.

Publicly If the program is not to be generated in student searches on the Electronic

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Accessible: Campus or TeacherCenter web sites, click “No”.

Archive: To remove a program from student searches select Archive. This will NOT remove the program from the database, but will remove the program from search activity.

SOC Status: If the program is a certified SOCAD, SOCNAV, SOCMAR, SOCCOAST, SOCGUARD - program, click on the drop down box. Additional information is at

Institution: Verify the full name of the institution and campus or branch as appropriate for the location of the activity.

Program Title: Provide the full program title as approved by Board of Regents without abbreviations. Include level and specific degree designation (e.g., Master of Arts in Literature). Program titles with abbreviations will not be activated, as these programs are not generated in student searches. Titles may be found in the Board of Regents minutes (

URL: You may provide a URL for the institution or department home page. NOTE: URLs will not be linked, and will need to be pasted into a browser for students to go to specified pages.

Degree Type: Enter the type of degree (i.e., Associate of Science).

Program Level: Choose the level of the program from the drop down list. Select from:

• Undergraduate • Graduate

Do not use Non-credit.

Primary Delivery Format:

Indicate the primary mode of delivery for the program. Click on only one button that best describes the mode of program delivery even if the program is available in multiple modes. The modes are defined as follows:

• Audio: courses offered via audiotape • Cable: courses utilizing cable television for delivery • CD-ROM: programs offered via CD-ROM • Compressed video: programs offered over specialized compressed-

video networks • Computer Aided Instruction: computer-assisted instruction, in

which programs are made available via computer at a local machine or by specialized network/system

• E-mail: programs offered via electronic mail • Open broadcast: programs offered via cable or microwave in

which the program broadcast is "open" or available to students in a particular region or locality

• Satellite (Analog): programs offered via analog satellite, which can be downlinked by standard "home" receiving dishes

Office of Information Appendix C: Program Data Entry and Instructional Technology

• Satellite (Digital): programs offered via digital satellite, which can be downlinked with specialized digital receiving dishes

• Video tape: programs offered via video-tape mailed or otherwise made available to students

• Voice mail: programs delivered primarily via voice mail.

Supplemental Delivery Format:

List any delivery formats utilized in this program other than the format chosen as the Primary Delivery Format above.

Program Discipline/ Subject:

Select the subject from the drop down box. The drop down box is equivalent to the 4 digit CIP code for the course or program. CIP codes are used when a student searches topic, therefore, it is important to include an accurate subject. Additional information is available at The CIP listing can be found on this PDF file .

Program Accreditation:

List any programmatic or specialized accreditation for this program.

Program Description:

Provide a detailed description of the program. Describe its overall objectives, delivery format, history or past activities in a distance learning format, size (number of students in the program) and related information. The more detailed the description the more information the student will have from which to select. This description determines student search results. You may list the program or department URL as well.

Special Issues: List any special program issues or considerations. These would include the need for specialized software or equipment, access to a particular network, health insurance, vaccinations, licensure status, or requirements. You may list a URL as well.

Modes of Interaction:

Indicate the modes of interaction in the program for student/faculty and student/student communications. Check all that apply. Note: modes of interaction also may be one of the supplemental formats. Select from the following:

• Chat Room • Discussion Board • Electronic Conferencing • E-Mail • Online Assignment Submission • Postal • Video • Voice • Other (Text - 30 spaces)

Course Management System:

Please indicate the course management system used for the majority of courses in this program, if any. The choices are:

• Angel

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• Blackboard • Desire2Learn • eCollege • Educator • EduSystem • Jenzabar • Learnwise • WebCT • Whiteboard • Other (Text field)

NOTE: If your program uses the GeorgiaVIEW Vista Services, choose Blackboard.

Program Enrollment Capacity:

Please enter the number of students allowed into this program for any current year. A numerical value must be entered.

Application Deadline:

Indicate the date the application must be received for acceptance into the program. If the application date is open, click the "Open" box next to the date.

Technical Requirements:

List any special issues that a student should be aware of prior to submission of an application (e.g., software and hardware needs, access to networks or satellite receiving equipment, etc.)

Access to Learning Resources:

Describe the college or university's arrangements for providing learning resources and other support services to students, specifically, what kind of library and bookstore access does the student have? List any current or proposed arrangements for providing learning resources (library, computer services, etc.) and support to students at remote locations. If there are specific provisions made for adult students, the information should be included in this field. You may list a URL as well.

