Download - Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -

  • 8/9/2019 Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -

    1/32May 2010 printed in Israel

    The Third Temple | Obama vs. Israel | Jesus in Israeli Metal

    Israels 62ndIndependence Day

  • 8/9/2019 Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -




    3 Obama, a Strategic Catastrophe

    4 The Third Temple and the Third World War6 Holocaust Remembrance Day7 Former Female Soldier Charged with Espionage8 Muti Contradicts Muslim Travel Guide

    ArAb Press


    Journalists Punished or Ties with Israel


    10Palestinians Squandering Foreign Aid

    Focus on JerusAlem

    11 Olmert Implicated in New Corruption Scandal


    12Obama and the Muslim Agenda

    Word From JerusAlem

    14For You Are Our Father

    bible study15 Israels Exile


    18 Israel: One People, One Land, One State


    19 From Natural Disasters to End-Time Blessings


    20 Christian Friends o Israel at 25messiAnic PersPective

    21Orphaned Land: Jesus in Israeli MetaldiAsPorA

    22Jerusalemite Designs Olympic Gold


    23Byzantine Shopping District Uncovered


    24New Frontiers in Design


    27New Drone Fleet or IAF


    28Fishing Banned in Sea o Galilee


    29Israels New Smartphone

    in brieF

    31Israeli Paramedics in Ghana


    On Ap 20t, Is bt ts 62nInpnn D. But b t stvts,t ws Rbn D t Fn,nng t tn 22,600 Iss w

    v bn k n t ntns ws n tst t-tks. T tt Is gt v.

    Is s s unt n st us v knwn

    s t vts psn. I tnk -s, On K, Rn Wssn, Ax Sng nSu Av, w n t 1980s n Lbnn. As ws n Hbw: M t b bss.

    L s Gs st pus g. Yt n Is s stugg t suvv, nvu n s ntn. Tss nvnnt gttn b t w wn t sbs

    Is ts s-ns s ggssn n w s.Wt tt n n, t ptu bw ugt .

    Nw vn AIss n sn ss tunng ts bk n Jus n -zng up t Iss ns. Ou s- ns sng ptn wt Is.

    Hw but u? D u st v ptn Is-? As ng s Gs ptn s nt un ut, wn ntnu t w Hs xp. An w nugu t t s. Its s t b bs gnstIs stnng t t sttnts w s nt ntntn . u ns, wv, sv

    jugnt n bvs sn t tut.W wu k u t knw w u w pp-

    t u. Yu tunss s n nntv tt kps usgng n nbs uswt Gs pt ntnubngng t nws but Is tt ts v ut.

    Shalom Haverim,

    Publisher: nai israel today | Founder of nai: Ludwig Schneider | Editor-in-Chie: Aviel Schneider | Co-Editor & Art Director: Michael Schneider | Senior Editor/Correspondent: ShlomoMordechai | Editor: Barry Roseneld | Website/Sta Writer: Ryan Jones | Managing Editor/Director o Marketing: Lorraine Rubinow | Administrator: Daniel GoldsteinBiblical Commentary, Word rom Jerusalem, Debate, Prophecy: Ludwig Schneider | Politics, Focus on Jerusalem, Arab Press:Aviel Schneider, Ryan Jones | Messianic Jews, The Land, Prole, In Brie:Michael Schneider, Tzvi Sadan | Military, Tourism, Nature, Archeology, Jewish Aairs: Netanel Doron | Christians, Diaspora, Culture, Economy: Judith Jeries | Islam: Victor Mordechai | Text Advisor: Dov

    Chaikin | Financial Director:Anat Schneider | Translator: Judith Jeries, Beverly Bayliss | Graphic Designer:Pavel Permyakov, Larisa Kaplan

    Dear Friends,







    Israel Today magazine News About Israel is published monthly, directly from Jerusalem | One-Year Subscription: $43 (US, Israel); $53 (Canada); 30 (UK); 33 euros (Europe); $66 (Australi a); $83 (New Zealand); $49 (all other countries)1 Shmuel HaNagid St. - P.O. Box 7555 - Jerusalem 91070, Israel | Tel: +972.2.622.6881 | Fax: +972.2.622.6882 | TOLL FREE ORDERING: 1.866.854.1684 (North America) | 00.800. (UK/Norway/)

    Aviel Schneider

    israel today




    NEVER AGAIN: Mossad chie Meir Dagan: LOOK! This is my grand-ather kneeling to the Nazis just beore he was killed. I look at thispicture every day and I guarantee you, it will never happen again.

  • 8/9/2019 Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -


    P o l i t i c s

    A I crisis in relations bet-

    ween Jerusalem and Washing-ton, privately the language ismuch dierent. Sources closeto Prime Minister BenjaminNtnu sb Ob s sttg tstp Is.

    Ocials in the PrimeMinisters Oce, speaking oncondition o anonymity to the , O - Stt Is. On t , Is-

    US partnership that is unbreakab-; , - .

    President Obama and Se-cretary o State Hillary Clintonv wn n, supp-ting the Palestinian position atthe expense o Israel, said oneNtnu nnt. It s ns-ne, it is sick. Relations betweenJerusalem and Washington are

    simply disastrous; the situations nv bn s ngus. TsUS Psnt wnts t stbs Pstnn stt t n p nn t Jus n svptt.

    Netanyahu has repeatedlydistanced himsel rom suchstatements, but commentatorssay the government speakswith a orked tongue. Israelsrelations with the US are at alow point, and Obama poses a I, NBarnea in the nations biggest Yediot Ahronot.

    T Ipub s tt Ob s ppsng M xo Israel. Te American Presi-dent told me in condence thathe is a Muslim, said EgyptianF M A AGheit on Nile V. Tat could

    explain why Obama has instructed that the termI x - .

    Furthermore, the US is now accusing Israel oharming American interests in the Middle East.General David Petraeus, the head o US CentralC, I f P US Iq A.

    E US C O -v tw Ntnu utng. T-qutso the House o Representatives, 337 o 435 mem-bs, sgn bptsn tt t Cntn xpssng , qk .

    Obama is a real problem or Israel, a senior Yediot. H I - .

    T q W -ched sides. Te Obama White House is puttingpssu n n Is but s nt xpt ntngrom the Palestinians, he said. Tese American .

    T Ans knw v w tt Is n-stutn s ws bn ppnng n Est Jusn bung n Jws ngbs s nv bnzn, s nt . T Ans us x-uss k [t Jws ngb ] Rt S- n t Sp Ht [nt Jws bungpjt n Est Jus] t nnt Ntnu.

    So during Passover, Netanyahu invited Nobel

    Obama,a Strategic CatastrophePrize-winning author and Ho-locaust survivor Elie Wiesel tohis private residence in Caesa-. H W, American citizen, to make it Ohow important Jerusalem is to J .

    Jus ws, s n wswill be the united capital o Is-rael, said Jerusalem Mayor NirBkt. Cnstutn n pts J .

    According to a poll by theIndependent Media Review &Analysis, 70 percent o Israeli

    Jws pps nstutn zin East Jerusalem, compared toonly 19 percent who support it.T suv s un tt 69 p- J- O C - f .

    Ocials in Netanyahusinner circle believe Obamasstrategy is to orce a change ogvnnt n Is. B ng

    Israeli concessions on the set-tnt ssu, wks u btthe coalition, pushing Netan-yahu into an alliance with thedovish Kadima party. Kadima F M-ter zipi Livni, who, under theprevious Olmert government,oered the Palestinians an in-dependent state in 97 percento the disputed territories with E J.

    O the historic health care reorm. A can extend that victory to theinternational arena by resolv-ing the Middle East confict.But i Obama continues to un-derestimate Israeli resolve onJ, .Y

    By Aviel Schneider

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    4 | May 2010 |

    P o l i t i c s

    Israeli Muslims seem to take thepossible building o the Tird J

    seriously than the nations Jews. Tis - - H S J Q O C(see pages 16-17), which Israeli Arabsand Palestinians saw as a sign thatthe Jews are planning to rebuild the

    .M -

    sued dire warnings: Save Jerusalem J ! S Msqu A Aks stut n!Contruction o the Tird emple isa Jewish conspiracy to control the! F , T TW W.

    Te Islamic Movement in Israel I H

    Gz S .T J J-

    . E J M! SkK K, I- Mvnt, n Is R. Yu H S - .

    You [Israel] have murdered yourown prophets and always dealt withgreed, said senior Hamas ocialMahmoud al-Zahar. Your destiny is! Y !

