Download - ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

Page 1: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

T^BUttETIN™ u r rJ.. <

1 * ^ ^ I h e U- S. bwTr CTuUcT

i l^ T ^ o r e e s ^Againstli

r tO SonJ«y. f 'l '- ■< ( 'n - V n i M N nt ^ jtjic e OB the allied o f fe n s iv e inched

m ilea n o r th o f I

U ard a of the U . N . ^, were w ithin seven ^ jx rh n p f l less — o f - ■ • ^ Earl D, Johnson, a sals - — —

l>«*tArT of Uif DrJiiJ'i flccoui* ^ H h |P. uii-!ed lnt»ni0 column • jM B fc ;* t» » P"ln‘ J E B e '

” the South Korean

mJla , .- n Slid lhe redi had ^?T]Vocuuiltlciesturd»y.

the n lnfda; to u l H B l ^ } limx. .. . .. V...

tBki Drtrea orf ^rtAOOofan-rrr driven oft ths 5 % « I In do trd flshtlng

nlihl. The hill changed M0 line! duriM the dajr. U rf nUtt north-northwe«t of lUcb U IT mllM south of

n t t t h lh«' hUi their ob.

jU «ooion the«uin ink otmt btld ground after 4 V u much u one mile %, AP ^ CorrapoDdcRt

^ t h ^ y uld Killed (orccs ^ rrm hill 383. aix mllu cl Sunn, late Saturday, but

» (dr briefljr. Tvro red com- /^iffatUctcd. forcing Che

( (uarter ot k ffllir: t ta FifhUiv

m n e t of AuKtAnt Score- atges a( a point In the line nsBnafrcmSeoulladlcat. m [atrol] mre eren cloier tootf republican capital. a rtiem to TdI -o Batiardoy i-QilQHa bodlM all over the

L 8. eldith army eommunl. ucDMd Uut United NaUoni I BWI« bad InfUcUd S.IBO Jace Ui( enemy on Friday h .tb# coniinuinj advance

knqht to nearly IS.OOO the retChlnne and North Ko- I t killed, wounded or cap- i n Ueut-Qcn. Matthew B.(liaKhed hll eighth winy BedeWttUvidrlMUiward Attendto* t t t U. ' Satorday,iwd la Ui8 toUl.-wu an of healthi. Dr.

r n l t t e r t f nd^ASalBW 14 Saoirday in 'a aaturatlon *by a luic flight of B-28‘

",i“„sr.bS‘'c5 Sixthnaw cn lha outaklrts of '

------------ ;_____ Fi r e Drivers s u n L ^ y , f e

tra l iiln j echool.

ay Flues o n SSXvr.'im nAk _ division of Amei

Traffic Rules. , volunteer mcmt

^ a ^ pujlnj a achool bus Southccntral ^ c b Wren «Ere among the resented at the ^U U om for which motor- y w ln PnUs. Can fW naed In Twin Falls ond m g Jerome. I aaw tiaitheendoftheweelc. M rs; Grant He;* “ '^ ''lowlons alM were njiuidcr, prcsJd I Ibe chargM filed, Carter. Twin Falls, plead- Members of■WJ to driving M mllea per ----------------------« » JO-mlle.per-hour rone. ,

Cont■ 'PWrlng in Twin Falls» B3«n wM Vem Cordon. Klg- Tr-«M »u flMd ,J ,Dd 13 oMt for | j ’ lI Ul unlicensed Ualler. Both . F i l 4 were arrested by sUte police.

Irlver’a P O C A T E l

~ s s , . r ^ s« I* Schultz, under 16, who e d t h i s a f t e r r

■ «notor s h o u ld b e l i f

amai with operaUns a motor

Truman"'■Mn paiii lines In Jerome | ^ '

8P««llng and C n B P i S .cl“ ld?^n'’''’ “ PHILADELPI

;■ Sail'Lake Olty, S ' r o f F ^ /

i£5 ;:r.irss!h o n o r ? d - ln «

ta V ^ l ' ’ 'M against commu)L c ! !S L U " i? a m p a .« « ,

-»■*« Jlacd jc a a a n td hope : ® Vifdntviay aflemoon for in p another woi ^ ____________g e t over this c

t e r t a i i i m e i i t t o B e F «

L t _ C ! i a m b e r B a n q u e t« I a .udn , „ , a i „ .c co m S o iM .■ .n l '"< " ‘«'nment will DenUe McInUri anniiM member- .Community a « of r.®I A . W. MorBMl

,*-nnimerc« nett Tues. elBhi organl*at: ed and brief U

‘h* complete Lyons.Smllh. k‘ <or th? event ai the Turl B>man. preslc

t Kri?.' *■*' SalunUy Howard Mglfi• *ui«r, program chairman, manager. Mew

J* Keilcer «ere Donald Zuck. directors wU b< ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. W l Ting Ihs — -,:,-r- „ c^ m o n les . S'

Und in » , Sm itb, DewalS'Cotlet? .I "* ’ »1U be M arian Langd<

^ “ ra. Members ofbt the ■''’oU'tr-hlgh. commltU«»«re• ' ‘“Ito ot Max Uoyd. U n . C. Boy H

! 1 ^ th e T . ____

rh e ■ ------- - M »uah . . M O - — B ■ B ‘> HUcT g _ B ~ B - j

1----------------------------- A -n e g lo h a J NewsTaiill

0«l.-Ut CllT .,_|Count/ .Scw.Mi.rr

ees Fi^ht Dp ^Inereasing ;/n i t c i j N a t io n s f o rc e s to d a y foiiKhf a dot;(,’cJ i v e inched fo n v n rd in w e s te r n K orea.• tack« l-oU -n lon}f-th& -40 -n iilo .fron t-S tittirt!iiy: n o r th o f In c h o n on th e w o s lo rn fro n i 's cuat

Cancer Meeting Is

W-M?r.. — ^ -------- T ^ ~■ k _____1!IM_ _ L / j J W L ' ^ -

Atlendinc fbe dtotrict m eeifnr of tbe Hahg iflrtita td Satorday, left ta rlrhl> ^rere L. J. Peteraos. Dotw

healthi Dr, Raymoad L. While. BoIk, execatlTf eta i»eib--ri raU«~4i(U1W'«oHuuAider O WM * * * * * ' *

ixth Annual Cancer For Magic Valle

JUHL^y, f e b , 3—61*th annual staff are Leo J, Fi Inlng Khool. one In a series of dent: Dr, Raymond ir belnfi conducted In Idaho this chairman of elect itc r under sponsorship of Idaho Mrs. Hess. Hat# ct ision of Amerlean Canccr society, Peterson. Boise, exe jned for a two-day meeting Friday and admlnlstroUvt National hotel. Burley, with 73 partm ent of public unteer members attending. Popma. adviser ofSouthccntral Idaho counties rep- and director of Ami entcd at the mectlnK were Ciualn. tflcty; Dr. Terrell C >ln Palis. Camas, Minidoka. Oood- partment of public

Jerome. Lincoln and Blaine, tlve dlsoaso division •s.' Grant Hess. Boise, stato com- Bird, Boise, public: ujdcr. presided a l the opening Board memben a Sion. Terhunc. Burley, c.tembers of the training school committee. Idaho 8

IJontrol Panel As End of Potato

P O C A T E L L O , F e b . 3 (/P>— B y -unanimous s t e m O regoDridBhQ. P-Ototp .C on tro l connnittc' th i s a f te r n o o n t h a t th e on e -m o n th oIcTbauon'

ou ld b e l i f te d . .T h o c o m m itte e a lso v o te d a ix to tw o to recoi ------------------ r-------------- r ----- : r U SD A th a t "sl

‘ruman Dedicates S.t;“ "i:sT Chaolains’ Chapel h™ = »“^ l a d S S i a t a j m -csldeat TruwaD. dedicating the cammlttce meetinR Qpel of Four Chaplains, loday dc- Hiesg recommend, ired Americtins must unite in pBssed to Secretar ;riflce-as the-JicroIc chaplains h«« o r ? d - ln order lo ".'tnnd up No meeting wlU lin s t communist aggrcMlon" and northwest eonlrol ■ e rt World war III. ' sight, alliiouih IhJM ft-T n ]m * n -* a ld -.- ;th e rtJ4 ^ d rartler-br-S-R .-Si iflun tdhope .fo rjiuce^ the USDA's fruitI another world conflTcl f 'C <nu»t .v ,r M ,

- ing in mind," a id :

BeFealui-edtoday, was bawd In

aquet T uesdajcompanlcd a t the piano by Mr*. .

^ ^ K o .T ^ u '^ ^

•ons.Smllh. retiring prwident: , A ,,man. president • for IMl. »'>'! and U74 agalnit>ward MoffAt, new srcreUrj- Com m itM membanager. Members of.the'JWUd of tellouiMUng were ;rectors wU be introduced. Idaho Fallj; HarryHenr? L Wills wlU be master of „ ,t« for Lee WbiMremonles. Featured speaker wW Branlhoorer, Idah

Ben B. Lawahe, W a sh in g ^ D. oeorge. Homedale;

rg « g ,° ;Tickeu for the >>an<iuBt ^ ^ --------lUlned a t th e Chamber o liiw or . DErENB

‘T ' j 'V t h n e BAN J-BANCBC

n . C. Boy Henderson. ^• " • .■ :

lai new spaper Senir'g V


Dogged Batt ng Red—PresKh{ a_dot;KcJhflI-to-hiil b a ftic n g n in s t iiicri'a K orea.ront-.Stittirt!iiy-niKhtT-They-latHa'h«l-o-)ie\sH)r< n fro n t 's cuaterii f la n k . In ch o n i s pO iiiiloA

e tin g Is H e ld in B u r le y

le Hahg dWitoa of the Amerlean C ancer »eie«y i Peteraos. DoIm, admiolalratlTe d ireew r or me id

* ' * * ft * *

ancer Training SchoVaUey Is Held at

tf are Leo J, Falk, Boise, presl-' aoclaUon; Dr. M. J,t : Dr, Raymond L. White. Boise, Falla: Dr. B. O.irman of eiecutlTe comnUtlee: and D r. Wallace ]i. Hess. Hat# commander: L. J. Mrs. Qeorge McCersoo. Boise, execuUve commlllee and Mrs. H any EI admlnlsUaUvt dlieetor of de- are district commttment of public health; Dr. A. M. D r. J . Woodson iima. adviser of the Idalio Board president of 8outh<1 director of American Cancer w - m e t Medical boc1<y; Dr. Terrell Carver, Boise, de- dreas of welcome,tmcnt of public health, prevcnta- rncmbers furnish i: dlsooso divtslon. and Armand L. w ith sound infornd, Boise, publicity, . tlonal material aboward members are Df, Charles A. th a t "volunlary wohunc. Burley, chairman, cancer cancer society haviimittec, Idaho State Medical as* (C«nUnai4 >b fi

b1 A sk s PoJi'^e s

rtato Bany -unammoufl conson t th e;roI conimittee recom m end- , IIh o ffK iT o n N o :2 1 S a Y o e 5

w anted for quesUc3 tw o to recommend t o th e m s of his s is i« inIDA th a t "slightly d i r ty ” h ^ r ^ t l i o ™ ' :a to es bo approved f o r sh ip- T he aherlff aal':n t a s U. S. 1 nnd Z f ira d c . been aet up to sto:Ians C. Hew, Denver. USDA up bm ^ ld represenlallve, attended the ^ hours earjltuniltce meeting and said later jo n c s said theae recomoiendallons vll) be had forcfed the gsed to Secretary Brannan. . Ted a tew art. to fl (o meellng with the o ther twoIhwesl eonlrol committees Is in u ,rough a road 1It, allhouih this was suggested tlie aherlff and hber-br-S-R.-amUh,-<llr*clot A t iS rc m a n . The, »l. . .U S ^ ', . fW lL .nd -V ^eub le B J ^ . . ' nch for "around Feb, l2.“ ‘*2.we definitely have no w ch meet-

tee inanaser. openedhe committee's action m anded Louden’aay. was bawd In part on th e Ida- ••youII never <advertising commlulon'a auney (c«iiiaMd m pi)oUtb growers In this state. TH# :-------------------------

Tie survey ahowed lhat S8 per Qt or more thin 8,700 sroweri X U « * .U W O It No. 2 poUtoes lo be shipped. ^¥1 1iwers’ opinions regarding ship- I | « | 1 |>I t of sllghUy dirty potatoes were re closely divided. 1.897 In favor b o i s B. Feb.I U74 agalnit truck and car Uce«mml£«« Rifmbert a t th e Poei- Uon o t • t h w . j a a-mMUng were Bnll 0, Johnion, wer* t»eommende< ho Falls; Harry Arnold m alter- hl«hw«y rabcomm e for Lee White. Bexburs: L. L. le*W *twe. inlhoorer, Idaho M is : N. I . T he sbven-poial arge. Homedale; Ployd B. WoWe. m ended tha t Ucen ley: AlOH A, Hof. Jerome: Wins- r t to provide jy i

B. Whlleley. Oakley, *nd Bam rtlgyr-njsu.. Ore:-- . ^ booeted.

AIU D l m m T IST ID 'AH J’RANCtSCO, Peb. 3 iP t- «tudy tb a Oregon unl««r aircraft-qioUwa lo the tr» tlon , m U In Its

western iu i« got |q n preparttotwttest loday in the w s te tii * lr more jw n u e fron

ense eierclte u simulated, lov- than does Idaho. :] attaciu xcR 'm sde'oircoaital' o f tMtf tonimU6.t4 { r t i - ■ p a r t oX this

• " • .■ J


5attle Price ^essure Setn in s t iiicn-asinK commun- 1

.« l-o -)ie \sH )r(snulH n-bitinR -------------is po iiiilofl pouth-enst of . ,— -- ------------------------------ A 550.000 vail)V I Mary H of andS u r l e v iiistrkt No, 4 U .

Saturday w ith tl pointed by th e dl

B B | t o ^ a i 8 Charles Shirlemeeting- h

. w hat fu tu re actic The school boai

H E B |5 S 9 H | ...... immcdinto posse'9 H S I land. If she rcfui

M l B r i Z I I I Z Z r t-J I <».. I^WWi with the clerk 0 :


However. Mlsa He that the m atter of properly be heard bj

J briefly- setting tlie price

board of commisalor that UiB for tubdivlalon. a 40.aa tog the Hof March, for 140

AFinding Uia pn

identical In chan physical locaUon, ers decided the Ko

/ worth 110,000 more 1^ '"C valuable Improvemei

~ vance ot real esta

con. Claude Detwei Wilklson.


. WASHINGTON. Ftalks in the railroad

. until Bunday after ■ploratory" meeting

. ..'. sored by the: board.

r Representativesneer «elely m B arler Friday of« r of the Idaho departmeni

* * * * not stick, -n ie unlc-I man rejected th a t %

S l P n r i A l • After un lg lit'a s«sk J i / i l U U l O’Neil. Jr„ membero— I- ^ mediation board sal'd at Burley

^ , The carriers remai Uon: D r.M .j.Fuendellng,Twla their position tJiat : Dr. B, O. Neher, Sbos^ne. only about the t>ec. 5 Dr. Wallace Bond, Twin FalLi. gigreement. which tJ

Qeorge McOonlgal. Oannelt, hsve been-a, blndlng Mrs. H any Blcock, Twin Palls, ,-w hU a they are ’ llstrict commander*. *jway» a chance th, J . Woodson Creed. Twin Falls, down the road to dent ot Southccntral Idaho Dls* OTIeil told reporter: Medical society, gave the ad- “But n o b ^ eoul of welcome. He said volunteer real progress had b

bers furnish residents of Idaho from the fac t thai sound information and educa* talking.”

.1 material about the disease and Although there ' "voluntary worker* in the Idaho cation* of a possib :r society have pioneered a field movement a t variot danUnaid >b F . i . I. c«iiB> i» nation’s rail systen

department here on ■■• 0 1 «_ to quit accepting «>liee hhoot

A T l/f '' membera ot t*e!-x-AreaMan .“ "SSSSa 1*. O l • ^or action, to protA lte r olaying

.OBE. Ariz.. Feb. 3 (/Ph-Sherllt P o « r t r / J - R r -Jonea tatd-Vernon B, LoUderi, 1 V C I..U L 11 '1> 1 former ’Twin Falls resident, / ^ _ 1 J 'U T n , , cd for quesUonlng in the slay- M ) i Q W aV< f his sister in San Diego. Calif.. «:« 1^1 shot and killed hero today after | l A r t l O f Ul through a. road block.e aherlff aold the block had ^ reeord-breakl Bet up to stop a man who had spreading damage, up a gas sUUon la Salford. S a ,h heavllV^K

, B7 miles southeast of Olobe, * p j^ h ia “ d S a t« dV hours earlier. the“ u S f e ^ o a t t ICS said the holdup man, who drd Florida, forcfed the gas aUtUon owner. Relief alow but athw art, to fUl UP the lank of i„ ,or moat of tte tation wagon, was Louden. halm* Dixie beset rt ouulde Of Olobe. touden ran , « nw tgh a road block manned by S ? ! 'sheriff and hto deputy. Mlllon mn a n . The, oherllf *nd.deputy a

. - S e n ^ ^ ' a - ^ M“ ciS-fJr.^

reman dashed to 'the aide of the ^ « t « d causM n!d car, opened the door and de- ^ ,*led Louden-a surrender ’ «BUll never eatch me alivt,- ^ 2 0 0 fer the n i:«iUa».d M> Ttt* f . cW uu I) la the south.,

laho Solons Urge Boos T ru ck and Auto Licen

JISB. Feb. 3 Mv-Increased Meanwhile thec and car license fe u and crea- killed a proposedo f • th n « .izu a highvay board child labor Jaw bytweommended today by a joint Uble. An a ttem pt t

way (ubconunlttee of the Idaho table a few minutelature. two-thirda majorit]le rinren-pQiat pttwram .racom- ttvlye tha measure.Jed tha t license fees be Increas- n . . . i> provide ap addlUonal WJOO,- „ 5 fS L ^ 'T w « ^

rw en M J^ra 'f^ tS S w u T O * ilWHtjrlw*uS*Ilndoes Idaho. Their baalo um portion of the fee p

tpnimJift .t** formi a major ecnaaa or a t u o ot th is revenue.'* * . aV Tv

>fL,M^sn ---------J N ine I rr if fa i


' r i c e o F $ 5 0 , O €

S e t o n S i t e i

J S c h Q £ i L B i i i 3 j c550.000 valuation wnn set cn the 40-acre I n

y H of and sought by T\vin Falls indopci •ict No, 4 U . The figure wns released in a irday w ith the county clerk by three comm ted by th o d is tric t court to set a value on tl larles Shirley, chairm an of the di.strict’a s ft m eeting’ has been caJIcd for Monday oven,

t fu tu re action will be taken on tho m a tte r , le school board can o ffer the 550,000 to M is s : icdiato possession of, the — ~. If she refuses th e offer, 4 T H jJ i5 :n ey ~ au i7 1 i^ .V d 6 iiQ a ^ — 1 \I the clerk of tho d is tric t •*■** « •

..V At Bcujslng briefly 11* reasons for office of the Ida lg tlie price at >*0,0^ the p.m. S aturday a t'u“ ‘™ “ f o ' 'vlilon. a 40-acre trac t adjoin- Hc Was b o m D he Hof land, was purchased In Buhl fro m L o n g 1 h, IMS. for 140,000. in 1914 t h (

$10,000 Added ^ J,

IS' Jf-.™”"*?/-a ; r ™ “ i i "» 110,000 more because of more l^ a t .ble ImprovemenU and the ad- • “ cinot, . . . . f pHce.______ ■....s.'... >T n Wg. Falls K n i g h t s ‘3c » „ d . » » a i m o i l

_______________ _ Royal and Select i

,11 W alkout P 3 I ] *eace Parley S s i lH ’; .m 1 T k ~ d lrec- BTakes B,eeess Xb."” ' "Bunday after a four-hour "ex- ”tory" meeUng tonight spon- ,‘' “ ‘1',':“" „

by the naUonal medlaUon *" ul_ Pershing.presenUUves cf tbo railroads ” 5 ot four operaUng unions In- outdoor »I»rta d In th e dispute faced each

S5j’.S.l5SS”,‘oS‘a£“relected th a t pact. Sebou, American ^e r tonlglit’a session. Francis A. *>od?II. jr„ member of Uie Uiree-man tuary pending fu n enatlon board said: “ “

M urder'e carriers remained adamant in jiosltion Uiat they would talk J * - . l

about Uie t>ec. 31 memoranda of O C I i e C l U i iment. which they Insist should

'hU?*they are meeting there Is D l S t r i C Yt a chance Uuit Uiey will goI the road to a setUement," BHOBHONE, Feb.II told reporters. wllda Reems. IB, on ut n o b ^ eould say lha t any degree murder in 1 progress bad been made, aside the deaUi of her

the fac t Uiat they are aUll Reems. M anhatw n,ng.” coin county la s t O ct ihough there were aome Indl- for Uie dlslrlc t coi n» of a possible bick-to-work openi In Bhoahone :iment a t various points in Uie „ i „ cin’s rail system the postofflee ^ t J i rtm ent here ordered postoffice* w „ t . n Williams Jit aecepung certain classes of & beoause-of thp snarled U^tne.B walkout by switchmen who

sss,n ::__________________ held in Ul# Jerom e <

J T» I • ~ P*««l her I6U1 bl5cord-Breaiang .«? ther. lastV 1 M r T T J ProsecuUng A ltonWave Heads

For Flonda’s Tip „„By Tbe Asw^ated Coiirad Nab vs. I* .:record-breaking eold wav* j^uoo. t l . Cllt

Idlng damage, m i s e r y /iamageis Inh .heavily across the naUra r. l , vtrood. rs . Mairheaded Saturday night to w i^ s , , t e r r i g h t .Bouthemmost Up of palm-stud- joe Wagner va. XJnFlorida. ffiod, cnMUig accld'lUef, slow but steady, had set , w. 0 , H unter vs.>r moat of the rest of normally on sale o f :IT Dixie, beset for six days by under authcr. Jeo. and n e a r - ^ , tttnpera. bti« court; D . 8I11, B ut Oie weaUier bureau o. H, Lowry, w »t«r 1t« l frterlng weaUier to Uie Up o.D. Barker va. Maitorida.- A low of-17 was In sight niuter, w ater'righ* northern Florida border. DUaolution o f_ 1:auis from fre»*ing. W ffie-ae^ Ubot'assoelation;fits, fires and oUier w eaker- company vs. Jo h n £lected causes mounted with er- of account: O len H,new reporL The precise to t^ 1 , ,u to accldeDuntamed but it stood a t well BhoshonB va. M. 800 for the naUon, 60 or axjre

be south., ------------------------------------------------------------SENATE PANI

e Boosts ill S, License Feeseanwhlle the house vlrWaHy ---------------^

iooops minute* la u r failed, A County Am <woUUrda .majority 1* neccsiary to TboBipMm U s«tU;

:-^rv:L," " " S E S - M S a S E H S t v i G s


B« or a IM on moWf vehicle ________________CMdaMt **rr»* u . cdaM u -


Nine Irriga ted Id ah o Counties

0 ;0 0 0 — I S 0 I O ;

n H f l f n g S h a! 40-acre tr a c t ow ned by Ialls independent school I I I leased in a report filed;hree com m isaioners ap- ^value on th e land. WASIflNGTON,di.strict’s school bo a rd , Democratic demnn

onday everting to dccido arose on capit<ho m a tte r . m an’s request f o r «)00 to M iss Hof a n d txike Senator Byrd, D

T l% y r 1 T ^ *

At Hospital Satiuirew J. (Andy) M eeks, 67, m a n a ^ r 0 / tho of the Idaho s ta te em ploym ent service, d!

laturday a t the M agic Valley Memorial hospi :reated f o r a bad h e a r t since October, was b o m Dcc. 20, 1893, a t Sundance, Wyo. ^Crom L o n g Beach, C alif., ---------------- -----—-14 and th en m oved to 7 \ t 1 . : ^ — 1 1 Falls in 1942. H e had I N a i l O n a l J

issociated with th e IS E S 1 a

K S J S VrS;?".! Head Aglefore th a t. T 1 <1<sus a member of th e Twin l A 1 * r l m i IE lks'lodgo , BuW Masonic J U l U t l U llo. 63, Tw in o Opposition to the i r —Council o f Hayes, president ofand Select Congress of ParenU aiu I " ■ sUtement to th

protestedi^P>e- ^ B B y n S cut in the public scho

a n d th e abandonment of Idah?all3p»A t. J V p N M e „ . S2,e did

ut*»TS;r S x ' i w , , n ; s j r s s . , b S a -liwsys wa« enUi«la.,Uc about

• and fUhermwj. burden falls udmi th Meeks ia aunlved by W» d ls t rS a w S

and cne daughter, M n . D em fjn*nee a Mnfl.montAmerican PalU. - them ulras the

body rests a t Uie W hite mor- i« t j , . , )cn<Ung funeral arrangemenU.

— ------------------- was c--tabUshed it »

irdei* T ria l JS?h "TaStou .gram. Bum a protra

1 1 1 J £ ^ vlded only if tb® sUt-:heaiuea t o r . • bS?K?eto‘i?n H s t r i c t C o i i r teHONE, re b . » -T ria l of Al- levy. All other state*[teems. 16, on a charge of tlrs t aid la a degree var

murder in connection w ith rato between the toeaUi of her faUier, U roy Uie district and th# nt. M anhatU n, UanU, in U n - to bo educated, junty la s t Oct. « ,U « c h e d ^ e d# dlslrlc t courl te rm wlilch dan# r« M m ^ n au a i in Bhoshone Monday. ^ Reems w as chuged With UiB of a ^ d ,S S J along w ith her companion, £ V 7 w L < i w .S ^ 0. WlUlams, JJ, mleo M aa- “ * S a . “ 2

.. WUUam# pleaded guUty to - large and v a s sentenced last . f - v yD lstrlc t Judg#D H . su tphen I i Q l i r r I I f f l I Imprisonment In th e state

l«dc of-facm ues In Rule4)nn county. Mias Reems I# beingI Ul# Jerom e county Jali. Bhe T A, her I6U1 birthday ^ I v e r - A T C le c u to ^ t to r n w Howard Ad- ' ' BOISE. Peb. i flJJO- aturday aaid he did n o t know preme court, in uphol d^uring th e tenn m e tria l w.ill

1 eases o n the docket include oonrttutlonwity of. I 1 Nab vs. L . J. Mott. -contJUCt .!»»,•; t L. Cllnger v«. Loreni ^5* r /lamageis In a car accident: !Wood, vs. Mans Coffin, water- ^ co“r t verdict whlcJ

water r ig h t setUement; Roa- closutj cm a not* the agner va. XJnloa Paclflo raU- tnw* L. D. HUl and « TOiiUjff accident case.D, Huntwr VS. Jullua. Clawson. 'on sale o f Uad In Lincoln tloned tha t they borr

■ undw authoriraUon of pro- eonstruet a bulMing 1 » u r t ; ,D . Sidney SmiUi vs.Liowry, w ater right setUement: j* m t tn a t th « r «*ri 3arker va. Mani Coffin, water- “ <1

w ater-righ t iii i te . p r o jw ty - I w 4 ^olutlon o f Lincoln County macWna take. .TOay * aisoelition-TTCiegah-Produee ny vs. Jo h n Sexton. colleeUoa aunt: m e n H, Roger# vs: O .H .. auto acd d e n t lUlt; and City The court bald til .shone va. M. D. JohiMon. a p - 2 * t?U w w L ' e S“ !:_________________ sJderta* iha :eaw cBENATE PA N Et 8FLTX8 ----------------------------

Public M Propoa

------ ^ i. A pubU eforunoD

i w o P l a t e s “ i ; a s s s > «imty AsMasor C l i f f o r d auditorium.ip«m U * « tm « prepMed to Pour M a ^ VaUeyampled Monday wficQ J ,000 appear on ttw p ule lUatea ro r paiseacer c a n P U ttrtn ttI 'io b o d -i|i) tale. • • as jB o d m tw .-T fttI

avoid confusion, i ie em- » o n s w e d ^ tbe Twiwa 1 ctfflce haa xecetved c W b w o f O o p n y

« eounty aaw M i. T o data, ! ^ { g

----------------------- ------------ H•- • •- .............

BASKETBAlYou’n f lp a e » p te t« eavcrag

B * - , aehMl eaO aw aad eoOcgen m « •» ' P ^ J * “ • *pagM in y iw r «me»-N ewi t.

.T w ««B.a are tnclnded

- p r i c e 6

la lo iv r t J r g t

S h a r p S l a s

T n B ^ n a SASHlNGTON, Feb. 3 (>P)—A chorus o f Ropu' ocratic demands for deep fllaahea In rion-drfei irose on capito] hill today a s a reault o f Pna, a request for a "quickie" ?10,000,000,000 t&x i na to r Byrd, D., Va., said in a s ta tem en t thAt------T T T T ---------------- - ta k e a off th e .f f t t "

T \ * p a y o rs by - tw o----- -- qgieklG -tax-biH ir-1

^ t^hc p a s t s e v e r a l m• 1 1 ’T urther h u g e tax libaturday

tnaycr 0/ tho Twin F alla eased by eUajiaatleo 0.ini service, died about 8 malem orial hospitaL He had #enU*i t o - p w ^ w»ictober. propo««d k, f l u b o f m ndance, Wyo. He came to

, - »M ? Ju ly L s S a t o r c

rtionalPTA “liSTSAfS, . th a t before Tottng nei

I C f lC l i x S H i n S t S a beaa^;ButO halJ r -a • r k i O- N. C ., of UiaIordan’s Plan

S I S S i S ra SUtement to th#Tlm*.-N#wi,Hayea protested Uia proposedtl Uie public school budget and ",5donment of Idaho's two teach-loifege*. She did not comm*ne1# Uacher reUrement fund. bOlimt UUr, U "noUit .. Hayes .a id:have delayed any eipreaslon on „proposed cu t in th# sducaUoo “prUUon untU I studied the .em carefully. Now I feel boundinclud# Uiat to reduce by »g,-» the educaUon budget U puU th « fat oa t e f |ov«n upon educaUon an unjust share “ «• . . ..le total proposed reducUon ef . “TbU a d m ln l r t r ^00.000. to foresee t h e tutur*

aUU aid U lesstnid the g n a t w *ss that I t U most ien falls upon the poorer coun- roqoest* fo r r ta* ta«#

and th trtfere o a n D S lp d ^ Seaaior r S C x T i ice ft mnfl.monUi school-term JXls partgr^-mb^U poll« themsalras Ui» maxttiBiD al< sa id that ln«t«ad of ared by the staU lUtute. , , oew ts » i th o Trtuna:Tieo t ^ aU te equsllttUoa fund tttm ouibt to -b a Vork)c:UbUshed It Wl* recognised taxlnc smd soeoevery ehUd la Idalio b u a t o l L n m

, to a m iatoum aduesUon pro- *1. Buch a program ean be pro- ^ 1 *■ 11 only if tb s sUte granU aid tn . ^ n n P r l l l l P S h ’d ^ t ^ ‘ « has been O W i e U U i e

nly five sUtes lu t year were 1 ? A 1 * -to provide Uie minimum pro- • .■*• w X 1.AV1 with Uie elght-mlll county —. . ' . . 1

All Other sUte* received sUU h P A r f I A lla a degree varying with th# ••• C ^ I X I V Ibetween the total wealth ot iru . ».hiwitiU ol

llstrict and th# namber ot dudUs a c a ea u » « '; ^ t e d feedlot tour icommenting an Oor. Len Jor* puU rday toy Oouaty1 recomnendaUon to eUmlnaU iSalgh. S. T . lUnebalandN IO Z , Ur«.Baye*tUted; o f Idaho livestock flebhare b e a t . tbitjiDt also tbe t lH prtodpal «pe«lOT.

>urtDenie9 “ S f *luleonSlotsIn Area Case SfiTfcSiSiSh

ffsffls wai be h<]d at iISE. Peb. i flJJO-Tb# ita u 'ro - packing 'tetnpaayls n .« court, in upholding a dUtrirt ST E taberfy.; Judgmsnt on a mortgage tore. m«MBB lhar# suit, today refused to rul# on UtutloMUty of-Uw Maho (lot

lUrt verdict which allowd fore-re on a not* they bad received P g g W w n ixnit^L. D. HUl aad Oeorge J. Mer- Tbs flrrt aftomoQi

# high c w f s declslan men-d tha t u « y borrowed ttSJXiO to *5*J u e tab u U d in g fo ra ta v em athum. Tha fichullA mads the "O iMflWC.. OOfTal.., U u l S r T e S " S ' . j K S j S i SInsuranco Dretalums on the & I lU Seherta .lana tis ^ ^ ^ m -a S S rS e s ^ * n d o n » .haa jn lto«ilna take. ThtyiarguM that Uils ^ " T « l x > F a lb . lsloa « M - tU e M « Uw-fro<iDd .Comm«r»-«ia^aam the slot machine Ikenslng act final stop, .which «0unoonsUtutiosaL Shelby WQlUmT le court hald that It was un- n il# east s n d th m *saJ7 to detennlzw whether tte T hadlscaadcm wfll .l Uw .va« coDsUtoUonal In coo- th e bed tim * and n v

tng tlw :c » » cB-m m elts. bay, ________

abl M f on Jo rd ffli^ t Proposals Set io r W edipnbUeforunoDtltfeducatloiial' i»po*M! «beU ttcn 0)ram chazigea iteHBffiended by bo CoOuce o( Sdu. ^ Jo rdaa wU be held a t • changes In KQaK

UdLKbM i

m f B M L " ”*e ^ p le la Mvctag* ef U gti .r and eoOage ba**e<bal| ; f lCte .U a n d 11, U>* spact* Sr Ttees-N ew s tedav, B « i - HOBtt a re tacloded. W

P R IC E fiC E N T d I

F r g e ^

> l a s h I

i d i n g Itiorus o f Republican and j 99 In rion-defenae spemd- | reault o f PreAld.ent T ro .0.000.000 ta x iftcrSaae. ,tat« inent thAt "we haveL o ff .the .f« t"-frp in .tax -_ .•8 by- two "io-called lo' ta x ' b illg enacted~4n— iQst several m onthB ." ther h u g e tax Increases wU eply In to the leaa m eat tn d ly Into, th a v e ^b o n e rtru c tw * ..,,. r economy units* they are by eUffilsatloa of 2K>a-«ue&« ,:pendltur«#.‘' ..................... ...... ,i emphaalMd lhat .tt was « - I to "p ay *» wa go,^ B u i t o .■ed k, f la s b o f mtfiJWfMn ta

SSS.’jS’iSfflfSSSluly L Senatof OYMaiWr-XV- ialled fo r a vO.ator Bridget. J t , V . R . aaid sefoie' T o ttsg ne* tatts« m t* — ' sboold-a«e how -B ueh-w enoa a uved. B u t O halrm aa-D «i|h.—3„ H. O .. of tba bouse vay* ■ means oom ialtt^ oounaded It delaylns the tax blU.

w m. H e ^ Bevcaaa• esa’t teU when the ' appio-

he t<dd newsmen. 'T h tn , too, probably need-aU (hs rvrenue^ a raise anyway." ' lator Bridges, who Is to p B>. • - M oa th e ' senau appropria* ', commlttes, aald Mr. T tvoan 's «t for »10/)00,000.,000, plus n o ^ oa Uter, la ‘M thing more t h u nment b y o rs ta l balL".3W ean tb e President aak ter USM before ba knowa bow .

I retem ia -we a e e d f BtUgM1. *We should « e (trst.hoV 1 money w« ean uve by eutUng fat oa t o f govanunanl tpes4« '

Us admlTilstntlnn baa .faflid oresee th e -tu tu re la f lo .a iq r I that I t U most difficult ta g in esc* for zt«« taxs« Mtiffoi «SB«

tsxM th e Truman .admtntotw. . ought to -b e vorktng o u t»1 taxing suid spending p ro g rta ' be com ing yean.

ihedule S e t ' i'or Friday’s FeiedlotTour# s c h e d u le 'o t 'a n 'a r t r i n toce feedlot tour ibis annonaped.: ' tday b y Oounty A g a t O.'W.h. S. r . Blnebsrt, Italw rrity ' , laho Uvestock field m as. . « a t e . jftodpal speakff a t MAh «t<^ - e tour w in begin a t S'JIt a a . ‘'.. ty at S d m u g 's farm tw o mOit tvof i b a B a a tm o rc rp u c 'A l^ ' . sUsge so d O f th a d sM taediag .

b a o b a a m d th sn . 'a next atc9 'wiO b» made a^ a . A ught«rbaoh 'a'-fi^ ' two m O * .. of WMtMM nop .‘ frtA gains OQ «""*» ‘ ’n o g s wlQ be4niptctad. A dl#- .'. to of feed ing ‘m tth o ^ for goefl . I I irfU b e h<]d ,at t tw 'O a n te ^ . . . ing’M tnpaoy’S TBidi }ost wett . | Imberfy., ..lose m aking tba to ts « m b» ■ ts of t b e Twin Palls Uvestock' n 'la im company for a kmeh u " :i,.w ltb-*.aestlB^aflhi»tuH tf,ft .v :, pSTtUon a f u r hffich fo r a paod : isilon by repreasntattrai, d . >

1# firs t alttfuoon stop wUi.b* ..' ,I s t M o rris Oarisoa's new y a ^ ' ’ tt# o ld 'M ay fair .^cchatd 'no rth , : -

ssT'cSffi-'eas-''-« iB ia n a ]a .w ff l-b f t.s ]« ^ < « t.

U lehert'a f a n s tvo xnHw south . . on » .haa mlla wwt «f PObt. ■ ,

t stop, w hich «m be .taad% U

. dlseusakm' wfll bs->m «pM best U m * and jnrthe^

r d i ^ ^ d io o l ’p

a ca^ 'jJaU ttonOanage t f t t l i i8 t t l^ .< j i B H B

Page 2: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

- ^ A O B ^ T W O - ^ ------ -------------- ~

PoMce Shoot Ex-Area Man

After Slayiiig’ • ( rn n r«r« o»»i

Lotidra yellwl a t Wm. Ihe iherlff aald

FlTM en Orricm Louden then dre* • 33 c«Ul>cr

' ■ pUlol aridllred Uie ollktn. They retum ed lire, ki:ilni Louden.

---------Th»-«l«lerH?athertft*-lclHMlrnr —58. a pretty dlvortM, wm founi! dead on the kiuhen floor In (he lam lly home by Viti pirtsU, Mr. tuitJ Mm . Hcrbtrt Htr nlihlROwn clad body hn<I been pierced V by «even biilleia from ■ JJ ciJlbef — . pistol. .

Family I.1»ed Hfre J J ]•m e tamUy movrrt V) Kin TOtjo

from Twin rail*, .icvtral y«T« ijo.— • Bha rorm»rly-wofit««Un-U;t-TiUi-

r t l l i llbr»ry, Mr«. Jmlyn'i (ornier Ihuaband. Iluzh Jo>Iyn. opKiIta • Qieradio shop In Dolae. She ind hef fo rform er high echool i»ffihfiri »cr« e rilmarried In Twin Mil', but «he lett .rhim and came in join Die fimlly In . j , . Ban Diego four yenr* «50,

Police Lieut. Mori Oter Mid the : ,brother % u releiuod trom Peilon * . rta te hoipltal for menial pelltnt*Jn 18»5. ^

Mr«- Paul Turnlpseed. nier. Ida..U a eUler of the dead »om»n. Oti:— ---------------- -------- - - Bin

■ KKCnuiT IIO.S'OIIED pr.-------

O to ri* BmUh victe t o u to oil memb«r» of llie fivmlly M a dinner In lionor of Tom Barron »ho leIravini’ Oils.wttk lor thearay. .. ■ p.

The Hospital ] S! Moe

VUltlng houra a t the .’JiiU Vkl- p —‘ 1«7 Uemorlal hospltel tre from ] to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.

ADMITTEO Donald Wanren, M;«. Ch«:t» L _

BlUnian. Leonard Clcaraater, Uri. ~ Fay Dobbs. Mre. Itsymond IHece and Mr*, -James Lee aoodmin, tli ,,, Twin Falls; Mrs. Arlle p«tln and Th*

■■ M ra Don Rehwalt. bolh Piler; Pam.«Ia Clark, llBielton; Oeltn SUciney and H it. Marlin rfuhler, bolh Jer- ome; Bhella ^tiodde, Hejbiun;Crala Bulon Price. Oakley, and Hfi. ^A rthur mack. Eden_____________^

DISMIBflED MHenry Ptox, Qeorie Bentiell. Kt«, m o r

Uoyd Voat and son, Mra, Claude sen i Mendlola, Mra. Ruth Murray, Mrj, m e r W aller Doss and Mri, Qulnlln Slert- cem Mr and daughter, all Twin Falli;M ri. Charlea Oriffln and ton, Rickie B' Craigs and Mrs. joe Eiperu, all Cole Buhl; Mre, Rulph HojicUtr, r itr ; 2 p . Mrs. Marjorie DIffendorfcr, Roier- byw •on; Mrs, Wayne Hooiha and ion ■ and Mre, Doyle Mclnelly and daugh- ter, all Jerome; Mra, Robert Und and Mra, John Wilcox snd diujh- _ ® ' U r, a ll MuTlauih; M n Roger Blat- . ford and daughter, Klmberlj; Mr«. ‘ i , / Howard SeUera and ion, Haiellon;Joe Hinas, Wendell, and DeUy Cor- „ , ^ ______________ w lli

WeatherTwin FalU aad vjclnlty-eno* er jm t

ratn mixed wtih mow loday, lltlle a t j teoperato re change. High jesler- Knn day 44, law l i . PreclplUtlw M. Baromaier J ”

“.r-— ::-------- I n IJ J l

N«v Orltaiu . ti n th eN.W York ------------------U ..i, . . R«vs a - = = ! : !i- PhMBix ____________ II II te ryPoe»Ullo___________ il |« 01B ^ '^Sprliil------------ il 5! B-8«u !-»»• ci(» ~ n I, ,1 D an S4D rnbobca — _______ H ii J D.

------------------ H J,TWIN rA LLS_______ tt II >1 HallWMklagtoo M II In t



THIS HUD-OMIIA............... „ •

NO DEVICE O F}T uofaioaa««d t,ly»„ la»^£ r.» o /w « riB ,te ,tW c (b e « , •w...i»»CKalW-i,riAi.-or' w d ... iw p f« w te J u y k la d i


■lOiC O T w y g a p T w : —

-y^ cou d iicdn

T \

' j K eep th e Whlt« Flag I E S o i S a f tty Flying

[an ^

le iherlff III 1 DirectHI . Wdny

0 calllwr .........DIB»*I1m They ' 11 touRh, U - \ enlurcIHotlynr I (ljht<M found - ^ At

Mt / /ou s i o e n d a u t w ith o u t a ih^elitr'niihi t r a / / lc d e a t h fn o u r Uafflc1 pierced Mallei/.n caliber L — I T

Building Is New EV B S Taylor Business■I (ormer BOISE. Feb, } (/P)—Former Ben. ,letalta a O len H. T aylor, who loat In hl« bidand hef fo r renomlniitlon U it Auguat, has ,,„;y |

Mri »er« enleted the coiutrucU oa buslneu,■’“’• ' ' / i Taylor a n a hU wife, Dora, are ami tiimiiy in „ Incorporators of the Cory- wanU..M lh . «1* Constnwtlon eompany. which u.scd 1

.p ., ," ’® filed papers w ith the secreUry of li expV!S TVw IViw. ^l^lch haa lls oUlcts !n Her. Ida., Pocatello, is caplU llied for $100,000 . 3. A in. O the r Incorporators arc Foy A. ° - - - Binckbufn a n d Richard E. Thatcli. r»'>bfi :d p r. Pocatello, and Verl F, Cor>cll, "u'npjan'4qjrr WiJFa-.T,-;cory«nnaTi;-o,^-Doryen; * • " ' ' ' • “ « “ “ * '"■a dinner ---------------------------- !.-n,

»ho la PLEDGEfi BORORITy . ‘ ‘ray. .. F n .E /1 ,-Fetr. J-W o rd Iia.< Ixen

. received In P lle r thnt Je.<: le De- 1 K lo tz w u pledged to-Pi Bela Phi sor-1 • o r ity t t the University , of Idaho,--------- ) Moecow,«W Val- < ■ — — ' ' I

Magic Valley US. Funerals

Ur, Mrs. F A L L S -F u n era l aervlcei 0L l .it Mf*- Erlkion Jlommclvedl

w ill be held a t a p.m , Tue.iday In MOI riin and Immanuel Lutheran church. Col. W'ii. I.*'"' T h e Rev. R. C . Muhly will officiate. Field, BUrtMy B uria l ^ 1, -ot m«iiB jn Bunsei Me- jrian6t Wh Jer- m orla l park. HomeHejbiun; _____ MnJ.andHri. TW IN FA LLS— Funeral aervlcea Antoni---------- fo r -Calvin U. B finUfth will be helif o ' iho

a t I p.m. M onday a t the White mand, 11. Kt«, m ortuary chape l with Oeorge 8»x- <l»y “I

, Claude g e n t conducting the services. Inter- ba.'e. ray, Mrj, m e n t will be m a d e In the Twin Falb Eare UnSlert- cemetery. lo MAIn Falli; -------- Homen, Rickie BUHL—punera l services for Mrs. April era, all CcleaUa MacMoeter will be held nt to alar :r, r itr ; a P-m , Wednesday a t the Buhl Prej- stov

Soier- byterlan church with the Rev. Fred g^nlon; and ion ^ ■ 1'- paaCor, otflclatlng. Buflnl ^omiel iddaugh- *5® cemetery, kinrllen Und --------1 diueh- ' SHOSHorfE—Funeral servtcea for H ei atr Blal C h a jlt* V n\cc ClNxton b* held ernlloi ?]?• Uri ^ P-®- Mon«i*r ‘h® Daptlst rehabl cMurch with th e Rev. J. W. Tuck- the |! Miv n e " ofllclatlng. Burial will be made Most i

In the Shoahono cemeterj'. The body ,ald, v will lie In s ta t« a t the church from ia :30 pm , M onday until tlmo of the o T funeral. j ^ J[^

JEROME — Funeral services for A ^no* or j»m ea David Burgoyne wtll be held lay, mile a p. nj, Tuesday the Wlley funeral Wnj

L‘ hom e wim th e Rev. Jamea D. Crego, iti»n .» . puBtcr 6t Uve Jerome Mtthwllsi

c hu rch , otflelnting. Burial wlU be J", m »d« In U># Jerom e cemetery.■I"' rr«, yeslert

IJ JEBOMX — F^ineral aervice* for»J L cM der Oeorge Wall have been set I’"''"®

tentatively fo r 3 p.m . Monday at S " "11 th e PIrat B aptla t church with the ‘

•i» R«v. Oeorge W ick (WflcUtlng, Burial i:'• will be made In the Jerome ceme- If®” »I, le ry . healer

;• B 0H L — Funeral service* for Frldaj„ D aniel t pem ber will be held at aa'4

II a p . m . Tueaday a t the Buhl'Preaby- from 1j‘ te ria n church w ith the Bev. Fred H. tlly atII i? H»II OfflclaUng. Burial wlU be made TheII In th e Buhl cemetery. for Fe



a i r j s s r ^ r s !riCEOF ANT KIND IN EITH•irtly MWlavaadoo by Acounicoo. -»■—r,f|4 , . / - - .

B u rify —T u esd a y , F tb . 6.......

Jerom e— W ednesday , Feb. 7,.

rsday , iV!b.-8— :

m ill ' T iv in F a l ls —F rid ay , Feb. 9....

icdn ^ t r u L C^o. ’’

' Fi«» ESA W a m in gly in g

Given O u t on Black M arket "f

WASinNOTON, Feb. 3 </P}-Prlce Director Michael V. DlSalle warned today that th e f ln t m r a t black marketeer who I.i caught will be mide ft “nallonal eximple." And DlSalla's ataff prepared a new and tough meat order deiigned to . aid

_ _ _ _ _ fnMrrrmfnt nf rrlllny Iry _Ktt tight curba on alBURhUrera. Ml

At the lam e time, th e re were leUo to u t a olher developmenta on tlic hom • fnn lr I’®"’*

Melal Uae BaaneSI. The government banned the uae

of aluminum in more ititin 100 con- „ - , j JJ .'umcr llema, effective April 1. The'v llem.i range from atorm windowa to - i .f ,

Buiomoblle h a i ' d w a r r . Kiwhen s»n n 6 S S Ul^rnlta are po t af^cled^ h owever.

„ ■■ 7rDI55ITeT"6TTcin)acl"Thc price of j],na ’*ui ! m '" " P “ f®!’I nu bid jjjjt ».jping ou t a shftrp Jan - Reee ual, has a (ipokrsman for tho Jo,jitieu , influ^iry welcomed th e aetlon lormora, are ami aild neither buyers n o r sellers cove le Cory- wanlfd the Joiiunry rise. Scrap U acrlo , which u. ed in mnkliig «teel, but no change ncclc eUry of li expcctcd In th e price of steel It- to «

aelf. Mr,» lc t, ta Rlaihed$100,000 . 3. A reduction of eight per cent Foy A. ordered In th e amount of new Thatch- rubber (ivftiuole for civilian con- • Coryell, "uinptlon between FebruAry and Po/l® ■Ooryeli. p isa iie informed a

reiwrler: ' 'r 'l ,y '"riicre have already been rumom

, of black m arl:cti In m eat. Wc " haven't ejUbll.'hed she lher Ihejo V / iPH .^ r ' °"'5 ' ‘■'imors. » U

Idaho, caUh.'Ke‘t" i^ m a d e 'V n a U ^ " ^ ^ ^ I ample."

USAF Announces;__ New ComnianderS Z l 0 ^ A r e a ’ s A i r b a s e flu%.iday In MOUNTAIN HOME. Feb, 3 on—church. Col. William O. Knrecb:on, Andrews «arrjfflclate. Field, Md., will b« the new com- cnwset Me- jrian6cr ot Ihc icacUvsted M ountain He v

Home air force base. Inde]MnJ.-Ocn. Jnm es 8. Sloweli. San siat«

Mrvlcea Antonio, Tex., coatln^nliU—tllvialaiL jp c ti^TTjeTJ of'thfl’ mlllfiiry a ir transport com- Ac

White mand, made this r»nnouticement to- step,ge 8»x- <l»y after a brief Inspection of the atnicI- Inter- ba.<e. fad•In Falb Eareckson, who la now nttnched natlc

lo MATS, Is expecwd nt Mounlalti llcveHome ahead of th e Urget da te of Tli

or Mrs. April 1 when thc field Is expected closeheld nt lo atari operation. Ueeihi Prej- stowell. who flew here from San Bent JV. Fred ,/nIonlo, inld elcmenl.i of th e per-

Buflnl ioniiel lo be .-.tntloned hrrc would!mel<ry. kinrl arriving w ithin the nex t 30 \v/

daya, dont'tcea for He aald. that p rio r lo actual op- i^n i b* held ernllona, a coii.'.ldcrnble ninount olBaptist rehabllltaiton work musi be done at pi.M.. Tuck- itie ilfUl bulldlnRs and runway.^. ->emade Most of this work, General Sto«el| j j j, he body jald, will be by nrtvnle contrnctori.:h from

2 L o c a l M e n H e l d

A s T h i e f S u s p e c t sfuneral Woync D/irrah. 18 Wn.^hlngton

, creao courts, nnd Wllltnm Darrah. 3« ethodisi 'Tf'lf'' avenue sou th , are belnR held wlU be^ry bonds set for each In Jiutice court

yeslerday afternoon. Chartred wllh . . . grand krccii)-; they requested a pre^ , » tn w t Ilnilnary hcarlnK. ' iiday al Sheriff's olllcers Rrresled th e two \ ■1th the *” ^ ‘'11-’ connectionr. Burial the ihelt of 600 pounds of cast I ceme- 1 ®" toll pipe and n tiSO elde-nrm

healer, Thc iheft was reported to the sheriffs office j t 6:50 p.m.

ces for Friday by H erm an Haver. Haver held at aald Ihe pipe and henter were token Presby- Irom hl.i farm one mile east of the Fred H. city aome lime a f te r Friday noon.>e made The preliminary hearing la set

for Feb, 10,



IS W i a R I N G > N I W i « I H / Y I t t H I H I S

IN EITHER EAR!tdl a/ aea aod woiata a n a t Ia«Qttlr NOTHING wbiterer io the nnh«fa»on;,Mheadbti>d of ANY

F eb . 6........... N a tio n a l H o te l '

ay , Feb. 7 ....„N orth S id e In n

i^ b .-8— — - r B u h t HiJtcI” ~

ly, Feb. 9....... R o g erso n H otel

7 1 8 M ofn S f . — B oit«

1 ^ 0 . Pho"*I ..................... ' \ • _

- --------- TIME^-NEWS, TW IN T.

•o Tw in Falls NewiB«srd M«et Bet Traoaf

.. Blckel school FTA executive board Pfe.'K f > t ■»d» meet a t rM p.m. Monday a t Mt, an

-------------------------------------------------•«*“«»____ • ' - has bei

Training Completed » « t‘on t bUrk Wllllara Kenneth Holmei, Twtnwill t e ralla, h a . completed basic training VUl f

■ " Anrt a t the naval training sutlon a t San Mrs.

I r t . hy _M-ttkiZod_Cnflti------------------------Mr. nnd Mn, M. L. Dick, Poca-

•e were tello, arc week-end gueala a t the on tlic home of Uielr aon and daushtcr-ln- Dangh

law, Mr. and .Mrs. Lotell Dick. A lU ------- Wr. ar

.. Sentem on Guam Mrs. 1Mr. and M rr Fred W. Read have Henor:

1 received word that their son, FA AlfredJ- James C. Rend, who recently com-

IraUiltitt ti tKlWhen Snn Diego, hns arrived al Guam w " , 'ow rver a iir re h r liaulgned-laUieliiduatrlnl.K ,S 50 I ' f " ”' ' ” ! .n a IMP «P -lt uml.rp Jan - neeeverlng ^for tho Joanne Smock, Coeur d'Alene, ndce, 1

! aellon lormer Twin Falls re'idenl. li le -- sellers covering satMaCtorlly following a Visitor jcrap U Rcrlou-1 Injury susulned In 'a jkllng Thor change accident three weeks ngo, accordlns Panlni

steel It- to word received from her parents, t«en vMr, and Mrs, Don Bmock. Itoddei

■------ - days. 1■er cent Meeting Poilponed Kenne'of new exa:utii'e board meeting of Mr. an IJ con- EJwarda PTA has been ix«t-'ry and » P *"- Tuesday, Tho jieiunj

I jn—Mnt wlH- tw held- at the- h b m r —'M rj'rmed a Charle.^ Panoit. Tlie meet- i.o i, ii:

lng la open lo all members ol 81. ijn_ iirumors to Thei

It. Wc ------------------------- • funera:

r iM =. Voice of America j Kaihi ■

Xe'“ Produces Dispute 7 ' '”WASHINGTON. Feb. 3 (/P)-The , ,

"Voice of America" radio program ,, j ' , '.’P S produced a disngreemenl loday be- , F i ;

tween Sectrtary of Slate Acheson

der ■'irr.oSr.S;Sr;,c,..■»5l«a Angelfflung ''voice'; program, u ld It lu i 't down t' 3 (jr^— measuring up lo lls opporlunlly ofmdrews carrying to itic world an expanded s ,r re i V com- "cnmpalgn ot trulh" aboul America.ountaln He u tg td that It be put utifltr an who ha

Independent agency, relieving the in Kon■II. San stale deparunent of the burden of na a ci[livlilaiL j p cra tlngJ t .——------------------ -------- [5—^t com- Acheson cautioned agalcwt auch a M r. aten t to- step, and argued that under the Captnlrof Ihe stnic department the Voice "haa In capUln

fad bccome the vital part of . our An otflittnched national strategy" Its supporters be- "World auntnUi llcve ll ahould of Tlie difference of opinion was dls- BlHht xpected closed In an exchange of letters ,!« . Daug

tween tlie two men, made public by th e Ma>m San Benton. to Mr. 1rte per- ------------------------- ------------M r. an

would TRWfAN RF.TIIIINS Falls;lext 30 WASHINOTON, Feb. 3 (,V)-PfC5l- Buhl,'

dent Truman returned to Washing- Thnele,ani op- Ion a t 6;10 pjn. eastern atandard Mr, anju n t ol tonight nfUr a train trip to ome, D.done at pjiijndelphla where he dedicated Mr. an

a chapel honoring four World war and Mia cw rl “ fhnplnlns. _ _ Tw in F


ix?"d wllh

h e twonectlon ‘

I fde-arm

B token 1 ^ 1^ W ^W

^ IT'S HEIThe F in

I SEE Tl-3 B r a n d N e w

HOME FR. . — • -

S B v a n d N e w '


4 B r a n d N e w





" Remember. Firsc l —

L O u i :* •


" " 7 '


Is News in BriefT ru afc rre d V

• board Pfe. B- DeUar Tlmmotu. ion of *,dky *t. Mt, anti M rt. U«rtil.POTt«T, who U DB______ ■>■'!/...«.>< . t rt n . jedes

has been trantfeired from one band per. Isection to another a t the fort.' base

, Twin -------- pay craining VUl S ou th Amcric* manda t San Mrs. C la ra Pringle and her daugh- I nga

ter. Mrs. Mary Pringle Boyd, formerT^ln FalU . residents, saUed Jan. H •_ 4

______ for an extended toiir nf finulli . „ r r 'Poca- America.

a t the resell,tc r-ln - Danghter Bom of u,, ck. A ilnughtcr wa.s bom Jnn. 37 lo tlon.

Mr. and Mr*. Dale Wnlker.'Rupert. - n Mrs. W alker Is the former Helen

d have Herron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j,>n, FA Alfred H erron. Twin Falls. conuT corn- ■ -------- t<lira t i t M irriace Ucense* carle!ouarn MarrlnKC licenses were tssued Frl- nort.

