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  • 8/7/2019 Efficient three-dimensional seismic analysis of a high-rise building structure with shear walls


  • 8/7/2019 Efficient three-dimensional seismic analysis of a high-rise building structure with shear walls


    964 H.-S. Kim et al. / Engineering Structures 27 (2005) 963976

    (a) Floor plan. (b) A-A section.

    Fig. 1. Typical frame structure with shear walls.

    (a) Typical plan of apartment. (b) Window type


    (c) Door type opening.

    Fig. 2. Shear wall with openings.

    distribution in an element. Therefore, a Lee element can be

    used appropriately for the modeling of the shear wall in the

    building structures.

    Recently, many high-rise apartment buildings have been

    constructed in the Asian region using the box system, which

    consists only of reinforced concrete walls and slabs. Shear

    walls in a box system structure may have openings to

    accommodate windows, doors and duct spaces, as shown in

    Fig. 2(a), and window and door type openings in shear walls

    are shown in Fig. 2(b) and (c). The number, location and size

    of these openings would affect the behavior of a structure as

    well as stresses in the shear wall. Therefore, it is necessaryto use a refined finite element model for an accurate analysis

    of a shear wall with openings. But it would be inefficient

    to subdivide the entire apartment building structure into a

    finer mesh with a large number of elements because of the

    tremendous amount of analysis time and computer memory

    costs. Therefore, many researches on the efficient analysis

    of a shear wall with openings have been performed [ 1417].

    Ali and Atwall have presented a simplified method for

    the dynamic analysis of plates with openings based on

    Rayleighs principle of equilibrium of potential and kinetic

    energies in a vibrating system [14]. Tham and Cheung

    have also presented an approximate analytical method for a

    laterally loaded shear wall system with openings [15]. Each

    opening is taken into account by incorporating a negative

    stiffness matrix into the overall stiffness matrix through the

    super element concept. Choi and Bang have developed a

    rectangular plate element with rectangular openings [17].

    The stiffness matrix of the element was formed by numerical

    integration in which the region for the opening in theelement was excluded. But the efficiency and accuracy of

    these analysis methods largely depended significantly on the

    location, size and number of openings.

    Approximate modeling methods for a shear wall with

    openings are frequently adopted to avoid the troublesome

    preparation of refined models and significant amount of

    computational time in practical engineering. When the size

    of an opening is significantly smaller than that of the shear

    wall, the opening is usually ignored, as shown in Fig. 3(a).

    In the case of a door type opening, the lintel may be modeled

    by an equivalent stiffness beam, as shown in Fig. 3(b). If

    the opening is quite large, the surrounding part of the shear

    wall would be modeled using beam elements, as shownin Fig. 3(c) and (d). However, this type of models may

    lead to inaccurate analysis results, especially in dynamic

    analyses [18].

    An efficient method for an analysis of a shear wall with

    openings was proposed by Lee et al. using stiff fictitious

    beams to enforce the compatibility at the boundary of super

    elements [18,19]. Fig. 4(a) shows the deformed shape of

    a shear wall with window type openings due to lateral

    loads obtained using a refined finite element model. The

    model using super elements derived without stiff fictitious

    beams could not satisfy the compatibility condition at the

    interfaces, as shown in Fig. 4(b). As could be observedin Fig. 4(c), stiff fictitious beams used in a super element

    could result in the deformed shape of the structure very

    close to that of the refined mesh model. A similar result

    could be obtained, as shown in Fig. 5, for a shear wall

    with door type openings. This method is very efficient for

    a two-dimensional analysis of a shear wall with openings.

    Therefore, similar results can be expected in a three-

    dimensional analysis of high-rise building structures if a

    three-dimensional super element developed in a similar

    manner were used.

    An efficient method for a three-dimensional analysis of

    a high-rise building structure with shear walls is proposed

    in this study. Three-dimensional super elements for shear

    walls and floor slabs were developed and a substructure

    was formed by assembling the super elements to reduce the

    time required for the modeling and analysis. The proposed

    method turned out to be very useful for an efficient and

    accurate analysis of high-rise building structures based on

    the analysis of example structures.

    2. Use of a fictitious stiff beam

    The use of a fictitious stiff beam is one of the

    most important techniques used in the proposed analytical

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    Fig. 3. Approximate modeling methods for shear wall with openings.

