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Medical Image Analysis 16 (2012) 1436–1444

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Medical Image Analysis

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Efficient globally optimal segmentation of cells in fluorescence microscopyimages using level sets and convex energy functionals

Jan-Philip Bergeest ⇑, Karl RohrUniversity of Heidelberg, BIOQUANT, IPMB, and DKFZ Heidelberg, Dept. of Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, Biomedical Computer Vision Group, Im Neuenheimer Feld 267,69120 Heidelberg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 25 January 2012Received in revised form 20 April 2012Accepted 28 May 2012Available online 21 June 2012

Keywords:Cell segmentationActive contoursLevel setsConvex optimization

1361-8415/$ - see front matter � 2012 Elsevier B.V. A

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 6221 5451295; faE-mail address: [email protected]

In high-throughput applications, accurate and efficient segmentation of cells in fluorescence microscopyimages is of central importance for the quantification of protein expression and the understanding of cellfunction. We propose an approach for segmenting cell nuclei which is based on active contours usinglevel sets and convex energy functionals. Compared to previous work, our approach determines the glo-bal solution. Thus, the approach does not suffer from local minima and the segmentation result does notdepend on the initialization. We consider three different well-known energy functionals for active con-tour-based segmentation and introduce convex formulations of these functionals. We also suggest anumeric approach for efficiently computing the solution. The performance of our approach has been eval-uated using fluorescence microscopy images from different experiments comprising different cell types.We have also performed a quantitative comparison with previous segmentation approaches.

� 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Cell nucleus segmentation is one of the most important tasks inanalyzing and quantifying fluorescence microscopy images. In par-ticular, in high-throughput applications, semi-automatic and man-ual analysis are not feasible because of the enormous amount ofimage data. Automatic methods are needed which efficiently dealwith different cell types and image artifacts such as intensityinhomogeneities.

In recent years, different approaches for the segmentation ofcell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images have been intro-duced. Often, thresholding approaches are applied which, however,suffer from intensity inhomogeneities within nuclei and over awhole image. To separate clustered nuclei, watershed-based tech-niques are frequently used. Wählby et al. (2002) proposed a wa-tershed algorithm for cell segmentation followed by clustersplitting based on concavity regions. Lin et al. (2003) introducedan approach that uses an improved distance transform by combin-ing the intensity gradient and a geometric distance followed bystatistical model-based merging. Cheng and Rajapakse (2009) aswell as Jung and Kim (2010) proposed marker-controlled wa-tershed approaches for cluster splitting, where the optimal numberof markers is determined based on the H-minima transform.

A main class of cell segmentation approaches is based ondeformable models, which allow incorporation of a priori knowl-edge and can capture a wide spectrum of different shapes. One

ll rights reserved.

x: +49 6221 54 (J.-P. Bergeest).

can distinguish between parametric models (e.g., Kass et al.,1988) and implicit models (e.g., Osher and Sethian, 1988). Paramet-ric models are based on an explicit representation of objects (e.g.,Zimmer and Olivo-Marin, 2005; Wang et al., 2007; Butenuth andHeipke, 2011). Zimmer and Olivo-Marin (2005) introduced a re-gion-based parametric energy functional which includes a cou-pling term for multiple contours and a penalty term to preventmerging. An extension of this approach was described by Wanget al. (2007), which includes texture-adaptive weights for theexternal energy of the active contour model to cope with internalpseudo-edges and low-contrast cell boundaries. In Butenuth andHeipke (2011) a combination of a parametric active contour modelwith a graph-based approach was introduced. However, paramet-ric models have the disadvantage that they depend on the param-etrization, an extension from 2D to 3D is difficult, and these modelshave problems with topological changes.

Implicit models using level sets have gained increased interest forcell segmentation since topological changes can be handled natu-rally (e.g., Ortiz de Solorzano et al., 2001; Dufour et al., 2005; Nathet al., 2006; Chang et al., 2007; Palaniappan et al., 2007; Yan et al.,2008; Maška et al., 2009; Mosaliganti et al., 2009; Padfield et al.,2009; Ersoy et al., 2009; Dzyubachyk et al., 2010; Xu et al., 2011).Ortiz de Solorzano et al. (2001) developed a two-step level set ap-proach for segmenting cells, which employs a gradient-based energyfunctional. Dufour et al. (2005) introduced an energy functionalwhich integrates multiple active contours and combines gradient-based and region-based terms. To reduce the high computationalcost of representing each cell with one level set, Nath et al. (2006)introduced an approach which can cope with an arbitrary number