A iirim a-antuniiirH rnoO TriTrT^inr Tn-TOnhd W anda Holtzen. both Buhl, and -c ito Leo V., Clark and Melvlna Ber- jmmc

t'Alene. Twin Falla. . foundis re - -------- « « « '

Ting a Vlsllorx Ibeported. jkllng Thomas Snowball and Mrs. J. B. wr* MrdhiR Panlngton. Salt Lake City, havelarents, t«en vlslUng Mr. and Mr*. Thomaa _

Hodder. Tw in Palla. for the past 10 I days. T hey also visited Mr, and Mra.Kenneth Hodder. Twin Falls, and M "

ting of Mr. and M rs. Saul Moore, BuhL ‘‘ ------- . She' flelum -to Unmet---------------:------ r r l"3g j■ hnmc- —'Mrj. D orolhy McNamara nnd Mr*. w ,,|,,' i” eet- i,oi5 unnsen . te th Beattie, and Wll- gr,, 0* SI. Ilan, Hush. Tacoma, have retim ed

to Ihelr homes after atlencllrg the (jjujj.* funeral o f thelrraoIher.'SJrJ. Myrtle pnHj.

_ Du.'h. Anolher dauRhter, Mrs., 3 Kathleen Ploeger. leit Saturday for

J her home-ln Shreveport, La. Klmtyl U t e „ . ^ — - San I' 1—ThP Relnm F ro m Trip jiren,' Mr, and Mra. R. J, Hawes relumed n Ter o g r ^ Saturday from a month-long trip ton '“J to California, While there they a t- Deirolcneson th e American Catilemen's three'' ' asaoclatlon convention a t San Fran- The® . cljco. T hey visited relatls'es In Los ary a

J® Angeles a n d Long Beach and went Ham.. It lu i t £joR.„ [j,e coast aa far as San Diego,nlty of _____ ...pnnacd s , r r „ „ Caplaln l - P J^erlca. M/Sgl. Frederick M. Berlach, 'fltr an who has bcen serving In the Inlantry In IK the In Korea. Is now on duty a t Pujonden of AB a cap ta in In logistics, according. ., BQ]----------- lo woro received by his ^ re n t^ , commsuch a M r. and Mra. Frederick Bertsch. of thier the Captain B ertsch heid tlie rank of here ■has In capu in in th e lessw t corps. Ke waa Conof . our nn otflrer In the signal corps during Coeurers be- -World w ar U . ngend

-------- propo.os dls- BIHh* by Al• Daughters were born Saturday a l legtslibite by th e Maslc Valley Memorial hospital report

to Mr. and Mrs- Raymond Reece and ren t ,M r. and M rs. Fay Dobtjs. all Twin ture. Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Arlle Partin.

-Presl- Buhl, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloydihlng- Thnele, F iler. A ton waa born to LA>mdard Mr, and M rs. Marlin Ruhler, Je r- w>—J;rip to ome. Daughters were bom Frldny to four gHeated Mr. and M rs, Don Rehwalt. Flier, walkeiId war and Mr, a n d Mrs. Chnrlea Hillman, crimes

Twin Fnlla. of frei

i l p j

S HERE! COME!The F ire W as In The Baseni

E THESE!nd N e w ‘‘A m ana”\E FREEZERS [

— • --------------------td N ew “L eonord”

UGERATORS--------• -------

nd N e w “F o iv le r”C WATER HEATERS er Home Appliances^ - ^

1 5 % t cr s ALL BRAND N


M HEATERS.>eP,-E3pst C om e,-E irst-Sera


— Miner Meet Asks _ _ U,S. Guarantee of _ _

..... Prices for Metals •«„-who U DENVlB. Feb. J WV-A flte-year along i

jedeaLxUiranteeof on cop- horns tn>e band per. lead, atoc. Max Lierl.' ^ aeiali at levels aulflclent to

n t f « r t of development was d e - « th e r q mi^ided today by the Colorado M ln- lyilng n

daugh- lng asioclatlon. pn Maliformer »uch actioD, the oMOCiiUon aald . . . ami

Jan. IT In 4 jjriM of resolutions. U neces- departs Boiiih . I., iijt tha na llnn 'i n t '* ’ -O rarini

l^ iS d u ^ ry back on lla feet. T he kernelsresoluiloM were adopteil at the close of ^ a l rof the iJiociaUon-s annual conven-

Rupert, nation m ust look to th e dlae leftHelen Amencan melal m iner for Ita safe-

id Mrs. ^ ' , r r « c u n i y . " Uie resolutionscontended. '‘We canno t depend upon J" the lender mercies of foreign m etal .cartels and tn» ts In tlm t ol peace. .

ed Frl- nor to lubmarlne-lnfeated aea lanes irrEUtT' Th"TIrf,e ol »»*• oejhi, and "Clojed mine* m ust be reopened la Ber- immcdiitely. New m ines ,must be _

found and developed to meet in - gaturda eitaslv.g demMwi* to r metaU . . .

----------------------— after i:

’ m". Kimberly WomanS DiesatAgeof6lS,":Xi f ^ d Mr», Bessie M. Cook. 81, Kimberly, hi died Saturday, evening n t Ihe Magic D , y

Valley Memorial hoapltaL O l A J She wu bom In Ind rch _____ 11

’d wY- b y ^ r huaband. =

Falls; .Urs. Alice H ood; Wnitlnfj, f 'f ^ e n Mrs. Dn'ight Partoll, Twin

lay for Mrs, D onald Panott.Kimberly; one ion. Lawrence Crow, J"San Diego, Calll,; th ree atep-chll- dren, Mn, R. N. New, Corpua Chrla- The a

;lumed ll, Tex.; Ueut, E, E. Cook, Hous- mlle.i w W trip ton, Tex., and Clifford A. Cook, hospitalley a t- Detroit, Mleh.; five grandchildren; rammedemen's three liilets and one brother. to tho CFran- The bodyMaat the 'While mortu- Repor

In Los ary and w lirbe aen t to Holton, coast gi 1 went Ham., lor aervlcea a n d Inlerment. most ofDiego, --------------------------- 64-foot

, Legion Panel Will S Hold Meet Todaya r^ ta , commltlee of the Idaho department:ertsch. of the American Legion will m cet |1 . Y - | ink of here tomorrow.^6 waa Cwsvaasi4tT Sidney E. Snili.h, during Coeur d'Alene, said Included on the

agenda Is dlacuaslon of legblatlve SALTproposals affecting veterans. Shel- John Fby Alchley, Boise, chairm an of the the Wes

day a t legislative commltlee, will give a formerospltal report ou jtopoaed law s In ihe cur- of a he'ce and ren t session o l the Idaho leglsla- Smitht Twin ture. Ida., toPartin. ------------------------ manage

Lloyd K lirPP RELEASEDorn to LANDSBERO. Germany, Feb, S:, Je r- i/p)—Munitions maker Alfred K rupp. PILE!Iday to four generals and 34 o th e r Oerman-^ fer, sor

Filer, walked out of the Landaherg w ar LancnsllUman, crimes prison today In to a festival pleled 1

of freedom, Diego n


' STARTS M(HE! BUY! SAVE! B asem ent» . NO FIRE DAM■ — - ■ ■ ■ B **



15 Be Here 9 A.M . •.__ Mondoy ond Savcl ___

J — - \ ! ■

t o 3 0 %ID NEW-FAMOUS

A U A. G. M .- 3 to S ROOM !

lS • • • • • a , , ,

' S t - S e p v e d — \ - H u r r y r a r - T


' i

: : ______________smmr,

is |5Citof a e e n . . . pg^t a l S Teen-age drivers herding cara C t e-year along Main avenue and honking A dele

Max Lloyd dSTflng hat, reilaclng It cro ~ th e r quickly - . . Glen Olsen ana- a t Bol«

, M ln- lytlng mud . • • No parking spaces H «dlr pn Main avenue during afternoon

,n aald f . . Small boy aUndUig la c tn « r ot neces- department atore and holleHoR ,. i'Oiandmall*LHlDJlI-10lff#-— I» 'o . j ,! -------t. T he kernels of Purpoe,e close of chair in for theonven- Dlaas, Filer, bringing .to police a ta- finance

Uon two pap®'' «“ !“ merchan- drive wi' th e dlae left in hla e a r . . . Jack Dlmond V a k i

» ,»}e. describing his arsenal . . Muddy will '« i dog pualcd a t coolntss of greeting deni of

i in recently cieined Iwuse . . . H enry Frn'ik SDanner's et-boss coming back for civil def

' first aid on damaged finger . . . Carroll,Youngsters happly wiOlawlng , In Red Crc

* miirt flroimd new housing dUtrj.ct F-d»la-rGent giving up project of try- of Ihe p

opened piionc wife on multl-pnrty Harrinlino . . . Parking apacc at preii^um epeaklngSaturday night-. . . Tj-plsl not oVcr- on thc 1

• • ' joyed at having o\d machine bacVt Cioafter asIng newer machine for sernwhlle , , And overheard: Strange actlvitie;

i n jquRwks issuing from goose call as _ •f 6 1 annual otf-eeason J f f i p i

“S i Six Men Lost in reiiosi

-53S; —-Accident!at:Sea: £55.“.£ p .

c .p i= .a In ™ m> oil U.C „Golden Gflle Uils ilIlcrJlKill, ^pUUne . " ' 113 cr=w or inrco nnd IT p»«ei)Bi:rs ' '

Hous- mlle.i west of the point where the Cook, hospital aWP Benevolence wo.s ,

lldrcn; rammed and sunk a t tho entrance .to tho Golden Gate last year. ^

nortu- ReporU received a t the Fort Point lolton. coast guard au tlon Indicated th a t QMrn rment. most of thc passengers aboard thc , ,,j,

64-foot U. S. army tug. designated .

ill “;;T in:r,o‘i's;ioS;T«s “ ” ''S day r,'‘o';"K-S'’.l"”. S ' ‘S; —

tug and, preaumably, Uiey were, .. rtm ent -T 7 ^ ^ ^‘ Ex-Resident ot

Buhl SuccumbsIslatlve SALT LAKE CITT, Feb. 3 (/P)— Henry

Shel- John Frank Sm ith. 63. manager of i„of the the Western Creamery company and buslne.ygive a former Ifnho resident, died -today pe«. g\e cur- of a heart nllment. lo leglsla- Sm ith was transferred from Buhl, ^hooL

Ida., to Salt Lake City in 1931 as w orj manager of Ihe Western creamery.

F ,b. S TIIAI.VIKO ENDS “ S 'l!K rupp. FILER, Fcb. 3—Daniel L. Lancn.s- nncumo:rman-^ fer, son of Mr. and Mr*. Roy Y. . :g w ar Lancaster, route 2, Filer, has com- The r![estival pleled recruit training a t the San tnlcs th

Diego naval training center. Inflntlni




LO O K F O R TFN ationalij) K r i o i

[) • M ix e rs• T b ta ste rs• W affle Irons• L a u n d ry Equi• F re e z e r Suppi

----------A nd M any Otiit

% 6 f f _iO U S N A M E M D SE.

i ROOM SIZES ______

. . . . 25% O'y^ar-rhese-BargtOiit'VfU-


_ _ pMpletoAng cara Campai?hilonklng A delegaiionofi^®

icing It Crwa f u ^ ^ *:n ana- a t Boise M o iX ,^ * * !! spoCes Heading u;e

Is™"T!cZ\Muddy will '« E. Roland i

jreetlng deni of t h r A - . ^ ^ ^. Henry Frn-ik Shinn nTrJS?i«ack for civil defe,L.,e'cmff'^‘‘ ager . . . CarroU, n ishurt ~ • '■lng , In Red Crow Pnci/ic^J?*®_d-!atr|.« .F -d » la -n _ H o „ n ^ 7 ^of try- of Ihe Pacific

tl-pnrty H.irrlmnn Is r.ii'cren^um epeaklng tour to' luS , ?J3t A cr- on thc matcrlji » rri'^^ ^e b:vcVt Cioa „ '‘L ^ne for tW servicci andStrange as -------------

Trips, Visits al Shoshone t

1 rSHOSHONE, yeb

:gea:i”&5.‘K S C y(iTT-An ai'tlTle U .U;^g party rehllves la j off Uie/■pUllBg McCiriyiaS r s homo from Bol-,rescued «« iv lng medical .tltttl,had no t U a i r j*

Lake Ciiy. were , e c « t ^e or six Dateait■ere the and Mr,, niu p„ e WO.S hioved to Atco «htn i(ntrance ^

rt Point Mn. DtTii;eri th«L BoU' »b;icit i l Young was a S

l>ii'Ii'css visitor, rsC ne? ••““•ard AdUrj ta;S ^ « '? « g l n S a I t L U „

Mr. and Mrs. E. 3 ^ vW tedlnB d,,

Events ListeGLETNNS FETUlV.Ptil.

_ Myers, Salem, Ort, lenambs ™3 (/P)— Henry Wallace, Ball y

' “BW of ^-as i„ Olenns Perry ftany and buslnc-y.d -today pe,4 s]o..,n 5,fj

_ . , dny lo Mtend am Buhl, Khool1931 as Word has been recJlrtJ!

•amery.bcen VlslUng in Do'jt i:

. child hns been hospliJi^ y “yas com- The^fcrmle:j hogrxm the San tnlcs the dangemus,

InflnUng Its body, 1'



\y 9 A.MHURRY!

I t Smobe

OR T H E S ^lalij) K n o w n

rst Irons J Equipment r Suppliest o n y O i t l i C T S


% O F F _V n t t iO l f l S i T f r w v

A N C |T E R M S

Page 3: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

i S i W T r

e i d A g a i n s t W m m

o f d a n ’s P I a n

me propos^ for the

Idaho SUle

g s s s HL^oJuniio . .1^ ^ 1 (pprDprlaOons U tl,-Uttle doubt but

' j s ;i tS iV u m ■“ •» “”

J.T<in his asked to hove re- ^ I U r M C « » ^ th a t she ;^ p lc t« l» thorough scudf

Pl«n or oUicr po*-pteUtulu.

man Passes a t iA I'f.’ST T ¥ truck spon

m s i i s s s; i l s p f c y Bu Bimf. NofR’fty- She wm rw i

s i r i r - . ' s / s : i i - u,«p l! time U Twin FolU In icy roada

truck wrecksjwnmtivritausamemberof T»-ln Fnllji ca»mnl Lulhernn church and urday. Ice ii•fdn 1ft the L\VML of the heavy trafllc^ Uslona In T?U lunlvrf 6r her husband, j jo s t speetBcamtivcdt, Twin Follj; of an Idaho

ii«httrj. Mrs. Esther Ulrich^ sUd ftcrosj tfa Un. BtUy Zagcl, Port- in o borronlid m lp Rommelvcdt. Twin tlr« tch of it'■ tLt« trolhers, Snnrrc Er- thn overpassB-iW; Arthur Eriksen. Mis- east o f Haniiucn:., .r.d Paul Erllwcn. Pon- ^ h e truckji:li.: tIte slaters, all residing m hhi,- t>» fn ^ J tis ii rg ra ira c T m a n ti: sheriffs(WjrfiW at the W hite mor. a„a snowln), riatral ser'lcc.i will be held 10:55 p. m, Flpa Tutsdiy ii\ the Immanuel jined to bothc u thurch with the Bev. IL _ ..i3cirid»llng. Burial will be ° f ' p Bmtl Memorial pork. A ttl wrtith ha, been, Mtab-- th e radio treasurer o t the . b ccnptjallon,

m « S L A T -E ^lEO STATE COLLEGE, Poca- j,(hi, J-Thf Idaho sla te board nfternoon aa.’Sicr will be a l the college poji^e busy :a.iticr here Monday and accidents whJf lo conduci examlnatloM minutes. Nocai lor members of th e Feb- dnmnBC genep»d':illni claw, S. L. Crow- init lo pollcor»a FalU. president o f lhe T he firstua^unctd Saturday. a t th e

HiiJson Receives A. S. I

hkf OR THI

. . ________1 .I j V ^ a T A W W l

I \-I \\

IIveihmglllYHOStSHO* • -

ABC-TV KitwDfk .___ m - i i

SompioB Mortr Co.. . VB u r iiy

T i o i c k L o a d e d W i t i i

An Icr ipot on the blfhvrnr «*< bUnrd ler orrrlu 32. 334 Fotfrtli arenoe w nt, had Jutt drlxn off Ihe > truck spon around on the road and ilid barknardi w as comparatlTely llltle damage lo Ihf Iruck »ml Ih^

,J?enh«m—eighth an J.».paaslnt-jnotorht_arejho»i>.«nJ.lO .JiJdaj.,_ ISU ff_phot_o^j™ T lnf)___________

* * * ,^ * *

I c y R o a d s A i e B l a m e d f (

T r u c k W r e c k s ; C r a s l nIcy roads were blamed for two tiortli nnd Shosh'

truck wrecks on main highways' In Involvtd ucrc drlrw ln m ils county Friday and Sat- Mil. Ul BUii* Lakiirdny. Ice In streets combined with and Jl. 0 . McCoyheavy traffic caused a aeries of col- Three cars, tslUiona In Twin FaUs Friday night, wired bumper ti

M ost spectacular crash was tha t nt6:W rm .lnth( 3f an Idaho Creamery truck whichslid ftcrosj the rond and overturned OKIcers v,lin wIn a borrow pit after hitting a addrcM niid famistretch of ice on the north end ,of of tht drivers 1thn overpass on U.6. highway 30 tliourtt for ata s t o f Hansen. * double

T he truck waa driven by Earl L.r nhhlr r)4 Fn^tlh avrnue.UT.I. whn. R““LC_0 ^ _ b g

SS • s £ " " i " s . “ = . ' ■ ; £ f f i S S ’;

In an office report to shcrlfl’a dcij imo a 15M C offlccrB yesterday, Elbert O. Weaver, ornl H. Price, : Vnklma. Wash., estimated 1350 dam- north age to hU truck In an accident on shortly alter 5 ley surfaces of U.Si SO one and one- by w. E. Clark, half miles north ot Filer, The left ctut, and Lloyd side and front of the truck were Eighth avenue damaged. Clark was pulllr

Ice nnd heavy traffic late Friday curb, afternoon combined to keep clly Three mishap; police busy Investigating six minor mlnutfs apart a t accidents which occurred within 70 hlclcj involved In minutes. No one was Injured and ond avenue casi damnBe generally waa light, accord- Mrt. Paul Show Ins to pollco reports. Houiteen.

T he first occurred a t 4:45 pjn, Considerable f« at th e Intersection of Second avenue damage resulted


Ison fln t e iJOMG TOM

\ \ T h e ro o q e d DiniABiun buOt in---------\ \ , -------e % ^ ‘Srtep-dftwn"-<l<*ijnedHud*r » T \ \ l haa again been officiary r e w p i a

f t by t t o Amcncan Society o f Indu

, / 3 , W Among a ll m otor in *11 p r i\ | Hudaon aJoM haa bt»

CJJD f t ' (hoecn to receiTe tba cove tod M a2 < 5 f t tbe A 5 . I . E . ; » h ^ t bone« f t Yea from drawing board to U

-------- f t - - f iw d -p » d u r t. H w ta« is c ited ff t ••iM dtrabipInreaeardi.aigiDM rin\ \ declsn< and a aT»ifacture‘'l


dpan m o t o r c o m pa i___ja-j»^*C O N D A V S .W W T t

‘='- =

51 .

i W i t i i I c e C r e a m O v e i

B I B 1 1

lainrd lor oTrrlurDtnr thli Idatio Crearotrie*. Inc., tf . drlKn off Ihe overpau ta s t of Hansen on U. B. hi illd backn-srdi In to tho borrow pit where It orertur

If truck ami Ihr load wai I n ta c t Cobble, Icfl, D(i

* * * . * "I I P r¥ i Intersection of :l a m e d f o r T w o ; S X m “

1 - T - • - 1 Seventh nvcnuc; C r a s h e s L i s t e dlorth nnd Shoshone sireet. Vehicles noon happenednvolvtd ucre driven by Mel Swen- of Third aven an. m DUir Lakes boulevard north., street east. Drimd R. 0 . McCoy. vo'ved were Hi

Three cars, two ot which wcrc 32j^d avenue «vlred bumper to bumper, crashed Twin Falls.i l 6:iif,m .ln the 2M block on Third Earlier Frli#:trcct west. a collision betsOlficers V,hn were given th e same Marlon O. L.i

irtdreM and fame model car by t«o avenue west, apf tht drivers involved said they Coos Ba]hourtt for a minute they wcrc terscction of 1leorliij double ' Tlilrci atrcel wi

A 1937 Chevrolet driven by Mrs, Anotlier Inter^uth C. Campbfll. 1D37 Eight h ave. icsllEal£d_at_J5Ue wns wired lo and belns Shci^hone streel)ushcd by another 1337 Chcvrolel volved were AlfiIflvtn by her husbnnd. Clarcnce L. Walnut, and I;aroptell. JJouudlns-o com er onto 2SI Was)ilngU>nrhird streel wi-M tlic two car.s Kkld- Left front leiled Into a 15M Chevrplet d riven by by Merman G.)rnl H. Price, 351 Fourth avenue street and Alvilorth. n collision a t MShortly alter 5 p . m. cars driven ond sireet nort!

ly W. E. Clark. 1905 Filer avenue urdarMt, and Lloyd R. Goodrich. 1443 Minor domaf■Ighth avenue e iu t, collided aa p.m . Saturday;iark was pulllnK away from the ------------------

Three mishaps occurred n few V n u u h n A nlnutfs apart aboul 5:45 p, m. Ve- pj-j,cllce lln ilclcj Involved In a collision on Sec- .nd avenue eaal were driven by Announce,lrs. Paul Showaltcr and Wnnda Jouiteen. Ii3 ShoihoiConsiderable fender and bumper Phone 2385

lamaae resulted In a crash a l the

A R D ! M o r e P r o o f . . .

ih e kT 0 M O jR J 9 0 I ¥

b e au tifu l s ty ling tb a t will cara in a ll p r io a p a c e fo r y e a rs to com & T oid S L h l a W S r d c a r . d « / « ^ a j d 6w ile co v e to d A fe ra young—ja lo o ia .tco d la K i“ S S T b o i S m ortduraW ecaryourm oneying board to t h o W e c a n g iv e y o u a c o p y o ftbl*on is c ited f o r - A J3 .I .E .-R e p o rt.-D ro p Jn -.rdi, engineering, H u d ao n is y o u r b ^ buictun''] y o u r e y e a a n o n tb e lo o g to

SON FOR ')UIUiBi£^can/^()un/ nume^ca«t; bt

)D O R E • S U P 8 K - S I X • P A C E M A K E I

, c o m p a S y .r w D - P A U i

•Vn k x M e te r Co. T a iin tf C Jer6m «

- ' ' : \ '— ---- ---------------------

____________ TIMI

n O v e r t i i i W “ “ P r a y e r f i s

T w in Falls" V W omen wlll obscr'' B of I^ayer with

3 ISpiscopal church aay ." - "

S Thi.^ ob»» \ l i (llrrcUon of theA l ■ C hurch Women w& \ I 000 U. S. commin i B o th e r I |b world. The ^ervl<B i 9 wa-s A 1W I ■ JKonvon-ol.OTmaB I S “Perfect

C lii'^lte'.'jl 1

I ' Sho.shone street <1 ■ ^ ^ ■ 4 I H between cars drive% ter.son. Filer,

ron'.*: Wl crnsh. ________— Al“ firw p .m .

m U l i S ^ ' K lsiler. route 3.B ' the wheel

|8 |M ^ when heran Into {enc>

rotrie*. Inc., tfork. Eafl L. Cobble.en on U. B. hl(hway SO when lhehere it oTerturned. lIowfTer, Ihere)ble, Icfl, Deputy Rherilf JamtiThfr-acddenf *occuTTPd~iboTit~lttl39

= = = = = —itersectlon of Second avenue soulh M I .nd Third street. Tlio cara wereriven by Mra. M. J. Kutndellng, 211cventh nvcnuc north, and Jllchard. BjTd, Evergreen lodge.The last accldcnt iVlday after- f S S S S S S Soon happened at the Inlertectlonf Third avenue east and Third•reel east. Drivers of the ears in-olved were Harlene Oambrel. 433hlrd avenue east, and David Fix,Win Falls.Earlier Friday police InvesUffated 1 \collision between can driven by v V

[arlon O. L.ingdon. 160 Fourth f l li-cnue west, and Arthur, J, Hoe- # ■Isch. Coos Bay, Ore.. near the In- ^rscctlon of Fourth avenue and hlrci street west. 'Anotlier Inurcccuon crash was In-

hci^hone street north. Drivers In- lived were Alfred A. Nordholm, 203 i'nlnut, and Harold L. Arbaught, il Wa5)]lnKtcn stru t .south.Left front lenders of cars driven ’y Herman O. Hays, 430 Walnut reel, and Alvah R. Ash, Eden, in Icollision a t Main avenue and Sec- s H SId street north at 9:34 t.m . Sat- ^ B Brday.Minor damage resulted at 7:30 tn. Saturday In the 100 block of

Vnuuhn M. Pond, M.D.Pi-jicllce llwltta U> Aurgrry

Announces the Opening * All M mof hU office Bl

l ’3 Shoihone Streel Soulh * All S mPhone 2385 Res. 3M7-N^I | *

' V a r n ls t

- ★ S E I

S P )

I .I - Home i

I sp i

W I sI BvI ^1 ^I I

a t in a Hudaon for *61 .:« w a id a ..o fU » ig h e a t- .— ^ igged. bigh-comprca- . . in tbe ultra-rigid

y-and-frame . . . io H iing tb a t will aet the H i jltocome.'ForHudacta | jned and built to ttay B«, and in actim —tho ■iryourmoneycanbuyl -• Wl l ‘i5;uacopyoftbeOfflidal l i a N ^ rt..DropJn-T«ea why>ur boM buy—sybtm B a ^ B P Sm th e long tomorroffl B B r j ^

m'si ®!4r»werhol<to d re in lo i

t f M i * i r C o . * 0 W .

--------------- --------------------------1 , y i . - i


payer S a y to Be— -Held Next Friday Denman, lormer

>wln W ls Council of Church ,men_.lll obacrva the World Day IdI»rayer with a service at the iLci.i,,!,.,

r e -’• ■ Ferry teachers. PTiLs annual ohservaiice under the inc a meeting olfcUon c/ th e United Council of nilllee wo.s held.urch Women will be held in 17,- — ... __ __

U. S. conimutfttles and in 03 TlVe clectrie eele r coimtrle.s throughout t h e has electric glanerid. The service u.ied this year erntc more thans wrlllen by a iroup of Chrhtlan trlclly.-cnough tim aa-ol .OT m ani*. Tlie Ihema-K. . n.?rfect love ca.iteth out tear," f~ lU T»ln FnHs church women pe been Invited to attend this

o.sfione street west Jn a collWonween cars d riven by Dale E. Pnl- Ason. Filer, nnd Leslie Mock, 1237 Mventh avenue cast. Alice Palter-i'.-! forehead was skinned In lhe W ESl

l i firw p. m . Saturday^Jonald ' slier, route 3, reported to jwllce • “: front wheel of his car locked _ ‘ ,en he applied the .brakes and he bcrved\ Into his fence on Addison avc-

flln Twin h


MBS* All M nde o f Pondcrosa Plnel

* All Sm ooth Sanded!

* All R eady fo r You to P a in t, Slain or V arn lsh l


Home Furnishings Department —SECOND FLOOR—

r ^ I t l REG. 1 6 .9 5 ^

1 K S . - ” ” ” ""-

I „ IQ o r ^ DRAWER f I S'*’ W 9 5 — 6 drawer, *

- - 1 , 2 a t l draw er CI , 0 95 — 8 D R A W E R , !

■ I

- I 5 ' | ' - 1 0 . 9 5 - 3 0 ” 2 - - S H E U

I R« 1 0 . 9 5 - D K O P L E A FI S 5 . 9 5 - D o u b ^

R e g . 1 2 . 9 5

'salef 9*88 -Hut* ahelvM k«p W* bool**, notebooka.

ttra'wer hoWa paper. peueUs. DMk li braced tod rainlorced tbrouebout. MeacurM IIPK

• J O W . -------- . .---'

■ -HOW OKI a n d e r s <

FALLS. TDAHO_________-

S p e y e r H S r d S p u d G a r tILENNS PERHV, Feb. 5 -G e o r :e T l l l a i A iiman, lormer superintendent of l U ’Dols a t Durley and now associ- The potato car sd with the Idaho Education as- \.«ry short in IdahlaUon, ThurKlay-»pok« on th e two to three weeks. Jrenl legislative program a.s it a f- Filer, lecretary ol 11J a me«Ung of Olenns and Onion Shlpptrary teachers. Preceding Uie meel- Saturday,a meeting ol lhe executive cora- iicnrj- said thelee wo.s lieli). . received notice froi

-------------------------- of the anticipated ca;lie clectric eel ot Soulit America resulied from con«I electric gland.? which can aen- tween Idaho and thtc more than 500 volt-s ot elee- the inability of ther:lty.-cnough to lell a mule, back empty cars.


Zeke's CafeWEST ADDISON— N ext to Smith Roo

s n r o n ^ o o D s ^Served Doily from 10:00 A, M. 'Til Mid

I n T w in Falls

iM r s o i v s

ji M i

Inel ____

i t . Slain o r

-1ASESALF yW N m S S S l m ^.Efa r tm e n t

1 6 . 9 5 4 - d r a w e r C H E S T

I V .1 R fid

tAWER C ^ M rfD M S S E R ^ S * ®

•2Jg S | V -H. :H R i .V..

^ i n '

K Reg. 12.95 TABLE

I — — 9 * 8 8 -

tebookt. WeU dcatgned d ro id ^ Uble tixmly «--■■ Mntrtnri thm nrhnllt fnr y f Yl

■ braced Bmoothly landed. r«»d; te paint In Jt rea i r x favorite kitchen colon. Meanirta H

,---4s w . - ....................—

lNDERSON'S b ig s e m i - a n n u

■ - v / i

i m d G a r I i c H F “ I . w ' a k i Due lo Continue _

rhe potato car tltuaUon will be F A F W w l y short In Idaho for the next , , _3 to three weeks. Junes W,- Henry, - n n d ~ L c G er, lecretary ol the Idaho PoUto d Onion Shlpptja iwocUUon. u ldturday, .............. l l E ‘H ' 1lenr>- said the auoclatlon had B i B B i ■ elvrd notice Irvm Uie nl^rosda ■ ■ ■ ■ B the anticipated car shortage which ulied Irom conjesitd traffic be-tcn Idaho and the terminal* and W C fl?lnabl!lty,of Ihc railroads lobrina . . . _ _:k empty cars. p O y in .

' ' j" 'm a r k e t

Cafeto Smith Roofing I FAR

) 0 D S " « ^ ^K M. 'Til Midnight -.<«Iolor-Vu

- , ^ F R E E BELIV l--------------------------- A n y i e h e r e -

J 1 1 ^ I n M a g i c V t d l

I n M d t f r s

T A B t r R e 9 ._7 .9 S T >

9 . 8 8 ^

: Uble tixmly oon^ K ld n sr

y t o i ^ t 'ln . i ^ t t ^ a i r r a M l l^ ^ B Ha. M e aa im M-z

WI ANNUAL ^ ^ :'i r


H I N iW e a r e

- p a y in g a- ~ ^ eC T tO W T F T C r

m a rk e t price . ...


FARM•HSneTSO------------- T w n r w r -..............U-mUa-weataf.- .

^ o lo r-V u Comer

l E B E L I V I R Y ^ 3

- A n y w h e r e -------------------- :_i

. M a g ic V a lley

5 D o w i i _

{ m on th* e h bd lo iiM ; “


CHARGEl f b a k n e « U p « l d

I n M d t f r s

■ f ACS TH)taal:l

Page 4: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

' p A Q g n m ____________ • ,■■■

A «( r«b. It. IKt. ,i U. U.I. fM lu •nmm > VS a tm 4 M M«n4 claw mall aitl>r Atlll I, Itll, •( U>« »«*l QUMUOO*

• -- t i TW rtiU. i-Mtr UH »» «f Xl»> t. U7I- I

BT CA tSw i-M TA iLl JN *DV*KC1 WASH— — W ^ futmtr,'

Br <u oi«Bih« minbenMr t f t m t ------ — . -------1»»^ T n . “I

■ T K*tU-P*TAnt,B IM iBVAKOi OpporUUJ...... mCMi. MO.

- »> __ —, ■■ ■■.

.. . S t ^ ' S u u •( lli»7i • - ’ . ;

==.,, ■ !ij;B jtbm rm t ---- ------------------- -V i-M

AO nasln4 hr law tr hr oiirr of (osrt el cmpaimilrMlctloB tc k« vlbllih^ ONklr. >>H ** Publlihol la <>•• M.l Kma» »t an y>p«T yu»»tM m *«». W-wt. Kahn CoA»-

•______^ ” wM ^OLUDAT*CO^m^ _________. -------- _-tH-W.,l,.l 01----------- ------------------ 1-------- -- ^ ^

INTERESTINfi COMPARISONS ^ wm*A re c e n t National ‘Reclamation aajoclatlon

bulle tin , gotton out over the signature ot i|,n, a,„ Secretary-M anaaer. William E. WeUh w ho fieiai* -p form erly held a similar position with our o w n But Ji s ta te reclomation a.«oclatlon, reveals some In teresting information on certain ways th o jj }; ' M arshall plan !.<: working overseas. , w»shir

"W e cannQt_help _rceft|Ung_the_WQDla-Jii- -ahiuty-or Prefll'dent 'hum an 's budRet message of Ju n . pipiifrs,

■ 15 w ith resnrd to 'a.'islatance to non-European

atateR)cnt3 with his utterances on 'na tu ra l w<reaourcea,' which Include auj reclamation htve h««rproffram for the fUcol year of 1052,” th c " & ireafto llo tln polnU oui. U m 'S d

• - “In referring to non-European aid, M r. nsu endT rum an said, 'our total program of econonilc suun ■ Bislatance to non-European ttfcaa of the fre e ' oh«i« i . vocld w ill tnake a major contribution to i n ­creasing jJroductivlty or agricultural, Indus- trial a n d extractlre Induatrles.’ Such aid In - eludes ‘m ilitary assistance, loan capital a n d ui» m u «i technical apalBtance,’ he aa>d. letwr fron

" in th e 1952 budget, Mr. Truman recom - P'"in« mends lotaV ol »1 .B bUUon, ao Increasft o f 13.7 b illion, to carry o u t this prdgram referred '•! hiva to above. Not only m ust we 'accelerate o u r «du»cion

___exl{tUiK_prograina.Df_mmtary.-a«utanc«r-but- -ih*y-w«r«we ‘m u a t placo proportlonately-more em pha- tls u p o n building security through helping the peop le and Bovemments ot these areas . jf ihia te solve pressing economic problems,' he said , win b« 39 i

"C ertainly we cannot quarrel with the m ag- h»» b««i nanlm ous principle of helping our neighbors, •hue." But c a n the taxpayer In the West and th e nation provide money to be loaned to foreign govem m ents lor Intem ol Improvements, in - chimbcrai eluding irrigation projects, a t the expense o f eniijted n- reducing our water development within o u r <inffrenee' own shores? thuV/Y.

"According to pCA’s quarterly report, d a ted .June 30. 1050, and the last report to be Issued, poiiuon d- 32 p ro jec ts are in progress in the European «») Brtdi countries a t an estim ated coat ot 5310,000,000. pomu Among these projects is found an Inlgatlon project In France, estim ated to cost |63 mil­lion; pow er projects in France, Italy and Icc - tknitri land to ta lin g $41.8 million. Projecta In over-

- seas te rrito rie s of ERP participating countries uciina k&) Include a n antl-eroajon program In Cyprus; Amwcr: an irrig a tio n project In Jamaica; reservoir " “fr construction in eam allland; and-soll conser- vatlon in Algeria, all of which . . . totol $7.1 ini*rest

: mllllona l a cosL paiklni u' “M ore spoclflcilly, a Nov. 9, 1850, press re - with lease f ro m ECA indicates th a t $2.1 mUllons of MarshaU p lan dollars will be used to convert

. 46,600 a c re s in the Sorrala valley, Portugal, be t tevivi from a 'bulUfarm ’ into a productive agri­cultural area , complete with two dams, res- eqo-iu errolr con tro l stations, power etatlona, canals t . e.. and d ra inage systems. Ken:? w«:

■■A J a n . 6,1961, press release from ECA tells us th a t *800,000 Is going to the Indonesian ,governm ent for tHe purchase ol small motor- neeticut u Ued ( Isb tn s boats to ’tals« the sU ndud of ny hont. living o f h e r one million regular and casual flihennen.* nenpspera

"OUT IfiS l budget request for general In - bve«tlg»tlon funds Is reduced to |5.6 million, tigned tren 13 milUon less th a t th e request a year ago. or not, it y « le c U v ita l to XSxt West t n denied con-

. Btmctlnn tu a d s . Oup to ta l reclamaUon budget am ount la reduced 110 million from Ust year's V J £ request

"Therefore, i t would seem reasonable to ask th a tap o rtio n ,ir-n o ta ii-o rih e$ 1 1 7 .6 m llllo n ' thw d u S now go ing to foreign countries' public works commander program a be diverted to the.W cst"- »hioh

Everyone may not agree with the National «eoc-R ec lam ation—oMoclatlon’s reasoning, but

these com parisons nevertheless are Interest- imo the to Sptaklng

” ■ -------- - — "we can stoTOO MUCH •TALK” _ _ “ 'ey Mil ua

-■ Thls'cburitry thrlves-fin vigorous public dls- *cuiJlon of all the Issues, especially by our »nd .uoX leading s tatesm en. I t goes without saylng-that army d«pi there would be no democracy without It. tntmv'

But I t 's Just possible tha t the "pop-ofl" achool o f statesm anship is too much In the ihm « ascendancy In thts crltlcal hbur. Lawmakers n ' i c t r ruah In to prin t with comment and criticism «*i«r4r» mi

-With breath-taklng-speedr-Seldom ’ do you ' incii . hear one say nowadays: "I haven’t had time

to study th e m atter fully." xon.^The a i r is filled w ith cries and charges drawn-out '

which shou ld only be made if they are well b«»us* the founded. Too often they are not. Chinese

Rash comment and wild, unsupoorted c h ^ e a a r e no help to a people trying alncere- S S ly to m ak e up Its m ind about the gravest V. H.'l poii! queatlona It has ever confronted. A little less “n'«r‘r« i talk a n d a lot more study and thought might reduce. .the...conlu8lon . our-«tatesraen-are H®’* inaau factu riog so adeptly these days.

, ----------------------------------- to tvA hUA T BARREL’S BOTTOM a

Wesley resle r. who ju s t resigned last fan U coach of, Ohio s ta te university, now has

; ^ W ^ r t h e a ^ c o a c h at ^ e University

' V m .i t O hio wiU lu s t htre Bcrnk Blcrmaniiiio -inat-'M tnneK itft ih-iflso.’ the. Bii Tm' ' '

naq. flWOn » -ia ro w o u l ts no greater than. i^nw-' itu n m w o f able- Mg league baseh»n » h :

U n g tb e M m e o ld iu u D e s :V—' II __ 8uici.jiioul,

A p riso n e r dlsgul«ed a s a barber escaped <’o^n \

- ■ : /-■ /

. . . .


W H I R L I G I GmpoiKlvot da ro ta bta M luaa lo uir«nUi*^M<l«T«‘ C QUMUOO* of gtnerai iBMKit oo nitiooii aad laurnaUoaal i polleus U 4 parMoallili*. QuaaUao<..m<H;.U. aaat-OUica W tU f TUektr at tH t WlUerait Pla«*. Ci*rj Obt*f. M4.

WASHINQTON - "Who Is rtjpotuible tar Ui« em - L - . {>I«nntnt of so or 60 communliU by UnlUd Nation* , m ifflbe» * t New York?" Inquire* Mr*. A . T , Hou4ton,T n . " I th ink It oulr»««ou» thst they b« »iven »n * opportunity t« «py on us, U> discredit our Initltutlonf

arid to pick up T»Iu»ble InlormiLlon

tW - \ . Answer: Many of my reader* *; agree with Mrs. A. T., but the su f- S^oi

frvU £*aB i»«T . semon Ls hsrdly practicable, m i l l¥ - . W v f i *uihorlly lo pau upon foreign **ll M Ji. X . countries' slalfi wm given to thot f B t i ' • nrrTf***r-g—r-*’ wnen Uie orjtnn- ®‘‘-

' •imtlon'i charter w u framed » t He naturally, m ust

M . i ^ ^ r ^ ^ H a c c e p t tha ertdcntlftls prescmted toby foreign caplUls. t«6

a w Tm tkt i.vTEIWAT10NAt-Many reidera H« (omrthlngr amiit«r In this arruuement becauscL^ 5>^|l Alger HIM and some of hU fellomraveleTs In th s slate departm en t perlormtd ih t hiavy work In organ- Ulng Uis U. N. At Ban I^ancbco. 'They think these of- Des; flelala "pU nned It that way.” Aj

Out I t Is n o t realized generally tha t t;. N. head- Pup. quirters Is International territory, not United Stolea him. «(HI. It.1 employc.i ure intcrnntlonal rather Ihnn n a - ond tlonal figures. Wc

. W»shlnS5lon cannot U\« chatKle:. th e * w ,-ahlUty-of-tii*-ordlnary.-<:eeoncy-t>f-th*-cl*fks.-steno----------griphfrs, In terpreterj, etc., whom other nation? send to Ksw YarK. BlthDUHn we do so with respect to ambus- etdors &nd ministers lusd olher dlpIomoUc repreient«-

-tjyyj--------------------------------------------------------------------- DeniHsd wc tried te reserve that right, there would } *

have been n« U. N. i t «.U. I t would hsve been tesarded as & treapa-vi on th fir jioverelgnty. ^ “1

FJna>ly. Jt n iust be rccommeniled that th t Inttrna- Oanal body .w as formed ln n postwar period ot-aweet- ness end light, when Harry B. Truman was calUng _ 8Ulln ■ "aood old Joe” Instead of a Loula XIV or

. - . . KANSWER—Mr*. If. A. W.. Springfield, Mass., pre- nomi

itnts an aspect of tho proposed 18-yeai>o)d d raft jjgwhich MU forth, In simple terms, the philosophy behind ^the Marsnall-Rosenberg plan, i t is an answer to « .Jocallletter from a’ Brooklyn w other and school-teacher, de- large plorlng th c Interruption which 31 or 37, months of ssrvlce would m ean to the youngsters’ educaUon and csresr*.

"I hava two boys," write* Mra. H. A. W„ "whosB ifeducallon was internipied by World war n , though bene

degree*. T h e youngest It 3t. and lha otdest 3). Both opine got Joba la s t Ju ly , and both hare been noUlled to settle th e ir affairs,

“ir thla war lasts four ye&ri, the youngeit then Z>ear win be 39 and th e olher 37. la that {air? My Impreislon Pre hss been th a t In this country, everyone must do h l^ by tl •hare." healt

• • • ahowiDBAFTED—“D id any of our oUier presidents ever

send drafted m en Inta foreign fields?" asks H. U . N.. Chambcrsburg, Pn. -WMn’t It tlie regular army and J enlisted m en Uiot were *«nt. and la i't there a great dIJftrenee?-'

Several aenators har# made thc polnl In debate that It la a ••clUien army” which Uie admlhlitTntlon proposes to sh ip overjcas, and they tWnk Its com- ' poiltlon does m ake a gre«t difference, But, as Gen- era! Bradley testified, we may late an enduring men- aee, possibly for 20 yeara. and the eiperts do not be- Qtf Ueve we can m eet It with a BO-callcil profewlenal force, ore a

TKNITRE—"W hal has happened to the eonailtu- niiimi tlonal am endm ent llmlUng preslrifntla! tenure to two tBmsV loqiiliM B. IL, Lo» As\s«\«s, "Aie Ihe )>oW- Uclana ganging u p against It?"

Answer; T ho amendment will die unle.w 38 states _ , , ratify by M arch 37. IDM. As of todny, J7 have ap- 'proved It. B ut 33 leglslaturea nieti thla year, and ^ ■' they may provide the reQulred numlwr. A p•Interest seems has languished, but scenii to ba “ wn

perking up. T he amendment got otf to a flying <*'’Po start, w ith 18 approving In IB47, Only three joined. up In 1948. two in 1949, one In 1050 and three this K^wn’ year. If M r. "rruman runs agnlii. however, as the pollUcoa desire bu t Mra, Tnunan doesn't, there mny be a revival of the raUflcatlon rush. I cure

EQO-RAIBINO—"Hot th a t SVs Imporlanti'-qulps T. E.. i,analng, Mich., "but what has happened to a Henry W allace ond Harold Ickes?" p.n,,*

Aniwer; " I h a d lo do some heavy research on this le tic r puiiler. O ddly, both men are now In the egg-taiaing Instead of th e trouble-rnlslng business. Henry In Con­necticut a n d H arold In Maryland, a Jew miles from _____tny home.

BoUi tr ied th e ir hands a t wrUlng for the migi and newipspers, b u t flopped quickly. Ickes, you may re- member, eam e out ot hiding to campaign for Mr.Truman, b u t haa received no-reward. Wallace re- signed tren i the Progreisive party because, believe it or not. I t Tcaa loo slavlsn In lla support of Russia's M tiapetlCUtIo po llc i^ . ■


MiJ. Oen. R obert H. Soule, commander of the XT. 8.third division In Korea, Is one of the few mUltary Shicommanders to o ffer a public opinion on the Korean n Teiwar whloh eoema likely to do more good than harm. • xh

The general no t only gare an encoura^ng aoal}-sl« Loi of tmr m lllttry -p o sia o n ln Korea—m e ld In « iH h" xeigencrab. of courae. are qualified to speak—but stepped ^ a_.Into Uie toochy arena of politics without slumbllng. /

Speaking as a aoldler. General Soule declared tha t □■'«e can stop the Chinese on this Une or any other line } they tell ua to hold, jtad U they order ui, we will eoback and t»ke"SeouI>’ ------------------------------- ' — Shi

The general aald U. N, forces, with superior weapons □ ' A 1and supply, ean defeat even the cream of the ChUiese Doiarmy despite Its superior size. "We have hurt his Wlltihc cnemv'a> best troops In many spots." he dcclarcd. « Rei••Behind them la th e rllf-raff . . . We need to get ^ g tt over this awe of numbers and get used to Oie ideathat »e can whip them, becau.^e we can." D

The reccnt evidence In part, nt least, aupports the ***geiieral'a m ilitary 'analyals. Recent U, N, mlUtary sue- • -<c ces.'iM,- inciaentally. have greaUy strengthened theV. N.-i poslUon In dealing with the Chinese a t tha p , c aeonlmnce table, i f the U. N. b able to setllB the n *Korean war w ithou t becoming bogged down In a long _drawns)ut w ar of attrition Ip Asia tt will b« largely D „because the m lU tary atrength o f the U. N. forced ^the Chinese to bargain. O Wo

But General Soule, unlike most mlUtary leaden I"eomaenung on Korea, has eocne commenta on the n HeiP0!iUc»l aspect* o l th e war whleh do nol weaken the r-r Da: U. N.'i policy maker* but help atrenilhea them.

’TTiey're aick of communism In China already,” h* declared, -T h e reds offer*<l them Und and many Chl- ne»«.bellaT«dJt.aftd.*Mil-th*ir »0M to fight-forthBeommuiUiU. T hey got Uie land, all right, but each S olman got such a amall porUoa ha wasn't even able .n d nto f»M hU tamUy—*Rd then Uv# govtmmenl took S S « dMlf his c rop away t« feed ths army.-Lewlston ^ t ar«bmie. __________________ _ S .

r u u , CIBCLC IN POLITICS Porta*The United NaUons represents muikliid'j second ‘

rresi atiempt to civilize hlniaelf as'a »-orld cltlien, m V T T -t\e Inwttsta o t InterrvaUonal law snfi cnlcr. i \ W

The first a tte m p t was the League ct Nations, spoa- »!ttd hy the U nited S tates and wrecked by ihe United Statej Uirouith th e »-orkln|! of a tight, iMlaUonlst SepiiKtfjin coaltUon whleh could nol see beyond its »ri>^Unes.^Thli c< U ^ - ^ m M t j W ms arid efjeeuva J Q

J f i T f Eorah. ‘ ”Monflay in the U. a hous* of representatives an- t W

Jther UolaiiotUst Republican declared Uiat the United I 1'aiei.jhoulrt now-wTeck toe Unlied MaRoos. He wm 1 1 fKp- John w ood of Idaho. •» a *

■nuu, in Ihe space of a quarter century. Idaho's h*ve com* full c irc le .-U sijton

t i m e r - n r w s , t w t n ]

I A L , ^ - r “ | l w

G P o t

M i S h o t s ^ B j£" f . M<»- boyoIh ee m - L . ___________________________ INation* VALUABLS-ff TOU WOEK in ,i » ^ a n A fellow MW a Uttle Incident In forttItutlon* T * '” convinces us our UiUr™ a u o n depreciated moiley win-yi*ld its fuU ~ T t\

value-or more -w lth a UtUe plot- u thjting and planning; Tong

reader* high school nge boy* were couldJi« auff. BToupM around scale* In the door- adedle m l *»y of tt O " ' * “ ‘ nd ‘forelffn weighing hlm.'elf. Boy No. 3 eased prev«

w t K onto ‘ontan- both moving with care to avoid chlni

ned a t l*»lng th e weight Indicator drop, ist r7 m ust Then boy No. 3 eased onlo m e teales notnted to •h u e boy No. 3 eased off. both using gerec

the sjime care. tenU

readers *l?re of only on* penny, but it xhbecausck ^ I h t require a bit of worlc. up UIn tho * * * tant.organ- PU P8 rO R KIDB D E PT . mjjii,

lese of- Dear P o u : pioyeAnyone wanting a nice male farm be i

. head- pup. nearly half gro»Ti, may have jjnc i Slotea him. He> mostly German shepherd

an n a - ond would mivke a good stock dog. ,.i.vWc call’■him Tuffy. Phone or call '

:i. th e 34M. Eden. ^

M ^JdlT ' ‘Edeni-

e « n u ^ DOES THIS CINCH IT r d‘f« l-----------De«t“ Pcrt-Shols:-------------------- ^ O f a - w

would I sending you a letter Jan re- graph ■sarded cel^d from Lynn Crandall of Idaho tJI«n

fa lls relative to the name of the lake mltte iLerna that wa.i suppa-:ed to cQvcr most of what« w » u the.Enakcr-ivcr plal!«............. - - againcalllnff He quotes bulletin 109 of m e U.S. w h a v nr geological survey by I. C. Russell and

printed in 1302. That should au- b^fori themic and convlncc the skeptics pm j who doubt the ot the „om-

'■■<1™?: " rs iv r th e 'n n m J 'L ^ ^ ^ ^behind u a terra th a t someone haa applied r to «. jocaJly to ona arm or bay of tha Ji*®'’er, de- larger Lake Fayette, ? /“ “ *■ma of ‘ A. C. De.Marrm and <Ru5« tU ^ e^ n

'•whose I f rstloning come* again, therell J®”®. though be no que-itlon about what to do with

. BoUi opines. '

NOT PERFECT YET Allt' Uien D earP oti: beenresslon Preventive medlcbie aa practiced do h l^ by the Idaho department of publle

health atlll Is far from fool-pfpof as ahown by Jack Post.

_ Post, who Is acting director of the t r M aouthcentral Idaho health u n lfo f IT and the state health department. Is In

charge of the preventive medicine carried out by h e a l t h nurses I

rffh ii. throuchout Magle Valley but the medicine didn 't work too well on I

rnm ^ mumps,'O'” ’ oppiircntly cnuRht from his children

' ^ *n - jujj completed a sltge wUh the ; 1' childhood dUease. |IOt be- Qthtr personnel nt the health u n it.I force, ore a little worried, too. I t seems

.■;cveriil of them have never had natltu- mumps bu t perhaps their time Is (o due.j.,>oW. , . A. SUMS

TIIAT PROVES r r•e Po t Shota: I• and A mutual friend tell.i th lj one. «

A physician In our friend’s home- to ba In Iowa assured him th a t th#flying <*0P0 cured.Joined. know so-and-so here Ine this town?" the doctor asked. is the "Y « ". mny "He'a n hop-head, you know. W ell,'

I cured him 60 or 60 times." . j |

quips FAMOUS LAST LINE !W Ml - . . H erbert feeli alighted be- '

cansr Harry bw o’t Written bira a 'n this le tte r yeL"“ ^Ing GENTLEMA>f tN THECon- FOURTH ROWfrom ■ — ______________________ .

I and

P l a t t e r - “ • Y h a t t e rIS

□ My H eart Crlea For Ton: No-X7, 8 . body** Chasing Mb — D ina................UUry Sho^e — .................................89e !orean p Tennessee W alls; Get O ut Iharm. Thai# O ld BeeertU-----Quy*l5-sU_ Lombardo .............................. B9c

□ Tenneaaee 'VValtii Long Longbun\ - P “ ttl Page .................e»c j ,

□ If ToBVe Oot The Money, , , Iln- I-re Got T he Time; 1 Over- * •111 KO A a Orchia — Melvin'

■ - — Shiner ....... S9espans n A House W lthoot Lore: Why lUiese Don't You Lore Me — Hankt hla Williams ............................ S9o!lared. q Remtknber Me: TU Find You—0 get Stuart HamBlUi ...................SBc

n LlHl* R®ck OeUwayi Tennrs- i s Ihe ■** ~ ^ ............*** jf X 'S a H - M I C R O G R O O V E ” .............t tha p , G nj Lombardo and Twtne t h . ^ M a a « ......................................

D C ekrtlne— TempUtlon |w e d Wy Olll • M-*®

n Woedy H erm an — Sequence j In J a s s _________ _______ $3.00

1 the □ Heaky T onk Plano ______ fSJM,1 the n Dane* T im e — Jan Garber I '

and Ray Anthony ______ ^ .0 0 '

'c hl- OBOBB BS &UO. ■ jrUiB O r i i t ttM ir^ tba eaay way . . , V ! each buIL Cheek Ibe record* yoo waat, i able U ld a a a th la »d with r tm ltunee . | toolc iBolBde yettf n a n e and addree* andi

'latOD Me (or po tto t* . An price* Inelud*«U (e prepaid r a order* of 4 er m «re rteerda.

«md .. 1 .........—

iL” " 'S I,

I M i l l S l cr <4t,frEiiTiR"52 n W - r - r - ----

, raoT fB te aNext te O rp h M S Theatre \

S , T W T N f A L t S , I D A H O

r - n ] WASH i n g t o n " !

M P E T E R IE s ' WAflHlNt/XUN; ~CNBA) — I t wIB esUi

tak* considerably {nore Uian Dnlted Muc

^ C 9 boyc«tt to defeat cotnmualst China, p rls_______ This Is the opinion of expert* who Star

*»tch- . AlaotvOBE red China's com.cidenl In fortlgn trads and Boiv1 us our Internal economy. ban)Id ltsfuU -T htircoadualott ■ ChirtUe plot- la that ereii If the l u b

Tong China c o a r t e j M l n ^ R f l last»y* were could b* block- 8 » •the door- aded coapUtely and hem was and all smuggUnc a1. 3 eased prevented, t h e ^ R x ^ i ^ M xfnlt. 1 eased stability of the th e ito avoid Chinese eommun- belle

tor drop, ist reglma would ooothe scales not be endan- • u ntoth using gered. Nor w ould-the m ilitary po- was

tenua) of China be affected, even tfani« iliofl-fun'bUIi, • cotui

. but It iHuj ,)iich til ls ftndln* puU oomi^ up to Ui» United NaUons Is Impor- conU

. • tant. What It tapU e* la Uiat direct minury action will bave to bo em-

____ployed «*ln»t red c n in a . tf I t is ta “i ”t l ^ t* ™ "' Economicu J sanctions and the breaking of dlplo-

s r . ? ""• or call Chiih In the new U. a . resolution to aiber

llarrU — .br»nd ,conununl4t_China_Bi-tin..(iSi r h j j n , . gressor, passed by th e United Nb- consi

tions general assembly, there Is no cotto IXr direct reference as to t tlu t mca.ture* ic:iis, ------------ or*-K>-b*app|itd:~The-fourttrTmra‘- nircp■ ja il re- graph of the resolution merely calls coi of Idaho iJPon the collective measures eom- indujthe lake mlttee “to study and recommend . . . crsblmost of what tneasurte m lffht be taken cfilni

against PeJping.'’ -------------- imglhe U,S. What this seems to point townrda hurtsselland , , ,noLher delay of some weeks not s

u h“ ' before any plan <an be adopted and But Iput Into action. I t ia apparently the bi

01 tne goinj to be a tough jjiatler to per- Thisuade the BrlUsh. th e Dutch, the evcr,

“nnnii^rt F«nch and Uie indlnns.Ui p a n ic - wardof “I®'’ “ trade with red try n;

China. 'Ts-cniy-su countries have Chlc.Marr rccognlied red China dlplomnUcnlly. outald

Seventeen are U, N. tncw bcrt a t t-Tlie United Statea finally has raijnL

therell *one about aa far ns It Jan go In per C(do with breaking Hade relatlona with com- came

OBStriBr fflunH»-Ohlnr—ThB ■ tr . S.-begn n - a to-Rutake these atepa nearly two years Prlr

All tl. S, property in China ha* and been aelted. J tj v&lus haa been feathi

r ftc tlc e d _____ ^publle

S I V 3 i g a n inurses I


ONE WEEIth unit.t seems S h e e p lk in | | |

PAC LINERSSj\w>9 • F«t BoolUntt* • Pae l.te tia

• House lUppex*, ilifs 7 lo U

S .......................* 1 . 8 8 ,ha t Ul# ' "" -----

On© O n ly J

AUTO HEATER 'S-. W ell,' B, B. Deluxe — Heavy D uty

“‘"•IK 1 ___


- . . -1 .8 8■ 1 00% W oo l

g n BLANKETSto 6>4 lbs. each

I Different colors • 35 only

* 7 . 8 83lna ................ *

O ui * 1 Double S h e e f ^

“ ’’..J - b l a n k e t s ■Wool — 73*M Double I

^ ■ ' 1 ............ f 4 . 9 5

J t O n B i f *lank Co

S9c!:oo - 1 W b H p f X . • W

O t

. ' E -

rtR - K A w 8 R k ' \ ! i ^ 6 k!\. ».001

tlon' 5ittV»5S0Mff®(Lice i u n

—.$3.00 2

>er I ' .- ..^ .0 0 ;

...V' f fI waat, I R I B I h H S & KituDce.1e o a n d i H M M „Inelod*

_ WOOL G. ( . d r a w e r s

J SKI BOOTS, , i „ 5 - 8 ............... .......