    (a) Fine mesh model. (b) Super element w/o

    fictitious beams.

    (c) Super element

    w/ fictitious beams.

    Fig. 4. Deformed shape of a shear wall structure with window type


    (a) Refined mesh. (b) Super element w/ofictitious beam.

    (c) Super elementw/ fictitious beam.

    Fig. 5. Deformed shape of a shear wall structure with door type openings.

    method. Therefore, the procedure of the use of a fictitious

    beam is theoretically explained in this section. Three types

    of modeling methods are used to verify the efficiency of the

    proposed method, as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6(a) represents the

    refined mesh model that is assumed to be the most accurate.

    Each shear wall in a story can be modeled with a single

    element, as shown in Fig. 6(b), for more efficient analysis.

    The proposed model in this study is illustrated in Fig. 6(c).

    (a) Refined mesh.

    (b) Super element w/o fictitious beam.

    (c) Super element w/ fictitious beam.

    Fig. 6. Deformed shape of box system structure.

    The equilibrium equation for the refined mesh model canbe rearranged as shown in Eq. (1) by separating the active

    DOFs for the corners of shear walls from the inactive DOFs

    for the boundary and inner area of shear walls and floor slab

    as follows:

    SD =

    Sii SiaSai Saa




    (S)ii S






    (W)ii S








    where subscripts a and i are assigned to the DOFs for the

    active and inactive nodes respectively, the matrix S(S) is the

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    stiffness matrix for a floor slab, and S(W) is the stiffness

    matrix for a shear wall.

    A Gaussian elimination process can be employed to

    condense Eq. (1) into the equation consisting of only active

    DOFs at corner nodes of the slab and wall.

    GSD = GA (2)

    where the matrix G makes the stiffness matrix S into an

    upper triangular matrix. If the equation is represented by

    separating the active and inactive DOFs, thenGii O

    Gai I

    Sii SiaSai Saa



    Gii O

    Gai I


    . (3)

    If Eq. (3) is developed, the stiffness matrix is transformed

    to an upper triangular matrix and Sia can be represented as

    follows:Gii Sii Gii Sia

    Gai Sii + Sai Gai Sia + Saa



    Gii Sii Gii SiaO Gai Sia + Saa



    Gii Ai

    Gai Ai + Aa


    Sia = Sii GTai . (5)

    The second row of Eq. (4) can be expanded as follows:

    (Gai Sia + Saa)Da = Gai Ai + Aa . (6)

    Substitution of Eq. (5) into Eq. (6) leads to the following


    (Gai Sii GTai + Saa )Da = Gai Ai +Aa. (7)

    This equation can be represented by using the slab stiffnessmatrix (S(S)) and the shear wall stiffness matrix (S(W)) as


    (Gai S(S)ii

    GTai Gai S(W)ii

    GTai + S(S)aa + S

    (W)aa )Da

    = Gai Ai + Aa. (8)

    On the other hand, modeling a shear wall using a single

    element and joining a shear wall to a slab only at corner

    nodes leads to the following equilibrium equation:S



    S(S)ai S



    O O

    O S(W A)aa





    where the matrix S(W A)aa is the stiffness matrix for shear walls

    that is modeled by a single element. It is different fromS(W)aa , which is the stiffness matrix for active DOFs of shear

    walls modeled with a refined mesh. In order to make the

    equilibrium equation consist of only active DOFs at common

    nodes of the slab and wall, a Gaussian elimination process

    can be employed as follows:Hii O

    Hai I


    (S)ii S





    O O

    O S(W A)aa


    = Hii O

    Hai I AiAa (10)

    where the matrix

    Hii O

    Hai I

    makes the stiffness matrix into an

    upper triangular matrix. Eq. (10) can be represented as an

    upper triangular stiffness matrix by the Gaussian elimination

    process and Sia can be given as Eq. (12):

    Hii S(S)ii

    Hii S(S)ia

    O Hai S(S)ia + S(S)aa + S(W A)aa Di



    Hii Ai

    Hai Ai +Aa


    S(S)ia = S


    HTai . (12)

    After expansion of second row of Eq. (11), substitution of

    Eq. (10) into that expanded equation leads to Eq. (13).

    (Hai S(S)ii H

    Tai + S

    (S)aa + S

    (W A)aa )Da = Hai Ai + Aa . (13)

    It can be easily noticed that the stiffness in Eq. (13) is

    different from that of the equilibrium equation constituted

    by the refined mesh model (Eq. (8)). To remove thisdifference, a fictitious beam is employed in this study.