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of cells by using only four level sets (analogously to the four colortheorem). In Chang et al. (2007) regions corresponding to singlecells are determined by Voronoi tessellation and then a region-based energy functional is employed within each of these regions.Palaniappan et al. (2007) developed a level set approach based ona Bayesian energy functional which uses the flux tensor for ini-tialization. Maška et al. (2009) first separate foreground and back-ground of cell images using a gradient-based level set approachand second perform cluster splitting using topology preserving le-vel sets. Mosaliganti et al. (2009) proposed an energy functionalbased on an appearance model of cells. Padfield et al. (2009)introduced a level set approach for cell tracking which considerstracking as a spatio-temporal volume segmentation problem andwhich includes size and shape constraints in the energy func-tional. In Dzyubachyk et al. (2010) a level set approach basedon a Bayesian energy functional and a non-PDE-based minimiza-tion scheme is described. A combination of level set approachesand graph partitioning approaches within in a variational frame-work was proposed by Ersoy et al. (2009) and Xu et al. (2011). InErsoy et al. (2009), a multi-phase graph partitioning active con-tour approach using regional density functions was introduced.Xu et al. (2011) described a two-step level set approach for cellsegmentation in histopathological images, where first, a geodesicactive contour model is initialized by a hierarchical normalizedcuts scheme and second, a level set functional is used. Whereasin graph cuts discrete optimization is employed, with level set ap-proaches continuous optimization of the energy functionals isused. A disadvantage of previous level set approaches is thatthe underlying energy functionals lead to non-convex minimiza-tion problems. Hence, the optimization function has local minimaand the global solution is generally not found (using local optimi-zation methods which are typically applied). In addition, the seg-mentation result depends on the initialization.

In this contribution, we introduce a new approach for cell nu-cleus segmentation in fluorescence microscopy images which isbased on active contours and level sets. Compared to previouswork, our approach is based on energy functionals that lead to con-vex minimization problems for which global solutions are deter-mined. We consider three functionals and take advantage of thecombination of the region-based functional of Chan and Vese(2001), the Bayesian functional proposed in Rousson and Deriche(2002) which was used for cell segmentation in Dzyubachyket al. (2010), and the region-scalable fitting energy functionalintroduced in Li et al. (2008). A convex formulation for the re-gion-based functional of Chan and Vese (2001) was derived inGoldstein et al. (2010) and we employ this scheme for splittingclustered cell nuclei. In addition, we use the Bayesian functionalof Rousson and Deriche (2002) and the region-scalable fitting en-ergy functional introduced in Li et al. (2008) to cope with intensityinhomogeneities. We reformulate the latter two functionals lead-ing to convex optimization problems. For all three convex func-tionals we propose an efficient minimization scheme using theSplit Bregman method. Based on the convex functionals, we devel-oped a three-step approach and a two-step approach for cell nu-cleus segmentation. The three-step approach (Bergeest and Rohr,2011) combines the convex region-based Chan–Vese functionaland the convex Bayesian functional, and can cope with globalintensity inhomogeneities. In this contribution, we also introducea new two-step approach which combines the convex Bayesianfunctional and the convex region-scalable fitting energy functional.An advantage of the two-step approach is that it can cope withboth global and local intensity inhomogeneities. This allows to fur-ther improve the segmentation result. Another advantage is thatonly two steps are necessary compared to the three-step approach.We have successfully applied the two-step and three-step ap-proach to 2D fluorescence microscopy images from four different

experiments comprising different cell types, and we have com-pared the results with previous approaches.

2. Cell nuclei segmentation

Our approach for the segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescencemicroscopy images is based on three energy functionals. In thissection, we first describe the original non-convex formulation ofthe functionals. Then, we introduce a reformulation as convex opti-mization problem and we suggest an efficient numerical techniquefor finding the solution.

2.1. Non-convex energy functionals

The first functional used in our approach is the region-based en-ergy functional proposed by Chan and Vese (2001):

E1ðH; @XÞ ¼ kX1




ðIðxÞ � liÞ2dx

!þ PerðX1Þ ð1Þ

with H ¼ ðl0;l1Þ, where l0 and l1 are the mean intensities of thebackground region X0 and the foreground region X1, respectively.@X denotes the boundaries between the regions Xi; IðxÞ is the im-age intensity at position x; PerðX1Þ is the perimeter of X1, andj0; j1; k are weighting factors.

The second functional has been proposed in Rousson and Deri-che (2002) and was derived based on a Bayesian approach:

E2ðH; @XÞ ¼ kX1



� log PðIðxÞjXiÞdx

!þ PerðX1Þ; ð2Þ

with H ¼ ðl0;l1;r0;r1Þ, where li and ri are the mean intensitiesand standard deviations of the regions Xi. PðIðxÞjXiÞ is the condi-tional probability that pixel x with intensity IðxÞ belongs to regionXi. Here, we assume a Gaussian distribution

PðIðxÞjXiÞ ¼1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi



e�ðIðxÞ�li Þ


2r2i :

An advantage of E2 compared to E1 is that the weights j0 and j1 arenot needed, but are implicitly included via the standard deviationsri, which are estimated from the image data.

