Download - ELDER NOMINEES - · ELDER NOMINEES Name: Emily Bosh Position Accepted: Mission/Outreach - International Phone: 253.752.0323 (h), 253.459.4049 (c) Email: [email protected]

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Name: Emily Bosh Position Accepted: Mission/Outreach - International Phone: 253.752.0323 (h), 253.459.4049 (c) Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION: Kenya Ministry Team – current team member, past facilitator, mission trip leader for 4 trips to Meru, KenyaDay Camp crew leader; Sunday School/Foundation substitute teacher; Occasional liaison for outreach efforts to DeLong Elementary School; Past participation: MOPS (table leader), M&AI Ballet/Dance Camp (coordinator), Praxis adult discipleship group, various short-term groups and classes, various service events, guest nutrition speaker

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: Occupation: registered dietitian/nutritionist (self-employed); Safe Streets – neighborhood safety group lead;DeLong Elementary – volunteer, school garden facilitator, garden/nutrition lessons; Olive Crest – licensed foster family (respite care)

FAMILY: Jason (husband) and children Lincoln (13), Adahlia (11), Gideon (9)

FAITH: My friendship with Jesus challenges me daily to be salty and light-filled in all of my interactions; I want Him to be able to use me to love on the people around me. As a mom, I rely on the Holy Spirit to gift me with patience, wisdom, compassion and humility. As member of a family with diverse viewpoints, I pray constantly for help in striking the balance between grace and truth, remembering that “love covers a multitude of sins.” As a friend and community member, I’m daily asking God to open my eyes and ears to the places where He is already at work and inviting me to participate- and then asking for the courage to jump in!

Name: Kathleen C. George Position Accepted: Human Resources Elder Phone: 253.988.0033 Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION: I have attended UPPC since 2015 and been a member since 2016. Before that, I was a member of Mason United Methodist Church in Tacoma, where I was a member and chair of the trustee committee for three years. In the Methodist tradition, the trustees have oversight of the church’s property as well as responsibility to manage leases or other relationships with external organizations that use the church’s property. At Mason, that in-cluded a food bank and a nonprofit preschool. As part of my role as trustee chairwoman, I oversaw a fundraising campaign to repair the church sanctuary’s external walls, which had

a fundamental design flaw that allowed water to seep inside the building and cause damage. Additionally, trustees receive and administer all bequests made to the church.

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: I am the Director of Communications at the Office of the Washington State Auditor. The Auditor is part of the state’s executive branch but is led by an independently elected official, making the work of the office independent of political influence. The office’s duties are described in the state constitution and enumerated in state law, but it boils down to this: We audit every state agency and local government in the state, providing the public with an objective analysis of how public money is spent. I lead a team of five writers, editors, designers and digital mar-

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keters, and our job is to help fulfill the Auditor’s vision of increasing trust in government through clear, compelling storytelling. Prior to that, I was a reporter and editor at The News Tribune for 11 years. Additionally, I have been the treasurer and president of the PTSA at Evergreen Primary school, and the treasurer of the PTSA at Chambers Primary school, both in University Place.

FAMILY: Hunter George (husband); Madeleine George (stepdaughter, age 19); Ryan George (son, age 11)

FAITH: My faith provides perspective and calm each day. At my stage of life (mid-career professional, raising a pre-teen while managing my mother’s failing health from a distance), it’s easy to feel overwhelmed each day and start to take each obstacle or decision as much bigger than they are. My faith helps me to keep doing the next right thing, and to behave as the hands and feet of Jesus. It prompts me to ask: who are you serving? and that perspective is invaluable.