    Clash of Civilizations

    T H S x-sive issue or two reasons: First, there ,it would lead to the building o theT . A , H

    Th Third Tmpl

    and th Third World WarB y A v i e l S c h n e i d e r

    M, Mq A Ak D Rk.

    T p Munt s t pnto the Israeli-Palestinian confict. Asthe site o the two biblical emples itis the holiest place in Judaism, andMuslims claim it as the third holiestplace in Islam. It represents the clash , B

    the Koran, and between Jewish andM .

    o analyze this clash o civiliza-, israel today - I J A.

    The Road to Armageddon

    An pn t bu t T pw t t Btt Agn,Ab Knsst b b -Sn t

    us. Its but t t Jws t ztt T p s ut t qus-tn n ntng w w. M tnn bn Muss wu ttk Isbus t.

    Arab Knesset member IbrahimS, I M-, . T J , C, J. Bs sn s t Jws wk up tdream, and really start building theTird emple, World War III willk . I , I -appear, not the one billion Muslims.

    J Mq A Ak I , J- .

    Conspiracy Theories

    Tn t nsp ts,su s n n btwn Iss gt-wng gvnnt n Jws xtsts.

    Sk T

    j , - Is Ab Cbnt Mnst RbMj. I bad things happening on the empleM A Ak Mq x. [P MBenjamin] Netanyahu and his govern- J.

    Arab Knesset member Ahmed ibis nstutn t T p st bggst n st ngus ngt-

    mare acing the region. Until now,building the emple was the dream oJws ng gups, s. But nwts gups bk b t Ntnugvnnt. It s Ntnu w ptsxvtns un t A Aks Msqun w Juzs Jus. Evntu w xp t Muss A Aks,s t Jws n bu t T p.

    A Biblical Perspective

    A , M J S.It is nothing new to have Muslims

    Taleb el-Sana Mordechai Kedar Raleb Majadele Ibrahim Sarsur Tsvi Sada

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    P o l i t i c s

    spreading lies about alleged Israeliplans to build the Tird emple. Butapart rom a small number o IsraeliJws, t jt s ntnt wt s- T .P - . N . TAb Knsst bs nngIs tt ts s stugg t bb- .

    M Est xpt Y Sb sMuss wnt t v wg btwnt Stt Is n ts bb stn ntn.I t Pstnns su-, wt Wstn bkng, n spt-ng Is ts st n gttnntn t Jus, Bt nHbn, tn Zns wu bcolonialism. Zionism without Juda-s u b p t t Bs n

    Sut A, t Fn n Ag nt Cuss n t H Ln. Ts sngus, but t s ps t g t Ab ptns n t Ln.

    Mssn Jws stn GsnN ss t sput v Jus s sgn t n ts. T pMunt s t nt Jus. An tprophet Ezekiel spoke explicitly aboutn xtn p tt wu bbut t n t utu, s. In utimes, Jerusalem has become a central

    ssu n stubng bk t ww. In t n, ntns w gnst Jus n Is w p ng n ts tn w. Att, t Mss w tun n vHs t Hs pp.

    Islamic Capital?

    It s nstutv tt Jus s n-tn 632 ts n t O stnt buts nt pp n n t Kn.

    W nnt stss nug tt Ju- Islamic nation, even when Islam con-

    q H L 7 -, M K, Iexpert on the Muslim religion. Back, R . M-med, who died in 632, never came toJus. An 25 s s t,Dsus, nt M, ws t I E.

    o make Jerusalem relevant toMuslims, the story o Mohammedsnight journey to the most distantmosque [al aksa in Arabic], nearM, J ,K , K- , qn Jus t. Utt, t b- I J C.

    Fut, Jn nt EstJus 1948 t 1967, ntn-

    . W A P EJ k ? Nn tk stn t Pstnns.W J PLand, the rebuilding o the Tirdemple has become relevant again, I-lam. Tereore, the Muslim nationsk k J P .

    P J-

    s s tv Is nt vJus, ss K. Tt s w tA J-salem. Tey would be seen as traitors M .

    Arabs and the God of Israel

    Despite the saber rattling and in-tnt, nt Abs t bungo the Tird emple; on the contrary,some are learning to ear the God oI.

    I J T p n Jus, s Ab

    pntn Msu Gn, w k B K. I k -ogy and that the Tird emple will

    appear rom the heavens accordingto Jewish believers. Whenever Godallows that to happen, I will not be .

    I , z jG .Tis is what happened to Rahab theH, I-t sps: I knw tt t L s , o you has allen on us, and that allt nbtnts t n v t (J 2:9).

    T x , .

    W I - , 70-year-old Palestinian rom the He-bron area told israel today. Tereis blessing upon blessing. Maybe theGod o Israel is stronger than Allah .Y

    Yechiel ShabyAchmed TibiMasud Ganaim Kamal KhatibGershon Nerel

    TEMPLE OR MOSQUE? The Temple Mount embodiesa confict o religion, revelation and nationalism

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    6 | May 2010 |

    P o l i t i c s

    Israel observed Holocaust Remem-bn D wt sn n

    at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memo-rial in Jerusalem. As the choir sang a

    unu g, sx ts w t t 6 n Jws k b t Nzsung W W II.

    Ps nttnnt w s,n n V pgs t wtpersonal testimonies o horror andheroism. Te theme this year was theVs t Suvvs. T -ng ut, but t g s bng pssn t t nxt gntn.

    Te annual observance showshow deeply the Holocaust aects the

    national ethos and psyche. Te mes- : I

    Remembrance Day



    H; k , , .

    Wt tt n n, P MnstBnjn Ntnu w p b-twn tn n nw. , t Jwsntn s nw tt nntn,n n gn, t w s snt.

    T I , N

    Y V. I -peated statements to wipe the Jewish

    An Israeli report published on the eve o HolocaustRemembrance Day shows that 2009 had the most

    anti-Semitic acts since monitoring o such incidents be-gan 20 years ago. According to the Institute or the Study Cntp Ant-Sts n Rs, t nubo violent incidents totaled 1,129 last year compared to559 in 2008.

    Te report attributed the surge in anti-Semitic acts tot Gz W n Jnu 2009. Iss ssv nvsno the Gaza Strip and the high Palestinian casualty tollsparked outrage and demonstrations around the world.

    Robert Wistrich, a proessor o Jewish History atHebrew University in Jerusalem, says the new orm ont-Sts s nt-Zns: A kns nw ptxtscan serve to ignite anti-Semitism, particularly throughanti-Israel eeling, through anti-Zionism. And above all


    state o the ace o the earth, in the k W t nss ntntn tn-

    I .Netanyahu did not openly repeat

    I -stk n Ins nu ts, but I .

    I w n ntng t s-sns t Hust t s tt w ustnt n snt n b t n t v, s. An n ts gn-tn w ust t u stngt nnpnn s tt w w b b t

    pvnt t unt n ngut ts pn.YBy Shlomo Mordechai

    A somber observanceis overshadowed bynew threats from Iranand a surge in anti-Semitism

    Gaza War Spurs Anti-Semitism

    it is Israel that has become the obsession o the anti-Semites.

    Te report said that Muslim and le-wing activistsv jn s t nz Is n g pussin the United States and Europe.

    One o the extraordinary paradoxes, Wistrich said,is that the very places o learning where you expect toeducate [and] to enlighten, in many cases they have be-come a kind o ountain or anti-Semitism, wrapped upo course in their anti-Israel human rights rhetoric.

    Te report also attributed the rise in anti-Semitism tothe growing Muslim population in Europe. Te highestnumber o violent anti-Semitic incidents was in Britain:374 in 2009 compared to 112 in 2008; France recorded195 violent events compared to 50 in 2008; and the US,116 compared to 98. Y By Shlomo Mordechai

    ETERNAL LIGHT: Holocaust survivorEliezer Ayalon lights a memorial fame

    WE MUST NOT REMAINSILENTin the ace o evil


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    P o l i t i c s

    Aormer emale Israeli soldier hasbeen charged with espionage or

    k 2,000 , - 700 S.Te soldier, Anat Kamm, copied thedocuments while working or Major-G Y N, Israeli orces in Judea and Samaria.Tn s n t v t pt- t t Is -wng Haaretz.

    Prosecutors said the leak poses a .

