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YEAR 2010/2011


Presented to IKIP PGRI Semarang in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the compilation of Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education










Title : “Effectiveness of Skimming Technique on Reading Narrative Text: theCase Of Eleventh Year of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the Academic Year2010/2011.”

Name : Umi Kholisah

NPM : 06420513

Department : English

The team of advisor of English Department Faculty of Language and

Art Education IKIP PGRI Semarang approved this thesis on:

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Date :

Advisor I Advisor II

Dra. T. Sri Suwarti, M.Pd Jafar Shodiq, S.Pd, M.PdNPP 90631063 NPP. 956701117



This thesis entitled “ Effectiveness of Skimming Technique on Reading Narrative

text: The case of Eleventh Year of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the Academic Year

2010/2011” has been ratified by the team of examiners of English Department,

Faculty of Language and Art Education of IKIP PGRI Semarang on:

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Date :


Dean of FPBS Chairman of English Department

Sri Suciati, M.Hum. Drs. A. Wiyaka, M.Pd.NIP. 196503161990032002 NIP. 19641226199031002


1. Dra. T. Sri Suwarti, M.Pd (………………………)NPP 90631063

2. Jafar Sodiq, S.Pd, M.Pd (………………………)NPP. 965701117

3. Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd, M.Pd (………………………)NPP. 997201151



First and foremost, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT The Almighty

for the blessing, health, and inspiration in leading his to finish the final project

entitled “Effectiveness of Simming Technique on Reading Narrative Text : The case

of Eleventh year of SMA negeri 1 Weleri in Academic Year 2010/211.”

Secondly, the writer realizes that it is impossible to finishing his work without

the help of other people, because of the limitation of opportunity and the ability she

has. In this case, the writer would like to give special thanks for:

1. Muhdi, S.H.M.Hum., as the Rector of IKIP PGRI Semarang.

2. Sri Suciati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty Language and Art Education of IKIP

PGRI Semarang.

3. Drs. A. Wiyaka, M.Pd., as the Chairman of English Department of IKIP PGRI


4. Dra.T Sri Suwarti, M.Pd, as the first advisor who gives guidance, direction,

advice and supports

5. Jafar Sodiq, S.Pd, M.Pd as the second advisor who has given beneficial

contribution to the writer

6. Isa Anshori S.Pd, as the English teacher foe the eighth year students of SMA

Negeri 1 Weleri.

7. All of the English Lecturers of IKIP PGRI Semarang, for their tenderness,

patience and wonderful classes.

8. Her Father and Mother who always give their love, care, sacrifice, and pray to the


9. Her brother, sinang Taufik, thanks for support, spirit, and your joke.

10. All of G Community. Thanks for sweet memories that you give to me.

11. Her roommeet, Jeng Ocha (Rokhayati) thanks for support, joke, and your tear for

our spirit.


12. All of her friends in “Kembang Kapuk” boarding house, thanks for your support

and joke.

13. All of the loyal partners who always help the writer finishing this thesis.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will be useful for the teaching and learning

English especially in writing subject. It also gives advantages and beneficial things to

the readers.

Semarang, August 2010

The Writer



This thesis is especially dedicated to:

My beloved Father (Mr. Suwandi) and Mother (Mrs. Siti Romlah).

I’m really proud of you. Thank you so much for your pray, love, advice,

trust and spirit to me.

I love you all…

My beloved brother, (Sinang Taufik) who always give me spirit, and

your joke.

My Lovely fat prince, Heka Niyata, S.Psi and his little prince (Adil)

thank you so much for allowing me to share ideas, and smiles with you

and also gives me a wonderful life and loves…

My best friends, thanks for your best friendship, support and joke…

Love U guys…!

My facebook community, thanks for your support and joke…



Allah will never change the condition of the people if they do

not try to change their own condition (Q.S. Ar-Ro’d : 11)

every dark light is followed by a light morning

“ Nun Walqolami Wamaa Yasthurun “ (Q.S. Al-Qolam :1)



Kholisah,Umi. 2010. Effectiveness of Skimming Technique on Reading NarrativeText: the Case of Eleventh Year of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the Academic Year2010/2011.

Advisor I : Dra.T.Sri Suwarti, M.pd. Advisor II : Jafar Shodiq, S.pd, M.pd.

The problems that are discussed in this thesis are : 1) To what extent isachievement of students who are taught without using skimming?; 2) To what extentis achievement of students who are taught by using skimming?; 3) Is there anysignificant difference of achievement between students who are taught by using andwithout using skimming?

The method of data collection used instrument. The instrument such as a multiplechoice tests four options, which consisted of reading narrative text using skimmingtechnique. The test had been tried out before it was tested for respondents for gettingdiscriminating power, level difficulties, validity and reliability of the test items.

The effectiveness of using skimming technique on reading narrative text, we canlook on result of hypothesis test. The result of the calculation is that the value of 0t is

16,42. It is consulted with tablet on significant level 5% is 1,98. It means that the value

of 0t > tt or 16,42 > 1,98, so the writer concluded that there is significant difference

between students who are taught before using skimming from students who are taughtafter using skimming technique.

Suggestion in order to improve the mastery of reading a narrative text, asfollows : 1) To improve the reading achievement narrative text, the students have touse their memory in order to achieve a better achievement in English reading; 2) Theteacher who play a great role in teaching learning process should give motivation tothe students in order to help the students easier in understanding the material; 3) Theteacher should encourage her/himself to seek the best method of teaching Englishreading a narrative text to her/his students and 4) The teacher has to evaluate students,how far they understand the material in every meeting.



TITLE.................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ......................................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION .................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO ............................................................................................................... vii

ABSTACT ........................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... ix

LIST OF APPENDIX ........................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study.................................................................. 1

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic......................................................... 5

C. Statement of the Problems. .............................................................. 5

D. Objectives of the Study .................................................................... 6

E. Significance of the Study ................................................................. 6

F. Definition of Key Term.................................................................... 7

G. Outline of the Thesis ........................................................................ 8

CHAPTER II: REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE................................. 9

A. Definition of Reading....................................................................... 9

B. Objectives of Reading ..................................................................... 10

C. Narrative........................................................................................... 10

D. Teaching Narrative in Senior High School. .................................... 15

E. Skimming ......................................................................................... 17

1. Definition of Skimming ............................................................. 17

2. The Advantages of Skimming.................................................... 18


F. Procedures of Skimming.................................................................. 19

G. Hypothesis........................................................................................ 20

CHAPTER III: METHODS OF THE RESEARCH ............................................. 21

A. Research Design............................................................................... 21

B. Subject of the Research.................................................................... 21

1. Population .................................................................................. 21

2. Sample........................................................................................ 22

3. Technique of Sampling .............................................................. 22

C. Time and Location of the Research ................................................. 22

D. Variable of the Research .................................................................. 22

E. Instrument of the Research............................................................... 23

F. Method of Analyzing the Data......................................................... 24

G. Technique of Collecting Data .......................................................... 27

H. Method of Data Analysis ................................................................. 28


A. Testing of the Instrument ................................................................. 32

1. Validity....................................................................................... 32

2. Reliability................................................................................... 33

3. Discriminating Power................................................................. 35

4. Level od Difficulty..................................................................... 36

5. Research Items ........................................................................... 36

B. Research Findings........................................................................ .... 37

C. Discussion ........................................................................................ 52

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................... 54

A. Conclusions......................................................................... ................... 54

B. Suggestions......................................................................... ................... 55






1. Computation of item’s validity

2. Computation of items reliability

3. Computation of discriminating power

4. Student’s activity

5. Analysis of try out test

6. Lembar Pengajuan Judul Skripsi

7. Surat Ijin Penelitian

8. Surat Keterangan Penelitian

9. Lembar Pengajuan Ujian Skripsi

10. Berita Acara

11. Student’s Attendence List




A. Background of The Study

Human being and language are two inseparable things. When we define

a language, we will involve human beings as its element. Language is a

system of arbitrary vocal symbols which permits people in a given culture, or

other people who have learned the system of that culture to communicate or

to interact (Bonomo and Finocchiaro, 1973:3).

People have different languages and so does country. Each country has

its own language. English language plays an important role in Indonesia

nowadays. Even, it becomes an international language. Therefore, English is

necessary to learn. Ramelan (1992:3) states that English has accordingly been

chosen as the first foreign language to be taught in schools in Indonesia.

English is taught in junior high schools, senior high school and universities.

Recently, English is included in a school in elementary schools.

The result of teaching English in Indonesia is not satisfactory.

Therefore, the Indonesian government always makes effort to improve the

quality of English education. For example by changing the curriculum and

improving the quality of the teachers and other components which are

involved in education processes.

In 2006, the Indonesian government introduced School Based

Curriculum (KTSP) as a new curriculum replacing Competence Based


Curriculum 2004 (CBC 2004). The breakthrough is intended to enhance the

quality of teaching English. According to School Based Curriculum (KTSP),

teaching English in senior high school is expected to achieve informational

level because high school graduates are prepared to continue to universities.

In KTSP Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (Depdikbud, 2006:308),

teaching English in senior high schools has aims as follows: (1) developing

communicative competence either in oral or written ways to achieve

informational level; (2) having awareness of the essence and the importance

of English to enhance competitive power of nation in global society; (3)

developing students’ understanding about the relationship between language

and culture.