The third functional we use in our approach was introduced inLi et al. (2008) and is called region-scalable fitting energy:

E3ðH; @XÞ ¼ kX1





Krðx� yÞ jIðyÞ � fiðxÞj2dydx


þ PerðX1Þ; ð3Þ

with H ¼ ðf0ðxÞ; f1ðxÞÞ, where f0ðxÞ and f1ðxÞ approximate the imageintensities locally in a region centered at the position x in X0 andX1, respectively. Kr is chosen to be a Gaussian kernel

KrðuÞ ¼1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi




with scale parameter r > 0. The scale parameter r is used to controlthe size of the region in which the image intensities are approxi-mated (local mean value). The center of the region is at the positionx. The intensity information is exploited locally due to the strongdecrease of Krðx� yÞ to zero as the distance between y and x in-creases. An advantage of E3 is that for each position a locally varyingmean value is computed. This is different to E1 and E2, where onlyglobal mean values are taken into account. Note that for r!1the energy E3 converges to the energy E1 since the local mean valuesfi in E3 converge to the global mean values li in E1.

Using a level set representation for E1; E2, and E3 and applyingthe Euler–Lagrange equation leads to the gradient flow for the levelset function /

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Step 1:Convex Bayesian functional E

for the whole imagec2

1438 J.-P. Bergeest, K. Rohr / Medical Image Analysis 16 (2012) 1436–1444


¼ �krj þr �r/jr/j

� �H0ð/ðxÞÞ; ð4Þ

with H0ðxÞ being the derivative of the Heaviside functionHðxÞ ¼ f0 if x < 0; 1 if x P 0g. The term rj corresponds to theexternal image forces of the three energies Ej; j ¼ 1;2;3, and is de-fined as

r1 ¼ j1ðIðxÞ � l1Þ2 � j0ðIðxÞ � l0Þ

2 ð5Þr2 ¼ log PðIðxÞjX1Þ � log PðIðxÞjX0Þ ð6Þ

r3 ¼ j1

ZKrðy � xÞ jIðxÞ � f1ðyÞj2dy

� j0

ZKrðy � xÞ jIðxÞ � f0ðyÞj2dy ð7Þ

The parameter vector H can be computed directly:

l0 ¼R

IðxÞð1� Hð/ðxÞÞÞdxRð1� Hð/ðxÞÞÞdx

l1 ¼R


r20 ¼

RðIðxÞ � l0Þ

2ð1� Hð/ðxÞÞÞdxRð1� Hð/ðxÞÞÞdx

r21 ¼

RðIðxÞ � l1Þ


f0ðxÞ ¼KrðxÞ � ð1� Hð/ðxÞÞÞIðxÞ½ �

KrðxÞ � ð1� Hð/ðxÞÞÞ f 1ðxÞ ¼KrðxÞ � Hð/ðxÞÞIðxÞ½ �

KrðxÞ � Hð/ðxÞÞ ;

where ⁄ denotes the convolution.

2.2. Convex energy functionals

In Chan et al. (2006), it was shown that certain non-convexminimization problems can be reformulated as convex problems.There, a convex formulation for E1 in (1) was derived. In our ap-proach, we use this formulation and we also derive convex formu-lations for E2 in (2) and for E3 in (3). Following Chan et al. (2006),the Heaviside function in (4) is omitted since (4) and the followinggradient descent equation have the same steady state solution


¼ �krj þr �r/jr/j : ð8Þ

Then, the corresponding energy functional can be stated as

EjðH;/Þ ¼ k /; rj� �

þ jr/j1; ð9Þ

where �; �h i denotes the inner product, j � j1 is the L1-norm, and jr/j1corresponds to PerðX1Þ. This energy is homogenous of degree 1 in /(which means that if / is multiplied by a factor then the energyscales by the same factor), and thus does not have a minimizer ingeneral. However, a global minimum can be guaranteed by restrict-ing / to lie in a finite interval, e.g. [0,1], and by solving the followingconvex problem for the normalized /n:


Ecj ðH;/nÞ ¼ k /n; rj

� �þ jr/nj1 ð10Þ

Based on the solution /nðxÞ, the segmentation result X is determinedby comparing the level set function with a threshold a 2�0;1½:

X ¼ fx : /nðxÞ > ag ð11Þ

Step 2:Convex region-based Chan-Vese

region from step 1Ec


Step 3:Convex Bayesian functionalfor each segmented and dilated


region from step 2

functional for each segmented

Fig. 1. Diagram of the three-step approach.