    W tkng but unts

    tt nut pns tptnsn pnts, Rz Nz, sn t t ttn gn, tIs R. Obvus, t nsqunswu b sstus ts ntns nt t ns st nts.T ntnt ss tt K, 23--, -wng junst, k t u-nts g snsnt xps Is w s. Wn Ip t t, I tugt st sswn tt pp w v s n

    v w s w gvn, st nvstgts. T k untsv tt t ws ng Su-p Cut ung bnnng tgt k-ngs Pstnn tsts, n t s ssssntns.

    It ws gt tpubs ts u-nts bus tst v swv t bv t wt gt Sup Cutnstutns n tttnt wntPstnns, sKs w Avg- Fn, ngtt t gs sp-ng uus.

    T s gs t tt n ntn-tn bt v wt wt t-

    sts: Su t b tt ng tntntn un gts w, suv nss su b tkn t p-

    vnt t ng ut nus ts t n u?

    Te le-leaning Supreme Court,which oen protects Palestinians atthe expense o the security o Israelicitizens, ruled that targeted killings xj k.P, , qu Pstnn pgn su

    k S Intifada ().

    Un wt Iss Sn Btsut sv, Htz pt UBu g t tun t unts nxng unt psutn.But nw, t Sn Bt gs tt Buwt uns unts n sng t n Lnn. T stt s -nng tt tun t Is qus-tnng, but t nwspp s us.


    , Haaretz DA. T k .

    Bung t v btwn t t tp-st t unts n t pss pnts t sus fw n ttnkng Iss - wng. P Nw

    ttts t t US n EU but Issttnt nstutn, Gus S

    jns Pstnn stn tws nptsts gnst t uptn,n M Vnunu ss Is-

    nu sts t Btsnwspp (n 1986). T

    xt nnts t ntt

    btwn gttts twn untn ng nbttng tns tstt.Y

    Former Female SoldierCharged with EspionageTheft of military documents pits the press against the state

    450 Rocketsand Mortarssince Gaza War

    E ven though Palestinian cross- k

    GzW, sp vn s ntnu

    k nts. An kng t t sttsts,ts t sb Gz s qut.

    S I -kassault on Gaza ended in January2009, 450 k have been red rom the Hamas- Gz S. I M, k- T k k the war. Ten, two Israeli soldiers k .

    Under Israels new policy o de-, Palestinian attack, usually with airstrikes on smuggling tunnels and . A , tt--tt ttks n w bun.B .Y

    By Aviel Schneider

    By Shlomo Mordechai


    DEADLY ATTACKA Thai worker was the rst casualty since the war

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    8 | May 2010 |

    P o l i t i c s

    Psnt Sn Ps, 86, pt- D G D.

    P R, k J- K Y .

    T D G D. H , , zns pns, n just - the needy. More than 68,000 partici-pnts vunt n s 1,000 nt-tvs un t unt, nung -g s, spts, pks, n s . Y

    Ads Call for Third Temple

    H J- P

    or the construction o the Tird emple. Paid or by OurLand o Israel (also known as SOS-Israel), the ad depicted M Mq A Ak G D Rk .

    A , M , k Siddur, J k. SOS-I I J , I z .Y By Ryan Jones

    Ikrima Sabri, the Mui or Muslimspiritual leader o Jerusalem ap-

    pnt b t Pstnn Autt, st t nt n Isst pgn there never was a Jewish

    emple. Tere is not a Jthat bears witness to aJewish heritage, Sabrisays. Jews, thereore,have no legitimate claim q J.

    But this myth is rela-tv nw n nttsn Engs-ngug tu-ist guide entitled A BriefGuide to al-Haram al-Sharif( N S, k Jws s t p Munt) pubs bthe Supreme Moslem Council in 1935.T

    Mufti ContradictsMuslim Travel


    t st n t w. Its sntt ts

    . I S . T, , , , D L .

    Tis shows that up until recenttimes, the Muslims recognized the - . B I

    the Old City during theSx D W 1967,

    Pstnn Muss v sought to eradicate allJewish and historicalclaims to the Land oIsrael in general and theemple Mount in par-.

    , t ppu b- ng Pstnns stt t nv ws bb- p. T buby the Supreme Moslem

    Council proves otherwise, but whenu wt st n p t wtts, ts n b vnt.Y

    By Michael Schneider

    Good Deedfor the Day

    SIGN o the times?


    o good deeds (Titus 2:7)

    ISLAM AND THE TEMPLE MOUNTA revealing Muslim testimony

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    9/32 | May 2010 | 9

    A r A b P r e s s

    Compiled by Ryan Jones

    TOLL FREE ORDERING: 1.866.854.1684 (N. America) 00.800. (UK/Norway)


    Five Palestinian journalists, threerom Gaza and two rom the so-

    called West Bank, have been black-st n vn ws tbu- Is junsts n Avv. T vntws spns b T Is Pjt nbugt tgt junsts bt f I- k.

    Aer learning o their participa-tn, t Pstnn Junsts Sn-t, w s nt b Pstnn M A Faction, charged the ve journalists

    with promoting normalization withI x-pulsion rom the organization. Tesyndicate established a special com-tt t qustn t junsts, n

    Journalists Punishedfor Ties with Israel

    to be meted out or uture violationso the ban on normalizing relations I.

    T junsts Gz even harsher retaliation aer Hamaslabeled them collaborators. Pales-tinians accused o collaborating withIsrael are oen executed in the most .

    F W z P k -cuse Israel o holding up progress to- , or Palestinians to actually coexist I .

    Ts s sp sus wn t st Pstnn junsts, s t bn ninteracting with Israelis violates ree-dom o the press and guarantees that I .

    PA Shuts DownChristian TV Station

    In a sweeping action against televisionand radio broadcasters who had pur-

    portedly ailed to renew their licenses, P A (PA) Bethlehem-based Al-Mahed (Nativity)V, C the Palestinian-controlled territories. Al-M

    PA z .S bs t Pstnn Junsts Snt s t v

    , k .

    T PA - gvng t bsts t t st ut t nns n p t pp. B k .

    T P A, , permitted the stations to reopen, but Al-Mahed owner and manager SamirQ apology rom Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime MinisterS F.

    AMERICAN TUNE: The US and Israel control theUN Security Council (the record player)

    Tishrin (Syria)

    THE ROADMAP: Obama holds the Israeli occupationby the hand while leading the Palestinians in chains

    Al Jazeera (Qatar)

    TUNNEL VISION: The US sees the worldthrough Israels eyes

    Tishrin (Syria)

    ORIGINAL SIN: Israel takes a bite out o Gaza

    Yasser Ahmad(Syria)

    MUFFLING the press

  • 8/9/2019 Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -


    10 | May 2010 |

    P A l e s t i N i A N s

    The Arabs living under thePalestinian Authority (PA) inJudea and Samaria (the so-

    called West Bank) have received

    more than $1 billion in internationaldonations annually over the past de-cade, by ar the most oreign aid percapita o any people group on earth.Te annual amount o aid is greater - P- .

    Such an infux o capital shouldv n xt pstv pt. Anyet, the Palestinian economy contin- .

    A top Palestinian economist ac-knwg n n ss t t Unt- N S A t Pstnn Pp tt st tgn s t bng spn by corrupt ocials or simply squan-dered by mismanagement. Dr. Gha-nia Malhis o the Economic PolicyResearch Institute in Ramallah esti- donated over $12 billion to the Pal- A

    n 1994. Nn-gvnnt gnz-tions (NGOs) such as the UN Relieand Works Agency (UNRWA, whichs spnsb Pstnn ugs)

    P- .Malhis explained that these sums

    nus nsng tt t P- A GDP $4.5 billion a year, and that there aren un t n Pstnns PA .

    One cannot but eel that theseresources have been wasted, Malhis. W $12-bn nvstnt suts n su , k .

    In addition to mismanagement,the PA is rie with corruption. Forx, PTk k o an aide to Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbas purchased a plot Israeli-controlled, military no mans J R!

    Palestinians SquanderingForeign Aid

    T x, $2,700,000 P-ian Authority rom an account at theBnk Jn t n, wt P- Tk k KSalaam. O this sum, $750,000 was Bk Jn ts, w nts t t nvv- k zzo unds donated by the international P.

    Malhis noted that the PalestinianAuthority spends about 60 percent o and armed orces, disproportionate to be building a viable and indepen-dent economy. ypically, she tried to I, -

    I stifing the Palestinian economy andthat i the occupation would end, .

    B M -ment by pointing out how much bet- P when the area was still under Israels f. T P-estinian Authoritys GDP was 13 per- 1995 , personal income was a whopping 30

    . T 1995, P - I and maintaining a healthy economic.