® ^ U R i' / a B l o c k W e s f o f P c s h j f


: r e d s o n- I t wfll esUmated «t aieund HOOflOOflOa - ©Ireet I United Much ol It h o ld in a ^ f ber of O

>.hiTwh and tchool property. T he j ^ jh e B t fTbin.. prtDclpal asseU were C a P f S j E f f ^ ^ 5 ! TtB Who Btandird-Vacinnii Oil, properties, n n n»ga

. AuT^IuJ pow »nd Ulepnenecompanlu. fubsldliriei of EiectKc

2 a I s m i S S K Z S S0 ^ 3 U at reporfc^re weri an eatliniled ,800 Amertcan clllieaa sllU Ui promotUand Hong Song. u,rt

All Chinese-owned am ts In the T he p XTnited SUles have teen fros«n by ij to a

^ th e treasury departmahL 'The? are feeding beUeved to be worth some $300,000.- improve

. 000, but a detailed eeflm on them other Ie• U not completed. The ireew ortler

a ry po- wa* Imposed principally to prav*nt * i r ^ _ d. even tranafw at ^ ew ^w eU W O lt

n a puls oommunlst goremmeat m lsht gain impor- control over them. ,

t direct cblna’s ImporU from coun-,*“ ■ trie* oijUlde the' SorUl bloc were ’

I t ^ W 1370,000,009 during the b?;onoinle nine months of 1950, Poriy per f ‘“ PlO' cent, or nearly $100,000,000 came

from the United SUtes. W h a t d ic t io n China got Jfom RusaU via Uie Lrans-

Uon to Siberian rHlroful Is unknown. • ,tin..aSi r h ln » f importa from tha p . 8. ed Na- consisted o( *88,000.000 worUi of raw B Is no cotton', t23,000.000 dyes snd chem - ca.ture» icals, JD.OW,000 petals , machinery J. .rTmra^- WcTvcITIiKS:-------------------------------SI ® TIy calls Cotton spinning Is China's biggest '> com- induatrj-. Uiough It employa cotisid- ' ,:n d . . . erably less than one per cen l of ’

faken ch lnn ’x m ooo.W people, sh u t- ting off rsw cotton Importa would

ownrtla hurt China some, as Ilussla could weeks not supply the deficit Immedlntcly. ,

ed and But India could, If she doea not Join and 110, iren tly the boycott olher oi0 per- Thc imiwrtant point here, fiow- misccllai h . the evcr. Is Uinl China la sUll so back- Uie rem* p a n ic- ward tha t shutting down Us Indus- Some i th red try means little. coming1 have Chinese eiports .to all countries In hnndj Ucnlly. outalde thc Soviet bloc ate valued do wltho

a t »2t3.OQQj0{l for Ihe tlcai nine ui«ful Iy has mijnths of 1550. Of this total, 41 United £ go In per cent, or about »100,DOO,000 w orlh, ket fo r t

I com- came to the U. S. Principal export shut offp tn - a -to-RTgala waa probably io)beaiia.------«t-the-e

years PrlnclpalU ,S,toiportafromcnina duclnff 1were S32.000.000 worth of ‘raw allk would r'

la ha* and wool. 128.000,000 biliUes a n d needed I been feathers, tl4,000.000 vegetable olU tries.

i n t i c C l e aSAVINGS GALORE — BUY




------- Why Pag More!


1 0 Only. G et CM fo r o n ly _______

I • k r BUNK BEX ^ Woolr Q u l l t i j C E X Ct LMug I 3

- - In . - .................. -Reg. $49^50 Valu<B lu g 'o r • 5 Beds • 3 S p r t

i t e * 3 9 ' “

W F t r u c k P o o o C H A IN SB Buy Now and S a

« u r r i ^ 75ox:o, single* ..... ......I n / ''50x30, Triple Dual*

ajsxjo. Triple Dual*

....................... - .............................. .....................................

RPLUS ji f P c s t a f f i c e on Moin Ave


BY Directors f e ^ t I Fom New Manager a t Of

C. of C. Meeting Burgoyne,

The , , th e Bog«r*on hotel W «ie«t How- Mr. Du; * ^ ■ 3 ^ S ^ o ffa i:T » 'r 'd ia m b w -w e * « a ry - Au*_31h>erUes. S n T g e r . U

o th e r buslnea* a t the meeting in- dud S l auUiorliaUon of Chamber

itlonal of conunerte support Jor the annual >“ >«*- rfliintv feed lot tour aeheduled for J" 18H

« *P * f l l ? ; Chamber-of Commeree 1 ^ '- »t Ig. At i . ™ County Agent W arren Oregonjr

DiiBh and thT ^aH en brothers In si

lou throughout the country. SuniviiIn the T he purpos* of tho feed lot tour ^ujhterst*n by ll to allow farjnera to aee stock Brosule icT ar* feeding In operation and help them iU JeronnKJ.OOO.- improve Uielr lota with Ideaa from rwln Fail

them other feeder*. ^ s o w ancI order ----------------------- — • “

' = Women of Moose g g S Feted at Banquet

BUHL. P«b. s — Women of the CaUf.; Mr Mooae wer* honoitd a t a banquet anan. or.

^ 5 ^ by memDOT of the Loyal Order of Bell, ciU• Uie Moose Thursday a t, the lodge Burgoyne,

’ hall ArrangemenU! were under the Burgoyne . ^ ® , dirtctlon of John Prilucek aaslsied Funeral

by Tom Tverdy and Chester Wig- 2 p. m. 'ru . Ington. Thomaa L. Baillh acted aa home wlu

rr a master of ceremonlea. pastor ol- r* " —niose-w ho-took-part-ln4h»-pro- offleiatlni

” gram were Mrs. John Hlavaty, Edna ihe Jerom

Thomw. Hatfield. Henry E l e C tWavrn. Jay Beager. Jesa Homes, r v • Walter P»lM, Tom Nov&cck. H arry D a i

'S L ,? ' neese. Lawrence Quigley, Loy . would Spradlins, Noel Brittain and Frankcould __________________________Wendtll (

Intcly. t mcmbtrsit Join and 110,000,000 w r th of tin ond son wns r

olher ores. Dried eggs, tea ond ton KUiknow- miscellaneous merchandise made up the comli

back- Uie remainder. Hnrold Htudua- Some of these shipments are still testers. wi

coming to tho U. 8. They eome Duringn tr le s In hnndy, though thia country could Claude 1rnlued do without them. 'The trade la moro Mtsaer\T,

nine unfui to China. Por since thc King, We al, 41 United Slates U tbe principal mor- tors. Har Korih, ket for these exporta, red China ean wards are •xport shut off her trnde to America only luck dlnmir r ------at-^he-ciiptntft-V coasld*r »hlp r *- Jl.-lL.J5uic n in a duelnff her dollar eamlnga. This to the grc1/ allk would reduce her ability to buy school ba1 a.nd needed imports from olher coun- mustcal ms oils tries. noon.

learance!E — BUY NOW — SAVE!

.Y. . .FEB.5TUdiei’ A


L o ad ed W ith *

W o rm C o m fo rt ^

L n rg e f u r co lln r, a ll * pwool lin in g a n d k n i t jw r i s t lc ta te a m u p to S Ib Ivo you w nrm lh. ,

slaflh pockctB a n d tw o p a tc h pock-

■ n ^ H e t s . Dual z ip p e r . Nowonlf.

■ 1 5 . 0 0 U n!

H M Rog. >S.9i2 S ry le i to A i e ^

C h o o ie From■ S H Vf


l l p m AND SAVE ^^ V a lu e i to $ 2 8 .5 0

I 10 Onl


^ K B E D l e a t h e rB-15 style I S C

I E 1 3 BOMBER m“ ■ ^ JACKET jO li

W 9 .5 0 V a lu e . - . . ^ | gIs • 3 Spring* .£Ued Zdge M »ttT tuts ----- - i S m g M

m^ U C K t J f X M lAlNS “ m^ow and S a ve .

— S 1 0 . 5 O O N L Y < L IF Ta t t h i s p r i c e - . . . - .

1 0 - ro U H D CR OW BA R* $ « .0 0 V e lu e■........... Now................................................ .......... ..8_____________________S A I I S J I K A L -

S S A U live. Phone 8 6 Twin

;t F o r m e r R e^ ^ t Of J e r o n t

Cham- rome. died at

tin* ta . toU c t. Ht

S S “iflied for *831 he marriad ■_ mmeke ‘laut at Jeromj t>?* W arren Oregon In 1? J i _ t ^

tk IMbun-hing i r , im 2

lot tour ^ughters, ilrs, loue 8U)ck B ro sT ile lll rd a n d ^ Sip them “I' Jerome; and Mn. o??la from T*ln Fails; four s o n i^

3 6

luet S ' i i f o E S>nier of Bell, ciUf,; and twJ’h S e lodge Burgoyne, Las Vegis. der the Burgoyne, A ltura?Ct£"''

T Wig- Zp.m.'Tue.dayattteTTTlcted aa home wlUi ih e ^ iJ^ O tS

pastor ot Ihe Methl?,h»-pro- oHIelatlng-BUfiarwih y, ^ a Ihe Jerome cemctery,I, Vem -------------------- -

Election rieliHomes, f x • .. H a ^ Dairy Assoc'uI 'r ra ^ k F'b,

held their annual fflttttf______ Wendtll Orivnge nm n to i

members attendihr. Hw In ond son wns nsmed chalnau,

ond ton KitiK Mc:tla.rv-\«a lade up the coming year. Hmi

Hnrold Harding and MiflSj sre BtlU testers, were given, y eome During the bmijiu,7 could Claude Bernard. Ed«' la moro Mtsier\T, Dietrich; m ,ce thc King, WendeU. wefe tiaat' al mor- tors. Harold Hobson aalA ina ean wards are holdover mtaiei ca only luck dinner was served ita J )lF -u - Jt.-H-^uttakerr-tcttiiiTB , This lo the group, Memben efl to buy school band presented 11

coun- mustcil veleclioni

ce SaleAVE!

i, 5 TO 10HHjM Udiei’ A MtB'i bcrws n

COATS & CAPI Different Stylt*

J UP TO 2 0 % O ff

' F ,« c , W ool

; t SHIRTS‘^1*' Two Slylea — Seven aim

Voluei to 512.75 $ |J J

I G,l,StyU2-pe.WMl

f UnderwearRo9.>5.M $4,1 A le t ............................*•

Wool Lined

DRESS GLOVfiBome Pur ijoed



IlO O n lx -p o b ” '^ '”



i r

5 PRICE.-------- 1 # ^

1.9$ A H S JlK A L --» --------------

[ . iS iT y l B f a l l « . : ^

Page 5: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

. l y . I g B S U A R Y 4 . 195 1

B * A t t e n d

4 S c h o b l H

b l e n t S h w l ^ H

i g S s S c S S / K ■ ■M&rtyn. Patty

I l L to d D iu n n i Uncoln:f f M T p r e ^ n t td »Lm Crt«d pitsected piano

^ «n<l Don ^p re«en t« ({ • fuJt"* «»3

^ '^ E & v e> c « n -c u )d ftn n :* ^ p A .e n t« l a

r ^ ^ o n gt^e an acrobaUcs Luke end Gary

^ T irian -gav» -a-jpecta lt3 t• ban’ Q ua^ t composed ot

0«n» Sutton. Qai7 ^ : n .nrt RAlPh McTor-

^U (O eheepreM nt«< laril- ^ n c i l u la r C ath ; Beymer fu n b Ml'S! ’>° Beglan UrIcT BUI prtienCed a «onr ^ duet: patty Flynn sang a

JM King and hla -'gUl rirtMnWd a comcdy dance;

and Paul Black pre- Mrt. H er , pi.nn duet.- OUTrajr. in

was concluded with aodel radio Sniben b j t ie hl«h school h ,* , « j ,« a l HeGUTTsr ------------ — • 11400. (SUI

hi City Offices — — rved by Pupils

1 rtb. S-etudenU a t U?# BURLEY,hlih Khool Saturday look over club met S W h * r > ^ p . rU .t-t^ .lr.■I IB dTle government. Jun - Boutnem Id.ftiiU for the day were elect- tion as »peIM Khool Thursday. «> « a f t at siBco* WM mayor; Bonnie governor anla. eitri: Jerry JotinsoD. iSre continue thitoB iW in, police chlet! Joe while taclUUI council member trom the lege are stut. cUm; Albert Schonl. council competent Uer from the Junior class; Paul Ins.1 eousdl member from the ■ Kt»t!iis, snd Peter Star^cey, READ TIMI a ntmbtr Irom the Ireshnmn

f. A. Kaiiuskr. niaj-or, «wor« ijtrjlhlul otticlals and a t 3:30 m 0 f ^ til Jualor council met. Olln t l l T ^ , RutuII Thomu. Le« How- SiHt Thomas and Oeorga t jctstnWd problems tor the2 Duibcrs to consider.

WINS AWARD W C» BTATE COLLEQE, Poca- ?ft J-John Gerald Everton, >utrolim an a t ISC. ha* won ltd olfered annually a t ISO I lUidfflt making the highest ato the llrst tcmestcr ot gen-tumlstir. I5 S 5 S S

i i s )i O W K K A M D C a J m m mW<




— L


-K T F I DonateS"Ra<

Mrt. FlereDee Gardner, maniftr of lU tlo n KTFI OUTray. inpertnlctulent •( Ha(t« Valley Memorial model radiM tbe aUUen ii dauUof t« hovpiUb In t (Ire wltl 10 t« Uie local bMpltal U b« insU IM a t HeGUTTsy bop«« will be wmtllne in M ay. Tbe ra. 11400. (SUff pboto-eacraTtai)

SICE Backed Man Is ]BURLEY. Feb. J-B urle r Klwnis F n i « ( r «

club met Wednesday noon with *■ U i& «

Southern Idaho CoUege ot Muc*- wa« bound over ition. as speaker. The club voted u « u y jnomlng ito d raft a resolution atUof the Umlnary hcarlrgovernor and sUt« leglsl»ture to in justice courcontinue the coUege Ior a period Sorser^. l i t Uwhile facilities a t Idaho State col- county Jail undilege are studied lo see It they ar# T hom as Is accompetent to handle teacher train* 115 check on thing. «nd T n u t comp

-------------------------- check a t ths C.READ TIMES-NETra WAKT ADS. com pany here 1




Work, Time S



I _ ,, Requlor

69.95’ " j j ^ j

ONLY ------------- -------UBERAL TRADE-IN

- :^OSBiAINiAVE.WESlA » \ | i | l l l V 'Sl«NHcntrB9:30A.K * J E H n ^ Shop TU 9 too P.M.:

_____________________' T IM

t e s R a d i o s - — H o s p i l

tribute appreci atmosphere wt a t the new MihospitAi,"

ot 3» Uble m tU tloo KTFI.

T ea other ra ed by the au Xulierculoals 1 Memorial hosg

• y ^qA^{CT37- l ^ 'i BWrjiri '" 'la-- hospuaLand-to V t . f f a j W K ^ ' - •.] geney hospital,

ner. suU on ; ®»‘urday.

* Mra. Osrdni 1. yean while ah

hosplul she be value a rad and decided soi

« T ' radios as a giiE S S S S B fc e — ------C W According t<

V ■■, r i * opening of ih

. ' K Ume tor such M '- *^M3!f ' ' ' ■ She aald thBi- ■ Ji'm-' chosen especia

..•:K‘.7.| W rooma. I t has .M tn the low volui

>v. ... -1 -* m tt listening, v.v.-. other patients,

j y l ^ * - - The models

H H H H I H H H B IaUtlon KTFI. tbetra J . C. Me-

Ucy Memorial hospital, l l Uble > hovplUb In th e valley. Twenty-• insU IM a t the optnlnc whleh .

H ay . Tbe radio* are valoed a t

ton Is Held on ^Forgery Charge

K .r r v W ThnmAt « TM'In y n l l . _______ f f i Ma« bound over to district court Sat- ^ a H•day Jnomlng after waiving a pre- fTilnary hearing when arraigned / • W S p J1 iuatice court on a .charge of ' iTgery. Jle U being held in the 'im ty Jail under tiOO bond.T hom as Is accused of forging a I ' t m J U6 check on the Twin FaUs BankId "lYust company. He cashed theleck a t ths C, C. Anderson Store*impany here Thursday. ik .-rr,

.1; t « i K . n ; i i i i a i |

1EAT Coal ^FUEL CO. ^

iO U T H - P H O N E 150 ^


le Saver

— a a — -----------------------5Q .95- l i / ^ s r ^ s 1 ^ 1

RADE.IN GIVEN | W j | f l

^ B

- C A t t

------------------ C .

IV E . WEST FBONE 28M M 9:50 A .M . to S :SO PJ*. ‘ a : ( H lP .M .r r i < U y M 1 » t t«

' T IM ES-N EWS, T W I N F A L L S ,

H o s p i t a l C h i e f P l e a s e d

D o n a t i o n o f 2 5 T a b !“A-surprlslng gift which wlD con- which M cailvraj

ribute appreciably to tha hoUl Uke excellently wllh ttnosphere « t %n trying to athleve planned fo r the

.? ' ’‘ “'J' Wemorial A tormnl pn‘y y tal.’ J- C. MeOihTty eom- radio* has been |

t 3S table model radios by radio ________Utlon KTFI. Cl •T ea other radios will be dlstribut- 0 € r V l C e S .

d by the autlon to ihe Qoodlng ^ ' ' * ’ * ' ' ^ 2 : ^Ujerculoala hoiplul, O o o d in g - - K o F IM iemorlal hw ptul. Bt. Valentlne’ilaspitaLaod-to ihe.Uaganimtamer.-__BUIIL. F eb. atney hospital, Mrs. Florence O ard- Calvin O. Sri ler, auUon manager, announced Thuraday a iaturday. ' brother. Ed B rv

Mrs. Gardner aald U\at aeveral •ears while ahe was a nailent In & W hite mor lospiul ahe began to appreciate the ° “ '8«■alue ot a radio in a Jioapltal room " ® *‘*® *” nd decided some day Jhe would give „adios as a gift to tom* hojplUl,According to Mrs Oardner. the T, tl

■penlng of lhe Maglo Valley Me- .aotial hOtDllAl-tttl-..^-r,ppnr^^lr■^ Qliau/ ^

S he '’raid "lhe* of radio waa F r e d H o t to ^ a lhosen especially lor use in hospital so ih newev Okooma. I t has eiceUent tone fidelity Ed Hrandon Bun the low volume range .o a. to per- “ m ria lS f w dnit listening without dUturblng Hansen- and tw(■the r patients. po».e„ a n d Mr*.The models are gold and walnut PortervtUe. Callf

y J J A A

I I ■ . I



U M M Vfthiea front• 9 9 3U 9 to 3M5

Made of select weilem cabinet wood.- Save durtaf thli sale.

' C A K D ^ A B i r

........3 * 4 4I> lctfun lo r T ^ J Uilitwelght table w ltb nudM m i' pr<«Md ' ' l in k 'sp r in g s i fiber top. Steel truss brace. ter*. Oood q

~ » X M ia .___________ ____________


F A L L S , n j A H O _______________

leased W ith ArtClub S T a b le R ad io s F^ejN,Wch McOUvraj -ttld Would tlend Palett* club of t :c«Uently wlui the decorations achool a rt depan anned fo r the hbepltsa. a party. . The daiA tormnl presenUUon of th* initial plana w idloi has been planned lo r Sunday meeting ot the (

' Barbara Wilson

lervicesAreSet 3K *»ir’ For Man in Buhl ctrSSV^

------Suitite Thuraday a t th# homo of hU rother Ed Brandon, route 4. Buhl, A Judgment fc m be he ld a t 1 p .m . Monday at a civil action fU « W hite mortuary chapel with Saturday by D r . : leorse Sargent In charge. Burial against W. O rin 'Ul be m ade In the Twin Falls cem- Dr. S chw iru < tcfj', due /o r profejjMr, Br*ndon, a retired fanner, tormed between as bom Dec. I. 1865. In UnlonviUe, oct, 18, 18J0. KI lo. He came to Buhl 30 yean ago Blandford. tter spending eight yeara In Wy-

Sun'lvora are two daughters. Mn. red Hoffman and Jeanne Brandon, oth Dewey, Okla.; three brothera, F — — J d Brandon. Buhl; H arry Brandon, l i f i n f l :omedale: and Charlea Brandon. r i J l J l i * :an$en^ and two alster*. Mn. H. 8. o«en a n d Mrs. Lloyd MlUer, both ortervlUe. Callt. '


: ' j

...'-• I M ^ k 1

BABY CARRIAGE D « l u x « [

A SSO RTM EN T ^ = °™

?S“ S _ » 9 . 8 8Reduced lo clear! Save up to1D.07 now. Make your selection w«ewly.


3 4 .8 8U h k ‘ springs rolUw«ywllfr«a».-------*er*wed.-WI*ters. Oood quality liuersprtfit aU* fMiMri. lTW«ttr«ifg ___________________ ■

u n r 4 0 3 . M A i N J t V

J f P l n J PHONE

rtClub Planning Fete; No Date Setlembers o f the newly orcanUed W J blett* club of ths Twin PalU high W lOOl a rt department ar« planning R - . I R I ' , ■ larty..The daU tt U nU tlve. . A irnltlal plana were laid a t the laat ■etlng ot the club. Thft membera | ■ ■ " T

rbara Wilson gara' a report on - Jking ot plna to be deslxned as a W ^b symbol. ■ / - _Jorma Reee la club prealdent and T J D f rolyn Milner Is letrcU ry. . * "

— SuitrFi'ed-------- H ------- Judgment for t tU U sought tn

:lvil action fUed. In probate eourt ■ \ turday by D r. Herbeit J . SchwarU * ^ \ .klnst W. O rin Cardin. A3r. Schwarts claims the money U t lor profejjjonil services per- . r ^ ^ \ . A med between Dee. 17. 1M8. and (IU 18, IBM. Kll attorney U J . B. ^ '4

Food-O-Mat Jligi

M i q i l W j h




I draw ers. Oneconoray qual

f r I < ; WITH DEIM VANITY......

D»Iux«DlthCal^^Rownd C e n tru DovW* Doort, ^

lUg. 1 9 M ____ 1 7 « 8 S8<rMi*llM<l Cabhwt bat-ftre -------- -----------rel«t»d lorter Ulcfa. k k td oa »«•»•MMMl wM W«k boa*. A9a3ixl 1 1«

^ ^ c i a U H i g h C h a i r *

_ WITH Ihep ed a l P t« h .« i _ 9 MHainyntWi dxb af tfreng iiln*«< . n n s t m e ta l 2 n K S ^ W l d a i» r « ^ U ^ « * *oUe fe o M . ^po.We. pWHc n r , ,---------XOUT-CllOte________________ __


7 4 « 8 ■?i:OOP««ii,r.OOManHi B B

B eautiful lo st U rtln * pUctio mlcaUte top In you r ctutee o f . B ^ n | blue. » d . grey. tM), ( rs e a or yeUoir. Sturty o u i tHeoe fram» , ,

,.ch roM . ehtln . now. _ l

......BAKI-TABUC w m r ' ..SKABft B

m «tfc-

■ ■ ' — ^ -_ N A ifI _

l A i N ^ m . ;W E S T . . AUDsm

PHONE 2860 .

j y RO ASTED & B L E H D EW R ig h t h e « s i n T w in

i n “ “ “ F R E S h T D A I t Y ^

IF \ For Magie ValUy Users ^ ASK FOR IT AT YOUR GROCEF

^ e O F F l E E

M l i i H



Our Beitl ^ ■ ■M ada of I K

l 3 o *24,00 DOWN 12.50 M O]

VANITY BENCH..............................Sold only by Scara. Made of e« tem hardwot tan t lustrous finish. Hardwood c e n te r . sU< drawers. On sale now a t the price you -v econoray quality. Get the best now and Sftvi

..... - 1 6 J


F t J L l .o r - T W I N ~ - _ _ - ■

S IZ E M l '• R E G . J56.85

WITH INNERSPRING MATTRE^...^An outstandioff buy at th is low price. Heai

• post metal bed. Single deck bellc«l tied t - -Your-ClioIcft.ot-41) Ib, cotton or 182 coil in:

t r e M . ______ •

■ HARMd)

c u r r o

V e n r t i j' • O o U i .6r- 'P ■e-stMi-«r-Ali • aetaonUe' • H«aTlei«.Ti


^ E H P E D

lUy Users . jf f l” OUR GROCER! J j g

— p ^ ^ E in — Ir tC t. i

H R E & P l i i l i

)O Mm _______________


12.50 M O N T H

....................... .12.95i te m hardw ood, w arp od c e n te r . slid e s , d iu tp iog t ) p rice you would p ay ' lo r '. now a n d save.

1 6 8 ^ ;


' . t u t u w

M : W '

IW p ric e . H eav y j i a o ^ i r a u -: bellcal t ie d t o ^ ooU spriaf> b r j . ^ coll .in n etsp rfaw m t*


y e n r t i o n B l l n i t e ^ ^

e " R enjO T Sjto^arti ie He*Tlei«.Tiveud‘On9ta.^;^'i


MAIL - c q u r ^ l ^ H I

Page 6: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

- T X G B 'S I X - ------------------------------- I-V

S k I E C a n c e r

M e e t H e l d a t

B u i ’l e y H o t e l crr.B r i f f 0» )

— pf eiiQWtton irhteh-to-<m ly»-*nde({ecUre> We tre recclvln; national recopilUon for our erforU,"

Dr, Thoma* Tuckar, Pocttello, pro- ffluor of education a t Idaho 8 Ut« oillae . ip e tk ln s oa "WorKlns w ith people” aaid that In order to achieve

in t n y iRToWngYoluatcers. tHe voluntccn m utt be made to realize the Importance or ttielr contributions and receive credit fo r doing Uielr Job well."

In a dlscuMlon of "Why We Need Canccr W orken." Dr. Con Anneet. BuiIey physician, pointed out that cancer la tecond onl7 to heart dUeaM in deaUu. ralslni from eighth pUcQ )n cau.te ol deaths In United Statea In IMO lo sixth placa by IWO and aecond pUce In tP«0. _

‘nie'’offIce of the family phyilclan 1 more and more u becoming the de- - I t«cUon'cenUr for early diagnosis of L th e dlieaae. Or. Anneit lald.

I Dr. TerreU Carver. DoUe, told ot U )i eitabllahment of a cancer case regU uj and reported that durlnj th e tin t year of operation i3fl caaea of cancer had been reported

Dr. Raymond White, Boise, tpolce on "Self Protection First," and L, J . Ptursoo ipcke on "Protection for th e Community."

------- FJld*|i-aftccDO£iaJlie_llme » a a de- ,— V D t*a-tfm nim ffuii“ mitruct)on-. or 1

member* for carrying on the work of the cancer sodety withli) the<r own countlca and districts. Dr. Car* roJI Elmore, .Btipcrl, spoke on Ui« oducatlonaJ prograpt of the society which haa aa lt« aim the atten­dance of every doctor a t a special 1 •chool on cancer treatment. J

Other speakers Included Mrs. QMrf« McOonlgal, M n. John PUt*.

' ehoitioa*. U ncoln coimtr com- nuader. Mra. O. A. Terhune. Burley, f t n d Mn. A rthur Byce, Wendell, d Ooodlng coiuity commander. Mrs. d t . H, Elmore. Rupert, c h a lm tn of h publlo educaUon, Minidoka county, a n d Mr«. Elmo Parish. Burley, Caa- * a la county commander,

rrlday n igh t a family dinner waa aerved, r ive-year service certlflcaUs were presented to Mrs. Oeorge Bar- , n tr d , Bupert; Dr. F. B. Barrett, ,

— atHHllugl te U iid Q .-Buw w H 3«od> -i in * ; Ur«. A rthur Byce, Wendell; Dr, ^ J . H. Cromwell. Ooodlng; Mrs.-Joe h DoUn, Rupert; Leo J, Falk. Bolae.

O rla N. O arrett. Palrfleld; Mrs. ( H tro ld H trrla. Oarey; Mrs. Harrey k RarUey, Wendal); Mrs. Oeorga Hen­ry . KlmberlV; Mrs, Jtmee Keith, Burley; Mrs. John A. Keith, Sho- thone: V. W . litmon. Wendell; M lu f, U ary Marahtll. Jerome; Mrs. A r. 3 th u r Morgan. Paul, and Mrs. R. B, d Tuniar, Rupert. j

CerUdeaUa for 10 year# of service w«r* awtrtJed to I* J. Peuraon, d BoUa, and Mrs. Lee 6 mtth. Twin u

I ra lla . , ;• BtlMiday'a prcgram ' sl»Tt«l wUhII » bretkfaat t t 7 a jn . for dUtrlct g *' t o d ceunty commandere. A eympo- r

tlu m with D r. W hlu as chairman cI follow ed.,, ---------

A ptcal dlacuAslon on the dlag- I aoala aod trea tm ent of cancer was E conducted Sttitrday by Dr, White, a

, D r. 0 . Dean Packer. Idaho Palis;! D r. B. V, Holcomb, Burley den tb t; ci

D r. HaroM P . Holslnger. WendeU: D r. Charlea A. Terhune, Burley; Dr.O. H. MoWlUltnu. Twin Palls; Dr.J . E . Ploat, Jerom e: and Dr. A, M. Popm a, Bolae, t member of the board of director! of lha American C tnee r foeiety,

l a the tf tem oon Mra. o , U Jus. t«nt«Q, Carey, Blaine county cancer •o d t ty eh tlrm tn . u ld oC tctiviues o f the on tnU tU on in tselsUng pa< tle n U and providing home care. The conoJudlDC a p e tk tr was Dr. Kerman A. Dick*]. PorU tad , ttsoclaU pro. f t t t o r of eltale*) peyehlatry a t the m edJetl Mhool e f Ui« tm tvertlty ot Or«#on.

Calvin G. Brandon Dies a t Age of 85Ctlvln O. B rtndon . H , d ltd Thura.

d ty t t the home ot bla brother. Ed B rtndon. near Buhl.

M r. Brtndon waa born Dec. 1. IBM, t t trnlonvllle. Mo. He etme to Twin

' P t lU c»unty SO year* tgo from Wy. omlng. }Ua_wife, preceded him In death .

H e Is fUTTlved by two daughtera, M rt. Pred Hoffman tn d Jeanne B rtndon, both Dewey. Okla.; three brothers. Ed Brtndon, Buhl; Barry

- Brtndoti. K om tdtle, tn d - Oharlea - B rtndon , H ansen, and two lis ten , M rt. H. 6. Power* and M n, Lloyd UlUer, both Porterville, Callt,

___ .1 p.ta. Monday t t tlie White mor- tu t r y ehapel w ith Oeorge Sargent preeldln*. BurU l wUl be made la th e Twin Ptlls cem ete^.



firdttstnO verture-

' ^ * M w I


Y I T w i n F a U s

" ***, K LIX KVM'H o t e l . r * ’' : ! £ £ ' s a . . j r ‘ " ^ siUKDAT SUNOiH

unlT>»~«nd *-00 -------- ilioln«_national »<>• *•»!«*. «i« T.m»

icatello, pro* jg lit SuIiIi'tM'itoiirwDsj lolit 'ri«»**n7Idaho SUU n i«eN *.. ” lolii •wiiii.m ki;jrkln* With ‘‘.'S* i ? " ‘tV - h , .......... ‘;r to achieve |,!i” f n« InvoWnn

portance of Iu i4““AV*.ecelve credit t . u w .,m Kfnc t ,u

(;IM 'WMh AroMiMl Woild t;00 «Tb.jisS'iiT:

Jon Annest. JiJJ ‘Wtlur wiMhtii tus o«n . o» Mi 'd out tha t finiiot (:0g •Pi'ir KiUnii w h « r tIslng from i i i t *P>gi lu r .n ’ a ^ <ui CxirttI deaths In ViU •d* « - w*‘!sixth place »,'io i«7.3n. “ but Tru. J oiwit,

e In to o . J0i«4 Tan s'cUjcIi FxjJllaii to- a Olili'irkly physician mondat i iru K i» ;Ing the de- • •.m.^Iiinoils of Ctll la Pttrtr MONOAT.1:5 IS ,';rK s.r& sscancer case ,4. .n.v c»rT»<i. n«»i irM nrtitrm n, hat during ks .w .lur KUrntn 'ftoUn Ust'

orted N » . jiSJolse. spoke *T»<I M*ion* lo';0« 'K.I. Snitli

lliM*aiiikKit« Tilkinc S:l> Ntwj 11 IlO‘Mr Tni» aton ll|M 'W im r»lf

tructlon'. or TtTh lk,n All.n, N>.i------1 the work '11 * ‘'| IiMiI.IsmI D*rn■Ilhli) the.r S . . T i;15S, Dr. Car- IM Mibib<llt>* Dillroooi (:H -Mltb Tk IJ

t h e ^ l e t y «■'<»the atU n- ’ ■

ent. Former Resident '" „ p!;S: Of Burley Passes *n tr com- BURLZry, Peb. 3 — Jtm es tUnter. me, Burley, former Burley realdent, died Tuea- “ '’x , Wendell, d ty evening a t hU home In Psso- P*” nder. Mrs. dena, Callt. Death resulted from a , laLrmtn of heart atUck severnl weeks aio. * ka county, Puneral aervlcea were held Friday urley, Caa- burial a t Pasadena. A daugh- ,, “ •

ter. Mrs, Mack Crouch, was with lier ^ ._ n „ father a t the time of hl.i deatJi. Sur- ,

t««- Mra. Crouch and Met. U&toW ‘^ri • B a m tt Calif., and three Wen

endeU; Dr, anM* nnd'real u u t e mtt'n'in Burley Mn, n 'l moving to California, Dari

Servicellddfor 2r-K-SK Joseph W. Adam""'*J u TI'.®' b u h l , Feb, 3 -P unera l 8er>'lce» ( , 0 ndell; M lu for Joseph W. Adam were held at

I.* * P-^' 8»turday a t the Buhl Metho.Mrs. R. B, disi church with the Bev, Ohstles

Easley, pastor; officiating. BlJ of service Masonic ritualistic rltea were con. Prlc

Peuraon, ducted by 0, D, Boring, past master, Mrs, ilth . Twin under direction of Walter Todd, cant

worshipful master, dny.aTt«l w «h Mr. and Mr*. Emery Woodrulf Albl lor dUtrlct gang two duata. They were accom- bloii A aympo- panled on the organ by Mrs. John Bi

: chairman Qrodeon. brol-------Pallbearer* were Pranlc Chiiiaier, UUI

tne dlag- L. E. B)Tne, Harvey King, W, E. Prlc :ancer was studebaker. James H. ehtfld«, .Jr„ Lom Dr, White, and James Ifart, !: naho Palls; Interment was made Jn the fluhl tlon :y den tb t; cemetery. ptnd, WendeU: ---------------------- _ —.lurley; Dr.Palls; Dr. ______

!ff IK O §§(Ity cancer

"■' T C I I Dr .^ ^ m a n B . M V FT.X: ■ ^r* '" ' FLO O R FUidon —of 85ltd T h u n .

a to Twin from Wy.1




hite mor-





NIC E U W bss steel construction foiequipped with fan and filtere ar

»r*ure- ; low cost-Djcfiel.Oil.«ack

K.;,- _ rnaintain Night and i i ^ i ' _______ J

I hRqbert E^ I 420 M a in A v a S o u th

I M I - -

l l s R a d i o S c h e d u l e s


'MBS - ~ m1at4ra«umUl> UnO 'SUNDAT II/NDAT

-liS-juiw-ittW -w asi------}!m *• a i« aHl^lUku et tiai*. t

lolte •I'lVb Chelr I >•! xH«»* Hlchlj^tf ilOill •r>»t tnd erBMI >>M iS unk TiBa 'IO:)g •Wllllitn Ifllrman I lU Chrtili>» Bclnx* IIMO •JK.UiPdlil Church ' J i « UaUrf^Prjji. Jr "m »»-• I»il9 W.’’cld*llJaj»lU-C«ii»JMb»x»----lV>M-4.akW**-8*»«W------- *irto • UtMriB iiouf iS: „ „ Il;l«'Or. mw.f, 1 lee Visiba Hoaroa ,

V '“ * 1 'u * *** ft;00 *Tb« Bh«<low I :M xll«b C«n>Wii«tiM ^ U cUt( iM lA m ukia Forua j<1)9 D»ni ol UmililDf iM Sonfi ef Oar Tina a»:0a {J'J" Q 1 '^ “

a M •Ul''cMrM'D« Il IlH sHid'ai'u^pp.tTtiolM <‘U CvllS tt-.m Puiilr W. Hall I'SO C«>4U^. •( Amirtca ,

10:C0 ‘llW'fi Tnithi l;M cSU QnMUen I

i i iu K i» ; »su»<urt ti»iix pMONOAT * KOHDAT C

Ala'n Clock liM ij«tk Bsbcr ' _1iMMoii.Ii.i Ni - . ^ {.OO ClIrM Ilrtibriil Kavi ?!» BrwkfMI N«vi «i la •r.ll'vo«r” Nt*«>ibOT S;00 BgnnV S14« Vr •<:» ChlMl hr Roa.1 liM OiuIiim Mii,'. u .

lo';0« •K’i" ’'8m°IUi*SBilM IiM P«r»Mllt» T lli * lOllO MM-Morl. MdallM lilS a tX x Ocrrowir P ll:N •C«lr!» foiltr IO:ia «J«b. Fickni t

r . i , iiif? SIjy, ^

(im ■Sl7b'T.” ’' iiSo r Wrir"m.’‘tm U im ^litO ^tU w _______ t;M cl'i/etH

ent T r a f f i c F i n e sIa S S e S A to ta l or $34 wa* collected In dt

ies Kinter PoU'* court Friday tn d Saturday inlied'Siea- improper and overUmo Ni' in Pssa- P*fklnff. Med from a Improper park- TlJ ..0 In* W .T. Boepple, E. H, Hud- Ust\d Vri'dav P ^ tn k EsllDger and H arry Ryan, he A daugh- S- » « W for ov« -

s with tier parking in th e postoffice u n e . theatJi Sur- Fines o f $1 each for overtlma pa rk ' anio dauah- P**<> J ’ Lyman nnca H&toW ‘three). E, R. Marxwlck, Mr*. Rex N«and three Wells, E d Hale. H. I. Judy. Robert to:

Noh. Holmes Q. Lash. Elmer D. to:

In Burley Mrg, Harold Hoover. Bill McArthur, ch ,1», Darlene Wavra, E . V a. Houten, ce.

Wayne Lincoln, Jo h n Koont*. Leon' a h Wright, M n, Howard Choate. R ty - 3. u r mond H uft, Mr*, W . W. fltroud. Oay Pr

Warn £s " “ Cancer Fatal to ",

Youth at Albion „BUIUXY, reb. 3—Jay Howard V

were con. Price, 15-year-old son of Mr, and u t master, Mrs. P ra n k 0. Price. Albion, died of ter Todd, cancer t t hij home t l 4 t.m , Satur-

dny. H e ww born Jan. 18. 193«, a t „„ Woodnilf Albion t n d «»s a a tudent t t the Al- ^

re accom- bloii hlRh school. onMrs. John Surviving are his parenu and one jq,

brother. Robert P. Price, Cedar City, nn Chiiiaier, UUh; III* grandiribiiim. Mra. Lena for

ng, W, E. Price. Albion; and Mrs. Irene Wlnn, -• htfld«, .Jr„ Long Beach, cslif. str

i Funeral service.'' under the dlrec- Of the fluhl tlon of th e Mcculloch mortuary tre I vei

pendlHE. ( rer

I S O E " E c o n <

R N A <DR F U R N A C E w ith

BURN P P a n d F

. . . a n d P r i

t h e r e a c h 1

____Bo_88oe Furnace!»..are'80.000 B T U to 500,1 are bo adaptable to a] th a t they a re de fin it populftV - home hcatii

j ESTIM ATES on yoi f w h v e in Magic Valle,



O E T > U L S ___




istruction fo r lo n g e r life , . • . and fitters and designed to burn

Night and D a y Service conpUtt-ptoiediont_______________ —

rt K Lee Salmth

T w o D i v o r c e s 1

m ^ e S o u g h t i n

, C o u r t A c t i o n s “JAT P<---------------- -Two person* JlledauIU for divorce w

Liikt dliUlct court here Friday, BoUi Hbu et aittJ*. charge cruelty. Richard Thomas, ai UriM T «in Falls; seek* a divorce from

l^hlUkw Edwlna Thomas and Lottie Jordon, vt MnK* Buhl, tiled an action against Donald si

•m . Hrt* Jordon, w:Thomas claims th a t for the last th

----- aavattl-monvhi-hU-wlU-haa-Uttill- wually indulged to excess In Intoxl- "I

III - for their children properly. , st mWh The couplc was married Dec. 31, rii ■ Forua 1M4, a t Car*on City. Nev.. and have as Oar Tino a Bon and a daughter. Mrs. Thomae m

•oa Outiiat also ^As t Child by a former m ar­’l l , rlage. u Jcrpp«t Thomas applied for temporary m <!’»«« custody ol the two chlldrm until w •Oct. Ifl® court decldM who should c tre &u

munlty property be divided by the1 tl»iix court. Hla attorney i i Lawrence B.IAT Quinn. gii

' Mr*. Jordon claims her husbandiiS A* quarrels and nagf and on one oc-uasdup ctslon slapped and atruck her. They {[,

N«wi were married Feb. 10. 1«8, a t BuhlU» •'“ve a I-yeor-old daughUr. Tt

sill.', w . The wife sceki a court order re-b< Bam attaining her husband from dls- / 'f r ro w po*lng of community property, Bhe K,Mini tlso ask* that he be ordered to payt inH L««r» *50 per month for the child's aup-iir. tJSA pgjj ^ fe(i*ontble fee for, hermeU-------- Attcrnejri-JUyboHi-aod-RayborD-------- -

'™.L,. Mrs. MacMaster, CO

"i.T" 71, Passes at Buhl S!-------------- BUHL, Feb, 3-M r.i. Celcslla Mac- 1

- Master, 71. died a t h e r home here ot ha: n p S 5:18 a.m, today a fte r an exUnded Th

Illness. She had been t local real- In Olected In dent for 31 year.s. l<^aturday in She wa.i born In LcQroode, Ore.. by

overUmo Nov. 17, m » , and married Oeorge o!M acM tsur a t Hallay Oct. 38. 1897, 30.

iper p trk - They moved here in 1918 from Hoi- ] :. H, Hud- lister, AfWr their mtrrlage they ha irry Ryan, had lived In Camaa county. —

for over- Survivors Include her husband; ^ fflce u n e . three daughters, Mrs. Ouy Bortmess •Ima pa rk ' and Mrs, Emil Wavra, both Buhl,J. Lyman nnd Mra. Lloyd Salisbury, ConUet,M n, Rex Nev.; two brothers, Joseph Bablng- ly, Robert ton. Hagerman, and Oscar Bablng. Elmer D. ton. Grants Pass, Ore.; five grand- W. flm lth. rhlldrffu. wm.-Clght . jre it-g ran tl- McArthur, children,'Three other children pre- , Houten, ceded her in death, int*. Leon Puneral services wlll be held t t late. Ray- 3 p.m. Wednesday t t Uie Buhl roud. Oay Presbyterian church w ith the Rev.

Fred H. Hall, pastor. offlclaUng. Bucla! V.UI he made lev the Butil cemeUry under direction of the

i v AlberUon funeral home, -

;*hS Weather Cools Off Ideas for Buildinq;The sub-rero weather during Uie

. . J ’.V nearly tro ie any'Ideast l w e AJ. p j Hj reildenU may have had

on new construction work, >'our per- a and one jonj, apparently looking toruard to •dar City, an early-Bprlni, tiled applitaUon*Mrs. Lena {or permlU to build or remodel, ene Wlnn, T o u l value of the proposed con­

strucUon was estimated a t 810,100,;he dlrec- Of Uie toul, $8,000 i t s for a brick tuary tra ] veneer house and the balance for

I remodeling.

Ico n o m a tic" ^

V C E S rw ith P O W E R


inti Priced Within reach of everyone Ni

irnace!»..are..m adc_in..airca from . __r U to 500,000 B T U o u tp u t . . . p table to all site and m ake hom es a re definitely tak ing th e lead i n ^ ome heating equipm ent.' F R E E ES on your heating needs any ^ ilagic Valley, J


Sales Co.• Phone 163


• c e s P l i i l o s o p h e r , Ad h t i n B e T o w n H a l l S

____ __ Sydney R. Montague, fonner mew-' t l O n S ‘he Royal 0«vadianiiw M nted-

police, phlloa^her and adventurer, a for divorce will be the-Town-Hall xpetkEr-Peb. — 'riday, BoUi 14 a t the Twin Palls high echool rd Thomas, auditorium.Ivorce trom Opportunities which tw tJt th e ad- ittle Jordon, venturer In the land of the midnight Mnst Donald sun wlll be described by MonUgue

who spent m oit of his aix ye tra with for the laat the mounted pollee In the Arctic t-hat-U thll-s In Intoxl- "FronUers. North."

not cared r Tales of nigged advenUire luid a :rly. . i^ew d glance Into Uie fu tu re upled Dec. 31, hear the ArcUc Circle are promised v.. and havo as part of tha evenlBg"* en tertaln- ,lrs. Thomas ment.ormer m ar- MonUgue was 'la Alaska twice

last summer and has completed tem pora^ material for a new book which will

should w e ^ aomeume before n e it

-~KnjMii as th e -^ v U ltr d gwa*h«- pbuckler", the speaker was educated B

-awrence B. Montreal, Canada, to be a n en [glneer but aoon turned to a more [ '

ler nusoana adventuresome life. His Town HaU fon o n e w - talk wlU Include many incldenU ' :k her. They (rom hL? colorful life t - M8, a t Buhl Mrs. J, E. HUI Is chairman o f the JaughUr. Town Hall club, rt order re- .

S S Dismisses " E“ oVE; Suit for Damages ^— J. HatlO}^ BgiiliiJt-W: t Biewcr,l i t t f SeatUe.-wa* dismissed in dU trlct , l l C l , ) . court Friday. Both parties asked dl4r ‘ 1 tnlual In a motion /Jlfd with the ;l:,t D U n l court Friday.:le]tla Mac- Handy sought damages on the gh; 3me here ot faasla of an accident July 39. 164D. at n exUnded The accident Involved a ear nnd by local real- trailer driven by Brewer a n d a (

truck owned by Handy and driven Pal •oode, Ore.. by his son. I t occurred one mllo y tt ■led Oeorge o! MounUIn Home on t). B. highw ay jn, :t. 38. 1897, 30.■ from Hoi- Beckwith and Langley were ( rlage they Handy'a atUmeya, do“y- ■husband; i Bartmess

A C T I O N P A C K E i3e held t t .

\ the Rev.

^ ^ ^ T O U S H - A S - K

” “• OF THE BIG!3 Off K ^ j j j K ^ildingluring theany 'Ideas t i t " .ihave had , U * 1* ; , 111* " ' \

, i’our per- \ A totuMU rjauBJ p .*toruard to \pplitaUon* - L l | l | l | -------SsVd'con- GLEHNrUllU BRODEIat 810,100, ------------—

e c 0 n nn n n W a a • M a

★ Starts TC8 GREAT 5

2 Fast-PacecUnderworld

AltlitHEARIBUTSanI ■■ HEAm»CIIESofa6«J^!|j


'nes / j B p S j ^ H v r H i

I E E ~


- DA


P a t O 'BRIEN , I k

163 W a y n e JIORRIS Vl.Dolores MORAN &

JW IN falls] IDAHO "

; r . A d v e n t u r e r W i l l D

H a U S p e a k e r F e b . 1 4 ,

— S p e a k s - H e r e ’ — SIgh 8£hooi ^

Ut ttie ad-1 midnight "MonUgueyetra withJie . Arctic Te- gnOtted ' 19C

ure suid a ■ ■ | ^ Kfu tu re up to II promised heenterta in- felV: ^ K iiT K ^ ’ifflltB'i-fi' ~ ' JV | | L | £ | | | H M | | a H tnaiska twice ... aoncompletedvhlch will covi

c e i t K»'^ ,

■d—s w u h ' educated

"own'lfaU f. : ' ^IncldenU ' ' Clot

L ■!! I LD£an o f the 6VDNEY B. MONTAGUE Johi

. . . wbo wUl *i>eak here Feb. J.14 ror Uie Town Ball aam U U on. Spe:

A Q He U a former member of tbe w’eriRoyal Canadian moanted police, J. E

l a g e s — 0 ,1

= R « t a t y 4 1 e e t s ^ S’ BHOSHONE, Peb. S — Bcotl V r- sall

qi>»« 0" ope««on ot Mrswith the long , , v e radio* by tm a - p , . leura a t the meeting of the 8ho-

on the Bhone RoUry club Wednesday noon39. 1840. J t Memorlnl hull. He was introduced liq.. ear nnd by E. J. Baer, program chairman.

• a n d a Quests were.Robert Snyder, Twin „ ,‘ tid driven Palls; James Wheeler. Hailey; and _mile west Francis Drehman and R. M. Rob- «highw ay jrtaon. both Ooodtng. ____ T

:y were clim atic influences have m uth todo with the quality cf cigars. ■ *

J^ S tarts TodayPA i f . r n QfJR Tfff.g------------- JH

P A C K E D P I C T U R E T|

uu nauiu Wk

IDiro. . , ckCRAWFORDm n c K o r

ts TODAY ★ I ■AT STARS! |Paced P'orld Dramas! p


; ^ i B n I

0 . .........

■ i

Yia Divorce Granted , K 14 In District Court 10 * r UPSIT, Feb- s—m » recent de-

cWtrn made by DUtxlct Judge Hugh ■ A Baker. GusUve Ueuleman re- K

------------- decree ot-dlvorea from Viol* ■> r C -----------M euiem tn-tnd -I • deed f ire f ly

__ made by Meuleman to Mrs, Meule-■ ■ ■ H ^ for <0 o 'Heybum was canceled.

Mr*. Meuleman received MJU cash in the'decree. 8, T. L^ire was^ rn e y fo r .lh tJ > |a In U if^ J___

The couple wta nrtrrled July S,

M m-■ ■ and deeded the remaining 40 acres

t to his wife wlUi the prorlslon Uiit1 } he be allowed to live Uiere ter Uie

) rtmalndw of h li life. Mrs. Meule- B S I B B I man sold Uie land t« one of Uie « ■ ^ ■ 1 ions. Julius Mculemtn. tor «

The dlvoree'acUon tn dliUIct court covered more than a year.

iocal Jiesident-Is------W M Paid Final Honor

Funeral ser^’lces were held for Urs.Clara V. Anderson Saturday t t the LDS second ward chapel Dlshop

i,GUE John P, Emlth presided.Here Feb. j . w , Blchln* gave the InvocaUon, f o im U U on. Speakers In addition to Bishop Bmlth • sr of tbe were Albert Zblnden and H O, Lind. ed police, J. E, Allred gave the benedlcUon. irer. Margaret Combs wta orsanlst.--------------- Other musle included a vocal solo by

___ Noxmitn O..Johnson, wlectlons by a __a r c _____; <iuartet irnmpoard nt, J T T r g mltl?------- '

Vlrla Dell and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bcotl V t- Salisbury anil a dutV by Mf, and

icratlon ot Mrs. Norman Johnson.>5 by tm a - paiibearers were Bernal Anderson,

the 8ho- Marvin Anderson. Weldon Oreene.Msday noon Ejmer Anderson, Ellert Israelsen and introduced Doyd Anderson. ‘ . . O f

The body wta aent to Peterson, ' - yder. Twin for .concluding services. FOlalley; and ■ -. M. Rob- p a i M i V H V M V H V i i H o d

•e m uth to gars.

SUN. a n d MON.

■ I eREd WUH!

■ "

9 H New* - Short Subjocii M^ Door* Open — Erenlnf* 7:15 ■ H

s a t . * su n . MATINEE 1:U



- p , OF THE U.S. MAI


Bf wttnxiHcnpjuAMx-Rcittiocucaa'ictE IITJI ■ , ttCHunmiTON-fiicHwiKiac-iNrHoi„ , _ --------------HCKTOTWflSinMa

^ S lartlng '

S I ' T O D A Y a t l p .i

L . ■.£■] 1 11 1 W 11 I I 1 11

' “ ; .....

nted ^Court T c l e i l i l B i

t recent de-Judge Hugh l k « J:uleman re- D l l f A t f l A . - !« from Viola - sl torasefiyMrs, Meule- '*' *-----and eaal,of I

slved M iss ' 1r ^ « s »

rled July 5, ' ^ f

old "40 aemIng 40 acres i

^ O l n g f o JMrs. Meule- W l.Zr%. soon! Z r “ ”“ ,

Honorbeld for Mrs. m W Sirday at the v L I S d S s>el Bishop -

;i'p“eSiSiSr-u orsanlst. • , ... _ , .L Jvocal »8l by '

by Mf, and ^

al Anderson, - ' . '^ 5Jon oreene.sraelsen and ^

” j : # lo Peterson, . , ,rvices. fo r o i r m t t o f f ^ M M o d v « r f f « f n g ^

i h l i f e i E y t a l l ' ;!r

[ M i l a v i / n . M O H I u[gg?W y

ib joc if HmfflllHiimiiiHIln n 7 :I5'EE


m G R E A T ST O R Y

iH T IN G M E N !

i)f' Mat ihox liberty- loriifi tujter-iluggtHg duaft

we nov lovt mttt lhan evtrl“<

B l

lA R D W ID M A R K ^r^aRCMio cwm • Kor nsa • lUA «■fnou»Ki(ic-i»Hoiai-ceilMOS . M T W f ls in M ir T O * - — twtlng ’

a t l

: .3


Page 7: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:


g i i™— Q -..,4T*th»H»n *re m*dfi o l.’i iU .« » j K S 5 “ J o " i t o i m p m .

be m*de ot “jmgar.ind i W ^ t S n e a when the roughest can t* ll PAUL. »U boy hlmsea. Itno*-* UiJi« tike* horses. One day, n few wee'• 'iJ irS um blfd »nd ihrew him. The boy

hosDlulIted with concusilon.

Sstrleilow ,n d the Uwn :

«w Koing to be lm- Foliowlne wTS hlm <" If'*'* ****N Iht MJt. they went out of wealher. It pt° u help hto. o*' th»t somethlniHdaoret the hetd with & Despite therS^enitfly when Uiey met ,now and blLrt conwntfd themselres with pretiy much■Mr akWV' nothing iboutS oTtr » [>*« of his trouble, very many i>OTHO* HU-lilm-Play-A horn UieylveJiid-a tgnninvtbfow -siw w b^ar- ilon-they-ltlce«ihlihetlJlrom a limoot a rugged they nr« b fl well on the way— human natureJ, ujf jenileness of rough. STANLEY v^tctlTt of OiU (juirt o

' • • ■ *»tHfled with 1tr mlilenw braved sub-zero jjy Uie rr tbe olher night Just to hear i , i(x;ated »ome

Ult organ. residents fenoi S , tiilienta like this par- u d a i teaipwati^ pUjer. Tie ha« been ------------- i Z _Y, OD numerous occasions A W i a K n n

0 1 1 ^' / m b lind 'tw in FALLS f Uii oR»nlit. Dut the res- | N O W HC rfCuey like Ul claim him. T H A T H O K ■J to prove It, he ^playe^to \

‘i;ifiou|h the temperature

a lie thWren are young, big

t inj molher. Lots of times ^ t aipihcf^luiowj.^ihe try-

teeUurs m more fortunate u la the cue of M n. Katie

PAUL 6he has U children, ,;r ~

I tone »Jie and h e ^ u s b w i ■ ^ V ^

qu the cKortj o( her child*I Usd and house^ln t ^

la the comfort of their Mhcr. Is a unlUd effort the ■■■■■■■■■




S U IT100% Woo) Fabrics — New

MM'S O F GOOD S IZ E S FO: Value, to 4 9 .6 0 -O N S A L I

1 5 -0 0 & *2 'Sp^il! 2 Biff SPICI

b a r g a i n ___________ "

t a b l e s sk^ »ni fndi, broken slr^f. Oood w o

Mlled or dl»eonUaued colon, and corduroy*,

r o * A . o o “


O u r^ n tlr t Slock o( WInl

COATS & S<?"^e and regular lengths—all the col ‘ «ls seaaon-and a aize to f it you I

- H - t o W - <

O N E R A C K o r t o O D

DRESSEK styles of better dnuaes ^ a J wool JertBys, C o rd u --^

others in a jood range of j j

[ l i { : i a g i M k ifA< Ston ior Womm mti


. . . • I'hat loB-er than Ureading. The tip.o, itmperature w»j b

V A L L E YW k * h v t a ■ colder In 'Stanleyplace.

i*dfi Dl.‘i» t4 .ilia .m alU »nd puppy _ . _ .ley ar# prone WroughhouM anllo. . Barbam--Ynri„n- i “sugar.and »i>io«.*nd-e«r}thtag vanej-»ghest can be as genUe m t tiJten. tionaJ beauiv rnn alf, Itno*-* thla to l)« true. Billy U £.,,, . , y , / -“ri ay. a few week, .(to, while riding . o “ xpe iences lm. The boy landed on the side oi MUHTAUOH

ion)lUl iiU parenU. Mf. and tin . ^ «___________ _______ ___________other IcRxhooVLsins ana sons-m-iaw weiit W W rt' ttitAJTl^ftre «dl cl > remodel the new bouje and com- the entire trip to letely modemlte It. the show, and oThe sona. Fred. Daniel. Ehtln. their homes. Noni alt, Batinder. Roben and Adolph, - —nd sons-ln-law. Dare Behacffrr Id John Nlewerjh, all farmera, dlfl

Partn equipment waa brought to lA'n and a eepUc tank w u dug nd the Uwn levelled. Wtvea o{ the ten attacked the InUrlor ot the

and Trhtn ^hf t »on» and daughter* and ln-Uvi 1 ^ as through, Ihe house waa rttdy I . become Mra, Koch’s future home, | ^

rollowlng what Magle VaUey r,e-1 ^^nlJy went Jhroufh In the fonn Heathcr. It probably Is- approplate ' Vlat something be aald aboul It. I V —Despite the cold-and later the'ww and bllizards-llfe went on|retly much as always. There'j' .othlng about cold weather that-:ry many i>eople like but once ,

hnH n pprHrirlnrly miiyh ~ jon th e y 'like lu bi uk t^bout” liin» ^ Iiggcd they arc to "lake 11." That’s /uman nature. /STANLEY was a good example / / ' / V' OiU (ju)rt of human nature. Hot ^ htUfled with the low reading pro- ded hy the ranger station, whleh located »ome distance from to»-n

sldents announced their own of- clal temperature which wa* aome-

N O W H O W a b o u t ] I THATHOM E'tDUPtAM ? „ „ ,




T S :m\ — New Styles 9 grZES FOR ALL B -()N SALE AT M Spi

• 2 0 0 0 y


SKIRTS P iGood assortment of plila Bcolon, and plald*—In wooli, . _ . .®corduroy*, gabardines and _ ■ ^*hu-k»klM.----------- ---------- — ■ -

l a 1

ck of W inter

t SUITS \-mm-a ll the colors and stylM SI‘ f i t you I ■ 3 - P c

4 Off | JI ■ R»9-

3 r t o O D

SES I “dr85ses A A I

: I K 1 ^ JEROm m c a G t r b

--------------------------------------- ------------ ^T-ME!

t loaer than the -ranger sta tion permitted lo drink itai ™ U ..1 lie. .h t . . u , .Mpemture w»j breaking a record . , 'e nol from official sources but ^ ‘®1 the resldenu. themselves, who rontert was ovft, ounced with pritle th a t I t was Of the Si coi er In Stanley th a n any other smoked a t all i ■e- was done In pti

•_• . • .. _ ____ _ aald. - • ___arbara-^oncn.H U R L ST rM aglc ' 'I n the JUdglni' leys rcprtitnlaU ve In the na- she adds, beauty >al beauiy conWat In A tlantic Taenly per cent • last fall, reccnlly told of aome sonallty, 30 per , ter experiences &c a meeUng In per cent on bei RTAUOH. ;»n evening 8o»iIlss Norton inslstj the beauty! teit Is n far cry from “Jujit an-1 c 'n t ability In nte

th f rnn..l.«i‘“ ?.» V dHriPg 'j- /lliWare «fil chaperoned during I eniire trip to the-ahow , during Ml*s Norton l. snow, and on the ir way lo ! Mr. and .Mn. Di

r homes. None of them w ere ' ij a student at g

f e

D - O - W - N G o t h e P r i c e s !