2.3. Split Bregman method

To solve the minimization problem (10), we use the Split Breg-man method. This method is a general technique for efficientlysolving L1-regularized problems and for iteratively finding extre-ma of convex functionals (Goldstein et al., 2010). The method con-sists of variable splitting and Bregman iteration. Variable splittingis achieved by introducing the auxiliary vector d (with dimensionaccording to the image domain) and by using a quadratic penaltyterm to enforce the constraint d ¼ r/n. For (10) this leads to

ð/�n;d�Þ ¼ arg min

06/n61;dk /n; rj� �

þ jdj1 þm2jd�r/nj


� �; ð12Þ

where /�n and d� denote the iteratively computed solution, and m is aweighting factor. In (12), r/n is no longer associated with the L1-norm, however, the constraint d ¼ r/n is only weakly enforced.To enforce the constraint exactly, the Bregman iteration techniqueis applied. With this technique a vector b is included in the penaltyfunction and an alternating minimization is carried out:


kÞ ¼ arg min06/n61;d

k /n; rj� �

þ jdj1 þm2jd�r/n � bk�1j22

� �; ð13Þ

bk ¼ bk�1 þr/kn � dk

; ð14Þ

where /kn and dk represent the solution at iteration k. The problem

in (13), (14) is first solved w.r.t. /n, while d and b are fixed and sec-ond w.r.t. d. In our case, we use a fast iterative Gauss–Seidel solverfor the first minimization. The second minimization is obtainedexplicitly using the vector-valued shrinkage operator:

dk ¼maxfjbk�1 þr/knj2 � m;0g bk�1 þr/k


jbk�1 þr/knj2


2.4. Globally optimal cell segmentation

2.4.1. Three-step approachWe have developed a three-step approach for cell nuclei seg-

mentation by combining the two convex energy functionals Ec1

and Ec2 in (10). The convex Bayesian functional Ec

2 is used to dealwith intensity inhomogeneities over the whole image and to seg-ment cell nuclei with varying intensities. The convex region-basedChan–Vese functional Ec

1 is used to split cell nuclei which havebeen falsely merged using Ec

2 and is minimized independently forall regions that were segmented using Ec

2. Note, that doing thiswe use multiple level sets for the segmentation of an image. Thisis similar to multiple level set approaches (e.g., Dufour et al.,2005; Nath et al., 2006; Yan et al., 2008; Ersoy et al., 2009; Mosa-liganti et al., 2009). However, in our case we do not need a couplingterm to prevent level sets from merging because we perform theminimization within previously segmented regions.

Our approach consists of three steps (see Fig. 1). In the first step,we perform a segmentation of the whole image using the convexBayesian functional Ec

2. Since this functional comprises parametersfor both the mean intensities and the variances of objects we candeal with varying background intensities and with cell nuclei withvarying intensities. The weighting parameter j1 used in the convexregion-based Chan–Vese functional Ec

1 is implicitly included in Ec2

since j1 is inversely proportional to the foreground variance

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Fig. 3. (a) Original image and (b) segmentation result when using Ec2 in the second

step of the three-step approach.

Step 1:Convex region-scalable fitting


Step 2:Convex Bayesian functionalfor each segmented and dilated


Ec3 for the whole image

region from step 1

Fig. 4. Diagram of the two-step approach.

J.-P. Bergeest, K. Rohr / Medical Image Analysis 16 (2012) 1436–1444 1439

j1 � 1=r21. In the case of large variances r2

1 the weighting param-eter j1 becomes very small. A small weighting factor keeps the en-ergy small and allows coping with cell nuclei with varyingintensities. However, cell nuclei that are close to each other arelikely to be merged in this step (see Fig. 2b) since varying intensi-ties are hardly penalized. To cope with merging in the second step,we minimize Ec

1 for each of the segmented cell nuclei regions in thefirst step. For the weighting parameters j0 and j1 for the back-ground and foreground, respectively, we used the same value,i.e., j0 ¼ j1, such that the intensity variances of the backgroundand foreground are equally weighted. While Ec

2 allows high vari-ances in the foreground region (e.g., intensity valleys betweenadjacent cell nuclei) Ec

1 favors homogeneous foreground regions.This enables splitting of clustered cell nuclei (see Fig. 2c). In thethird step, we use Ec

2 again but this time for the segmented objectsfrom the second step within a region-of-interest around an object(somewhat enlarged bounding box of a cell nuclei using dilation).The third step is necessary because the second step cannot dealwith inhomogeneities within cell nuclei. The result of the thirdstep in Fig. 2d shows that the segmentation at the border of the nu-clei is more accurate and smoother compared to the result after thesecond step. Note, that if we would use Ec

2 in the second step, thenclustered nuclei could not be separated because the contrast in theregion between the cells is not large enough (see Fig. 3b).