According to KTSP Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (Depdibud,

2006:308), the scope of English in senior high school is as follows: (1)

discourse competence, that is competency of understanding and/or producing

oral text and/or written text, which are presented into four language skills

(listening, speaking, reading, and writing) integratedly to achieve

informational literacy level; (2) competency of understanding and creating

any short functional texts and monologues as well as essays in the forms of

procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, report, news items, analytical

exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, review, and

public speaking. The graduation of materials is presented in term of

vocabulary, grammar and rhetorical steps; (3) additional competence, that is

linguistic competence (using rules of grammar and vocabulary, sound and


writing systems); sociocultural competence (using acceptable expressions

and speech act in any communication contexts); strategic competence (using

the devices of discourse markers).

The writer can conclude that teaching English in senior high schools

focuses on two cycles (oral and written) and the four language skills must be

taught integrated. One of the four skills is reading. Reading is the most

important skill. Celce-Murcia (2001:187) states that reading is assumed to be

the central means for learning new information and gaining access to

alternative explanation and interpretations.

As a matter of fact, it is not easy for students to read the teaching

materials in a foreign language. They have to face new vocabularies and

structures which they haven’t mastered yet. Ramelan (1992:3) claims that

most SMA graduates are still very poor in their reading comprehension, since

they cannot usually read or understand articles in English, newspapers,

magazines, which are now in circulation in our schools.

Reading is recognition of printed or written symbols which serves as

stimuli to the recall of meanings built up through the reader’s past experience

(Bond, Tinker and Wasson, 1982:2-3). The reading involves both the

acquisition of meanings is intended by writer and the reader’s own

contributions in the form of interpretation, evaluation and reflection on those


Reading facilities the following advantages for students such as help

students learn to think in English, to enlarge students’ English vocabulary, to


improve students’ writing, to be a good way to practice English for students

who are living in a non-English speaking country, to help prepare their study

in an English-speaking country and to be a good way to find out about ideas,

facts and experiences (Mikulecky and Jeffries, 2004: VI).

The materials of teaching English in senior high school are being

improved. The curriculum presents genre as one of materials. There are ten

genres which must be taught in senior high school. One of them is narrative.

Derewianka (1990:40) states that the basic purpose of narrative is to

entertain, i.e. to gain and hold the reader’s interest in a story.

Some techniques are needed to master the reading ability as they will

help and gives many advantages. The reading techniques are predicting,

skimming, scanning, interpreting and copying. Skimming is by far the most

important technique. It enables the readers to select the text, determine its

gist and save the time.

Rayner and Pollatsek (1989:47) as quoted by Urquhart and Weir

(1998:252) remark that:

Skimming… is a very important skill in our society. In careers that

depend on the written word, there is simply too much information to be

assimilated thoroughly, and we are constantly forced to select what we look

at. Those unable to skim material would find they spend entire day reading.


B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

Reading is one of the language skills which should be developed for

students in learning English. By reading, they are expected to get knowledge

and information from books, magazines, newspapers and other types of

writing. Students sometimes get difficulty to read foreign language text. They

have to face some new words and structures which are completely different

from their native language. They sometimes have to face long and

complicated texts or passages. Therefore, it spends a long time, too.

Narrative is a complex text type since it consists of some schematic

structures. Andersons state that there are fives elements of narrative, namely

orientation, complication, events, resolution and coda (1997:3). As a result, it

takes time to get the whole meaning of text and find out the main or general

ideas of the text. It is time to introduce a reading technique, which can help

students to overcome their problem. Skimming should be required for

students of senior high school to enable them to get the general ideas of the

text quickly.

C. Statements of the Problem

The study is conducted to address the following problems:

1) To what extent is achievement of students who are taught without using


2) To what extent is achievement of students who are taught by using



3) Is there any significance differences of achievement between the students

who are taught by using and without using skimming?

D. Objectives of the Study

The study expected to achieve the following purpose:

1) To identify the achievement of the students who are taught by using


2) To identify the achievement of the students who are taught without using


3) To identify significance differences of achievement the students who are

taught by using and without using skimming.

E. Significances of the Study

This study will have significances as follows:

1. Students

Through this study, students agent who cannot be ignored in

teaching learning process. The students need some techniques to study

more effectively and efficiently. This study is useful for students to

enrich them about reading techniques.

2. English Teachers

Through this study, teachers have a major role to enhance

classroom interaction lively. They should develop some teaching

techniques which make the learning process more effective and


efficient. They also could develop various ways of teaching reading to

the students, especially a narrative text through skimming technique.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Effectiveness

It is derived from the word “effective” that has meaning the results

that ones want. While intended.(Hornby, 1995 : 370)

2. Skimming

Grabe and Stoller (2002:266) defines skimming as a specialized type

of reading in which the reader reads quickly for a general understanding of

text and for the gist of a passage.

3. Reading

Hodgson (1960: 43-44) stated that reading is a process that is carried

out and used by the reader to get messages that are conveyed by the writer

through words medium, or written language. It s a process demanding a

group of word, as a unity appears in a glance and the meaning of words

individually can be known. If this process is not accomplished, thus, the

explicit and implicit messages will not be grasped or understood and the

reading process is bad carried out.

4. Narrative text

Narrative is the telling of story (Hornby, 1995:772).

Text is a piece of writing about which questions are asked in

examination or lesson passage. (Hornby, 1995:1234)


Narrative text means kind of story genre which has social function to

amuse, entertain with problematic events which followed the resolution.

G. Outline of the Thesis

Chapter I: Introduction. This chapter consists of background of the

study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives

of the study, significant of the study, definition of key term and outline of the


Chapter II: Review of related literature. It consists of definition of

reading, objective of reading, narrative, teaching narrative in senior high

school, skimming, procedures of skimming and hypothesis.

Chapter III: Method of the research. This chapter consists of research

design, research subjects, technique of data collection, instruments of the

study and method of analyzing the data.

Chapter VI: Research findings and discussions.

Chapter V: Conclusions and suggestions.




A. Definition of Reading

There are various definitions of reading which are presented by some

experts. Reading means constructing meaning through a transaction with

written text that has been created by symbols that represent language (Celce-

Murcia, 2001:154). Readers get the meaning of text from word presented in

the printed page. They use their knowledge and interpretations to draw the

meaning of the text.

The definition above is also supported by another expert. Nutnall

(1982:5) states that reading means getting out of the text as nearly as possible

the message that the writer puts into it. It means that when someone reads a

text, he/she draws the message of the text that is intended by the writer.

In a reading process, there will be the writer’s intention and the

reader’s interpretation. The writer puts the meaning of text through printed or

written verbal symbols. Then the reader will interpret what is meant by the

writer. Lines (2005:69) as edited by Nunan claims that reading is a set of

skills that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the printed


A reading activity needs process in which people comprehend what

they have already read. The process happens when the reader faces written

symbols, look at them through their eyes and then process them into their


mind. Reading is a process of sequences of graphic symbols traveling from

the pages of a book into compartments of the brain (Brown, 2004:186).

Therefore, the reading process can be called as a cognitive process.

Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and

the text, resulting in comprehension

( The writer presents

his/her ideas and thoughts through a text. And the text presents letters, words,

sentences, and paragraphs which have meaning. Then the reader tries to find

out what the writer’s ideas are in the text. Moreover, it comes to the reader’s

interpretation toward the text. Nuttall claims that there are two main reading

processes, namely encoding and decoding (1982:4). Encoding is a process

done by the writer. He/she puts his/her ideas, facts, feelings and arguments

into sequences of words. It happens because the writer wants to share his/her

ideas, facts, feelings and arguments to someone else. Meanwhile, decoding is

a process done by the reader. The reader will determine what the writer’s

ideas or arguments are.

B. Objectives of Reading

Reading is an activity with a purpose. When somebody reads

something, he/she has purpose why he/she reads it. Someone reads

something because he/she wants to gets something from the writing: to get

facts, ideas, enjoyment, even feelings of family community (from a letter); to


get the message that the writer has expressed; and to determine whether

he/she is interested in what the writing is meant (Nuttal, 1982:3).

Another expert also mentions other purposes of reading. Grabe and

Stoller (2002:13) state that the following purposes of reading are to search a

simple information, to skim quickly, to learn from the texts, to integrate

information, to write (or search information needed for writing), to criticize

texts and for general comprehension.

The first thing that the reader must set out, when she/he is reading, is

determining the objectives. The objectives will lead the reader to the result,

which they get after reading. A person may read in order to gain information

or verify existing knowledge, to criticize a writer’s ideas or writing style, to

enhance knowledge of the language being read, to guide the reader’s

selection of the texts, to determine the appropriate approach to reading

comprehension and a person may also read for enjoyment


The writer can conclude that the reader reads because of different

purposes. The different purposes will come into different results. Generally

the objectives of reading are to get general information of the text, to get

specific information of the text and to get pleasure.

C. Narrative

Sadler and Hayllar (2000:13) state that narratives are telling story,

seeking to instruct, giving an explanation for natural events or teach moral


lesson. In addition narrative is complex text type. Neo claims that a narrative

is made up of sequence of scenes (2003:19).

A narrative has a structure or a pattern. Neo (2003:2) states that the

structure of narrative is called Freitag Triangle. Below is schema of narrative



Falling Action

Rising Action

Exposition Resolution

Freitag Triangle

Neo (2003:3) states that the Freitag Triangle consists of five elements.

The first is exposition. It establishes the characters and situation. The second

is rising action. It refers to series of complications which lead to climax. The

third is climax. It is the critical moment when problems/conflicts demand

something to be done. The fourth is falling action. It is the movement away

from the highest peak of excitement. And the fifth is resolution. It consists of

the result of outcome.

Other experts state another way of constructing a narrative text.