S e e t h e V a l u e s T O M O R F

Z3 tcniadonal Tatuea you c an t afford <o robsf ] over! You’ll f ind the llenu ;qu 'tc wanted al prices In j t t n l Shop early lo SAVEI

SpccialT 0 D lh

g All-Wool r a g . ta M Throw RUGS H g

I ' i g $ ]

W T ^ D ro p Sid* ^ ^ 1 m f Sp«ct<

9 BABY H H H CRIB H H ClH Spring I n . l H HI h a d i u t t m i n t B H IH s°ii<> ■i"i< H ■I $ 3 2 - 5 0 I I » 8


■ 3 - P c . M r .& M n . ■ ■ L.

B Bedroom B B ..B SUITE B B ”•'"1^ 9 W a ln u t a r filoriSii ^ | ~ ^ | i|o i■ Ri 9. 159 .00 VeL ■ ■

i » 1 2 9 - 5 0 I I

■‘Where /


- - T f M E S - N E W S r T W r r F A L I , S , T :

r t l i s i n s s r ; student T Enrollra

)f the M coiuejlai^ti onlv 30 S^ATK <oked a t all m .t ,moklM. done in private, U t« "SorloS"a^dtenlv w r « ' ' • « “ b> the f ,.m v ^ b*■ td on per- smdent,, graduaUr

rin t ts c in the sam*e«nm r»ou? , i u "v e and a

' ,, were educallon mNorion L, the (liughWr of graduaUon class In

. and .Mn. Donild Norton, Sha cation studenla asa student at siCE m ALBION, last May,

, ^ H s t o * '


w '\ -

■ CHR(

P r i c e s ! . | “ ' N '

O M O R R O W ! I

ord <0 rafsjf took (hrm B __________c wanted at the loirnl

Special! B 9 ^ ^ . . .

I DINING g i I . T A B L E ^ m iH SoW W oloul H HH E u in ilon M H W ilh Stool■ Rigulgt$275.00 B | | D G . * ^

I S I 9 9 1 1

I " “ " 'b 'o o r f I ■fiec/O ,.... M H SO

553.50 B D^ ^ 7 - 5 0 H I $ 1

■ Sptcloll M o 4 < r n ^ H W o lrH LOUNGE Q H H C H A I R S H BB Pioitic eevertd M B Ext«l

with Ottoman ■ ■ X AB Refluiar $109 .50 H BI > 8 9 - 5 0 I I » 5 !

I LAMP ^ 1 " ' ^ ° ' ;

B S H O W . B B / . J 'B Hi»idr«di cf fin» ■ B C e d a r

B _____ U m p f. . . . ■ . ■ • Blond* oFloor Limpi • ^ | - R«0 . i

"here All Southern Ida)


FAIXS. IDAHO ..........

udent Teacher Events!Enrollment Is up J. 0. Roierear wm* i'AHO STATK OOLLKQE, Poca. day oa builneu., Feb, 3 -T h e number of *tu- Tba levenih grade »-enroll«d in the •ducatlon de. P w «hMl will atw ment a t I d i^ aB U U w l lw ha»

years, according to ilatUUcs ^ lied by the registrar'* office. WeOpe>d»y )n Bolwlents graduating In education ----------------5C In the aame period hava In- CLUB Mlsed five and a halt Umej. HAILEY; Feb. S-irlng the first semester of IMT- lng, Bellevue high u l&C'a first year .as • four-year lecur ol oriental am ot, IS studenu majored In edu. Ings and china plec>

- U l t ifm tiU " .niri»ntf AUhtJltlley.BDUc ! educallon majors. The 1848 Thursday, Oearge uaUon class Included nine edu. L II. MtlUnn. both m studenla as compared to 4# guesls, Harry PuU May. the speaker,

| g ^

I 5 Pc h I H Fom oui I r


I I ’&V°^ I ^ 6 9 -5 0 1 1 » 34 .i

p u p h o l . . . , . d ^ H L iy ln g Rc Hollywood, m B s y i T i

Bed |H M Q„Y, AqtW ith S tee l From * I N Beige

S 2 4 -9 5 1 1


■ Sectional B I Hordw I SOFA B l >^«rdrM G reen F r ie ie B ■ Lorge-Re■ R eg u lo r $339.00 B | R egulor $4

1 ^ 1 9 9 | | » 5 9

W o lno lo r 5 ™ 'I M ohojooy ■ HI ■ ■ p i o t f oI Extenffion | 9 B Bnri^I TABLE I II » 5 9 -9 5 I I M 9

»"«i,7»39.95Vol. ^ ^I ^ d V s k ' - 11^■ - - D E S K H ■ I t e n d e o n a E o ite rn f ie rd w o o d B l■ W o ln u tf in l th ■ ■ $1I9.00>I S 2 9 -9 5 | | $ t 5 S

I C d a r C h .it I I■ Blondo or W olaut^ B ■ ^ r U i a U a■ Rog. <69.95 ■ ■ T o U lU

I « iS 9 ‘95 J l $ 2 4

tl Idaho Shops With Ct


Events Noted Officers Sehe:nns t e r r y . Feb. i - Mr*. » . »

a” iTinVu*“ ^ J e r o m eI *«vfnih grade Ui th» o lenn* JWOMK. Feb, j - c •ehool will attend th e meeUn* “ »• >^h school Jo: le * u u lejlslalur* In B^lae *emester were elected*y' : : ___________ Tha «en1»r rU .,_ ,

^ d Ura. Joe Doyle sp e n t Moss, prealdent; Uoyt e>d»y in Bolj* on bmuiMa. president; LucUle sag

■ tary; and Oall ManxCLUB M£ETS Howard Oreen w u <

CLEY; Feb. 3—Jo h n U, V in- deot ot the Junior ( lellevue high teacher md col* Bragg, vice president; ol oriental and .antique can r- son, aecreiary; ajid k

md china pieces, wa* speaker treasurer. tJ la ll£ s_B nU a_chih ja tttln£ . _33i6J0BliamQrejj»4i iday, Oeorge Kneeltnd a n d neth ThompioD. p^j MtlUnn. bolh Ketchum, w ere Browning, vice prts 1. Harry Puttier Introdilced Borden. aecreUry; and [>eaker, treasurer.

Fom oul I r a n d ^ ^ B 9k x11-

& rS i | I^ ■ All-Wool,

iO*yr. g u e ro n tM H B • D e*o Pili Regulor S44.50 ' ■ ■

^34^50 [ I $ 9 9 ,5 c

Living R o o m ^ | KSUITE B I O e c f '“Js

O r.;;, ■ i l , ,

R .9 » la l5 M 9 .l !0 I B» 2 3 » I B lOto

H o r d w o o d H B S f a i r W o r d r o b e H B C a r p e t i n

, i ; r w 9 i o I I

$ 5 9 . 5 0 ■ I $ 5 - 7 5

SPECIALI^H I Eorttrn H ■ X V

p r^ n . IIROCKER ■ ■ COUC ^

R egular $ 5 9 .9 5 ■ ■

« - P c r - " ^ ^ H - W ^ M o n y StyleM odarn ■ ■ TABLE

- J i i w l t o ----------■ H -------- l^M PSl lo n d e e r w o ln u r ■ ■ ' B ..........a . iI - I

Regular ■ ■ .s i i 9 . o o v o i M ■ ■ $ e . 9 5

$ 1 5 9 . 0 0 1 1 ^

o ^^ i - k - i u

LAMP SET ■ "FloorUmp ■ IN SU R

I -Toilj!«lLilIILIT o U l L a m p ■ m i o i u b l . H n

9 Z 4 « 9 3 ■ h , f to /w h d .1jM t h .

lith Confidence"


T A t a

Seers Selected I

it Jerome Scliool f e * ^lOME, Feb, J—Class offlceti

" £ S T 2 rslent; LucUle snf«!6er{. secre- and Oall Hansen, treasurer, I w Jin ro ro m a u s^

rard Oreen w u elected presl* lum tiu e. itom anh i of the Junior elas*. Elmort

[, vice presldenl; Emma Peter-

“ H u S S i m S m .i »ophnTTinr» »1iy(iw1 W.n. A J.M A BThompson, president; Chad! CBIBOP&AC

ning, vice president; Carol IM MllB N « t t i ' . :n. aecreury; and George Beer,jrer. | S^H hH B B B H h H

lE CO. M ^ H j i i i i

9 x x l J Sp«:lolIAxmimtor ■ ■

Doop Plli ■ H K s j f l S S.„u lo ,J1 2 9 .5 0 H

$99.50 1 |$ 1 1 9 * 5 ®

'““.'obi'.""'"*" ■ ‘T \^ k

Stair H H Fold..«-li C arpiH ng ' ■ ■ LOVESEAT

8.95 V aliii H H M a x

$5-7513; I I ’ 1 * 9 - 5

M ony Stylet ^ B . ^ | ^ * c W n W T p

TABLE B B D lnnerw ar- ^ ! ^ M P S T 7 r r » H = ; - : S E T ~

A i lo w o i B B S e r v l c f o r S

$ 5 ' 9 5 e „ , I I

" O W N ^ ^ A C C O U ^ ^


INSURED CREDIT PLANr f l « J s « i i_ i f l I L f a iy - f l n e J o f M _ ^ f i i t o g t « t i •oeonobi* term. Our new ■eta y«u egflln<» leea of work «f liwoma, dan ly Nw, whi'd cr fl«ed, end p«ya up tie cociIrM

r a c r w E C W ^ H

- .T A M T IO N m a 1 ,^ 1 BS t. Jan. > - > b . «Dd M n tua f r t taaTc.Iett o a • nnUOB t s : BUandArlaBBa..

CORRBCnON - ■ ~ p »« > i» h » ' g r ^ g m a a :aekaobn m ay b T a ted a U d ~ ■Itb TbmnuitUa, ■n A u o . aadto r im . I f ro n hare trtM . s H t i r i i D t e u « tcy w am -. : ea tl. lUUet U on«a (»• - § ■ is e d 'a R tfH re t tm tiiMllt.".: ~

CBIBOP&AOTOB 7 ‘ ' Bte M U la W tli rbm at t m B

S p « i o i i ^ ^ ^

D R ^ M ISUITE B ^In t r tV e t iM n B . u ler« 1 6 9 .5 0

1 9 ^ o |

R egular$149.50 ValH* B

M od. F e ld .« . t e d B

LOVESEAT ■I t l i a F r i a u ■

> 1 2 9 -5 < » |

!p ..l.U

D i i i n « r w o t « H

S irv lc a fa rS ■I| p U N T “

N IW * " ^

T PLAN >« r v f f f

. f * d w « l » l ^ f —1 liw o m a , d « i M up t U M cilrM t

Page 8: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:


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Page 9: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

%mes-Ne\SHe 0

f P i in n ift —1— « i _K e u B l K u p a l w

S h i ^ ^ P l f l H S Editor. TlraeBU -I ts e w : ^ w ith d u e «

i*® Im mKsege. ward any n i

!“ L‘L',“ L“ tn^ 'ui^w orth:

’ Tfiiit 15 »hat we ^ ^ t e 'c f Id«,t■i, ^ ! lik« manner.^ . . t

^ A,y... By econoraiiii *:Tnimin. AchCJon and lh« pow „ o2 ^ W « W n s W n « « ^ « not hfuid cmr

tttintrles und lh# p«o- ,.^ c o ild - . ,. td a n d Y*nU]

3s.^“M r H = - s sKffJ t=“‘ Uon«^ st*i«»r

' n»” ■«'" •“ “ “ ' 'S '£ '° "we five yetirj behind catod to mwt™ .r- niaved his game, we w ithout weU-t

th 'w n » « bll- m w ho love''’J J^. sndM Ulpmfnlatlha Uves are fled

II iuid disarmed le im a ll poolcwi'nf “ unlolrt needed

‘^ ^ m w - s u i l l n ’j J t x l I t yafl but.i . Korfon affair. He knew Idaho r«mo«

foicc us 10 spend »nd tax repuU tloa ih«T th e h lltfo r in » ll-o u t only sta te In

S ballle- protection of a■ I, u calling Uie play and era o f IU touI. L ttillliiE to ace where hia the record of' I t »UI be mnde. He Is a among our w«Jiw bsek anti liiu been call- poUtlclaw, nijTS for the weakest part have fo r year1 We feel fure he won’t jn j o u t ylolsi

i Bfit play of menta sfiotit, for wme comc; He they were piin ifikrn our enda and ex- draln lne the 11(y t*placementa until the ahort-alghledlj,(the line h Just ripe for the children. They■itoirJie hl.i line plunite- ,n d reallw th

part of the ^esldenfs pe<,p,e. (ji u tttt rttarflnK ‘he hopea that ,3, teachers a:- ia * 1U lay ‘heir p la n a __________ __- iMo W 11. Ono way to look,e a t« would gain only time completely ne^t=e jtTomier and strenjthCD team, withoutBcl ms Irte world. ThUtlme an A-bomb, »

ijTt trcnt unmtaaurable S ta lln and n

?Mihown and a t the enemy •‘reallallc road3 we are vulnerable any ball. l>et GUliiiltw present time. The other fenalve playj ata ai^ trve way ta look at the offenalvo pLicIUit statement Ll that the To get th#s t UI never lay aside their muat first gel:elpiirpose of world conquest who can callrcMtihniuKh any means. bench I t »Pi>e(Called Blatej, the only real terbaclc we ha\

juj tjjtmplon of free people, calllns the pKitt» t Stalin fears most, haa us to have thjjiaJ watched, yeJ, even con- hardy to thin!U reds taUng o ’er an old to> m ake anotJ

aow n-tti» a i i iatiifii concession alter con* next play novittssnd the world before the By screatniniru l ths defeat of the na- Inz to get the ia of. China. Now. we have back to theisMier attempt to ttop the penalty nnd letIta la Korea, yet thla "police er play, let us'I eosllDj us 15,000 replace- tha t new quarKh and ever>- month; In call a n offenshasdi. SlaUn called an end team know*d4 Is mkening our defensive make a good vc): Juit u mueh aa he can ' U » pUloi ua to throw in a

y ^ ‘I for your wa

B r ig h t a n d g

b u t a f a c t .

----- 1 0-QUART I

IMI - *lm a .U IRONIM C

siil. if.', o n d COV

t l i i f —’ -irou -v iu ..* ‘ 1®'\\lll «-*!»“<«

s . " .....


JT"' >■"•■ 'W tal*“ * '* t a d . h . . . f Y >“ •“ . .C J 1-----------J C -

B i K R f210-20 Seo

'fiaBPABY 4. 1951


News PublicS H e O p i n e s E d u c a t i o n ]

P l a c e t c r S t a r r i J c o n o rMitor. TlJneB-Newa: ucla and wnice.- WlOi due tpspect to all In author- required ij> iflu

ty iuid without reerimlnaUona to- delinlte rtquirem mrd any man or party, we still Uon, i5i leichers cel I t our duty to aet forth these «iandard.v i8i te

n th e worthy and most desirable preparation to keffort to run th e government of the and abreast ofU te 'o f Idaho In a aound business- of your children,Jce manner. requlre/he cotntBllUons are being spent for arms. of I*''-

ly econoraliin* on the more,.atra- At pre.'ent by Iegle power of educaUon we m ust who slops joar h,ot han d our children this double rew .«erMiis in t\llandlcap. children In Idaho aro receive more and n g educated and ean b« educated curliy thnn the < rm aB yTandiiiB?Tiia**nd"ln-poor you-eonsitn-rourepalr. Many children can aad are our only hope forelng taught in roon:a poorly h eat- lation. Little ord a n d Y«nUlat*d as wiU as ov«r- P«nje‘ Is reqaiierowded. Many children can b« 'Hiey leam m tnd a re being educated w ith a mini- properly eqiiippe.vim of booka. auppllea and equip- with your chlldrtlent aa measured by daalrable na- In* and expenselonal standards of today. Income are rtqiil Children of Idabo cannot be edu-

ated to meet th is cilala of our age 'rlihout weU-tralned, capable teach- ‘>«‘-ra w ho love' children and whose As It Is ieachives are dedicated to help them beset hy fears of I‘a m all possible facta and atUtudea of dclit. of i^niiinl.eeded to meet these demands. age. Havins the

iaho r«mo«id trom Ker ntUonaJ 7 ? irj w ouH ^yeputatloa the stigma of being the of insecurity. Inly Btate in th e union with no to remove wharotectlon of any kind for the teach* no r poi'eued tara o f its youth. Idaho atill retains neccsally bring at« record of low teacheW aalarles by teachers frommong our western atatca. ter salaries andPoUUclaw ar»d taxpayers who neighboring state-ave fo r years engaged In Uirow* will be forced frig o u t violent and abusive stale* Iq other fields aflenta a b ^ t educators as though ter living stsndailey •were parosltea atid leeches of labor,raining the lUe blood of Idaho are Not only will wt3ort-slghtedly injuring the ir own of our best teacilld ren . They fall to Ihlnk through our very act we cnnd reallM th a t: <l) teachers are uclng more teacheeople. (31 t«achers are taxpayers, many youlh are j)) teachera are consumers of prod* teaching profeuli— ' ■ Logically they s<)mpletel7 new Mid fresh detenalve •'“'J’m . W li»ut lh . U.S. lh ro .» « to “ " ' " “ r» A-bomb,» K. .pe.k. S "

■e.lUU= ro.d to p .^e" H U »et th . ™>'111. I>et Etalln ato rt calling the de- f n w n s or aen■naive playj and let ua s ta r t calling «rce5. the protjiele offenalvo ploys. „ ,T o get th# ball. we. the people, «“» '« ? <luat first get a new quarterback our nation,ho can call th e plays. FVom my ™ little wnsinch i t appears Instead of a quar- our a n or WorlTback we have an appeasing group ff»dy makini priilUns the plays whlcb don't w ant at the s e ^ , cau» to have the ball. We are fool* lng and t«tberardy to think Stalin will not try 01'9 fight that thh m ake another end play or one be consigned to 1?wn-th* V* '* ^«niTig- thn _The_plont«r_fc;xt play now. realized Ihat tlBy screaming "off tides" and try - greatne.« and prtg to get the umpire to call the ball educated clll«nrick to the 38*yard line Ti-ith a for their chlldrci■nalty and le tting them call ano thr foresight and ri• play, let us call a huddle and get educational opponlat new quarterback, one who can cannot allow Idiill a n offensive play and thc whole desert of Isnottintam know* ttuO, Achexon .would to aave or profit 1ake a good w ater boy. MAYE AI

LEROY Q. KIENZLE (Past S(T»-ln Falla) Idaho J

r washh t a n d g a y a t t h e e n d o f w a s h d a y

a f a c t ...............w h e n y o u u s e t h e s e I

IR O N IN G BOARD PA D ELECTRICa n d CO V ER I A . 2 5 IR O N .................T h r i f t P r ic e d ....... I U

w«rti «uUr mn* aoUr. w U »


------------------jp f liv w iP E -r r -o N-OMD w m t- n ^ o i

- ir o u .wiU-»pM«l-]rout.4el).-.iiMJ*«-ef?ort.iin4„ |» t.. R«ally c leani wtU»-wood«ork-hard*ood floor*- r - a p a u oB rugs and carpets.

Q f . . „ . . . - 6 0 c V4 G ol.......... 1 . 0 0 Galloi

I CLOTHES r a S i S S Z i - S A S K f t - -

H 8 - i z iA d i.H 9t . i R 0 h

L ^ P a f f s r i“ B V : ; n iN G T A B L i.oM ^ t e p wllhrt?

I B*t * a » k a H * and (aay t« haiI kr J “»«• /M» evfly. Top

R E N G R20 Second A v e m i a South T


. I

blic Forum-c a t i o n I s T ^ d t V i c t i S T b

E c o n o m y M o w j* "« u .M „ „ i „ , r „ „ c t - ' t i i l a requlrcd ij> jflaiio law s to fulfill Editor. Times-:lellnlte requirements fo r certlllca- I am happy tJon, i5i leichers m ust po-M health terest Uiat n■ andardv Kl teachcrs must ton- m atter of edu4nt.e-ln-jerTiLj uu lu lug . atuilj and- -CTpnimar-iniTC’reparation to keep them ever alert i happen tomd abreast of the present needs cepUonal" dillif your children, (7) tcachera also crippled—a rcequlre/he common basic neceasl- contracted in '

o ' from the hosplAt pre.-ent by law th e hired man ish my high s<

'ho slops joar hos* a n d ths wait- though I was ciCM .<cr\iii{ In i\iKiit clubs and bars ed an educatio)<ceive more and have wore se* However, I .■urliy thnn the educator* to whom to the Twin F

mr only hope for the fu tu re of civil- vision’s to takelatlon. Little or no training or ex- a. 1. 1 am a t pi «nje‘ Is required of the former. Filer and wriiey leam lu they earn . To bo .-ear iropcrly equipped for their w ort —int nth your children, years of train- Twin Faitn j and expense w llh lilUe or no ^ provided wncome are required by law of the’ ceachctj. Thc requirements are not . . t lo n there ■]

S e r „ „ ? ; : , '- “- " ” •“As It Is-Icachcr* are constantly

leset hy tears of Insecurity of tenure, if dctit. of pnrtinl dependence In old *•gf. Havlns the business of retire- f - \ » l THentTiT!aff>wiiar-firc-*vjry-two ■ | t T l P V - “ t 7irr«^ra-5HJ>- fldd 'to UieTeTrow * if Insecurity- By false economy •*-»0 remove whal lit tle tecurlUes ■or poi'fued ta W aho n lu jt ot direeccsally bring about a mow exodus Editor, Tlmes-Iy teachers from Idaho to the bet* I have been I er salaries and security In our of education, c?elghboring states. Sadder yet. many three children r|II t« forced from th e profession rea-wi I am wiJ other fields affording much bcl* as to w hat ressr living ttsndards for lest hours from th e mcetlif labor. subject of "exciNot only will we lose f a r too many We know the

t our best teachers, bu t .nUo byur very act we cause th e wells prod- methods Of te s t clng more teachers to ru n dry. Toolany youlh are a lready giving the result 1:achlng profestlon a wide berth. ^et very

j"een and still rem ains a national 5 “fb le n ,.i«d .nv In t h . aev l°P to» «tlJ_iry grades. With d rafting and re- •

S " u . f p S „ ' r „ , ‘n '" b . ;S S K e e p i n g

■ ^ 0 aufler*? Our children, our J O I i e S e iate, our nation, the world. A v a « * aThe little sons nnd dnughtera o t A V C l OJr a i 's of World w ar I I are al* m ito r. TImes-^lady maklni primary rooms bulge .I t Mcms to at the seams, causing bo th a hous* try to aupportIg and teacher shortage. Did the even though■I’s fight that their child rtn might wilh fa r larg't consigned to Ignorance? amotmts to anThe_plonter_founders of Idaho with th ^ Jo n e slallied that the s to te ’s future clally.'we can 111reatne.« and prosperity lay in an MI13. J lucated clll«nry. They provided ir their children nnd ours wlUi ireslght and sacrifice abundant lucatlonal opportunities. Surely we innot allow Idaho to become a:sert of Ignorance a n d hope either I L f | | | n1 tave or prefll by th a t ael. r r U U U '

(Past S tate Treasurer.Idaho Pre&s Women)

w a s h d a y i s n o t a f i c t i o n

u s e t h e s e ( o u n c i r y h e f p s .

— ------- — ........ .......................1 CLO T H E S______ ] H A M PE RS


....................tM( kitllM. iHtclMlt lr*B wllk Pm^ ^*Kt rt« mU Bu ».~l «Mlr.l u T ‘

• L l-tk. ailit. AC. LliU■l(kl mn U


fffort.iin4.,i»t.>rtJfir-r*»vJt*.___ ______________rdvood floor»-Unoleum-UI« D O O R

M A T S ............

1,00 couon _ ... .j .6 0


5 B arflo in ' I

Ve t ■ c a .d |. H at. IR O N . I A . 1 5 _____ _ . ..JG TABLf, O n ly l O

Id* evJly« Tep Is inu>-jir»0f. ' m mnajl I

E t ' S f n couth T w i n Follt, Idaho

.__________________ T B n

I '

m-Voice ofPolio Is Consoli

^ a d ”PuLlii; Has“Children Interest

ditor. Tlmes-News- Tlmea-NeI am happy ,0 note Uie public in- ,

!rest m a t n being taken in the -i®"" *^hools of edla tter of educaUon for the "ex* badly mlsunderstrpnoTtai - cimoren: ■ >ei giving other

e X T ' - i t r m ' t S r . ' ' ' . ' . ;rippled—a reJUJI 0! polio that I , ..f-rrinir>nuacted in 1P46. After I- came , ' I* , ,,?■om the hospital, I wanted* *£,‘'h. my high school education even ^lOugh I was crfppifd-I f e lf l need. ^ ,1 an education mo,e than ever. 'However, l was not allowed to go •®““ *

) the Twin Falls high school, be- Oi^r senators. 1roserT-wi3-to;iJrthfrh»aTn>-pnj. taxpav«r»_s.-ani-jalons to take care of children uch fUurts. A aubjfr5 1 .1 am a t present going to tchool teachers and theL Pller and will be graduated this uP by lac:ar. First, the two (My point L tliat the proposed no longer normiew Twin Falls hlBli achool ahould teachers' colleges) provided with facilities so the lalative action it•xccpUonal" child can get an edu- college is a highiitlon there. There may be many luUon devoted-Ipples to educnle In the future. education of tea<

VIRGINIA CARLTON JecUve Jn the cu(Twin Falls) preparation of t

* * * * • * * ajleisResidenl: W atcViir

R esults F r o m Q iild Jliter, Tlmes-News: of exceptional chI have been liilere.^ted In matters be well to ttudyeducation, c.«peclal1y since I have methods are hold

ree children in school. For thli In school who o ta.-!on I am w-atching with Interc.'it Hit method see

to w hat results will maierlallie help develop eaclom th e mcetlnit.^ being held cn the flndn It and to dbject of "exccpilonnr children. »nd capability olWe know there are quite a few do thU he malntjrfcntt fn every tcfioal UiRt preaeni portunity Jaboraltlhods Of tcsthtng, as well as per- lUCHAfl,ps. the subjects themselves, do not . Tbo result Is that such students no t get very much out of tchool.

These students , must be taught fferently and given other oppor- nltlos In learnlnft acUvlty. Mahlln >Hansen of the Filer high achool

J done auch a marvelous Job In veloplng and holding the Interest

[eeping up With Joneses, Author 1 ■

Avers of Schoolsiltor. Tlmes-News;I t aeems to me that for Idaho to M ■T to aupport four state schools, en though neighboring states lh fa r larger populations do, nounts to an effort to “keep up th the Joneses" and now, espe- iliy.'w ecanlUafford'iU '

M lia. ARTHUR OR£EN _________ (King Hill)


From .

L O THES ,----------- : ------- 1A M PER S

E n te rwMU. V«m> j a W S c g ^


k : ; , r 3 . o f l rir B*ta> u i nU>*r <Mr sa t Dm

MW. *2IlwA

L O TH ES Q T --------

rlil'd ^ I I

T . O . j g b

' B• n « ~ P h o n r ^ ----- "—I V * 485 burlilaho


of the ReadC o n s o l i d a t i o n o f S c h o o l

M i s u n d e r s t o o d ^ W r idItor. Tlmes-News: known that aludiTlie consolidation of our four ma* hat* been taught

>r achools of educaUon Is aa Usue *016 training ac adiy misunderstood by mtny and of the colirge. Tl ^ g iv in g oihera .a &6m<I\ S:>Kr-'|ll l^Ult^d to ap mlty 10 liunp on tb e bandwagon <**y lor lto days nd toot his hom. ^ leKhlng, undiI m re lc trln j to the, • tilc l. w ll- n by s . Ia (Vera) Thorpe. In the “o trslnlni

Imes.Newa of J a a 73. I am afraid , WtU Uke a great deal more 10 5“f *npre« either the, public cr the “ ey flo not teac .ate legtslatur*. -Our senators, representatives and ,iu4en'ij te^ch b

gures. A subject u vital u our ^achers and their colleges must be *'®" “ ‘acked up by facts. *‘1First. Ihe two achoola Involved are 00^ 0, CoI)«m

0 longer normal schools, but aro .iw iin^lTcPllege.. ThU w ,u b , “ J™ ™ “ “

latlve acUon in 1#«7. A leachera’5l1egB Is a hlghly-apeclallted InaU- . jUon devoted exclusively to the about 800 tclucatipn of teachers. The sole ob- i.*"- .pouinerncUvB Jn the curriculum Is for the Muetuon p r ^ u c

tepT.U on 01 te .e h .r .. I t 1. „ U■ * * * * tlon of MO.OOO ant

-T 1 « n a lot of childreni a t c J m i g i o r : : — r i S C - J

C h i i d M e e t i n g s a s1 exceptional children th a t It would ‘' ' ‘" ‘ng schc ! well to ttudy his meUiodj. His ‘"iructorj. Were ■eUiods are holding m any childrenI school who otherwlM would oult. ^ gained, Hit method seems to b« mainly to olp develop each personality aa he Ur, Thorpe i ndn It and to discover tbe Intticst schools aro forcve nd capability of each student. To and new bulldlnj } this he maintains a U nd of op- to quote figures < jriunity J»bor«t<>r3'. be Impoalbie to g

niCHARD W. UOROAN port, but anyone ' _______________<Pller)______ tailed report may

Wherever You Go, Whatei

S p n n i i

T u iF O R M E N W


From renowned me in new season col lightweight fabr


*KutgSridg’-------- AND

BROADMO<E n te r t h e n e w season w ith lo o k in g a i r . . . effected b y i f ro m o u r to p -q u a lity S p r in g i r o m s h a rk s k in s , w orsteds so lid s ,.g a b a rd in es , "F ro n ten a i

___ g-abaniinfi.'!. AU iiy.reno»Tifid--. - p r ic e d ------------------------------------

R E G U L A R , S H O I


R O P E R ’S H A V E S I

T O F 0 Y O U A i

i m----------- - / r / f r r i n w B r E O r a B » S

BURLEY . BUPEEi;^ ^R O M'' . » T. M. Ita*. ■

t FALL3, TDAiro

" ...... “ ilj ^ they win fuft. y • wlU quote briefly toieader

-------- « tion since t t j t , aH

S c h o o l s I s -

d i W r i t e r S a y s H ’l S r l eown thst aludenU leach as ther replaced In Ui . . been u u g h t. ‘^«“ ’the‘^ < ia? “ ‘‘' me training acliool la th* “heart" and all coats o f ^ Uie colirge. T h e aiudent teacher owner cf » iM-ac requirea to apena one hour” ^ i l i t - p y Ior 1*0 days to leam to Uach, leKhlng, under Ui* dlrocUon of 1?^ .

luperrlwr, Uoacov tai f>oc4t«Uo **Z, ?* v« no trsinin* school. OtudenU u l h . f, how-ever. s e n t lo tiie various nsrooms for a short period, bu t “ “ ° “' cy do not teach long enough or ve ,ipeclally*traln»d supervisors. _________10 not know th e exact houra the ts CO>n*LETE ' idenls teach, b u t they a r« few. 6 a m e m -ia in s -c o « (n -o rx d m a -11 is sccredlled aa a U acher-U aln- . -lih l J d [ instltuuon by th e aUU» board of X ’ucatlon. the NorUiwest Assocla- tr.m ing lA -

ucatlon.>ur four iU t« InsUluttons pro* LET'S I:ed about 600 teachen tn 1MB and CD V IlO, Bouthem Idaho College of r l v i iuetUon produced 500 teachers, o r •« “percent. Take 800 teachers and thjr.* oi w i'iUlbute them among a popula- •nd tcuIpbim lo cp<n of MO.OOO and j-ou can sUU have “} a" ■wportua.iot of children to be educated. I ™ h‘17. ii,u ,5d iluld tay,-plve our-Uaohor-colUgs* • (ii..-t.» i.-‘il>.i.r moncy they-n eed-andTnake spe- 'J *"'* **"*Ilted teachers ou t of a ll 800, OurIverilty a t Moscow and our col* k.i.M if you . n is« atPocalelloare fine schooU.but '-M® «k training schools ahd specialited wriii*'or t . i r i i r mtncton. Were theae added. If the >-.ib, id.hs. iloolt were consolidated.-Juat w hat f j " •upmuor.uld be gained, b u t added eipense ^ i/H T ’the ilatel w rit* w call »<ilr, Thorpe sU les these two lafermatlOols aro forever asUng fo r money e u / id new buildings, but fa lla again ' ' d W Iquote figures o r facta. I t would ond CoiImpaulbJs u> give « tom plet# r» - Ph«oe l «I, but anyone wishing a more de* Phone U-B led report m ay write tho schools

rO, W hatever You Do, Here are ihe

i u i t s g

II W H O / f l l rALUE MM

e d m a k e r s B

o n c o l o r s ■

t f a b r i c s I

S r i d f f e

IN D -------- ..... ' , .

DMOORon w ith a so u n d , g o o d :ted b y a s u i t se le c te d r S p r in g s to c k . C hoose ra rs ted s in d is t in c t iv e ? ro n te n a c s” a n d B e n g a l aM iw ned-inakei3 ,_E asily________ _


® R 0M B ' PAU

_______ ■ I

d they win fuAllh » lUdW. - I U quote briefly tome details. sa C B B tL T , rtb .I 'l" sUte has approprtaUd xio ^w ey for aajof buQdini f o r J ? * ***luUiem Idaho CoUege ot EdiMa-in alnce i»3j..A lU aprM eiittlm o. e echool to In need 6f a new buUd- g. Swaoger hail w u destroyed toy ,•

red from the lost of the buUdlaS A v n A r i A H I ks replac«d In the building fu o d V J I |M * r H n i <

« Uie schM ?w m '^ed a t Albloa M XOU iOQoA i id all coats of openUon* saved. tJj* t d v e r t iw lOT, » 1

IM-acre ranch w ould j j l l ^ o u c InflUTMi you mialit WK

'Vc more per yeu to help m o rt U ac m e n t w m e t l

l - U o n U Uie keyatcn. of t h .

t o N A s m b much a« every___________ ^ m e ) m y ho u se , 1


)Ute <. Buhl, and D. N. Johnson, th a v e c o m p ie »3 Buhl, have completed baalo q u e s t io n e a UU alning In tbe navy a t Uie S a a ; e r a s e . T o acctlego naval ualnlng tUUon. j Q eed a a eX

— • m a n w h o iLET'S RAISI lO u n d com pFRYERS n o v ic e s S

n i. wUoo* .a tn l i f t w r t . u ITAJJ..;h!T.‘ of But auch anri■ nd TCUlffBiM la cp«t>l( Ihcn ll Menu tl UnneCGBft&ry.

U «ach for your »OT h.T. ubcr loo. «. h.v« com m and'tho a

If Mtj'.N l»l;t.l•d^n r»uin« but haB ftH esU !rkh " ” ■ "* “ tetlon In, this o

experienced insi JS !.' S Md » a tl8ficd dil

M (lul ts wolitl rn . •ttuiiuns all**Writ« w eall BOW giving m il P e a v e y - T i

iBfennaUoD te . tj

SWIFTond Company rh aa e

Phose 1» Twin Tina • t o z SAeahnw Phone H-B Qaeding

ere are ihe HandBome Suita fo f Yoi

_______ ; :


□IC B B tL T , nb .-S -4C m id«s a a d M n . OUfford BDtiti M t , ■idiT.te B*n.z«k».our.iaf«rad: ■I y t tc - m d . ' . . . .

¥ on t»dfv --B rxperienw IIf you foand it SMMaary td ' H Iv&rtisa fer, someone te haiH - H lIvouriM uraneaw e*--ffrw ’ M su m lsh t word your.'^ i(veN ~S 4«ment something Uke thlsy ■ (WANTED — A n e x p ^ / ■ enced man to handle n » !■ Ilnsurance: affairs. la a s- f l m uchaseverythlnglowa' H

m y house, fumlshlnga,] M car, personal possesalona ^ and even my uvlags H

i h a ^ com plete and uo*| B quutioned insuranee eov«' 9 erage. To acctunplisb thia> n i need an experienced m an who rep resen ts aound com panies. HO NOV ICES NEED AP­PLY.But auch anrftdvftftisement

I unnecGBftory. You need but sach for your telephone to immand-the services of an laUt )fii?6 TlHlTr.TBh«::e«irw»:- nly m eet these requlrtm«Dts ut has an eatablUfaed repu* ition in this communi^ for tpcrlenced insurance servie* nd satiaficd clients.

' e a v e y - T a b e v ' C o . .ol B . Taber • T h e m i O. T M n j '

Fanl B. T a^..Jr. nnnmuM U Ovr -BnrtMiir : .

Fhaite Ml ' S«e SAeahcow Street C u t .

dta fo t You

____ ____________

“ T j

— 1-

-'‘ 4 m h 8 H' M m / .

Page 10: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

— T : S g r o f i ^ P

vommiitM Biembtn for Uit faiblos « M d ilr le abcnr to b« held loes. 8IIUE

e o^U irm an . SUadlor. le ft te ritblphots<en<raTlaf)

C h i l d r e n ' s T a l e s

O f P i o n e e r D a y s

R e l a t e d t o D U P •PlonMr day etorlea »ult«blo to tcU J

------- •IiJltlreii »CV<j iBuiuicd on m e pro- 'gnicn given by Mra. Elizabeth Blr- reU i t ihe meetlng of the Lo-Em- ' Bo Call cnmp. Dtushtcra ot Utah I Plonetrs.

Urt. B lrrell stfcued Uiat ths TouUi "should loHow In p rin t the ‘ hardihlpa o f tho pioneer fomlllM,” ' ehe recounted some of the stories of the early clay MttlcxnenLa « t Oikk* le r. Almo n n d Elh». '

Utl E m m a Luks c o n d u c ts the bu»lne« session and Mrs. Loulae Jolina led th s devotions. The mect> Ing iru ho ld a t the homo ot Mrs, . Eva Adsmson. wlij served refresh- ; menu.

Tlie next rneeUnd will b« held on Feb. 15. I

* ¥ *

S p a g h e t t i D i n n e r 'nUPZnT. FW). 3—Mr. and Mrs.

CHck £nnl4 entertained a t an Italian apoiheW d in n e r lost week. Out-of- toypi piests w ere Mr. and Mrs. W, T. r Xnnli: Mr. w id Mrs. W. N. Head and ■on, Derrls. aU Bellevue: Mr. and M n . Olrdfl a re « n , Twin Falls, and , H r . and M rs. Pred EnnU nnd chlU Z dren, G ary and Karen, a ll Mini. .

• ^ ____________________________ c

■ M a r i a n M a r t i n

P a t t e r n ;

TWO IN ONE PATTEEN ' rThis dress has two sUris lo choose c

froail M odeled tla rt. nice for dsia- i ' times vben danclrxs's on the pro- 1

------ »i»in.-C>r»ltffl. iU m 'Uusth.' for tha *newest look in classics. • »

PsUera M M In sizes » , u . le. is. 30; 40. s u e IQ. with .{lared skirt, 3H T srds SM nch fabric. 1

, , I b i i e*ay*io-u4e psitem iiv*i • pczfw t fit. Complete, Illustrated sew *• t t u n Ihow* you evco- step. ®

aend th ir ty centa In colas for spe- ? «<Bl pattern to liCarlaa M artin, care i

__ftf T lnw «»iw ». P a t t t ia O apw P . a I-■■Bm StiO, caxloaco 60, m Print °

' p tatoljf rM ir wuoM. addrecs. Bone.' «taw u d c ty la oum bv.

B u n JOU «MU . . . Tha new sU- Jw uette? Olie m v tp O a t m t a r E2}- r

“ •em W e*M »m -T w «rw r> i«B it-t3niar c o u r -ne* IC K rlu U w tla • p s ttem », book, m d kU. toMstiful bK pnag v » n tro te . 8 e D d ' ^ . t * a t 7 h M & ti for y o u r oopy todayl A tree b p * tte m of a n e v n r la * ^ Is >. p iln tw t 1# t to - b o o k . ^ ; n

. t

- 'w T B TBN___________

o f i ^ P l a n s f o r F a s h i o i i L a

or Uia fashion lootbeoa tpoiue red by Alpha PI O ner d aoes. SltUoc en Ihe lett U LaV ons Qalfley Mid en ( , le ft te rltbt, ar« Mts. C lurlea MUls,co.ebaUrasD, i

Calendar IA D a y s I------------------- — ---------------------J

p > l i n s u r eoclsl club wUl meet at 3 p.m. L / 'V j r Wetlnesdsy ot the hom e q{ Mra. M.

Lable to tell 2- Shotwell. 203 Duchitnan street. ^ in m e pro- ' ^ 9 ^ ^labeth Blr- Wojilda club wll) m eet st a p.m. ,.n he Lo-Em- Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. Mil- „/ rs ot Utah (on Balltrd. 24

/ . ¥ ¥ M Uint the Country Woman's club will m eet „]„ Print the P™- Wedneaday o t Uie hom e .

r fSSmM," « 1* V. Nicholson. the stories ¥ * * . ,nlaatO ftk- FILER—Mnry Ftno SewinB club

win meet Wednesday wlUi Mrs. Wea- '' ducted th . ^

A potluck dinner V m be served »'i: r ^ ot M n y P®' WedncKSay by tl« HlRh- elm


be held on cEDAfl DRAW—A i>oiluck dinner clui ond card party will be held nl 7 p.m. Urii Wedne.«lBy st the school house by Mo

inner wnnd Kfr» tWMWof the ImmnnuelLuthcriui ,on

I an i in Z n ^ PJ"- 'nic.stlay er, o iT n f Atlo Jo lm - goii

M r7 w T violet H n rr snd Mra. i r. H ^id ilnd pub

eHOSHONE - Shwhon* mu.-de ?Vi « 'll tneet a t a Moi\- vji^

‘ "n ‘’vS^‘ * I* ' a u d l t o W Mr.v , a ll Mini. B, c. Hahn, president. wlU be In _________ chsrje.

r t j n SKOSHONE-Eaatern Stsr chnp- ‘ ‘ ‘ ler will meet a t 7:30 p jn , Tuesday

Bt the Mtijonlc lem ple wllh M rs. ~ Pred Oehrti, worthy mstron. In ,f

■ H B Chsrte.It

Vida Post M lulonary clrcH o t the K rit Bspttat church will meet In ‘ ‘

2 ^ / / ¥ the churth parlors a t 8 pjn. T ues- , ** V l / < l * y - Hosteuea will b e Mra. H. H. ^' i / / / A Burkhart and Mrs. V iolet Herrick. ^J///M •

BOHI/-WaDjen‘s Civic clut> will oieet at 3 pjn. Tuesday a t tha home or Mrs. Jofflu H. Shields, Jr, T here ,

f l H I M will be a special pr\3gmm and mem> SM C Q W ben are a tten d .

¥ * *M | | H SHOSHONE-WSCS of (he M eth . | | i S ^ H odut chuKh will m e e t a t I p j s .

Wednesday a t tha h o n u of Mr*. U B j H ' OllbeH Wilson with M r i ' D. W.

Wllsob u co-hostess. M n. W.Austin, pre^dent, will bo In charge of tha tneeUnf.

- V « w The tlrat ward Relief society v lslt-

bi( \« u h m -MH m eet a t 1:16 p jn . Tuesday. Teachers topic will be glv- en by Mn. Ulllan Davidson. T he

K iJifly ■ theology lesson will convene a t 2■ pan. with .MrK. JuotU ta HuU in■ charge ol the le.uons.

B a l I I ¥ H.I SHOSHONE-lds Relief society m 3:30 p.m. Tuesday , a tm the lOOP hall wllh Mrs. A rthur

P*<s*deiu. In chars*. M rs.\ | - Harrell Thome will rIvb the theol-

ogy Iftsjon which will b« foUowed t- '.'fK \ ' by testimony service.; 0 \ * *

1 ’!%• Business and Professional \ VJomen's tlu i wiU m eet a t 6:30 p.m .

- r : • ■ Monday al the B ip tlst ehureh fo r - - —^ > 4 - '• »-dmner •msoilnRlM rsr Ellrabfith-

Smith, dialrman of tlie health a ad ^ safety commUief, has orranjed thor program.

r t f * , Oroce Psul Hcnilricka Mlsslocfcry. circle of the Christian church will

n s N meet st 3 Monday a t the home ■J lo choose of Mrs, J. p. Pcrchal instead of e for data- with Mrs. J. D. Olbbons u prevloua- a the pro- ly announced. Member* w* aaked th.- for tha to-trlnj-clotwng-for th e misaioo'i' "

• a ij box.I, H, le. 18, * * ♦d skirt, 3H Members ol tlie Prim rose Rebekah

lodje will meet at a banquet hoaor- tem givei ‘‘‘t Bessie Baker, itate aa- strated sew president, st 6:30 pjn. Tue«-,ep. d»y »t the Bsutisi church. Lodgelas for spe- ^ held a t B pjn . a t th eU rtln care All officers and m em -5epw P . a -

n t i . tone, jl . * * * -A n n i v e r s a r y F e t eHAQS31MAN, Feb. 3 - Carolyn

® «j'?f'--P»^''£_M ooro_and.False.. ~ Chlpinan. shose birthday snalver-

37. 28 Mid » . were . B w m n il honored a t a birthday party at th e

( l i s t - l l )• PoUowing A oitemoon of ism esMfmiUDenU Ktra served. j | ^

l i o n t a n e h e o n — ---------------- I


L - 4 »


Upha PI O nefa dUenss pUns for ibe lanebeon 6( tilfley KBd en (he r ifh t Is Mrs. La Vera Kniejter. a co-ebUrasD, and Mrs. DeWayne Moore. (Staff oi

tl-■ * * * * a

r A l p h a P i O m e g a 5!

J S o r o r i t y S l a t e s «

S t y l e L u n c h e o n »'" ■ '5; — ~ —~ rh< ^flm l flfTle Bt]UR Luuuunccd

for the 1051 season In Tain Falls « If P^IT' spon.wrcd by Delta d iop te rMrs. MU- or Alpha Pl Omega sorority on Feb.

21 lit tho Turf club. In ofldltlon lo . . dl.splnyed. music will be w

»ui meev pinyed nnd a prosmm Rhen. mthe hom e modellni; tho O;

clothe.^ wlU be announced laler. All h . n m olub T” '" SMrs Wea- *' ■

Mrs. Chnrlcs MllU, who has di- Cl reeled fiuhlun .shows in Pocntcllo,

be served "'H be chalrmnn of the event. Co- r.i U« HlRh- cUcilrtnaii In Mts, LaVcin Knics'T , H erman ^>'o ubo ha.s hnd experience In Cl

pre.senting fnxlilon shows.O ther committce members In- P

jck dinner dude LftVorn QulRlcy mid Mr.;, Jolm 1 nl 7 p.m. Urnnclt. t lrk n s.-iles; Mrs. DeWnyiic, house by Moore, chalrmnn. Mr.i, Rlclinrd

Degenhardt, Mr.s. LewLi We.«i3rook, Mrs. Oene Rousey nnd Mrs, Atlill- H'

1 Luthcriui ,on Parker, dccorntlons; Mrs. Knies- W 1. nie-stiny er. chalrmnn, nnd Mrs. Ed Cliirk- nn itlo Jo lm - Bon. proRrnni. cr.snd Mrs. Mrs. Mills will hnve chanie of 27 slesses. publicity and lighting. thi

Re.ien-atlons for the luncheon j n« niay be obtained from the Cnmcs on ini. U oi\- Muiic aiora or ony .-iororlty member, mt •lum. Mr.i. I/. ^ p .nu be in pv I , / - . .

B a l l G i v e n c ilar «.s«n PAUL, Feb. 3—Paul LDS wnrd of

*■"*»tron*^hi The hall was decoroled fn rctl nnd A /

white nnd a large marshmallow was jflanked with a snowtnnn and ever- j , i

cH of th e ^ complete the Uieme ot tht meet In ‘ "Mnrshmnllow World." The event wo

jn. T ues- *** direction of Mrs. ste rs H H Johnson and Averlll Oreen. me. d e rr ic k , i " _ — -------

Club will .tha hom e ^

There Mi m em .

Jie Meth*

u D. w . "

In charge

lety v isit- 1:16 p jn .111 be glv- l * P l l a n H l i f l H I>on. T h e HIene a t 2 V U .H I IHuU in

societylesday j g B r I. A rthur t«. M rs. he theol- foUowed

jfesslosal v w r w iu i T ^ ^ ^ ® ^ ^ V6:30 p .m . y - tf l, I t iK / _lureh fo r :_.V :O R.A U yi£Y ClU C *kj.:; > ..Ellrabfith C \ •!«;alth a a d > ' / ‘■ininged tb o \ l. S«« •r.d (eyi.litU > a «

> builool ^\ I. M«k« ilxl«hi butianMM > ^

Ilsilonarr € *■ Xu r c h ^ ?the hom e \ »• 0«« •nd >"»e »Jlead of y ». Oe Cprevious- V '• 0« j's-m* M '• «Ll« a sked ^ fc De e»*r«dg* \ **•

•• \ ». Oo --------- ^ -------

Rebekah X '>■ ‘ pp"*-* * * * * * / ^ s th o a o r- f S OelUU a s - > <«■ Tuea-

i . a ^ SERVICE A N O PA R TS.d m em - O F SE W IN & M

- - Remember O tir“If Wc Can't Service I t .

P g ^ g W E ARE OPfiN EVERY n

Carolyn d . F a l s e . __

29. were

;k Chip-


--------------- l h s t d l l a t i o n : R i f ' e , ~ ' V

S o c i a l M e e t H e l d ^

B y Y - T e e n U n i t s f e' A cookie tale, Installstlon o f of- ^ fleen and a mother-dsutliter d in- «

XYVUA x-'ietns'g '^pslorllie w m Il j B a The seventh snd eighth grade Y*

■ ■ S | ^ Teens were hostessei to th e ir ■ mothers s t a potluck dinner W ed- | H ne.tdsy. Following a model club .*S

H H h 9 openlns service. Louise VandeotuLck i ^ K S H presented a cliilK Ulk on -Uoth'e :' 1 ■ m B - 4>uyft-«-haU ^r».-R .-O r4lpC«t^k ^

rtcted Uie cnndletight InitalUUoa ceremony for Die officers elected H la st week. ■

^ ■ S n Helen Moore had chsne of the H devotional! and LoretU neqiM dl- H reeled the program. Solos were sung

\M jm S M by Arlene Richardson snd Doris ■ Camtty snd Miss Requs and Judy H Bailey played a pUno duet. W tlm a H

' W right played a piano solo. HServing on the committee for d in - H

* M ? i - ner arrnntemmls-gcre-tUa.Rcquit. .^ B — Mi ss nichard.son and Miss Bailey. f ■ ■ m The clean-up committee Included

Della Robinson. Kny Augcnbnuer and Maurlne Ca tnlr!l.

The ninth grade Y-Ttens he ld a cookie sale Saturday. Olllcera were Installed and Bhrrrin Perrins, now f~ president, took cli>rge of the m e e t- V- ing.

H H B * * *

| H B C a s t l e f o r d C l u b Lnml

W o m e n E n t e r t a i n ; *

| H f 3 ^ ^ f i - ) i r T n e r “ P a T t yMembers of the CasUeford Every- the t

woman’s club enterialned a t a Sweetheart dinner. Husbands of 7-},members, tcqchers and guests w ere the

■ ■ ■ H I InvUed. F„, Mrs. F ;td Rlnseit, loutmlsUcss, q

m S B B Introduced Mrs. Charles Lathiun. [,oo„ ■ S B w H club president, who welcomed theH ^ B j ^ Ruesls. Mr. and Mn. Ouy Putmnn, i^ftcr

who have been married lhe longest. c„]tj.lanebeon 80 years, and Mr. and Mrs. BIU gfier

I Kraeger. Shorthouse, who have betn m arried ^ri>re. (Staff one yenr. were honored by gltu from marr.

the club. • Foi^ An orransemcnt of rcdsstln loop.i, )

flanked by tall tapers and massed the 1-carnation nowRnys were used on tlic x^'

- y U dinner table, and IndlvWual nose- of tl

□ r e s tables. bride;, Following dinner, Mrs. RlnRcrt t Iic

l i n e o n P'cse^ted the ptostam. Musical .choc

•'• RlPPHnscr, Duhl. T he nt th

? s » s “ ; v f r ; £ f i S £ ™ v : r i c S

; ; S „ r S = ' L „ " T 5 ™ S 1 3 -sic wm DC f,jr. nnd Mrs. Jim Wnllnee, Mr. nnd '

Mra. Luelnn Shields, Mr. and Mr.s. lellni; tho Orville Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. Sorcn later. All Hc5.sclh0lt. VI Wnrren. Fred nU iscrt, Mrs

'rom Twin Vcrlln Wililam.son. Mr, and M rs. mtmb Fmnk Sample and Mr. and M rs. hts.s

,0 has di- Chri.-.s lles'clhoU. WIlUcPocntcllo, The cnmmittec In charge of tir- Mrs,

vent Co- r.iiincmcnt? liichidcd .Mrs, ninKcrt, mcmb n Knics'T Mrs. Charle.'iShottlwu^e. Mts. Oliver RoU crlence In Clnjton nnd .Mrs. P.irley Harmon. quotat

D e l e g a t e s G o S

° S S T o W i n t e r M e e t .M I .We.«l3rook, Mrs. Wayne Scroggins snd M rs.■Irs, Addl- Rclnn DeVrlts were inllUled In to . ^ rs. KniCK- Women of tlic Moose lodfe nt th e .v ,Ed Cliirk- annual mldwlnle; conference of th e „

Rroup In Pocnlello. A dettgatlon ofchanie of 27 women from T«,ln Falli attended mj, i

the conference,luncheon An honor degree wns conferred •*.

le Cnmes on Mrs. Nellie Oorby, Pnlrlleld. A 1 g ).• member, model rltunl was presented by T w in j j , .

Falls, the honor chapter. Assisted oamb_ by the Pocatello lodge, Mrs. B ill ty thI ' Chnppman hsd fliorge of the w ork the KDS wnrd of the Twin PalL group. enve i held last . * * *

n r a i . n d M c K c e s G i v B P o r t y | T ^inllow was k INO HILL. Feb. 3-Mr, nnd Mr.' . and ever- j , h . McKcegnve n pinochle pnrty a t Uieme ot the ir home this week, Prlies w ere J

rhe event won by Floyd McKee, Mra. Leo of Mrs. Stephens and Tom NlchoU. Refre.ih-

.11 Oreen. ments were served by the hostess.

on the

P ^ ^ D L E R , (S e iu tf ig Machine ,

jjj . “ S ~ “ !'.V#i‘H'S»diiia>>i*d*ii**»444— — j

£ lulrlcstt snd liiMy

, V And, I . . f*t to ,

£ tk*'* la lild»r ailV Sma4 l«4»..ln

, * S I* Md M «••• |M I

* S 'TUw All. Viour stuiftSUfi 1 ‘V be a JoH on the ADLER. I .< C COMEINANOSEEITI

•40 PA R TS O N ALL MAKES ] ’ SEWlNGi M A CH IN E S jlem ber O tir S I o ^ —--------------------------- IService I t . . We Won’t sen I f ;i EVERY F R IP A Y T IL 9 P .M . I


I "


i f e , ~ ' V o ^ s ^ x c t i d r i p a ^ C

H e l d I-

J n i t son o f of- Fhter d in- ‘ n:lfs o f the ^

grade Y .to th e ir " hner W ed- 1 Uar>dei club ■■■■ , preindeotMLckI ■'M’oUi'e:' iT -. . . askip C « t^ kutalUUoD ^ al-c-a elected cak

le of the « cakteqiM dl- r Mewere sung , , l t r Shnd Dorisand Judy ‘;t. W tlm a '

e for d in - wasm . rcqua. «sa- - N» BaUey. M BS. OMAB D. ELDREDOB uud

Included (SU ff ea*ni»l»«> > will;genbnuer « Ing,

" “ S , ; M i s s C h a p i n a n d

r i . S : C a r e y M a n W e d

A t T . F . S e r v i c eI I In th e presence of members of the „lU D fnmlly nnd close frlend.s. Pauline jJ?