2.4.2. Two-step approachThe three-step approach described above based on Ec

1 and Ec2 can

cope with global intensity inhomogeneities within the whole im-age. This approach can be improved by using the convex region-scalable fitting functional Ec

3 in (3) in the first step instead of Ec2,

yielding a new three-step approach. The reason for the improve-ment is that Ec

3 can deal better with both local and global intensityinhomogeneities. However, from our experiments we found thattwo steps are sufficient. The reason is that Ec

3 yields comparableor even better results than subsequent application of Ec

2 and Ec1.

Thus, we suggest a new two-step approach (see Fig. 4). In the first

Fig. 2. Segmentation results of the three-step approach (contour overlay withoriginal images): (a) Original image, (b) result after the first step, (c) after thesecond step, and (d) after the third step.

step, we perform a segmentation of the whole image using the con-vex region-scalable fitting functional Ec

3. Since the functional Ec3

takes into account locally varying mean intensities, we can dealwith varying background intensities and with clustered cell nucleithat would have been merged using Ec

2 and Ec1 subsequently as in

the three-step approach (see Figs. 5 and 6). In the second step,we minimize the convex Bayesian functional Ec

2 in a region-of-interest around an object (somewhat enlarged bounding box usingdilation). The second step is used because the first step cannot copewell with inhomogeneities at the border of cell nuclei (see Fig. 5cand note the non-smooth contours of the segmented regions whichdo not well agree with the borders of the cell nuclei). At the sametime the sensitivity of Ec

3 to inhomogeneities within cell nuclei al-lows effective handling of clustered cells. Using Ec

3, even smallintensity differences in a small region between two neighboringcell nuclei or overlapping cell nuclei make cell splitting feasible.

3. Experimental results

We have applied our approach to 2D fluorescence microscopyimages of cell nuclei from four different experiments comparingfour different cell types. We used two data sets from Coelhoet al. (2009) for which ground truth is available. The first data setconsists of 48 images with a size of 1349� 1030 pixels which in-clude in total 1831 U20S Hoechst stained cell nuclei (see Fig. 7a).The second data set contains 49 images with a size of1344� 1024 pixels comprising in total 2178 NIH3T3 Hoechststained nuclei (Fig. 7b). Note, that several images in the seconddata set are heavily affected by intensity inhomogeneities and vis-ible artifacts. Therefore, automatic analysis of the second set ismore challenging compared to the images in the first set. Further-more, we have applied our approach to a data set of 7 2D fluores-cence microscopy images of mouse neuroblastoma cells from Yuet al. (2010). Each image has a size of 1392� 1040 pixels and thedata set includes in total 389 N1E115 DAPI stained cell nuclei(Fig. 7c). The ground truth for these images was obtained by

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Fig. 5. Segmentation results of the three-step and the two-step approach (contouroverlay with original images): (a) Original image, (b) three-step approach, (c) two-step approach after the first step, and (d) after the second step. For better visibility,in (c) and (d) the contours of adjacent cells have been displayed with different grayvalues.

Fig. 6. Segmentation results of the three-step and the two-step approach (contouroverlay with original images): (a) Original image, (b) three-step approach, (c) two-step approach after the first step, and (d) after the second step.

1440 J.-P. Bergeest, K. Rohr / Medical Image Analysis 16 (2012) 1436–1444

manually outlining the cell nuclei borders. In addition, we have ap-plied our approach to the data set of Drosophila cells used in Joneset al. (2005) for which ground truth is available. The data set con-sists of 16 images with a size between 400� 400 and 512� 512pixels and includes approximately 1280 cell nuclei (Fig. 7d).

To evaluate the performance of our approach, we determinedregion-based and contour-based measures. As region-based mea-sure we used the Dice coefficient and as contour-based measureswe employed the normalized sum of distances (NSD, Coelhoet al. (2009)) and the Hausdorff distance. The Dice coefficient is de-fined as