Andersons (1997:12) state that are five steps of constructing of narrative text,

namely orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution and coda.


The orientation is a part (a paragraph) when the narrator tells the audience

who is in the story, when it is happening, where it is happening and what is

going on. The complication is the part of the story where the narrator tells

about something in which a chain of events will begin. These events will

affect one or more of the characters. The sequence of events is the part of the

story where the narrator tells how the characters react to the complication. It

includes their feelings and what they do. The events can be told on

chronological order the flashbacks. In the sequence of events, the narrator’s

point of view is given to the audience. The resolution is the part of narrative

text where the complication is sorted out or the problem is solved. And the

last step is coda. The narrator includes a coda if there is a moral value or

message which can be learned from the story.

On the other hand, Sadler and Hayllar (2000:14) claim that a narrative

text usually consist of the following three parts. The first is orientation

(beginning). The orientation tells about whom, where, when, what, and why:

the character(s), the time, the place and the direction of the story are all

introduced. The second is complication (middle). As the story develops, the

complications occur. In the complications, there is often a sequence of events

involving the characters in actions that test their courage, determination and

other qualities. The third is resolution (ending). As the sequence of events

brings the story to an end, the problem faced by the character(s) is solved or

resolved. As a result, a resolution will be achieved, which leads to a happy or

unhappy ending in the story.


From those three explanations about the steps of constructing a

narrative text, then the writer can present her own conclusion. The writer

concludes that generally a narrative text must consist of three elements. They

are orientation, sequence of events and resolution.

In learning and making a narrative text, the language features are

important. Derewianka (1990:42) states that the language features of

narrative should fulfill the following requirements. The first is that they must

focus on specific and usually individual participants. The major participants

are human, or sometimes animals with human characteristics. The second is

that they use mainly action verbs (material processes), but also many verbs

which refer to what human participants said, or felt, or thought (verbal and

mental processes). The third is that they use many linking words to do with

the time. The fourth is that they include the dialogue into a text. In a narrative

text, the readers usually see many dialogues or direct sentences among the

characters. The fifth is that they use descriptive language. The descriptive

language is chosen to enhance and develop the story by developing or

creating images in the reader’s mind. The sixth is that they use past tense

grammatical structure. It happens because a narrative text tells about

something occurring in past time. And requirement is that they use first

person (I, We) or the third person (She, He and They).

The other expert also shows their idea about the language features of a

narrative text. Andersons state that the language features usually found in a


narrative text are: It has verbs to show the actions that occur in the story; It

has descriptive to portray the characters and setting. (1997:8).

From those elaborations above, the writer can conclude that there are

some required elements dealing with the language features of a narrative text.

A narrative text must have specific characters, use past grammatical

structures, use action words and descriptive words.

There are many types of narrative. Andersons state that the following

types of narrative text: humor, romance, crime, real-life action, adventure,

historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, science fiction and diary-novels

(1997:18). On the other side, Sadler and Hayllar state that some of the most

familiar forms of narrative are novels, short stories, science fiction, fairytales,

folktales, movie script, soap operas, comic strips, ballads, mysteries, choose

your own adventure and romances, as well as myth, legends and fables


D. Teaching Narrative in Senior High School

The English materials of senior high school are being modified in line

with the current curriculum. Genre or also known as type is the main material

which is taught in senior high schools. Narrative becomes one of the text types

which must be taught. The following are competences in teaching reading

narrative in senior high school, particularly the eleventh grade in line with

School Based Curriculum (KTSP):


1. Standard Competence:

(1.1) Understanding the meaning of short functional texts and essays in

forms of narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition in the context of

daily life and to access the knowledge.

2. Basic Competence:

(2.1) Responding to the meaning of short functional texts (such as banner,

poster, pamphlet, etc) either formal or non-formal with use accurate,

fluent and acceptable written language in the daily life to access the


(2.2) Responding the meaning and rhetorical steps in the essay which uses

accurate, fluent and acceptable written language in the context of the

daily life to access the knowledge of the text in forms of narrative,

spoof and hortatory exposition.

The writer can conclude that the aim of teaching reading a narrative

text is that the students should be able to respond to the meaning and

rhetorical steps of a narrative text. Responding to the meaning means that

they should be able to determine the main ideas, general ideas and the

content of the text. Meanwhile, responding rhetorical steps means that the

students should be able to determine all the language features of narrative


Students get difficulty when they have to read English text. They will

face some words which they do not know the meaning. As a result, they will

take time to get the meaning of the text. They will spend more time to find


out the main and general ideas of the text. That is why a reading technique is

needed to help the students saving their time.

E. Skimming

1. Definition of Skimming

Skimming is an important reading technique which should be

developed. Grabe and Stoller (2002:266) defines skimming as a specialized

type of reading in which the reader reads quickly for a general understanding

of the text and for the gist of a passage.

Skimming is reading for a gist. Nuttal (1982:34) states that skimming

means glancing rapidly through a text to determine its gist. When someone

skims a text, he/she is looking for the gist of the text. It means that she/he is

looking for ideas. The definition above is also supported by Brown,

skimming is the process of rapid coverage of reading matter to determine its

gist or main idea (2004:213).

When a reader skims, he/she will read at higher speed than normal

reading. Skimming doesn't mean the reader reads the text word by word.

Maker and Linier claim that skimming is quickly looking over a selection to

get the general idea rather than reading every word (1982:12). When the

reader skims a text, his/her eyes movement must be focused so that he/she

will get the general idea of the text quickly. It is clear that the reader skims

the reading text, he/she reads quickly to learn about its content and



Skimming and scanning are not the same. Those two reading strategies

have different purposes, even though both of them include getting the ideas

of the text quickly. Skimming is closely related to scanning while the latter

demands the reader to cover the territory faster, and identify significant

words and ideas (Michigan, 1998:78).

2. The Advantages of Skimming

Skimming is a useful reading technique which should be applied in

teaching reading. Skimming doesn’t mean the reader every word; instead

he/she goes quickly and gets the gist of the text. Mikulecky and Jeffries

(2004:38) state that skimming is high-speed reading that can save time and

help the readers get through lots of material quickly. When the reader skims,

he/she will spend less time than normal time. Therefore, he/she will get

general specific ideas of the text quickly.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that one of skimming

advantages is saving the reader’s time. Skimming is done at speed three to

reading four times faster than normal


23k). Therefore the reader spends less time when he/she skims a text.

Besides giving less time for the readers, skimming also has other

advantages. Brown (2004:213) claims that skimming is a prediction strategy

used to give reader a sense of the topic and purpose of a text, the organization

of the text, the perspective or point of view of the writer, its ease or

difficulty, and/or its usefulness to the reader. Another expert also supports it.


Grellet (1981:19) defines skimming as going through the reading material

quickly in order to get the gist of it, to know how it is organized, or to get an

idea of tone or the intention of the writer. Spending less time is the main

advantage of skimming. Getting the gist or idea of the text and finding the

organization of the text are other advantages of skimming.

F. Procedures of Skimming

Skimming is reading technique which has some procedures to do.

Mikulecky and Jeffries to four (2004:38) suggest that there are some

procedures of how to skim. Those procedures are as follows: (1) when the

reader skims he should not read the whole text. The reader’s eyes should move

very quickly over the pages and read only the parts of the text that will help

answer questions; (2) the following passages about skimming shows the parts

of the text that is usually most helpful. These parts often give the writer’s

ideas or opinions, despite their differences; (3) when the reader is skimming,

he/she needs to be flexible. What he/she reads will depend on the question

he/she is asking and the way the passage is written.

Narrative is a complex text type since it is made up of sequence of

scenes. A complex text type tends to be long. Reading and understanding of

the long text are time consuming. The followings are the general rules of how

to skim, if the text long (Mikulecky and Jeffries, 2004:39): the first is reading

the second paragraph. Sometimes the first paragraph is only the introduction

and the second paragraph contains more useful information about the whole

text. The second is looking at the beginning of each paragraph. Third is


reading a few words in the middle and note if there are lots of names or dates.

The forth is the topic sentence is usually at the beginning, or sometimes at the

end. The fifth is skipping some pararagraphs. And the last is reading the lsat

paragraph more carefully. The author may summarize the important points at

the end or come to a conclusion.

When the readers skim, he/she should not read the whole text word by

word, as it will be time consuming. The followings are other guidelines of

how to skim: the first is reading the little, subtitles and sub headings to find

out what the text is about; the second is looking at illustrations to see further

information about the topic; the third is reading the first and last sentence of

each paragraph; the fourth is do not read every word or every sentence and

let the eyes skim over the text, taking in key words; the fifth is continuing to

think about the meaning the text



G. Hypothesis

Beside on the statement of the problem and teh aim of the study, the

writer purposes the hypothesis of this study as follows:

H1 : there is a significant difference the reading ability narrative text between

the students who are taught using skimming method with the students

who are taught without skimming method.

Ho : there is no significant difference of reading ability of reading narrative

text between teh student who are taught using skimming method with

students who are taught without using skimming method.




A. Research Design

The writer used an experimental study. In this study, the writer divided

the sample into two classes, namely experimental class and control class. The

writer also held pre-test and post-test to measure the students’ achievement.

Besides that, the writer also held try out to the instrument of the study.

Key (1997) defines an experimental research as an attempt by

researcher to maintain control over all factors that may affect the result of an

experiment. It means that in experimental research, the researcher considers

cause and effect involved in the research.

B. Subject of the Research

1. Population

Population is a group of individuals or items that share one or more

characteristics from which the data can be gathered and analyzed. In this

study, the writer took eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri as

the population.

