Download - EFLAWLESS Issue 1

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Elegance Personalities





5 Ways to get

long thick hair

& nails

A Feminine Touch

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Do you have an aspiring business?

Are you an entrepreneur?

Are you leader of a group?

Do you have a story to tell?

Look no further because Elegance is here to tell your story.

For the chance to advertise in our magazine, contact us at:

[email protected]

Page 3: EFLAWLESS Issue 1

Web:| Tel: 07932675801

ExClusice Creations by

Sarah Elizabeth


Page 4: EFLAWLESS Issue 1


40 Health & Fitness

50 Spring foods


keeping Fit & Sexy



Celebrating Mum’s Day

38 Birthstones & Birth

month Meanings


A Feminine Touch with Watches

22 Cover Story—How to wear

the African Print

Page 5: EFLAWLESS Issue 1

Issue 1 January / March 2013 [email protected]

12 Elegance Personalities





Career Choices

Starting a Family


6 Introducing Elegance


Elegance Flawless Personalities

EDITORIAL & DESIGN: 0203 532 0780





OFFICE LOCATION : 0203 532 0780

Suit 16, Peel House

32-44 London Road

Morden, Surrey


Email: [email protected]


Printers PLUS 5 PRINT

Office: 02084642255 / 07931 554884

Unit 2, Ashgrove Industrial Estate, 56 Ashgrove Road, Bromley,

Kent, BR1 4JW

Advertising Sales Send email or call

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Photography William Production Limited

07930 744364

Page 6: EFLAWLESS Issue 1

Introducing Elegance Elegance magazine forms part of a

large corporation of business within

Elegance Personalities Limited (EPL).

As a company and a brand we are

devoted to our readers and our con-


We cater to young ladies between

the ages of 14-28, because we be-

lieve it is during these years that

young ladies become committed to

their personalities, their beliefs and

to them- selves. We

desire to be

the first

magazine to

bridge the

age gap

and cultur-

al bounda-

ry. As a brand we aim to supply you

our readers with the relevant infor-

mation and life training skills require

to become the excellent woman.

Elegance began in 2009 with a small

group of young ladies in Leyton New-

ham. Every week it became para-

mount that these young ladies were

extremely curious and wanted more

information about life, love, sex and

the future. Unfortunately, the current

media only imprints the unrealistic

aspects of these. Elegance gives a fair

somehow realist truth without tar-

nishing or damaging your view. We

stand apart from our competitors; we

do not wish to blend in with the vari-

ous magazines on sales at the mo-


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Elegance believes every lady

who has a flawless, dynamic,

excellent and a unique personality. The

African symbols of excellence embody

the characteristics of an Elegant Wom-


Elegance Personalities Personified is a

dynamic tool we aim to use to bridge

the gap. We interview young ladies

who are succeeding or trying hard to

achieve their goals. We also use this as

a platform to encourage other young

ladies to feel more confident about

themselves and their dreams.

Who are Elegance Personified? We

have categorized these age groups and

each has a specific character trait that

society has identified with them.

14-17 years – Curiously Coarse

(compare them to a rough diamond,

they are delicate and need

answers and will go

the extreme

to find it

– a very



18-21years –

Fiercely vile

(seeking inde-

pendence, free-

dom because

they are full of

life and energy)

22-24years – Adventurous (these la-

dies want to take the world, they want

to settle down and they are constantly

making very difficult choices. The fear

of not achieving their goals so will

settle for second best)

25-28years – Sophisticatedly Simple

(ready for a family, ready for love, they

search for the partners or for love)

Elegance realizes the needs of all these

ladies and as a brand we aim to give

them the support and answers they

require to become better women for

their families, their society and the

world. We will be the mothering voice

to those who have lost their mothers

and the friend to those who are seek-

ing for love.

So reader invest in an Elegance Maga-

zine today !

Introducing Elegance Personalities

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Hello Reader,

Thank you for picking up Elegance Magazine today. This magazine is

aimed at young ladies between 13-28years. We want to be the first

magazine to answer your questions about love, life, sex, romance,

career choice and marriage.

We want to be the first Black British Magazine designed for Black Afri-

can British ladies but aimed at all ethnic backgrounds because we

address the common issues for ladies.

We are looking for casual and freelance Writers, journalists, photogra-

pher, designers and stylists. If any of these appeal to you contact the

elegance team and we will arrange an appointment for you.