Krista L. WallacePosition Accepted: Finance Elder, TrusteePhone: 304.582.8797Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION: MOPS Member 2009-2012, Alpha Attendee - 2010(?), Alpha Host 2019, Divorce Recovery Attendee, Women’s Retreat 2019 & 2020 Attendee

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: Advisor, SoundView Advisors, 2020-Present; Personal Financial Counselor, Zeiders Enter-prises 2014-2020

FAMILY: Imogen Nowak, daughter, age 10; Esme Nowak, daughter, age 4

FAITH: “I wanna be different, I wanna be changed, ‘til all of me is gone, and all that remains is a fire so bright the whole world can see, that there’s something different - so come and be different in me.” ~Micah Tyler, musician

I spent a good part of my young adult life headstrong and stubborn, convinced that understanding God’s plan was a metric of rules followed and promises kept to guarantee a successful and happy life. I think the saying goes “tell God everything you’re going to do and then watch what happens.” Well it happened. Over and over. But God quietly pursued me, didn’t give up on me, and was there to catch me when I fell. Each time “the worst” happened, God was there, quietly waiting for my submission to show me the way forward. And I did, just a little at a time - sometimes without even realizing it. If my adult life has taught me anything, it is that God is in control. He’s in control of your mess, and he’s in control of my mess. Trying to control or bargain with God is an excellent exercise in humility. But God puts the right people and places and events in your life to teach us these things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV) says “when I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.” I may not ever understand the plan, and quite frankly, I’m thankful that I don’t have to. What I do have to do is submit to God’s will over my will, and trust that his plan is far superior than anything I could ever propose, and strive to find joy in the journey. I’ve learned to see things through the lens of “NOTHING JUST HAPPENS” in-stead of asking God to change the circumstances. To try to view struggles and trials as a “WHY NOT ME?” instead of whining, “Why me.” This shift for me has made all of the difference, helping me grow to be more like Jesus - accepting the road set before me and knowing that I will follow his example. Following God isn’t just something I’ve decided to do - it’s a commitment I have made in my life. I have

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learned to lean into God who is truth and lean away from the world that twists and distorts it. When I struggle, I am usually choosing comfort over contentment. More often than not, this comes from not spending enough time in the WORD and in prayer. Those two disciplines, if not carefully upheld, can easily cause “my way” to look more attractive than God’s way. John H. Putnam put it this way “The greatest success is wanting what God provides.” Submission is difficult. Daily. I still struggle with my will and God’s will, but ultimately I surrender to HIM who makes all my paths straight (Proverbs 3:6). Every day, I give up a little piece of me and follow HIM a little more. Sometimes submission comes easy, and other times with a healthy dose of sweat, tears and clenched teeth. I have witnessed God work in and through me - from the simple events to ones whose only explanation is “but God....” There are such intricacies to the path God has designed and created …. just for me - that can’t just be made up. Looking back, I can see his hand guiding me all the while -and that is how he has shown his love for me. God has blessed me abundantly - I must choose to be thankful for his provisions.

Romans 12:2: Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Name: Dorinda AdamsPosition Accepted: DeaconPhone: 253.495.7270Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION:LOGOS Teacher, Board of Deacons, Small Group, Women’s Bible Study; Day Camp crew leader; New Members hospitality team; Memorial Reception Team, MOPS Mentor Mom Co-Coordinator

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION:Dental Hygienist (retired); Woodlake Homeowners Board; Volunteer support for activities of three children!

FAMILY:Rob Adams (spouse) Matthew Adams (wife & 2 granddaughters); Jonathan Adams; Amanda Kasper (husband and baby granddaughter on the way!)

FAITH:The journey of life challenges me with twists, turns, celebrations and the unexpected. I am grateful to claim Jesus as my Lord and Savior to be my guide, encourager, protector, and strength.

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Name: Jill GeyenPosition Accepted: DeaconPhone: 360.888.2745Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION: ESL tutor, Faith & Literature book club, leadership team for Parent Support Group, Com-munity Christmas, The Well, IF Gathering, as well as many volunteer and outreach activi-ties at previous churches.

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: Retired educator (teacher, coach, dean and assistant principal); boy Scout Leader/Merit Badge Counselor/Committee Member; Intercity Transit Community Advisory Committee;

Johansen School of Ballet Board of Directors; Child Sponsor

FAMILY: Rick Geyen (spouse); Blake Geyen (adult child); Holly (Derek) Bray, and grandchildren Brody (4), Zoey (2)

FAITH: My faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which I live. As a disciple of Christ, I strive to study his word and put it into action in my daily life. Although I fall short of this goal in many ways, he is always there to put my feet on the right path. His faithfulness has never failed me.

