Download - Electrochemistry Lecture 1

  • 7/23/2019 Electrochemistry Lecture 1




    Metals in HCl(aq)

    2H+ + 2e- H2(g) E0 = 0.000 V

    Cu2+ + 2e- Cu Pb2+ + 2e- Pb

    E0 = 0.340 V E0 = - 0.125 V

    Ni2+ + 2e- Ni Zn2+ + 2e- Zn

    E0 = - 0.257 V E0 = - 0.762 V

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    Standard Reduction (Half-Cell)






    Voltaic Cells

    In spontaneous oxidation-reduction (redox)

    reactions, electrons are transferred and

    energy is released.

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    Voltaic Cells We can use that energy to do

    work if we make the electrons

    flow through an external


    We call such a setup a voltaic


    The oxidation occurs at the anode.

    The reduction occurs at the cathode.

    Voltaic Cells

    Once even one

    electron flows

    from the anode

    to the cathode,

    the charges ineach beaker

    would not be

    balanced and

    the flow of

    electrons would


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    Voltaic Cells Therefore, we use

    a salt bridge,

    usually a U-

    shaped tube that

    contains a salt

    solution, to keep

    the charges


    Cations movetoward the


    Anions move

    toward the anode.

    Voltaic Cells

    In the cell, electrons leave the anode and flowthrough the wire to the cathode.

    As the electrons leave the anode, the cationsformed dissolve into the solution in the anode

    compartment. As the electrons reach the cathode, cations in the

    cathode are attracted to the now negative cathode.

    The electrons are taken by the cation, and theneutral metal is deposited on the cathode.

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    Standard Cell Potentials

    The cell potential at standard conditions

    can be found through this equation:

    Because cell potential is based on the

    potential energy per unit of charge, it is anintensive property.

    Ecell = Ered (cathode) Ered (anode)

    Cell Potentials

    For the oxidation in this cell:

    For the reduction: Ered = +0.34 V

    Ered = 0.76 V

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    How do we measure these values?

    Half-cell potentials

    In practice, measuring the potential of such a half-cell isnear-impossible

    It requires measuring the potential difference betweenthe electrode and the solution without putting another

    electrode in the solutionThe best we can do is put two half-cells back-to-backand measure thedifference between their potentials

    If we take some particular half-cell as standard we canrefer all others to it

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    Standard Hydrogen Electrode

    Their values are referenced to a standard

    hydrogen electrode (SHE).

    By definition, the reduction potential for

    hydrogen is 0 V.

    2 H+ (aq, 1M) + 2 e H2 (g, 1 atm)


    The electromotive force, emf, of anelectrochemical cell is the potential differencethat must be applied to the cell in order to stopthe spontaneous cell reaction from occurring.


    (1 M)||KCl(satd)|Hg2Cl2|Hg E0

    = 0.64 V If a potential difference of Eappl = 0.64 V is

    applied, the spontaneous cell reaction

    Hg2Cl2 + Cd 2 Hg + 2 Cl- + Cd2+

    is stopped, there is no current flow, the systemis at equilibrium, and its properties aredetermined by thermodynamics.

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    Cell emf and GG for a redox reaction can be found byusing the equation:

    G = nFE

    A positive value of E and a negative value of

    G both indicate that a reaction is


    Consequently, under standard conditions:

    G =

    nFEn is the number of moles of electrons transferred.

    F is called Faradays constant: 1 F = 96,485 C/mol

    = 96,485 J/V mol

    The Nernst Equation

    Remember that:

    G = G + RT ln Q

    This means:nFE = nFE + RT ln Q

    E = E RTnF ln Q

    E = E 2.303 RT

    nF log Q

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    At room temperature (298 K):

    Thus the equation simplifies to:

    E = E 0.0592

    n log Q

    2.303 RTF = 0.0592 V

    Electrolytic CellsCd|Cd2+(1 M)||KCl(satd)|Hg2Cl2|Hg E

    0 = 0.64 V

    When Eappl < 0.64 V, electrons flow from

    left to right in the external circuit, the

    spontaneous cell reaction occurs - the cell

    behaves as a voltaic cell (or galvanic cell).

    When Eappl > 0.64 V, electrons flow in the

    reverse direction, the reverse of the

    spontaneous cell reaction occurs:

    2 Hg + 2 Cl- + Cd2+ Hg2Cl2 + Cd

    The cell behaves as an electrolytic cell.

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    Voltaic and Electrolytic Cells

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    Rate of Reaction

    Since the current, i, which represents the number of coulombsof charge flowing per second, is stoichiometrically related tothe number of mole of (say) Cd2+ reacting per second, it is ameasure of the rate of the electrochemical reaction

    v (mol s-1 cm-2) = i/nFA = j/nF

    where n is the number of electrons transferred, F is Faradaysconstant,A is the area of the electrode, andj = i/A is thecurrent density (A m-2).

    Kinetics, rather than thermodynamics rule here!


    Theoretically, an applied potential, Eappl, slightly in

    excess of the cell emf would cause the reverse of the

    spontaneous cell reaction to occur.

    In practice, the applied potential may need to exceed

    the cell emf by anything up to a couple of tenths of a

    volt before this is achieved!

