Download - Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on Turbulent … · 2017. 11. 6. · 2 addition on turbulent flame structure and burning velocity 3. Temperature and velocity measurements

  • Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) onTurbulent Combustion Emissions in Advanced Gas Turbine

    Combustors with High Hydrogen Content (HHC) Fuels

    Jay P. Gore and Robert P. Lucht, Purdue University

    Maurice J. Zucrow LaboratoriesSchool of Mechanical Engineering

    Purdue UniversityWest Lafayette, IN

    DOE Award No. DE-FE0011822

    National Energy Technology LaboratoryUniversity Turbine Systems Research Program

    Project Review Meeting November 1-2, 20171

  • Collaborations

    Yiguang Ju and Michael Mueller – PrincetonGaurav Kumar and Scott Drennan – Convergent Sci. Inc. NewBraunfels, TexasJeff Moder – NASA Glenn Research CenterRelated Sponsors – FAA, ONR, Rolls Royce, Siemens, GE

    PhD students

    Dong Han – CARS and PLIFHasti Veeraraghava Raju - CFD simulationsJupyoung Kim – PIV

    Post Doctoral Associate : Aman Satija

    DOE Program Manager: Mark Freeman



  • Content1. Piloted Axisymmetric Reactor Assisted Turbulent (PARAT) burner

    development and testing under atmospheric and high-pressure conditions

    2. Effects of CO2 addition on turbulent flame structure and burning velocity

    3. Temperature and velocity measurements in CH4 /air/CO2 flames with different levels of CO2 addition using CARS and PIV

    4. Development and validation of LES model for H2 piloted CH4/air/CO2 premixed turbulent flames

    5. CH PLIF and IR imaging for turbulent premixed flames3

  • Experimental Apparatus: PARAT Burner


    Lower plate

    Upper plate

  • Flames with varying levels of CO2 addition

    10% CO2, Φ=0.89 5% CO2, Φ=0.84 0% CO2, Φ=0.80

    Re=10,000, Tad=2030 K, Le=1, P=1 bar

    Flames designed to minimize thermal and transport effects on NOx


  • Large Eddy Reacting Flow Simulations

    • Premixing tube simulated separately and the solutions patched

    • Jet Reynolds number – 10000 • Domain (D= 18 mm): 36D x 64D x 36 D• Detailed chemistry solver with DRM19 mech.

    Turbulence – 1 eq. dynamic structure model• Sensitivity study with base grid : 10 x 8 x 6 mm • 4 Level Adaptive Mesh Refinement based on

    Velocity and Temperature, Max. 15 M cells• Mesh sensitivity studied with Max. 30 M cells

    Burner surface

    CH4+Air (Premixed)

    Pilot H2Pilot H2




    • DRM19 Mechanism: (• Elements : O, H, C, N, AR• Species: H2, H, O, O2, OH, H2O, HO2, CH2, CH2(S), CH3, CH4,

    CO, CO2, HCO, CH2O, CH3O , C2H4, C2H5, C2H6, N2, AR• Number of Reactions: 84

    Z=0 PlaneMesh


    CFD Summary

  • 7

    Large Eddy Simulations

    Instantaneous Temperature [K]

    Mean Temperature [K]

    Computational Grid

    Region: 5 < y/d < 6

  • 8

    Inlet Boundary Conditions LES Comparison with Experiments

    Non reacting flow simulation for jet velocity profiles at the burner exit

    Flame 1 velocity contour

  • Boundary Condition & Turbulence Intensity at x/D=0.2

    Mean & RMS velocity profiles

    Integral length scale &turbulence intensity


    Turbulence intensity. . rms


    uT Iu


    Integral length scale

    0( ) ( , *) *l r r r drρ

    ∞= ∫ 2

    ( ) ( )( , ) ; | * |( )

    x x


    u r u r rr r r r ru r

    ρ′ ′ + ∆

    ∆ = ∆ = −′

  • 10

    LES Mean Temperature Contours on Z=0 Plane




    MeanTemperature (K)

  • 11

    Axial Temperature Profiles with CO2 Addition

    0% CO2 5% CO2 10% CO2

  • 12




    LES RMS Temperature on Z=0 plane

    RMSTemperature (K)

  • 13

    0% CO2 5% CO2 10% CO2

    T_RMS comparison between CARS and LESCenterline RMS temperature

  • 14

    Temperature comparison between CARS and LES

    MeanTemperature (K)

    CARS measurements

  • 15

    At y/d =5

    At y/d =1.94

    0% CO2 10% CO2

    At y/d =5

    At y/d =1.94

    Temperature comparison between CARS and LESRadial mean and RMS temperature

  • Thin or Purely Wrinkled Flame Assumption is not adequate!


