Download - eLearning 2012

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E-learning 2012

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Part 1

Objectives and the Past

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E-Learning assisted Education

Simplistically put, E-learning is learning usingmultimedia computers and through interactionusing Internet.

It enables one to learn At her time

At her place

At her pace

Using her medium of choice(video, audio,graphic or any combination

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Education of the Future should

Be student-centered -address the needs ofstudents with different learning styles

Promote active learning

Teamwork (virtual teams)

Alternative forms of assessment

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Education of the Future should


Integrate use of technology

Use more collaborative learning

Emphasize on real-world applications

Introduce innovative fresher programs

Increase communication

Support interdisciplinary pursuits

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Education of the Future

Will have to :

Have important roles for visualization andsimulation

Be Modular and just-in-time Enable Life-long (continuous, perpetual) learning

Be omnipresent – available anytime, anyplace

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Learning on the Net: Universities

The Internet provides new access to learning

“Site independent learning” (distance

education) – through courses that aredelivered largely or entirely online

University resources now accessed online byplace-bound individuals and working

professionals Phoenix and Kaplan universities are pioneers

in adopting on line alternative

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Can the Internet replace

the campus experience?


Access to learning opportunities

Interactive course materials

Simulations, multimedia, visualization Homework and quizzes

Access to people

Subject matter experts (faculty)

Other students (peer-peer & groupinteractions)

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Computer Based Training CDs

In the Third world Context, We do not yet havethe Internet facility reaching every student.

It is imperative to lay stress on off-line teachingparadigm for the time being

A multimedia CBT is the best cost effectivealternative. A CBT CD is a multimedia CD capturing a video

lecture / interaction of an expert with voice(audio) and perhaps his presentation of adiagram/ text/ graphic/ animation

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CBT design

We have to take into consideration thespecific requirements of a subject and lessonas per an accepted syllabus, the studentaptitudes and apprehensions and deliverymechanism as well as splitting andpositioning of a lecture.

We need excellent network of professors andsubject experts to have a wide choice inchoosing who should deliver the content.-best teachers with good pedagogic skills,varied experience and creativity

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E-Learning Methodologies

Certificate courses on the Internet: The student enrolls, gets accessto the course content on the net University Intranet interacts andgets tested and certified.

Managed e-Learning: ILMS( Integrated Learning ManagementSystem facilitates

CONTENT MANAGEMENT: (e.g. Loading required info in an Intranet

LEARNING MANAGEMENT: (e.g. Learning through Internet withinteraction and evaluation from a moderator from a university

STUDENT MANAGEMENT: (e.g. Monitoring the use, regularity andperformance of the student)

Enabled e-Learning We enable Universities/Colleges to offer any course through

Internet by providing software, subject content and web hosting.

The institution provides a course moderator with an access tointernet

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Another facility:Bulletin Board

A Bulletin Board System, or BBS, is acomputer system running software that allowsusers to connect and log in to the systemusing a terminal program.

Once logged in, a user can perform functionssuch as

uploading and downloading software and data,

reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users,

through email or

in public message boards.

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How does an E-Learning Student use this?

Raising queries, submitting assignments andanswering tests, participates in bulletinboards and self-tests and gets tested

Through a phone Through an email to the course instructor

Through group interaction

participating in an open thread

creating a new thread

open forum outside

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Part 2

The Present

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Reinventing Teaching-Learning

The recent advances in content delivery mechanismsthrough new technological innovations has changedthe teaching – learning paradigm.

What with the plethora of facilities available overInternet we are seeing this field evolve so fast thatlast year’s best product is becoming obsolete this


Let us look at some of the available software


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Some Authoring Softwares

ClickClass is a rapid e-learning authoringtool. It is designed to enable users to rapidlyauthor, deliver and manage their own onlinelearning content. It can be set up in minutesand is free to use during the e-learningauthoring stage.

Moodle is a free software package forproducing Internet-based courses and websites. It is a global development projectdesigned to support a social constructionistframework of education.

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Moodle is provided freely as Open Source software (underthe GNU Public License). You are allowed to copy, use andmodify Moodle provided that you agree to provide thesource to others

Moodle can be installed on any computer that can run PHP,

and can support an SQL type database (for exampleMySQL). It can be run on Windows and Mac operatingsystems and many flavors of linux (e.g. Red Hat or DebianGNU). There are many knowledgeable Moodle Partners toassist you, even host your Moodle site

The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular

Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, which ismostly useful to programmers and education theorists..Anyone who uses Moodle is a Moodler.

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More Moodle

The heart of Moodle is courses that contain activities andresources. There are about 20 different types of activitiesavailable (forums, glossaries, wikis, assignments, quizzes,choices (polls), scorm players, databases etc) and each canbe customised quite a lot.

The main power of this activity-based model comes in

combining the activities into sequences and groups, whichcan help you guide participants through learning paths.Thus, each activity can build on the outcomes of previousones.

There are a number of other tools that make it easier tobuild communities of learners, including blogs, messaging,

participant lists etc, as well useful tools like grading,reports, integration with other systems and so on. For more about Moodle, see,

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Need for Standards With the exponential growth of content on the web

there is a need for order.There are a number ofstandards even in language , such as e.g., WebDesign Group Standards for HTML Authoring for theWorld Wide Web contain

Mandatory Practices - Sentences containing theword SHALL are mandatory practices, and must befollowed without exception in all Web pages andsystems. The word MUST is used in statements thatrepeat a mandatory practice.

Recommended Practices - Sentences containingthe word SHOULD are strongly recommendedpractices. A justification may be required if they arenot followed.

Guideline Practices - Sentences containing the word

MAY are guidelines. No justification is required if

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Authoring Systems Standards and


Aviation Industry CBT Committee (AICC)The Aviation Industry CBT Committee is a nonprofit,membership-driven consortium dedicated to helpingthe training community get the most out of training

technology. We do that by bringing together trainers,courseware developers, software vendors, simulatordesigners and airframe manufacturers to developstandards, technology recommendations andanalysis of best practices.

Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative (ADL)is accountable for the most popular standard: Sharable Content Object Reference Model


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SCORM is a widely implemented and acceptedstandard that is built upon the work of otherstandardization bodies such as

AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training


IMS (Instructional Managements Systems Project) ,

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

ARIADNE (Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring

and Distribution Networks for Europe).

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SCORM defines:

A Web-based learning Content Aggregation Model (CAM)for assembling, labeling, and packaging of learningcontent. The basic units of interest in the ContentAggregation Model are Sharable Content Objects (SCO)

and Content Packages that are used to bundle content A Run-Time Environment (RTE) which includes Launch , a

content-to-LMS (Learning Management System)communication Application Programming Interface (API),tracking, data transfer and error handling.

Sequencing and Navigation (SN) for sequencing andcontent navigation, which affects how the content isassembled, and consequently presented to and navigableby the learner

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SCORM is a really powerful tool for anyone involvedin online training.

Content can be created one time and used in manydifferent systems and situations without modification.

This plug-and-play functionality can be powerfulwithin an organization but even more so acrossorganizations.

Content can be sold and delivered to the user morequickly, more robustly, and at a lower price.

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SCORM is widely adopted by some hugeorganizations.

It has the critical momentum and is the de factoindustry standard.

The US Department of Defense has specified that allof its content must be delivered via SCORM. All of it.

Industry is following suit, and the standard appears ina vast majority of RFPs to procure both trainingcontent and Learning Management Systems.