    From the proposed method using a fictitious stiff beam, the

    equilibrium equation can be represented as follows:S

    (S)ii S






    (B)ii S





    O O

    O S(W A)aa





    where S(B) denotes the stiffness matrix of the fictitious

    beam. A Gaussian elimination process was used to make the

    equilibrium equation consist of only active DOFs at common

    nodes of the slab and wall as follows:Jii O

    Jai I


    (S B)ii S

    (S B)ia

    S(S B)ai

    S(S B)aa


    O O

    O S(W A)aa

    O O

    O S(G)aa



    Jii O

    Jai I



    where S(S B) = S(S) + S(B) and S(G)aa represents the stiffness

    matrix of the beam that is to be subtracted.

    From the Gaussian elimination process, Eq. (15) can be

    transformed into an upper triangular matrix and S(S B)ia can be

    represented as Eq. (17).Jii S

    (S B)ii

    Jii S(S B)ia

    O Jai S(S B)ia + S

    (S B)aa + S

    (W A)aa S




    Jii Ai

    Jai Ai + Aa


    S(S B)ia = S

    (S B)ii

    JTai . (17)

    Substitution of Eq. (17) into the second row of expanded

    Eq. (16) gives:

    (Jai S(S B)ii J

    Tai + S

    (S B)aa + S

    (W A)aa S

    (G)aa )Da

    = Jai Ai + Aa. (18)

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    From the equation S(S B) = S(S) + S(B), Eq. (18) can be

    further expanded as follows:

    (Jai S(S)ii

    JTai Jai S(B)ii

    JTai + S(S)aa + S

    (B)aa + S

    (W A)aa S

    (G)aa )

    Da = Jai Ai + Aa. (19)

    If the stiffness (S(B)aa ) of the fictitious beam is the same

    as the stiffness (S(W)aa ) of the refined shear wall, thefollowing relationships can be noticed from comparison of

    the equation of the refined mesh model (Eq. (8)) and that

    of the proposed model (Eq. (19)). In conclusion, it can

    be expected that the proposed method can approximately

    represent the behavior of the refined mesh model.

    G J (20)

    Gai S(S)ii

    GTai Jai S(S)ii

    JTai (21)

    Gai S(W)ii G

    Tai Jai S

    (B)ii J

    Tai (22)

    S(W A)aa S(G)aa S

    (W)aa S

    (B)aa + S

    (W A)aa S

    (G)aa . (23)

    Generally, the in-plane stiffness of a shear wall or floorslab is significantly large compared with the out-of-

    plane stiffness. Therefore, a fictitious beam can employ

    sufficiently large stiffness for the compatibility condition

    as long as it may not cause numerical errors in the matrix

    condensation procedure.

    As stated previously, it would be more efficient to model

    each shear wall in a story with one element to minimize the

    number of nodal points used, which is shown in Fig. 6(b).

    In this case, however, the compatibility condition will not

    be satisfied at the interface of the slabs and the shear walls,

    because most of the nodes at the boundary of the slabs

    are not shared with those in the shear walls. The lateral

    stiffness of this model becomes smaller than that of the

    refined model. The stress distributions in the floor slab for

    these two models are significantly different from each other,

    as shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b). The number of elements used

    in the proposed model shown in Fig. 6(c) is identical to the

    model in Fig. 6(b), but much less than that of the refined

    mesh model in Fig. 6(a). The deformed shape and stress

    distribution of the model with fictitious beams are, however,

    similar to those of the refined mesh model in Figs. 6(a)

    and 7(a), which are considered to be the most accurate.

    3. Modeling of a shear wall structure with openings

    3.1. Finite element for modeling of shear walls and floor


    The plane stress element used by Lee et al. for the

    development of 2D super elements for the analysis of a

    shear wall structure with openings was the Lee element [12]

    with 12 DOFs, as shown in Fig. 8(a). Because the edge

    of the Lee element deforms in a cubic curve just like the

    beam element, the in-plane deformation of the edge of a

    slab or shear wall including fictitious beams will be nearly

    consistent with that of the neighboring shear wall or slab.

    (a) Refined mesh.

    (b) Super element w/o fictitious beam.

    (c) Super element w/ fictitious beam.