I know you will enjoy the contents of the March/April edition of Ele-

gance and if you want to know more about Elegance and our services

please contact:

Post: Suit 16, Peel House, 32-44 London Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 5BT

Telephone: 07456030099

Email: [email protected]

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T I C K E T I N F O : £ 5 P E R H E A D | T H E R E A R E P R I Z E S T O B E

W O N ! F I R S T 2 0 0 T I C K E T S E N T E R R A F F L E |

R S V P : 0 7 5 0 6 7 8 2 2 7 0

Date: Date: Monday, May 6th, 2013

Time: Time: 12.00 PM – 2.00 PM


Trinity Baptist Church,


SE27 0SA

Mentoring Organisation

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Vonnie’s Catering we

guarantee unforgettable

dining experience. Fresh

food with quality fresh

sourced ingredients

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OOO nce you are born a

woman, you are

special. Young ladies today

who have forgotten their

wealth and their potential.

I dare you to come back to

that state of mind today

and be inspired to take on

the challenge of woman-

hood. Be inspired as a

young lady to know who

you are and what you are

capable of achieving. Let

go of the fear of rejection,

loneliness and peer influ-

ence. Elegance personali-

ties personified is centred

and dedicated to young

ladies between 13-25

years. These ladies are not

celebrities. They are just

like us and are doing for

brilliant things for them-

selves, families and com-

munities. Be Inspired! Be

a LEADER! Influence oth-

ers with your life style!

Mona Lisa Nkansah

Excellence, Beauty & Style

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Elegance is looking for the next EPP

(Elegance Personalities Personified)

If you believe you have a story to tell and will be an inspi-

ration to others please contact Elegance Personalities Lim-

ited via email at:

[email protected]

Suit 16, Peel House

32-44 London Road

Morden - Surrey, UK


Page 14: EFLAWLESS Issue 1

Excellence, Beauty & Style

Miss Danielle Ayettey (14-


For me the hardest challenge is

overcoming the stereotype

attached to my race. I am not

loud, rude or aggressive. I see

myself as a the most beautiful

woman and I also make others

around me feel beautiful every

time. I am not your typical size

8 and because my body has de-

veloped a lot more than the

average teenager, I have to dai-

ly over come a lot more. When

young men see me they only

see my physical curvy appear-

ance and persevere me as

sexually attractive. I have to

always fight myself so I don't

conform to their perse-

cution of me. I love being

around people who en-

courage, motivate and

challenge me as a person such

people edify me. I see my life

style as a race for me so I set

myself challenges and goals so

I can achieve it daily, monthly

and yearly.

Danielle Ayettey

As a woman, I want to find myself emotional-

ly and not get lost as part of the crowd. I want

to be different so eve-

ry challenge I see it as

a test of my abilities.

As a student and a

devoted daughter, I do every thing to make

myself better. I want my family to be proud

of me too.

For other young curvaceous young ladies

don't be shy and don't try to blend in.

I hang around people who

edify me—emotionally

and mentally.

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Anna Feffah, (17)

I am a British born Ghanaian, a college

student studying my A-Levels and hop-

ing to go university to study journalism

or get an Apprentice role as a writer.

Before I start with you chosen career

path I want you to tell me more about

yourself ?

Well as you already know I want to be a

journalist, in my spare time I do differ-

ent hobbies like designing

bow ties which ties in with

my love for writing because I

want to go into fashion jour-

nalism for obviously reasons:

I love fashion, the way you

can express yourself through

clothes create personalities

and identity. I mean you

mood is reflected in what you

wear etc.

Speaking of your love of

writing, what have you done

in past/ recent that will give

you an advantage to some-

one who has the same pas-

sion and as determined as


I won’t say I have an ad-

vantage but I believe in hard

work and practising your craft to get

better at that, so what I do is improve

my writing skills by writing blogs keep-

ing myself updated in what’s happening

in the fashion world. Also I tried to do

as much work experience as I can be-

fore I start my course to get a practical

feel to what I will be doing in day to day

basis. My aim focus is to get my A levels

and get into the university of my choice

and embark on my course. So watch

this space (laughs)

Anna Feffah,

Excellence, Beauty & Style

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Princess Peprah (20-25years)

ecently graduate from

DeMontford University in the UK with a

BA in Business Management.

I am a British Ghanaian, raised in the cap-

ital city of Ghana Accra-Tema. I enjoy

being creative, singing, acting and danc-

ing. I guess the arts is embedded in my

soul. My passion is to be a hair dresser

artist. I want to express myself through


I am currently working towards opening a

salon and getting the required certifi-

cates to licence and practice hair mak-

ing as a hair dresser.