DiceðR; SÞ ¼ 2jR \ SjjRj þ jSj ; ð16Þ

where R is the binary reference image, and S is the binary seg-mented image. The NSD is defined as


i2R[SnR\SDðiÞPi2R[SDðiÞ ; ð17Þ

where DðiÞ is the minimal Euclidean distance of pixel i to the con-tour of the reference object. The Hausdorff distance is defined as

hðR; SÞ ¼ maxi2Sc

fDðiÞg; ð18Þ

with Sc being the contour of the segmented object. We also usedtwo detection measures, namely the number of false positives(FP) and the number of false negatives (FN). FP corresponds to spu-riously segmented nuclei and FN corresponds to nuclei that havenot been segmented. In all our experiments, we used for thethree-step approach (Section 2.4.1) the parameter values m ¼ 10and j0 ¼ j1 ¼ 1 in (13) and (14). In the first and second step ofthe three-step approach we used k ¼ 10;000, and in the third stepwe chose k ¼ 1000. For the two-step approach (Section 2.4.2), inall our experiments we used in the first step m ¼ 0:5 and k ¼ 100,and in the second step m ¼ 10 and k ¼ 1000. The values for k andm were chosen empirically based on a subset of the data and yieldedthe best results. The scale parameter r was chosen empiricallybased on the observed average size of cell nuclei. For the U20S,NIH3T3, and N1E115 data sets we used r ¼ 16 and for the Drosoph-ila data set we chose r ¼ 3. Note, that for the Drosophila data set,the resolution of the images is much smaller compared to the otherthree data sets. Therefore, the cells are much smaller in the imagesand a smaller value for the scale parameter is better suited. For theU20S and NIH3T3 data sets we used a dilation of the segmented re-gions by d ¼ 28 (step 3 of the three-step approach and step 2 of thetwo-step approach), and for the N1E115 and Drosophila data setswe used d ¼ 5. To initialize the minimization scheme we used theimage intensities normalized with respect to the maximumintensity.

Table 1 shows the results of our three-step and our two-step ap-proach for the different performance measures averaged over allimages in the U20S and NIH3T3 data sets. Table 2 shows the resultsaveraged over all images in the N1E115 and Drosophila data sets.As a comparison, we also give the results for Otsu thresholding(Otsu, 1979) as well as for the watershed algorithm (Vincent andSoille, 1991) and the merging algorithm (Lin et al., 2003) appliedto the mean thresholded image. The latter approach uses an im-proved watershed algorithm followed by statistical model-based

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Fig. 7. Original images of the four different data sets. (a) U20S cells, (b) NIH3T3 cells, (c) N1E115 cells, (d) Drosophila cells.

Table 1Quantitative results for U20S and NIH3T3 data sets for the different approaches.

Approach U20S cells (48 images) NIH3T3 cells (49 images)

Dice NSD Hausdorff FP FN Dice NSD Hausdorff FP FN

Manual 0.93 0.04 9.8 0.6 2.2 0.87 0.07 12.1 0.0 3.2Otsu 0.87 0.12 34.8 0.3 5.5 0.64 0.35 36.7 1.7 26.4Watershed 0.69 0.36 34.3 1.9 3.0 0.62 0.37 19.1 11.6 5.5Merging algorithm 0.92 0.08 13.3 1.0 3.3 0.70 0.28 19.0 7.0 5.8Non-convex E2 in (2) 0.88 0.15 25.2 1.5 2.8 0.76 0.24 21.9 3.5 5.2Convex Ec

2 in (10) 0.93 0.11 18.1 1.4 3.2 0.84 0.23 21.0 3.3 8.6Non-convex E3 in (3) 0.84 0.14 20.6 2.4 4.9 0.78 0.18 15.6 4.8 4.7Convex Ec

3 in (10) 0.89 0.09 16.7 1.0 3.5 0.78 0.19 15.4 5.3 4.7Three-step approach 0.94 0.06 13.3 0.5 3.9 0.83 0.14 16.5 1.7 11.3Two-step approach 0.94 0.05 12.8 0.5 3.8 0.85 0.12 14.2 2.8 6.1

Bold values indicate the best result for the automatic approaches for a certain measure.

Table 2Quantitative results for N1E115 and Drosophila data sets for the different approaches.

Approach N1E115 cells (7 images) Drosophila cells (16 images)

Dice NSD Hausdorff FP FN Dice NSD Hausdorff FP FN

Manual 0.92 0.06 4.9 0.0 1.8 0.80 0.24 4.4 1.2 0.4Otsu 0.82 0.17 10.0 4.7 8.1 0.82 0.20 5.5 9.3 4.0Watershed 0.49 0.71 24.2 0.0 7.7 0.80 0.23 4.7 0.9 10.5Merging algorithm 0.72 0.34 13.6 0.14 4.1 0.67 0.43 9.7 0.0 18.1Non-convex E2 in (2) 0.71 0.37 21.0 1.9 4.0 0.43 0.77 24.1 1.4 33.7Convex Ec

2 in (10) 0.73 0.33 18.5 1.1 3.4 0.51 0.66 20.0 2.3 29.6Non-convex E3 in (3) 0.88 0.10 8.4 0.6 3.7 0.79 0.23 5.2 7.6 8.9Convex Ec

3 in (10) 0.88 0.10 8.3 0.3 3.4 0.82 0.19 4.7 3.3 3.4Three-step approach 0.89 0.10 8.0 0.6 5.7 0.80 0.21 4.5 2.6 7.8Two-step approach 0.90 0.10 6.7 0.4 3.0 0.82 0.19 4.0 2.9 3.4

Bold values indicate the best result for the automatic approaches for a certain measure.

