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Eagle Secret’s 2 Day Workshop on: Professional

Presentation Skills Eagle Secrets’ a division exclusively catering to the growing needs of ‘Professional Self Development & Leadership’ programs presents:

‘Professional Presentation Skills’ The best of skills and competency levels will not help if one is unable to Present or Communicate effectively. In recent studies conducted in organizations, it was established that more than 60% of an executive’s time was spent in Communicating & Presenting ideas, and in the case of top-level executives, it even exceeded 80% of the daily working time. One may have great knowledge of their field, excellent skills and enormous potential, but the world will know about these only if one can properly present themselves along with the qualities they have. Eagle Secrets’ program on ‘PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION SKILLS’ will provide just this…the Skills to enable one be better Presenters in today’s world! Broad Outline of 2 Day Course Objective of Presentation Knowing Your Audience Preparing for a Presentation Structuring a Presentation Overcoming Fear Keeping Audience Interested Using Visuals Managing your Time How every part of YOU communicates! Understanding the Behavior Pattern/Body Language of others Managing Questions/Crisis Dos & Don’ts The ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ in Presentation

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How the course works: The methodology used would be more of a SEE & REMEMBER, along with DO & UNDERSTAND, using audio-visuals, video clippings/movies, & exercises. Each participant will have a chance to work on his subject assigned & present to audience, with feedback & evaluation carried out…thus fine-tuning the presentation! At the end of the program each of them would take back an action plan that they would put to immediate use! Infrastructure Requirements: As for most of the sessions we would be using our laptop, we would require an LCD projector with screen and a sound system, a white board with markers & flip charts, with seating in a U’ shape. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call: (091) (044) 4353 1000, 4353 1300 Fax: (091) (044) 4353 1101 24 Hr Hotline: 94440-365(days) 24(hrs) Cell: +91 98400 99899 Email: [email protected] [email protected] We service some of the top most names as Clients in India, Middle East, Africa & SE Asia…names and testimonials of which can be seen on the websites listed below. Websites: www.FirstContactAcademy.Com, www.SalesTrainingIndia.Com