2. Sample

Sample is a small portion of a population. Johnson claims that

sample is a subgroup of interest (1987:111). Determining a sample in


doing a study will be easer for the researcher. Since sample is a part of

population. The writer took XI IPA 1 as the samples of the study as many

36 students.

3. Technique of Sampling

The technique of sampling was which the writer used in this study

was random sampling. Random sampling means selecting samples of the

study was done randomly (Marzuki, 1977:43). All the eleventh classes of

SMA Negeri 1 Weleri had the same chance become samples of the study.

Then the writer took two classes randomly, namely class XI IPA 1, and

Bahasa. The writer took class XI IPA 1 as experiment class, and class XI

Bahasa as the try out class.

C. Time and Location of the Research

the researcher had done this research in the eleventh year Semester I of SMA

negeri 1 Weleri in academic year 2010/2011. It was on Agust 2010.

D. Variable of the Research

In this research, there are two kinds of variables. They are Independent (X) and

Dependent (Y) variables.

1. Independent Variable (X) is the teaching method. They are the teaching

method without using skimming and using skimming technique.


2. Dependent Variable (Y) is the students’ reading achievement narrative text that

are taught before and after using skimming technique on the eleventh year

Semester 1 of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in academic year 2010/2011.

E. Instruments of the Research

According to Moleong (2006:168), instrument ot the study is a device

used by the researcher as data gathering such as test in gathering in quantitative

research. The instruments of the study made the writer’s work easier, got the

better result, complete and systematic, and made the data easy to process. There

are many instruments used to collect the data. They are test, questionnaire,

interview and observation.

The instrument that would be used in this study was intended to measure the

students’ achievement in reading skill especially in reading narrative text. In this

study, the writer used two instruments:

1) Test

A test, in simple terms, is a method of measuring a persons’ ability,

knowledge, or performance in given domain (Brown, 2004:3).in general,

there are two kinds of test. They are essay test and objective test. In doing

the experimentation, the writer used objective test which is in the form of

multiple choice test. This type of test was chosen because of some

advantages. Those are; the technique of the scoring is easy, the

computation detremination is relible the process of answer will be more



F. Method of Analyzing the Data

Before the test was given to the students, the writer has tried it is

used to know whether each items of test is valid and reliable or not the test also

should full certain.

1) Validity

Validity of test is the extent to which is measure what it is

supposed to measure and nothing else (Heaton, 1975:153). For

computation of empirical validity, the writer apllied product moment as


In which:

rxy : coefficient of correlation between x and y variable or validity of each


N : the number of students or subjects participating in the test

∑X : the sum of score in each item

∑X2 : the sum of the square score in each item

∑Y : the sum of total score from each student

∑ Y2: the sum of the square score from each student

∑XY : the sum of multiple of score from each student with the total score in

each item

2) Reliability


Reability of test shows the stability or consistency of the score

when the test is used. A test can be said reliable if it can give correct

result. The writer uses Spearman Brown formula:


reliability coefficient which is appropriated

: correlation coefficient of item scores

3) Difficulty level

The test item needs to be analyzed also. First, the writer tried to

analyze the level of difficulty. The index of difficulty of an item shows

how easy or diificult the item proved in the test (Heaton, 1975:172). The

difficulty level or facility value is generally expressed as the fraction (or

the percentage) of the students who answered the item correctly. To

compute the difficulty level, the writer used the formula:

P =

Where :

P : the facility value (index of difficulty)

B : the number o student who answered correctly

JS : the total number of the student



Interval p Criteria




4) Discriminating Power

There are rations methods of obtaining the index of

discrimination. All involves is comparing of those. The discrimination of

an item also essensial in item analysis it can discriminate between high

and low scored students.

The writer uses the following formula to know the discrimination

power of an item.

(Arikunto, 2002:309)

Where :

D : the discriminating index

BA : the number of students in upper group who answered the item


BB : the number of students in lower group who answered the item correctly

JA : the number of students in upper group


JB : the number of students in lower group


Interval Criteria






G. Technique of Collecting Data

The technique of reading a narrative text using skimming technique is as


a. The reseacher come to SMA Negeri 1 Weleri. The reseacher gives

the pre test which is used to know how far reading ability of

narrative text before learning process in recommended.

b. In the other day the reseacher explains the skimming technique for


c. The reseacher give a narrative text, and give some question after

students understand about it by orally.

d. In the last, the reseacher give an exam for the students by

instrument test, it is multiple choice with four option.


The following technique of teaching readinga narrative text by

using skimming technique.

H. Method of Data Analysis

The method of data analysis is non statistical and statistical analysis.

By analyzing the students’ scores, it will be easy to identify and determine

the degree of capability of the students. The writer uses the result of the

test to determine the significant difference between two means. The steps

which are done by her in analyzing the data as follows:

1. Scoring the ability reading test of the experimental group and control


In doing the scoring ability reading test of the experimental and

control group, the writer processes the result of students’ test. The type of

ability reading test is objective test. Each item of ability reading test has

score 1, if the answer correct, and if the answer wrong, the score is 0. It is

done by dividing the total number of right answer with 3.

After getting the score of the students’ ability reading test of the

two groups, then the writer does non statistical analysis. It is done to

express various level of achiefment by giving letters A, B, C,D and E.

One common method in giving sign letter grades of the each group is

based on the following percentage.

The percentage of correct answer Grade Level of Achiefment

90-100% A excellent Outstanding achiefment


75-89% B good Above average

65-74% C fair Average achiefment

50-64% D poor Below average

20-49% E very poor In sufficient achiefment

After getting the letter grades of students, the writer does percentage

of student grades in order to know the students’ achiefment reading. The

following is as follows:



Where :

P = the percentage of students’ achiefment reading

L = the sum of letter grade

n = number of students

2. Statistical analysis

To determine the the mean score of experimental and the control

group, the writer uses following formula :













M = mean score of each values

x 1= the experimental group

x 2= the control group

N 1and N 2

= number of each group

For comparing the result study studentso SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in academic

year 2010/2011 who are taught by using skimming technique the writer will apply

t-test formula. It is recommended to determine the sisnificant difference between

two means. The t-test is as follows :








In which :

MM and21

= mean score from group




1 xandx = deviation score individual from MM and21

NN and21

= number of each group

(Arikunto, 2002:281)


There are some steps to analyze the data :

a. Making a table to find the t-test


xx and21

Experimental Group Control Group


X 1


X 2




Y 1


Y 2








b. Calculating











c. Taking the score to the formula t-test to find the score of t

d. Making a table to find the t-test

e. Finding the score df, df = 221 NN , with the significant of 5% value of

t get from the table is 2,00 ( tt table


f. Making conclution




A. Testing of The Instrument

1. Validity

A test is said valid when it actually what is intended to

measure. In other word validity is used to know how far test that is

used can measure something that will be measured.

To obtain the validity of achievement reading the writer uses

product moment formula as follows:

From the table distribution of question word shows that N =

30; ΣX= 20; ΣY=498; ΣX2=20; ΣY2 = 9230; ΣXY=364, and to get the

computation, the writer applies the formula as follows:


So the validity of number 1 is valid, because rtable where the

total subject N = 30 and the significant of 5% = 0,361. While = 0,399.

So rxy > rtable or 0,399> 0,361.

Computation of item validity was done using correlation

product moment formula based on the computation, the result was

consulted with rtabel where the total subject N=30 and the significant of

5% 0,361. After consulting with r table, While 0,399. So rxy > rtable or

0,3 99 > 0,361. The items which are not valid can be found as the

following number: 5, 8, 18, 27 and 29 the rest as valid items. The

computation can be seen on the table.

2. Reliability

To count the test reliabilities gone through by the following


a. Making the Tables of Preparation Reliability

NO. x p q pq1 20 0.67 0.33 0.22222 16 0.53 0.47 0.24893 9 0.30 0.70 0.21004 22 0.73 0.27 0.19565 18 0.60 0.40 0.24006 16 0.53 0.47 0.24897 14 0.47 0.53 0.24898 23 0.77 0.23 0.1789


NO. x p q pq9 15 0.50 0.50 0.2500

10 10 0.33 0.67 0.222211 16 0.53 0.47 0.248912 17 0.57 0.43 0.245613 17 0.57 0.43 0.2456

14 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

15 22 0.73 0.27 0.1956

16 22 0.73 0.27 0.1956

17 14 0.47 0.53 0.2489

18 19 0.63 0.37 0.2322

19 25 0.83 0.17 0.1389

20 9 0.30 0.70 0.2100

21 14 0.47 0.53 0.2489

22 9 0.30 0.70 0.2100

23 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

24 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

25 15 0.50 0.50 0.2500

26 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

27 19 0.63 0.37 0.2322

28 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

29 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

30 15 0.50 0.50 0.2500

31 498 16.60 13.40 68.844

b. Searching Varians of Problem Item by using formula


c. Searching total Varians by using formula:

Result calculation reliability item of volume question build the

space conducted with the formula r1 known by its value 0,8 13.

Hereinafter price r11 obtained is then consulted at the price of table

N = 30 level signification 5% = 0,361. Hence its result 0,813

bigger than 0,361 or r11 > r table, so that the question instrument is


3. Discriminating Power

Example for item number 1.


Based on the computation, the bad items were number 5, 29. The Items

which had good discrimating power number: 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16,

21, 23, 24, 26, and 28 and the others were as the items which had fair

discriminating. The more computation can be seen on table.