    In comparison to the rest o theArab world, the West Bank experi- into Israels hands in 1967. Tat only t Fst Intiada (Pstnn upsng)erupted in 1987. Ten, the prosperity O A 1993collapsed in a wave o violence andterror when Palestinian leader YasserA S I 2000. A , ,to make the transition rom guerrilla , P- . Y

    By Ryan Jones


    The Palestinian Authority, led byMahmoud Abbas, has wasted billionso dollars in international aid

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    F o c u s o N J e r u s A l e m

    D I - J, n t Jws stt tt s bn b t gunt -

    wsp n t H Ct n ntn t sttus-q x J, C M.

    Ts ws vnt ung Est H Wk, w nts wt t wkng bb Pssv. TEstn Otx n Wstn Cus bt P Sun-, G F n Estn Sun n t s s tst t n s, s t O Ct ws ws wt t tu.

    T ntn s bn vt b wts bng sb s n t bg-

    gst uptn sns n Iss s-t. F Jus M U Lu-pnsk, n ut-Otx bb, wsst n gtns bb. But tn suspt s P MnstEu Ot, w ws t sgnn 2008 v spt uptn gs w s unt n t.

    P -lars changed hands in a controversial

    construction project that has marredthe Jerusalem landscape. Dubbed theconcrete monster, the Holy LandProject has urther tarnished the im- I .

    Olmert, 63, allegedly took morethan $800,000 in bribes when he was J 1990 t uxu ptnt pjt ppv,despite zoning laws and oppositionrom green groups and local resi- - -

    ings as an eyesore on the biblical

    Olmert Implicatedin New Corruption Scandal

    Probe targets top officials in Jerusalem Municipality

    landscape. Other senior municipality .

    As in previous scandals that havegg , Ot n n wng-ng. I v nv bn bbsn I nv pt bbs, s. Hsb t gtns s tssssntn.

    Olmerts political downall begantwo years ago when American-Jewish M k that he gave Olmert envelopes stued

    wt tns tusns s n sto support a lavish liestyle, including

    ancy cigars and hotels and rst-class. I , - - J -z k .

    Te Holy Land aair is the latest . F -stance, a ormer nance minister was zz n tx utts ng g- . T a crisis in leadership that has eroded .

    I O - P 97 bb tn Ju n S J. Y

    By Shlomo Mordechai

    Jewish and Christian pilgrims mixed with Arab shop-keepers, who were doing a brisk business, in the narrow,bbstn ws. On Tus nstn, tusns Jws gt t t Wstn W t Pst Bssng(N 6:23-27), F Cj G F , J 14 S C.

    Its so wonderul to see so many people rom dierentplaces who come together to pray, Bud Baker o Winston-S, N C, israel today.

    I q H C, J - J , .

    B I j B, - t, s R V Mn n t Pppns.I H L I j.

    H Wk R D.I j I

    k , Ax W L A, C-n. Jsus Cst vs n Hs Sv n R!Y

    By Shlomo Mordechai

    Holy Week in the Holy City

    IS RISEN!ster at theurch o thely Sepulcher

    'CEMENT MONSTER': Millions o dollars in alleged bribes changed hands

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    T O I A

    I W S 1998.A Christian sailor, today the pastor o that church, savedhis ship in an act o great heroism. In return or this, he . B, . T q : W W DC k A?

    Te sailor shrugged and laughed.Why are you laugh-? k . H : F, I C-. G I . S-ond, I wouldnt want to be on that ship because God wouldst tt sp n n b. T ptn sk t s US N. H C W?

    We are not talking about the Russian, urkish or Arab, - C , U S A.

    In, Psnts J Ct, Gg H.W. Bus (S.),B Cntn n Gg W. Bus w s subsvnt t tAb gn, un t gus t n p u.E G W. B, I W H, : A P 2008.

    But ws tn s- Cstn psnt ng tbng t Ab/Is gn, s Mus ps-nt fng un t wt n n pt

    incorrect enough to stand up and say: Tep s n ts! , t Unt- Stts s psnt b t n Mubk Hussn Ob. Unt pv-n tws I bv s Mus.

    My wie Rachel, who monitorsAb ngug bsts IsR, pk up vng stt-nt n t Run b Sw nEgpts N V. Egptn Fgn

    o P i N i o N

    Obama and the Muslim AgendaMnst A Abu Gt s n-n-n t-ng wt Ob, w t tt ws Mus, t sn Mus t n stpsn Mus stpt, tt s-bts n Kn w Muss, n tt ws sp-tt t t Mus gn. H sk t Abs t sw p-tn. Ob ps tt n v s stAn ssus (k t ), wu sw tMus w w wu wt Is.

    P-A, - C .But how concerned should we be i the US President is aMuslim who is loyal to the Muslim agenda to isolate andweaken Israel? When the Palestinians talk about nothing I , k J , , A ?

    I n unstn w P Mnst Bnjn Ntnus s nt nt t n Ob. But I tnk t wu bvus t wk wt t US Cngss, t-quts w -nt snt t Ob nsttn tt nng tt tstp ssng Is (s pg 3). Cngss st stns wt Is.

    In addition, Obama is losing support among AmericanJws. W 78 pnt US Jws vt n t 2008tns, nw p sws tt t, 48 pnt unppwt s pn n n 42 pnt st suppt .Ps s sw tt tn 60 pnt An Cs-

    tns suppt Is.It s t t t n wknng ng u

    tu btn n s n A: Cngss,t Jws n t Cstns. W ust wktgt t twt t gng n

    btwn t US n t Ab-Isgn. W ust p n wknngng t Jws n Cstn vv Iss suvv.Y

    By Victor Mordecai

    For books and info:

    HEAD OF THE NATIONS: Obama gathered world leaders, but Netanyahu stayed away.Israel eared its nuclear program would be targeted, taking the ocus o Iran.

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    And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenlycome to His Temple; and the messenger of thecovenant, in whom you delight, behold, He iscoming, says the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 3:1)

    *Avinu SheBaShamayim W P M Bj

    N US J. M J ! (I 44:26). T O I A, US C A C I. (P 3, 16-17)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim M M T , Y . U x T -

    J A k. VY N (Ezk36:23). F B x I. (P 4-5, 8)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim G I I, - k. P I I . (P 6)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim Ex P A P PA H. M PA H , (M12:25). (P 10)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim R L. Ex - j. (P 11)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim C C L , . B C k I. (P11, 20)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim P I - . (P 27, 29)

    * Avinu SheBaShamayim I J k I-. (P 31)

    Intercession for Israel

    * Our Father in Heaven

    Stand in the GapB y s v i S a d a n


    Innt (tinok), n t sntng ns M, I 53:2: F H H k . T H tn st syonek, w s tinoka nursing inant. Isaiahs description indicates that I k : H . H , .

    A P 8:2: F Y -lished strength. Tis verse leaves one wondering G .

    T , I 9:6, k psn w s sutnus bss n wsthan the sages. Little wonder that mystical writings q I.

    One such text appears in the Zoharin a section Yenuka (nnt n A). It sbs wRabbi Yitzhak and Rabbi Yehuda, two prominentsages, arrived in the village o Sichnin and met the R H gu. T t sks t t pp t sgs , , -

    not yet prayed the Morning Prayer. Amazed at the , bless him. At this point, a remarkable conversationk I .

    Utterly astonished by such remarkable wisdom,R. Yehuda says: We have never heard such words;, I , . R. Y k q, wt t ws: Bv sn t H On, bssbe He. Although the child consistently dees their - k , I: D S, H (P 2:12).

    T Z to constitute a continuation o the New estamentaccount Luke 2:46-47: Ten, aer three days they H , teachers, both listening to them and asking themquestions. And all who heard Him were amazed atH H .

    Comments: [email protected]

    100 Names of the Messiah | May 2010 | 13

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    14 | May 2010 |

    w o r d F r o m J e r u s A l e m

    For You Are

    our FATHer

    e k, . E we do not have good athers, we should not be , . H -

    x also that the blessing o a atherno matter what kind oather he iscannot be drowned in water nor burned by, I

    F (43:2).Tis attitude enables us to ulll the commandment to , L G , , (D 5:16). T also conrmed by Yeshua (Jesus): Honor your ather and, [] k (M 15:4). G .

    E I, b G, tst, Yu, O L, u Ft, u R Y (I 63:16).

    A ather is someone who has athered children. TusG s u pt. F s pp ts tggs ng-tv sstn: Ts psn v t , but tn k . G, , , H.