Ruth Clinpiii ond Omar Dean Eld- . . t a i n «^»chnnBcd wedding vows a t j_iui_____ tlie-Im mBnuel-Lutheran-churth-on - “J /T p f - v / '3m.~20'.' The ‘EfTJe la lhe dnuBhtef

‘ 7 of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Chapin nnd rd Every- the brldCRroom Is the son of Mr, nnd * ” ■d a t n jif ,. Forest Eldredge. Carey, wJ*'bands of 7 j,e marriage service was read by Ads ests w ere the Rev. R. c . Muhly.

For h e r wedding, the bride chosc M imlstrcss, aq vn tnffctn street length nfter- Ball Lathivm. noon dress. Her mntron ot honor, thel

>med the Mrs. E lden Klmbnll, wore a blnck wen putm nn, »iiemtx3n gown. Elaine Obdendorf. Tl

9 longest, cnldwell. bridemald, wore an aqua nt 1 Mrs. BIU nfternoon drerj. Fou;I m arried Arnold Stocking, Carey, was best ;lt« from marr. C f

Following the ■wedding, a rccepUon ■jT tin loop.s, HM he ld for the wcddWff guests at ' , 1 massed the hom e of the bride's parents. /rd on tlic x^e newly weds cut the first piece ni lal nose- of th e three-tiered wedding cake, “

qua rte t topped with a mlnloture bride nnd bridcfrroom.

RlnRcrt The bride tittended Twin Pnlls JJx,, i'ca l ^ schools. I ^ e brtdt|groo[n attended '

ihl. T he fit the nlomle energy plant In Arco. rending, The Eldredges will Uve in Carey, '

hlstorlcnl # ;*t "Onc

1 3 - 2 0 C l u b H e r e £

f S P i c k s M e m b e r s SRlnsert, Mra. H oughton Kite was hostess to JudC nd M rs. members of the 13-20 club nt a busl- Enct nd M rs. htss mectlnK Frldny. Mrs. John her

Wllltcrson, Mrs. Harold StUes and the . • of tir- Mrs, W ilbur Mntthcws are new A RlnKort, mcmber.i of the club. Boys. Oliver RoU c a ll was answered by patriotic P\int rmoii. quotatlon.s nnd a social was planned omt<

Jor Feb. 24. Those namtrd to have In cr clii.rgc o t the party arrnngcments ttere Mr.s. Ed Brown. Mrs. Art Dcj-, n

. Mrs. L eonard Burat and Mrs, Leon- DA e e t iri-.h. pi„nrl MTS Prizes for games went to Mrs. discu IH Thomas, Mrs. Irish and Mrs. mcCi

nt L-^Rlchatdson. Mrs. Burat won “ i S

° i The n e x t meetlns wiu be held with meel attended Mrs. L ee Luclch on March 2.

iieiT '^A T e a c h e r H o n o r e d mk i n o h i l l . Feb. 3 -M rs. WlUard Mre.

. ^ 1 1 honored by n party given weekI sraders of freshhe woric the K in g Hill school. The children issls

gnve a wedding gift to her. Grab

a r t y i

le^we™ J \ - superb pcrlormer aitra. Leonefre.-ih- y

^ i f i lhe / f

_— I - - B a l d w i n ^ - f a m o u s

the Acrosonic is i t s tone of thrilling beauty a

*• s iv e action.

"• DfcorattVflyy-the crisp, dcIi'•• in g music desk 'and choice v** A cro so n ic design will imm'

; - -th o se who ll^’e ■the 'aimplicitj I d itio n a l furnishings.

I . C o n u in soon to select your i ^CTOsontcs a rr fiilighl/uJly sli

- 1 m o u s *^full-blow" action and I sctUe.

___ . j ---- -------------lyriu cr taHJof J


I C laude BI IIU SIC u d FUR]I Q JJn in ATcnue E aat i


C i r c l e P l a n s f o r ^ _ _

H a r d T i r n e P a r t y ^

A t R e g u l a r M e e t f - '1 ^ ^ pjM,, for a E a rd time party and ‘ — J

an old fashioned cakewalk were ■mnde br members of the Supreme

T ^ u ^ ir night a t the Moose hall.. Mrs WUlard Shuler and Mrs. Wll-

^ P . - : Uam Edwards were appointed to » ' • Drenire a stew which will be served W ■ ■ at 7 Pin. Metobers and guests were | r asked to wear (iprow and overalls

‘ aiv3 f i f d to bring cakes for the ^. • . cake»'fllk, ^

i 3 ToUo«lns lhe busltiets meeUna, a a, cake was cut honoring Mrs. Ralph ?

\ Modlln, Mrs, 'V ictor P ra tt, Mrs. {. Vrj.’ Bhuler, Mrs. Le.ster Scalp and Mr*.

'• Mary Bolton birthday onnl- t • ver»arlts occur- In tha first quarter I ot the jeir. •■ I ‘ A surprise p l i^ and blue shower

was held for Mrs. Scalp. • • Jfi?B . . ..'.aa-----Mrs -Wayn^-WllUams-wofl-hoetesa,CDOB assisted by Mrs. Modlln, Mrs. Pratt ) > will be hostess fo r the March meet- f ^ r Ing, She will be osauted by M rs. Ray

, ReynoWi. .

n d ’ * X s S/^ ^ e d V a l e n t i n e P a r t y

r v i c e P l a n n e d b y D U P ” 'I f . h . Pl”''* 'Of “ ' ip^i.t n! rePoHtd by committees a t th e Frl

• ' day meeting of th e DUP Camp Em t *)tan Eld- mating n t the home of Mr '»• »-

vows a t Liiii|m_^Wd^iu______ ;__________dH ^sfiS ■' projmm-lneludrt-a p raye rby

lapln and Mrs. Jane O ardner; group singing; r Mr nnd a review of the journal und d iary of ... WllUnm Mar.-;dcn by Mrs. Williams r fa d b>> Adaroson, and proyer by Mrs. Ine?

R Hide chosc Mr:. Davidson and Mrs. Mncil wm B ;th alter- Bailey iccelved books In honor ot of honor, (heir birthdays nnd refreshments a i M ' a blnck w-ert served by th e hostess, SbB Ibdendorf. The Feb. 14 pa rty wUl be held B W an aqua at the home of Mrs. Adamson, 220 j ^ B

Fourth avenue e ast. H Bwas best . * * *

rtctpuon S t a r r h W a r d H a s H

?“ • ' A n n u a l M I A B a l l ■irst piece burley, Feb. 3 -^ la rrh5 Feny

tho church, he ld Itsiriae nna,. „ ,, nesday night a t tho Starrh church. r7

TJie *>"11 «'“3 decornted w ith tool-wM e-*U eamer»-of-treen-andTold--------T

In Arrn paper. A lirse banner with letter- (Du•'nr/.v Ing In gold on n background of green -------

honored tho MIA nnd Oleoncrs. . , Taking part In a ceremony during M g ,

r p the dance were Lorraine Durfee, _Haicl Thurston. Ila Hesj, Dorl.s V Manning, VlrgU Waters, L aura Leo "

U C l i Holyoak, Bertha Priest and Q arna SHC lostcss to Judd with May Hanks as reader, eraoor t a bust- Ench mother pinned a rod rose on soclct) •s. John her daughter's formal ns port of Arthui Ues and the cercmony. the fre new A square dance was presented hy Stowcl

Boy SCOUU and Bcc Hive glrLi. Frencl patriotic P m th WM served from a tsiWe d « - s-inipU planned orated with preen and gold cnndles Mrs. to have In crystal holders. in cligcments » * » mcctlr

“ i S : B a z a a r P l a n n e d t ' i f .Plans for a M arch 24 baianr were A. Bni

to Mrs. discussed by members of the Dan md Mra. McCook drclo No. 3 Bt the Legion ra t won hnU. The white elephant wos rc^•hardson ceived by Mrs. Ida Sweet. Mrs. Viva _ Vr f

Lawson presided n t tlie builncw eld with meeting. Mrs, M artha SmlUi served

refreahraenta.¥ « V

. . - - J DANCING P A R rr _____)rea k in o h i l l , Feb. 3 -M r. and 1------WlUard Mre. Bob Ornhnm entertained last

•ty given week at n jqunro dancing party. Re­nders of freshmenls were served by the hosts children isslsted by Mr. nnd .Mrs, Jack


•former and a real beauty I


fa m o u s s^ itte trp ja n iy : -z~-.crosonic is an in sp ira tion , w ith g b ea u ty and smooch, rcspon-

crisp , dcIicate lifies, In terest- mid choice veneers o f th is new ^1 w ill im m ed ia te ly a p p e a l t o __e ■ a im plic ityand 'g race 'o f tra-~•s. . . .

select your favorite design. All ■ igktfuJly styled, all have the fa. action and faUnted Acrmnic- iU«rtanf«fftLUr.------------------


>E Brown; an d FURNITURE | j . j



0 __f o r - B r i d e - : ----------- V e i

3rtyv A e e t f -•< ' '- fjg tm m I 'a rty and ak were Supreme ; ' . .

se hall, tMrs.W ll- f s i i s

je served l a w ' • •• . r ‘ . 3 l ® FE s t s w e r e ^ - r , ......*• V| Vowoveralls | w - - •’ - - r r - " - J ' t a whi

for the ^ .-.r,-. - ,

eeU nit.a S • .

and M ^ ^ay coun

fl^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ H | j j |R j | j ^ H f^gcr

:h meet- t- MatMrs. Ray ^ ' 1 fTv ' 1 Smltli

D U P ^ ■ S irty were ' i k ' I* ' 5’elth e Frl- ?•. ' ; - i . \ ■ 1 Cnnimp Em- k-si'S .jf . J ! J t! of Mr ’*■ »-5 .... j « . . . - - f Swiss________ f * . j W ' ___ .caodl«iraye rby 6chmisinging; I f < both :d iary of - J f 1 " I FrniWllUam ^ j 1 / best n

irs. Inez . M 'M ' ^

s. Mncil i f - ' - ' / Alonor ot V.. , J 8,</ ) nnd .0a hm cn tj ^ | H | ^ j ■< Jane^

be held W I J Forison, 220 W jB g m m ^ ^ M

B o l l In Uk15 Ferry room.^

"'church. -th tool- .>•> helpedind-KOld- -------MIWrCONALD-NEtaON------ 'h letter- (Dudley pbolo—etaff engraTlng) Schmt Of green -----------^------------------------------------ e h a^ ‘

S s N e e d l e W o r k I s " i

S h o w n t o G r o u p . c 3 . '1 a a rn n SHOSHONE. F e b .'^ A social a ft- Suslne

reader, emoon was held by the LDS Relief Ployed rose on soclcty a t this week's meeting. Mrs. fl>’e y port of Arthur Holl gave the lesson on

the fnmlly hour. Mrs. Francis merch ■nted hy StowcU demonstrated how to do ■e BlrLi. French needle work ond sliowed We d « - s-iniplci of h tr woTk. cnndles Mrs. Arthur HaU, president, wos

In chnrge of the short business , r . meeting. Refreshments were serv- j.

J cd a t the close of the afternoon by l e u Mrs. W. L. O pcn^aw and Mrs, R. mr were A. Baumonn. Pnriiifhe Dan * * *


Relief .society quilicd rcecntly a t tho Mrs.

tr. and r '" - ' ' ^ v Sled last Mrty. Re- ■ ■le hosts . T _ V l i V M J

' I

Mi T


I o

. ■ w « f it for complinenH riiii ip r

____ . . .b s c a u is iK»_P«-rf«??ly tailof?^C ri^ e te« r. A ifn'ktng four-pecUf collar. end.flaH ering nipped-In

belted, W« hav# it in t#v#ral lu | " ■ ' “ ^ --^^yow rchooilngiw cl w n T ln jr^ s im

¥«e M A\^IFA


— V e r a L o n c S

B■ p

■' I ?MTlage Jan. }»'

B B E The b J l^ e 'i s ' t i^ '^ ’ '

B •< Nelson Poeatello, *» <^ V| Vow were exchu^ ^

^ ' “"t. S SL 'i — "

W m B l chose a White mil, .l!/ “ "’•A bceber,^

loned between th« ^ ^ 9 3 fitted lonr >R n

f l ' lI | I <""!• UII.U, r a J S

; t , M*«Kuruworeanickt^• and Miss Sa-Joar . i :

orgnndy, Each glrl'eini^■ , "1 K ite . a . n S . ™ “ ‘

f: ■ I Cnrollne Molyneaui „. f • j srecn and white freet, r - * Swiss voile, wu . j „ , _ .c and l« -* frr-n iif ;S ^ *

6chmerier-ana “ C IS 'S , both Flier, ^ ^, - I Fmnk Helnrifh,; / best man. Urhers t j m song nnd BlJIy UrU.I . f l Sololiis were Cliir j*I f l eompinlcd by Mr,, c i / J B Rni , Janet Boone lowa / ’/ B Drake. M r j . ^' / H i played the wedding madt . y H For her ..on's weddiT#£ son wore an aqua cit»(

Mrs. Lancaster c b c ^ f crepe dress. Euh hid t e red rosebuds and whlu a

Following the c « a L ^/■JBS^M tion for 13S wedding tusii

In Uie Adventist , room. Miss Boone aad Ua

' ‘Charge ol tha tcoiMrs. Prnnk Mslneui

Charle.i O’Dell and Ua | helped with the recsp'in'

,aO »----- ' flonrr-H iW u-SJH E ^^rravln*) Schmcrler and Mlu Dru«-------------- charge of the gift ma.

For traveling, the an B I c son choso a grsy tu ltia:' ccs.sorlc5,

ir^ The bride alUndtd tbm I I U U U acadegiy, Caldwell W tlsocial a ft- Buslness'collese. Shebai DS Relief ployed a t Doucleinen fa Ung. Mrs. five years,:esson on ^lie brldegrooaj tend

Francis merchant marine diulqH iw to do1 allowed ^he Nelsons wQl Un & |

where he Is cmployeil^tt Fruit express.

Iri” »-™M ™ J i . s r r s . L ' sn Mrs, R. ^ ijjjpy 21 .

PocatcUo.* * *

E CANASTA PLAT3 — LDS CASTLEFORD, Feb. tly a t tho Mrs. Jack KlU entertj :, canasta party this wed.

g y H ^ y J r M m

j I

j v j |


ipliffienH.riiii ipring-*-®'' perfectly tailored foLr®"-*^.-^

iking f o u r . p e c l » f » t y l » ' itering mpped-in w eirf,.J « ^ e it in teveral lwdot» f«e«*

id w ijT ing '^M iw w .---------^ 5 ^ ^



Page 11: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

^ , _ F E $ B U A B Y U r o i _ _ ^

i r r i e s P ^ e i h r g « |

, - p a u l S e r v i c e

^ o‘ P S S w P I

» » 5 ^ « r e miTTled oa J 3 p ? j B Mof lhe brtie-

^^k'‘ ^ .u s n u l

^ PfeKer

P*’"of carnaUoni. * i

Annour« B r w “A - » ”‘ M a d e 1J. wet-ilered rrcddlnj wkeSianil fflinner. nounce th e cm s’j sptni » few ‘>»r* '“ daughter, P»U ? '^lurnm E“ » “ ®ff‘*''':.! W,- U c n n a n rn

Q'over.------------J ju«w »‘ ’‘Jfi,? - Mrs. ‘» C. M.( Tvvin F a lls Wg:E S r r S * , - - - -iW- ^ ^ i »nd Concordl

i r f e r M e m b s r s no definite d■'“ ' ' I J ^ the wedding.J e r o m e L o d g e .

j n o r e d b y T e a E a s t e r F

P l a n s /

B y J e^ ta Uie church bi«n.wL j e r o m e . Tt fS n i ierved »t lo"JflW ing up to S u t,Wch m e covered with shlle members of jic isd eich centered Tlui i u ^ „ w o ihen ’* I UnhiUy wlte and U|hted Thursday i______________ -r -T -rz , A C S K lrlC b ^ tta Btaibers present IncJufled E u te r progrun T»t Sober. Wendell: Mr*. Ing du rin g Feta

Twin raUi; Ur., ^ h e m eelln j , rechcsr, Wwdcll. to i. voUoials by Mi

s « c a ~versA Membera

jttiprojramchfirter tMm. andU ioaaw holi^ iheh iito ryofth jleuus. p;ttjt ll w»3 organlMdl^v.8, ,4,*. NcUle Jen!I the home of Mrs. ceived from heiIjsp. Pictures of the Uy* c h r li tla n home iMtcnifrJlone of the church,«cccIlnn»ilon d 8S5 imd the . 'JT± a „ . a . B«.. F trtiltl ‘U=J, were ehov,Ti, Tho tint ,

(parln* on the prcyiun ^ ^ e ld ret* Vin Ormin, »ho pkjed e,.«eH waoselccsions. ShortMlec- S^tohiisb8pd.weremdL Lc-ile Meltiner and Mrj. w onui w m oei) tirtlEt- Mrs, John Kulm, Jr.. For th o pndarjt of the program. NIchoU presente«s fer the afternoon were ®“« ‘on o n “WJ i t CKoratlng, program and« ttiojitee. of the leopie. A Bible quU ot

• « « lw» ol th e Acu

W Club Adds ew Study UnitsIZ m . Fei:. 3—Unlti ol the ona will be In

ctiilnally organlirt In ments U td ro i;«. iite been formed in Fiir- *al fi.“;aihone, Mn. Qeorge P. T r “ V^l,J«i!. president of the new I . i . ^-»l'

T u e s dfM et Lhe clubs U to iluiy Mrs. Jo h n E ■ Pfo-.taij. Leittrs from the fea tured »pe»k “-J^ r tis lo n a l delfgatloD, luncheon of th ,I>«n^k, J. T. Wood, Hun. club w h ich wU <• iM Herman Wellter, con- T ^ » d a y * t th< IW ffigem ent afld pcomljft u ra . H * y u 1 WKon. «er« read to the r « o f Japan . y e a s , 8h« reGwje Ljney dlscuisftl re- Wa&hliiKton. D J? ct liis League of Women on occupied co w k 10 the MO.M eftort*. . Mrs.- .ilu tie:

■"'> • to ™ ' o 'uiey *tre placed tn chirje tkm» to p ic an<“ I to local boya In Korea, u program chi“ W iledio-m ett monthly lo A a ilv e r offeiW41nsj.of local unit «Ujdy th* .veter*niM

may be held bi-monthly, ve teran* bojpll

are of Your ChiBy ANGELO P A T R I

> jmd more we tee young peo- book topped wl• '•nns Ihcir married llvei In Ihlngs woven 1 '•-« of ihclr parenta- Clrcum- of the elders, hi

0- MC ion or another com- m eanin*a to Ui »ni;e both famlUn allenUy lo th e ir jr indd' ?‘>V when the new hoae the yo u n * mot«-*&llshed and each family her ta c t and w

?“ Mice and privacy they affection attalikiS . llJiiiUnenta muit ing balance be‘ ^ t - t n u i i 'S . .eeepiknce, -U ir«<reriT nilWta conilderatlon and eo- about child.« irom all coocenied. The young 'J ^ e r people should be first th a t h e r hujl>*“ «• the burdens of or|»n- »n<l him,W rouune and to amnge &>uit reaiemb<

** 'ile» 6f work and oliy is 8»ve h im thU**«Icaii possible innnven- « « . If theybu, “ *,o’'>eronM.itJ*i!6l!*i!! bridge th e g»;'=■ elderly people who have »Uon» w ith lo* la.'tU'y and getUed In a way «DOUgh Jove In w ute up onM Bion.ihtau. a n d h o k la f a B

In ihatrag home «1lh them to make :generaUon and the habit a n d per*

^crea. That they do *0 ^ow ih a r t n i an* ciuse for gratltudo and logelhar to be

®»l< Jer 'lce from tha young. U not jo y MTo th e yoat

« ? » ’£ . r u . . “ ' . s . s ! ., «ll possible that ihauld hopeful, p

11,f jrandmothM ^

iMr of rearing » • T ^ h t b .U h«•• rauon child. reqSet

h let according I , th.and the memortu ot

.P - ' '> '« In hU ea»e ^ ^ lU euihlon, the elddog mm - j.Fnnn

Ml ho^^-,'^,1 <b*ir. ■ U U U«£« M “15 “>• I -^ °o Uu tnd Uble and tb*

} • ■ ■

B e t r o t h e d F e b r u a r y

D a n c e (

- T . F . L ehour

n i a r y ^ O j ^

I' E p:a>rd : orchcstr.-i.

the (W, u . Peterson. i*>ned members <

f Aiiii u imentj

.•*-< Pene. and

RcThe final dime

' the i^rrlni; dt Ior ij

Dr. Jobe in

CatholicH a s

PATBICIA FLTNN JEROME, FebSlerllng phelo—« U ff enrr»»lng) morali" «as the c

* * * * ' ' P"-emed* • * * Catholic Women’

v n n o u n c e m e n t I s S , f “ " S s S

M a d e b y P a r e n t s I Mrs. Joli'n HojmMr. a n d Mrs. A. T . F ly m ali- ailbcrt W hite '" ’ ■unce th e enKagement of their j , ugh te r, PaUlcla Marie, to Uoyd . ''° " i,- Ucrm anrron-or-A ISen-IJcrm ari, 'noil call v

....... . ~ r ‘•Uriuluarexpcriifisa FljTin Ij a ISiS graduate of Hjfion," \ report iln F a lls high school. She Is ac- to the Holy0 In th e Bela Oiimma group. ^jven by Mrs. W Llci^nnn attoid«d Flier Khoolj luncheon lor de d Concordia acadcmy. Port- discussed for Ma: id, O re . composed of Mr ■Jo definite dato has been set for Mrs. W. b. Chur s wedcling. Nutsch. Mr«. Har

V « * - John Brandt arerangcmenu for

a s t e r P r o g r a m

P l a n s A r e M a d e ' ' . i .d u « . 0,™ ,

B y J e r o m e W F S R u p e r t ^JEROME. Feb. 5—Prognims lead- ^ , . : up to Sajter were dlacuased by L . O m b l •robers of group two of th s Chris- tstiotot n Woihen-J Fellowship when they :t Thursday evening with Mildred “ ,1 ? ( p M c b ^ c group TrUl.PieaenUia- «ster program a t th o general meet- t du rin g February. I t .rhe meeting was opened wllh de- ^ w, ”LlonaU, by Mrs. E m est Nichols, |r« iclpatlng 1 ars. O len Snell, president, con- „ j,cted th e business setalon. Roll call pnindien Esth^i 4 answered w ith a favorite Bible S^?,, r« . Members dlacuaaed aecret paU poilonlne th» a lh o ~ . . ! » h .a no t r re c l .r f ll .d r „ ' ”“ S S r d J . mes w ere presented w ith them, *•*. NeUle Jenkln* read a letter re- *'ved from her birthday pal a t the °jU tla n home a t Beaverton. Ore. ' I t '’Jveryday'eirda will be ordered as j novelty sonss money making project far the nefrcshm rnu >up. Mrs. Harold Otto read a ter o f appreclaUon from Mrs. iry phllllp j, superintendent of the haii. «nere they me a t Beaverton, for the box sent dancing. C hristm astim e and for the birth- ■ *y card# aent to th e members of the \ - \ r i f \ o r r r \ r me. P la ju fo r th o birthday dinner I l U y t s r i l K

^ . - ' i - ” ■ " M e e t srhe le&ion study for th e ' next HAOERMAN.mth wlU be iljc chapter* of Acts. Nobla Orand cUFor th e program Mr». Emest 1od«e met Thur;hoU presented a study and dis- n<»i« of Malon o n “What w e ean do to bet- ' ^ e n e 'Iy elect*

our church and young people.* vtue Brown, preBible q u a on th e first six chap- ^s of th e Acta completed the pro . Bevey.un. presided.lefreahmenU were served by the Mrs. Ok *t An,t«asl hobla grazul of trhe general m eeting will be held l*led Into the clib. 15 In Uie church parlors. Group ent answered ne will be In charge of refresh- most embarrassl•nts a n d group two the program, voted *5 to the p

W * V Next meeting

•. F . C l u b P l a n s— I /-• r I eall wlll be anT u e s d a y ( - . o n t a D favorite «cfpe.

lArs. Jo h n E. Hayes wlll be the by the ho;»tured speaker a t the February *iicheon of Iho TwenUeth Century 1 - j^lb w h ich win b e held a t 1 p ja . L / C L I U r i Llesday a t the T u rf dub. ( " h o n t ^ PMra. Hayea wlll ta lk on the prog- '« > lU U S iCI* o f Japan during the last few. DECLO. Peb. » ars. She recenUy haa been toash lnston . D. C.. for a conference home aemonstra. occupied countries. ‘his week In D< Mrs.- .ilu tieU _DOBn.._wlll .h&v.arge 'o f th# InWroaUonal reia- Ment. eonduetedma to p ic and Mr*. A. A. Boston OfJleew electet program chairman.

A a llv e r e-fterta* wlll be Uken for •• ve teran it.b lrthday-pany .at.U l9 te rana hospital In Boise. p e - name of__________1_____________ , selected a t the 1

” "■ wlU be held with

r ChildrenP A T R I_______________^ hosteas.Mrt.6ut

ok topped wllh t h i spectacles ar* ( ^ 1 J P c t f** Imgs woven UghUy into Uie UveaUie eldem, have more Uian surface:an ln»a to Uiem and none a l all “ " • Jack W ltlth e ir gtindchlldrea. This Is where /e yo u n g mother m uat ejterelse all ^ « t . ^ .r U c t asd wladom. call up all Uie Plllmfectlon atUlnable to find a work-t baU nee between Uie hab iu of . WlUamh ia - e r r i f i i l - i s * - i n y r o r a -nm. -hoal«*.*iLj»b.Jou t child . . . . _The young wUe must remember / ^ i c e I j na t h e r husband Iqve* hU peopleid th e y him, a n d he on his sid*uat reajem ber th a t hi* In-lawive h im UiU love of hla Ule. Bothn. If they but wUl, let their childtdge th e gap between Uie gener- « «Ion* wlUi love for all. 'ni«r» >*ough Jove in a UtUe child to drawd h o k l a family. t«»U>er, to .Uow « lloem t o maka th e lltU# aacrlflces of CANA*T,blt a n d personal feeUn* * '• BHOBHONE 'V i h w ln i and working and llvMgeUi«r to be a t lea*t ce«oforui>» ^ c ^ a * ta party ino t Joyful. were von b? MTo th e young I would «?■ P*J Mr*. Charlea Cur d e b t o( love to your thugln and Rh«. Uie elden, keep loving, f«W vl« ------------- •-■j^_—id hopeful, remembering«d* th e ttalc th a t 70UU1 o f f a u . I ^ l l1 e o u n < « U d Its forward look.

Fooil D-M

_______________ . t i m e

■ e b r u a r y O A O M i s s W i x

D a n c e G i v e n a t ' F r e d S t

T . F . L e g i o n H a l l o , '5 ! i '3 ? 7 w ! SA social hour preceded Uio Feb- J. Btopke, nlirl'‘*p ’ o y dance a t the American a t 3:30 p.m. Jar.■Bluii lu ll ?i iaay. Muaiti lor Qinc- paiKiuage. Rupeg p;»ird by Arlon DasUan's The alngle r^hestr.i, performed by thiFollowing the dance Dr. and Mrs. The bride ch• M. Peterson, chairmen, enter- U ffeU dreu. s r•Ined members of Uie committee at ble e trand of peSlipper. Tho.'ic asalsUng the Pe- Mrs. Dorathy

JLaDA..Ali!i u i»--a«n<»-anant«- -woi^-atv-aqua-nenu j . c r e Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Best man wa:fne. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Sinclair, pert.■r. snd Mrs, m . E. CosgrlH and j j r . and Mrs.r and Mrs, Robert Sutclllf. their home InT^e final rtwice of the series wlll ployed by tJie cc- lhe nt,rinu dinner danee Khed- u-orklng on the 'Ni for Ap:i, 13 t t Uie Turf cJtift.r- and Mr.v Joseph MarshaU will , , ^' M # H a g e r r r i '

^ Q t h n l i r L g o g i - i p H o n o r s

H a s S t u d y M e e tJEROME, Feb. 3 - -’ChrUUan „ orals" «as the subject o t Uie leuon nUdy pre.-,emed ta members of Uie “ I t I'i??!?.," alhollc Women’s league by Mrs. E. ^ef =i‘ n '

Connor, M^ . Oeorge Carr and ^^=1rs- L. n-. Sanberg. The league met hurjdny evening a l Uie home of " J t , ' ":r«. Jolm Hosman wlUi Mrs. San- :rg, Mrs, Charles Pj-ne and Mrs. S^and. llbm White a.? a.islstant hostesses. Honored guc Mrs. Anthony Humbach, presl- M argaret WBtts, mt,-condticted the-buslht»-meet- blj^preaident, a IK, ^ 1 1 call was Bnswered_wltli kins, pa,st a«cn Jriusual' experiences In your re- T M n' TfllU: Mi jlon," A report on the dinner sen,'- P<“ 1 assembly I to the Holy Name socleiy was Mrs, Oertrucie ven by Mrs, \V, D, Churchman. A from thencheon {or deanery officers was PatrJarch MDItj scussed for March 1. A commlllee Br>'an. Grand Pn ■mposed of Mra, P. N. Trappen. Encampment, C rs. W. B- Churchman. Mrs. Mary othy H arris, colt utsch. Mr.. Harry Morris and Hrs. sembly and dl* ihn Brandt are In charge of ar- dent. MounUIn nBcmenu for the luncheon. Laura McAnult Following UiB meellng refresh- Hagerman. enli were served carrying out the Ho'nor guards ilentlne theme. were Robert Br

¥ » * colonel: Milton

i u p e r t M I A H a s S ? S - X “

C o m b i n e d M e e tRUPERT, Feb, 3 -M ra, Zilla Rice 7 pm „ followednd Calvin Braeggar. activity coun- Ing,of the lodgilors o f_ t^ j^ u n l_ lr r ip fa ii[n u it the aupper_lncliiJ^aO on oi lhe LDS second B-«rd. Doris Conklinere in charge of a combined first and a clorlnct-pId second ward meeting Monday French and HIght. Jones played apiParticipating In the program In- Ing th e aupper huded Merlin Home, Mrs. Nell presented tworandsen, Esther Noble and Gerald spoona by lodgeills. cers.Following the program, a polluck Baker wanorgaalwrd was served In th* u n . i.oul»e Colapel by Uie special Interest claai germnn. Mra- Co:uler direcUon of Mrs, WlllsrdHay- breakfast Wedrard. class, leader. Mrs, Herman honor of Mra. 1)hnson led the group in a number of the lodge anc; novelty songs, „ guesU. WednRefrcshmenis were served to ths piossie M anh tlunger groups in the recreation Buhl fo r her vlsl»11. where they spent the evening They were accu’clng. Conrad. Mrs.

¥ * * Louise Bevlna an

^ a g e r m a n U n i t ,

M e e t s T h u r s d a y A u x i l i cHAOERMAN. Feb. 3—The Past Firem an's a ir}ble Orand club of the Rebekah evening a tage met Thursday afternoon a t l ^ BarUett •e home of Mra. Carrie Ellajon. jtoyer. co-hosteale newly elected officers. Mn. Or- , . , lie Brown, president: Mn, How-d Marsh, vice preaident, and Mrs, ^a ter E. Bevey. ^ eU ry^ tre isu re r, W indsor and M esided.Mrs. Oacar Anderson. Junior paat , “ " " f i* :.ble grand of Uie lodie, waa Inlt- “" ’“P • ted Into the club. Members prea-,t anawered roll call with Uielr C / - i r a v * / 0ost embarrassing moment. They I U l C W Cted ts to Uie poUo fund. KIMBERLY. 3Next meeUng of the club will be P»ul Burgess an<:ld a t 3 p jn . Thursday, Msrch 1. who a re leavlnthe home of Mra. Anderson. BoU Moscow, were a

U wlll be answered with Uielr and Mr*. Lloyvorilc recfpe. Refreshment* wer* evening. Bargesjrved by Uie hosteas. Idaho Power coi

If. a t the Twin fall:

) e c l o H o m e C l u b

C h o o s e s O f f i c e r s = = =DECLO. Peb. # -M rs . CUfford Sut-n waa elected president of a new ' ^ime demonstration club otganUedIs week In Declo. Arils Echulti, 1tssla coimty home demomUaUon ^:ent.'eonduet«d the meeUng. .......... — ^ '• ^ ^ 1Ofllcer* elected to aaaUt Mrs. But- - ^ I n are Mrs. Robert filmplot, rice m ■-esldent, and Mrs. Ray Schmidt. ■ Vcretary. --------------------------------\ 9T^e- name of the cTub will be lected a t the next meellng which IU be held with Mrs. Slmplot. Mlaa :hults wlU give a demonstration on •esa pattern allersUon.Refreehmenta were served by the >stess, Mrs. Sutton.

# ♦ *

juestClubMeets <ChD0»e-a-Ouest elub met with .r*. Jack Wltherapoon .Thursday Cenlng. Mrs. Albert Horton was , >le gueat Mrs. Paul Neumsnn and | /Trs. O rant Plllmore were prtia win- ' <:r« a t pinochle. _ M n. WlUlam Hemingway rUt be

M i s s D a v y F e t e dOLENNS FERRY. Feb. 3 - Mr. i Id Mr*. Bud Davey enterUlned B r Uielr daughUr. Mildred, on her B H B i ■th birthday anniversary. roUoTlsg game* a t 'Uia Davy H i m«. <t*nelng w*t helcf at tii* )ilgh V Hool • gymnaalum. RefreshmenU ire aerved foUowlng the duiea

■■ ¥ - ¥ • ¥ ............... -------CANASTA PLATED M

BHOBHONE. l^ b . 9 - Ur, and Vrs. Rhea Corwin entwtaloed «IUi ■canasU party a t tbelr hone. PrUea ■sre won by Mrs. Arthur MirUn. rs. Charle* Underwood, Oeom jjgln and Rbe* Corwln.

tAIN^Oiri ^, . ii^ a w M I

M o r ta l i f i m IS t o w W . I ' " ^ 7 * ' "


. T I M E S . T O

l i s s W i x o m a n d W e d i n

F r e d S t o p k e W e d n HlU P M T , Feb. 3-T he marrUge ■

M * ' B U r l e y . and FredBWpke, Hurley, u u solemnUed ■ ' •, ® ? 3a:30 p.m. Jan. s i d the BanUit ' ' S bI

iw uage. Rupeft,-- '— - I H ------------------rhe alngle ring ceremony w at I H - . « (rformed by the Rev. W. D, C arter | ^ | ' ' - S krhe bride chose a powder blue I H f f lf e u dress, she also wore a dau- | H - ' M 3I e trand of pearl*. Her attendant, I H ' ~y |lT O

PoM lhy Mcrarlln. Burley^

Beat man was Jim Uiidaay. Bu-

Ur. and Mrs, Stopke wUl makeeir home in RuperL He la em- —lyed by Uie construction company■rklng on the l>clo bridge. . y ■- . ,

l a g e r m a n L o d g e

j o n o r s R e b e k a h

S t a t e P r e s i d e n t r P •iAOERMAN. Feb, 3-M ra. Besale f t ker. New Meadows, president of ■1 Idaho Rebekah assembly, made : official visit Tuesday night to « r I U nion Rebekah lodge. She was 4 1 Icomed by Mrs. Flossie Marsh, B Jng lioblc grnna, in the Bb:.ence £ i

M rs. Donnie Gardner, noble « | ind. Klonored gucsL-. included Mrs. f? irgaret WbIU. JmUot past aMem- »•-preaident, and Mrs. Effle W nt- j ------------------IS, assembly prc.ildcnt. boUi Jin ' TfllU: Mrs; tnllodn'TIuklics; 1---------------it assembly prfslrfpnl. aooding; ^ Is. Oertrucie DUwcii. stnte trcn- . .er from the Ladles Auxlllarj- of |i M arch MJlJUinLj, Buh); Robfrt 'J J;an. Orand Patriarch from G rand J '..‘Ocampment, Ooodlng: Mr*. Dor- «y H arris, color bearer of the as- | gSibly and d ls trlS deputy-presl- • ■ i ^ 'It. MounUIn Home, and Mrs. i d Bura McAnulty, district deputy, ■ > 3 igerman. ■ . a 9lo'nor guards for the assembly re Robert Br>-*n, W. O. Henry. one): Milton Roberts, ensign: ra»g& * . ' • □rge Eubanka. major, and Jamea s l g ^ B a ^ nry. capUIn, aU Ooodlng. “evening acUviUes sUrted H’llh a RniS. ELDEN Lluck supper In the social hall at (Kelker photo—3m., followed by a special meet- -------------- ---------;,o f the lodge. The program for . . L juppet-lncluded-p lanojo laa juc M r c _ H n k rU Conklin and Aaron Hsnaen X r T . . d a clarlnct-plano duct by Shirley I j f f /“ j n I ^nch and Hansen. Mrs. EUiel les played appropriate music dur- A f P j j: th e aupper hour-M rs-Baker was / m - 1 i i ;sented two sterling allver tea- FILER, Feb. 3 - )ona by lodge members and offl- Nampa, Stale 1 s. president, paid h.IT*. Baker waa Ui. house guest of *. Louise Conrad while In Ha- meeUng .m nn. Mra- Conrad enterUlned a t Other lodge lei rakfaat Wednesday morning In M” . aerin jde 13 nor of Mra. Baker, with officers the lodge and posl noble grands gueau. Wednesday evening Mrs. C, ' m , ^ i e Marsh U>ok Mrs. Baker to presldenUhi fo r her visit lo Uie Buhl lodge. A banquet to ey were accompanied by Mrs. Preceded the me nrad. Mr*. B\’a Brown, Mrs.. J . B cv l,. W oM . r

K M M snd Mrs- Cecil E* * * ol the Flier loO

A u x i l i a r y M e e t s ......Nreman's auxlUary met T hurs- were given by Mi r evening a t the homo of Mrs. wilUoms and Mrs Z. BarUett wlUi Mrs. Kenneth ^ h e banouet tal yer. co-hostesa. daffodila.ifte r a short business meeUng. Methodist churc al rummy wmi played. Mrs. Jack served the bonqu ndsor and Mra. Qeorge Thomas ¥tl th e prtics. I Uilrs. K enneth Voung wUl enter- \_ lU D n th e group In March. HANSEN. Feb

* * ship club met Thl

F a r e w e l l D i n n e r c i o S ^ u ^ . S iOMBERLY. Feb. S-M r. and Mr*. lh» council meei ul Burgess and daughter, Paulette, Mrs. Ralph Slmn 0 a re leaving soon to live In Tlie program iscow. were dinner gucsta of Mr. Mrs. Bill Mushllt 3 Mr*. Lloyd Jones Thursday ncelved Uie whl ■nlng. B o re a s Is employed by the Leo MushJJU w iho Power company and haa been next meeting wl the Twin falls p lan t a t the home of

~ Falk’s = =

'■F"’ ______ ____....

L F A L L S , . . n ) A H O _________________

W e d i n T e m p l e M i s s T o l n

B ■ U t a h n f i

B y T e mLeD^wn Tolmar

^ 1 — — Jackman were tir ^ . f ' l ' h U l J d A > ' “i i ni i e

temple, T)ie bild< of Mr, and Mrs, T bridegroom la the

I B — ■it'tBySiW C President WUlU1^ ^‘elated at the ce

'' ' S m R E ^ ^ ^ ' - 1 •1 -• gue, ts was given. ,'• Tolman honoring

•' couple,v i For Uie reecpUi

J . . «.'•" »n original whiteftEEtf'-. ' '* fashioned wiUi d(

4 ^ 3 ]^ ' ' ii^ J l * flowing skirl al ted bodice wlUi

' ' ^ P ‘lalnty bridal.lace

n l w i She wore strands' I •• H from her meuicr.B W Illusion veil was e“ • I r i white orange bios

| n . 1 y were gardenlaa aiW l rled a handmade 1« I given to her by M^ Th# reception 'i j wllh a lace clothS' a five.tiered wedS with a miniaturef- groom. The new’It - - man cut thp_ fir

----------- -------------- BStly-Morgan n___ ________I Hsier and «l.«p^-Ji

' ' sert’cd tlie cake.{ eluded pink carna

, ' f t In charge of U,,5 • Lova WaCU, «lst: 3 Ruth Li'nnlng ancj ( Rae Miller waa

. guest book.

piano solo by Do ’ S B k . voeal solos by Me'B B ' - « ( Bell, Nancy Lath

■, ' ^ n J m . Maurlne Bmlth.^ _ V faUier of Uie br

-------Morgan and R. (^ Ot tha bride, Aa

the bride and herJIBS. ILDEN I.. JACHMAN “ W “ in»<a

[Kelker photo—aU ff eogr*»ln|> fno‘ner.----------- ---------------------------------- They wiu mai

Provo, where theA t s ^ B a k e t - H a s —

O f f i c i a l M e e t i n g f X ' a S S

A t F i l e r L o d g e I SFILER, Feb, 3 -M rs . Bessli Baker, impn, Stale Rebekah assembly rMesident, paid her official visit lo W S t ^ S F l e Miriam Rebekah lodge a t a ^ ' eclal meeUng Thursday evening, P o s t O T OUier lodge leaders present were __ ^ V ~ , rs. Oertnido Blswell, Buhl, atatesembly officer, and Mrs. Oeorge M«lhod^st churcla ll and Mra, Effle WaUUns. boUi "o®"' J.®''®rtn Falls, and boUi past state as- *?.M y p ^ M o n U , ° ' £ 1 P . t r f A banquet to honor Mrs. Baker Dency Telfot eceded the meeting. Mrs. Henry M L lompson was mUtress of cate- Members of Uiianies nt the dinner. The InvocaUon nilttee were MrsIS given by Mrs. Claude Brown. Dale Adams and id Mrs- Cecil Brown, noble grand ^

the FUer lodge, welcomed Ore BKIOCE C JEROME. Feb.

Musical selection* a t the dlimer u* w hostess ':re given by Mrs. NeU Wells, Dale dub Tuesday enllUoma and Mra. Russell KaU. Olahop waa a gThe banquet tables were decoraUd won by Mr*. Wth daffodila. Women of the and Mrs. Frank : ethodlst church prepared and -rved the banquet. ' '

¥ ¥ ¥ £ J _ = g _ i - £ =

C l u b C o n v e n e sHANSEN. Feb. 3—The Friend- •Ip club met Thursday a t the home

Mrs. Art Daw with Mrs. Jack luda* aa eo-hostesa. A report on I* council meeting was given by rs. Ralph Simmons. ^Tlie program waa In charge ofrs. Bill Mushllti. Mr*. Bud Scottceived the white elephant. Mrs. _to MushllU waa a guest. The:xt meeting wlU be held Feb. IS. the home of Mrs. EUa Aiment.

™ u

yife ( [


h ^s u h

^ . . . ■ ■ Fatt'e Tt

. . I k V '••M Bd

i s s T o l m c n a n d D i n n e r S '

I t a h n A r e W e d

5 £ . ? “ p " s ^ k s ;(Dawn Tolman and Elden l ^ n Mrs. Florence Duerlg

‘fTd^V'Tc^he^^ll^no rpie.'Ttie bride U the daughter P .Ir. and Mra. R. C. Tolman. The legroom Is the soo of Mr. and I. Oolden Jackman, Provo. resident WillUm L. KUlpack of. MJW ■aud at the ceremony.________ 1 — ,>n Friday a reception for ISO s.'ts wss given by .Mr. and Mrs. | •man honoring the newly wedded t

or the recepUon Uie bride wor* i original white slipper satin gown ■ ^ ^Moned «'(Ui dolman tleere* and ^lowing skirl attached to the'fit- I

bodice with double unprtssed .Ila. The gown wa* trimmed wllh nty bridal .lace collar and cuffs,

I wore strands of pearls, a gift ■b m m m m S B B n her mother. Ker Uce ulmmed »slon veil was caught to a halo of I J dte orange blossoms. Her flowera B e gardenlaa and roaes. She car- A>— ^I a handmade linen handkerchief .;n to her by Mrs. L. A Hanien.ha reception table waa covered1 a lace cloth and centered withive.tlercd wedding cake topped1 a miniature bride and bride-:m. The new'Mr. and Mrs. Jack-T cut th^ first plccB of Morgan and June Tolman.(r and sl.UrMn-law_of U ie _ ^ ^ _.’cd tlie ciikc. Table floners In^ led pink carnations and lavender

n charge of the gift room were a Wacca, Ulster of the bride. h Li'nnlng and Elolse Olsen. La- I Miller waa In charge of the >t book.uests were enterUlned with a ^ ^ B ^0 solo by Donna Rae Call and ^ ■ j K i r t w n il solos by Merwln Bagley. Vlrla ^^BiW ;»8M !l I, Nancy Latham. EdiUi Corless. iirlne Smith. Golden Jackman.ler of the bridegroom, Clifford ^ ^ K im KSS^S rgan and R. C. Tolman. lather ^ K \ K S S j S ;ha bride. Aa a special selection. bride and her fdlher sang a duet the bridegroom and the bride'* V ‘. /ther. \ j'hey will moke their home In ivo, where the bridegroom Is at- ding achool nntll May, n o n c i r e r marriage Mrs. Jack- n was honored a t a shower given l.lra. Clarehce Webb, Mr*. Cleve. d Egbert. Mrs. Frank Btevena,I. Charles Bingham and Mrs. ihryn Jo Merrill.

' S C S P l a n s f o r

P a s t o r s ' D i n n e rTLER. Feb. 3—WSCS met at the ffpIhodlst church Thursday after- hin. Plnnj were made by the worn- BiT a B Ito give a dinner for the ministers Ithe district and their wives. ^ilrs. H. PeUrs led the devotlonals >— ^1 Dency Telford waa In chirge of « «I program on Ind laa i. B SMembers of the refreshment com- ttee were Mrs. Earl B. LaHue. Mrs. W 1le Adams, and Mrs. E. A. Beem.


[SROME. Feb. S—M n. H. L. El- wa* hostess to Ui» OKI bridge

b Tuesday evening. Mrs. M. A. hop waa a guest. Prlies were T e r n m e « n by Mrs. WlUlam Spaeth, *r„ J C r o m e • I Mtj. Frank Burkhalter.

• ^ ^ = F g / y a . . . F a m o u s "

FaJli'i rowttdaU eu |

'S w e e d M w . I

I iVo M ore to Shop at Fnf

______ ___________________ PAGB

D i n n e r S e r v e d ILER. F«b. 3 -M r. and Mrs, Earl Urs. B an? Xden «at< land enterUlned th# pinochle a fried cblekes UrUid Saturday evening s t a ao-ho it honor Of the Hlh U !r party. Prize* were won by varaary of her daugl Florence Duerlg, Mr. and Mra. The ewnlng wu s; . D fK lou and floT Reichert. I TJcochle------------------

1 P»rformqnc« o n d t«a

' h


3 - !


C om paw Ihli\ j R a d le -P h e n e g ra p t

Vomirs»M»A «W h» ^

r a iy S b e r a to a t t l^InMaboianynBMn.

IHHi S ® i s

\ l f i » r u MenUi* M '—■ ‘ ‘ Balanoi


Je ro m e • B u h l • T w in F a l l i •

. F a m o u s f o r F a m o u * N a m e 9 = = =

Y o u r

Beauty Tree

Is H e re

A d r a r t i s e d i n '

^ _ Qld GoFoshions Nevi

.color in

Q f s s a r d s

w DIbcovw o l d go ld .preferred n e w B u b d

ggk pagne color. Exclusive ii girdles with Gossard.

U B B -------------- —plunge in-theae-flitterii

less Ib vircd down to tl Gosa&rd-deb pull-on gird) ^ sheerest, boneless tisi slick you cIearett«-Blim them In wblt^ too.


tWg ilB k . tW M J

.. __


XOSS KOZN BOXOBMD a06B0NB. r«b. I - Mr. «nd . B an ? Id«D tattftaloM v l th - led chicken blrtMay Hinrwif in or of the HUl UrtMw « m l- l . . . lary of her daushter, H arriet.I evening v u spent jO ayizig"'

» - O n d j > » a m y | j I


^ ■ t r i u m p h

■ r


, Cernpar* thli P h i l c ^ e - P h e n o g r a p h N o w l^paiMd a t tb* Clio* io tonoj iftanot and eiUoet beauty.)Itla enjoymant ef all r«c«rd^< m . K p fe r T M n ttr r t iH i^ -----------

w|anyv«M>n. rATMENT ^ EAST

I I A A rtiiLCO i n o ’jP ^ ^ A m t t U a ’* fieatetS)

S y l S s i v I t h S Sm p h , t thl, u n w

M b ! s . ! ? ? i . 5 s ; :" ^ sny T#o»e* eablnetjiM

•Batesoncevin Falll • Barley


j t y T re a t

e re

r t ^ l s e d in Vogue

IdGoldishions Newest

.color in

C ^ s s a r d s

OLD GOLD. la8bteD*8 I neW BubUe-as-cham-• tor. Exclusive in bras a n d with Gossard. Take 'th«1 'these^tterinsT'FIzAJER----- “f Batin-Hnd lsc8 (ttie ------ired down to these). Th*. deb pull-on girdle or p sn tie ist, boneless tissueoet will 1 clearette-slim . . See wblt^too.

fk lr lra« ,

TI» W lrtd


" • , C c y p i 4 U g | ^ *

■ ■ ^

1 ' ' -

Page 12: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

- f A W T W r o n i

H O M f A U A N O I S

A round ot benefit'ff&niM h u < been pUy*d in Utglc V«lley Ior I t h t Uftfch ot Olnes by ouUaw bu- ' kMban te&ou. Hlfh schooU hnve lulcnd bjr UUn( doiuUona • ( Uielr •ontMU to help the cause o( potto ^

Two mor* beneilt e « n es »re c«ti*du]«d by lehooI team s Id tlie -▼•Uey, but thli B B g j M H H ^ ttm t th* proceed!vlU to tA Khool- fia ite* . ■ ■ c

T b t Twin FtlU ■ ■

' * = ^ 1 1 ■■ help « Duhl V■chool tophomorf, » j j f ”RJchtrd Dey. u e y . IVB . * fell *t school w a •• '■ P'broke his«dj from tlie gimra will help P

I defr»y Uie cwtly hoapltallaUon w I and medlcil bills.! The aame nwrnoon. Thesplaiu i t P>

Buhl high scliool will present * pliy « for Dey. Proceed* f:om LhU event if •Im will BO Into the fund. »'

Al Hailey Thuriday ft triple- , - - h t i a i r m w wM uy srodn-KiiDoi *«

t<ann from H«lley and Ketchum — ^forTbeljenefiforn!tn«ra-SwjBiiey,- • -•

alxth grader a t Hailey. f 'U llle nichard h«! been atrlcken

with an lllne.u (hit has buffled doc- J« to ri bolh in Maho and In a a l i Uke “ City. He Is slaltd to be Uken to ®‘

. Mnyo Brothers clinic In UlmieMla and proceeds will finance th# trip. .

Two boyj’ teams and one glrU" Muad from each school will face •ach Olher. In previous meellngt, “ Ketchum won two and lost one, w Hailey will be out lo even th e icore. ^ Conteila start al 7 p.m. Thursday, ^

Basketball fans In both th e Buhl •n d Hailey areas can enterlsln themselves with Uiesa conw su and • t Iht fame time help tw o worthy ■“ kltls. The molio of player* In the •nnual Eatl-WfM Shrine game, “We run w others may wbU," can • » ly here. ____________

I Th* Idalio Outdoor assoclaUon, a ^ froup cf sportAmtn, trappera and iuldes, U having IU annual meeting " Jn BoUe. This U the orBWiliatlon _ th a l through lU executive secretary. , DftTld Brotll. tried to gel T om Mur- n y ousted as director of the fUh , •nd gamt departmeni ©•rly ls»l . year.

More recently tht nssociatlon hat 35 been working to overthrow th e prti- en i pltn for'selecUng fbh a n d game oomraltsloners. Eaientlally the new o,, plan would put commissioner rule back Into politics, tom ethlng that of •porumen In Idaho worked for years g(, to overcome. co(

The a&soclatlon Is n o t making lat mueh headftoy, for 11 U a well- j known fact that the Idaho fUh and on same depsrtnicnl and Ita commls- on jloner form of rule has been a mod- tin

r el for olher states In th » country, inj |; Paul Thoman, Twin Falls, cunent- Oc ■ ly U chairman of the commlaslon. 8 h

As a rule, pertoni have Joined Uie cJc Outdoor assoclatJon when they htve tie been unhappy with lh« fU h and thi

) tam e department for one reason or om •nother. Because of UiU U la easily Ma underiUndabli why the auoclatJoa a t l l the chief crlUc of the department. »ou

1 n i l s could be • hfalUiy condition, bowtrer. for the awoclatlon’a erltl-

j «Um haa kept the departm ent on Ua to«« moro times lhan one.

I t Is tlgnlflcanl lo note th a t the Tw lnrallsarea wasnot represented *** a t the convenUon In BoUe when dl- r*elort were chaien. Other dlstrlcu of th* atat« wer* represented In ^ fo«e. ^

T hli could mean that aportsmen lu thla • r ta wer* (00 busy or wer* happy wllh the ways of th e depart- ^ m ent. We have ao Idea th a t the ef- . . , flclent admlnUtrallon of fU h and 1- . , ■am* In this region by Hawley HIU, J*rooi*, and hit tlaff of cemaena. tlon officers, and by Commtaaloner Thoman could hare had a lo l to do w llh the absence ot a represratatlv* gen< from Maglo Valley. Am------- : .. ■■ ' ' I

Baaketball S cores bu1.1 ,1 Wei

raiDAT COLLXCllitha (I. OiMOB n *

- y ^ ' ‘i«N‘5ii k 1?» IT - '*B-------Idilio Frwh *•- tlr (•!«• b*M 11 ^4 ,

BUU . .Ig«i It, UlMcuTl tl nlawA BUU t7. Kfbrukft SI mf>T Wllll>n •&d Utrr II. VInInU T*ck IINoill, Ctrolln* II. Imi. (I TWI

. ■■ “ 1 CcloixlQ sut* It? WMKtm IUU H 'Snoo (L Dill* 41Wfominf 45. r>«STtt H 5?XoDUni S(. lJ>ho Sui> 4T uKeniuck; K. VUiluKd SUU *« ^>1


A ^g l, li. Alklo, II D«n'C!.tiB« r.rnf g u u 11 . WAIM>rboro lltllrr 11

— - - Jtnpnt «lr7»roSitSl— .................... Worliufh <], HiifUca tl___________ —T"

-------!» >1'

41. It fo*

s i a i i v S a a ” s SUTURDAT C0U.8C1 5™

^ . J UU 41 _______ PiM

3J'}«mini 48. Bfimr »*l° ** **WtUr lot. Southtm I<lil,a «s BL LodIi i :. Un« Itlmj ITOhJ«°Su5'l«**>^r‘7l'' ^ “ bT‘'


' Too ite ly .}•- “ 'I

In ttv ia M il l to d dots ao» sta rt p«i“ Moh(U7 u xepoua I fico m o ttr u 'i - In a a u rlle r nevg m o r t , O o o e r

said. A rem m B saate a l tmmai a t t , U .axpKUd to taka ]swt I n t iu ^event. ;

. ' ^

V V I' ■ ^ ^

a iGem State UMUt Boise to C S£ Gooding 1

GOODING, Feb. S—T h i »ll

[amea are c a p tu r in g th e c h a m p io n s h ip o f th i 2 ^ ^ * " o u tla w b a s k e tb a l l to u m n m e n t w

T h e G e m S ta t« r s , paceti by I H j j H f o r m e r A ll-A m e r ic a n M u rra y am

' H S a t t e r f i e ld , T w in F a lla , de- n ,■ f e a t e d a t i r e d B oiso S ta te sm a n

** qu lnU t U-S8 in the final conu ti of j.VM th e oldeat outlaw tournament In the

jM Pacific northweat,Boise enu red the flnaU by de- imi

_ y ^ m ' TeiUhTlh>“ aoodlng ElkT'iJnO Trnr H f ‘ ■ ^ h ip and tuck ball game. The Elki ^ B . v e re defending toumament cham- g.* • plons. itk iiium A lter nine minute* cf play. Boise,. will help playing IU third gams ot the day, ro,- Italltallon waii no m atch for tha former col- r .r

.leglant. Satterfield racked up 32 {;*' esplant at polnU aa Roy Iront. former tla rter jjy, e n t a play fo r the I7nlver>lty of Oklahoma and j.,h thla event Idaho , awept the backboardt and d scored 16 points,a triDle- Wendell raced ahead to a 26-ia

jdn-schDol «l-U i*-half-and-the-detl«lon - -Kelchum never wa.i In doubt. J

-Sweeney,- •-•W e n d ell.-w llh -J3 -stra lih trw ln t io r over Idaho competition tucked under

1 atrlcken **'■ aharpen up Ita at-ffled doc- ■ ^*7 In the national AAU ,.a a l i Lake loum am ent In Denver. The Oem i: r Uken to Sinters rfre scheduling a round of J! '-

iJlnneMta collego teami In Utahth* trip. Idaho to gain needed competl- j„h,

*wlU *ac*e in >ln»l half |!*'Jmeetlnii ^ ” *P Ooodlng. The veteran Elk.ii t o n e ^ >’«•<* • sU™ ’‘‘ d a t the half e tcote traded basket for batkel withT*hurui>v' Boise until th e final minutes. soth e B dU Capacity crowd* watched the Sat-pnteriiln '>•'‘*''5’ afternoon and evening acUon, J.?*"Msts and »quad»-reached the final V.”0 worthy »ta8es of the tourney by coming w»ii rs In the ^ '>’ough with' wlna-6aturday morn-le Bome aflcrnoon. ,„,i|dU " can Bhashone eliminated BoUe't Bunt-

Inc Cols Baiurday momlng with a

ci.u™ . S'luol'Citei Si- nnsif: —^er* tnd W ith 10 aeconds to go and the *core H*1 mMiinu knotU d a t 4S. Bob Sherman,-8ho-

ti.Ttinn Shone, tank a free throw and the j'.ui«^rM .rv Redskins had their win. c-i..i

T h e Ooodlng Elks eliminated .h . T w in ra ils United Oil in ea»y m.V

, faahion In the aecond momlng a»«- 'v .,. a n y Ooodlng ran up a 39-19 lead J

,, . a t th e half and coasted In for a S3- s.r.t' a iion nat 35 victory. Roger* topped Gooding r>ru.