4. Level of Difficulty

Example for item number 1.

Level of difficulty the items can be divided as follows difficult for

number 11, 12, 16, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 35. The criterion of easy items

for number 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 19, 20, 23, 25 and the rest as the medium

criterion. The complete computation can be presented as the table.

5. Research Items

Based on the analysis of validity, reliability, discriminating power and

level of difficulty, the items for the research could be arranged and

used. Which were valid, reliable, fair and good discriminating power.

From 30 items could be taken 25 items which were valid. They were

number 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22,

23, 24, 25, 26, 28, and 30.


B. Research Finding

1. Reading Achievement Narrative Text Before Using Skimming


Table 1

The Score of Actual Reading Test of Pre-test

No Name of Students Score Quality Grade

1 Ahmad Kurniawan 50 Poor D

2 Ainish Shoimatum M. 55 Poor D

3 Amir Sarifudin 60 Poor D

4 ArifMukhaimin 60 Poor D

5 Fendi Bastian 60 Poor D

6 Chaerul Umam 65 Fair C

7 Ciya Lestari 65 Fair C

8 Dedy Purnomo 65 Fair C

9 Edy Baharudin A. 65 Fair C

10 Eka Restiyana 72 Fair C

11 Eni Marlinah 70 Fair C

12 Fery Harfanto 70 Fair C

13 Ida Shinta Prastika Dewi 50 Poor D

14 Ikhsan Setiadi 70 Fair C

15 Irwan Santoso 65 Fair C

16 Khusnul Khotimah 55 Poor D

17 Krisdiyanto 55 Poor D

18 Kurniyati 70 Fair C

19 M. Zahroni 65 Fair C

20 Melyaningsih 65 Fair C

21 M. Ikhwan 75 Good B

22 Muhammad Irji 60 Poor D


No Name of Students Score Quality Grade

23 Mukhlas Hammadi 65 Fair C

24 Muslihin 80 Good B

25 Nur Afiyah 75 Good B

26 Rumjanah 65 Fair C

27 Rumuzi 65 Fair C

28 Rutiasih 60 Poor D

29 Siti Aisyah 72 Fair C

30 Siti Laorawati 75 Good B

31 Slamet Budi Haryanto 65 Fair C

32 Sunardi 75 Good B

33 Susilowati 80 Good B

34 Uminah 72 Fair C

35 Sigit Purwanto 70 Fair C

36 Dwi Lutfiyanti 72 Fair C

Total Score 2378

Average 66,06

By virtue of table 1 shows that there no student who get grade

A and grade E, 6 students get B, 20 students get C and 10 students get

D, to obtain the percentage of the students’ letter grade, the writer

applies them into the following formula:

The percentage of letter grade A:


The percentage of letter grade B:

The percentage of letter grade C:

The percentage of letter grade D:

The percentage of letter grade E:

For clearer explanation, it can be seen in the following table:


Table 2The Percentage of the Students Letter Grade on

Reading Achievement of Pre – TestGrade Number of Student Percentage
















Based on the classification above, the writer classifies the

percentage of the students’ letter grade in reading test as follows:

1) There is no student who get A of the reading achievement

narrative text or 0%.

2) There are 6 students who get B of the reading achievement

narrative text or 16, 67%.

3) There are 20 students who get C of the achievement

narrative text or 55,55%.

4) There are 10 students who get D of the reading

achievement narrative text or 27,78%.

5) There is no students who get E of the reading achievement

narrative text or 0%.

From the result of percentage of students’ letter grade, it shows

that there are 55,55 % of eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 1

Weleri in the academic year 2010/2011 have fair in reading

achievement narrative text before using skimming technique.


Table 3

Distribution of Frequency of Result Data Study In ReadingAchievement Narrative Text Before Using skimming technique of

Eleventh Year Student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the Academic Year2010/2011


Sump Up Percentage Cumulative50—5556—6162—6768—7374—80




Total 36 100

By virtue of tables, hence earn percentage by graph of

histogram of result data study in reading achievement narrative text

before using skimming technique of eleventh year student of SMA

Negeri 1 Weleri in the academic year 2010/2011 is the following:

Graph 1. Graph of Histogram of Result Data Study In ReadingAchievement Narrative Text Before Using SkimmingTechnique of Eleventh Students of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri inthe Academic Year 2010/2011.


As for distribution data tendency to each category of result

data study in reading achievement narrative text before using

skimming technique method of eleventh year students of SMA Negeri

1 Weleri in the Academic Year 2010/2011 is the following

distribution tables:

Table 4Distribution Mount Tendency of Result Data Study In Reading

Achievement Narrative Text before using Skimming Technique ofEleventh Year Student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the Academic Year


Class Category Sump Up Percentage

90 - 100 percent correct

75 - 89 percent correct

65 - 74 percent correct

50 - 64 percent correct

20 - 49 percent correct





Very Poor






0,00 %

16,67 %

55,55 %

27,78 %

0,00 %

Based on the data above, there are 10 students who get less

than 65 percent, which means there are 27,78% of students. On the

other hand the teaching learning process of the reading achievement

narrative text before using skimming technique for the eleventh year

student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the academic year 2010/2011 is

unsuccessful achieved.

2. Reading Achievement Narrative Text After Skimming Technique

Table 5The Score of Actual Reading Test of Post Test

No. Name of Students Score Quality Grade


No. Name of Students Score Quality Grade

1 Ahmad Kurniawan 60 Poor D

2 Ainish Shoimatum M. 60 Poor D

3 Amir Sarifudin 64 Poor D

4 ArifMukhaimin 64 Poor D

5 Fendi Bastian 60 Poor D

6 Chaerul Umam 68 Fair C

7 Ciya Lestari 80 Good B

8 Dedy Purnomo 80 Good B

8 Edy Baharudin A. 80 Good B

9 Eka Restiyana 84 Good B

10 Eni Marlinah 72 Fair C

11 Fery Harfanto 72 Fair C

12 Ida Shinta Prastika Dewi 64 Poor D

13 Ikhsan Setiadi 72 Fair C

14 Irwan Santoso 76 Good B

16 Khusnul Khotimah 60 Poor D

17 Krisdiyanto 64 Poor D

18 Kurniyati 76 Good B

19 M. Zahroni 68 Fair C

20 Melyaningsih 68 Fair C

21 M. Ikhwan 88 Good B

22 Muhammad Jiji 64 Poor D

23 Mukhlas Hammadi 72 Fair C

24 Muslihin 96 Excellent A

25 Nur Afiyah 88 Good B

26 Rumjanah 84 Good B

27 Rumuzi 72 Fair C

28 Rutiasih 68 Fair C

29 Siti Aisyah 92 Excellent A

30 Siti Laorawati 92 Excellent A

31 Slamet Budi Haryanto 68 Fair C

32 Sunardi 76 Good B

33 Susilowati 96 Excellent A

34 Uminah 76 Good B

35 Sigit Purwanto 72 Fair C

36 Dwi Lutfiyanti 84 Good B

Total Score 2680

Average 74,44


By virtue of table 5 shows that there are 4 students who get

grade A, 12 students get B, 11 students get C, 9 students get D and no

students get E. to obtain the percentage of the students’ letter grade,

the writer applies them into the following formula:

The percentage of letter grade A:

The percentage of letter grade B:

The percentage of letter grade C:

The percentage of letter grade D:

The percentage of letter grade E:


For clearer explanation, it can be seen in the following table:

Table 6The Percentage of the Students Letter Grade on Reading Achievement

Narrative Text of Post Test

Grade Number of Students Percentage
















Based on the classification above, the writer classifies the

percentage of the students’ letter grade in reading achievement test as


1) There are 4 students who get A of the reading achievement narrative

text after using skimming technique mastery or 11,11%.

2) There are 12 students who get B of the reading achievement narrative

text after using skimming technique mastery or 33,33%.

3) There are 11 students who get C of the reading achievement narrative

text after using skimming technique mastery or 30,56%.

4) There are 9 students who get D of the reading achievement narrative

text after using skimming technique mastery or 25%.


5) There is no student who get E of the reading achievement narrative

text after using question and answer method mastery or 0%.

From the result of percentage of the students’ letter grade, it shows

that there are 85% of the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri

in the academic year 2010/2011 mastered the reading achievement

narrative text after using skimming technique, and there are 15% the

eleventh year student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the academic year

2010/2011 failed.

Table 7Distribution of Frequency of Result Data Study In Reading AbiJjyNarrative Text After Using Skimming Technique of Eleventh YearStudent of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri In The Academic Year 2010/2011


Sump Up Percentage Cumulative





















Total 36 100

By virtue of tables. hence earn presented by graph of histogram of

result data study in reading achievement narrative text after using

skimming technique of eleventh year student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in

the academic year 2010/2011 is the following:


Graph 2. Graph of Histogram of Result Data Study In ReadingAchievement Narrative Text After Using Skimming Technique ofEleventh year Student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri In The AcademicYear 2010/2011

As for distribution mount data tendency to each category of result

data study in reading achievement narrative text after using skimming

technique of eleventh year student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the

academic year 2010/2011 is the following distribution tables:

Table 8Distribution Mount Tendency of Result Data Study In Reading

Achievement Narrative Text After Using Skimming Technique of Eleventh yearStudent of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri In The Academic Year 2010/2011

Class Category Sum Up Percentage

90 — 100 percent correct

75 — 89 percent correct

65 — 74 percent correct

50 — 64 percent correct

20 — 49 percent correct





Very Poor








30,56 %

25,00 %

0,00 %

Total 36 100%


Based on the data above, there are 27 students who get more

than 65 percent, which means there are 75% of students. On the other

hand the teaching learning process of the reading achievement narrative

text after using skimming technique for the eleventh year student of

SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the academic year 2010/2011 is successful


3. The Significant Differences of the Students Reading Achievement

Text That Use Skimming Technique

The data are taken from the result teaching pre and post test

given to the eleventh year student of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the

academic year 2010/2011 of the pre-test and post-test group. The

following are data of the pre-test and post-test group.