    G H I (D 7:7) C J (J15:16), n tus vng t bgttnt. As Puss, F ts sn, I bw kns b t Ft, (E 3:14-15).

    T Jws g G st n st s t Ftnn tn s t Kng. Ts s n b n t - ,Avinu Malkeinu (O F, O K), Y K (D A). T 25 ,

    Avinu Malkeinu. It is prayed with a chant and refects the G F.

    Wn Jsus ws sk w n su p, H nsw

    Avinu shebashamayimOur Fatherwho is in heaven(M 6:9).T G F I 63:16: Ki

    ata avinu( Y F). T G F G k ; H , H H.

    I G , H , H I M (Church) stray rom the correct path? Shouldnt He, as ourloving Father, prevent this rom happening? Aer all, OurF G, .

    T P P S (Lk15:11-32). W , , G F H pn s. In, t Ists n t PsL, .For whatever is born o [athered by] God overcomes the (1 J 5:4).

    T O F -nptnt, t u, Ct vn n t. TugHis power and mercy, those who err in mind will knowthe truth, and those who criticize will accept instruction(I 29:24). Y

    B y L u d w i g S c h n e i d e r

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    15/32 | May 2010 | 15

    b i b l e s t u d Y

    The Sabbath (Shabbat) Readings

    May 1 ShabbatEmor SayLeviticus 21:1-24:23; Ezekiel 44:15-31

    May 8 ShabbatBeHar/Behukotai Mt. Sinai;My Statutes

    Leviticus 25:1-27:34; Jeremiah 16:19-17:14

    May 12 Jerusalem Day

    May 15 ShabbatBemidbar In the (Sinai) Desert

    Numbers 1:1-4:20; Hosea 2:1-22May 19 Shavu'ot Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)

    Genesis 19:1-20:23; Numbers 28:26-31;Ezekiel 1:1-28; 3:12; Book o Ruth

    May 22 ShabbatNasso Take the Sum

    Numbers 4:21-7:89; Judges 13:2-25

    May 29 ShabbatBehalotecha When You Light Numbers 8:1-12:16; Zechariah 2:14-4:7

    Torah PortionsMay 2010(rom 17th o Iyyar to 18th o Sivan 5770)

    Babylon and Rome are analogouss t tw w pws tt -

    stroyed the emple. Tat is why manypeople interpret Babylon in the Booko Revelation as reerring to Rome.By the end o the Fourth Exile all othe Jewish people will have returnedhome to Zion. As o today, over threemillion have already returned to Is-rael rom 127 countries. According toMessianic expectations, the buildingo the Tird emple will take place atthe end o the Fourth Exile. Ten, theMessiah will come, which or Chris-

    The Hebrew word for exile is Galut or golah, and denotes the Jews living outside of Zion

    their biblical home of Judah and Israel. History records four periods of exile:

    I. The exile of Jacobs descendants in Egypt lasted 430 years until the

    Exodus, which became a prototype for redemption when, under Moses

    leadership, God brought the Israelites into the Promised Land.

    II. The exile of the Ten Tribes from northern Israel started in 722 BC.

    They are known as the Ten Lost Tribes, but in our day they are returning

    to Israel. Examples are Jews from Yemen, Ethiopia and even India, which

    lies on the far side of the legendary Ten Tribe river, the Sambatyon.

    III.The Babylonian Exile began with the destruction of the First

    Temple in 586 BC, when the Two-Tribe Kingdom of Israel was

    taken captive: By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and

    wept, when we remembered Zion (Psalm 137:1). This exile endedwhen Cyrus the Great issued an edict in 538 BC, allowing the Jews

    to return home.

    IV. The Fourth Exile began with the destruction of the Second Temple

    by the Romans in 70 AD. The actual dispersion of the Jews throughout

    the nations, however, only began in 135 AD, under the Roman Emperor

    Hadrian who renamed Israel, Palestina.

    tians will be the Second Coming oJesus.

    Following the First Zionist Con-gress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897,Teodor Herzl spread the hope o a Z. H k H J -portance o their biblical homelandgiven to them by God, where they - . T S I M14, 1948.

    Ang t t ps n As

    9:14-15, there will not be a Fih Exile:I will also plant them on their land,and they wil l not again be rooted outrom their land which I have giventhem, says the Lord your God. Y

    By Ludwig Schneider

    Israels Exile

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    MODEL DESIGN rom 1912

    F orty-three years ater Israel captured Jerusalems Old City rom Jordan during the Six Day War in 1967, the historicHurva Synagogue has been rebuilt!The synagogue was ounded in the early 1700s by ollowers o Judah he-Hasid, but it was destroyed a short

    time later in 1721. A nancial dispute developed over construction o the synagogue, and as a result,

    unknown vandals set the building on re and it was let a ruin (hurva in Hebrew).

    In 1864, the Perushim (an ascetic group o the time) rebuilt the synagogue. Although

    ofcially called the Beit Yaakov (House o Jacob) Synagogue, it retained its name as the

    Hurva. It served as the main Ashkenazi (Jews o European origin) synagogue until it was

    reduced to rubble by the Jordanian army during the War o Independence in 1948. The

    Arabs hoped to destroy Israeli morale by razing the center o Jewish lie in Jerusalem.

    Ater the reunication o Jerusalem in 1967, there were various proposals or

    what to do with the site. It was nally decided to place an arch thereas a reminder o the synagogues once magnicent dome and the

    desecration committed by the Arab Legion. The arch remained

    until the synagogue was rebuilt.

    Over the past 100 years the Hurva has served as a link

    between Jews o all backgrounds: Ashkenazim and

    Sephardim (o Oriental origin), secular, religious

    and Zionist. Reconstruction o the synagogue was

    discussed or nearly 40 years until 2006, when

    the Israeli government decided to rebuild the

    landmark using old blueprints, sketches and


    Famous Jerusalem

    Landmark Rebuilt




    MICROCOSM: I you look at the Hur vas history, you see thehistory o the Jewish nation, said PM Netanyahu. Thatswhy it should be rebuilt, just like the state o Israel.

    THE SYNAGOGUE in 1935

    By Michael Schneider

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    THE ARTIST at work

    FULL HOUSE with400 soldiers in 1942

    THE ARCH was a symbol o loss and gain

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    18 | May 2010 |

    d e b A t e

    Israel as a People

    Te biblical nation o Israel con-

    sisted o the 12 tribes which bear thenames o the 12 sons o Jacob, or Is-rael. Apart rom the kinship shared , I Hngug n t t n t n G.Tis was unique within the prevalent .

    G (YHVH), - J E, I M

    S. F I - G Hown possession (Deuteronomy 7:6-8),to whom God gave not only the enCommandments and the orah (theF Bk M), -tire Bible including both the Old andN .

    Te Kingdom o Israel, ounded S D, the death o Solomon in 926 BC. A-ter this only the Northern Kingdom, 10 , I, S, J Bj, -came the Kingdom o Judah. At thattime the name Jews (rom Judah) I.

    Israel as a Land

    G, L I(H: Eretz Yisrael) .

    S rom the Nile to the Euphrates, but itmust also be pointed out that this re-

    Asnnts. As t t n n-, ,Abraham had not only Ishmael, born H, I, S, x K. T-ore, some scholars believe the regionbetween the Nile and the Euphrates A .

    I Ezk 47:13-20, L I and conorm precisely to the borders

    given by Moses to those sent to spy L (N 34:1-12). Tcould mean that these are the uturebs Etz Ys w n tmidst o the Arab nations, descended A, I .

    T ppu vw ng OtxJ, CZ I ps, nt Is (Gnss 17; G- 4), b t ntn t Jws pp.

    Israel as a State

    On May 14th, 1948, the indepen-n t Stt Is ws UN P P N- 1947, Jand an Arab state. Te Jews accepted , A j f J .

    T -snt Jws stt tugt unng n Zns t t

    end o the 19th century by visionaryT Hz. As sut nt-S- q o European Jewry by the Nazis, thetn Jws stt b vt J .

    Te State o Israel was establisheds pnt . T t-zns Is nt n Jws, but sMuslims, Arab Christians and other .

    Israel as a CommunityFollowing the 6th century BC

    Babylonian exile, the sacricial wor-ship in the emple was supplemented , S- . S o the emple in Jerusalem in 70 AD,Jews have only been able to worshipin synagogues. Israel is thereorealso the community, or congregation,that gathers in a synagogue. It could I RCunt t Jws Cngg- C.

    o describe the Church as Israelleads to Replacement Teologythe C Israelwhich neither Jesus nor the . A , npt t Cut un-t nggtn Ysu (Jsus)s J . Y

    B y L u d w i g S c h n e i d e r

    The name Israel is derived from the patriarch Jacob (Genesis 25), who was renamed

    Israel by God (Genesis 32) after wrestling with the Lord. Israel means: The one who

    struggles [or wrestles] with God or The one for whom God fights or El [God] battles.