Access to Financial Aid Resources:

Briefly describe available financial aid, qualifications, and procedures for application for financial assistance available to students in the program. A phone number for the financial aid office must be entered. You may list a URL as well.


Special Program Requirements:

List any requirements beyond program work, such as completion of a thesis, dissertation, project, report, internship, or other academic activities that are required of students in this program. You may list a URL as well.

Special Graduation Requirements:

List any special requirements for graduation that are required prior to the awarding of the degree (e.g., some kind of community service activity, taking a final exam, taking programs during the summer, etc.). You may list a URL as well.

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Access to Advising/Mentoring Services:

Describe how students will receive or can obtain advising and mentoring services from qualified faculty and college or university staff. You may list a URL as well.

Program Transfer Policies:

List any special credit transfer policies that are related to this program, including Servicemembers Opportunity College. You may list a URL as well.

Special Enrollment Issues:

List any special enrollment issues that are related to this program. What is the projected number of new students for the program start date or for any term? Are the courses in the proposed program open to students not pursuing a degree?

Special Attendance Requirements:

List any special attendance requirements that a student entering the program would be expected to meet (e.g., on-campus attendance for courses, examinations or orientation; internships; field, clinical or lab work). You may list a URL as well.

Special Program Prerequisites:

List any prerequisites associated with entry into this program. You may list a URL as well.

Other Program-Specific Considerations:

List and describe any other program considerations that may be of interest or information that is important for a student considering application to the program. This would include any special arrangements the college or university has or may make for remote students, services available to learners with special needs, or other aspects of the college or university program-level efforts. You may list a URL as well.

Admissions and Schedule General Admissions Requirements:

List the general requirements for program admission (e.g., academic background, preparation, degrees, experience, GPA). Also include other institution admission information for students (e.g., availability of on-line application, competition for slots in program). It is necessary to list the Admissions Office phone number. You may list a URL as well.

Application Requirements:

Indicate all the program and institution application requirements (e.g., application forms, application fees, transcripts, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation). You may list a URL as well.

If Courses are Offered in a Required Sequence:

If courses in the program are offered in a required sequence, what is the required course load per academic term? How long does a student have to complete the program? What is the normal time it takes students to complete the program? Is the student expected to be a full time or part time student? You may list a URL as well.

Enrollment Procedure:

Answer all three questions based upon the specific program.

Projected Schedule: Provide the projected schedule of required core courses expected to be

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offered for the next two terms, or note if the courses are offered on a rotating basis. You may list a URL as well.

Additional Schedule Information:

Include any information related to scheduling that may benefit the student. Indicate any other considerations that would be instructive or helpful to a student in determining whether to enroll in this program (e.g., scheduled exam attendance on campus or at a designated location, requirements for exam proctor). You may list a URL as well.

Credit and Costs


Total Number of Credit Hours to Earn a Degree:

Indicate the total number of credits required to earn a degree in this program. Include, as appropriate, the degree level, the number of upper-division credits required, number of core credit hours required, program elective credit hours required, and number of college or university requirements and electives. You may list a URL as well.

Describe Transfer Credit Policies for College or University:

Describe general college or university transfer policies for the degree level. Be sure to indicate if the institution has an articulation agreement with any other institution or system or if the program is designed as a 2+2 for a specific institution. You may list a URL as well.

Maximum Number of Credits Transferable into the Program:

Indicate the maximum number of credits that the average student may transfer into this program. You may list a URL as well.

Special Credit Arrangements for the Program:

Please indicate any special credit arrangements the institution or program might have with other institutions, agencies, or employers (e.g., special partnerships, credit arrangements with other institutions, experiential credit, (and/or) CLEP acceptance). You may list a URL as well.


Average Course Cost:

All fields in the cost section must be completed with numbers (i.e., 0.00). List the In-State and Out-of-State tuition charges that will apply to a student enrolling in this program. Be sure to use course amounts and not a per-credit-hour charge. For example, if tuition is $150 per credit hour and the average course is three-credit, show tuition as $450. Programs must have either In-State AND Out-of-State tuition, OR Electronic Rate tuition. Costs will be In-State AND Out-of-State or electronic rate but not both. If the In-State and Out-of-State charges are the same, use the Electronic Rate column.

Tuition Classification Information:

Describe the college or university procedure for determining in-state and out-of-state classification for tuition purposes. You may list a URL as well.

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Other Cost Considerations:

Include any other information related to program costs that may be relevant to the student. Provide an estimate of required program materials per term (textbook, software, etc.) for a student enrolling in the program including information on waivers. You may list a URL as well.