Pf*'- w ith 31 polnls. ' ' ‘Vin a game ^ h e Wendell Oem SUlers handed t..

tne n!W uoUe Statesmen Ita flrsl tournn- «• Dner m e ment, M -28, In the feature game ling that of th e afternoon seasion. Tho Oem sim.i fo r yeirt s ta te ra hopped on an early lead and iuiii

coasted In for ths win. Satterfield J"j'< making tanked 18 polnta In thla game. 1; ;';;

a well- Shoshone look .part In another j lit. . flah and one-polnl decision game In the sec-

commls- ond afternoon contest, only this n a mod- Ume the defending champion Good- j,.nn

country, lng B ks come out on top 37-38. 'v»n , cunent- Ooodlng rallied from behind a 32-D _ mission. Shoahone lead In Uie second half to olned the Uie m arsln. With the score Jieyhtve tied a t 39-39. L. Bletla sank a free t fish and throw for Shoshone with only Rec- reason or onds left on the clock. Then Olenn cciin

Is easily M aughan gave Gooding its win with ii>rn isocIaUoa • tlp -ln field goal aa th# final hom lartment. aounded.:ondltlon, A 13-game, day-long marathon R.r ' n ’s erltl- Friday paved the way for the Balur- m ent on contests. Play tlarled a t B a. m.

m d a y and continued all day. Tr.i th a t the Crowda picked up and by evening ll >retented alandlng room only in the *’■whendl- 0 « x » n » Jun 'or high school g>-m- „o,s dlstrlcu naslum. .siBtn

,ntg(, Games Priday momlng saw the I'i-:;Pocatello Hoguei eliminate Mur-

-^rL,m»n BunUng CaU Abr»rgU-e American FalU Its first loss 3 i- wii"*

J * , 38. Boise Statesman hand Twin j]'',''* . United Cll Its Initial defeat i.o t,M K .J 84-40 and Richfield M-Men ellm- K.hbi 1 Ooodlng M-Men S8-34. _ ,

^ y H U l, T h e Friday a f t e r n o o n aeiilon «.'i * r ^ * ‘ conUnued w ith Paul ellmlnaUng ntsaoner Hagerm an 38.33. Twin Fallt ellm- ' lo l to do ina tlng PocaUllo 41-34. Shoahone _ , lantaUv* sending Rupert home 60-38 and

American. FalU dropping Richfield I'owei . ■ , from the tourney &9-S5. I"")*

. . . . *h Friday n ight action, Bolae r e s StatM mao tr in ted BoUa CaU 41-39, fwk.m

1.1 ll Wendell walloped Ooodlng Elks S4-33, Shoshone eliminated Paul 49- 92 and Twin FaUs eliminated Amerl-

, can PaUs 47-46..4 IT - B uh l and Fftlrneia were eliminat- - f f f , »• taM u ^ fnsm the tourney with their iee­l s ond defeaU Thursday night ,, .

R*lph Villers aerved as touma- ,,,“ 1 _ . m ent manager wllh Rusa Wells. T«ior

Twin Palls: Paul Taylor. Jerome. and Gordon Price. Haielton, sen'lng j as gam* officials. luum

L.U t t aOISB STATESMAN 41. COODINQ I. B«ll " «LK8 41 WlllUiB«Im U fl r t r.oodln* »» f pt Klo«pf«r I I I'AdaiMoa 1 e

L 5 ? '* ^ ? I \ rflB k '" '” t 0

I>«nlal»oa • 1 rStfrrr 4 4 Goodlo, I, . Htblm * * OMi<jt>iia t I Adini

04ll>r e a e Rartn

_________ Ti^k—WtNDELL r.£M RTATERS SI. UortS

BOiaC STATESMAN St ' S«imI* »» f ' ' ff ft *l««h10 i lKV»pfn„ i t I

^o«»ll 4 I j e I 0 TnU'

T^rn»r n 0 o Dlmfth* 4 1 4 BHIntn*oa o e o r«uiMn o e n sbo*ho

_______r 'l 'i” ’” ___ «-0—«■-------- ------— ni’iwi• 41 JI 1" II Tout. 11 U JI

I H.ltiiM. .tori! WtnJ.J !«. aol., ll. J H.U

“ g ; y ; , r 'j • 'j >;'!

n«um tt ilumphri* e « o Sb':ut»r* e e n * * '“ .“ "m-.1i. I 5 " 1 I I CoSSS

■ ^ ^ Tliomp«oi « ' l ~ lu"^)! " * ’*' M*t « t Aodm.

« « “» *«•"<■*>< f a l l s i« ,--------f ctart p fiu '! “ ’’J '* “^ "i'S» ! ! : ! i C

2 3 ^ * J 2 "“ 'iM .r. 8 fi 5 Rept

^ s j i S p ’

14 " i t| n u j .

taters Rout to Capture I ig Tourney 18— ^The n l!-co n q u e rin g W endell Gem I

r y jm e -e x p c c tf ic L h n r fL S a tu n in y jik h tb y J o n sh ip o f th e 2 4 th a n n u a l G oo d in g L ions I lu m a m c n t w ith a n u n d e fe a te d reco rd . I p aced by * * * * I

M u rra y AM*nicAn fallh si. RicariELn is Ia lls , de- ' o ' ' f ' f l Ita te s m an J “ t o l lcontest of j.nMn 0 A o r 0 e « I

lent In the j J ® IS 1 0 Hofin»B « 0 1 I

- W tI V -1The Elk.1 ^i\ jo i.i. ' H I

:nt cham- ^ X.Ullri.^ .coi.l Amrrkan n il. II. I

roCATT.I.Ln IS. MURTAUCn H It the day, r»-.i>ib n n pfiMuruu.h i , u pt I irmer col- r .ru s a : ok>ibfirr > 2 2 ed up 32 ■ 'iT'’'"''* * ! J . ier sUrter J I'XnrfJ o i i C ihoma and j ; t«yirj o « e ^ .............................. ■ • . = : : : : ! i0 a 26-19-------------------------------------------- i 0 2--- (I e-detl«lon — j -----— — — —j —— ~

„ h t .w ln , , |:ked under --------- Iup Its at- BlCIintLD M. r.OODINC m.mbn II ■*onal AAU ' i ’’i'tiSTfil* t* TThe Oem i; i-ip.r e « o n.nn.r 4 i n Iroiuid of {!'-■'• I ! ; i 'V 'u ? J 1

.S .S ;S i s r ; i s i ; : :llnal half " J SliT '.'.L « J « reieran Elks J .! J,® * ''''’" J i i foi

the half TM.u 1. 10 i2t T.i.t. II I It CO,.ikel with I'*!''*” * :i, r.oo^ur n . ^

nOISK STATFJ<MF.N II. TWIN FALU „1 the Sat- iiNiTBn on. 4t

' i T i H F I ’i i l i i : n C

ig with ft j ; ;”,';',;;’,

lan.-Sho- , , II.,.VI,UIU IIand the j..„, / , V 'pm i.«“r” 4n t->t

Cl.rk ll u llK^rn, 4 t I thellmlnated 'j:';"";' J = o i ?In ea«y o i„r< n n o 1

ning at«- o n . vii.„n « o « of9-19 lead J I * 0 0 *for a 63- s.Ti'toM I . « Ire*" 0 " 0 the Gooding r>iu-<'ii i i im.irirV.oa « : i qui

s handed t..i. i. 7: i : ~ t.'UI. 17 i7 ii I- Itournn- il.inim. .rvi.^ i'aul le, tl.itrmm li, OT

S o ™ V,„ „ Tn"lead and n.iin..iuh o o n t „m,r o i < z atterflcld ‘ " i o «

i : : ! : sI the sec- ‘ ■ J J " J i„binly Uils I I * • ' ,h,,on Good- J„n«. f. A n.op 37-38. WurrlBifon 0 0 ll ‘i;Id a 33-9 _ , I r;l t , i 7117^id half to Jl.ltIlmt.cor.* ShU‘n.*32 nup.rt IT. hUie score lk a free Twiv FAl.t.. <i. Pocatello jionly MC- '1 '■en Olenn (•"« J i ?i .<ti. 1 « owin with H.rlrirM 0 1 O t.i.rd ‘Jial hom , f ; 5; M S

le Balur- wmi- '" ''! J J i;

S I S avenlng ll lUlltlm. .tor.; T»l# r»ll. 1!. Pof.u:io

wl g>-m- n o isj RTATE8MAS 41. lini.lE CATS Jt I s

“- ’s !riF(ng Cats AkrariM S 0 llxend.II 4 I 0; loss 34- Willi.mi 1 e I Doli.rtr O i l PAd Twin l l ' '" ' ' ’' • ® i I 1 su n1 defeat i'oXo„ o o Into;n ellm- N.hbi.ti ______^

nlnaUng 'la ellm- wbndeli, gem statehs m. Franihothone coodinc elks i i , “ i''S B ^tnd M 'J 'o ' Oruchfieid i'o-.u r I ro, . ; . * t yotin

ir. , s 4 1|U.<I> I i headBoise - ‘ * I S

U 41-39, rWK.»B‘-- « » i<r>1tl,KUa 1-« }g Ellu ElIU I 0 4|Mcrri, 1 * 1 »nnOf^ul 49- U .j,h i. 1 ° 1

' _____ J J J lof:

S S s 5 S ; r : j -Jsenlng j :,w .,t.n i t 4 Pad»,K o ; ; t ; s : : ; : i

WlllUm. 0 0 l>!Unt<,r4 I « I ft fl pt nrvi..! 1 I I tpeni1 I e Pi.iu I e 0 niter: I ! T...1. ^ "i r . T„.i. i « - '0 0 0 lU triln. .cor» sn..hon. 3<. r .u l tt Mn W e coodinc e :.ks «j. tw in f a l u ‘ J X l1 I t JISITEn OIL IS4 t 4 Coedla* I t fl pt Talti r.ll. f i ft » pau(J 1 i AdamKi I S n .. w.ll. I 1 «nd

i l . . Vs. -----------1------ Iun,;,i,7rs— i « i » nSI. ■ 1 t 1 I'llimV* I I I 'f f f l »t M .ukta e « )| s^'.n« I 0 ToUU IJ 11 11: Tnu!> 11 • 11\ « • _^H.ltUm. ttora: CcoJIr* SI. T»lB r.lli T.M

4 ( 4 BHOSnONE tt. BOISE BLNTISO O t n Sbo»hon* fr ft pt RoUa f< ft vt W.n^

-« -e —« HtlllbtaU -a-0 -------- 1 '« " | *‘*'1'

j j j I ! 1

f ^f t pl JI J I Tblal. U 12 H Total. H ? It Totl e I 1 ^^H.ltllm. tt f t f: Shoaben. 21. Bou. C4U Htli

4 * 1 CnOPINR ELKS U. SHOBHO.N-K 11 P “ J l l AdJmaoa ' f fl ‘'s t '’" '" ’"* J

-f ^ - i D»U : « : .«Wrm» 1 0 ! f -M t i t Aadmoa 0 ' fl Kj B.lila 2 4 t

Eddiaaica C t i t i «ILLS I t .,1 1 * •__ _________________ - !' f ' J I M E R C U R Y . »‘ J • QUTBOARD MOTORS0 0 1 Repair parts and ser%-lce. Boats,® ; I paUit. hardware, used molotx ■ ' y»• ; ; Bverytblnr for jour boat. /SI 1 ’ E. O. Hov«fi M arins Suppiv \ J

------- - S4C Main Ktvrlh - Fhonr 94S ^U u ' , ■ - I - I

------------------------- J F I M E S - N E W B , - T W I I !

lit__________ P r o m i s i n g

Iell Gem ^D kbtbyintr Lions .ti:-i record. . jK . • ^

- H - H

r r , . . , i l H . ' . d ^ i H K' « f 2 Eddie Alliaon. ace fullback fer tb e TwIi

: < > bU alfaleUa UlenU ta baaketball th is ae<^ 1 1 best defenslTe pUycr on th e tqnad. Vw1 0 e year, Alllsen haa worked hU way onto tl o o o lurold Brown wanlt an eppotlns play

° ° (SUff pboU-engravltii)

Ducks RaHy III Idaho, Even2 I ; MOSCOW. Fob, 3 (/P>— O regon’;0 0 0 rebound w ith two m inutes le f t toiii

J. J.J. for a 47-46 basketball v ic to ry overRoiiur iV. conference northern d iv ision. The

; '1 >; G r e a t C i r c l e on

. : : = C a p t u r e s R i c h

I n ; M a t u r i t y R a c e

I„ F.ll; iV- Callfornla-oriied Great Circle wonUie world’s richest horse ruce today Stut

, In a jurprUe finish and coUccted ^4 i 1 the record sum of *144.325 ou t ot a1 ' ; fnntasllc (iross of J255.700-„ „ 0 The event was the fourili running 0 '« 0 0 of the Santa A nita maturity, a fix-‘ ' * ture reserved for four-year-olds. and f '0 " 0 the windup of the mile nnd one ^ '7 ,

oa fl : 1 quarler battle proved as thrilling as^ J J the ttemendoiis money a t «Ukc. .II II n LolowhlM raced second nnd Bed

ttrmin IJ, CRoits. who w ith her stablcmate. „_ , , Next Move, was the heavy favorite

I , ft pt In the betllng. finished Uilrd.3 • ' Eleven four-year-olds went to the ^1 J J poM In queit of thU, the ^ J ‘ I I ; putfe ever offered for a single thor-0 « ’ ousltbrcd race, and 53,500 fane. Uie1 ", ; lsrcc.'i luniout of the season,

ihionged Into SnnUi Anita park t ^

_____ The winner rsce.t under the crlm - , . .i« » n son sllkaof'ilie Yolo stable of John Kr,.,,

nup.rt 1.. jj]g|j Wnck. Santa Barbara, H"-!LLO }i Cnllf., and the triumphant Jockey

I t ti pt was Wlllle Shoemaker, co-rldlng ixi,irTj “ s champion of the nation In 1B50.

4 1 * J.OO J.-'5 and the winner pold off In wli!’.' ' J I figures akin to th e money awarded ‘ * * -*31.70, ltl.70 and *3,70.

r u i : C l m c k T a y l o r r,s

; „ „ , , I s N e w G ) a c h

; 11 F o r S t a n f o r d0 1 1 PALO ALTO. Calif.. Peb. S OP)—‘ ' 1 SUnford university today reached noiiin“ ” " Into the professional ranks and pick- Mlll•^

ed Charles A. "Chuck" Taylor aa a.rii.— - -- head footboll coach. Toi,II 1 • Taylor, Stanford alumnus and for n«i:

the pasl year line coach ot th e San -------s M. FrancUco 48'ers, had been favored

as the Ukely choice. K |f * « » Only 31. Taylor is one of the „* k youngesi men evcr to Uke over as M r 2 head football mentor a l a ma]ore “ university. i i, , , Hl?_appolntment to,tha p<Mt..wa5 T2 4 1 announced thU morning b j the Lea0 0 I Stanford athleUe board- moi1 ^ ; From the beginning of the search Ida:

for a new coach, begun tlve weeks bea. io i; .J t aga-.lollowlng th e resignation of testooiii't i>- Marchle Schwartz. Taylor waa rated jji] a prlma contender.

I t ft jf Taylor, a red-haired. tquare-Jawed 29-1} J .» naUve of San Jose. Calif., earned all- f li ° } American rank os a guard on S tan- .•» ,0,-0 -0 ford's 1942 squad. He made all-I I 4 Pacific Coast team t tliree y tars -afi'; “ ' running. • -I « I Taylor wts graduated In 1M3, He1 1 1 tpent three years Ut the navy and.» « 0 after hU dUcharge as a Ueutenant

u “ Tt J-6- >■«“ • of pro b«ll. • T.•»ui It Marchle Schwnrt* said he thoughtr . t T . • »“ "excellent choice." r j jFALL* schwaru, head coach tlnce 1942. :?1

f , „ » paved up a five-year contract offer S i ,I 2 and announced hla resignation Dec.

. ' ! - i i u j t j w ___________ __________“ “4 1 1 Terms of Taylor's contract n e r* f 1 « 0 iwnnnoiinced:-----------—----------------

‘ * ^ trU I « 4|wmi.l.l • * •

■iTlNfl WENDELL CEH HTATERH M. ' I IU ft I W ,>4.11 ’*

1 1 I trVnl ( • • * I

M l jiiIt r It ToUb 11 14 I t TaUb f 11 It

1=1*. C.U MtlfU»t-HW.I -Ww.4.11 » . B.J.. It.

INK 11 I ~ nJ i y i . - F A R M - U > A N S

I « i IM JU M M m t ts r mt

“ ~ B n r C 6 « l > e f l y “IM Uala A n . B , Pboa* ISM

RSBoats. T h * PrB d tttlUtota. y - T N iB^oraac* Co.

I k mu p p lr OOlca

W 5,-T W IN -PA L U 5,-JD A H O ^------


' itc


„ iiek fer tb e Twin Falb football team, haa tam ed Api kettiall th l i aeason and has developed Inlo Ihe th e tqnad. Vied fparlngly a t the tU rl of Ihe per hU way onto the tU rtlog fire whenerer Coach «i< oppotlns pUyer stopped. Allison u a Junior, had

* K l l y ^ ; ( j ^ i p I

iVen Seriesthat

P)— O regon’s Bob Peterson tipped in a cho; I'tes le f t ton ig h t and th e Duck.'i held out ' v ic to ry over Idaho in the Pacific Coast v ision. T he Vandal.i missed haif n doi- com----------- cn ahot.s nnd two free throw.s tnm a f te r Pctcr.son> tip brought w"'

.• Oregon from behind. T ha t tS|cI was the last Idnho chance. The p-.e;

C l l Duck.s were able to .stall out ti th e final m inute.

The Orcjion victory evened the ifno two-gamo scries and pushed the clial

rcle won POlnU of flrsl-place Washington Medice today State. UnoicoUccted Sophomore Hartley Kruger, who vin:ou t ot a scoreil points for Idaho, pul the j.’nrl

5 700 Vandals ahead for the first Ume Cullrunning *" sccond half a l 42-41 and tor .

olds and GUIa n d ’ one minutes re-r i i l in ia s '" '‘‘"■'’g nnd sophomore Roger U l- x v. llbrldge pu t Idaho back In front V Land Bed '^‘1!] “ ”iblcmate Peterson's shot, a rou- r , ,

“ P - '" of “n erratic Oregon SI,1.M 80,1 .tlcm n., “J l

I t to the Vnndal.i booted their chance r to recovcr. LllllbrldRe. a hero sec- J[ (

Hie thor- onds before, lost the ball threeans the times as the VnndaU desperately qC

season to Kct a jihoU Kruger missed ip-epgjj. 'h is favorite hook from the key. then over^ .__/ mUssed two strnlRhl free throws. jyuj

he crlm - , , , OREciov 4t Idaho t t ing 1of John K ,u„r f ‘ ! ”1 hIm." t s' i '’j

Barbara, n"-! i « <i a i'ft»r...n f 4 0 3 Frldit Jockey * 0 ? n * J * jro-rldlng ixijtrraiik f n 1 n Sf» c 1 n 1 P'i*e(1B50, JVhrfirr . n : .-.Kfli.rf i 1 1 Intel:ind was *. i l l Thd o tf in wiii.rn.o„ . 1 0 0 : angliawarded f f ‘j

1 .. ,r » J J J l ---------

i r 7ui*r! ' ' ‘- ’A' . ■’ • '> o n rJ L lUlt.Im. Or.,. . :n, Id.ho 1», Lo„;' IDAHO 14. OHERON SI^ Kr*«.r f 'f f ' f

J ’ * * D.siV V 'r" / 0 0 5

» S r ’ * i j i'£ri' ‘ i nreached nolllnirr t I 1 S Kc'lrr I 1 4 1 ndplck- Mlll.rj t 4 1 1: 11.1,1 , 1 1 1 .ylor aa _oj . _ _ _

and for H.ltUm. »torl° Or«»Jn*jit IdahVll! *' th e San --------------------------— w‘^ “

7 : : B e n g a l s B e a t " r

M o n t a n a 6 0 - 4 9inSSOULA. Mont., Feb, 3 (^1

•V it.T K .—The aharpshootlng of Wesley JiliU by the Leach, swishing 35 points, sank w.u,

MonUna* university tonight as ! search Idaho State avenged a Friday nro„ e weeks beaUng by taking the second con- ii.iri.tlon of test 60-49.................- . —as rated MonUina coasted through the ciw- . • 10-Polnl lead. •■iun..

i f 11 • « llhoui seeming difficulty. "‘ I'i-Tiefl au- I n the second half Idaho SUte r ; . ’ n sjian- # u rted lUtUng from the sides of loe ail- keyhole, tank 16 of 27 tries and

years galloped away with a Orlzily pelL t„i. Q ,, n . Hasquel sparked Mon- n.u

t« i* ’8 offense wlUi 31 polnU.'Uie 'h o could h it In u tenan t u ,e 4econd«haIf.

tliouBht Morris — save rd«l,o State Ihe lead

•e m b ” -34 with B.30 minutes gone in J c t offer *'»lf and Uien Leach M on Dm dropped five shots to enable Uie V " BengaU to pull away. Idaho %

cl -m tn 'S ^ ' e m tae 34 of s i shot*; iion - “ I _ _ ! ! 1 -----------------^

I^ R E S TFeaturing the m tlon 's Bert ia Ul



M ike N a z a r ia n tb.- - One Hour or 2 out olre Semi-Fino'*» - Mr . S a k a ta - " v a .r m 45 Minutes or 3 out o


y Runner-up to jjm Mr. AmericaReferee: Bugy Hayi

^ . T ickets On Sale— Brunswick, Evt ____________ AD'M ISSl'ON- R

Bp^lOf,d by V.F.W. 2

_ J L _ ! r r E i i ! Z “ “ J

[Q .........................................................................■ -

[ Baseball Lea< Sif1rNames“f<

NEW Y O R K , F e b . 3 T h c ci m issioncr o f b a s e b a ll w ill m e e t Sui dent o f th e B o s to n B r a v e s , an hounc

Ind ica ting t h a t t h e c o m m itte e o f itc to rep o r t. P e r in i s a id th a t — ‘'we’re m e e tin g to s e e i f - w e 1 Hri gom g a b o u t t he m a t t e r in the’ eame w a y / ’“ H

larller. he said that a RUccc.-;sor uleilo A B- Chandler, the Incumbcnl Satcommissioner, probably wlU nol be Idanamed untU Chandler’s contract, Bolcalling for $55,000 a year, expires in caii

u tam ed April. 1853. ber,Into the "I have plenty of name,', but no to”

r l of Ihe Mrsonal candidates." said Pcrlnl. "I ‘er Coach w,j tsked at our league meellng if I jo'^ a Junior, htd any report to make, a n d I said

T-iL— ijTL qull£-POSSlblLlhat_C00?i.der;able lime will elapse oftcr Cliondler's

............... contmrt-erplrea before a new com-mlsjloner Is named." said th c Braves’ , , prt'ldent. "In th e Interim baseball IM S would be efficiently ru n by the league prcsldenL^. j ^ p '

'There Is a-possibility, o f course, that the next commissioner-will be TUi

5Cd in a chosen nt the Join; meellng In July. Mono held o u t « the time of th e all-stnr game, but ,, P I .o .iain »v It 1= niay." 'IC v .oast disclosed that th e sclccUon 1 a (lOI- commlltee had started w ith some- *10.00 th row .s tniilg llkr 200 nam es aa potential He h

broucrht commL loners and had worked hnrd I r r t I In wlimowlng th e number down to Bob I. m a t tiic 10 announced by the Associated nnd I ice. T h e p-.ess. newcc ta ll o u t Tho.'e sUll under consideration ore refuse

Chandler, the Incumbent; George . Troutman, head ot th o minor

tned the ifiBues; William Sluort Symington, ihed the cliolrmon of the national security re- f »«»nla8* 5uujteg-0nBfd;-O^-S.-Juaff»-«Mokt- — i ishlngton Medlnal Sen, P a u l Douglas of Il­

linois; Chief Justice Frederick M. ger. who vinson; ex-Postma.'iier G eneral Jim , pul the J'’nrlcy; Governor Earl W arren of Irst Ume CaUfornla; Scott Lucas, form er sena- J-41 and lor from IlllnoU, and M ilton Elsen-

hoftcr. president of Pennsylvania 1 a free Elate college. ^ nutes re-' ---------------------------- ^

W e b e r W a l l o p s

S I C E 1 0 2 - 6 0 I

T o E n d S e r i e s |spcmtely oGDEN. Feb. 3—The W eber col-r missed wildcats m ade It two in a raw ley. then over Uie Southern Idaho College ofirows. Education here Saturday n ig h t add-I* Ing Injury to insu lt by pouring on a k

'* P' 103-60 win after an BO-40 triumph f 4 a 3 Frldty night,

' J ‘ j The wins kept Weber In sccond 1 n 1 place In thc northern division of theI 1 1 Intermountaln collegiate conference.* I > The hot Wildcats hit from every

angle. Weber played 18 m en In an attempt to keep th c score down, but second string men h it thc hoop with more accuracy thnn the -starters,

--------- Pat Bell led SICE point makers1 I’ ,’t ' ' on Friday with 31 points a n d Horold I.ho i». Loveless waa high Saturday wlUi 14. D, WEIIEK IOI. SICE M

I t n pi u.’r Z . t■* « ' I'w iV ! ? -GUnd,,! a ' 1 5 ? y*e« « 0 * ? I i M I for* ‘ 0 J \ s'h,:;” , . i l l

‘ n'wilklMoa I 2 ?in.jn»ld. O O O OtJI______n™? 1 1 o ’ - 7 0 0 fl pe t

I T.U„ T , u n “ ■. JltlfUm. ttor.! W btf°>l.'siCE 27. r e t

' WEDCB to. SICE 4> Coi

5 5 1 P "Wesley nimdtrf f 4 2 lO’Aihbr f l e e . sank wtii>. 1 1 s|iiii||k< » 2:0 'h t ax r.ti.t.ll » 2 1 s c .r^s.r » s 1 i

^ i d ^ F r I \ \ I t

:h the S l l ? * J 1; lead. .'iun.. « ;n.«h « 0 0Iculty. n.ldwl. 0 Isi.jd.a « I 2s u te i 'wV-'r-r l i i ^

des of in wiivinMs n 0 fl ^:s and ______^w.,m,r„ _o _o _o ^

Mon- li'.'lJUm.: W .bV''^ a^oul.rn It! ^U .'the Tim Iblom laluad; .Soath.rn—D.ll I, M,,1, fllinl.n, Wall., fackriil 2. LlTtlru }. S .

Prg.a. H»7r«ia. 4. W.b,r—Woodil ■Morris ^: lead ..............................................................>ne in Cleetrlo MolorLeach R E P A IR

idaiJo ■ S n TMon? - ^ • w i H - a a l l ^ x a n a . l . a--------- * l BK y — H O Pt>ttt^9M iTn | R______ l ^ .a.^ ltt»^ » t U .I,^At.. nJ U

ISTLINGo's Bert ia 1» t« IW Ib. vreillert:

EB. 6-«:30 P. M. "A T TH E

RONDEVOO nMN EVENT‘ n . E d d li w m i a mmr or 2 out of 1 TalU>emi-Final P

- v a . Dale H a d d o c k ” .”lies or 3 out et S FaUs iw

O P E N E R I“ ra .------ JB d rp g p p ffiK e T rtr Iimerlca I ■*«: Bugy Htyaoiaka I j I

im w lck, Evergreen & Sport-Shop i'S IG N — R i n g s i d e ______ SI 50 |IT. G e n e r a l -------------$1.00 , |||

S tu d en ts . . .» ............. 6 0 . . .- I T a i Included I


_ _ _ SUN P A -

[ Leaders Meet T( nes“forNew-€om3 (jpy. The committee named to " sc rcen ” cand w ill meet Sunday to “sift" the l i s t o f nam es c aves, anhounced tonight, committee of which he is a m em ber probably iaid th a t ^ ' ~

iatl'r'in I Bouts Cunceled-------------------- K u ja m T rr e b . s- a * c i« a r ( • « f i

RUccc.-;sor uied boxiitg match here nex t •incumbcnl Saturday between Uio so u th e rn BILIlU nol be Idaho College ot EducaUon and lings 1

contract, Boise Junior college has been trac uexpires in cancelcd, olllclol.t ot Uie K im - scMon.

berly Boosters club announced

'peri'nl " l “ “** a rm ed ' JiKnlng

„ w ., tempts to line up a subjU tute , . ^ ®------------ &

“bS5 Mangrum Taltes ', 'JJ Lead at Tucson Bas:r -will be TUCSON, Arl:, Fcb, 3 m — Ltoyd J;< f Q g In July. Manstum, C1i1c»bo, blrdled th e I8th p m e , but (IJ J one.jtrolco lead

■ sclccUon *“‘<1 IJth some- *10,000 Tuc.'oii open golf tnumament, players potential He had a H-hole score of 200. iO trecie.

rked hnrd »«'=•''■ P"- They down to Bob Watson, White Plains, N . Y.. ever, t

Issoclatcd and Max Evans. DeUolt, Mich., two everyiiewcomers to the tourney tra i l who will p<

-atlon ore refused to crack undcr p ressu re same [; George :0 minor I ymlngton,

S S Z S i = D O N 'T T A K E03 Of II-

neral i CHANCES! f l lbarren of mer sena-on Elsen- ^ 4nsylvanla » a ^ *

0iescber col-

lincge' 'of P e r m a C a p COLDMUD & SNOW

n second ® premium,on of the mnnding MA.XIMUM perform annference. ent tires, now is th e tim e to reicn i*n Yn proven sn o w grip tir i:owii, huiOOP with J

Our 4d Horold J t lwittH. Rjjreoj Methods ^

insure results th a t will• J ; « yield "like Jicw" tire p er-

I formance. And bccause wei know you need your car, S 0 otir technicians render su-

0 0 fl per-fast service. You willS « « drive out knowing t h a t you Q H

can depend on the tra c tio n— - _ th a t our Bpecially designed

* 27. retreads wii! give ytJu.Come in now for th is im* ^

f 'j‘ \a portant safety feature I

1 4 ^ '

m I

RETRE.a.n«ll.a; _______ . ___ __M im v

J n All Recapping, U sed T lrea t

— — ,W« Hav« a-Complet* ------------Stock of

> RECAPS AIn AU Sitet /

Priced Ldw!'

IB « s »

K E C A P P IN G D B P A K ; “,4< ihe S im o f t h e Flging

8 4 0 M A IN'A VEN O E S O U T H

--------- s ™ n A T . J i a i i 5 j ^

jet Today to-Commission" sc reen ” cand idatesfo rttia i,lis t o f nam es on file. Lou p j^ ''

ib e r p robab ly 'v ill

Billings Offer,“Sir eoKtracls¥l9lu thcm BILLINGS. Ftb s I*...)n and Ungs MusiangiJ been tr a c u to :o p i,„ ^

K im - acMon. '« «»ounced Bualnesa Manjjtr u , .^ .

says he expccu iw "^*arm ed ' JiKnlng any of Uiesquad ‘f’o o»ly trouble h e ^ ^would of the bosi CBfU*,*

A t- up before th V u T l! ' iju tuus ..T h e coniracts______ of the U, s. SM 1.5_______

. . s . ' B u s n s “ '

I Baseball Sala® j-Lw Frozen by Otde,d of Uie said Uiat the u l s r lu ^nam en t, players are included in u.

200. to trecie.T hey hastily poiniti „

s, N . Y-. ever, th a l this dotia'i ^leh.. two every baicball pi,«f ^ra il who will perform U1I4 suajta ♦jresaurt. aame pay th a t he tat

A N D T *

, T s A v e



w i t h . , ,

> COLD RUBBEIiNOWTREAIt B prem ium , and icy roadi JM perform ance from your p h e tim e to renew thetn with sn o w grip tire s .

hodst wilt

per- we

car, e r flu- u will

you 'action

^f^ermaC^ ^ COLD


5 5 ^, U»«J T irai and T in B t f i l *

• ---------- -------T

' ( P l

9 ^ t r f s

[NG D B PA K T M E ^ J ® f t h e Flybig Red SOUTH

Page 13: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

^ S ieM 157-39 Wi

■ nWHLI,. Feb. S («>)— B i g H u g l 5 " ” W o F a lb F r i d a y n ig h t I? , S d dunked in 2 p p o m t 3 to k i

s f^ S S H e ;^ ^ d U c B ^ f e t t o r

ffiS d “ 0 "«% ' in M apic«“»l»nche th a t b y ru n n

l 5* ^ e T src ii li» tl i .-W itlv if a m e - tc? L ^ i h x M-a “ «* **” “ *’ 1*?.M W ^ny.CiW «l! Coach ,

| - E

■“ f I J i Tm oi' f s 0 0 Ch«l'*f■'*" { 1 I r.” Ii. ‘i » * : «* , I ! jt.ii;*ti f ‘ * J

" • 1 0 # 0 " SuIIIv. b'

£i.j\*i'°». ________ ' ffCVl

B o w l i n g S c o r e s " S j l ; ,

*C«r<’» V*JO" LK*GU« Ch-liti«ii er - .s t . i .f ti i t 'v '- J I .K

a t __•• 5; ;; isJ 6«t Wimrr sjjin —--------jjj An.WrHin I

“* ----------■— JJ? - I l l r.^Zt s”

jjj Ijj j j j Kn"Sr "

L®wil. ( ^

l i ....... ........ JSJ 111 »j; 1«07ktS'l H l l ^ LEAGUE TqU1«

W* i Trirlof C*«l .....

.---------------III III l l j j p

” “ lJ7 ll! IJO J8S

W — *"^i'lT"lll U |" « S CA8TIt e ____liiJill | | t UJ «M CMtlrtord

mW - in Iso *V5 HfUflSolt

i t ’- "l.iij l:o 15* *os

~is: li» ill »«< WWFIELl -r— ....- ___ _ Filrfl.lJ

m i;« M9 J«hwo”

■ L i .’ "

.. .. i:i It i l n a d ieti

® Boxers to £?■■•«'f e - R i c k s i n _______EL..W s a t G o o d i n g s :,”S S I^ 'S . COIXEOE®UCATIoN, Feb. J-C oftch T«uli Rqw will Uke hl» Bouthem

boxins team to Gooding rsu ^ J nlKhi Ior iM tum mate*-. S'**** ‘lh«R cVa„,i|.j,viW nj». ,' eporuored by th e uorr/r i

elub, Tlll-be he ia-ln Junior high *cheol £ ^ r “*

a ' “ fl promlMs lo be close •«»Petuion i f „ Jn e « h

St fllMMon. Rick, nipped f llC E -» m a bout Ult moaUi * t n ? ^ „

»in Hulse, Duhl; Jick O U on. J.BBOWNS

j ^ - 'd W lead the BICE b a t- ST. LO' “1 -he meet, - ' MerrUI C

i ,~ Z — r —------------ . of the St.

It Lake Signs cond er 'sJu U k f CITY. Feb, 3 VP>- S ^ ln ju ry y S to re Petty ll■old V, mM- Petty. 31- with th e 1 '■ Edai. 1 ?w Nuys. OeQulngekw) r®"' Pf“ l''cn t o f LelahmiPefv i V ‘0 ‘he Pioneer IfcaBue. cquad w l

to t h e ^ ? « t few :tt, ^!"i?hU«elphi» phuuee. opm lne o »• O re .. a t Merced“» « lUid h ,, ■'**“'' ^ 1“ ®* *® out wai 5u{ O f. opealog.

1 9 6 1 ------------7--------------------------------------------------

Id Leads Cou Win Over Br

- B i g H u g h ' S trin g rfic id p a ccd th e Cald\vp]f( la y n ig h t in a B ig S ix e o n fe renee basketljal o in t a to k e e p w i th in a h o u tin c di.itancc of Ni i n g h o n o rs in . lo o p p la y , d ----------------------------------------------------- --------------

I Hey bum's^Hot (5 Wallop Hailey i

H c y b u r n ’s h ig h - f ly in g P a n th e rs continiK y' in M a g ic V aU cy c la s s B h ig h school comjiei it b y r u n n in g o v e r th e H a ile y Wolvcrine.s 12

g a m e - tu m c d - in to - a - a c o r in g itpree-for H fy * . * * * ns he lota

“ | - B o x - S e o r e s - I

fl ACEQUI* Jl ALDION U5 *c«j(» (K t> pf|Aii.lon I t ft Tf FKtrlMd doi0 Chun t 5 J lll l.ttr f 2 1 1 virslly 53-27^ W U l/* I I {!r*M.h=i[«r . 0 I sen 32.2V, ca* » r tln > « 0 i L M thon trc : * 4S.’ Olcnns F* Sum “i n ' 0 » 4 OOOdlUR Slat

Ij SultlvAn 0 1 olpftrrjnBtoQ 0 0 dOwn IUzelt<iT.rIcr « 0 Miu& 80-37

; f — - —■B -^ -e Juuakid^7>:

To!ti. 11 11 1«1 TouU I{ plsylnn ptrfe, Af.r=“'* ...... ..............—••'? 'J I il 8 l?-12llr!U1- "" ..........• ■" * cd'tKe marsl;

ffcvutrn.v Tt ratLL-r ii Hryburn Jrd

Slff '1 J ' ? i S ‘°oile"6t?n?iilorrl.on r « 0 OlSpurk t 1 0 J In the Hcj’bui

t i l l Jlflra.rj I I 5 S 18 polnli. BlChrlitiun C 0 0 1 rm«l«r « J ‘ ’ hlgll tor Hall

. }!*u«*. r : S r I ? 1 “ “"'I'f Wimrr g 1 0 t Vour* t « 0 0 game 41-37. An.l.r^n « 0 0 C Snmi. t o 0 1 ^

" ______‘ * ________outran (he K, Tout. »2 t ia| Touti so n i> ft hiaans fns

......... ;— --------- , j 5, The sfjuad, .--------- f eljht, contr

7 CLENNa fRBnv i«. GOODING and were hoi.7 n. F.rrr f« Kimberlya c»pn>hin « fl i | ' s t i u re fl pf A prellmliia1 ‘ :ic?ii*f^" ' 0 t 4 varslly- t > ijw iijtrir « 1 1 4 berlv Junior ■

pI'h 1 ^ lisiriin * o l o KOffrt 10 poll6 ii'« i.r.d 1 0 orirri. fl 0 0 for Klmbtrlv 4 c.«:n 0 0 oliowfr* 5 f ? Cajlleford t3 c»j. ^ ^ J J second qiinrle" T»;.u :i « 17 10 11 15 half rally to I i fil.nn, K«n. ...... ........ .....ll Jl s: JS ford. CdStlcfO- G<«iini S ..1. e 10 18 51 at tlie end of

1 ,,.„i r ,« .p t I ? J ^ c K h 2I C*r!ner s 7 0 ''llXnilenoB f 4 » 4 In lhe third4 f / 'w » * * ? ? 1 nip ""d tucl: » B.rih 1 j'Thoms'on f t : : Casllctor » lllll f : jlNr.ldow f 0 4 3 U'hlle top SC(- )Ui:.,r t 0 » » » Hansen's Ken

! iiS '.v ;» .» ! • .' LoMll. t 0 JIJouM « 0 I 37-28-■4 llanillloii t 0 JlAn:<rK)ii ? 9 ! C.irey finlst'!* Iiilttf 0 0 0 ctoslnR S'conc7 i --------- a nip nnd ttic)4 Tot.l» 37 » ia1 Toulj IS n 17 [ook A first iZ .................................?i I? tJie Bulldoi!.?« ■" * ......... - utihehalt.T l

‘ r .tr r ft It ptjijeiif'u- ff '‘I minutes lo RO7 I 0 «|iu"h t 3 3 1 ■«“ >• but the: itfir c - B ; 4(j )ind 0 le 4 0 for two biukes e 3 1 j scL.n * 5 5 5 rapid order If6 Co.t« e 7 0 « ' ; Rtay led c7--------------------------- ch>r"’*'' <* 4 > polnLr, Mhlle

------r , T , 1 Bellevue withToui* :4 4 13 J; feated Carey

(1 u*n«'su......... I I ...... 5 2S SJ 41 Ilmlnary conl1 — Ol enns Fer3 MURTAlIfill 4S HAZELTON J4 jfp.d and hcid 0 Mun.«h • IJ fl '« » f ' nil 11,a way tt0 liniici f s 1 f 3 s s at Olcnni F<- Okuwrfr c » 0 jlMuri.hi' « ' ' J Oleniu Ferry1 JleK.rIr,.! t 1 0 « 9 ' | Smllh Was Jl

( I , 0 s «ilhl4.01entI nitl 0 0 0 Dto.n-----------® ° ®-varsity ja b c ,i Ur««Jln» J 1 1 ’frry------------ ? o 1-W’h for OleiV ? v.'utha------- fl 0 0-ma' and Bn: t --------- --------- Ooodlni Sut<

' sSir __1I_ _ in the secondg CASTLEFORD 12. HANSBN St the marfiln tc4 Cutlrtord ' * ' i ' ‘fi” *"*!'',' 'J ' i 18-17 golns 1 i ilrJ..r J I l ln - . f 0 1 t of tt thrilling f Q While 2 1 >|aii>» i: 1 0 ‘ thc Indlani! r■ 5 lIc«rlS«ll 1 1 5 Diw e » > 4 ^ 33.•: w ' r l,K 4 Mmhiu.* : s I " f* - Kent

■wiiiiVmi « fl 0 polnlj, while'B -------- TT "t n Albion Tilh'* * ” a IS 25—1' jiinlor varJltyn tiVuJn" 'T ' l r r ........ : ; 7 . i j - i i - ' a . Muriimgii.i17 :— • feat Hazellon:< J-AWFIELB JJ. KIMRKHLY ’J Bai th j icark- [•i'"*!''’ '? ' i " t : « J attack with’ w lm ltc i f I i N.u«n t » I » JtatcUon will

iiiiathtr « - « - s - HirfM -t— :*T“ J Tcon the JunloII Durtll « 4 J » * t 0 » Paul outclai i * 0 I M^K-co I 0 I Victory at P ig Jehiuon- 1 0 u « J ? ? Panthcra wllh 'S .Vm*'!” si ft 0 0 J *“ ’'>Sh fori^ .i i> u « 0 1 won the Junic^ 'rinrrf . 0 0 J Dietrich bul

R„i,bint 1 0 0 tfr lead, then,j c 0 fl win over Rich)|8 . sn,l.<«i 1 2 0 wllh 10. Swec13 ---------1 - 7 ,7; Held with nliToiti. « i3_ui_Toui« IJ » » i {f,g p „ ,i ® DIETRICH 4T. RlClll'IELD » ^ r ; ----

“ f = V i r i K l , ! ! " G o o d i n i K : S , ' ; ! . ' t s ™ . . ! i D e f e n d E l . ' ; 1 ! • oooDiKaA.1»11 J « Bilv* « I > E to will leaV'sr r i StSS

_ iiutMiiiiii « ® » M»ho Falb. 15 - , , T^TTni . , , , held l u th T«l»l* u U » | ToUli _ I I» »J ppjjJj^ BU to ir. KiMRRRLT M Manager W. ;g ni« /» ft pt|Kimb<tiT f* paay the tear

0 0 ‘ 1 1 1 — ^ —o x irro ii« 1 0 4!ct*cr« ® ! ’ W issssaaBg

le Uarner V 1 1 2]T«U * H

Dl s ^ r ' " i I I » JN»Uon 3 1 4 , A

,0 ; 5 J Mh < 1 1 ■ ■^ retail i t ]( 11 T°Ul< \ \ ^ U S l^ ° i* .W m z i i 11 M «

a. BBOWNS flION CHOICE^ • . t - ST. LOUIS, Peb. 3 (* V -flh o ru ^

MerrUI Comba. number <«« . ' m d. of t l ic .S t.L o u 5 » .B ro W H > ..5 » ^ .......

drift, hM BlgDta b ll W5» eontr*«wllh th e club._________ _________ A

" S H 5 e r b I e e O T T 5 t7 8 i rW « * w r

a “ J ^ t t W t h e i e e o o d p l i ^ t o ^ OUBI- w llh th e B e e i .lT > e f lr r t» « * "* " “ m A t l

e . Kuad wUl ba lln*<J W ^ f W Y i lW A S l

r - opealng. irmTin

. . V . " __________ t i

Cougars___the Caldwpir C o u g a r s tb a 57-39 :nce ba!<kctljair g a m e .di.itancG of N a n ip a fo rw a rd K d l ^ H K

Hot Cagers iley 72-51 'ithers contimiod t o bJazc t h e w iiy school com iie tition F r id a y n i g h t ^ K f i j H

Wolvcrine.s 72-51 a t H a iley . T h e p I K I P .‘‘pree-for H fy b u m 's - B ti s -G o n n e r

as he tota led 2 9 p o in ts f o r ; -_ dcfondiiijc ( lis tr jc t-C h n m p io n a , •;______

Other clas.s B a c tio n sa w Elko defeat K im b e r ly 5 7 -3 9 , \ A

pf FKtrlMd don-ii Kitnberty's Junior 1} virslly 53-27, Cft.ulcford stop Han- I

sen 32.2V, catcy up«ct Bellevue 52- ' ’ 48. Oltnns Ferry pull away from GoodlnK Slate 48-31, Acequla rally _■ ' to beat Albion 33.2S. M urtaugh down Hizeltoii 43-24, Paul whip Malla 80-37 nnd Dletilch defeat ' H e Willl

- ^ c 1 ^ l f Ted iL ^ i g ^ K ? ^ i r r c ^SI P'??'?? ball, got o ff for eijh l ” Hei, j 8 li-l^lirst qimrlcr lend and boost- ----------------

cd tKe marglri io 26-2ra t- th e hhir.Hryburn Jrd /ill the way and I'lc A

r | ipuiiky Wolverines never were able l \ "M T

g Oile Stimpson followed Connor ___J In the Heyburn scoring parade with X J l ^s 18 polnli. Buhlcr nnd Sm ith were t l , V P

high tor Hallcy w ith 10 each. X - i » V , llallty won th e junior varsity0 game 41-37. . F IL E R . } A fancy bflll-hnnailng Elko stjund bail to ii rn

_ outran the Kimberly Dtilldogs with fo .,r

1 fight, controlled the backboards T o u m a land wcrc hoi on the ir shot.s. Tale ----------------led Kimberly .ncnrlnn with 13 polnt-V fT1 .

jf A preliminary ffnmc saw the Fair- X W O ' ] field varslly ni.ih over the Klm-4. "’‘Ij' P j g | - ]J Kored 10 point.'. Hlcslns v m high

s L ocal1 second quarter tlieii hold off a Ifi-st . . .5 halt rally to trio H.Misen tvl CnMle- ‘5 " '’[» ford. Castleford held n film 0-7 lead Bcclcers Wl “ at llie end of Ih'V-flr.^t qimrlor. but P®=e In

ran UB a 19-12 lend n t the half, Unn- PclHlon In,t aen closed the mnrvln to two poliiLi mg In the I4 In lhe third Quarter nnd ploy wa.i tol tounicy* nip nnd tucl: lo th e final horn. Cox Wfle “rid PI ; led Casllctord w ith nine polnti oerrlsh'.'s3 while top scorlnft hnnors w ent to rifle dlvUlon » Hansen's Ken Daw wllh 10. CnMIe- lo^-cd b r A l a ford won the Junior varsity game SporLcr, O-I ‘ Bcckcr's Wll ' C.irey finished w ith a ru.-ih In the the plsti a closing s'cond.t to upset Bellevue In jj.,n-y Lumb- a nip nnd tticH game nt Carey. Cnrey .-n^d Hnrdi 7 look a first quarter lend, b u t .■saw9 Uie Bulldog.? come back for a lead t,!,™ . . . .

»l the halt. Tlie lend chnncrd hands, In the final tiuarter. Wllh Ihrcc „,'! minutes to go, Bellevue held a 48-47; lead, bul the Panthers came hnrlc t,.„, imt0 for two biiiket.i oijil a [oul ,»hot In f)5 rapid order to Ice the contest. J '1 Reay led Carey scorlnc w ith Ifl gil I polnlT, while J . T, Head topped- Bellevue with 24. Bellevue Klrls dr-; feated Carey rlrl.s 40-26 In the pre- , ,I Ilmlnary contest. f'"'T

Olenns Ferry plied up nn early i,I , ler-d and held a comfortable mnrgln t nil ths wny to defeat Oooding State *: s at Glenns Ferry. jnluBoii topped > Gleniu Ferry scoring wllh 13 point?, d. i. ll.r I Smllh was hlEli for the Redskins . .s with 14. Olenns F e rry won the Junior ----- "« vitrslty gabe 60-23. Tlioma.? was . .9 hl5h for Olenns Ferry wllh 12. Oer- Cfi iii,0 ma' and Bailey -ihared honors for »■- Oooding SUte w ith nine cach. *;•5 Acequla Jumped to a 10-2 first4 quarter lend, but 'Was held Nrorcless -icii.ii ...

In the second fram e as Albion closed >, the margin to 10-a and went ahead cirJ« JW* .1 18-17 going into thp (Inal quarterJ of a thrilling game a t Acequla. Tlien r>» R<»* . .. .* the Indians rallied to finish w ith a Doroiiii' s*nbc ‘ rush for a 33-20 w in over the AlbionJ crew. Kent led Acequla w ith 12 ■ •

polnls, while Trcmnyne was high for Tnuu „ . . .- Albion wllh 10. Acequla won the . junior varilty gntne 20-IS.s . Murliuigli.led.ftll.the w de.

feat Hazelton a t Afurtaugh. WUls {i'“| u“ , 'f vas the sparkplug Jn iJj« Bed DeviJ lUr -s attack with 19 points. G ran t led An KimeU-. » HateUon wllh 11. Murtaugh also5 -won the Junior vnpiilty game 28-Jfl.* w«i» t Paul outclassed Malla for a n eoiy w>rl .AiKualt t victory at Paul. Knopp led the _ .* Panthcra wllh 18 poinls. AnderjonJ was high for M alta with 13. Paul j ,„ d. „1 won the Junior varsity game 40-17. u>vk o'HtrrcJ Dietrich built up a 11*3 first quar- E'»i' •“ tfr lead, then coo.'rted tn for n 47-29 S*'',T 'i wInoverRlchfleld. Rool led Dietrich c h i t l - s>ur .0 wllh 10. Sweeney was hiRh for Rich. John K.ilr _- field with nine. Dictrlch girls abo _ .' aoa the preliminary 45-23. '

Gooding Elks to " Defend Ca?e Title

; OOODINO. Feb. 3-The Oooding - - 71 Ella Wlil leave h e re Monday to de- j.„ r fmd:thelrl(tsho etBte outlagr.baaJtel.f.0 ball tournament chainpionshlp' In ■«•«»;« ,'J T’1 Idaho Falb. The E lta won th e tour-: ney held la it y ear in Black/oot shi# mohu .

Coach Howard ChrlsUansen and Mnnagtr W. S. Phipps will accom- **“ '

{ pany the team on the trip. ,_______ tbU1« — .

t ........- --------------------- ---- -


’ I D A H O • C A U F O R M I A ■

* M E V A I M . O B E C i O N ■ I

; W A S H l M e i O M *J Inturea Vans — Ttotn FalU Pl

t i m e s . w e w s . t m n f a l l s

Williams Misses I

I - -A. ^ " ■ :V I ■

Ike WUllami, world llghlircigbl champion, 1tll, n

eighth. Referee b Morrie Sherman. (AP wlrephoto)

Annual Filer Oi Event Starts Me

F I L E R , Fob. 3—T he annual F i l e r L opio bail to i i rn a tr a n t s ta r ts here n t 7 p .m . M on fo u r g a m e s of a w eek-long to u r n u n e n t p a i f ro m th e so u th e rn p a rt o f M agic V alley.

T o u rn a m e n t officials a rc o f fe r in g $200 ir ---------------------------------------------- t h e three

Two Clubs Set , r t t l Sr t . n . M a rk e t squ;

i n to u m a f tie n tf a v o re d to r

Local TourneyCcrrish SporUng Qoodi and F*’" "

Bcckcr’s Wildeau continued to »ctthe pace in the fourth week of com- “ pciltlon In the *econd half of tlr-Ing in the Inter-club rifle and pU- P "tol tounicy held by "the Twin Fallj P o u r more pRifle and Pistol club, . Tuesday with t

Gerrlsh-.'s team Was leading the " " ^ “oub?c rifle divUlon wlUi a M-2 record, foi- lotted brAl-a Conoco, 11-5; Marty'i " 'p ' l 'Sportcr, O-IO, nnd StAynori 1-16. ‘ Bcckcr's Wildcats held a 14-2 mart 2 , ^ , . ViTn " t5

„ .„ a n . r a » . « , 6.a. .na “ % “ “ ™

in Ih . 1™ a ivw ...liiclmie, ....................... Competition i

................ ....... In the tournaiT,... ..........,1 members ofn.irr ,., .. .»! »* 10 tif M inor biitlnw .................. .................. ri i-t !i: x h c loumameiB? ill In rilcr-

Z South te S; lii F r e s h m :fi i!S WAB1IIN0T(

.....'I ......... ao ;i Ul m en wlllbe ellRn. I- 'I* ' ........... ....e rn eonferenee

........ ..... .17 jTi 401 im beginning nextil'. ........ A s an emers

I,,,,, Hull .........91 II 11 lu dwlndiins numc .ll iii-,iir„i,fif ........ II II .a jjt cause of the tnJl' ,1 liatmcntj, iholi'.;,. ___ : 14 71 ll lot to return to I

— — — •— iglbillty poslllo—................. - Theconteren

H .riri Bport.r Jd here today bJ.n.* K « * - . 3 - II »i 71 JH rlngton, .s«i\bnm..... ......II 10 71 111 among the 17 nr>» R<»* ..............~ * 7 «t M MJ m ajo r conferet^ jo lhyS j^W n------ jl »| | | j | |

TnUU ....... ...........~»l~Hi mo -PISTOL DIVISIONllarrr Btrty Lonbar j& g

fSH' zrjn, I | ll }j| ^

£% ‘'!2 h o I“ ._ZZZ! 7i--7i,..«i ,_ tH_____ \ ______Tol.l* ----------------mt >10 IIJ »H M ^


' ( n>^ —U —**- II

Bhy»lo*riU ■—Z ,' ~T H 11 «« 11 Mu rhiiupi _ II «T ll (« HjjjHBig

M i

^ n B K B i | M t e . ^ P h Q n e § B M2 4 G I n s

' I N < P I / 'E IN THESE 'STATES I /RMIA - MONTANA I /3»M - UTAH a n d i '

DDUCCrr OOKNKmOM W ira I / I JVANS A U . OTER TB* 0. a g - b U r l


rN . m L s T r o A H L . _.” “T 7

[ isse sL eft

Ruper.1' / ^ ' ■« ference.

' 71-10 nnd thbyo coiifci

- . ' J . Only a Kim' '' «xc«i)t—fo r-f

w ith o ther Ich ■‘f'Ss onto leco

^ record "foltewedome Filer Oooding Burtry and Bul

, from flltli placewith Jerome (or conference ttan

With Abble Knys again pQiifd away alt

lamplon, Itll, m tues a left Jab but ter that ended S or Vie Catdell. H artford. Conn,, la a l the hUf. Tt

AP wlrephoto) Uriguen and lli------------------------------------------------- - poinU.«»«h.-L»

—. , _ Jerome with 14.

ir Outlaw ;:s Monday• ' giunt J7.25, Bl

F ile r Lopion outlaw basket- Rupen with e 7 p.m. Monday f o r t h t fir»t “ " . S W ' ;

irn u n en t p a ir in g e ig h t team s of big Don sr jic Vnllcy. fast and kept;c rin g $200 ii^ p rize money for f"''” - ' th e three top team s. The 2ma“ nJ'to<o‘ M ngic Valley Red nnd W hite led the ourlcj sto re s tcnm, th e fo rm er Ideal pointv Burton} M arket squad , ia defending X r l e y " ' . " ; tournaYnent cham pion and .i,^ 4,.,,favored to rtSpcnt;------------------- -

aam es Monday pair Kimberly F"f"' 13. Merch*»M nnd M urtou»h n t 7 pjn., Oakley pulle<! F iler Lcdlon nnd Twin FnlU Selfs quarter to dei ol 8 p.m., Duhl Jaycec-i nnd Twin Roger Pomtoii 1 Ffklls Independent M eat a t 0 p.m. the threats for and Castleford M-Mcn nnd Red nnd loot a 17-13 il: W hite nl 10 p.m . extended the m

F o u r more games will be played I'J'*'- Tuesday with Uiree Karnes each on " g h hWecine'^day and Thursday nlghta. togcH wn Il la a double ellmliinllon tourna-

'" p r ice Holloway l.i serving ns tour- of two itartln nam ent mannKcr. Rus-i Wells.-Twin mumps. IF a lls : Gene H ull, T^vln Fnlb. and ''“ ’ ''I'Lyman Caugljcy. Duhl. will referee t, nIho tournament gnnics. i/risutn t t >

T h e winning leam will receive JlOO f ‘ ‘in prl?£ money, JG5 will go to aee- fiVl2'» * 1 1 ond place nnd $35 to Chlrtf. uuckirr c 1 «

Competition is expcclcd to be close w.ll f 0 0 in the tournam ent. All teams are • '• *members of lhe Magic Valley M inor biitlnw Dneketbali Icngue. - -T h e loumament is nn annual event 1, , _ in Filer- j„ o m ,:::.