    Fig. 7. Von-Mises stress distribution in slab.

    The finite element to be used in this study should be able

    to represent the out-of-plane deformation as well as the in-

    plane deformation of walls and slabs for a three-dimensional

    analysis of building structures with shear walls. For a three-

    dimensional analysis of a high-rise building structure with

    shear walls, a shell element with 6 DOFs per node shown

    in Fig. 8(c) was introduced by combining the Lee element

    and a plate bending element. For this purpose, the MZC

    element [22] with a rectangular shape as shown in Fig. 8(b)

    was selected because of the convenience in the combination

    of stiffness matrices.

    3.2. Modeling of a shear wall structure using super


    The efficiency in the modeling and analysis of a building

    structure can be significantly improved by using super

    elements. A super element derived from the assemblage of

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    (a) 12 DOFs plane stress element (Lee element).

    (b) 12 DOFs plate bending element (MZC element).

    (c) 24 DOFs shell element.

    Fig. 8. Finite element for shear walls and floor slabs.

    several finite elements for a shear wall or floor slab in the

    structure has much fewer DOFs compared to the original

    assemblage of finite elements. Therefore, the computationaltime and memory can be significantly reduced. And the

    modeling of the building structure would be more efficient

    since a super element can be used repeatedly in many

    places. Fig. 9(a) illustrates a refined mesh model of a shear

    wall structure. This refined mesh model can be separated

    into several blocks of finite elements having the same

    configuration in each story, as shown in Fig. 9(b). Super

    elements for shear walls and floor slabs can be generated, as

    shown in Fig. 9(c), if all of the DOFs for the inactive nodes

    are eliminated by using the matrix condensation technique

    to have only active nodes in the super element. The active

    nodes indicated by solid circles in Fig. 9(c) and (d) are used

    to connect the shear walls and floor slabs. Then, the entire

    structure is assembled by joining the active nodes of super

    elements, as shown in Fig. 9(d).

    The equation of motion for a block of finite elements can

    be rearranged as shown in Eq. (24). The subscripts a and i

    are assigned to the DOFs for the active and inactive nodes

    respectively.Mii MiaMai Maa



    Sii SiaSai Saa




    . (24)

    Eliminating the DOFs by the matrix condensation proce-

    dure [23], the equation of motion for the super element can

    (a) Refined model. (b) Separate blocks.

    (c) Generate super ele-


    (d) Assemble super ele-


    Fig. 9. Modeling procedure using super elements.

    be obtained as follows:

    Maa Da + Saa Da = A

    a (25)

    where Maa = Maa + TTia Mia + Mai Tia + T

    Tia Mii Tia ,

    Aa = Aa Sai S1ii

    Ai , Saa = Saa Sai S


    Sia and Tia =

    S1ii Sia . The matrix Maa is the mass matrix, S

    aa is the

    stiffness matrix, Aa is the reduced action vector and Da is

    the vector of nodal degrees of freedom for a super element

    with only active nodes. If this super element is used in the

    numerical model, the compatibility condition will not be

    satisfied at interfaces of super elements because the nodes

    only at the corners of the super elements are shared by

    adjacent super elements. Therefore, the lateral stiffness of

    the entire structure may be underestimated in comparison to

    that of the refined model. Thus, it is necessary to enforce

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    the compatibility without using additional nodes along the

    interface of super elements for an accurate and efficient


    3.3. Super elements for shear walls and floor slabs

    Stiff fictitious beams introduced by Lee et al. [1821]were used to enforce the compatibility at the interface of

    super elements in this study. The use of fictitious beams

    in the development of a super element for the floor slab

    shown in Fig. 9(b) is illustrated in Fig. 10. Fictitious beams

    are added to the interface of the floor slab and five shear

    walls, as shown in Fig. 10(a). Because the analysis is

    expanded from two dimensions [18] into three dimensions,

    the fictitious beams used in this procedure are three-

    dimensional elements. Then, all of the DOFs except those

    for the active nodes located at the ends of each fictitious

    beam are eliminated as shown in Fig. 10(b) using the matrix

    condensation technique. The surplus stiffness introduced bythe fictitious beams should be eliminated by subtracting the

    stiffness of fictitious beams from the stiffness matrix of the

    super element, as shown in Fig. 10(c). It should be noticed

    that the fictitious beams in Fig. 10(a) are subdivided into

    many elements to share nodes with the refined mesh of the

    floor slab, while the fictitious beam in Fig. 10(c) has nodes

    only at both ends. Finally, a super element with the effect of

    fictitious beams can be generated, as shown in Fig. 10(d).