    Characteristic flame

    thickness, λ(μm)

    Kolmogorov length scale

    η, (μm)

    0% 70 50

    5% 80 52

    10% 90 55




    λ =1/43νη




    RMS max mean mean minT = (T -T )(T -T )

    Effect of CO2 on the chemistry of turbulent flames with EGR are captured in the present computations!

  • 17

    OH PLIF video for flame with 0% CO2 addition

    Hydrogen pilot flame

    Φ=0.8, Re=10000

  • 18

    OH PLIF video for flame with 5% CO2 addition

    Hydrogen pilot flame

    Φ=0.84, Re=10000

  • 19

    OH PLIF video for flame with 10% CO2 addition

    Hydrogen pilot flame

    Φ=0.89, Re=10000

  • 20

    OH PLIF Images & Data Processing

    0% CO2 5% CO2 10% CO2Products𝒄𝒄= 𝟏𝟏

    Reactants𝒄𝒄= 𝟎𝟎 1

    ( )1( )


    i i

    L cn A c=

    Σ = ∑Flame surface density

  • 21

    Mean Reaction Progress

    ( )1/2


    '2 ' 1 1 exp'T rl uu l

    u lτδ α τ

    τ = − − −

    Axial direction

    Radial direction

    Flame brush development & Taylor’s theory


    1( , ) ( , )n


    c x r c x rn =

    = ∑Mean progress variable

    1, maxT r


    δ − = Data


  • 22

    Flame Surface Density


    ( )1( )


    i i

    L cn A c=

    Σ = ∑Mean flame surface density

    0 < x/D < 3.6 3.6

  • 23

    Global Consumption Speed

    �𝒄𝒄 = 𝟎𝟎.𝟐𝟐𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄

    [ ]


    , 21 2 ( 0.2) /T GC

    USx c D

    =+ =

  • 24

    Local Consumption Speed

    w/o pockets

    w/ pockets

    • w/o pockets

    • w/ pockets

    • pockets

    , 0 0T

    T LC LL

    AS S IA


    , 0 0 maxT LC L TS S I δ= Σ

  • 25

    Fine-scale Unburned Pocket Consumption

    Fine-scale pocket size Consumption speed

    , 2up

    T LCPe


    R tπ∆





    Fine-scale pocket: a pocket does not break up into smaller ones with flame-flame interaction

    upAUnburned pocket area

    t∆ Time step

  • 26

    CH PLIF: Wavelength & Signal Strength

    Simulation using LIFBASE



  • 27

    CH PLIF video for flame with 0% CO2 addition

    Hydrogen pilot flame

    Φ=1, Re=10000

  • 28

    CH PLIF video for flame with 5% CO2 addition Φ=1, Re=10000

    Hydrogen pilot flame

  • 29

    CH PLIF video for flame with 10% CO2 addition Φ=1, Re=10000

    Hydrogen pilot flame

  • 30

    CH-OH PLIF video for flame with 0% CO2 addition

    Hydrogen pilot flame

    Φ=1, Re=10000

  • 31

    CH-OH PLIF video for flame with 5% CO2 addition Φ=1, Re=10000

    Hydrogen pilot flame

  • 32

    CH-OH PLIF video for flame with 10% CO2 addition Φ=1, Re=10000

    Hydrogen pilot flame

  • 33

    CH PLIF & Simultaneous CH and OH PLIF

    0% CO2 5% CO2 10% CO2

    (a) wrinkled flame front, (b) unburned reactant pocket.