I have tried to dedicate my life and profession to his service. In retirement, I am seeking out additional opportuni-ties to put my faith into action. I pray for the wisdom and trust to follow his path wherever it leads.

Below are four Bible verses that I have reflected upon many times and take comfort in. They describe who and what God is, his faithfulness to us in all circumstances, and assure us of his steadfast love:

Isaiah 9:6: For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 43:19 See I am doing a new thing! Now it shall spring forth; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…

Matthew 14:31 And immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him (Peter) and said to him, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Name: Brenda Ricker Position Accepted: Deacon Phone: 253.307.8350 Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION: MOPS leadership and mentor mom; Small Group Leader; Good Neighbor Team; Women’s ESL and Friendship Group: Community Christmas: Mission Trip to China;Women’s Bible Study, as well as many volunteer and outreach activities at previous churches.

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: School Nurse, Life Christian Academy; International Student Coordinator, Life Christian Academy; Auction Committee, Youth For Christ; Auction Committee, Kingdom Story Min-

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istries; Young Life, volunteer; YMCA volunteer swim instructor

FAMILY: David Ricker, (spouse); Children: Joshua (31) (Kirstyn), Luella, Judah, and Maeva (grandchildren). Benjamin (30), Michael (28), Zachary (26), Carli (21), and Katy (20)

FAITH: I grew up in the church and as a teenager (15) committed my life to Christ and made faith my own. I attended Bio-la University and felt that the teaching I received in college helped to make my faith stronger. After Dave and I cele-brated 1 year of marriage, we ventured off to work in a mission hospital in Kenya. This was a time of stretching my faith as we navigated cultural differences, and our idealistic view of the world. God was faithful and met our every need. We especially saw this with meeting our financial needs and our emotional needs as we were far from family with little communication. While we were in Africa Dave received a very unexpected call with an offer to move to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I did not feel good at all about this, but God provided guidance in an amazingly clear way through random strangers we met. We lived in Pittsburgh for 3 years. We moved not knowing anyone and our first 2 sons were born there. This was a very lonely time for me, but again God was faithful and provided us with a loving church, a wonderful small group, and lifelong friends. We moved to Tacoma in 1991 and contin-ued to grow our family. As the parents of 6 children, we continued to see the faithfulness of God as we relied on Him to give us strength, wisdom, and guidance as we raised our family. God has taught me how to love beyond what I ever thought possible. He has taught me that through our weaknesses, he can use us to serve Him. God has taught me that He can answer prayer even when the circumstances seem impossible. My relationship with Je-sus is the most important thing in my life and I daily work to spend time in prayer and study His word to learn how to better serve and love those that He brings into my life. I am part of a long term small group that has challenged me, encouraged me, and lifted me up in prayer when life gets hard.


Name: Bruce WheelerPosition Accepted: Nominating CommitteePhone: 253.564.5738Email: [email protected]

CHURCH PARTICIPATION:Men’s Ensemble; Choir; Friday Morning Work Group; Monday Morning Men’s bible Study; Small Groups

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: Retired orthopedic surgeon - Chief of Surgery at Group Health & West Point; Bible Study Fellowship leadership; Christian ministry in the National Parks - National Advisory Commit-tee; Madigan Foundation - founding member/President; Operation Night Watch - Board

member; Footsteps Institute (rare diseases) - board member

FAMILY:Pam Wheeler (spouse)

FAITH: Starting and ending my day in prayer are wonderful bookends for my day, knowing that God is always with me gives me great peace in challenging times. Jesus died for my sins, and God’s grace is eternal. I fall and fail but the Holy spirit is always there for me. When I feel down, praising God for who he is and giving him thanks for what he does helps to change my focus from me to God. His message of love, hop and truth lifts me up. What a blessing!