    Figs. 1115 illustrate the use of fictitious beams in the

    development of super elements for shear walls A, B, C, D

    and E shown in Fig. 9(b). The location of fictitious beams

    added to the refined model for a shear wall depends on the

    location of the shear walls, and the selection of nodes to bemaintained in the super element depends on the type and

    location of the openings in the shear wall. In a 2D analysis

    of a shear wall structure, the compatibility condition is to

    be satisfied on the boundary between the shear walls in

    the adjacent stories. However, the compatibility condition

    on the boundary between the neighboring shear walls in a

    floor or between floor slabs and shear walls in addition to

    the boundary between the shear walls in the adjacent stories

    should be satisfied in a 3D analysis.

    A fictitious beam is added to each side of the shear wall

    A as shown in Fig. 11 to enforce the compatibility between

    this shear wall and the shear wall B and D. The compatibilitycondition between this shear wall and the slab in this floor

    or the floor above can be approximately satisfied by the

    fictitious beam added at the top or bottom of this wall. The

    short fictitious beam added in between two openings is to

    enforce the compatibility with the shear wall C.

    The fictitious beams on both sides of the shear wall B

    are to enforce the compatibility between this shear wall and

    the shear wall A and E. The compatibility at the boundary

    between this wall panel and the floor slab is enforced by two

    short fictitious beams at the bottom of the wall, and the same

    fictitious beams are added at the top, as shown in Fig. 12.

    Since the opening is located at the left edge of the shear

    (a) Add fictitious beams.

    (b) Condense matrices.

    (c) Subtract fictitious beams.

    (d) Super element.

    Fig. 10. Use of fictitious beams for floor slab.

    C, as shown in Fig. 13, a short fictitious beam is added on

    the left side of the wall for a similar reason of using a short

    fictitious beam at the bottom of the wall. The short fictitious

    beam used for the shear wall A in Fig. 11 and this fictitious

    beam will enforce the compatibility at the boundary between

    the shear walls A and C.

    The fictitious beams on the perimeter of the shear walls

    D and E, as shown in Figs. 14 and 15, are to enforce

    compatibility at the boundary with shear walls or floor slabs

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    (a) Add fictitious beams. (b) Condense matrices.

    (c) Subtract fictitious beams. (d) Super element.

    Fig. 11. Use of fictitious beams for shear wall A in Fig. 9(b).

    (a) Add fictitious


    (b) Condense ma-


    (c) Subtract fictitious


    (d) Super element.

    Fig. 12. Use of fictitious beams for shear wall B in Fig. 9(b).

    (a) Add fictitious beams. (b) Condense matrices.

    (c) Subtract fictitious beams. (d) Super element.

    Fig. 13. Use of fictitious beams for shear wall C in Fig. 9(b).

    connected to this wall panel. The compatibility condition at

    the boundary between shear walls C and E is approximately

    satisfied by the fictitious beam located inside the shear

    wall E.

    (a) Add fictitious beams. (b) Condense matrices.

    (c) Subtract fictitious


    (d) Super element.

    Fig. 14. Use of fictitious beams for shear wall D in Fig. 9(b).

    (a) Add fictitious beams. (b) Condense matrices.

    (c) Subtract fictitious beams. (d) Super element.

    Fig. 15. Use of fictitious beams for shear wall E in Fig. 9(b).

    3.4. Use of coarse mesh super elements

    In general, building structures have various arrangements

    of shear walls and columns in plan. And the size, type and

    location of openings in shear walls and floor slabs may vary

    depending on their use. Therefore, the finite element mesh

    for each block of a structure such as a floor slab or wall

    panel is modeled to account of the location of openings,shear walls and columns. The nodes on the boundary of

    neighboring blocks should be shared in each block, as shown

    in Fig. 16(a), to satisfy the compatibility condition. Thus,

    it is necessary to use a finer mesh finite element model

    to consider various openings and locations of structural

    members for an accurate analysis of building structures.

    However, when super elements with a limited number of

    nodes are used, coarse mesh models for shear walls and

    floor slabs can be used, as shown in Fig. 16(b), because

    the compatibility at the boundary of the super elements is

    enforced by the fictitious beams. Therefore, the location

    of nodes except the nodes shared with neighboring super

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    (a) Fine mesh model.

