
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2001; 45 (4) : 507-510




*Department of Neurology,Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences,Lucknow - 226 014

and**Bhopal Trust Hospital,

Bhopal - 462 001

( Received on May 15, 2001 )

Abstract : This study was conducted to observe the effect of somecommonly used anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), on cognition, in 118 schoolgoing children with epilepsy, in an age range of 9-12 yrs., (Mean 10.4 ± 1.7yrs.). For comparison, 28 healthy, age and sex matched schoolchildrenserved as controls. After a clinical, electrophysiological and radiologicalevaluation, the cognitive functions were assessed in' both groups, using amodified Wechsler's Intelligence Scale. It was observed that cognition wasimpaired in only 2.5% of children with epilepsy, there being no relationshipbetween' cognitive performance and the type of AED used. It is concludedthat cognitive functions are impaired in only a limited number of childrenwith epilepsy and effect of phenobarbitone and phenytoin on cognitivefunctions is comparable to carbamazepine and sodium valproate,particularly when demand of task is not very high.

Key words: cognition anti-epileptics


Cognitive function has been reported tobe impaired in children with epilepsy,compared with age matched controls.Multiple factors in fl ue n ce cognition insuch patients including underlyingbrain pathology, inherited tendencies,psychosocial factors, antiepilepticmedication etc (1, 2) and, it is difficult toevaluate their individual significance (3).

Epileptologists now monitor cognition witha view to offering excellent seizurecontrol with minimal possible negativeimpact (4, 5).

This study was conducted to determinethe effect of commonly used anti-epilepticdrugs (AED) on cognitive function inchildren having well controlled epilepsy.The changes, if any, with the type of AEDused, were also evaluated.

*Corresponding Author


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This prospective case controlled studywas conducted on 118 (78 male and 40females) school going children selected from212 patients with epilepsy. Their agesranged from 9-12 years (mean age 10.4 ± 1.7yrs). They had primary generalised seizures(ILAE) classification) and were fullycontrolled on monotherapy with either ofthe AEDs viz. Phenobarbitone (PB)-38patients, Phenytoin (PHT)-34 patients,Carbamazepirie (CZ)-26 patients and SodiumValproate (VPA)-20 patients. The controlgroup consisted of 28 (20 male, 8 female)school children.

Children having epilepsy secondary toIntracranial space occupying lesions, headinjury, cerebral anoxia, cerebrovascularaccidents were excluded. Children withmental retardation, cerebral palsy, andthose on poly therapy were not included.Intellectual capability of subjects andcontrol were tested and found to be adequatefor understanding the mental test beingperformed (IQ- 80 and above). After detailedclinical and neurological examinationrelevant radiological (cranial CT and MRI)and electrophysiological investigation weredone to fulfill selection criteria and excludesecondary causes. The children wereevaluated at the time of entry into studyand at three month intervals. Cognition inpatients and control was measured usingWechsler's intelligence scale test which hadto be partly modified to suit the Indianchildren (6). This was a written format andcomprised of simplified and commonquestions as tests of orientation, attention,memory (immediate, recent and remote),calculation and comprehension. Evaluation

Indian J Physiol Pharmacal 2001; 45(4)

was done with the help of clinicalpsychologist in morning hours just beforethe first dose since the children were morealert at that time. Teachers were informedabout the seriousness of this study andregularly interviewed by investigators andlor parents regarding the sch olist.ic .performance and behavioural changes. Theassessment result cards of patients andcontrol were regularly checked and gradedfrom A-J (A = 100% and J = 10%). Decreasein scholistic performance was defined asdecrement by 2 grades (20%) or more.Compliance was ensured by observing theseizure diary, maintained by parents. Theperiod of follow up of each patient was 1.5years and the total period of study was 3.5years. Estimation of drug level was doneonly in children with epilepsy, byFluorescence Polar Immunoassay Analyser(FPIA) at each follow up.