    One PeopleOne Land

    One State

    One Community

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    P r o P h e c Y

    Our lives as human beings,which relatively speakinghad remained the same or

    , 100years or so changed rapidly. ake theintroduction o steam power ollowed , - n t ntn bustn ngn, , - , - j j. T tzs nw ks t ps-sb t p ssv vsts. Ts t-nus vnnts v

    , tvsn, u pns n tIntnt spng nws tugut t .

    At t nt vpnts nt ng w n b us gor evil. When used wrongly they resultin horric catastrophes, such as in Au-gust 1945 wn t bbs n H-s n Ngsk, Jpn tk t vs tn 200,000 pp. Sxt-vyears on, the nuclear weapons industry

    s vp v gt n s-pstt wpns ss stutn.Is t nn tt ts sus

    , -, wn u w s ng t tssw w bng st t n n? Fstthe world will go up in fames at thetime o the Last Judgment, and thent wn t Gn Ag w ngu pnt t su n xtnt tt v- .

    God has a thousand ways and H . Hw nt n k us ts u-lous sources o energy that have been Last Judgment, but also to renew theearth. Just as at the time o the foodin biblical times, God continues tok 2004 I O -quake and tsunami, whose giganticwaves claimed the lives o more than

    From Natural Disasters

    to End-Time Blessings

    230,000 . S ,s w s t wpns ss stu-tn t b n, su us us t k .

    Yt Gs pn svtn s ntend with death and destruction, butrather with a completely new world:F , I ; (Isaiah 65:17). Te present naturaldisasters, which are causing ear and

    t upn nkn, justt bt pngs tt p t ng M G .

    A t G spk t nkn A: C ; t. Bt tns n tsts t s gw ; you will eat bread (Genesis 3:17-19).B , : Fthe anxious longing o the creation

    waits eagerly or the revealing o thesons o God. Forthe creation itselalso will be set ree rom its slavery

    to corruption into the reedom o theglory o the children o God. For weknow that the whole creation groans - (R 8:19-22).

    I -s utunss tn t us tt ws upn t ust st b . T st already be seen in Israel, which has : I thorn bush the cypress will come up;n nst t ntt t t w (I 55:13).

    Tis culminates in the MillennialKng, wn t sug OgnSn w b v: An t w wdwell with the lamb, and the leopardwill lie down with the young goat k x. T

    nusng w p b t tb, n t wn w put s . T hurt or destroy in all My holy moun-tain, or the earth will be ull o theknwg t L (Is 11:6-9).

    Ten the earth will no longer be , S-tn, t w G s gnt tnreedom to act (see Job 1, 12, 16, 19) . Mk P,

    G (1 C 15:28). Y

    By Ludwig Schneider

    BIRTHPANGS OF THE MESSIAHThe Bible says natural disasters will precede the coming o the Lord

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    20 | May 20

    c h r i s t i A N s

    R n Sn Sns n 25

    L t t Unt Stts I n gw t t Jws pp. Lkmost ministries, Christian Friends oIsrael (CFI) started out small, but al-ready in 1985 Ray and Sharon knewG , .

    wnt-v s g t ws vxtng n ppt t n Is,Sn Sns t israel today.T Jws pp w ng n w w n t gun t w-

    t.But it was not with banners and a

    grand welcoming committee that theS -ing Jews. Teir rst encounter with J Mevaseret Zion, where many o theEthiopian Jews arriving in the airliknown as Operation Moses were be-ng us. T Sns gnz t

    t p Cs- . T x B.

    From that point on their missionwas clear, and CFI has been growingever since. Its ministries include anoutreach to Israeli soldiers, ood dis-tribution and other assistance or the

    n, nst t t Hust t ns nw gnts. T tst

    tns t CFIs pt pjts I SLebanon War in 2006 and to bringcomort and nancial support to theJ Gz 2005.

    On t n tngs w wnt -, ,

    S . T k . undo some o the damage that his- C J, G n t L Jsus. pstt, w t tt w t humbly, not prideully, to the Jewish.

    D , CFI - .T Sns s ts ws n t n-tns G gv t wn ng t z:

    T ws pp gvn t us,and it directly states who we are. Te

    word came that we would not explodent t gts but wk n t pts.Tt nt w wu nv b t bg-gest, brightest star in the heavens, butt n tt sns n bngs gt tt vs pp. Tts bn u wk.

    With that mandate constantly be-ore them, CFI has concentrated onsharing our hearts, letting the Jewishpeople know that we are so sorry or k -t Cstnt, ttng t knw

    , G k k .

    But wt bn n s t-s. gt wt st t Evng- C I, CFIs bn t b t Mnst In-ts kwn n vss gn-s, w s t Cstn v- . H CFI 25- , S .

    W t Jus bus ts sttgw G s pnt us. W gt t b J, w bv s s t Gs t, S-ron said. We look orward to the u- G . W n ut w, n w n t tk L. Y

    ChristianFriends of Israel at 25B y R y a n J o n e s

    CFI will mark its 25th anniversary with a spe-

    cial conerence May 31-June 3 in Jerusalem. For

    more inormation:

    CALLED TO ISRAEL: Ray and Sharon Sanders

    HELPING THE NEEDY: New immigrants at the CFI Distribution Center

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    Sm e s s i A N i c P e r s P e c t i v e

    My attention was drawn to thebn Orphaned Landnt b t

    music or lyrics but by the ront covero their newest album, Te Never End-ing Way of ORwarriOR. Te strangeword ORwarriOR is a combination

    o the Hebrew word or(light) and theEngs wn, w light. Te main concept is the battlebetween light and darkness.

    T v psnts t sng,Kb F, n t ss g Jsuswt wn tns n uns . Nxt t stns t gustsng, St Lv, pssb nt t bM Mgn. Fnkng ts tw g-us tw Abs png t Sid-dur, t Jws p bk, wn nt t tw Otx Jws knn t pstn Mus p.

    T z religions that are in confict with one M E. O DVDattached to the album, Farhi explains W L -ously interpreted as the Messiah, theS, [] N Mx.

    T bu ts s s-, -

    Jesus in Modern Hebrew Culture

    Orphaned Land:

    Jesus in Israeli MetalB y s v i S a d a n

    . I His Leaf ShallNot Wither, Farhi sings in English,H A: Bk , , .Tis welcoming attitude, particularly M, q , M- ns n Jn n Dub tttng

    I.I I I-

    Metal Magazine, F kabout the unusual phenomenon o anI - J. I , F realize something ew others are will-ng t knwg: S wt ppn J CI kwith himhe was Jewishinstead o , H , k . W ?

    Lets hear what you have to saytheyu JsusTs s t bggst pb- wv v . Ts s stng w k . T - unbvb. Its s ug. Its s bg.

    Ts s nt n tt F b-vs n Jsus. F , Jsus ws wsJws un bng ws ssg swt stnng t t tn gtngv. Jsus ws ss. H ws nn gt, just s F sks t b w gt.. Y

    WARRIORS OF LIGHT: An Israeli band considerslight and darkness

    JESUS WAS COOLLead singer Kobi Farhi

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    22 | May 2010 |

    d i A s P o r A

    JerusalemiteDesignsOlympic Gold

    B t tts pt n t2010 Winter Olympics, another

    pttn tk pt wwould design their medals. And thewinner was Jerusalem-born architectand industrial designer Omer Arbel,

    who lives in Canada. Arbel said that wnt t b unqu, tvk t tn n psn s-pts t Op jun wnn.

    Te design includes an undulating f C B C O k . S-ps n s twk b - C H, -

    A 6 (170 ), among the heaviestn Op st.

    Ask but s nntn t Is,Arbel, who moved to Canada with hisparents at age 13, said, Hebrew is myst ngug. Wn I , tts tlanguage that my dreams are in. But tt s wk tnsns n-gug n p.Y

    By Michael Schneider

    A C - S H (G

    Hvn) Snggu, w ws but n1899. T x ,consisting o a bottle o suluric acid ,exploded in the street. Tere were no

    injuries or damage and the assailants.Te synagogue, which serves

    Cairos tiny Jewish community, em-

    Cairo Synagogue Bombed

    Marrano Rabbi Returns to Spain

    ployees o the Israeli Embassy andJewish-American exchange students,s n us n t Sbbt n Jwsholidays. wo additional synagogues Cairos Jewish Quarter, the Rambamand Karaite Synagogues. Tey willserve the remnant o a Jewish com-munity that has existed in Cairo or .