    (b) Coarse mesh model.

    Fig. 16. Mesh type of proposed analysis method.

    elements and the mesh size are not restricted. Thus, it would

    be very efficient to use super elements in modeling as well

    as in the analysis of a building structure.

    Static analysis of the 5-story example structure shown inFig. 9 was performed to verify the accuracy of the proposed

    method using five types of models, as shown in Fig. 17.

    Model A is a fine mesh model which is assumed to provide

    the most accurate results. Models B and C replace the link

    beam above the opening by an equivalent stiff beam, as

    shown in Fig. 17(b) and (c). The rigid diaphragm assumption

    is applied to each floor in model C and the flexural stiffness

    of the floor is ignored. Model D employs the super element

    proposed in this study generated from a fine mesh model

    while model E is derived from a coarse mesh model, as

    shown in Fig. 17(d) and (e).

    The lateral displacements of each model subjected toa lateral load of 10 000 kg at roof level in the transverse

    direction are compared in Fig. 18. In the case of models

    B and C, the lateral displacements were significantly

    larger than those of model A. This overestimation in

    displacements was introduced by the overestimation of the

    shear deformation in the upper part of the shear wall at both

    sides of the opening because the lintel is modeled by an

    equivalent beam element. Since the flexural stiffness of the

    floor slab was ignored in model C, the lateral displacements

    were even larger than those of model B. Model D could

    provide lateral displacements very close to those of model

    A, indicating that the compatibility is well enforced at the

    (a) Model A. (b) Model B.

    (c) Model C. (d) Model D.

    (e) Model E.

    Fig. 17. Name of analytical models.

    Fig. 18. Lateral displacement of example structure.

    boundary of super elements by the effect of fictitious beams.

    Since the lateral stiffness of a coarse mesh model is usually

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    overestimated compared to that of a fine mesh model, model

    E resulted in slightly smaller displacements compared to

    those of model D.

    4. Three-dimensional modeling of a building structure

    using substructures

    Most of the high-rise buildings may have the same plan

    repeatedly in many floors. Thus, it may be very efficient to

    apply the substructuring technique in the preparation of the

    numerical model. In this section, the procedure in modeling

    a building structure using substructures is presented for the

    case of a high-rise apartment building. Shear walls in a story

    are modeled as a substructure by assembling super elements,

    and a floor slab is modeled by combining super elements for

    the floor slab of each residential unit and staircase.

    4.1. Modeling of shear walls using substructures

    The modeling procedure for shear walls in a story using

    a substructure is illustrated in Fig. 19. The refined finite

    element model for the shear walls in a typical floor shown in

    Fig. 19(a) is to be modeled as a substructure. As illustrated

    in Fig. 19(b), the refined mesh model is separated into

    many blocks for the generation of super elements. The

    separated blocks for shear walls can be classified into

    several types according to their configuration. If several

    shear walls are of the same type, they can be modeled by the

    same super element. Then, the super elements derived from

    corresponding blocks, as shown in Fig. 19(c), are assembledinto a substructure for shear walls in a typical floor, as shown

    in Fig. 19(d).

    4.2. Modeling of floor slabs by using substructures

    The procedure to model floor slabs in a floor into

    a substructure is illustrated in Fig. 20. The refined finite

    element model for floor slabs in a floor is shown in

    Fig. 20(a). The floor slab in a floor can be separated

    into three blocks for the residential units and staircase, as

    illustrated in Fig. 20(b), to develop super elements. Super

    elements are derived for corresponding residential units andstaircase respectively, as shown in Fig. 20(c). Since super

    element SE-A is the mirror image of super element SE-A,

    the stiffness and mass matrices for this super element can

    be obtained easily by rearranging the DOFs and changing

    the algebraic sign of terms correspondingly. The number of

    super elements to be used in modeling the floorsin a building

    structure will be limited, because the type of residential units

    in a high-rise apartment building is usually limited to one

    or two. A substructure for the floor slab in a floor can be

    formed by assembling the super elements, as illustrated in

    Fig. 20(d). The nodes in the substructure are selected for the

    connection of the slab and shear walls.

    (a) Refined mesh model of shear walls.

    (b) Blocks for shear walls.

    (c) Generation of super elements.