NoPost Test

(X1)Pre Test



1 60 50 10

2 60 55 5

3 64 60 4

4 64 60 4

5 60 60 0

6 68 65 3

7 80 65 15

8 80 65 15

9 80 65 15

10 84 72 12

11 72 70 2

12 72 70 2

13 64 50 14

14 72 70 2

15 76 65 11

16 60 55 5

17 64 55 9

18 76 70 6


NoPost Test

(X1)Pre Test



19 68 65 3

20 68 65 3

21 88 75 13

22 64 60 4

23 72 65 7

24 96 80 16

25 88 75 13

26 84 65 19

27 72 65 7

28 68 60 8

29 92 72 20

30 92 75 17

31 68 65 3

32 76 75 1

33 96 80 16

34 76 72 4

35 72 70 2

36 84 72 12

Σ 2680 2378

x̅ 74,44 66,06

To determine the mean score of the post-test and the pre-test

group, the writer the following formula:

a. The post-test group

b. The pre-test group


The result in teaching reading achievement narrative text before

using is lower than after. Before teaching learning process, the score is

66,06 and the mean score of post test is 74,44. It means that the

increasing of this is just 12,70%, this shows that teaching reading

ability narrative text before using skimming technique is not as

successful and effective as teaching after using skimming technique.

c. The analysis of t-test

1) This table is used to analyze the t-test formula.

Table 10The Score of Reading Achievement Narrative Text of The Post-Test and The

PreTest Grout With Their Standard Deviasi

Pre Test Group Post Test Group

No. X1 (Xi – x̅ ) (Xi – x̅ )2 No. X1 (Xi – x̅ ) (Xi – x̅ )2

1 50 -16.06 2.577.809 1 60 -14.44 208.64

2 55 -11.06 1.222.253 2 60 -14.44 208.64

3 60 -6.06 3.666.975 3 64 -10.44 109.09

4 60 -6.06 3.666.975 4 64 -10.44 109.09

5 60 -6.06 3.666.975 5 60 -14.44 208.64

6 65 -1.06 1.114.198 6 68 -6.44 41.53

7 65 -1.06 1.114.198 7 80 5.56 30.86

8 65 -1.06 1.114.198 8 80 5.56 30.86

9 65 -1.06 1.114.198 9 80 5.56 30.86

10 72 5.94 3.533.642 10 84 9.56 91.31

11 70 3.94 1.555.864 11 72 -2.44 5.98

12 70 3.94 1.555.864 12 72 -2.44 5.98

13 50 -16.06 2.577.809 13 64 -10.44 109.09

14 70 3.94 1.555.864 14 72 -2.44 5.98

15 65 -1.06 1.114.198 15 76 1.56 2.42

16 55 -11.06 1.222.253 16 60 -14.44 208.64

17 55 -11.06 1.222.253 17 64 -10.44 109.09

18 70 3.94 1.555.864 18 76 1.56 2.421

19 65 -1.06 1.114.198 19 68 -6.44 41.53

20 65 -1.06 1.114.198 20 68 -6.44 41.53

21 75 8.94 8.000.309 21 88 13.56 183.75


Pre Test Group Post Test Group

No. X1 (Xi – x̅ ) (Xi – x̅ )2 No. X1 (Xi – x̅ ) (Xi – x̅ )2

22 60 -6.06 3.666.975 22 64 -10.44 109.09

23 65 -1.06 1.114.198 23 72 -2.44 5.98

24 80 13.94 1.944.475 24 96 21.56 464.64

25 75 8.94 8.000.309 25 88 13.56 183.75

26 65 -1.06 1.114.198 26 84 9.56 91.31

27 65 -1.06 1.114.198 27 72 -2.44 5.98

28 60 -6.06 3.666.975 28 68 -6.44 41.53

29 72 5.94 3.533.642 29 92 17.56 308.20

30 75 8.94 8.000.309 30 92 17.56 308.20

31 65 -1.06 1.114.198 31 68 -6.44 41.53

32 75 8.94 8.000.309 32 76 1.56 2.42

33 80 13.94 1.944.475 33 96 21.56 464.64

34 72 5.94 3.533.642 34 76 1.56 2.42

35 70 3.94 1.555.864 35 72 -2.44 5.98

36 72 5.94 3.533.642 36 84 9.56 91.31Σ 2378 s1

2 2005.889 Σ 2680 s22 3912.889

s1 7.57 s2 10.57

2) Finding M1,M2


3) To find the t, inserting in the formula

4) Find the score of df (degree of freedom)

Df = N1 + N2 – 2

= 36 + 36 – 2

= 70

Result df = 70 from of with level of significant 5% from

the table is 1,98.

C. Discussion

According to the result of pre-test and post-test and hypothesis test.

It shows that teaching reading achievement narrative text using skimming


technique is effective in increasing the reading achievement narrative text.

The effectiveness of skimming technique on reading narrative text, we can

look on the result of hypothesis test. The result of the calculation is that the

value of to is 16,42. It is consulted with on significant level 5% is

1,98. It means that the value of t0 > t or 16,42 > 1,98, so the writer

concluded that there is significant difference between the English teaching

reading a narrative text between the students who are taught using

skimming technique from the students who are taught before using

skimming technique.

According to the means score of both groups, the mean score of

experiment class is higher than the mean score of control class. It also

mean that teaching reading achievement narrative text by using skimming

is better effective than reading without using skimming technique.

Effectiveness of skimming technique use in uplift reading

achievement narrative text that in achievement study reading a narrative

text to use skimming technique able to improve student motivation in

following lesson.

By virtue of above description earn affirmed that exciting matter in

provable theory. Lesson use skimming technique of vital importance its

role in achievement study reading achievement narrative text, since

through skimming use of achievement learn student by the end of study

activity earn improved.




In this chapter the writer presents the conclusions and suggestion to the

readers, especially for students and teachers. The writer hopers it would be useful

for the readers to improve the quality of English teaching, especially the of

reading narrative text for the eleventh year student of SMA student in Senior High


A. Conclusion

1. The result of data analysis that are 27 students who get the score of 65

% or above and 9 students get the score below 65 %. These data mean

that 75% students are considered successful whereas 25% failed. Other

classification indicates that 4 students get A, 11 student get C and 9

students get D. Based on the data above, the writer concluded that the

reading ability narrative text in eleventh year students of SMA Negeri

1 Weleri in the academic year 2010/2011 of students taught using

skimming technique is high.

2. The result of data analysis that are 26 students who get the score of

65% or above and 10 students get the score below 65%. These data

mean that 72,12% students are considered successful whereas 27,78%

failed. Other classification indicates that no student get A, 6 students

get B, 20 students get C and 10 students get D. Based on the data

above, the writer concluded that reading achievement narrative text in


the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 1 Weleri in the academic

year 2010/2011 of students without taught using skimming technique

is low.

3. The effectiveness of using skimming technique on reading narrative

text, we can look on the result of hypothesis test. The result of the

calculation is that the value of to is 16,42. If means that the value of t0

> tt or 16,42 > 1,98, so the writer concluded that there is significant

differences between the students who are taught before using

skimming with the students who are taught after using skimming


B. Suggestion

After getting the result of the study in her research, the writer

would like to give some suggestion in order to improve the mastery of

reading achievement of narrative text, as follows:

1. To improve the reading achievement narrative text, the students have

to use their memory in order to achieve better achievement in English


2. The teacher who plays a great role in learning teaching process should

give information to the students in order to help the students easier in

understanding the material.

3. The teacher should encourage her/himself to seek the best method of

teaching English reading achievement narrative text to her/his students.


4. The teacher has to evaluate students, how far they understand material

in every meeting.

Finally, the writer expect that the result of this research could be

useful for the English teacher or the future English teacher in improving

their achievement in teaching English, especially in increasing the students

achievement on reading narrative text.


Anderson, M and K. Anderson. 1997. Text Types in English 2. Canbera:Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd.

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Appendix 1


Computation to find the validity of the items of multiple choice with four options

using the formula of product moment.

Example for item number 1.

Σ X = 20

Σ Y = 498

ΣX2 = 400

ΣY2 = 9230

ΣXY = 364

N = 30

So the validity of number 1 is valid, because riable where the total subject

N =30 and the significan of 5 % = 0,361. While = 0,399. So r> rtable or

0,399 >0,361.