Statistic analysis was done usingstudents 't' test.·


While cognition was normal in controlsubjects, significant impairment wasobserved in only 3 (2.5%) of 118 patients,one each on PHT, PB and CZ. Complaintsof increased sleeping hours (more in daytime) and excessive drowsiness werereported in 12 (32%) patients on PB, 10(30%) 'On PHT but only 4 on CZ and VPA(16% and 20% respectively Table I). Five(19%) children with epilepsy showedsignificant improvement in immediate recallon CZ and 3 (15%) on VPA, while 6 revealeda tendency towards improvement inattention and immediate recall both on PHT(18%) and PB (16%). The serum levels of all


Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2001; 45(4) Antiepileptics and Cognition 509

TABLE I: Comparison of common AED and their effect on cognition


No. of Patients 38 34 26Price/day (in Rs.) 0.5 0.6 6.0Increased sleep (day time) 32% 30% 16%Improvement in immediate recall 16% 18% 19%Deterioration in Attention 2.6% 2.9% 3.8%Decrement in immediate recall 2.6% 2.9% 3.8%Decrement in recent memory 2.6% 2.9% 3.8%Decrement in long term memory Nil Nil NilSerum Level ug/ml 38±2.6 18.4±3.6 7.4±1.4



the AED were within therapeutic range. Inonly 2 patients, one each on PB and CZ.thedrowsiness persisted after 6-8 months,while others adjusted to a normal sleeppattern after an initial period of 2-6 weeks.School performance as observed by terms of day to day class work and gradesachieved in assessment result cardsremained essentially unaltered exceptdeterioration by 2 grades (20%) in only threechildren, one each on PB, CZ and PHT. Mostof subjects (95%) maintained their gradebetween F and D (50%-70%). Though formaltesting was not done, no significantbehavioral or mood alteration were observedin these patients by teachers or parents.


Thus, in this the two importantobservations were that in well controlledpatients of epilepsy on AED in therapeuticnon toxic monotherapy, the Cognitivefunction remained unaltered and secondly,there is no significant difference in cognitiveperformance amongst various AED's.Suprisingly, improvement was observed in20 (18%) patients which may be attributed

to better seizure control and proper doseadjustment rather than to individualpsychotropic effect (4, 7, 8). Thus only alimited number of children have cognitivedeficit while on AEDs and afterdiscontinuation (9). This is in line withreports that the major factor contributingto quality of life is seizure control (10, 11).In India, where epilepsy continues to be asocial stigma, its control instills confidencein the child which may account for theimproved cognition (7, 10).

VPA and CZ are known since long tocause negligible impairment in cognition,while PHT and PB have been notorious incausing abnormalities in cognition (12). Weobserved that PB and PHT do not causesignificant cognitive impairment so as tocause serious concern, especially in dailyactivities where demand of task is not veryhigh (4, 13). While there are reports todocument that cognitive impairment inepileptics may be temporary, no differenceon cognitive measures between children onAED and control have been reported,especially if seizures are controlled (9, 11).Their use should be encouraged without


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hesitation since they are less expensive andthere is no appreciable difference incognition, toxicity, school performance orefficiency between these common AED.

That cognitive abnormalities occur athigher dose and after prolonged use of PHTand PB (5, 14). So is likely our conclusionswhich are based on a study limited to wellcontrolled rather "benign" epileptics, cannotbe generalised. Larger neuropsychiatric(cognitive, behavioral and mood) studiesincorporating larger number of controlsubjects and with emphasis on two key

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points: 1. Effect of higher dose (hence higherserum levels) of AED on cognition inepileptics. 2. The impact of AED on cognitivefunction in uncontrolled epileptic syndromeslike West and Lennox etc; refractory toAEDs are required.


We thank Dr Krishna Dutt, PhD,Clinical Psychologist, Deptt of Psychiatry,KGMC, Lucknow for helping III

psychological test, and Dr V.Bhushan forhelping in statistical analysis.


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