    (d) Generation of substructure.

    Fig. 19. Modeling process of shear walls by using a substructure.

    4.3. Three-dimensional modeling of building structures

    using substructures

    The entire structure can be modeled by assembling the

    substructures representing the floor slabs and the shear walls,

    respectively. Fig. 21 illustrates the modeling procedure for atypical story by combining the floor slab substructures with

    the shear wall substructures. This substructure can be used

    repeatedly for all of the stories with the same floor plan

    in a building structure. If the rigid diaphragm assumption

    is applied, the number of in-plane DOFs in a floor can be

    reduced to three, and out-of-plane DOFs can be eliminated

    by the matrix condensation procedure again. Therefore,

    building structures, for which the slab and the shear wall

    are subdivided into plate elements, can be modeled as a

    stick having 3 DOFs per story. Therefore, the computational

    time and memory for the analysis can be significantly

    reduced in comparison with the refined mesh model when

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    H.-S. Kim et al. / Engineering Structures 27 (2005) 963976 973

    (a) Refined mesh model of floor slab.

    (b) Division of floor slab.

    (c) Generation of super element.

    (d) Generation of substructure.

    Fig. 20. Modeling process of floor slab by using a substructure.

    Fig. 21. Modeling process of typical story by using substructures.

    the proposed method is used in the analysis, because the

    model can represent the behavior of a refined mesh model

    using only a limited number of DOFs. Furthermore, the

    time and effort required for the preparation of a numerical

    model can be significantly saved if the building has an

    identical plan in many floors. This kind of stick model is

    employed by conventional analysis software such as ETABS

    or MIDAS/ADS. However, this conventional stick model

    does not include the flexural stiffness of a floor slab or the

    effects of openings in shear walls.

    5. Analysis of example structures

    Analyses of two example structures were performed to

    verify the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed numerical

    method. A framed structure with a shear wall core and a

    box system structure were used as example structures in the

    analyses. Equivalent lateral forces were applied for the staticanalysis and the ground acceleration record of the El Centro

    (1940, NS) was used as input ground motion for the dynamic


    5.1. A framed structure with a shear wall core

    Recently, many high-rise buildings have been constructed

    using a frame with shear wall cores. Static and dynamic

    analyses of a 10-story building structure with door type

    openings in the shear wall core, as shown in Fig. 22, were


    Equivalent static, eigenvalue and time history analyseswere performed and the results are shown in Fig. 23. Models

    A, C and D were prepared in the same manner as explained

    in Fig. 17. Model C is frequently used by many practical

    engineers, and the method proposed in this study was

    used in model D. The lateral displacements of model D

    are similar to those of model A, as could be observed in

    Fig. 23(a), while model C significantly overestimated the

    lateral displacements for the same reason as explained in

    Section 3.4 for the similar overestimation in Fig. 18. The

    natural periods of model C were longer than those of the

    other models as expected based on the lateral displacements,

    as shown in Fig. 23(b). The roof displacement time historiesof models A and D are very close, while model C resulted in

    somewhat different displacement from the others, as shown

    in Fig. 23(c), because of the difference in the natural periods.

    5.2. A shear wall structure

    The second example structure is a 20-story reinforced

    concrete shear wall building with window type and door type

    openings, as shown in Fig. 24. The example structure has

    two residential units arranged symmetrically with a staircase

    in between. The thickness of shear walls and floor slabs is20 cm and 15 cm, respectively. Analyses of the example

    structure were performed, and the results shown in Fig. 25

    were obtained.

    The lateral displacements of the proposed model D turned

    out to be almost identical to those of model A while model

    C significantly overestimated the lateral displacements,

    as shown in Fig. 25(a), because of the underestimation

    of the lateral stiffness. The natural periods of vibration

    are overestimated by model C, as shown in Fig. 25(b).

    Therefore, the displacement time history from model C is

    somewhat deviated from the others, as shown in Fig. 25(c).

    Model D could provide a roof displacement time history

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    974 H.-S. Kim et al. / Engineering Structures 27 (2005) 963976

    Table 1

    Comparison of DOFs and computational time required for analysis

    Models Number of DOFs Computational time (s)

    Assembly Static Eigenvalue Time history

    M&K analysis analysis analysis Total

    Model A 56 640 78 983 16 623 387 18 071

    Model C 60 10 6 97 12 125Model D 60 156 6 97 13 272

    (a) Typical floor.