    I 1940, -ment o the State o Israel, there were80,000 Jews in Egypt. Tis number -wng s, w w k bws btwn Egpt n Is, up unt C D 1979.

    oday, there are only about 100 Jews C. Y

    In un sn t xpusn t Jws Spn ung t Inqu- 15 , Marrano

    . M (S ) S P J Cts, but w st kpt ptng Jus.

    Rabbi Nissan Ben-Avraham, a ather o 12, isrom the settlement o Shiloh in Samaria. He wasappointed as a representative to the Marranos byShavei Israel(Ts W Rtun t Is), n -gnztn t t skng ut t Lst bs I. A S, t sk ut snnts t Mns, k J ,and encourage them to make aliyah( I). Y

    GATE o heaven

    LAST REMNANT o a thriving Jewish community

    BACK to the Diaspora

    GOLD MEDAL or Israel

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    23/32 | May 2010 | 23

    A r c h A e o l o g Y

    M -z Jn, t 15 s (25 k.)

    , A. I

    C M k Bz-antine Period in the 6th and 7th cen- AD. T t Mb Mp, 6t-ntu sthat bears the oldest existing map o H L.

    Clearly visible is the western gateinto Jerusalem leading into the mainstt. Ag xvtns wn .

    Some still exist today, such as theC H S, -ditional site o Jesus crucixion andresurrection. But until now, the main CJ .

    In the past, excavation o the site Old Citys main trac route which . R -v, t nsst pub wks nJ G Ashuk (pn- kt) t w x I- Aq A.

    Archeologists have uncovered thepaving stones o the Byzantine shop-png stt, w w un un 4.5 (15 ) .

    Finally we have proo that thestreet really existed, said the head o x, O S. I the exact path that is marked on thes [Mb] p. T psn w

    Byzantine Shopping District Uncovered

    k H L .

    Te exposed 6-meter (20-oot) sec-tion o the street passes rom the westinto the center o Jerusalems Old Cityn stns upn g stn tt sup-p wt t t ts 40,000 snts.T 96 q (1,000 q ) 5 - (16.5 ) . M .In addition, pottery, coins and bronzewgts us t su pus ts Bz .

    Ts stt ws t nt ung tmost [commercially] successul periodin the history o [ancient] Jerusalem,S . I [stt] tu psv t ut t 1,500 .

    Te excavation also revealed an q J, AD.It was ound beneath the road in the D C M D S.

    Te side o the aqueduct was dis- x-vation, Sion said. When we removedthe stones in its side and peeked intoit we saw a splendidly-built aqueduct walk crouched down or a distance ox 40 [131 ]. I

    v xtng t tnk tt n n s st .

    F x, -ings will be recovered to restore thef O C. Y

    By Netanel Doron



    Oer Sion with the

    Madaba Map

    LAYERS OF CIVILIZATIONThe ancient shopping district is

    in the same area as todays Arab

    bazaar in Jerusalems Old City

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    c u l t u r e

    T D M, H, C , . H, A, 2010 Y Dwith special exhibitions around the city and the opening o the DesignM .

    T , , I R A. I x PC P N Yk M M A, z 21 . I , I D A Cond Nast Travelerz.

    Te London-based Arad, who is considered one o the worlds top, j : WI k n wk ns t usu t, v s s, su-, k, k , I , Y! T , .Y By Kerstin Braun

    Israel Museum Gets a Facelift

    T he landmark Israel Museum J -ptn n pssv nvtnpjt, nung tn wngsn kv ts gs.T , w s t st xtnsv ngs bb n H Ln - , D S S.

    k xwhich will go on display when renovations are completed J 2010.

    W R A O E Dk. I 300individual paintings that represent

    t pgssn s n t . F k n xtnntnuu .

    Anish Kapoor In s t

    suptu ps stnss st n t sp 5-t(16-) . I M

    C Pz, 20- .Essn n Kp gnz tng vsu

    stkng wks tt nsp nggnt, nttn, n w, J S. T k x q ,, , . Y

    By Kerstin Braun

    New Frontiers in Design

    BACK TO THE FUTUREA model o the biblical Temple

    EARTHEN VESSELS housed the Dead Sea Scrolls

    TREASURE TROVEo art and history

    ISRAELI INGENUITY: The museum is an innovation in design

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    25/32 | May 2010 | 25

    b e h i N d t h e s c e N e s

    - Yossi, did you hear about this? TheJordanians are nally demanding the re-turn of the Dead Sea Scrolls that Israel

    stole from them.

    - They are right.

    - Really???

    - Sure, Ahmed. They obviouslyunderstand the importance of

    these scrolls, which prove the exis-

    tence of the people of Israel thou-sands of years ago and the existence of

    the Temple in Jerusalem!

    - This is a Jewish conspiracyto build the Third Temple!

    A s junst, I v bn vng Iss ntn - 20 M D celebrations o Independence Day. And each year, I never z I . I q .

    M D W W,

    . A G n vtn: t Shekinah Gs Psn ws t, .

    Tis is not lost on Israels secular Zionist leadership.Standing beore these powerul symbols, one cannot butbelieve. Israels strength springs rom the strength o its

    aith, said President Shimon Peres. And we must thankG .

    T f , GFu M, t ntns 22,684 vts w n t.T n b n btn npnn wtut nng . W k the sons who have allen, there would be no uture or the , P .

    Ts s n ptnt ssg t w tt wu n Ists gt s-ns. Its qut sp: wtut t Is t wu nt b Stt Is. It s bb npt:Jsu nqu t Ps Ln wt n , n KngDv stbs Jus s Iss pt wt t sw.

    O , P M Bj N. A D k .

    Independence Day ceremonies begin with another acto symbolism: 12 torches are lit representing the 12 ribes I.

    Inpnn D bts ub n t J , N. T J T : .

    As they say, Israel is the Land o Miracles. And that,, .Y By Shlomo Mordechai

    Biblical Symbolism

    MEMORIAL DAYat the Western Wall

  • 8/9/2019 Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -


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    27/32 | May 2010 | 27

    m i l i t A r Y

    T Is A F (IAF) s nw tn t ts ft ns UAVs (Unnn A Vs)t Eitan

    or Heron P developed by the Israel Aerospace Industries(IAI). T f NAirbase in central Israel. Air Force Commander Idan Ne- S D f.

    A , E O, 2007. M I E k G-z- I S 2009. Tis latest prototype, however, is new and improved f.

    The Eretz Yisrael (Land o Israel)Museum in el Aviv is honoring

    B during World War II. Historically,the decision to serve with the Britishagainst the common German enemywas problematic or men and womank W P - J Bts Mnt Pstn. On t t, J x orces ght the Nazis, who were sys-tt stng Eupn Jw.

    Te stormy debate was also aboutgn t t wn t pptn more conservative than it is today.W o the Yishuv (the Jewish communityin Palestine) to serve in uniorm side B ?

    In t n, t utng pgnws suss. Vunts w t

    T E 2,000 k (4,400 ), 13 (43 ), 26 (85 t) s quvnt t Bng 737 pssng jt. T n

    s pw b 1200 p Ptt n Wtn tubpp ngn 7,400 k (4,600 ),k I . I f 13,700 (45,000 ) - 70 f .

    T x E UAV . Y

    New Drone Fleet

    Women Soldiers in Pre-State Palestine

    Ax S- (AS) W AxA F (WAAF) B ,and posters were published showing k j j.

    Ts psts pt t x-bt ng wt v-tp ntvwswt sv t vunts n ptsptng t s Jws wn n tBts : T wk n spts,sv s ks, ks n nusng s,n wk n t qutsts st.Chen, the Womens Corps o the IsraelDns Fs (IDF), w ts st -nng s ts w tnn t AS.Y By Netanel Doron

    LONG-RANGE BOMBER? The Eitan can fy all the way to Iran

    CHANGING ROLES: Women in the army was arevolutionary idea

    SHIELD OF DAVID: Israel is a world leader in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    28 | May 2010 |

    B H U k A

    t R S st Et. Wt g spn 5.5 ns (14.), I M E. T .

    T .Iz q , D. U S, .