My passion is to make people feel and

look beautiful and I live by this state-

ment. I believe the key to success are:

Vision—It took me a while to know

that not everyone sees what I see. I am

the only person who sees the vision

and dreams set out for me. I should

keep myself excited.

Secondly Time—know that time is of

the essence so don't waste it. Opportuni-

ties don't last forever so work hard and

you will get the results you for yourself.

Don’t sell yourself short. Always take the

risky challenge because in the risk are the

solutions to the difficult problems.

With the current financial climate, it

seems the future for young ambitious

youths are being deprived of their future

but I will say this to every young person,

don't let the prospect of the unknown

stop your future.

The future is scary, uncertain and dark

but I know I can make it and so can you.

My motor is to make oth-

ers look and feel beauti-

ful through hairstyles.

Excellence, Beauty & Style

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Tracey Roache, British born Ghanaian recently

a law graduate from Leicester University.

Tracey hopes to go to law school to specialise

in property law.

Tell us more about the field you want to go


I’m aware not a lot of people my age group

think about property law as the field they will

chose to practise in but it is something of inter-

est to me, overseeing purchase of properties

and contracts historically has been considered

a men dominated field but I hope to change

that conception and tell young black females

out there that it is possible and that when peo-

ple say it isn’t that’s the motivation you need

to prove them wrong. I remember people dis-

couraging me when I first want to study law

but I went ahead because that’s where my

passion lies.

Talking about challenges with course choices,

what’s the most challenging or myths about

someone wanting to study law and further it

as a career?

Well as most people out there my understand-

ing of the field was limited to what television

programs were about: law is seen as a glamor-

ous, prestige and respectful. Don’t get me

wrong there are some truths to this but it fails

to prepare you for the reality of it, the hard

work, competition and determination you need

to succeed in this field was a reality shock

when I finish my degree, and getting into law

school is proving difficult but I’m not giving up.

I’ve done a lot of research into how I can get

into the field alternatively, like doing courses

which will enable me to raise the funds I need

to go law school. At the moment I’m starting

course called “eye lix” which basically is a legal

executive apprenticeship that enables you to

get a possible training contract

Any advice for possible law students or any-

one hoping to get in further education?

Make sure you know the in and out of the pro-

fession you are interest in, in terms of work

experience what you are going to do after you

graduate. The resources out there that you can

used to your advantage because the worst

thing is to graduate with a degree you cannot

practise in, but also bear in mind it not going

to happen quick so you need to have the

patience as well as the determination

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APRIL / MAY 2013



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Love has the power to make the most

careful person very careless and stupid.

I thought I was in love not fallen in love.

To be in love is to have your whole being

consumed and wrapped in the power and

influence of one person -(the person you

claim to love).

Funny how the person has the power to

tell you to sleep and you don't argue or

get extremely upset about it. Lets be real

if your parent told you to go to sleep I

know you would certainly say no because

no matter how much you love your par-

ents or friends they have no power over

you. So when you meet that person you

claim to love, LOVE captures you and you

forget your sense of reason.

Our first black heart victim is Chantelle,

22years university student at Brunel ma-

joring in Political Studies and Psychology.

Chantelle never lets her guard down, she

is in all the high society groups within her

field of study and strangely has close con-

tacts with the opposite sex. In the second

semester of her 2nd year, she is invited to

a school rave ball and although she didn't

have the time she accepted the invitation.

On the night of the party she felt very ill

but as promised she dressed up and

attend the event.

She promised herself she wouldn't stay

for long, but strangely a young man decid-

ed to ask her to dance. She agreed and all

night this man made her very happy.

Once the party was over, she rushed to

her cap and wanted to disappear but this

young man caught up with her and began

asking her interesting questions. It was

fate! No it was a bet to win the most

beautiful woman in the campus.

The young man was hoping Chantelle

would drop her self esteem and follow

him to his silly university bedsit. Well

Chantelle didn't and the plan and the bet

was not finished because this young man

persistently chased Chantelle and after

several dates, she found herself losing her


(find out what happens in the next issue of Elegance


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The African print adds a splash of colour to your ward

rope and it certainly does wonders to your everyday


From a simple office wear to an elegant evening wear

pick up an African print and you will experience the

dynamic splash of colours.

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Add a splash of color to the simple black dress.

A matching hat adds an elegant touch.

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Add some exciting patterns

raffles to a plan dress.