    (b) Floor plan.

    (c) A-A section.

    Fig. 22. Example structure.

    almost identical to that of model A, as could be expected

    from the accuracy in the periods of vibration.

    The computational time and the number of DOFs of

    each numerical model used for the analysis of the example

    structure are compared in Table 1. Models C and D used

    (a) Lateral displacements. (b) Natural periods.

    (c) Displacement time histories.

    Fig. 23. Seismic analysis results of the example structure from the models

    A, C and D.

    only 60 DOFs because they applied the rigid diaphragmassumption to reduce the DOFs in a floor to 3, while model

    A, which is a refined finite element model, used more than

    900 times the number of DOFs compared to the others.

    Models A and C required 78 and 10 s to obtain stiffness

    and mass matrices while model D required 156 s because of

    the additional computation required to derive super elements

    and substructures. The total computational time for the

    model A was 18 071 s including static and dynamic analyses

    while model C required only 125 s, demonstrating the

    reason why this model is commonly used by practicing

    engineers. However, static and dynamic responses obtained

    using model C were significantly different from those of

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    H.-S. Kim et al. / Engineering Structures 27 (2005) 963976 975

    (a) Typical floor.

    (b) Floor plan.

    (c) 3D view of example


    Fig. 24. Example structure.

    model A. Model D could perform the analysis in 272 s

    because the computational time required for the procedure

    except for the formulation of mass and stiffness matrices is

    almost the same as that of model C, because of the same

    number of DOFs used in the analysis. The accuracy in the

    static and dynamic analysis results of model D was at asimilar level to that of model A, while the computational

    time required by model D is about 1.5% of that for model

    A. In the case of larger building structures such as 30- or

    40-story buildings with 4 or 6 residential units in a floor, the

    efficiency of the proposed model will be more significant

    because the same super elements can be used for the

    additional residential units and the same substructures can

    be used for the additional stories. Therefore, the proposed

    method can be an efficient means for the analysis of a high-

    rise building structure with shear walls. A personal computer

    with Pentium 3 500 MHz processor and 512 MB RAM was

    employed in this study.

    (a) Lateral displacements. (b) Natural periods.

    (c) Roof displacement time history.

    Fig. 25. Seismic analysis results of the example structure from the models

    A, C and D.

    6. Conclusions

    An efficient three-dimensional model for the analysis

    of building structures with shear walls was proposed in

    this study using super elements and substructures. The

    super elements were derived by introducing fictitious beams

    to satisfy the compatibility condition at the interfaces of

    super elements. The accuracy and the efficiency of the

    proposed method were investigated by performing analyses

    of example structures. Based on this study, the main features

    of the proposed method considered are summarized below:

    1. The refined finite element model of a high-rise buildingstructure with shear walls is expected to cost a significant

    amount of computational time and memory while it

    would provide the most accurate results. Thus the refined

    mesh model may not be feasible for practical engineering


    2. The model using equivalent beams for the lintel

    above the openings and ignoring the flexural stiffness

    of the floor slab may lead to analysis results with

    somewhat deteriorated accuracy while computational

    time is significantly reduced. Thus, it is undesirable

    to use this model for the analysis of an important or

    complicated building structure. Therefore, it is desirable

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    976 H.-S. Kim et al. / Engineering Structures 27 (2005) 963976

    for the engineers in practice to be aware of the limitation

    in the accuracy of the results obtained by this model.

    3. The proposed method could provide static and dynamic

    analysis results with an accuracy comparable to that

    of a refined mesh model with the cost of slightly

    increased computational time compared to the model

    using equivalent beams for the lintel. Therefore, theproposed method can be an efficient means for the

    analysis of a high-rise building structure with shear


    4. The super elements are connected only through the

    active nodes and fictitious beams are used to enforce the

    compatibility at the boundary of super elements because

    the inactive nodes at the boundary are eliminated in the

    proposed method. Thus, the location of inactive nodes in

    the finite element mesh to be used for a super element

    is not required to coincide with the counterpart in a

    neighboring super element. Therefore, a super element

    can be developed easily, accounting for the location of

    active nodes independently.


    The Brain Korea 21 Project supported this work, and

    this work was partially supported by the Korea Science

    and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) through the Korea

    Earthquake Engineering Research Center (KEERC) at the

    Seoul National University (SNU).


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