The Result of Analysis of Items Validity

No Soal ΣX ΣX2 ΣY ΣY2 ΣXY rxy Keterangan

1 20 20 498 9230 364 0,399 Valid

2 16 16 498 9230 299 0,394 Valid

3 9 9 498 9230 198 0,624 Valid

4 22 22 498 9230 411 0,609 Valid

5 18 18 498 9230 305 0,074 Not Valid

6 16 16 498 9230 304 0,453 Valid

7 14 14 498 9230 267 0,408 Valid

8 23 23 498 9230 396 0,198 Not Valid

9 15 15 498 9230 283 0,4 Valid

10 10 10 498 9230 216 0,624 Valid

11 16 16 498 9230 300 0,406 Valid

12 17 17 498 9230 317 0,413 Valid

13 17 17 498 9230 316 0,401 Valid

14 18 18 498 9230 334 0,423 Valid

15 22 22 498 9230 398 0,436 Valid

16 22 22 498 9230 396 0,41 Valid

17 14 14 498 9230 267 0,408 Valid

18 19 19 498 9230 342 0,325 Not Valid

19 25 25 498 9230 445 0,474 Valid

20 9 9 498 9230 186 0,47 Valid

21 14 14 498 9230 265 0,384 Valid

22 9 9 498 9230 180 0,393 Valid

23 18 18 498 9230 335 0,435 Valid

24 16 16 498 9230 298 0,382 Valid

25 15 15 498 9230 286 0,435 Valid

26 16 16 498 9230 298 0,382 Valid

27 19 19 498 9230 327 0,142 Not Valid

28 16 16 498 9230 300 0,406 Valid

29 18 18 498 9230 311 0,146 Not Valid

30 15 15 498 9230 286 0,435 Valid

Appendix 2


No x p q pq

1 20 0.67 0.33 0.2222

2 1 0.53 0.47 0.2489

3 9 0.30 0.70 0.2100

4 22 0.73 0.27 0.1956

5 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

6 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

7 14 0.47 0.53 0.2489

8 23 0.77 0.23 0.1789

9 15 0.50 0.50 0.2500

10 10 0.33 0.67 0.2222

11 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

12 17 0.57 0.43 0.2456

13 17 0.57 0.43 0.2456

14 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

15 22 0.73 0.27 0.1956

16 22 0.73 0.27 0.1956

17 14 0.47 0.53 0.2489

18 19 0.63 0.37 0.2322

19 25 0.83 0.17 0.1389

20 9 0.30 0.70 0.2100

21 14 0.47 0.53 0.2489

22 9 0.30 0.70 0.2100

23 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

24 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

25 15 0.50 0.50 0.2500

26 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

27 19 0.63 0.37 0.2322

28 16 0.53 0.47 0.2489

29 18 0.60 0.40 0.2400

30 15 0.50 0.50 0.2500

498 16.60 13.40 6.8844

Appendix 3


Example for item number 1.



DP CriterionNumber

ItemDP Criterion

1. 0,27 Fair 16. 0,4 Good

2. 0,4 Good 17. 0,27 Fair

3. 0,47 Good 18. 0,2 Fair

4. 0,4 Good 19. 0,33 Fair

5. 0 Bad 20. 0,33 Fair

6. 0,27 Fair 21. 0,4 Good

7. 0,4 Good 22. 0,33 Fair

8. 0,2 Fair 23. 0,53 Good

9. 0,2 Fair 24. 0,4 Good

10. 0,53 Good 25. 0,33 Fair

11. 0,47 Good 26. 0,4 Good

12. 0,33 Fair 27. 0,2 Fair

13. 0,4 Good 28. 0,4 Good

14. 0,27 Fair 29. 0,13 Bad

15. 0,4 Good 30. 0,47 Good

Text for Pre-test and Post-test

The Four Puppets

Read the text below!

Once there was a puppet maker who had a son named Aung. The father

always hoped his son would grow up to be a puppet maker like himself. But to

Aung, such a life was far from exciting.

“Father”, said Aung one day, “I’ve decided to leave home and seek my

fortune”. The puppet maker looked up sadly from his work. “I wish you would

stay, my son. The life of a puppet maker is an honorable one. But if you must go,

let me give you companions for your journey”. He showed his son four wooden

puppets he had carved, painted, and costumed. “Each puppet”, he said, “has its

own virtue and value”. The first puppet was the king of the Gods. The puppet

maker said, “The God’s virtue is wisdom”. The second puppet was a green-faced

ogre. “The ogre’s virtue is strength”. The third was s mystic sorcerer’s virtue is

knowledge”. The fourth was a holy hermit. “The hermit’s virtue is goodness”. He

told his son, “Each of these virtues san help you on your way. But remember,

strength and knowledge must always serve wisdom, and goodness”.

Aung started off the next day. On his shoulder, he carried a bamboo pole,

with food and clothing tied at one end, and the puppets hanging by their strings

from the other.

When night came, Aung found himself deep in the jungle. He stopped

beneath a banyan tree. “This looks like a good place to sleep, “he said to himself.

“But I wonder if it’s safe”. Then Aung had a funny idea. “I think I’ll ask one of

the puppets!” He turned with a smile to the king of the Gods. “Tell me, is it safe

here?” To his amazement, the puppet came alive. It got down from the pole and

grew to life size. “Aung”, said the God, “open your eyes and look around you.

That is the first step to wisdom. If you fail to see what is right before you, how

easy it will be for others to misguide you”! And the next moment, the puppet was

hanging again from the pole.

When Aung had gotten over his shock, he looked carefully all around the

tree. There in the soft earth were the tracks of a tiger! That night he slept not on

the ground but in the branches above. And he was glad he did, for in the middle of

the night, he saw a tiger come prowling below him.

The next day took Aung into the mountains, and at sunset, he left the road

and camped a little way up the mountainside. When he awoke the next morning,

he saw a caravan coming along the road below. A dozen bullock carts were piled

high with costly goods.

“That caravan must belong to some rich merchant”, Aung told himself. “I

wish I had wealth like that”. Then he had a thought. He turned to the green-faced

ogre. “Tell me, how can I gain such riches”? Aung watched in wonder as the

puppet left the pole and grew to life size. “If you have strength”, boomed the ogre,

“you can take whatever you like”. “Watch this!” He stamped his foot and the earth

shook. “Wait!” said Aung. But it was too late. Just below them, dirt and rocks

broke loose in a landslide. It rushed down the mountain and blocked the road. The

terrified drivers jumped from their carts and ran off.

“You see?” said the ogre. “Is it really that easy?” said Aung, in a daze. He

hurried down to the carts and rushed from one to another, gaping at the heaps of

rich fabrics and piles of precious metals. “And all of it’s mine!” he cried.

Just then, Aung heard a sob. Lying huddled in one of the carts was a lovely

young woman his own age. She cried and shivered in fear. “I won’t hurt you”,

said Aung gently. “who are you?” My name is Mala”, he said in a small voice.

“My father is the owner of this caravan. We were on our way to meet him. “All at

once, Aung knew he was in love. He wanted to keep Mala with him forever.

“Don’t worry”, he said. I’ll take you with me and care for you”. Mala sat up

angrily. “Go ahead! Take me, like you’re taking everything else! But you’re just a

thief, and I’ll never, ever speak to you!” Aung was shocked. Was he really just a

thief? He didn’t know what to say.

The ogre came up beside him then. “don’t listen to her. She’ll change her

mind-and anyway, the important thing is you wanted. Now, let’s go”. The ogre

cleared the road, then helped Aung lead the caravan. That afternoon, they came

out of mountains, not far from the capital city.

Aung asked the ogre, “What should I do, now that I have all these riches?”

“don’t ask me!” said the ogre. “Ask the sorcerer!” Aung turned to the mystic

sorcerer. “can you tell me?” The puppet came to life and floated before him, as

Mala looked on with wide eyes. “If you want your wealth to grow”, said the

sorcerer, “you must learn the secrets of nature”.

He tapped Aung with his red wand, and together they raised high in the air.

Looking down, Aung saw everything in a new way. He could tell what land was

best for farming, and which mountains held gold and silver. “This is wonderful!”

said aung “Just think how I can help people with what I know!” “Certainly you

could”, said the sorcerer. “But knowledge is power. Why not keep it all for

yourself instead? Isn’t that what other people do?” “I suppose so”, said Aung.

So they came to the capital city. Aung became a merchant, and with the

help of the ogre and the sorcerer, he grew many times richer than at first. He

bought a palace for himself and Mala, and kept the puppets in a special room of

their own. But Aung was not happy, for Mala still would not speak to him.

One day, he placed before her a headdress fit for a queen. The heavy gold

was set with dozens of large rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. The magnificent

piece had cost Aung a third of his wealth. Mala took one look and pushed it away.

Aung was heartbroken. He said, “Don’t you know I love you?” But she only

glared at him said not a word.

The next morning, Aung went to the puppets’ room and spoke to the ogre

and the sorcerer. “Mala’s father must now be very poor, while I have more than I

need. I’ll help Mala find him so I can pay him for what I took. Maybe then she’ll

speak to me, and even learn to love me”. “A terrible idea!” said the ogre. “You

should never give up what is yours. You’re just being weak!” “Besides”, the

sorcerer told him, “you’re too late. Mala ran away last night”. “What?” cried

Aung. He rushed through the palace, but Mala was nowhere to be found.

Aung returned to the puppets’ room in despair. “What good is all my

wealth if I’ve lost what I care for most?” For once, the ogre and the sorcerer were

silent and still.

Then Aung remembered there was one puppet he had never called on. He

turned to the holy hermit. “Tell me, why has everything gone wrong?” The puppet

came to life. “Aung, you imagined that wealth brings happiness. But true

happiness comes only from goodness. What is important is not what you have but

what you do with it”. The king of the Gods then came to life and stood beside the

hermit. “You forgot what your father told you, Aung. Strength and knowledge are

useful, but they must always serve wisdom and goodness”. “I won’t forget again”.

Sai Aung.