Suitable for all occasions.

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Group Styles:

One pattern, 1 special occasion, 20 personalised styles

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Do you the passion for fashion?

Are you a designer or looking to gain experience as a designer?

Elegance wants to partnership with you? You will be invited along to

our monthly photo shoot to take part in the designing of the costumes,

hair, make-up, accessories and every aspect of the magazine.

If you are interest please contact: [email protected]

Page 37: EFLAWLESS Issue 1

Highlight your curves with

this sexy all in one piece.

Editor’s Choice for this sea-

son—its classic, its simple

and it’s absolutely beautiful.

Spring the wedding season.

Why not get this design ready

for the next wedding invitation

this spring.

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Birthstone & Birth months meanings JANUARY BORN!

You are ambitious and serious, you love to

teach and be taught. You always look at

people's flaws and weaknesses of others so

you can criticize.

You are extremely hardworking and pro-

ductive, Smart, neat and organized. You

tend to be sensitive and have deep

thoughts about anything and everything.

You know how to make others happy. You

are quiet unless excited or tensed about


You are very attentive, resistant to illnesses

but prone to colds. You can be romantic

but you have difficulty expressing love

Character traits are:

You love children, you are a homely per-

son, loyal, very welcoming.


You love reality and abstract, you en-

joy changing personalities, you are


You are intelligent and clever, quiet,

shy and humble, honest and deter-

mined to reach goals.

You can be rebellious when restricted,

you like being aggressive. You are too

sensitive and easily hurt and you show

emotions easily.

Dislike unnecessary things

You love making friends but rarely

shows it

You are a risk taker and have a daring

attitude. You can be very romantic in-

doors but shy away outside.

Elegance Style

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Birthstone Elegance Style


You are an attractive person with an attractive

personality. You can be affectionate, shy and

reserved . You are secretive, naturally honest,

generous and sympathetic

You loves peace and serenity , you are sensitive

to others and love to serve others.

You are not easily angered, you are trustwor-


Always appreciative and returns kindness

You keep an observant and assesses mind of


You can be revengeful, you love to dream and


Loves traveling

Loves attention

Loves home decors

Musically Talented

Loves special things


You are active and dynamic

You are decisive and haste but tends to


Extremely attractive and affectionate to

oneself. You have a strong mentality. You

delight in getting attention. Diplomatic

Consoling, You are friendly and solves

people's problems. You are Brave and


Adventurous, Loving and caring; Suave

and generous

You are emotional you can be aggressive

You are hasty, you have a good memory


You motivate yourself and the others

around you.

You only get headaches or stomach pains

You rarely get sick

Page 40: EFLAWLESS Issue 1

What is your style?

Chic, classic, elegant,

punk, punkie chic, sexy

or plain!

Whatever your style,

you will certainly turn

heads with a beautiful

watch. Find the perfect

watch that suits your

style and your person-

ality and make it work

for you.

An elegant watch will

complete every look

and style—for a simple

day look at the office

to an evening out with

friends, tell the time

with a beautiful strip

across your hand.

Put a watch on and

come alive with your

style. You make the

look but the watch

makes your look no-


A watch on your hand

gives you the laddish

personality and you

will certainly feel like a

lady. For that simple

touch to your style get

a gold, silver or plati-

num watch today.

New Look, Next, Argos,

Debenhams have

affordable ranges from


Check these out and

pick your choice.


Elegance STYLES

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Ignorance is bliss to those who choose to ignore the truth. Marriage is an

uncertain journey that we choose to take with a stranger and this journey

can be very dangerous. This is a series of fictional and non fictional stories

about love, relationships, career choices, pregnancies and many other

factors that affects young ladies. In these series we will address several

issues and aim to give the best form of advice so you can make a profound

life decision as a young lady.


A wise man asked my husband

and I a very simple question, “what

makes love or marriage dangerous?”

As always, I had to acted intelligent

although I had no clue what he

wanted me to say. I responded “the

uncertainty of what tomorrow

makes marriage dangerous”

“Not knowing what you are getting

yourself into, the consequences of

the choice you are about to make.

Yeah marriage is scary,” James said


The wise man looked at both of us

and said “yes! Those answers are

certainly true but the reality is mar-

riage is the one relationship that can

kill you or make you better as a bet-

ter. Marriage is DANGEROUS!”