South to Allow » ”*ff Freshman Play .;;

•WABHINOTON. Feb. 3 MT—Fresh- J \m en wlllbe eligible lo play on Bouth- [,‘Vriwh.e rn conference varsity spotta teams * 1 0beginning nex t fnll. , ,

A s an emersency measure, due to ‘ J ,dwindling numbers o f atudents be- -----cause of the m ilita ry draft nnd en- Toi.U li I*liatmentj, iho conference as voted ---------to return to Its W orld war n el- ' ---------- :iglbillty position. DURLEt

T h e conference decision, announc- '*ed here today by President Max Far- i„um.n 4 i rlngton, came after a mall vole nurun 1 tamong the 17 members. I t la the fln t * 'm a jo r eonferenee to ta ie auch ae- n~mm*r 0 ilio n . Ro»r> ] 0

iQ sr^


n V -ic Now FashioD Forum IJ m ■- ★ New Guidft-Uno safety

, w (and a sm art low hoodW ★ N ew Telo-glance iiatnin:/ New ilorizoD-view TisibQ


I N ew 150-HP Pacltard Thunda / N ew 1951 Packard Uitwinal

I Sm H— dft»* Bt 0 ^ yeur.ofder fcl «


SCHWARTZ AUT140 Second AVgnu«ge»f <

Rupert Club Bea Burley, Uakley F

The Rupcrt P ira te s continued to burn up 1 ference, rollinR over the Je ro m e TiRera 61-1] 71-19 nnd the Oakley Hornet.-? w ere defeatir bye in confcrcnce play. R u p e rt en ters tho hiDnly a Knme w ith Burley --------------------rucpcjny stands in tho w ny, "I

ivith other loop team s, Burleylangi onto itcond placfr-wlth a B-3 T ^ * 1 J•eeord-felteirtd by-0 «kley-*-«,-Jer- - | 4 ' ' l # Y n T >me 4-4, Filer 4-S, D uhl 2-T a n d X X ^ t l l 3oodlng 1-6. Oakley, w ilh wins over SurJey and Duhl J*jt weei, moved MIAJHI, FJa, ■torn liltii place Into a tie for th ird to ^ e d fou r rot vith Jerome ior the only change In . lonference itiiidlngs. W ftrea n e w n s

With Abble Uriguen and Billy Ezzard Charle Hnyt again leading Uie wny, Rupert Trained dowpulled away alter a h o t f in l quar- -----------------------ter that ended aj-I8 for a 43-J7 lead _ .al the hiK. The Pirates continued l l l f f nrr? ^ n .,p »,f-??;ga-t^nHTi-iMn n tT n ---------- a U l U qUriguen and llaya connected for 10 | . 1 jpoint* «»«h.-Un7 Brockenbury-l»d - I - ................Jerome with 14. t

Rupert hit 38 per cent o f Itj ,fhot« | | | | ^ m L to 34 per cent for Jerome. Tho P i- ' T jrates took 30 more Ahota a t the hoop, connecting wllli good acgiimcy oa Ion; attempts.

Rupert won lhe Junior varsity giune 37-20. Buckley was high for Ruperl with eight points and O . . \ <Beer lopped Jerome wlU> lU. K ' S A i J \

Sparked, by Uie outstanding ploy of big Don Sfnllh. Burley ita rted fast nnd kept up the pace to ro u t -.Filer. Butltr ran . up a lD-7 firs t quarter leid and boosted the m a r- / ) .gin along ta40-as a l lhe halt. Sm ith i tled the Burley barrage with 22 \polntv Button had IB. Schroeder was Itops for nier with 12. \

ally game 4 3g. WlUon led Burley Iwllh 15 points aj\d“tAflelWl'-toppoi Flier wllli 13. nim '^ H

Oakley pulled away In the seco t^ “quarter to deieat Buhl at Bufil. • • •Roger PoLltoii and D. Qonlnge werethe threats for the Horneta, Oakleyloot . 11.1! Ilr.l Q o .ri tr l , .a andextended the margin to 30-20 a t th© • c .k . i .half. Poullon and Oorrlnge toolchigh scoring honors w llh 14 eoch. ,Joey Edgttl wn3 high for Buhl w ith “ ‘j Kddie Wilt

Buhl was h.impercd by the In.vs *>y of Iwo itartlng players, sidelined with mumps. Buhl won the Junior A cvarsity gur.e 42-55. V a U C l / I k

nWERT tl. JEnOME 41 •«-*. 1 J 1& r Picked br«,!M I I ‘ 5 E.'.'Si I { ! a LOS AKOELIn » i ( 1 1 4 Peuitip ( I D t Morlcnsen, h m y.“',V7 * 1 J * J S ft U. S. MUlUry a ii^i^L ., . 0 I o 'rw n c* 0 0 0 today oa asslsla

ji'oou-n t 0 0 * of Southern Ct V n w .iB trf i s * ball conch. Jess

T . ) « t« iii T«t 1 tl TT ^ Mortensen wlliiI°',V ’ . « .1 M U I football nnd tnJrro/n. . . . . .... ................. u 17 ifr-< i WUIUHunter,

0. . . . na .,k f I j .1'!^,':;., t ' S o ^ l HIU, classmatescoop.r t o o t U.W, I 1 4 generally regartJi^ouiicn f I I j Uro»n • s 1 all-nroundI)‘f e r i« . . * e I I'arJoit'c 0 0 veloped nl USO,1^ f 0 c oMMciif w 0 0 The 44-yenr-<

* ? 5 holds the worldfMj , 1 0 o w .“ri " * t i t in 1931. for a on.

II. Cnith- jch.mUr. 1 2 1 0 ------1---------------Oiy** ' : 0 41 C»na»n t « _____ ___________ _____ if.ntiln* I I

lo i l « « «DURLEV I. riLSB 4» . IT T TD-rlrr fi ll r Kll.r f t ft pf „ ToUll « t 1

Kralih 10 J L-non i * 0 P u r lr r ------------lnum.n 4 1 AllUon 4 I 2 y i l t r --------- -—

i - f c


kiD Forum I n t e r io n>-liDe eafety fe n d e raa r t low hood) la n c e inBtzum ent p a n e l ■i-v iew Tislblli(y B . . . H a

- ■ - - Bj tro v tllnrHOAD tN S m iT ¥fTT!f- ■ ---------

Itard T h u n d erb o lt e n g iiie H w aoifiiia r d m tn in a ta o D riv e * M

S M torwr .order fcl eert^ Oti

> eWMS OKI -

AUTO CO.' '■'"'"“V KHIO

. ^ _______ PAOl

) Beats Jerome 6 ley PosTLoop Vi

1 to burn up th e Icaguo F riday n ight In th o ! D TiRcra 61-11 while the Burley Bobcata w ere w ere defeating Buhl 58-41. Tho Gooding St en ters tho home strctch in league p lay •with

Relaxed Louis-Se Fight With Ghar

WIAJHI, FJa., Feb. 3 (JFh-A relaxed and conf boxed four rounds with his sparring p a r tn e rs ’lared he was "as ready ns I’U ever b o - fo r .a . i Ezzard Charles nnd the hcavyweiRht crow n.

Trained down to 208 pounds, 10 less th a n ht-----------------------------— — — ■ he h it th e com

T ll f ln A r t i c f Brown Bombei ' V 4tlte -to^tftclile*

“ T ’ "Me meea'"Offie1 * Cuba In * 10-nh n ttlght a t th e U lan,1. J fight Andy Walk'

/ ' FranclKO. ThenK r-'V s. Loul* would Uke ■l \ y | the rlna w ith the

BUGX nAYAMAKA . . . ttfeated Japatie** wmMer

who will appeu- h . „ ln ..dajr “ J gnlghl in the toIb ot a referee. ,Ui, j,Ilayamaka baa been ceachlBg Mr. ciiarl’e*.Bakaia, a neweotoer to w ratliof toula' belief tli ei«les. Sakala wlil take on Dale utle fight now lladileck Taesdar nlfhi viih elber Rocky OrmiUno, matebei palrlnf Mike Nazarian vofK o u t~ 7» tet and Eddie WilUanu aaii BiQ Mel. middleweight ehi by and Jack Fappenheim. ' v u "a dUleiCQl

................. ................. murder O harlet i

Cadet Assistant .Picked by USC SU?,';*,U. s . MUlUry acadcmy. was named today OS assistant lo the University of Sou“ .em callfom la'. new Joot- ball conch. Jess lilll. would aton

Mortensen will aastst HiU In both .football nnd track. '

WUIU Hunter, director of athleties, " oppointed Mortensen to th e poat on _ _ _ _ _the advice of lUU. Mortensen and _ ^HiU, classmates and friendi, are S i a lsencrally regartJed as the two great- * est all-nround athletea ever de- veloped nl USO. A n t 6 l O P e

The 44-yenr-old Mortensen stUl ^ tT «holds the world record. esUblished “in if t l . for a one day decathlon. •______________________________ telope herda navi

. , . . 1 . . . representaUves <a ; ; ! . ! ! ; ?.■?• 1 1 : cuuom i. .» a iDiiiT 0 e o s^U u,, B « 0 and t« n e <JeP»5J"“rT S 2 ? to***?-1 0 0 Ten »tat« ewr

--------- 1 --------- federal flah and 'Totiii 11 t 14[ -ibuij » n reaenUUves atte

riiir ............ ....... ....... * Jl i G » » t Lakerien


in restfiil —c d q t h

. . Here'* on «n|oyabte woy 'to sav» a troytllii0 . tn an ad{ust«bl«. r ^ n l n g cc you r t i t oV ybuTTde In perfect comfarM

" • " w a o if i i f . ToKi thVeosy woy your errivol. .

Sm )>«OT iM tf Vnteii

______ PAGE T R D t n a ^

)me 6141; top Wins• n igh t In th o B ig Seven con- Bobcata w e re bum bllni'Filer

ho Gooding Senators drew a >guo p lay w ith ah 8-Q record.


ilaxed and confident Joe Lools rrlng p a r tn e rs today, then de- ivcr b o - fo r. a.accond. crack at._ ;eiRht crow n.10 less th a n he w eighed when he h it th e comeback .trail, the

^ Ig ^ to Ch ^ lofl ig^iniO J a rc h . ' —"He meea'’Offiello--A8rKmmt*Tif-

Cuba In * 10-rounder Wedaeiday night at the Ulamf itadium u d wlU fight Andy Walker Feb. 2S In Baa FranclKO. Then the a«-ye«r^ Louis would Uke to eUmb back bto the rlna v lth the champion.

"f waant ready when Eoeard tw<i me the fln t time, he said. *1 dU nl. vorlc hard enough ior that oaa. X got my-weight down by J p t diyta’ . . out.

‘■IVe been trainin' hard rinee then, plenty o( boxln' u d tour>flT« mile* of road work ever* day. rm la fine ahape now u d io t l khaiper,**

But, de*plt« Joe'i great amblUca to regain u 4g;ulekly u poesible tha throne he onee abdicated, the bMt bet appeared to be that he would meet Charlea In an outdoor flfht In ^ne, probably In the Yankee eta* j

In1eimUonaJ*'''BoJtlne**^^b,* and"' Matchmaker Al WelU aro echeduled to go Into a huddle Sunday vltb LouU u d h li manager,-ManbaH MUei. on .the return match vUh Charle*.

Loula- beUef th a t he eould Wn a Utle fight now was conflrmid by Rocky Orartano, who watehed him . wark out -yetterdcy.-T ha-(oR B tr - middleweight champ declared .v u "a dU lereat man." He could murder Oharle* right now."

Dr. Jame* J . McCormick e t tbe city boxing commlidon r^erted Uui* wa* la "remariuble” audl- lion when he niamlned h la at T hunday* welchlng-ln ceretnonlM. Ooe welghetJ itU'A. He carried JU pound! Into the ring a g a l n i t Charles, 314 when he defeated Ceear ' Brian and 310>l when he -out Fredtlle Beahore.

It waa even money locally that Joe would stop Agramonte In f in rt und» or le« . The right, e»peeted to gross *40,000, wiU not be bread* cait or televised. ,

Four Slates Air Antelope Plans

BOISE, Peb. 3 fll»-M*nagem*nl problem* In handUng Interstate an« ' ulope herda have been dlscusisd by ' representatives ot Oregon. Kerida, Ckllfomla and Idaho, the state flib' - and game department announo^' todsy.

Ten sta te gama department u d federal fish and wlldlUe serrlee rtp . ■ resenUUve* attended (ha m e itt^ held a t Lakeriew, Ore. '

A R SC M t

H c l p e ^ Jw oy 'to aovt

lie. r^ n ln Q erfert

Page 14: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

I d a h o S e n a t e

A s k s B o o s t i n

^ ^ L i c e n e e R a t e s(Fn. r » f Om>

publle IUblllly a n d property <5im- •ce IniurMM. ,

BOTMQ PrttpWfdSitab!ljhin«it or « driver#' ll«n»e

buruu. Equipment u id Inatnictloiu • »hiwld be lum ishw l to »h«TiH« o{

I_____Hi« f/wmUM «nf1 In ri»lttfnfor » fee Of M c c n u or m ore per pe rm th« ih tr lf f i 'would conduct driver eximlntoloru »nd »end p«* pn* lo BolM for iMUtnee o f s 11-

Strict enforoemerit of the tnick- lng Ueen« !•* ft" » tiow pfrWln*

. lo -ftrm truck cla*»lfic»tJon »nd rroM lend llmltx.

Doublln* IhB p r« « n t chirsM fnr lecurlnn or Irinafcrrlri k ceriill- c*t« of title.

--------- -------- a rD f« -s r« M -fn r t------—Slrenuihcn 1 a w enforcement

“Uiroiiah the sounder mtl moroI*--------rtftcttnrpoUce m cthodi ^’Ithln our? ' IdiHo sUte police ontinlratlon . ,'i The committee a lso aujrjeatcd in-

creulnit anrt inannlnir moro "»c4le »et-upi“ to control overloadlnjt.

Tfto mewurw Introduced in the ' hmae woitlrt amend the Ilquor-ljy.I the drink law to perm it women bar-

Kndera oiui enable clubir-to ctay open until 3 n. m. instead or 1 a . tn.

The chilli l»ibor Inw. »hlch m cl a j parlljmcnlary rtefent. s is tetrned

I____ "nrtmlnhtrBtlon tilll. renueatcd by

■------- noblw'n.'------- ----------------- -- ■'n«p. Vernon M endfrhnll. R.,

FranWIn, argued Uio bill would re.; itrlet emplojment o f children In 1 anrlculture. Hep. Joseph Skaach- I mitler, D., Idaho, anid It would pro-

hlblt voutha under 10 from d rlv lnf farm tnjcka.

IMT (-aw UnehaDftd Vemon, who apoke for th e bill,

i&ld the child Ubor law .haan't been i chanied lUnce 1M7.

Rep. Winum 0. Smith, D.. 8ho- ahone, who moved to lift th e bill , from th# table, declared U ia t the Ubllnit action "la Juat evidence of what nitler uid S ta lin would do."

The house killed a proposed con* , stituUonol amendment which ILa i aponior, Rep. DnvJd Doane. I t , , Ada, u ld would, pe rm it future lesls- . lator* to revise th e court gyatefji, ; ^^e^«mti^>dm^n^^wo^d^pTO '

o f coiuUtuUonal courts.The vote waa SS tn favor a n d 10 ,

opposed. I t fell four voles sh o r t of .: the necMiary Iwo-thirdi majority. ,; Hilrteen members were abaont. ]I Mendenhall terved notice he may i

•sk for reconsideration ot the vote. 'The house also passed a bill to In- ]

: crtaM deduction* u nder the atate iI Income Ux law a n d proylde fo r a <j ahort form paym ent fof Ineottiei i I under U,MO. D enial expensM also

would be rteductibl# tiodw th o b ill ' However. Rep. Tom Bell, R,. M ini,

doka, terved notice h e may aak for 'reconsideration. i

The senate brt«*ed through nine

/irJ ^

R Q Iim**Footm

KtCSWDRTEEN .....— ...... ■

• a t e I M e a i i Is. A ralli thief U mean

> S I i n enough io iteal the ahirt off your b K t. Thuraday ol«ht he took an

u all-wooJ (juUt off tb* radiator o fi t a t e s -•*> deireea above tero.•operty dam- j . p . Arriniton. Il« Tyler

I atreet, told police Friday the qulIt I®Md I waa Uken from lha radiator o fivere' license I his car while it waa parked In: Inatnictlons front of hi* house. '> »h«TlHa o{ I . V.nri In ri»lttfn ^ ^ _______________ )||

luld conduct were introduced In the senate, in - il Id aend pa- eluding eight which Ben. William nee o f a 11- C. Moore, R., U tah . Mid would ,,,

tighten and correct Insurance law a " f the truck- and regulate various forma of In - ■' low pertain* *urance coaipaniea In conformity Icatlon and wllh unifomj regulation*. "Chantea fnr Ballot Bill OK'd • ,

I a ceriitl- P»»ed by.Uie senaU *as a bill lo lo eliminate the straight ballot In sen* pr

------------.ara l-a Uctlon*— l^pravlaiulF hart l lenforcement P»«®d the hduse and ha* carried Gi

and moro recoinniendatlon of Oov. L cn In r ^’Ithln our Jordan.ilsatlon . , Also getting senate appriJval waa , ijrjeated In- a measure lo Implement the con - more "scale sUtutlonal amendment approved by loodlns. voter* last. Novocber to enable need in the cities to Issue revenue bond* fo r ^ e ilquor-by* water, sewage and eff-»tr«et pa rk - ' ■; women bar- ing facilities. ibir-to sUy The highway sub-commltlee’a re*(I of 1 a . m. port said; T«hlch m cl a -While your committee does n o t

tem ied feel Ihat Idaho should by any means I!—Arin, in -adopt—th*-*nUr#-Oregoii-hliiliw*y- --•flueatpd by atgtute plAn. we are unified in ou r __mrr—WTTET firm te lle riH a l .many . a

and methoda, tr adopted would re* trha ll. R , suit In a far more efficient, effcc- i,. 1 would ro- live and workable admlnistraUvo thlldren In unit . .lh Skaach* The report said Oregon's three* would pro- man, non-poliUeal highway eom-

■om driving mls*lon *erve* without pay a n d !J‘ ' added ‘‘we found no evidence o f ° .

i(td dl**aUsfa«llon with the mathoda j rir th e bill, employed by the highway eom- P® hasn't been mla»lon . . " ,

f/.-’.i/a; 2'Buhl Men Held ““ For Taking Auto s

would do. Marlin and Oray*on Kltchin. in1 V. M both Buhl, are being held In th e on

rwV,. r> “Twin FolU county Jail cn charge# ac i . „ ^ ’ unU'Blul poaKMlon cl an kuto*

M mobile. The compUlnU againstI t ? ; ‘hem were algned In Buhl Jualiee ,

!,?, l .L u . J Un "rou t. 3*According' to inVeatigatlng cfflc* ® '

vor a n d lO uw men werb riding In a ' ts sh o r t of car wllh J3en Martin who waa alUB* a majority. xho car keya were Uken from re absent, him and he waa forced to get oui of » he may the car. Kllchln was arrested in ){ the vote. Twin Fall* by city police about 9 ib ill to ln - p, tn, Battird»y,.»n hour.after th o J ■ tho atate tilefed Inoidenft Other local police E . ' lylde fo r a offleers arretted Jim Martin about Th

Ineomei B;4t p. m. algipen»M also ----------------------- — ron.a th o b ill I SON BOEN »arI, R,. Mini* CARCTT. Feb. J-M r. and M n . air lay a sk for BUnley H. Dllworth are the par- flyl

e n u ot a aon bom Wednesday a t for Tou^h nine the Carey LDS hupllal. | tnli







......... .................................................... M o c c ;

In Saddl.

G ree

A rr i

^^u^sbn^ootmar for the Entiri

I d a h o F a r m 1

totl Xwir P n c e I n d e x

^ 1 - ______ S h o w s G a i n „° ® *' BOISE. Peb. 3 «P>-Prlce* re«el»- P*le Tvler •’y ^ • ' '0 fanner* for their crop* “ ■ I the ou lit had risen 33 polntj! above th#uUator o f Dec. IS Index, the U, S. department “S rk r i in 0' a jrlculture reported today. ^

Tlie departm ent aald the advanc*_ _ _ _ _ w u 12 poinu below .the all.llme S, — --------------------------- — lii«h-of-3IO-polntfl-Te«ehed-ln-jBnr 71

T«n bill* i/jry. jo ia , tnjt wa* 11 polnU above n<senate. In - ihe average for that year. .

department *aW the rise In B<. i . i . ^ 'he all*coraraodlty Index reflects ea

. y ‘he advancing price* for m eat ani- hi nisls nnd other livestock produeU ye

conformity ,,^,j .^.increasing price* for most of craps.

’<J I.flmb prices advanced frcm 137 ^as a bill lo lo . »30 per hundredweight. Wool ^Ilot in gen* prltrs were up from » cents to ~laiulF Imrt iL01-ner-P0Und_M_ot mid-January, rla* carried Gralnn were up and poUto ptlcea ^Qov. L cn Increased 20 cenU a bushel,

lUy Jirlcei vk ere lower hy M cent*prdval w as , mn and eijga were down 18 cent* »]‘ t*** c«m* 1 dozen. I tpproved by depsrtnient pointed out, at^ Ult !'ame time, prices paid by fimi*

- era for nil commodlllea they um" " I * '* - . ! » . c r . hllHri. ^nltlee’a re* 1 .. 1. Lecturer Selected S

^ Eor Filet Grange ":ied in o u r tm ttt7 r a h , a------ W ra^U oton .Doughoriy-Frlday_!i'iia..£lecied^lK; t{iwould re* turer of the Flier Orange to replace *n

ent, effcc- jjrj, jiom er WhlK'who haa re*Jsntil. Fuilnlstratlvo Frldnv’* tneetins an atinoimce- *f<

ment waa made that the North Side Wlm's three* »)n present the Rose Peway com- ^j,e Orange hull next flslur- «eiP*y * " 5 d*y, Mr«. nichard Morgan, chair- —

jjdenM o r p j fhe actlviilfs committee, re-po'wd ^iray eom- u,p hall. Funds f j raised «H 1 be contributed to the. b‘

. , - bulldlnc fund. f ilA lf l A committee was appointed to ^‘V Investigate the gaa delivery plsn f-!

A i i f f f t under consideration and Everett j* A l l L t F Bonnich.ien presented a resolution ['

n Kltchin. in against raising lax rates i -Id In th e on Uvesioclc- The rcjclullon wis 1';n charge# approved and copies were orderei^ [an seni to the sUte Orange and the ,

L. *?*.. subordinate Oranges, j%hi Jiiallee ^n Incorporating the Filer ['Cfa-M U -- -Onnge will tK win|Jlcted a l tht

nffi,. weellng on Fcb. 10. ~mg c iu c - meeting refreahment* •WM iViir were served by Mr. and Mra. Edwsrd >Iken from Sharp.,Mr, and Mrs. Edward Sheri- 'get ou” S dan and Mr, and Mra. Craig Dunlap. .

7 a ^ t ' 9 AR8I0NEDgfter th o DURLEY, Feb. 3 -L t. Herbert K

cal police E. Thompson, *on of Mr*, Emma B. h •tin about Thompson. Durley, haa bcen u*

signed a s a pilot to the S38Ui tqusd* f ’— ron of th e Sith strategic rctonnsls- i;

*ati£« wing, niom pson Joined the Vand M n . air force In IB« and took his basic }•'■ the par- flying . training a l Randolph sir r'

nesday a t force base In Texa*. He wa* ccm- I mUiloned In 1M9.

= = = = = = = = = j,;

. 3;

' iC A L I F O R N I A |:j








In S addletoft anti Boxglova ^

i a o th a n

Red, G reen o n d Hgney Blond fl

$ 1 0 .5 0


N e w S t y l e g ' g

Arriving Daily

f - ............... - 17 f t d .Entire Fanaly’* |

__________________ _

n Traffic Sergeant L Resigns to Take

1; . Investigator Job «1ce* rttel.- P»« iwo y**"' realgned effective u i S ^ l r ^ n « h t to accept a Job wllh the

J, atovrsi •^ r t m e n t upward W. au iette

laid. -T^wln Falls has loit a good ^ advanc* ppUg, ptflcer; be waa a credit to the

dC»arMoH a n d ^ ^ ^ T l j > j l ^ ^ ^ “ ^

•otnu above nearly five years, ' toiVice U th e son of M r,,and Ur*, coi

the rise In Benjamin F. Vice, 127 Sixth sueet Caex reflects eu t. Re was graduated frcm Eden IM■ m eat ani* high school In IH3 and serrod two < •t products year* in the air corpa w llh 18 month*«* for most of service In the couth Pacific. n .

Along w llh Don Scott, Vice was ~1 frcm 137 *»own as one ot Twin Poll*' "fly. , ,Lht. Wm p a tro tae n - and frequently took V„,0 “ the air In the aid of law enforce* Id-JanuatT, a rtl r lUM Jo*"gio -ja iS »■'

Reunion Planned „I

__ Khool elass of 1«I m et Thuraday a t Jthe Idaho Power auditorium to make *er

i p t p n preliminary plaiu for a claas re* of union. Mri. Jack Carson presided a t Cai

rangerw-CUoton lmLailvc:y-by-ih»-ffroup>-Gommlt- der ileciedJec; t?e c .hairm en,npp5inttd_to.lunher iioi • to replace srrangementa include Mr*. Paul ure a* rfiijneil. Fuller, correspondence; U n . BJch- Hoi Btinoimce- *fd s . Robertaon. proeram ; Helen Bet Norlh Side Whlttsell. decoraUon: Mrs. Burton boa

the Rose Perrine. hosplUlliy, and Ralph A*. P lext flsiur- lendrup, social hour. meifan, chair- . ' -■imlttee, re-1 parly will ^ sll. Funds f j «d to the. R‘

pointed to F''' J k

■■■ ’ r

treahment* • “ra. Edward -

frilly Bl. Herbert H . . . b y D qTO. Emma B. eV

l)cen as* ^ _8U1 squsd* rctonnsls-

thet hi* basic



/ ■ H id f»

F resh and frilly and frankly i, dycd*to-match lace. A charm k I f h r t w ith new Bpriiier su its <

tissue faille in lime, mauve, ec izca 82 to 38 ....^......... ............

' ■ f.-asias;.''-'-.-.'.-v.i:-.

\ ^

........ Tnres-N EW S. T w n

ant Letters Songht in S Fake Probate of Estatei r T n h * P*UUoa filed la prcbat« co u rt E J l « f U U Baturday by HlWegarda 1. Mein, soil ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ di^ | « ^ **

d effective j,i* husband, Alfred D. U tln. U r. sutlb Wllh the u t io died Jan. II, l»M. the s a specu decta*«d‘* esUte Includesnr oniBttf! Moonnan'i first addi- I’" i S “ 5 5 “i " “ • " '» >Wli: lol m . Robbln. tortd it to the *ubdlvUlon of lot 3» in O rchalani dWmlM him.” »ubdlvls3on. Twin PalU: lo t four.

' tow^whlp nine, range’ 18. Jerome nui •..and Ur*, county: «3J8 ihare* in the Northslde sIlxth street Canal company, furniture and a ahofrcm Eden 1»U automobile. Riv“ "*<1 ‘wo , Other survivor* of Mr; Mein are In1 IB month* two daughUr* and tm Km*. Eatella ent‘ vr^- - . 3- Jrtome: Estel Mein. ^

"Ji. '• Araold Mein, route J “ >»■ *»Ma*Une Mein. S t. ^

i John'..coUege,.Wtafield, Kan*, and ‘P*-

». " 1 OI“ ■«>''. >■ 11 M"- ' , ”‘The peUUon will be hesrd In *«

— ptobste « w il a t 10 a.Di,Fib, IB.

r*io9i Walter Mattheisen " r,S .« Named Club ChiefTiuraday a t FILER. Feb, S-WalUi" M atthel- ff™ jm to make *en. Pller. wa* reelected president 29 . claas re* of tho Twin Pall* Counly Guernsey presided a t CatUe elub a l the elub’* last meet*

lng.a—planned —Othcr-neTr-efftcera arrC arl-H ar- >>-Gommlt* derr-Puhl. tkt utuildtPt.- and Ve r- .lu n h e r iioa-l.aaifn,-PUtr,-.*«cT»taTY-tjeas«. __Mr*. Paul urer. ‘Rie three officers and Robert tfra. Rich- HoJJoivay, Ta’Jn F bJIs. *nd nsjm ond im; Helen Bentveil. Buhl, compilse the elub‘a rs. Burton board of directors.Ralph Aa* Planned'acUvRiea dliniued a l the _

meeUng are the all-breed dairy

lly BLOUSES. . by Dorothy Kirby

' a .Advertlwd

February« | J n | n g | \ .VOGUE '

and frankly feminine with its bib of :e. A charmer, definitely, to brazenly priner suits or separate skirts. Rayon le, mauve, ecru and ivhite r j 0 g


IS 1 HOSIERY ia ’ liilimdie C

I / in thetr flatlern II / rmir ValmllneI j j r ’’"**>■ Shar-f r meer Ho s i e r y . Thin ’•I Beams, smart heela . . . II - - t o f l i i t lc r -k tr - a i ik le ls .- 4 -I Full fashioned, ptrJect ■;

1 M ll& . . ih o o > t ._ i r o m J _____U L »'«■ sprini .h idea 5 '

# \ in proportioned teng tha . ijj_S izC 3 81 j to 11, .

;WS,' W I N FALLS, niAHd: a ................. . ' ~

t in Soil Supervisors Cas state Meet in Shoshone (-fi . sHOSHONS. Feb. » -H a] RusscU. CAS

inriiirfM Bond. mosteiirw addl* RuaeU eipUlncd the new tw e of ^ o S ^ ,J S T u n * which will be used in the

farmers, . Northslde ssm Danner was tn charge of a n^niio » and a ahort buslnes* raeeUng a t the Wood shield

River aoll. conservation office earlier colhei II I .* a In the evening. Among those pre*- u .y

i . . 11. ent were LuUier Jones,'dl*trlct con- I^a tlonU t, Twin Palis; Chandler J ^ n . soli conscrvaUonlst. Port-

J f land' and Richard Sallman, so lU ____“ ^ • . n d s^ la u ^ t. Boise. | | =

IN NAVY •/“lwNSDrFe ;'3--3511brTV7Mir --« .r r i Ir, 1« William P. MlUer. sons of jv- I V ? MJ and Mrs. Perry MlUer, route 3,

Hansen, have completed boalc tiain- ~ lng at the San Diego naval training jn .isen ________ 5T)^ h i c f *how June 7 a t the counly fnlr* Thl Miitthfi grounds, a bull sale scheduled March sho wesldeiit » ' “"• Srounds. a 4-H andOuerosey l^A heifer sale April 7 a t Jerome

and me Idoho Ouemsey CatUe cliib buU and cow ssle April 23 In Boise. We

^ ri-H ar-m d-trerr

^ s l T f l o i - P l a tdairy —

:i .... ~

B e r n

......-... - PA.Navy blue pajam as wit!i contrasting colora. Asso

bib o f O P E N A NazenlyRayon ------------------------------— j—

Valentine----------------------------H a n k ie B --------------

* *<1 hearts and whitewith > 'orTe‘a"ValeTiUn’e ' \ tnolUi. A nice selection to choose from. ^

f I 49c nnd 98cb ______________

e r y 5

■tine ■■ ^

le l3 .-|- --------------------------- -----------------•feet 'i

' (■ ,

----------------------------------------------- SUNDA

lors Castleford Men’s Z ] shone Club Has Dimier “ 71] Russell. CAfflXEFORD. Peb. »-M«anbfra WSCS Portland. , casUeford Men's c lub and lowshl

ig .o f . thfi ^vcs atiended.lhe foxirth an* M « -JnrortOTtintt-ef-the-«luH <etnl*r«- --------

;s held a l MjUiodist church. Offleera were ,. Leonard pred RiiJBert j r u toast- n u

master, Rlndhw type of ,(10 took p a rt In thei. pro- denu^ Irani were We Rcv. W. B. Phipps, and Iy ^ ,to r of the first Baptist church: Saturttl quicker colhtm, Mrs- Al K ram ii, Wash.■ a lat t er. .j^^jrt-f>reflrfl« 'noW -«oukr-W il-----------

frtd Smith. Ed W syt*. V crlta Wll- * * * * arge of a Honiion. Shirley Bllck. Lucian ? n j the Wood Shields. Al Nelson. E arl H eldel, Ray ♦Ice earlier cothero. Charle* t^athaia. Tlose pre*- officers a re Latham, presl- ♦Itrlet con- john Darrow, vice president: * Chandler bucIj. second vice president; J Ovc

Shields, secrelaiy-trejuurer;

;^«,.pG0LDEN^NECK4M■‘ Did you e v e r h e a r o f th e s e ? . . .u lc train- >ica.vy-bred c h ic k b r o u g h t to . th ill training in years.

STRAIN-TESTED lines o f Massaohu.^etl----------------- give a cross th a t is ouLsUndlng In llvabllinly fnlr* This breed Just w on the 1950 Egg Layingled March should do equally as well fo r producers 1

i l f : LOOO HeacJ HatchIn Boise. “f® tok lng orders nnd have onlj _______1 tistch. It you w an t some of these flm

----------- — — --------------------P h o n a o r - ^ i j i

I g t SWIFT a n d COTwin Falls, Phone ISS

k M<at A m e r ic a 's F a v o r i t e V al

tOQS **'p^ 1 Hoiforing, perfoct-JlliIno ond m

f t levoly. Fineii multiflloment ray

lopped off wilh firwjUmpofled

.The INVISIBBA to p moVei il 8

V \ ondor itieerv Tho mcIusiv* I J no-ridc »troiBh» cut »Vlr» won'*



C-2-.__J ■rv'V.i//.V.Ti2. i-.-.C •l-l'iliiiKriiX-ai

Beautiful Rayon Celaneee

PAJAMA SETS! pajam as with quilted co a ta inig colors. Assorted s iz e s ........................................


Nahcy Ann ' _ ST O R Y B O O K - ” __ :U

; ________ ^

“l'"“"" Clever new . Story Mat Book Dolis — indi- m evidually boxed. turn

9 8 c J .95 2-

I 1---------- SM TOATryntliSij^

-Mtimbfra WSCS and

« .toast- P l l x iRlndlro ana

tho . pro- denu who I. Phipps, and Mrs. D n ^: church: Saturday lor'iiT^?**

K ram er, Wash. ^ ' " “' “' 1 ^ ,oukr-W ik --------T ita Wll-

Lucian 7 n n M H :lde l,R ay ♦ ‘ J : % D O j

1 CHIroprajJ m . presl. | P«VS/Cj1Jjrcaident; J, N-, ,

J E C K 4 A ¥ i^o f these? . . . the most outsb TOUght to . th e in te r-m o it

; o f Massaohu.%etta H(ds and landing In llvoblUty. site and IDM Egg Laying conitM In

:ll fo r producers In ihu jKi.

d Hatching Feb. 1:rs nnd have only l.OOO iits,] i,t, m e of thc.^e fliic diir>i_p|^^ ”

Phona or- Yiji te ;---- ------

a n d COMPANYC»«<Ilar,PU,

a v e r l te Valentine Gift..,

lua slip ihft'II lovv.-v*^

fect-Jlliinoond mtroculoinly

multifilament rayon

carilly trimmed with elegont

:allopped nylon sheer . |

lh firwjl Impofled vol loca* 1

:A to p mokei il

Tha Mclusivff

iht cu t sVIrt won'*

ir gother,


O W I T H O U r C H A R O l l ^

' e l a n e s e '

JETS................................ , . .2 2 .5 0

.. -vr-,'' mi l l —


M usical..

£!_ I pnwnia~ B O ^

iry Made ol p W l j l ,di- m e t a l .


____ 2-98 .0 4^

i f i j a

Page 15: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

I practice

0 t e B i e - A r e a

u M l t - T h e pm U M ■ ^ B W i*®sww nm s“^ f ‘ toe‘ e r o ^ e

uld Salurdiy-

p .yroeot cm no t H ^ K P’*?. for eufnJr* under **

S p « u b U iiu ^ ^ « S u n c e . T h e n i i x i . I j H ^ H

D cV « »^d.• P»UU>*». g .

M«ns should be | l"^J^ ,U eto taU o n » ad U i6= S , e n « d .with g r tw' . ^ U crop"yl«<Js'“ *"*» "n W i llW, I^ t ie c o n U n u c d .W h « t^ j jn i l l F»ln “ P®* ■ B B S ^SerTjummer-fallow w * . W m B m ? to be (ivm special con> ■ B T O M r, If ezlnme ^ H H HM ii >» to be pr«m>Ud. r.1ffierj In varloiu McUona

^ r tp o r c Oi‘ t a iU r i ^\Zrr to: irtcn inimure they^ n c n u c d wheat yleld« ot » 10 biuhcls per acre, in me proitlft conicnt of their

^__tx<n higher. DeVo«

• r u a comMnion crop.FlUi n e clorer does no t reach

w t htlsht to Intertere w ith gxelted bi , (oeratloM at harvest time, ^ „, ^ rld e a WI pasture and ^fie^ Left eref crop. The sweet clover i , Gterce’a iu then turned under the -----------------

, R,rtt:j lil the summer- ^

^ d ' ^ t Jerome county J v l f i f K T«w»U>r» InlrrM ted in151 thU prtcllce du rln s 1851 Qtoauct the PMA. office a t i ^ l icd Jlin tho necessary

WASHING—------------- —Tljc lmpo»:

D Benefit Set ly Skating Club K " - 'bbretJitfolttraknUng party -More thai

y flake." h<

Biijr, Feb. 12. tho club an - be brought U 1 BiHiriey. The party wlll trola u a p l3 the evtnlng. cxprcMlona

cr rtww hu been planned field. includU btennlulan. Tickets -may dom of ipee

bd trom club members or would dl»»pp Bfler rlnlc, All proceeds wlll The formei g 19 the March of Dimes tlonal A»ocl

e n predictedn o f th t Tiewly-organlMd w » te»andpr I Dick Kcevan. chalnnan; definitely, cc tel. sfcffMD’. a n d WJlJJam wJU -follow Ji etuurtr. He remind0 t ajctUnj of th e club wlll American bu U J p. ta. Sunday a t the tho front 11 BoEct rink. All pcrioM in - malnUln fre. 13 >3lnln8 the club have challenged tt

Sttd to attend th o meeting. responslblUty----------------------- bualncM b ]

BACK HOME provide a suel/uT. 3-Mr. and Mzs. Sam iug these ecc m returned (rom a vacation Bennett als Keles. made up lai

S l ) G a« w « ( a h d c o /

Conlrol Gale for General Weara *!t!n KOOd control. Pull itra p elui’ '< boned colton coutU. 3S to a . SUatl

Tjpe Gale for Sam>lUsc Supj^ sup^'rtT 'Puli'V tnp' du»t«

>lort. deconted cotton eoutUChflict Of 18 tad U H -to . waist down, t

“ *>*• »»«» '»• s i t t j m ' «!«*«»• Choice 011!" to 43. Decorated colU«'eoutU.^ ■ - ■

\ “

Tlu-ee Mighty Hi

Excited barklisc of doga broogbt (be*e three ;oung eat and In no iln e the boyi were as excited a* the dog rifle*. Left to rlghl, the b«ri a n Dick Klrlnkopt, K U George's srcotid botxat Ihlt winter. (Staff pbolo

Rigid Economic Cor Survival of Free

WASHlNtSTO>J, Feb, 3 (Special) capita l’* buslne! —Tljc Imposition of rigid economic yielding to the t controls la peacetime threatens to make eitra p the ultimate survival of freedom In alon of lhe prese America, Sen. Wallace Bennetl, R-, ing this, he said. Utah, told the Washington Lions of our free ecc club. orgiiment^ a[;al

"More than economic freedom 1» give theie oppai a t ilake." he P'omed, "rrfedom Is tunltlcs lo conv •gia HUllJlB null if Amerie»M-«ouW- b« tampotary-m be brought to accept economic con- ent socialiim, trols as a permanent pattern, the U tah ’s Junloi expressions of freedom In every m any business field. Including economic, and free* again the func dom of speech and of the press, facts underlying would disappear soon." . system, and sur

The former president cf the Na- lilvc steju that t tlonal Association of Manufactur- 1. Only by c. era predicted that If controls on educotlonul pros wages and prices ore maintained In- cmployc.i In th definitely, controls In other fields fundamental fni: wlU-follow Jnevliably. trolled economic

He reminded his audience that rable or nccetsar American businessmen are now In 3. Every Indu tho front lines of the battle to studying the con maintain freedom In America and present controls challenged each of them with Uie 3. Managemen' rcfponslblUty to develop In his own should irork con bualneu a program which could development o provide a successful means for lift- opinion which » Jflf Uiese economJe restrlcHcM. controj.i si joon

Bennett also warned his audience. 4. Under the p made up largely of tha national cat«d opinion, •

the low cost answer to y

Gale Scientific

aeral Wear»ull itrap cluster la ce ra d Jw ta en U -g .— Q a . SUatic wlease*. Cbol» of

lUsc Supj^rt■ »tnp ' cluat«r U «r» a t Wp» "■cotton coutU. EasUc releaJM lor 9 ^ 7 waist down, SUei Tt-U.

Able Support back. Blp and vaHt poU g ^ g k t t

;t«i'eoutU. ----------- ------ ------- -

51-------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------

'llty Hunters Bag Bobei

J | g > . ■ .

te three ;oung hunter* io an unexpected UIL The doi ilted a i the d o n . The hunters mode thort work ol Ib t Klelnkopf, K etchum ; Mike Blmi and Ceorie Diy, b

(BUff pholo-eniraTlnil____________

ic Controls Threatei Freedom, Senator

ip ltal’* business leaders, against cncourased to pileldlng to the temptation of tnrlnf jdorl periods onI make eitra profits ihrough rvn- be reviewed tr«ion of the present contro! laws. D<j- trol .laws shouldg this, he said, would-give enemies when juch cond: our free economic system new movol of retricti'•giiment^ atiainst it and might will be automatU ve these opponents added oppor- ..

S ' A S S i r A T . Trips amIt socialiim, ^ . , ,U tah ’s Junior senator advised K P l n t ia n y business executives lo learn _ .:a ln the fundajncnUl economic BC.ISS, Feb. ,e ts underlying our free enterprise has left on a Vistem , and sugRcsted certain pos- Ariz.Ive steps lhat m ight bo token, Mr- »nd Mrs.1. Only by eatnbllshlng definite Dolje. have, beenucotlonal programs to educate the ents. Mr. and Minployc.1 In these facts, can the Darrell Lcldigndnmcntal fallacy that stnlc-con- named as lha bcoiled economies are_clther prefer- ported in Ooodinble or nccetsary be co'mbatted. The Pomona C3. Every Industry should begin 8 p. m. Friday atijdylng the conditions under which man Orange oiesent controls can safely be lifted, charge and tho3. Management in every Industry sene relrcshmeiould work conscientiously for the -----------ivelopment o f general public LEAVEilnlon which wUl Insist on lifting FILER, Jan, 3ntroJ.i Sl aoon bj possible. who ha* been “ti. Under the pressure of such edu- Mr. ondMra.a. {t«d opinion, congress should be day to visit telatl

e r to y o u r figure problen-

itific Supports

S e a r s h a s cu t th e prlccs of scienti- w ay down so every w

^ U j L th e Gq!c Support sho needs. Eh uge d islribution m ethod

^ j / c o n be bought Qt lower pnees otP ffno quolily or exp<

■ I W e invilo cbmporison .' Gole Support you need

W ea r a G ale and " fee l fl

\ m ~ f (Jl

> • • ? - ; « / / C M ------------

5 9 .....-

59 \

• w # « « r r y a com plete J MW given t« rfertof*! pr

itai'XlhJK. mam av:^ 3 [ | D | 0 PH O N E ;

K ■1

--------T 1 M E 3 - N E W 3 : - T W I N - F A L L S i H

5 Bobcat C H IP• br o . J. -c

-------Mello-Eolto: -1hiity

get EuniUe Poll to chips In a

■ •_____ ’, ’ :.'t site packages 1,•■--.V S t . - " — moi t every srt

•I ‘’■’'^ t V S n h k ' eery sUire In yoilown NOW I

H You might hkvIII *

l«g them In »omti t® N E K C r '^ S * A ? l I S r rocks. The grocei

*r« sorta preue lor space, ao the

the varloi chip dLtirlbutor* l guess that somi je lly tf rhlft^ h>i the Oolden Hule petltlve brands ra c ^ . crush them 1 gueu competlUon. Pc worryour chips are fr customerwhen buy

Just star Nevada this wm aa our dlstrlbu buy more potato* market for the

_JlR $£joU _SW

strles of-screen-«d UIL The dofi h a d (reed a bob - Che bsgs ol chlj hort work ol Ibe bobeal *Uh th e ir grapes. You grab 1 Cforie Diy, both BelleTv*. T hU o ff-Ju st like pl

easier.----------------------------------------------- I hope #11 J ’oi

reatening nator .Opinesncourssed to pass control laws for h m >1iorl periods only &o lhat they ctm V V I Ie reviewed trfquently. These con- ■ 11-ol .laws should bc written so th a t J i | • |hen such conditions are m et. r« . loval of retricUons on the economy III be automatic nnd mandatory.

rrin.s and Visits Related a t Bliss

Bi:.ISS, Feb. 3—Vemon B ehem a as left on a vacation In Phoenix,

Mr. and Mrs. Bob A yi« and eon, ^Oise, have, been guejrtj of h is p a r- »Its. Mr. and Mrs, John Ayres. »Darrell Leldlg. Bliss, has been VLamed as lha best boy 4-H elub re - VW==arted in Ooodlng county.The Pomona O rantte wlll m e e t a tp. m. Friday a t W est Point. H ager- W Kan Orange offlcera «1ll be Inlarge and the BUas Orange vlUme relreshments.

LEAVES riL E R IFILER, Jan, 3—Orover 0 . D avlj. I ^ P ho ha* been 'tlSltlng bis pa ren ts , r. and Mrs. 0 . 0 . D avb , left T h u r* . vly to visit telatlvea In Pocatello. ^

problems . .'. Buy on_ Searslorts

es of sc ien tific su p p o r t w a y , • .X - y/n so every w o m a n m oy h o v e I j C ;she needs. B e c a u se o f S e a r sjtlon m ethods G a le S u p p o r ts .: • .■ JH 5wer prices a t n o Joss to t h e i rlolity or e x p e r t c o n s tru c tio n .cbmporison . . . save o n t h e A c ^ g Ksrt you need a t Sears to d a y !s and " fee l t h e l if t a t o n c e . " - L-—3 1 3 a

PoultryAutomotfc Foi 6-Oollott. . . .rm U tt Ml*r f

\ «M»«r. OahM


m ...

I - / ( j l -•,'..4 - . . / . - a

~4~ % l3 S ^\ 6>hole 3

i » ? > — ' \ Fartn-Mmtv

| f e g j g g ^ - | - |V ------'-Sp«tet-#lor-,'r• J iar*mr,^4f9a

Cellutow Co(

M i l l w o l " G c M ' — v n l i l S j i . S ’i ! » d e c l ^ t p r M r ip H w is .

H A H J A V E . W B S T '

PH O N E 286 0 t f m

^ P A L I 4 ; - I D A H 0 — ------------

C H IP CHAT 11 ,br O. J. “Cblpt*'BoUiDt n i

Hello-EDlto:- ThU h is .been an.tbct-busyjCTok. Ynu.tnoiLpwple-ln. -----m m W Z-M -luhl- Hatelton. Ooodlng. WendeU. W • • * lansen. Kimberly, Paul. Jerome . . . •h. I might tts well say in every com-

y in MAflCr-,, . _

et SuniUe Po ta-. . J H H M B

ery 4 m ^ P 8 | |own NOWI . , W Jfc - i -You might have - U l m t l v sIllllc time find-. W W A A

acks. The g ro C B rs j^ ^ ^ y s^ ^ j S l W ' re sorta p r e u e d H V *

hip dLitrlbutop* to share lhe rac^. \ guess that aome of the fellows who A -.iiv>r rhtp< h fv f never-heard-Qf — he Oolden Buie.'They throw com- » ■ etltlve brands’ underneath the I m Vacta, crush them down or cowr \ ■hem up. I guess they are afraid of V ■ompellUon. Personally, I don't \ » 1.-orry about competition, for 1 know \ur chips are fresher and that tha \ustomer gets more for their money ^ ^ , * 4 'hen they buy Sunrl?« Chlju, L **We Just started shipping Into

levada this week. You know, that a our distribution Increases, we BUYuy more potatoes—which helps lhe TIRE!larket for the spuds grown off '

_L v e . ?ou seen those^jiew^racks

erles of-screen-door-*p2lngs..ond. _le bags o l chlpi hang down likerapes. You grab the bag and pull Itf(—Just like picking grapes, only- -1-osier. ■I hope #11 j ’ou folk* are in the

IHIP3 too. -ApprtcUUvely your*. 4 * v

O. 3,AdTvttfRMMftt

j g i Y O lf a a y F O R '


Buy on Sears

Easy Terms ■ ^


Poultry Fountain |_________Automotfc Forro-Mwlir f)#cWc

» ■ = * " .......... 1 0 . 9 5 —rr<xWMMl*rfer pwkrrfafr«uh« .«M»wr. Oohs^x«4 TWmM '- '- ' 'f l

oawow WM .aflrtiifl.________

n&-hol« 3Wwn"Neit "Farm-M<rs>vGa1von;ie<15)e«l

-Sp*dot-«uy-,-T» f : 1 3 * 4 5 ^ ---------Sm*MrMrJinalC«^<'.hl2i1SJt.

■■■■;■ N e

* 3 5 .0 0 d o w n

S u n R a y M . r f . r W

« , opply. . . . . . : ' .

" r — T - 7 T — ------------------

W 5 * * ' G


A iih o j

BUY 2 O F T H IS E - * 0 TIRES FOR O N U r ....................... ^

^ T I R E H E A D )

4 1 0 M a i n A v e . S

O U R F A R9R THE COMII --- -------- D A ^ C

\• Spread* e rta ly ander any «o&dlll• Dig 7S-bn*hel box capaclly u m• Super-itrong, extra braced lUcl


N e w D a v i d B r o d h

H y d r a u l i c L o o d a i

4. New Im provem enfs^35 .00 d o w n — $ 2 0 .0 p _ in o n th ' W

Fftg J o h n D a e ra J r o c t o r

Dwerftif q U s te e l frQnne— lif ts a h e f ty IV i torw - s tro n g e r . Im proved b u c k e t . ta k e s 17 cu, fti jp e n iJo b le c y lin d e rs lif t even ly , red u c e ttrdit ^ e V d w iT T ory flui'd TOnk ' h e n ’i new 'vuK-e ■t lo k e f a r m w r k e o s ie r— - SAVE tC p A Y i . .


' 'V......

* . ’ P A G i

^ Enjoy S a fe r^ in te r Di

H '• T l m i o in g S T U D D E D P O U R ( K n ~ W I N T E R T R E A D IH s i m Togr Own T i m h m S « « J T inH B f ><yd»irtii.««ittrit;~a i d :;;5a a T « a i■ g n which predue** mUUetu d Uay *d«M A oi QI j U n f rad r«ilat lUddlsff, Tt>«*« sm axisg l» « 4 i « n ^ B F t« T>ui Urt*—a( w* bar* rev* •!** tr*<

W l u M M P O L A R S R l F i" l l i < O r l i l n o lW W tr T r » d > - r n n # t r r <

$ A , 8 0

............ ,4b ° ° W N I A W EEK

H f W IE H E A D Q U A R T E R S L ' V h o n e


SPREADERander any «o&dlll«ai

ox capaclly u m Um* K KlU a lUcl frani

InexpejQoive itandard

U Y C H E C K ^ ' ^ l l

^ P I - E Y I

Bra^jy-L o a d e r - - - j j l ^ B

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finfer Drivtng~^

$ f o n e IP O U R GRIP ■ T R EA D S '■M S M i T in B«AM ] ■

i t E i i i f l a r a n Y T e S e W ^ • Mlay *d«M A oi QBIP lb* r»«4 ‘Hn a ilsg l» « 4 i « m b* opplM { Hreor aU* wllb t>Md« <9 PlWd. 1 0L A R S M F S a

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V h o n e 7 5

l E E b TEASON[DlEt ~ ER

3 9 ^dependable gpreader »U* on All vheeli equipped with 0«tU (ey Auto Tlr# vbeels which ttlu ! M ulve Itandard i l u 600Z18' atv... . i M d 'a u to 'U re c . Intm hU fM bla t « u e l i on other D«?l2r$HUu*

- T in Bqulpmeot. m n l i c M le r- lan T ibntlon-U in BCdM -

’e r Jolta. Bl« TS-buibal'lm dnum ' ' rawer trip* t«ok«Bd.tethb»< tween tieia and bara m l . - ruU T -ft fpre«(UB| wWUi tneani fewer trtpi tq> and dovs the Keld, yet glvn eoou plete ground -ooverwt*. Ad- juitable to tp rted from to 37 loMli per aarft-«nrei* fuU 7»lL«trJp.

3 4 .0 0 D ew nr U .0 0 M s. j


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High Speed. 9>T0a OtpMttT - :

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Page 16: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

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OUT OUR WAYI E 5 .1 K'SPECT ^ ^ H ^ 'T H E V -mOUSKT ' £ ■ * 1 1 WEBETTERW KA VEFUN W rmK r e sh a rp e n wl c l t t t w t o o l s T W 1 1 T M E se ww g n F F v s r* w h h ^ f r ; ! ! TCCL^ OJT g S f H E 'S SPEMT MC^ * I- .SH C «» /rf\ L H ePU TTW SH C ^ f o I \ X ^A N P THeyVE C

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‘‘BrBccfl, nothing! M y (trandfa t = — my father culled ’«m suspender

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"Let’s practice it a g a in , rookl« alarm rings, let’s take i t ju s t & i

' l ^ H l f l — • M P O s & t r w a ^ , " ■ ■

J A6 MUCH EVlOSNCe A 9 TUB■iBV ^ A in w u m g ff w ov • km S T 1 t v i f ^ MffTA-iBt TUtf mi j x a r \ M

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Y By wnXlAMi”V TJKXJOKT THEVP VlilHllllllllltSllllililillill ^ E FUNWrTHT>OSe &[l Mn I III l<|IHI>ll|iPII|tl .f TW TOOLS >»RClKO >J| I\111|! * -FV5 RAWMipe ta s f ^ ]UH<'<' i ps spem- MOSTCF tx • /L J __ .J TKR B tW t?< W -*aJT ^~ 2 X IPUTTW 6HOT<SI>1 HAM5T \ _DTHey%e <SOTCCL»FeET7 / JT


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:S By GALBRAITH A------------- i — n ^ n ®

'm N 'T S 1 \ ~ ~ " 0

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M y grandfather called 'om fluapondem, E \ suspenders, acid I call ’em suspend- Y

By DICK TURNER ® - - ___ ~ n G

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g a in , rookie— and th is tim e, when th e e i t ju s t & m ite slower I”


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Page 17: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

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E A l^ ^ ‘ 3 y ^ C A ff E ^ ^ O R E ^ J

' ' T — —G U N , 1 / ^ b ' j ( s d T K O R :S n T Ti TO ( > / 1 5 T E R ; . 1 WAS W'N

/ ^ N D M iN E .T O O l ■ ^ L J B / T H sS E 'S A VJOUND5C>

I R A N & Sf? U P T H 5T R <kYOD

^ r nY, FEBRUARY 4. 1951 - 1CXJT, I


R :S n T T D C 0 r ^ 4 iS ,^ - ~ x .1 WAS VlKOlJ' AAY OW,M A ------- -—7 BJS(KJE5S! J 'E , 7 0 0 . ' ------------------ -— X\ vJOUND5c> F = o e e s T \ y . U PT H 5T R <k!L W HO'P y k > /’ALk TO YOU -,

W !

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/ T o o K o u n )( SOMEBOPY'5 <

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Page 18: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

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y i w b ^ B | H B

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{ MEMeeJE AW/TMIKI6 |T H «rSM O U U ?^B y o o 4 C g « u o T H w


^ A P a i9 C W E i.- i D C N T ^ ^ W r A TW ILA F o a r o n N O i g o <

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" l |lN e A R L y ^ K K E P M Y -/V v W ^ W ILU SP) s e U F FAULKki. OVER,' K S H £V E L TH E W THAT SNCW, &HOVEL V IT U A S VOOR. FA HE LCF7 .■ -^ n -f-* ^ V C X J CEET^MWLV O LYIM(& r THAT 8<7/AWO J T h 6 j i i H f j h I ATOLOiSy/FEc>wT r k^-i . ^ ^ n w M

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v'lLUSPJD N T \ r ? OH.WLL15, W M \ i PL TH E WALK" \ / ABOUT L EA vwg -THA'OOR. FAIViER' J I /SHOVEL OM_r—- —*


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^W T H E K '^ O r H E K ^ K T W g i s ; f i ll& M - P T O ^ , W A 5 J U 5 T VT M E O T H E g g .^ B

.P B L A ^ rT V e V A s e . P K o i ^ ^ f•M C e A S A IW iS rJ J M TAK/NKS- l h: P A T H E K 10 < T W e L JP S T T V Q;L U 5IV E ^ J O E L J O F B J K O U . - 9

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Page 20: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

! , D lO iH A E S fCI '■Jn-'l* tN THE UTTLEI NEWBUCG, IS i


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■ THIMSAsAJM'B ia TRAP-D#.y B£K >ae >_

ASMILXCn IoKXJCBUTTWiSIS ffil [aV K ALBeA ffiislEAKOGo t p o s r n v a y , ^ c c ^ A t+ rT fw e o WOS£E ^ T H e U A S r OPACHCCE.WH

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J S '\ A Y E / B E A T O U T H I S A I ? / B R A I N S W I T H I T / W H V /

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Page 21: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

; ^ ; ^ j g n i A g Y ^ r l 9 S l -------------------

Chryslers ,played b yjea Dealer? :!*, i

W ^ T 3 T "

.M l . . .