From that day on, Aung used his wealth and his talents to do goodness. He

built a splendid holy pagoda, and offered food and shelter to those who visited the


One day among the visitors, Aung saw a young woman he knew well. An

older man stood beside her, both of them wearing humble clothes. “Mala!” cried

Aung. He rushed over to the startled young woman and knelt before her puzzled

father. “Sir, I have done you great wrong. I beg your forgiveness. All I have is

yours, and I give it up gladly. I will be content to return to my village and make

puppets”. “Father”, said Mala softly, “this is Aung. But he has changed!” “So it

would seem!” said her father. “And if so, it would be a shame to let go of a young

man of such talent. Perhaps he would like to work for me, and live with us in the


So Aung became the merchant’s assistant, and before long his partner, and

when Mala’s heart was won, his son-in-law. As for the puppets, Aung still called

on them as needed. But though he was helped often by strength and knowledge,

he was guided always by wisdom and goodness.

Told by Aaron Shepard

Pre – test and post – test

Time allotment: 60 minutes

Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b c or d in your answer sheet!

1. Which one in the orientation of the story?

a. Aung started to leave his father’s house because of fortunes.

b. There was a puppet maker lived with his only son.

c. A puppet maker gave his son four puppets.

d. Aung became a rich merchant in a town.

2. But to Aung, such a life was far from exciting (paragraph 1) What does it


a. Aung enjoyed being a puppet maker like his father.

b. Aung wanted to be a puppet maker like his father.

c. Aung was not interested in being a puppet maker.

d. Aung was exciting being a puppet maker like his father.

3. Why did Aung leave his home?

a. Aung looked for a better life.

b. Aung looked for a beautiful wife.

c. Aung looked for a better house.

d. Aung looked for a companion.

4. What is the main idea of 2nd paragraph?

a. Aung sought his fortune in the town.

b. Aung’s father asked him to stay home.

c. Aung’s father gave him the four puppets.

d. Aung was happy having the four puppets.

5. Who had the virtues of goodness and wisdom?

a. The king of the gods and holy hermit.

b. The green – faced ogre and the king of the gods

c. The holy hermit and mystic sorcerer

d. The holy hermit and the king of the gods

6. What did Aung carry for his journey?

a. A bamboo pole, the puppets and money

b. The puppets, a bamboo pole, cloth and food

c. A bamboo pole, cloth, and the four puppets

d. The puppets, a bamboo pole, food and money.

7. What did Aung see all around the tree?

a. He saw a tiger below him

b. He saw a safe place to sleep

c. He saw many branches below him

d. He saw the marks left by tiger

8. Where did Aung sleep at that night?

a. He slept beneath a banyan tree

b. He slept in the branches above tree

c. He slept on the ground below tree

d. He slept in the above of tree house

9. What is the main idea of the sixth paragraph?

a. Aung saw a caravan carrying costly goods

b. Aung slept in the branches above In tree

c. Aung slept in the mountain in the next day

d. Aung camped in the mountain side at night

10. Who said “you and get anything you like if you have strength” (paragraph 7}?

a. The king of the gods

b. The green – faced ogre

c. The holy hermit

d. The mystic sorcerer

11. What did the Ogre do to the caravan?

a. He shook the rocks and blocked the road.

b. He stopped the caravan and took the goods.

c. He shook the caravan and took the goods.

d. He stopped the caravan and helped drivers.

12. Who cried and shivered in fear?

a. Aung’s father

b. Aung

c. The owner of caravan

d. The daughter of the caravan

13. Why did Mala get angry with Aung?

a. Because Aung was in love with Mala

b. Because Aung wanted to take Mala with him

c. Because Aung was taking the goods’ caravan

d. Because Aung shocked the rocks and blocked the road

14. What is the first complication in the story?

a. Aung left his home seek fortunes.

b. Aung’s father gave him four puppets.

c. Aung got lost in a deep jungle alone.

d. Aung saw a tiger prowling beneath the tree.

15. What did the mystic sorcerer say to Aung (paragraph 12).

a. If you wealth to grow, you need to be a scientist.

b. If you want your wealth higher, you need to learn how to save it.

c. If you want wealth to grow you need to learn more about this universe.

d. If you want your wealth greater, you need to learn more about knowledge.

16. What is the main idea of the twelfth paragraph?

a. You can take whatever you like by having strength.

b. You can see everything in a new way by having knowledge.

c. You can learn anything better by having knowledge.

d. You can get whatever you like by having knowledge.

17. What did Aung buy for Mala?

a. A diamond

b. A caravan

c. A palace

d. A puppet

18. How much did Aung spend his wealth to buy a headdress fit for Mala.

a. He spent a half of his wealth.

b. He spent all his wealth.

c. He spent a third of his wealth.

d. He spent none of his wealth.

19. Mala took one look and pushed it away (paragraph 14)What does the

statement mean?

a. Mala did not want to put it on.

b. Mala put the cloth on her body.

c. Mala looked at the cloth carefully.

d. Mala hanged the cloth on.

20. According to the 15th which one is correct?

a. Aung was richer than before in the town.

b. Aung a bit realized about his faults.

c. Aung knew Mala’s father is poor now.

d. Aung was really in love with Mala.

21. Who made Aung realized about his wrongdoings?

a. The holy hermit and the mystic sorcerer.

b. The green-faced ogre and the holy hermit.

c. The holy hermit and the green faced agre

d. The holy hermit and the kings of the gods

22. What did the holy hermit say to Aung?

a. True happiness comes from your goodness.

b. True happiness comes from your wealth.

c. True happiness comes from your knowledge.

d. True happiness comes from your true love.

23. Who did Aung see in the splendid pagoda?

a. Mala

b. Mala’s father

c. Aung’s father

d. Mala and her father

24. What is the resolution of the story?

a. Mala’s father forgave Aung’s wrongdoings.

b. Aung left his house to seek his fortunes.

c. Aung took the goods of the caravan.

d. Aung built a splendid pagoda for people.

25. What is the moral value stating in the story?

a. Strength and knowledge are always guided by wisdom and goodness.

b. Strength and knowledge are the most powerful source of happiness.

c. True happiness comes from strength and knowledge only.

d. Wisdom and goodness are the main element in gaining true happiness.

26. He tapped Aung with his red wand, and together they rose high in the

air.(paragraph 12) What does the word He refer to?

a. Aung

b. Holy Hermit

c. Green-faced Ogre

d. Sorcerer

27. Where did Aung keep his four puppets?

a. He kept them in a garden of this palace.

b. He kept them in a special cupboard of this palace.

c. He kept them in a puppets room of this palace.

d. He kept them in a living of this palace.

28. “What is important is not what you have but what you do with it” (paragraph

17). From the statement above, it implies…

a. Your wealth meaningless without using to grow it greater.

b. Your wealth is meaningless without doing something for athers.

c. Your wealth is meaningless without doing it for your prosperity.

d. Your wealth is meaningless without using it if fir your own business.

29. To whom was the last puppet Aung asked?

a. Green-Faced Ogre

b. King of Gods

c. Sorcerer

d. Holy Hermit

30. Which paragraph told that Mala ran away from the palace?

a. 12th paragraph

b. 13th paragraph

c. 14th paragraph

d. 15th paragraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 26 676

2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 25 625

3 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 25 625

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 24 576

5 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 25 625

6 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 23 529

7 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 23 529

8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 20 400

9 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 20 400

10 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 22 484

11 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 484

12 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 18 324

13 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 22 484

14 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 13 169

15 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 15 225

16 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 13 169

17 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 18 324

18 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 12 144

19 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 144

20 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 81

21 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 15 225

22 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 13 169

23 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 49

24 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 121

25 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 14 196

26 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 81

27 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 100

28 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 10 100

29 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 7 49

30 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 64

SX 19 17 13 23 18 17 13 21 11 10 16 17 17 18 21 22 14 19 21 9 14 10 17 15 18 13 19 16 18 15 491 9171

SX2 19 17 13 23 18 17 13 21 11 10 16 17 17 18 21 22 14 19 21 9 14 10 17 15 18 13 19 16 18 15

SXY 353 319 251 420 298 317 239 361 229 206 300 330 326 329 379 389 266 367 378 195 279 192 319 280 347 250 330 286 329 307

rxy 0,47 0,45 0,42 0,56 0,04 0,42 0,29 0,20 0,55 0,49 0,41 0,57 0,52 0,38 0,42 0,35 0,40 0,63 0,41 0,56 0,54 0,33 0,45 0,37 0,58 0,41 0,21 0,26 0,38 0,67

Criteria V V V V N V N N V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V N N V V

0,27 0,4 0,47 0,27 0,4 0 0,27 0,27 0,47 0,33 0,5 0,27 0,4 0,27 0,2 0,33 0,4 0,24 0,2 0,33 0,33 0,4 0,33 0,53 0,4 0,33 0,4 0,2 0,13 0,47

Ket F G G G B F G F F G F G F G F G F F F F G F G G F G F G B F

TK 0,67 0,53 0,30 0,73 0,60 0,53 0,46 0,76 0,50 0,33 0,53 0,56 0,57 0,60 0,73 0,73 0,73 0,47 0,63 0,83 0,30 0,47 0,30 0,60 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,58 0,60 0,50


Y Y2NoItem number Item Number

Apendix 3.1

Example number 1:

SX = 19 SX2 = 19

SY = SY2 =

SXY = N = 39

- 19

39 19 - 19 2 39 9171 - 491 2


- -

( 380 )( )


For a= 5% and number of subject 39, r table is 0.316.

Because r11 > r table, then instrument is valid.

=39 353 491

The Computation of Item Reliability

491 9171





=13767 9329

741 361 357669






N SXY - (SX)(SY)rxy =

(N SX2 - (SX)2) (N SY2 - (SY)2)