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Skimming through all the various rela-

tionships I have had over the years,

my marriage to James has been the

most challenging and personality test-

ing. With all the other relationships, I

did not have any tires with the other

individual so once they left my life or

I left theirs, I didn’t need to go back

and review the consequence of my

leaving. In fact, getting married makes

you mature, as you not only see life,

you live life through your partner’s

point of view.

Growing up in Ghana, I heard my

grandfather explaining to us the inten-

sity of love. He used to say “odo mu

do” which translate, as “love is deep”.

The local Ghanaian Twi language

translates love as “odo” meaning, “to

dig”. What does digging have to do

with marriage? The craft of digging

requires specific qualifications, such as

strength, endurance, determination,

passion, hard work, courage, desire to

accomplish what he has started. To

see these qualities are what everyone

who is actively seeking for love needs.

For without these attributes you may

fall short and stop digging half way.

The truth of life is, every precious gift

is hidden and it requires a process of

digging to acquire it. Let us compare

love to precious jewels like gold and

diamond, although they are stones

from the ground, you cannot find

them the same way as other normal

stones. They require specific skills to

acquire them, you need to take the

time to dig and search for them. Once

they are found, these precious stones

look dirty, filthy and unattractive but

with time they are refined, cleaned

and put through fire so they can shine

for all to see.

My dear reader I hope you understand

me, marriage is hard work. Both male

and female are precious jewels and

each complement each other through

the difficult digging stages. You can-

not assume that your lover or partner

will shine from the moment you say

“I do”, if that is the case then we are

all perfect. The truth is the moment

you say “I DO” is the moment you

are about you see the true personality

of your partner. The wedding ceremo-

ny is the process where you have

found you rough jewel, it is fitly, dirt,

unattractive and INPERFECT.

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My mother was and is my hero.

She survived the biggest hurdle

in life—pregnancy.

She endured severe pains, no

words in the dictionary can ex-

plain labour pains yet you en-

dured it for me.

Some mothers go through over

48hours of labour pains and yet

still face the knife and blade un-

der caesarean so they can deliv-

er their unborn child.

My mother is my hero because

she gave me life. She gave me

the chance to live, dream and

experience life. My mother is my

hero even though I don't tell her

often, I love her!!!!!

When she was fighting cancer, I

saw her fight everyday. Even

when she was defeated she nev-

er gave up. My mother never

admitted she was dying. But my

mother was dying!

She is gone but she left me pag-

es and pages of stories about

life. All I have is her memories

and these stories, so I will tell

the world. My mother is a hero

and on this special day, I remem-

ber you mother,


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Elegance Fitness & Health

To get the designed length of hair there are 5 main things you will need to do.


Although it sounds disgusting, it is actually very healthy for your

body to sweat consistently for 20-30minutes. The fat from our foods

block the sweat pores and makes it difficult for the hair and nails underneath

to grow. Sweating regularly helps your body to get rid of the nasty toxics and

allows your body to release the hair stored in the pores.


Washing your hair at the saloon can seen expensive and time consum-

ing but it is worth it. At least twice a month, visit your hair dresser.

This is good for you because, washing the hair gets ride of dirty toxics and

allows the hair to naturally mend it self.


When your body is cold or you are ill, your body works twice as hard

to release the required anti-bodies. Your nails and hair grows quicker

and long.


Water purifies the body so drinking at least 2 litres a day will

make your body clear the dirty toxics and get your pores to breathe.

Eat a lot of Fibre products: increasing your daily fibre intake in the form of nutrient-

rich high-fibre foods

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5 Spring foods to Help You

Shed Your Winter Weight

Elegance Fitness & Health


Apples are perfect for releasing ener-gy. Have two of these a day and you will see the changes in the body.


Eggs fills you up for a longer period. Having this for breakfast in the morn-ing releases energy and gets you ready for the day. Try this scrambled with fresh tomatoes and mushroom. It will keep you satisfied for long.


Eating strawberries and blueberries three or

more times a week may help women cut their

risk of a heart attack by a third, according to

new research.

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These are good for your brain and physical development. Eat this cooked or raw. Mushroom are a great source of protein so try this in a nice dish and see the difference.


For lunch and diner have a large portion of this with oven cooked chips and add baby spinach for a rapid response.



House work never seemed so exciting until

Homexercise. This is a series of house cleaning

chores that we all do daily .

When you pick up the broom or the mop or the

hover or the dust brush make sure you add a

little of fun and music to it the setting. Dance

your way through the chores as you sweat your

way into a health lifestyle.

This exercise routine is designed for everyone, so

give it a go today and see results!!!!

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