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region merging to cope with oversegmentation and yielded thebest results in the evaluation study of Coelho et al. (2009). Also,we included the result of the non-convex functional E2 in (2) fromRousson and Deriche (2002) which was used in Dzyubachyk et al.(2010). We also provided the result of the non-convex functional E3

Fig. 8. Segmentation results of different approaches (contour overlays with original imagsecond row: merging algorithm of Lin et al. (2003), third row: three-step approach, fort

in (3) from Li et al. (2008). In addition, we show the results for theconvex functionals Ec

2 and Ec3. Moreover, we included the result of

manual segmentation (for a subset of 5 images for each data set)by a different observer than the one who provided the groundtruth (second row, ‘‘Manual’’).

es). First column: U20S cells, second column: NIH3T3 cells; first row: ground truth,h row: two-step approach.

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From Table 1 it can be seen that the two-step approach yieldsthe best results for the Dice coefficient, the NSD, and the Hausdorffdistance for both data sets, and that the results are comparable tothe results by the different observer (‘‘Manual’’). In particular, forthe more challenging NIH3T3 images we obtain significantly betterresults than previous approaches. It also turns out that the two-step approach yields similar or better results than the three-stepapproach. Furthermore, it can be seen that the three-step and thetwo-step approach yield better results than the convex Bayesianfunctional Ec

2 (which is the first step of the three-step approachand the second step of the two-step approach). Also, the two-stepapproach yields better results than the convex region-scalable fit-ting functional Ec

3 (which is the first step of the two-step approach).Thus, the multiple step scheme is advantageous. In addition, it canbe seen that the convex Bayesian functional Ec

2 yields better resultsthan the non-convex Bayesian functional E2. Also, the convex re-gion-scalable fitting functional Ec

3 yields better results than the cor-responding non-convex functional E3. For the FP value the resultsof the three-step and two-step approach are equally good or com-parable to the best results of the other approaches. Regarding theFN value, for the three-step approach we obtain for the U20S cellimages similar results as for the other approaches, while for theNIH3T3 cell images we obtain intermediate results. For both datasets, the two-step approach yields better results than the three-step approach. In particular, for the NIH3T3 images we obtain asignificantly smaller FN value. While the FN value for the U20S cellimages is smaller, the FP value is somewhat higher for the NIH3T3cell images compared to the three-step approach but it is still bet-ter than that for the merging algorithm (which yielded the best re-sults in the evaluation study of Coelho et al. (2009)). Compared tothe merging algorithm, the three-step and two-step approach al-low better splitting of clustered cell nuclei, cope better with spuri-ous objects (see Figs. 8c, e, and g), and yield more accurate resultsfor the cell nuclei shapes (see Fig. 8d, f, and h). Compared to thethree-step approach, the two-step approach can cope better withoverlapping and touching cell nuclei (see Figs. 5 and 6).

The results in Table 2 for the N1E115 and Drosophila data setsare similar to those in Table 1. It can be seen that for the N1E115cell images our three-step and two-step approach yield the best re-sults for the Dice coefficient, the NSD, the Hausdorff distance, andthat the results are comparable to those by the different observer(‘‘Manual’’). For the Drosophila data set, the two-step approachyields the best results while the results of the three-step are alsogood and comparable to the results by the different observer

Table 3Quantitative results for the parameter sensitivity analysis for the two-step approach. The fifixed at default values.

Parameter Fixed parameters in step 1

Dice NSD Hausdo

k ¼ 10 0.935 0.064 12.63k ¼ 100 0.936 0.062 12.71k ¼ 1000 0.936 0.054 12.81k ¼ 10000 0.938 0.059 12.84m ¼ 0:01 0.938 0.059 12.84m ¼ 0:5 0.938 0.059 12.84m ¼ 5 0.936 0.061 12.80m ¼ 10 0.936 0.054 12.81r ¼ 8r ¼ 12r ¼ 16r ¼ 24d ¼ 20 0.938 0.059 12.95d ¼ 24 0.938 0.060 12.89d ¼ 28 0.936 0.054 12.81d ¼ 32 0.936 0.062 12.91

(‘‘Manual’’). Note, that for this data set Otsu thresholding and wa-tershed yield good results for the Dice coefficient and the NSD,however, Otsu thresholding has a relatively high FP value and wa-tershed has a relatively high FN value. The non-convex Bayesianfunctional E2 and the convex functional Ec

2 yield relatively poor re-sults because the contrast between cells within large clusters oftenis too low and therefore the cells are merged in the segmentation.Compared to E2 and Ec

2, the non-convex and convex region-scalablefitting functionals E3 and Ec

3 yield better results. For the Hausdorffdistance the three-step and two-step approach yield the best re-sults compared to previous approaches, and the two-step approachoutperforms the three-step approach. Regarding the FP value, thethree-step and two-step approach yield results comparable to thebest result for the N1E115 data set and intermediate results forthe Drosophila data set. For the FN value, the three-step andtwo-step approach yield the best results, and the two-step ap-proach outperforms the three-step approach.