    Sns ss t Is Ln Ansttn ntns t -nw nng pjts n t , w w nng t xs-tn t sp, Cerbalus Aravensis, n t sps.

    T - k , S . I , x . Y

    Giant Spider in the Desert

    GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS:The newly-discovered spider is almost extinct

    N A t u r e

    T St t Pttn Ntu n Is s vtt spt tusns s ubnztn, n n

    J O C 44 - , , , , 100 .

    Te study was meant as a conservation tool, said its I W. S rare and were preserved in the city thanks to the delicate .

    T O C f k -

    z M. T f f .

    Hzk P , swis dip and dart over the water. Te emple Mount hasnnt v ts, w ts s n tws pv ptnsts zs n bs. T Wstn W s t but40 . Y

    PeresSecret: Fruit

    President Shimon Peres, stilltv n ngt t t

    g 86, ss s st s ut.In t nng I nk ssquz n ju n ttimes a day I eat ruit salad,ss Ps. T s n bttn s w t st t.

    Ps ws spkng t gupo armers who presented new

    vts uts n vgtbs, , , k -f , jk,Jpns sns n Inn pus.

    Iss -t gutu s su p t stt nknwn un t w, Ps s.In t w w, u nnt nbtt ut tn n Is.Y

    Fishing Bannedin Sea of Galilee

    In t p w Ysu (Jsus) gt Hs sps n k ,

    ! T A M S G, I .

    T p n t nub s s ttbut t t w v k ; .

    A M S S - 15 k ($4 ) . H .Y By Netanel Doron

    Old City Flora and Fauna

    LET DOWN YOUR NETS? (Luke 5:4): The place where Jesuscalled the disciples is acing an ecological catastrophe


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    e c o N o m Y | May 2010 | 29

    Global Finance W B Bkin Developed Markets. Te international magazine selects winners in 25

    countries. Tis years award or Bank o the Year in Israel went to the Mizrahi Bk. T z W B F Bk, I Bk H.

    T z , , , - , . Y

    T Is tns Else s vp st-

    s Apps iPhone n GgsAndroid. TFirst Else w US E 2010 .

    O -vides users with the experience they want, says ElseCEO Amir Kupervas. I users want to take a picture , k - , . I wnt t wt v, t Fst Es w nb t t wt q .

    Other eatures include a GPS system and eligibility 4 I. Y

    Job Market ImprovesO

    j , M I, j.

    In most economic areas, we noticed a higher need or workers, said Man- O S. T M n Inust. T tn s vng tw stbztn t kt. T j .

    I 7.4 , 9.7 US 7.8 UK. M j , 6 51

    2009, . Y

    Israels New Smartphone

    Increase in

    Alcohol Sales

    A company Business Data Israel

    (BDI) I 2009 png . T st ppu nk(x ) k, w 16 n btts w s. Ts 75 - .

    A tt 21 n btts - bvgs w s n 2009, 5 p-nt tn n 2008. Expntus n bvgs ns b 3 pntt 1.65 bn sks ($450 n).

    BDI - . Y

    Israeli Banks Honored

    HIGH FINANCE: Israeli banks are winning international recognition

    GAME CHANGER: The FirstElse will compete with topinternational brands

    HANDY gadget

    BOOZE is business

  • 8/9/2019 Egyptian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, says Obama told him that he is a Muslim. - Page 3 - May, 2010 -


    i N b r i e F

    generAtion to generAtion: When Britishdiplomat Herbert L. Samuel (1870-1963) took over

    as the rst high commissioner or British MandatePalestine in 1920, he also became the rst Jew to rule

    over the Holy Land since the destruction o the Second

    Temple in 70 AD. Samuel, whose Hebrew name wasEliezer Ben Menachem, served in

    the position until 1925. Eighty-ve

    years later, his grandson, who has

    the same Hebrew name, took part

    in the inauguration o the rebuiltHurva Synagogue in the JewishQuarter o Jerusalems Old City

    (see pages 16-17).

    JerusAlem rebuilt:Following the reconstruction

    o the Hurva Synagogue, the next project isthe Tieret Yisrael (Glory o Israel) Syn-

    agogue which is also in the Jewish

    Quarter. This once magnicent edi-

    ce, built in the mid-19th century,

    was destroyed by the Jordanian army

    during the War o Independence in

    1948, as was the Hurva.

    hAil the emPoror! Austrian Emperor Franz Josef I

    (1830-1916) visited Jerusalem in 1870. While touring the

    Tieret Yisrael Synagogue with its Austrian-born Rabbi

    Nissan Bek, the emperor asked: Where is the dome?

    Rabbi Bek quipped: In honor o

    Your Majestys visit, the building

    took of its hat! The emperor

    asked: How much would it cost

    to complete the synagogue with

    a dome? Consequently Jose,

    respected or his benevolence,

    donated 1,000 rancs or the 23-

    oot (7-meter) high dome.Y

    T I D B I T S

    Jewish and Nazi Roots

    30 | May 2010 |

    Herzls Grave Leads

    to Zionist Romance

    Znst vsnTeodor Herzl pbb wuhave been delighted by the ollowing events

    associated with his gravesite. American JeremyHulsh, 31, Vera Wister, 32, Sk, - J.

    Hulsh originally visited Israel as a part oTaglit(B), z -ages young Jews to connect to their roots in Is-. H ugt n n t unt ung t Sn Lb- W 2006. F Oleh!Records, pn w pts spngI .

    Wst ws junst, funt n gt ngug-s n k unt s.

    Ofcer M. svs n t Is AF s ssstnt t t t

    Gn Egt 140t Squn

    F-16 gt jts. S s n ntst-ng st w t gt wn s

    jn gtn s w vstt Auswtz t p n Pn spt t Wtnsss n Un p-g.

    S s gnt n tss w f t Nzs s ,vng bn n nt tt tps n t Hust. At t st, ts t ws b t Ht Yut n sv n t

    Gn A F ung W W II.M st bgn 30 s g, s

    t ung . M t tk v-tn n Gn n n v wt Gn wn. S nvt t Ju-

    s n t t v n Is.T t n n I n t.

    T sts t tw gntsnnt b nt. H tsather, Alex, was put on a train out G , . M. , Hans, - Nz H Y.

    I , M.with mixed emotions. How could

    I? F I . Y

    GRANDPAS SECRETS: An Israeli soldier makes an emotional visit to Auschwitz


    SHOUT JOYFULLY,you waste places o Jerusalem!

    (Isaiah 52:9)

    GATES OF ZION (Psalm 87:2)

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    i N b r i e F

    hey met while at-tending a conerence oryoung Jewish entrepre-neurs rom all over theworld, which included avisit to Herzls grave. Notlong ater, while hikingtogether on Mount Mer-

    on in northern Israel,Hulsh proposed

    marriage. hatdid it or Wister who then madealiyah (immigrated to Israel).

    I Z J , . I I!

    T wng tk p n tb n Avv.Y

    Anne Franks us stnut t t b ut wn,but not beore shoots were taken rom it and planted

    , . I , Ann ntns t stnut t stnng nxt t t t-t n Ast w s n w bng n Nz. S .

    One shoot rom the chestnut tree was planted in Am-sterdam Park by city councilwoman Marijke Vos. Anotherwas brought to Israel and planted at Ramat Naali near theMount o Olives in Jerusalem, in honor o allen paratroopcommander Major Eitan Belachsan. He was killed in Leba-non in 1999 during a battle with Hezbollah ighters.

    W v u n, s t t ss tClaude Belachsan. Eitan was ghting or his country, andAnn Fnk s sb sstn gnst t n nt stugg t suvv. Y

    Anne Franks

    Chestnut Tree Lives OnIsraeli Paramedics in Ghana

    I M D A (R S D) z j I R

    C q G.

    W x I M D A, G R C P KwabenaM. Bosompem. I z- .

    Israeli paramedics AsiDvilansky Boriya Kozo-kin CPR, -us ng wt t ttksn kng, n w t bng - k . Y

    Israel in Paris

    Ps s nw t squ n Iss st PMinister David Ben-Gurion, situated along the River

    Sn. T squ, ntnng untn n sttu t tI , P Shimon Peres.But Ps gt st w p-Pstnn ptst- I . I Fn, Daniel Shek, p t wn sng, Psnt Psis the most prominent and popular Israeli in France. By , F Sq J -

    , M Bertrand Delano z F . Y

    Compiled by Michael Schneider








    eryoneraisestheir hand.Terabbilooks upfromhis



    WHAT a doll!

    INROADS in Africa | May 2010 | 31

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