Download - El arbol de navidad

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Once upon a time there was a fir tree that was very sad. It constantly cried ah its tears fell down into de river, which passed near its roots.-I am very sad. All my friends have been Christmas trees. I woudl like to be one.-But… bein Christmas tree is very tiring, especially now, when Christmas time is coming.- I know, but everybody says that it is very nice. And I would like to know how it feels dressed with Christmas decoations, surrounded by people singing Christmas Carols.

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The fir tree continued to be very sad. A Small Deer went looking for a solution og how to make the tree happy,

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- What´s all the fuss about? What happened? – asked the squirrel.- We have to help to the fir tree, it is very sad. Ithought we could

make its dreams come true –answered the Small Deer.- And what is that dream? –asked the rabbit.- The fir tree wants to be a Christmas tree. And we can help it. –said

The Small deer and it told them its plan.

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There were some Christmas decorations in a house on the mountain. They all would wait for the Fir tre to fall asleep and then they would decorate it. The Squirrel would have to be in charge taking the tinsel up the trunk, meanwhile the Rabit and the Small deer would put shiny Christmas balls on the branches and a Little bird would put the star on the top of the tre. That night they carried out their plan.

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Next morning….-What a strange night! I felt a tickle an I heard voices around me while I was sleeping – said the fir tree.-- Really? –answered The Small deer trying to cover up.-Suddenly, The Fir tre saw its image reflecting on the river.-- What is that on the river? It seems like a Christmas tre. But…it is me! What excitement! Did you decorate me?

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The animals left their hiding places and they celebrated Christmas time with the Fir tree singing an dancing all together.

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