We also performed a sensitivity analysis of the parameters ofthe two-step approach (see Table 3). We applied the two-step ap-proach to the U20S data set and varied one parameter at a timewhile the other parameters were kept fixed at their default values.We studied the parameters k; m;r, and d (for the default values seethe beginning of Section 3) and we used as performance measuresthe Dice coefficient, NSD, and the Hausdorff distance. Since wehave a two-step segmentation approach we distinguish two cases:Fixed parameters in step 1 and fixed parameters in step 2. Note,that since the parameters r and d are only relevant in one of thetwo steps, the entries in Table 3 for the corresponding other stepare empty. From Table 3 it can be seen that the segmentation re-sults are relatively insensitive to parameter variations.

In our approach, the minimization of the convex Bayesian func-tional Ec

2 in (10) for a whole image with a size of 1349� 1030 pix-els converges after about 5 iterations and the computation time isapproximately 15 s per image (using an Intel Xeon CPU X5550,2.67 GHz, with 48 GB RAM, and Linux 64 bit). In comparison, usinga standard level set scheme for the non-convex Bayesian functionalE2 in (2) with gradient descent optimization needs about 400 iter-ations and the computation time is about 9 min. For the convex re-gion-scalable fitting functional Ec

3 our approach converges afterabout 10 iterations (ca. 100 s) while the optimization for thenon-convex functional E3 in (3) needs about 1000 iterations (ca.35 min). Thus, our approach is significantly faster. As convergencecriterion we used the average Euclidean distance between the con-tours of segmented objects in two successive iterations.

rst column shows the variation of the parameters while the other parameters are kept

Fixed parameters in step 2

rff Dice NSD Hausdorff

0.939 0.063 14.200.936 0.054 12.810.939 0.054 12.040.932 0.062 12.070.922 0.073 12.040.936 0.054 12.810.946 0.049 12.530.946 0.047 12.520.941 0.054 12.640.938 0.056 12.310.936 0.054 12.810.941 0.056 12.74

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4. Discussion

We have introduced a new globally optimal approach based onactive contours and level sets for cell nuclei segmentation in fluo-rescence microscopy images. We have developed a three-step anda two-step approach. The three-step approach employs two convexenergy functionals, which are convex formulations of the region-based Chan–Vese functional and the Bayesian functional. By apply-ing the convex functionals subsequently in three steps we can copewith global intensity inhomogeneities and neighboring cells. Thetwo-step approach employs the convex Bayesian functional andthe convex region-scalable fitting energy functional, and requiresonly two subsequent steps. In the first step, we use the region-scal-able fitting energy functional, which can cope with spatially localmean intensity values in comparison to the region-based Chan–Vese functional and the Bayesian functional which are based onglobal mean intensity values. In the second step, we use the Bayes-ian functional which allows us to deal with inhomogeneities at theborder of cell nuclei. The two-step approach can cope with bothglobal intensity inhomogeneities and local intensity inhomogenei-ties. Another advantage of the two-step approach is that smallintensity differences between neighboring cell nuclei or even be-tween overlapping cell nuclei make cluster splitting feasible. A fur-ther improvement in cluster splitting could possibly be obtainedby using boundary curvature information in an additional post-processing step. To minimize the convex energy functionals weuse the Split Bregman method, which is an efficient method forL1-regularized problems and which significantly reduces the com-putation time compared to standard level set approaches. Thus,our approach is suitable for high-throughput applications and verylarge data sets. We have demonstrated the applicability of our ap-proach using fluorescence microscopy image data sets from fourdifferent experiments comprising four different cell types. In total,we used 120 real microscopy images which include 5678 cells.From the experiments it turned out that both the three-step ap-proach and the two-step approach can cope with images of differ-ent cell types. We also found that the two-step approach yieldssuperior results compared to the three-step approach and com-pared to previous approaches. In future work, our approach willbe applied to large-scale high-throughput applications for identify-ing relevant factors of cell function.


We thank Luis Pedro Coelho (CMU) for help with his software.Support of the BMBF projects FANCI and EpiSys (SysTec) and theEU project SysPatho (FPT) is gratefully acknowledged.


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