    Φ=1, Re=10000 Green: CH Layer Blue: OH Zone

    Challenging for lean premixed flames with CO2 dilution due to low CH signal

  • 34

    IR imaging video for CH4/air flame

    Φ=0.8, Re=10000

  • 35

    Instantaneous IR images

    2.58±0.03 μm 2.77 ± 0.1 μm 4.38 ± 0.08 μmH2O H2O+CO2 CO2

    0% CO2 10% CO2

    Multiple bandpass filters with KC burner Varying CO2 with PARAT burner

    CH4/air Φ=0.80 Re=10000 Re=10000

    Φ=0.80 Φ=0.89

  • 36

    Time Averaged Radiation Model Validation

    Turbulence radiation interaction (TRI) modeling:

    Stochastic time and space series analysis (STASS)

    2 2

    1 1

    ( )

    0(0) ( )bI I e d I e d d

    λλ λ λ

    λ λ ττ τ τλ λ λ λ λ λλ λ

    α λ α τ τ λ∗− − −∗ ∗= +∫ ∫ ∫

  • 37

    Temperature Deconvolution

    Computed temperature vs thin filament thermometry

    Computed temperature vs CARS thermometry

  • 38

    Re=100,000, Φ=0.80

    H2 Pilot, 6% HR

    5 bar, Tinlet590 K

    High Pressure PARAT Experiments and LES

  • 39

    Summary & Conclusions1. Developed a PARAT burner and demonstrated multiple diagnostic methods including PIV, CARS, OH/CH PLIF and IR imaging for turbulent premixed combustion applications.

    2. Performed a comprehensive investigation of the non-thermal effects of CO2 addition on turbulent premixed combustion for the first time.

    3. CO2 addition extends flame length, Modifies flame brush to be longer and thinner, alters local flame surface area, reduces burning velocities, and enhances pocket formation with negligible effects on pocket consumption speed

    4. Developed LES simulation tool for CH4/air/CO2 flames and validated using temperature and velocity measurements

  • 40

    Flame # 1 2 3

    Reynolds number (± 50) 10000

    Adiabatic Temperature (± 50 K) 2030

    Equivalence ratio (± 0.02) 0.80 0.84 0.89

    CO2 % by total mass (± 0.1) 0.0 5.0 10.0

    CH4 mass flow rate (± 2 mg/s) 111 110 109

    Air mass flow rate (± 20 mg/s) 2440 2300 2150

    CO2 mass flow rate (± 4 mg/s) 0.00 124 246

    Pilot H2 mass flow rate (± 0.03 mg/s) 2.7

    Pilot H2 heat release percent of total (%) 6

    Lewis number 1

    Laminar flame speed (cm/s) 34 30 25

    Laminar flame thermal thickness (µm) 70 80 90

    RMS turbulence fluctuation (m/s) 1.7

    Integral length scale (mm) 1

    Appendix Flame operating conditions

  • 41

    Cold flow Results with RANS based RNG k-Ԑ model

    Good Agreement with Hot wire anemometer measurements


  • 42

    Davidson, IJHF, 27, 2006

    Nozzle Exit: Specified mean velocity profile. Turbulent Fluctuations: Random Fourier Approach

    Burner surface

    CH4+Air (Premixed)

    Pilot H2Pilot H2

    Outflow Boundary

    CFD Domain and BCs - Reacting

    Premixing Tube Excluded to Reduce Computational Time

    36D x 64D x 36D, D= 18 mm




    Slide Number 1Slide Number 2Slide Number 3Slide Number 4Slide Number 5Slide Number 6Slide Number 7Slide Number 8Slide Number 9Slide Number 10Slide Number 11Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Slide Number 15Slide Number 16Slide Number 17Slide Number 18Slide Number 19Slide Number 20Slide Number 21Slide Number 22Slide Number 23Slide Number 24Slide Number 25Slide Number 26Slide Number 27Slide Number 28Slide Number 29Slide Number 30Slide Number 31Slide Number 32Slide Number 33Slide Number 34Slide Number 35Slide Number 36Slide Number 37Slide Number 38Slide Number 39Slide Number 40Slide Number 41Slide Number 42