    The departure of the electrode potential from the

    equilibrium value on passage of a current is called


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    Ideal Polarised Electrodes An ideal polarised electrode shows a very large change

    in potential upon the passage of a small current, and ischaracterised by a horizontal i-E profile.

    An inert electrode (eg., Hg, Pt, Au) in a solutioncontaining only electro-inactive species approaches thisideal.

    Ideal polarized (polarizable) electrode:An electrode iscalled "ideal polarizable" if no electrode reactions canoccurwithin a fairly wide electrode potential range.Consequently, the electrode behaves like a capacitorand only capacitive current ( no faradaic current) isflowing upon a change of potential. Many electrodes canbehave as an ideal polarized electrode but only within anelectrode potential range called the "double-layer range."Also called "completely-polarizable electrode" and"totally-polarized electrode." Contrast with ideal non-polarizable electrode.

    Ideal polarized (polarizable) electrode

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    Ideal Nonpolarisable Electrode The potential of an ideal nonpolarisable electrode does

    not change on passage of current. It is an electrode offixed potential.

    Nonpolarisable electrodes have a vertical i-E profile.

    Reference electrodes (silver-silver chloride and SCE)approach non-polarisability at low current densities.

    Reference electrodesReference electrode is an electrode which has a stable and well-

    known electrode potential

    The Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) forms the basis of the

    thermodynamic scale of oxidation-reduction potentials

    Based on

    2H+(aq) + 2e-H2(g)

    Often impractical to use

    Large area required : platinised platinum

    Cumbersome, can be hazardous

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    Reference electrodesReference electrode is an electrode which has a stable and

    well-known electrode potential

    Therefore to form a basis for comparison with all other

    electrode reactions, Hydrogen's standard electrode potential

    (E0) is declared to be zero at all temperatures.

    Potentials of any other electrode is compared with that of the

    SHE at the same temperature.

    Common ref. electrodes : Ag/AgCl,

    saturated calomel electrode (SCE)

    Reference electrodes

    Ag/AgCl (3M NaCl) is one of the most commonly used

    Based on

    AgCl(s) + e- = Ag(s) + Cl


    Ideal non-polarizableelectrode

    E = 0.220 V vs SHE

    Unit activity at standard conditions

    For Ag/AgCl (3M KCl)

    E = 0.196 V

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    The extent of polarisation is measured by

    the overpotential,

    = |E(i) - E(0)|,

    the (absolute) difference between the cell

    potential when there is no current flow,

    E(0), and when there is current flow, i -


    The overpotential increases as the current

    flowing through the system increases.


    Overpotential is always deleterious to

    performance - it decreases the potential

    available during discharge:

    Edischarge = E(0) -

    and increases the potential required for


    Echarge = (Eappl) = E(0) +

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    Overpotential An electrode reaction O + ne R can be thought of

    as composing a series of steps: mass transfer of O to and R away from the electrode

    electron transfer at the electrode

    chemical reactions before and after the electron transfer.

    surface reactions - adsorption, desorption,electrodeposition.

    Overpotentials can be associated with each of thesesteps. Overpotential serves as an activation energy

    required to drive the processes at the rate reflectedby the current.

    Overpotential means you must apply a greaterpotential before redox chemistry occurs


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    iR Drop

    With the passage of a current, i, through

    a cell of resistance R, there is a potential

    drop, iR (Ohms Law), that has the same

    effect as an overpotential - it decreases

    the potential available during discharge:

    Edischarge = E(0) - - iR

    and increases the potential required for


    Echarge = (Eappl) = E(0) + + iR

    Tafel Equation

    The overpotential, , increases as the

    current flowing through the system


    Tafel (1905) found that the overpotentialis related to the logarithm of the current:

    = a + b logi

    where a and b are empirical constants.

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    Metal-electrolyte interface

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    A plane of charge due to complexation or dissociation exists

    on a surface. For example, consider in this case that the

    total charge is positive as shown in the previous figure.

    Counterions attracted to the surface by electrostatics shield

    the surface charge. The counterions are not all in the same

    plane, however, because they are held in a dynamic

    balance by electrostatic attraction and the tendency to

    diffuse away. The concentration of ions in the diffuse layer

    decays with distance from the surface. Thus the surfacecharge forms one layer and the diffuse shielding charge

    forms the other layer, hence the term double layer.

    The double layer has a certain structure. The Inner

    Helmholtz Plane (IHP) is the plane cutting through the center

    of the solvent molecules or specifically adsorbed ions.

    The Outer Helmholtz plane (OHP) is the plane cutting

    through the solvated negative ions at their position of closest


    Ions in the diffuse layer are always being exchanged at thesurface, but the surface excess of counterions always

    exactly balances the total charge associated with the solid.

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    Helmholtz model

    Gouy-Chapman Model

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    Gouy-Chapman Model

    Stern model

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    The Capacitance Current

    The charging or capacitance current, ic , is due to

    the presence of the electrical double layer and it is

    always present. This current, of course, is not

    related to any movement of ions.

    Ic = Cdl x V


    Cdl = the capacitance of the electrical double layer

    V = voltage scan rate

    The capacitance current makes its presence felt

    when measuring charge transfer (Faradaic)

    processes at concentrations of 10-5 M.