IriVcilch btisa incrtiMnew front reaJo* . ' '■ ' ;•.•

S r ^ r r i ^ . ; »

chinsea a re Itn- b upho^cn'. tr tm and

* »id» ebolcfl ot

;L -tirdnsulde" p o w e r f s w h ^ . ''^uld torque < „ ^ r ^ - e r t« r «»d Ur-

f e r s r s ^ H H IHttrlDX Euler !3 5 > K ^ * W H

Hnrulde power sU erJic ^ g ^ j | | | j j | f i | g ^ reduce lU trlaS «ffcrt ^ th i . tccordliiff to Uie vcfln«nUfln. I t a lso Pn*

& . = - s s e H €, S4 ffljlne and autom»Uc Pb°t»-«»tr«Tln ^ It ll of the four-ele-

S S 'L 'C S S ^ Feast of Service

a '^ m b lm U o n ( ] J |14i;)Tewil»utoraaUo trtn s- ^. b (ttniUrd equipm ent on Young peoplejOimJw models except the Aacenelon wUJayUl mcdeH w bleh h>ve UahU" »ervlca i

offered In four «Uc»n churche atoUitylei, seven WSndjor countiy. I t <lepl<

iMa, four New Yorker Qojpel through al tfi Imperl»i *tylea. b irth of Chriat _____________ _________present day.

ate in Glenns DS°;roe3idSSi| erryAre ListedB B m m y . r tb . 3 ~ c . r . « * « •

Shlpwn. CheUn. t t i : hi5 been v la ltln j her X urt luy NUn*. h « re-

completed f o ra W4.J l l th . . new U » Bennett. St. Alb lh :lto>bret«n . c lia ln n tn der. ir.. Bt. P itj lOiai fund committee, haa T hs publle U

aervice. accordl tm t! we LDB c hu rch pri- Lcuie EoU», reet.'jinami met Tuesday a t ______cecfiln. John McHenry. RBAD TIMES-

Don't loseFlight T rain in g JULY 2 5 , 19 5 1 I



T O M E K ,------------ V ETERAN




tw in falls nfhone 2778-W [ j

I ..................■' .!

Project Nears

I I / - j -

^r-'.’A. kL ............ / I


WiUiln tvo wMk« WcnlelTi new well wlU be Mmpte IU prevldB (er wldlUeaal Art proteetloa f e r the city a> dlTcr 1.0W fkilwis a mlnale. Workaen em plertd by C le well te nS (eet. Pipe (or the project U on hasd. Tb bale*enfr«Tli)|)

east of Lights Class Fon Service Planned ' Song Ir At Church Today „J*SSS S

young people of the Chitfch ot the instructor, his orgi cenalon will pretent a “te « t of d a " which roeeu hU" »ervlca a t 8 p, m. loday. from 7 pm. to 0 rhit iiPiTtri. I* tradltippal in An. te re n t churches Ir can churches, throughout {He” Hu B&limslej llie l Lintry. I t depicts the spread of the tor fo u r weelu. upel through the ages from the Twenty-five claj •th of Chriat In Bethlehem to the last Monday even esent day. . church . The nextrhose U U ns part will Include evenlnit wlU be he ck puendellnc, reader; Catherine dlat church. Anyor lyroer. Mary; Tom Ilatcllffe, aco- tho cliuw may no «

Knute Weatertren, Btanley — — eree and ' John Chapman, thep- rds; Tom Conant, Bill Weaver d Allyn Dln«el. wise men; Sandra ott, Patty Kogue. Joan Pisher. ':lvft Jane Miller. Barbara JcnstD, . '. -ilUnda Parry, Stephanie aovren, r a RobertMn, Sally NUon. Louise olfe. Sharon Jenkins and Mar* ret Pryor, 13 apostles; Man Alvord.»ithlas: Dick Mansfield. BU Paul: V ~pb Kaiard. S t Augustine; Bob :nnett. St. Alban, and BIU Octran- r. Jr., St. Patrick.The public Is InvIM to attend the rvlce. according to the Rev. K alle Bolls, rector. R O f I R S O N ,

-------------------------- P E R R INSAD TIMES-NEWB WANT ADS. __________________

flyT9se Your G.L IIning Is Still A v a il 951 IS THE D E A D L

SO DONT WiN T O F L Y , lO D E R N ,c a l w a v .

I m p o r t a n t to d a




9 l L - ^ ^ ‘-

K f l i g h t T R A

c v a l l W iMUNICIPAL AiRPO R

, ■ t h e N E X T T I M E Y O I J H A S g e t s o m e P L A C E I K A H U b S m k m b e r t h e a i r p o r '

----t Nears Completion

/ n/ \ r i \ W r

/ | / 1 A

wiU be completed a t a cod of between »*.*« sad t f e r the elty »> sd saxlU ai? pomp will stand ready ti m pleytd by C. B. E st«n sa d *001 here work the drill• on hasd, Tba weU alao wlU b« p s t ( « limited Inln

a s s F o r m e d f o r C o m m i t t e

3 o n g I n s t r u c t i o n „ S ™ £ . » T '

' H « e ^ ' W g h * l i5 ^ “ » ^ c ^iSTM T^Utee*! u c to r. his organlted a chorister c o r^ t te e to ^I which roeeia every Monday T 1 7 p m to 0 p jn . a t the dlf- I t churches In the community.■sttimrttt-the-clasB-irilHxmllBW___ tJlAVrg Hlour weelts. HAOERMAN. Ft renty-tlve claaa members met Van Voorhls, dau] Monday evening s t the LDS Mra. O, F. Uolon

c h . The next meeting Monday living In BoUe, lel I n s will be held In tbe Metho- SeatUe, She vUl : church. Anyone wishing to Join l>or to Join her h:1a m niav tio ao. chief petty officer

/ ^ R I I P TI liltfiFi-' ' ■ - Cnieyao'

n Werfchonl- | k / t f * u N u u iv A i


S P 0 R 1^ ^ £ 2 7 $ 1 7 . 5 0 A T H L I T I

I A YewtBoneybetO f lR S O N A l* P IT T I N O - B U r IT O V IR TH

P E R R I N E P H A R JIA C Y , P e rrin # Hot*

r.L EntitlemeniA va ilab le to Veter E A D L IN E T O ENR(

WAIT*t h ' th * a ir p l a n e p U y in jr a b l f g e r p a r t u c h o u r A m e ric a n w a y o f life , a s a m eans o f t n a u t i l i ty , a n d th e in d u s t r ia l f ie ld i t is ever r j o r t a n t t o d a y t h a t y o u b e ab le to fly .

> AVAILABLE >1 W HO ARE NOT SS WELL AS MEN--------• e v e r y DAY^



Phone 029<

TIM ES-mSW S, T W l R T A X I S r n

o n R o l e s i n

I IT S t u d e n t

■ H "^ ~ x isa W f“ ro iea -u r W W m - . ■ [■’ *71 high school produi ' # J * . . ' ' r y Honey.- will be pla. # m : ' ' ?r»VTa. Joyce P e ttr# I ; : . Day.r f v • A nne Barlowe, t' •* . - PettyfTOve. wrttee th

Wm ' for a hewipsper. I■ Is s laember of tba '

X.'.,< ichooi s cappells dm k \ : tn a au rer of the loet

' ■ aister. Kathy, played■ , attem pts to help An;■ ' / ’ wme of the lettera.■ , sui t U chaoi and <■ ' Wavra, who wsa ch

'■ [ » ' chper lesder. plaj ■ ; •' Kathy. Kathy, a gl ■ l i attem pts to help ;

cause only trouble, ■ K . . Roger Tyler playe

!n~ tn r~ iu -ich ix ii- i portray Jim Dennl slstsrit. In the Junlc

Like Tyler, ber of th e c u t of thi Theapiszis snd the cappeUa choir are fsn m tlo n a to whlcl

P h ils Bishop, din « ■ *Tbsnka. Honey” w

Peb. 33 and 33 at auditorium. Writtei net. th e clasa play three

O ther members 1 Clark McKesn. Bill

tn d HsU.

Xgr4cuf(ur« I the chief InduatriM.

•a a m sad Tha well 1 ~ ----------1 sUnd ready In em em aelas lo I work the drill «h!eh U tlaU ng l« limited iRlrattoa na*. (B ta lt

ommittee N a m e dSYB0BN, Ptb. J - ^ e PTA /J ':utlre board met Wednesday I Irmoon a t the school houae to sp- /!AIt a commlltee lo pick a nom inal- / commictee to select state ofncers /? V'this year. The H eybum a rt \V>

Iblt also «-as discussed. V J

tJlAVTg HAr.ntMAW____________________AQEBMAN. Peb. 3 — Mr*. H . D.1 Voorhls. daughter of M r. a^d ' I V ' J ^. O, r . Uolony, who ba* been ig In Boise, left Wednesdsy (or tUa, She vUl fly to Pesrl Hsr- to Join her husband w ho U s

if petty officer In tha navy.

iPiOREDInjeyenoeHvaJlf* ______

W erfch«nl-Playhar4* UNUUIVAail COMFORT• CAN'T SUP or money back y jE T

S P O R T S M A N A T H L I T I C T R U S SYew tBoney bode tf net to tbfW .IT O V IR THI C O U N T I t’e rr in e H otel C o m e r


t h e


P P »

er p a r t e ieh day m eans o f trave l,:d i t is ever m ore ;t o fly .

X ft t i e

.....................................;tAFT - r

" F

HIL......: _ ,ne 0296.J5

— — — L ' _

f a x e s t t d a h o — -----------------------------

1 • m " l 7 A lilQ N E»les in 1 .1,tudent Play S S S» 1 • J boot traUilng. lUgne;

Assigned j= = = c =" L E T 'S T M

y .- will be played by Darlene -* . Joyce Pettyirove and Dick . . . . . T H E T

n e Barlowe. played by Miss trove, wrltea the sdrtce column I hewspsper. Mias Pettygrore aember of the Twtn Palls high f ' i l S r ^ S>I s cappeUs choir tnd U the w er of the local Pep club. Het . Kathy, played by M lu Wtvra, ipta to help Anne by snswerint o f the lettera. The obvious r«. la chaoa and confusion. MUs - V m ■s, who ws* chooen this year’s r lesder, playa the part ot ^ S t£ 3 ^ y. Kathy, a girl cf 14. In her

ger Tyler played a leading role help you plan a h<TBTJlilchool-play.—Tyler—* t l i ---------- . . . . . ^ ^sy Jim Denning, Anno'a as- WL C A Rrit. In tho Junior class play. C I J I ? 1 7 1:e Tyler. Dick Day u-as s mem- O U t J C \f th e c u t of the all-school play, ,plazi* snd the high school a ceUa choir are among the or­a tion* to which Day belongs, j ils Bishop, director, announces 1 B _inks. Honey" will be presented 33 and 33 a t the high school I i ^ #

torlum. W ritten by Carol Ben- th e clasa play Is s comedy In .

h e r members ot the cast are '> f l H f l V t McKesn. Bill Ttinsen. Chester U I l l l Lim. Mg m n RwcermilMH3l«tfc- •■......................

----------------- PHONE 251ricu/fur* t a l itact-nislnc ««Jilef Induatrie*ot Madagascar. _____

% yonih

f t v i i

r \ \ I M■ V \ r w i i B M P

MJ"Man-made climata" Is In pa

the minds of men ind women Ir is the cofnbined efforts of th is t« in Idaho and Snake River Valley,

ppwibl*. ----------

1 . I I D E B T .PR R ^N tw


egltural •nUrrim of all Un4 ferHle Bnlrri|tt«d Und, t« nan

3 . LIVY NO 5MCIA1 T A X IS O Hiat VMhH* MfM wM flow

-------------------- 4 ; - A 5SU M fU M TirU L L W r-C

_ ____ cm H aM xAitaaHily u n i t 1

I , OTFIR M O D U M R tm m n mnAetH

\m , ^ a t it taki«"Si(tKe result*—and thar» th# r»cof in Idaho Increased 66.6 % a s «

^ J.96 M w m m «a J 4U

"MifMnaBe cliiiflrtt" M p * 1 " tra d t . It i« Important to you-**'

.___. » th t w m thm d w*d p

• •F fw n " S o w ir 6 u « » it 9 t t M m

i O A

A lil< lN K > ' ■ far 8a» cnV t'ME. Ptb. S — Mr. and M rs. physUal tisminalloa.lUgoey have received wor4 -----

elr son, BlUy Barrel n ig n e y . LtAVS ON Tl n assigned to the U. 8 , n a v s l PnJER, Feb. 9—Uj. si {center at 8 s n Diego (o r h la Moreland left Thursday aUUng. m gney left J a n . 33 aUvea In Tulare, Cam.

m t >Tuk i t o v e r wI t h . .7 7. . THE HOME LUMBER & COAI

T hafi a w i l l m( f f i w t S r h*P5>T to hi

the wsy with your ^ (JK h ^ ^ Remember, i

no re*trtctloni on h BuUdlng. only tdde(

/ / ment* for D o n Ps;certain price brtcki

ue la-oor amt«ble a ta tf w ill be happy U ezplaU ll I 9 you plan a hemt, n e t i« s t a be«as.

“ WE C ^ R Y A F U L r L l N E O F QUALI'

SHERWIN-WILUAMS PAIN5 Serving Y o u Since 1888

Home Lumbei md Coal CompailONE 2 5 1 t w i n '

in i h o m e t o w n p i

f JFertile land was Irrigi

w a s th e beginning of a

1 ^ Snaka River V-rl K w V ''c l im a te " has a key ro

b u lid in g new jobs and li p w lty .

a" Is In p a r t a p ro d u c t of th a laborator I women In b u s in ess , mining, fanning, 1 s of th is team t h a t has helped Introduce ver Valley. A n d th e se are th e piM reau

•4tw IntfuaH y Rfca to h* tmc$4 I* pay

Ml »ISOURCIS~>Id«he w ly haa bn u R ta H I of all kl»4*, phM H iataf, anH oeiv, \ Und, ta naiM a -fav . -

I TAXIS ON INDUSTHY-Ohr. .T tiy pwfti riwM flo w h ita IlM aaJ ttq r

tUL n i c T i i tUl^ wmimf tiM mMomI

AOR tmmntm l i la ip iifeHiii,w J f c a*e<h

I t h t r tc o rd s p M k s fo r Itstlf. For frocr j.6 % a s ag a in st 2 7 .3 % fo r t h t .natlor M l «a J b c S h i MUBtry as 4

M p * burtd i W irw tH grmrtK W t to y o u -a s 'lt-ls t o your hom e communi!

Mtk « t d p m n v ^ ty o f th a G am S ti ta i

----------------------- --—E f tS E A n

i» id c * cn#' t» t o * W f -■ ' - •a exsminallaa ^

LSAV* ON T U P •_■■' 'ASt. Peb. »-M r. snd U ra Zarl O T K i U K nd left Thursday to rUit t«l*In Tulare, Cam.

/ I T H . . . . K l - i ^

:R & COAL CO!" r.l l l f i K S ^

at'a a w i n doti fslki. '’U be happy to help you aH wsy with your New B e n t

ns. Remember, th«i« are > rettrtctlons on New Roeu tiding, only added reqolra*Qt* for D o n PaymeaU.ta .tain price brackita m ^ T '

n U eiplaU ll le yea . . . _


MS PAINTS« i s 8 8 r , p r . ; ;

iw lp e » * r * * e « .I ' M pta telheM 1mber

T W D l> A I X a "

H m p i o s p e i s i n a


BMr }«k«

ind was Irrigated and a desert b lo o m ^ ! 1 linning of a "m anw rada" c ilm ata I n fd

■ka River Valley. A n d now th i s ^ v e n as a key role In a ttra c tin g n e w Irtdu)

V jobs and Increasing your hom atow n p

h* laboratory—b u t prim arily a product ig, fanning, labor, t r a d a and g o v em m tn l led Introduce a new a ra e f industrjal progi th e piM reaiens th a t hav e mada su ch gro'

. tawd h Ny »ff wweem M y lieety uete «

aa befUR ta ta f Ita ^ b u a J e e t fMe a r e w e g i l ' l», MKioeiv, tvnfitaii, hunker, M slae « h

• «v*fr fw M e «weaiataiMa( la htaeHaw miayKM«.

>WIIt~fe~lwfce «<rer VeBtf, eiaeW e een<« •_* > " m h h ^ * < ■ » - *

IW * , e l w b aa i awMaWNly ef e t i * «hea4]

illrrSft.'^TTw ^pnsof I t i ^ j e a f i n s o r t i l tIf . F o r f r o m 1 9 4 4 t o 1 9 4 9 , m a n u f a e t t j

)r t h a n e t lo n . I n c o o s t r u c t i o n , t h » I n c i


la community o r «raa.- -ft Is

g * m S t r t « a i i d f a > » i » W w r ; S i g g ^

’ ■ -‘4

— F A Q g itlllV JE H T B lll -

fnmHMCrfBYnHAS ^Ml M « t w ar*M ea*Ml ekM« nuk tte Mill «ht ef a f>«Js ta a M U wete Mr 7 a ^ y d . 'h c a h r mt «■— « TVrkewMr t pta teiheM M * a r« to i ^ n < # * aalir> ri^<adH y f ty

r t c H * i r « e * l » * f e M i i » a 4pIb» - U « I « w Ik aM h i ba«er U >e M*. O ie» BMiee e K MU a b e a . . .

D A R M f t ^ A T C H S R Y ^ ---------

T w la P a m . Idaho

l i n a -


f eC e a d M e e e .th a t a t t r a a f

M W M i n h y t » d BMr }«k*.

t b l o o i ^ I T K a t

l l m a t a I n I d a h o

V t h i s ^ v e r a b l a

3 n e w I r td u s t r y ,

h o m a t o w n p roa*

Iy a p r o d u c t o f

I g o v e m m a n t . I t

d u s t r j a l p r o g t w

a d a s u c h g r o w th '

b e a r y M e e r

n e e r e e e — a e r i-

M s l a e a a d

l a h ta aH a w e e '

e ia a M e e e iv f e e -------------- —t i mi i tm n i _ v ,

I e t i * « i w 4 r

>, m a n u f a e t t i r i r ^ : -

i o n , t h e I n c r a i a e ' ;

' ' S iS

I o n e


Page 22: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

Market! . • * * •

m a r k e t s A T A G L A N C E

lltiu-K Srh"; moior*. «»* i'j,*,


- ‘■ S S L T u m J " '■.■,?- i s s t - s s r s

NEW VORK. P'»>>- »

On'*i8/«i«*h»nrt!"toli>tJI» f’'*'* *''!".rijjppW I « lnu CI. Ib. ep<nlr>r •*.• *« - •« '

-H "


i™ r | 'T i ; R ' .^'i I p r r ' '’ ! iT i

i r r™ma v% '‘J’"’'''

Hwiri'"' ‘ j? r ^ ° 'JJonltn o jl |.t« i'lo ^ ITt ^^«Ul

r ”™“*’o i" 35". I« Tnii n J lji J»Kr*

iH j ^“'iit^i''iL

•ij'Alrlloa J’ ’* t ITm Am»r M'i IHs*

^ n * Kl«t *1^ }!1Im ?•«!»• 10|_'' Jl” !.?

"^i.ii.^ u”n* n S u r >1*' **^l 'cJworBRtf £u U 8 s[ .'i ‘ I j j s,'Z'.'£' !!!; a si»S<i r«-.r S 'lW ctA uy . IJS Ho». "iS'lm*' 9% w 2 | Arrb? lj{ I7.k*'.‘

5 It *T Sn Wi'l“ mI JwVi-;.onK(rlt Wo»:»orlh • Ib. but

KrxM iS 'i Z<kIi)> M tood !■L x iii^ t ^ S BhtrKKW YOBK CURB ' '^OM^

^KEW VOnK. r«b. ^ to>' ['^1'"

r.i"."B^* s 5 '‘.h’ii^“‘su , Tiw'rbilKl. uio 1>S .M ,h

- - ----- - rholcl

stock Averages iS:';- C«a»ll>J kr T il. rrm,^ mSIV.^

' Itrtoi. JUlrt UllV i\wW

rf.rlwi d ir-ljj.l *l > <7.j w.W.rtUO--- l!l.» ;*• ‘ ‘-J • (iur.fh«^otnSi M9 —}jJ-“ JJ-J J , , „ • , bui^h.r

iar:'!!:i !ij !j:i !;:i HE'Potatoes-Onions S."

IDAHO FAtL» !•<• buIDAHO FALLS. F«l>. » «r>—(FSMNl— J*;®?! ‘

Otftrlnn •«=. «*llv«rl» b*ln» , ,Btij> to Winheii»««i f*lr " lr« Inqulrr: f • “• nil «ciiVirto» tiu»ed br .Irik# rwUkUnftf^lnj BuibtiiU '• “"•r*

'*k)l’vtr‘i'uli*»i3pDlVf »lB t h«IJi •n<l ,* 5 * ^u"*S‘ \ “-i»ibtd *

Twin Falls jilh Livestock Prices

-ma JeUoirtn* Twin r^U a Ut«, *«)*“ «»loek prlMi »r« proTlded by U>o f5o VSTwin F»1U LlTestoci Coinm l«ioa oommer ceaptnj bue fl'on ttb r ta u lu or tt#UM vetUj lueU on u l# : and f » aiol£« buUherv 180-2» lba_»33M h>(h«r:Hoit. m w i I ta . __________ M IJ»Hors. 170-18D Iba. __________ *31J0 chol«UOJJ. 2U-m 11»._____*30.00-»ai«) ■ holcUojs. (Ti5f( m«Ln 378 “

J U .______________ >IB.OO-»20.1» heller iSor*. 300-400 lb*. ____I17.00-H8.50 “ ««" >HtMj or t i t *ow« -----»ie.00-ll7.00fiU»J-i:i311a..<Iock) .^ l2 J » - » « i« > e « f «•Bieen _____________ $3«.i»-»34.oo 'Miillj ' _<»nft.M 8nn ' 6Q«p

------------- S - " - S g MVajei* , ___________t28.00-»«.00 «r; f««Cuuen-------------------- $17 JO-MO.OO '> s r ;Sprlni U m lx '-----------»284»-tU.OO

T w in F alls ML IV »TO «

Ctalc hkkm. !»<>.*» lU. _ t J,« ,« S ’“ U s . - r ! ! « . - S <'•”n m HM7I -------------- « S-SJ. 0.00

! !s::s a - ag5'&r>i^=:'-S;!:i;


^ir«,ls5=!zz!!^^™ sy?iRS.-siK.iK&SEsrai; “"■

S = f i1 1 Sit. 1 , —tt.1*1411 N<ta Hi. 1 - ■■ ■ — ....... - M t I t o lair«v dNiia «mU41 . ir«W 't

kets and Fin * • * *

_ Livestock:^_OCOKN r i i i r

I OODEN, FA. ) tn-(II»DA>—Ht«. mo.l»r»1IN C E

idnnc^ J^MaTlV.’ bSliUiJ^MVn.Mi’ rttwJFholt* Ib, I4.00.11.c0: :.S2S !’°d*

f .‘ t h!,milt, '"’t U ilIi.tllT.: Ir i] dmttid .cmiwh.i « ( rn u .

llmll»d, but rood laqulrr ffom r.a.l M.rch 1 bUMri; tOTip.r«d -llh (Iom or pr»rlciar ^ k - *|V *“ 3^b lu r m c

rVel"tid « rU 'li''‘f~d^« l.S^'u"iU«r.‘ j' ' iwd ij.wjo.tO; 'rom. l.Oi.I.H

Ir In *>>• J4.00-JT.M;

. , IiJ!—. w *TII no . ,iltUl. 9 »1A.T1 —&*hI M u -J}*'*.'l ‘h iW •Iron’* !r t4!a at wti»hi« uiW.t t« Ibi. >V»lrv( •d.«n-.i

u l iu ‘n " . u i *o”|'cV*h/h"V

ni4il*t. twcl 11.00,It.M. *

71'" I jchulff HO-:aS rfi. July

Jj S Jiirj >li)iur u '(M-: °tW;' II-^I Mtr

dtipll* .tiotl^ iuppt/; (lM/mar< IcUn^ Mir

fj? ^°« tir*cboki’ »id wil10 m«Ur <holt. .nd t.OTO U..


l i '* A M ^ o r

DENVER. F.b ’l^onlfUaDAI—C4lll»” romp4r^ l..t wHk'i eU< t«] *lMr> la fi'* • t0.7S hUher: thoM 4bore l.UO lb«. up ^Jl J m ci: f >0 on tholt. Ilihl tnd m«llum '

?.!• »'S»-!«SSl b*!'*™ •U.dr to ]i hlBh«; ■JJ « lop tSolc. J«.M! tood lo.kolt4M.00-SS,-S;**’l Kith mMllum :M9| n>i it.4dr: train rrd W .rrm‘J m04ilr hifh C9mtTi>Kl.l il.M-M: utllltr Twin V4II

. . . , , >0 comm.rcl.l JUO.ttM: lannira and Warron'JJi» cvlitr* milnlr J8.J0.I1.M; ftt.fa «nd M, r . C~” }• ..4l.r. •tront 1, I.M hitk.ri to» »«.00, l» T -ln r

Bitdlum tn (ixaj tO.OO-U.OO. M’arranl* ^ ]!Q(.^con;trid^Iut^ iIcm butch. It. Morrli

* ' i SI.U* f»w'tl*M*«nd”»!^lf'mi*l"m*Vjo! l/'K » ft’ > ’ V ito Ib..' I».«0.]].eoi tood and (kol^a ITS Warrant

toM N'ad'irtVio'l»J?*a«iir* ,’5'^Bhtep comrired lul vnk'i rlota 4Uuih- Warrani

-------- -Ur_UmU.lJS,LM.hUli»t;_lr-l*.->'''. u , J. F..non: at>d iindr to io h ith .r ; I J -m * --j^,, iNdInt and akiatlnr amind I.M htihtri Warran}J« « « l/l " t- ih l .r ‘llmli °H*J5-tO; chuka AlT*^."*I0« Ib. fllpa t.ll iSoin JI.M: «o>m1 Warram

cholc* MrIr li» »»«k JJ.tS; j[o«xI andiMt VMk JSJO; rood iiid'»kt,lra 74 Ih, Warraiil

S (~dln» limb> IJMi ■»ill IfU >I.OO-3{,SO. H, Klnr. IIncluJInc al Jl.OWS.OO, Su>.rilvi.i.,r

CHICAGO, F.b” »''*in-IUSDAl—Hoti Siib?lv'il"'r M aalablf JOQl total t.m la.tlmaladl ; com-

Stocka w IMffher; aowa mutlr IJO.l.Ti k^ha?; in* K. Krlvnil,

Hi •I'h ' ' V 'V '

li.'l J.M: aowa 4H iba. aiKl laaa tleiad lo'jo- Warrant'10 J 0.«: occaalonal ll»M.r «alibu JO JO; Auhrry Sh

4JO-eoO lU. IIM-II.M. IMT.I CaiUa ialabla JM iMUnHadli tflraoarad Rwa«k ato alaviiSl.r <l».ia l.lO-l.OO hUhar Cothran. \

l a aicvt bulla »0-lJ0 kUhal; alotk.r. and D~h1: GI • o fMdara ^M hliWi loada prima W^Coehr«ilt»»» H.OO-4I.OO! tar l,44t Iba. aarir »«.00; f>. Whitahi lata bulk rood and ckeka ataan SS.bO. South La»

f ' S L 'sL '£ “ S i H ; L ‘H ' £ S ; i SrkUnf «o« ’'t” '**"'}* 0 M *Vl*h' tttm 'brew

aubad 'common

rbanka ***1> afo all tlauM tOO-J.M klihar: prlra comiSre^ 1

I s T r a b v i ; : i s H r ;

:«.00 bucka H.00.80.M..................... m.lnly da

(CBDA)-Hofi; u l» 'lb ^ .i l - e4labla: None; aomlna, I'mtUr «n« , » . s y ” -rU“v s : . r » v r ^ ‘ S K

’ u># r s ? v “ <* ,JOc-l« hi|h»f, »t>0U M. *l«ioa oommercl^ 4t»»n‘ »na co cw S d !iru»# «*» i .» l i J luiH SrfSliu M ^h t^ t«

‘f*'” ' »toe;fr 8 h « p : S

e s ;UIJO c L c t’ tV 7o 'i” S;,"'^% ‘‘iS$.‘S '£ ,?W14)0 cholca helfeta MOO: commercial eow« iS d f ^ ' a '

►'‘"f ****• »ool«t ten 120-00 heile'r and J9 ehSiir o» 1? --------------

^ » ™ r ' s‘S.fop.

A d » j : . '« .0 0 r p f r S i a - '

alls Markets | | f 5.. • - --I- i,f — - - — I ,.n»rtd J«a

)-;i.p 1 .

M»M 'OUl-'niT ■ ■ ■%.itVA Colorad fowl 4 t»u . ... **l^hora.owL I Ita. «J VZ ?l !

; ; ; s C

a s ---------- »W40.M is»u« ^ 4 F O .S l^o „ B im uriT ■■ ¥

Na. » Batkartal __ ____________ *-ll .t j l> I ----------- ~ _ --------■ "lUi (Om daalar «Mtad) i l dallr d

■ * ^ r ‘t L ^ ^ ‘ G o o d w1

j S ■ I D iItsl ----r = -------- ft- T.Mtllto la t«<5« (Un.1________l U j i .‘ ir«w <NaiM <«M)___ 7‘*

Finance \jm* * • • | H

CJIICACn. fak. » t« —Cralna a«ir«l I S M —JU, B,o.l»ral^d^4«rtJij^rat^r^aloi. daallara j g | | |i r '’K « “" w h i l Irt *lha^up.^fd. flluk,^ ^Tka

i j *”.WHSa\* evlJi hliUt, >Unii

: F “ H'.ts m» ^ h .i • r rn u ha'T lo » <ania ;ar loo ttk. blitiar. I | | | B

CAfin CRAIN' . s s A T f m . ■

[ ■ 5 H'i ^ “ - fUtURM TA#l.t

l i l S ’..i.? ~ L . . 0 - ,

^ 3 i t s S i!‘‘ " K ^ n ' S•» Jair j i" *:‘U ■l.h.ri ” 11; : u ‘ J.MS Bftlhr

t . r i . , and T.!>;"!{!*'■ rUl’’ 1.2.i ! : u ’ Tg»<u

j ' Z 1!*'.. i .u '.i l.>: i.iJ^i wrti-e" • '• 0. a., . . t ‘*®'

urht.t S*'’ 'V.i- 'aa '9«'^ ■«'! ‘■'“"J •• “»• ju ir ’j i ' I SIS '»* ••‘S ehifeh•<«'»< ;«>; ; ? i s - .« •’’•■I h , j.u

ri ‘ i;ij|

' J,l“l ^'.r 1’ .“ l ’ « -W "--MCO: juir 1».«0 1>.»1 » ■“ i» :j lhe I»te

’iS"'""'”''""'■ • S S ? ».»HN *t W n ‘k<ad <&.BUSl A-Aikadt K.Konlt>4lt pnpt!0J^>. — — - ---- ■ cludu I

= Butter and EggsI, ■ — ------- ■ ’ vtlutd

. , « ; BAN rnANCIBffl ^ pjodllt,. SAN rriANClSCO. DMidtJ

»"rW*i** '* ' * *' *^°'* * lldUtTlVtJj"m; Ch»«.i nrad. A loaf 47-*»: fraJa A U«, Ullv z . i - s is t =..diun. B«f;/» ;

A.M^O-i: amall A 4t.i»!i. «»rlOniil«a. -I Qeorilu»

— — R e f t ^ - E s t a t e - T n m s f c r r - 12110??ru«rl "luform atton Parnlahfd by

Twin r*Ui TUle «>4 ^ .

[h ‘r! ' -'■ ....... ' , , F,lS.7S; JAKWARY il _

. ; S R e k, h r ' ' ’;r7r1lL'’'*ilo"”Ja« ' L 't"'* ‘1l??ha' D tm :

I'h.rl Addition. ■ ‘ OonlenG'Sulk Warranlr daa l! ‘‘• i' * l’'* . " ' ,W k hlV« b«n

'jo". H t , ' t T ni Vt (r. M” ” rnl*t

” • , r .1 »..! I H To. aC.Olst “*ui 3 * 'r ." WVIU n a ^ Phnip . ;Kir; iT“r h » - ------------ - '■ .......... IinnK Iro

h,.k . l"n T«"* ••E..^». . JU, L«<»-( WartaMj Walt.t U-n«. «■.!<» KlW ltS,nd lo T..m I'-.Kl"*. »"’• part Ul ll-«k.k visltlnj h

r'7h* W ar«.ilr djii-’'i>'rl S l.aH« I/. Tom J«K Ool( {,S0; n, Klnr. IIO. parl Lol II Dlotk 1 Xu ron

Su>.rii.u.i..n, ,, r i ,v . i„ ..lI, Ml.'*n,‘S tr i j ; 'V 'D I« k ' ‘c’- Dam VimV,

aora s-bcllvlalon. Arlliur Ecom- V rri~ r tlaujhlfr


i'jo- w'arranlr d««l: llfcbrrt T. PlaVa lo J ,J0; *uh,^y Shatlac. 110; pact SE l.St'i » - , _•nd

S S “ S £■,»« rRANCISCO ‘ Tua

BAN rnANcisco, r»b. 3 cn (usdai * f " .r»d -H ogi; eaiahla: Not\p: Jor ««k: J.MJ:rlta C6tnp»T*<S laa^ vetka cl»«'. Sli TiU t»j•nba hl|h»r. soc n l l ^ and leMar p^g tod^^ajjt

■rra 57.00 ’:55o;” jew l!|n{er^wsl|tS u ? » ril*>4*ta‘an' ® ^ u ie ; Salable; None; Ior week: 411; Srrtra al■ Mr compared last B’ecki' cloae: U iht aup. Ir. ha tl.00- plf atrera and helfert Jiilly Mrady; co»«. “ »'• “ •»

Ritlnly daity trP*« iOc higher vllh»pou up l.OO; buUa about Too lower; ------------halt load high commercial a^d low g c ^ /~ Y 1•Imtlar «r»de » 16. tle tn MOO; odd / ^ 1

Mt lott rooa alaughtar hei(er» JJ M; earlj / m 1KW not load food 9SS 16. feodrr tWar. a .-la.: Cajvrs; Salable: Nonr: (or «eek; IS: t f / l .,lo e«ajpai»d-laai. w«k-a eloaai Supply too — ( W .tlU |l|h i to tMt m»r»M. - — — V£ 3'» r 8h « p : Salable: None; for weak; «J: ^ 0 |, ^ «otnvi«^ 'jo ^ e r cent*lSa

n* tnd choice wooikI M lb. tlaui^uS00; lunba 3S.S0; aeveral other 3J.J0; coupH a J ^ *■«-» *ood fall ahorn lamha ai.JO; aoma fOodop wooled feebler lamba U.OO-SO. for Dmx>: auciloBjg L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S Uittonjji

S » ™ r ’a ^ s u ^ s 5 ! ¥ 'o " . n o i , „ f , » « “

! ; W " ,h - Adn.i*4*kni«*r-of-«he-aata.. of CLtvr. -h - DEHOSS. dttaaaad. lo tha (radlioca ol and D im ;all atl prraoaa harlnr elalna agalul lha laidof dacaaaed. to aihlbll thtm with Ih. aerca- •d Mrr VDUthara, wllbln four monlha afur m puWlt4tlcB ®f ikl» JJ* ‘

Uiaaa*S«> of tht^uain«a' i ttid aatalfc* F l_ . .Oal«d Jaau4r / . t4. IW l.-------.;—- .... .............

Ad»,.tatr.lcr'‘o?'' ” . . » Adr

I I C A S H l i“ F O R D E A D e F i

U S E L E S S iL i^

“ A M I H A I . S , ^

J*. ____E H O N 'E C O L L E C T ------ — A IU

" G o o d in s i t R u p e r t 55 Wiw. J K T w ill F a ils 814 S K i

i : ' I D A H O H I D E K ‘

“ » T A I X O W C O . ; ; ; : s

E v a n g e l i s t ^ m i


-------- f S H T - ------------ eltcted--------- W S - --------------I an<r«l ______^^allaia ]

Kartk --------77. h |i^ . —wTTH


III faed

BISUOP tlO V D EBY ' 'Cloat .. ■ bUhop of th t m at d la tr in of

CbfUl, will be the tn n tH la t a t •jsit* *«1»* el m « U n n ‘ho United u *j. r.MJH Bfflhren ehurch. Third a ren ae E J J S ^, , , , , and Third atreet fwl. be rlnn ln r ijia . 'j :i • Tg»<Uy and eonllnolnr o»er tho aoa, _l.ij^i week-end, Blahop tb j, H tin tlo i- Toa yoi

toe, Ind., haa K ned aa % mil- -!!,; iIonifT to Africa and h iu done r=— 55 :,(ii thureh e»ten»Jon work In Detfolt. ;.91% I!( hu had a mlnlslrr of bolh the taiia. •

forrlpi and ho n e field* In mJi- iJeo work. -

P a o e F S ^ r e J S i l e d — ----------

F o r L o c a l E s t a t e f aI '.ij . iSri. Agnes Jot^anscn. wldofr o f .!»•:» lhe I»te Fcrcllfiivrid Andrew Johan- ^jJ!? «n, filed a pe tition In probate court

Ftli!>y lot le tu is 'c it »tSmlnlsl.T»Uon : »n for htr hu.ibnnd’s «uite.

Mr, Johansen died Dec. 25. 1050,;jiuN »t Twin F^IU without leavlnc » »lll-

Proptfiy Ilated In the petlUon In- .1**“ — 1 clMdu loU 13 and n . blocK B.

Daushcrty's subdivl»Ion. lo t two. r g bloflt ilx. T errace park Place and* hfliiithold stJOdj. Real property U |_______— ' vtlutd at $5,000 and liousehold ------

10041 I t tSOQ. • IK ./' y “j Dtjldu his 'wldow, Mr. Johan.^en coi.utuK

ll lurrlved by elglU tons and daugh- h«ip Jri aia A Utj, Uirguerlte Wilson nnd Agnes

Both Johansen, bolh Twin Fnlls;Marlon Dean Joharufn. HnMlton:

- . Georgina Webb. Pocatello: Kellli ------ “ 7::A. Johinjen and Blrdlo Helen Lance, *-'*

: r r - 1i<ah"Jtl^ irg: •B e»y~Jtiia in s. 'o n- D'ftTb. Il , tirlo, Ore.. and . Earl O. Johansen K«*'-

who Ij itr^'lnu In the air force. NWiyt ic Probit* Judge S. T, Ham ilton set “ *'’'■

___ a htirlnj on the petlUon for 10 _ E•■ _____________ COMfLET

f " E v e n t s i n D i e t r i c h c S S I

R e l a t e d b y P e o p l e E i ! - . ' ;D lm iC H . Feb. 3-Bob Lncy and SC H O (

Q arttnG recntleld .H m U om e.N ev^ ■—, -'Vl ‘C visiting In Dlttrlch. “ y “

Mrj. »na M rs. Oeorite 01se» and .» aeaasiVa (r. Mr. tnd Mrs. Reed Surrey. Rcxburg. flad nei INE'a have bten gu tsta of Mr. and Mrs.. f , C. C. Olstn. «4te<c 00swii Phliip Nelson has been brought n««"’> * ■■■• hnnie from th e Gooding hospital‘I?"" where he underw ent an opcrntlon. , iVii i 't‘‘ ' ‘ Mfj. Leo Knowles and EdlUi wrii* iic"■i»r Knowlfj have arrived home Jrom u

visltlnj Mrs- Knowlw' sister. Mrs. ______ LTo„ Jack OolceKe. In Oakland. Callf.

i r . i HALT LAKE VISITORSvms-, Feb, 3—Mr, iinti Mrj, b" . Ro»

Arlliur B:mpcy are vltiung tlielr c lT I tdaujhtfr in S a lt Laie City. un'lvF^’ '

f i WANT AD RATES ■ # ! £SE'i (Buad ,a Coat-par-ord) Cur,• j it:.— ...... - i : : : 3 cuhtmki‘ ,„ i ‘ T B T r a

la Mt « , alaaaltUd -ad.t^rotaumpla. aaa Ubl. balowi

jn t, ^

ho-t ‘ nCA0*lImE3^or'c?ijIm.d“onlV> * ' ;*?»?.' *Ugadij'a Ada—t p.m. Salucdara THKK loppl

Tuiadtya Ihrotiah Ptldira aatinatia,,JJJ; Siadtfa—J pjri. Saturdaja cah'in 'eT

. " i J t s J s k " " . ’ “™ > s f] to raf»i la Ika adeertlaar. ^ 'tW A41); Errtn tkoold ba rerortad Imcnedlala. rAINTl.VOlup. If. ho tllowaaeaa wlll ba nada for roacas'ta,owt. Bert tkia ose taeortacl IsaerllocuaUh '— _ PAINTlNti.

'I fi[D®][0GD S s-i»d WATCH T H ISMfr SPACE DAILY womENI^

for oen of M »«le Vallej-a farm— aucllobi and for tb i date ihe lr s e l i : amaTS Uitls |i «tll a p p u r Id tb t T im et- iionallr ci

New*. Check th e ir adt for location ""^ . aad oU scm« * ^ Inforaadon. dian'aposir

bE — ;— rEBRUATfV"3 “Fnak \ t a SchoUck and Son I'.*'"'

’.VS - -4dierU»*ment-F*b... 2 .3 _______„2-|tn,'--and B im ; C. Iv en o n , Anclloneer on arpror

rXBBUARY S H E L Ptha A. W. Manlhey w a n te d : 1

Adrcrtlaemcnt Feb. 6-7 itraon »tBurey C. Iv en o n . Aaclloneer ma.n « iui

............[• A detSw B M t Feb 11 s ^ ! j r ' 'r :

0»e»r * H*rold KU»i, auetlooeert K A af^o ^ ,

F E B R U A R Y 14 K S S o;r m Stumpf w aNTKP: '

HaeMBeiT * Shop EqolpBient . familiar w AdmUieinent. Feb. I l - l i

H #rold_yUat,_Auet». .hok-VPMI

F B B R tJA ;in * "1 5 . - -.......-JOhB-MUltf-------------- ■ ” S“ I‘ r‘n!A dnrtlum eat Feb. lS-14 s a .V ^ a w

0*ear A HuoM K lu * . auctioneer! i

I— ATHKTION-y ABMTBSi - - - g^TfiriuV When jou p U n • firm ta l# conltrt th# Tlinai-New* F a rm S ^^u« S*l« d e p irtae n t. Let ua ex- Btpl c-ji, pUto how - TOU—e ao -co v e r - trhbiig-L: Miilo VaUfy oowpletely a t ont tmall cosL U will sava ' you both tim e and ooney. No niacin


----- — MEETINQ-nELD--------- HELEDEN. I>b. 3 - Ladle* night WM -57 ^55=

y obaerved Monday erenln* by the tSo . m m m Lloiu dub a t the lO O f hall. Ladies r.’txi.

'auxiliary of the Ataerican Leglcm a r e tc aerved th# banqueL Bemy Belmont. 7.*" ■ H»(elt«n. tpoke. EUoar Pierce aan«


p Classified IIg CARD OF THANKS

Irt otir h^hand.^fath^ and*™hfc?

Mr. an d Ura. Rdaard Haicalralh ^

S ," . '- 5 5 S i P ^ ^ ^ S l Kat a i fk .v c g i .- 'cOB8rtiaB t; >t,a t^rti. Inlted *»• * „-"1“* kite ANb oplioUurr-iUalnr•nlnr Mia. vuiat? c i ^ i r r ! u i w -t a ^

UOI- roR ‘'YO^Vutl.r »r^;l>jal« .M aarrlc. jil^'*a

TO CONTACT ^^Mtolica Aooor^^ miUoa.

DiJ,. Wadncadtr at lito pjili a'i’lll'Vui ar^

j „ | FAR M E E S : !__ *iJ AB u*nate FARJI JIACHIKERY

IS IN DEMAND •■"■'"SELL IT ziri:


Sd PHONE 38 jii?-.';ty u I__________________ ;___________ehold -_____________________________ _ CcLdlnr’-

. T R A V E L & RESORTS L ■ '

.ugh. ‘ ‘hVlp‘ d?lrr'l^"s\r‘^anVlIcJ’nraa" UmJ BLISIN l‘Snes nc.l »a>V. fall l;05J.____________ , UJJIJS

“ ■lWp"dJl.™bha^‘“ IwM«'°R.^f"°5!![

ince! C H IRO PR A CT O RS motkl. .-i)k K !■; m TktM A........—

e. Nr.l(Vi: >p«l.lkL Dr. AIo> llardlo. 110 *^^ olni“ ; I set Main Worlb. rbont tXlL_________ , T'r 10 . B E A U T Y SHOP '^“ n^.^?..

COMPLETE Bodam baaut; aarrlca bj ea- nl!

h part oparatarv Idatblsalai tad ccld - **”~_waraa. H.OO ap. Anlilla Daaatr Salon. KOK SALI

COUl’LETB beaotj aartlct bj adtapetd S i'*1 atudasu at radnead prleaa. Jnolor atu.

SCHOOLS and TRAINING " j'• UAilt HTVUSTS ar. m con.ti.1 damaivd. Sppcr“ “

....a “ 0.baf=»t ao tipari BaauUUoo Is Doi 7*1.»nd aa aaatlnilr abort lima .Ilk our almpll. ------------ =•mrg. flad melhoda of IntlcocUcn. Become ■■•■

c o m« h ii>lt«l PERS0NAI5,™ HEARING AIDS

ia .el Hot. lloc«r.on*ll!,1lJ” **'*'^ In 'Mule iUlAilING aid baluria (o< all makat afliuUTianala. Oaaraplaad friak Jtwal elo*a, at.>

'*” • Bat. Roaaraae llotal t,obbT_________ mattloM.heir S IT U A T IO N S W AN TED wi'i“ «":—,. UniVEWAY ctaTtl. pit lun cr cnabad. •"*

IS ‘- S a - ............Kl^X~u|^r^ln LauiHirr n^u” itd*."i

I— UIONING, mcnilint. alurini. c<n"rai --------------;_ “ J aanlar.*l-boaa FU R

O DELL Nuraarr SehoaL C»ld eara b,•'sum' »I Ofl CL' '- 'is4 iS l

'■^K.avss^c‘„,?!s; fbinblaJ aTtlDllNT mlnlatcr w,.i.ld Ilka parl"ti-m->, , ?«:tW^Alk‘for'i'lt"r“.^ “ NICK etta-ti

__ PAINTlNti.-rarrnrr. ;rin't u r liV T f^ NICK--3.coo

J r h ' riii"* liVjV*'''” ' CLKAN.'.'.H E L F W a ’n T B D -F E M A L E “ oustjCEt

C Kxt.KHIKw'>-'l> fc ’"___________ oiahed. c

^ Ip!wV”rll[nil’,‘V3'o' C.°l?o J}.l"°.'l,»°"* MOUE/m a

■» w,^l“ ‘ ' ' V . P " K o a d ” '•'f SELL AMA.:I.M: n»«r njlom (inrondi- Ca UGeT S •*- llnnally tuiranu»d not to nn. SeiiJa- anuaina.““ Uf. . M l i l l . ' t I b ! . ' i “ KDQMS .d ia n a p o iu ._________ atokar bn

" “S r I S S r K S

■eyi.’s aa* “HELP WA.NTEiiriiiAEE"reraoB a't NilAT batan

MA.N W1UI « , v . , ^ , ■ g«x»l.>«atl.

- ‘.T* W A ^ ?"ua '' So?rh.“*“

Mwt be d-KOOM a^

■‘' " i s : ;- ‘_ .T . ■ * y r c itfi ( r refrlieniora rSona OJO-- i - T p A u i^

1 mltaloa. Old a .tab iiU ^hoi^ .JilS 'i- -Ca” fir»uV“ -*^”

j'iuSAW o-na.. j ,.,, . . . r f n ' >>“*- «’>S^^U.a“ nd'°.ra. 7 “ ' ° ' .

=u , SE JS’S,“

TWIN PALLS, IDAHOn « p - W A N T E I V - l i iA r a ■

■ 'TIdlea f.tml. .-Ma** r _ .......... ' hooaa, ak

i™*il4 ofd” w l^ V i.ltOOM-5lont, J'*™ ?' Old aatahlbhH eotnpanr baj i;7 5>»«r»an« oprtlaia for »•«> I" a butloe.* of Ihelr f' »aa ^ -hare p- tila

* "* ' I F ' r o r h t t r ^ d » R O O ^

^ bnri agemafullr aold fnr ntor >can J.UEUKUU:wfiia* M-^l’l .v r“ ^ l - ' “ lP P j '4-i4. 7TH6oM~i:

----- fWn..r. Colorajo,--------------------------- hou... II' * ^ iODKitin

” * T-'l!'Sr.“ i’bona- ■niltEE-no"

• B. T, MAHKa A.anoa K„h ROCrjlSON HOTEt. 4.1ti;UM nTi

___ . — ■ J-nKtPKOlTl

_ _ ------------- ' " '■' I j.Ho'oa

^ B A U B MANAOBRS''**•* Ara JOU Urad tl priorlllae allocatlona __-c__ and iSortaaeri NatloBallr InowB fead KOIl llt.Sl

cosptnr can uia ■ feir rood aala In. :: i : manafcn. Salarr. a.ip.naet. and bonua. or :1IC-R

___ AdaiJile iralnltir.^^nol ijc.n a >4C

- rUEPHOOi Box « -A aaratc I


~ M A L E - F E M A L E '- H E L P I W A N T E D - i ,„ , i s ^ ; r

a ^ ’ Vl'wi^"*"bMk“ ma’l'haa! ELECTIIIC'nraj 1 priMp^t. HrptalM. .liar! wJ(h(nj| jfXvt*™a»iiitiV nothlnrr ■ Kit turnlaSid. - Match f.'*!CorwftlloB of America. Urpt. BN, HZ-______________________ ,

IBAHO STATE F.M?LOYHENT f ^RKRVICB “Sl l7r.*'''al!k°*^ff Ich.

ph,'n» operator, fltaman, waldar, aulo tor, ille.el mechanic, alleratloa ladr. EAST I

B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S ^v A N ^

™ B S | g

__ Fo'll LEA5K: Modern wdT rqulBPrd i-.le MO.wriia do.

Stu yOK^SALK by Tailc^^ builnaaa

O^%r»oriunlt,;‘ re**anau“ ‘ b'ci 4r.A; r e l iA

- ro^SALE!^ Ilot*)^eaaa^aod furnlablntt.

S Si’pct“ n^lr * f« couplc.V?*>« I-------------, l : Boa 7M. Blael.t^. ^ „ LOANS


E7_ <llr. '•''jJ' JJO Maln'h


ruble r«t! tiftiierator^ Jlritl. eleculc

with « i:5 fool hilldinj, IH.JOO,' ii,o<;a _ . dowa .111 tandla. - CHlC;_ 20 ACflES *

• hWM“ .iJd*"sa^.^*''^0*''~hT

T. 'F A R M

^ P E T E R S O N-r R E A L E S T A T E l

Phona 4851;s; WE.NUE1.U lUAiio GEORiIj; l - ^ __________ 1 JS7 Shoahoi.

I ^ R N I S H E D RO O M S '---------- ----

r , " “ “ S . ' - E J S J f _____« « » '

°* ns'w r'l,” *'

“• ^'uiniLt'filrnlthjd,* <tl)"Addlioo'AvVn« Irur^l"’""'

" F U R N I S H E D A P A R T M E N T S

^ MCOOM hou_ N ice Ad«ita.'i57. ?5rv";

CLKAN wtrnr°*ne *^a m tlb-------- I-llEUIlOOMf-WirWiir pal,l.'

E HOUSEjiEEPI.VG .parunenu lor ra;t.'!? NEw'’raodHir- fall..

iiia ed " c ii l "mh r Vi5

fo L A K crt.|!^ r^m iipa'Hnien''t '’rod!;o ; ,7.'* '« « ‘*"!j!**'a 'ar?m'* dinette, m- entrant., trout'd tl,. r. Adulla. lilS-M* loeallon" c , COZY apartmenl, bath, hiTt laundry TWO DCDR '■ Koad” ' Klmbcri;

^ ---------- —■i - i iS i i i i arul-btU.. ..a.___ ______ _______ -----

_ a tokar ti;at._ laund^ room. iSI Ird | ~

; u iw 'U k n i s h e i T a W s . ~

M: ‘ "■•»■ g e o r g

- * dc?.***!lS^houi<'At'*!i'.. Raaldc“ kS’tte"*

'! 2 - B E7 ** 'b~°»‘/h o r^a “! ; r 't . - !;■ > »•*» ««•■tt/.nn '.I__' . . _' " .'— * • AddiUon. ft- g ™ ;-S " ‘.IS S ',V• *-KOOM apartment .i,h r ,( ,„ . l,;7r '*1!!!'.^ . _i nh^a.*"4«Jn'" lioj ropiir." T W IN F: u c a n . u i . . , »;^- r & JN s:

; ---------

- S S ; '

s a -• Vtii

1 ' l - U K m s H t D H O l I S F S - . S « n. rUllNlSl!tl> «A6m (or taat at IJ14 k’ST fhe"e 1*W• ‘■♦■■•I'' ‘ 'Wkare pi

! ‘ x lta lJ lV 'lT J A l t 1— --

L B : — t t t b W S H E P H O U S E S — — HO!rtruNisiitii •” loT:

ToO alEb,‘‘,Ti iT n ^ u ‘boa...'‘i«cili.b«i. i.-mw; _L-«ii‘s»^

ir btj r-7 ■W.anlh a.anoe oor^___________ j HOUSESa'nS^^ ^, • a - ° -~i----- r i i u O U S ': ^ ^ " ^ WiMUrnl Ceapl^^

"••ctr " tlN F lJK N lS H E D H O U S E S ^ V a„;‘ ,ca’rj zTSeuKUOM Boieto l»“ e- »'*"»•

TTKbOM^hM', •»*-»•, ‘ ’i- “* B «____ I jjODEBJi l-badfoero, homa. Oil f trsM . S*D a"yii

O N r^ilon. ncrfaro bouaa. Cardra t»ae*. “ w«.'Vn‘„l„, 01<0-1U. _________________ Xalla. Wl>»cr» oNE-IlEDHOO^boMe.Joodam. Kl MoB- lb.

TTiUEi^MOljl mod.™^^ho«a. 4»i 3rd

" ‘r r™ .!

i n r r ; x ‘k , . i S r u .z " i " .n ^ ^------ J.IIOOU htHJi*. KImbatly. modara aievpt ’ T ^ ta 1

S f f l s K r S r S r i S s,,no‘ IIC.N A KO.NTd. Owner wliraell. Maka fawn’ll"'.

olfcc Sea nait door neUh^r. (10 4th dnwn u” • ytml S>nl.._____________________ LARGE

J-IIEUHOOJI ko“ * flaaa ponbae. hot

ytfT^rlf .to**. T.friiarator. oil burnrr.------- hot wat.r hc.ttr faroUhjrf. ~ ~

M ls'c. F O R B E N T ^

ilchM. ELECTIIIC rioor polljh.r for renU Blaar- 1 ,r bual- rain Atpllincrt. Phone 54iB. nR/■lihMi a*ii;aMa lummer'pttluri for aer- C®ed Lxa„ '"t- <ril hiin.Irrd hrad of al«k eattia, Cen-" g f' tact l.r (itl Edward Babcock. Salte l l . Ih’V



U-DRIVEi In c . modetB headr. EAST UVE rOINTS SERVICE t ___ PIIOKE 1101 Ui’ "'i7'{o

® W A N TED TO R E N t r i ^ E A S E SU I

‘ ' ‘l'ho'ne°;»l-JrTwI!! Fa°y.*' fvl^'wdw

” °K I 's J '^V o j^ ^* "* l “ h* 'i*aert‘o

' M N eT T O L O A N- R]

7 1 ^ N EED M O N E Y

^ V^r i . .„ r - : .^ ^ c ; ; ; i l t .ompanr. Thoat IM-.^n~a a'ny.” *’’'’

*>•*• RELIANCE CREDIT CORP. 1—^ n> :nd S.aet W.I----------rhQ.e^^iO |

GoM — . , - ^fi^TTsT5.4M. I Phona Oil___ LO AN S nnd F I N A N C IN G W o 't P S----- 1 O.S AUTOMOnil.EB. FURNITURE S^D ,ll~, ANB LIVESTOCK Armaa Ni

W . C. R O B IN S O N n r - n —1 (Acxou .from Radio Bldr,) South aid

In AllSOI.n F. CnOSS. Mrr. menu. B

1 IDA H O F IA N A C E CO. 1 |-------------l o a n s ,

'l;‘ - ‘ncl- Injulat*!. .roTipI.l. tinanctnr I '

CHICK HIATT. M anager ** * ‘ ” -Cround * T rr-t Bid*.

'F A R M L O A N S I c n •CITY L O A N S

F H A L O A N S - -------

g e o r g e °’w .'’ f r a z i e r , ,_ _ iS7 Shchona K. Offl.atil iS lS ‘f---- Held,nc. phon. 0»7RH j.rooc. mo

larra BtwJilb H O M ES F O R S A L E Stf*‘J;*oi'i‘

j c y a . a ~ k s s .^

‘nue * »J® «» m="‘h-”?t!tnc!i^TlOof ZMjilrf r

BY 'oWNEU. Na, .-room houaa. r-ll l o baaemenL Oa ttwar. Inaulra 1(1

:.|<00M hou... ^rnll nment ba;aJSJt:■al/- ?SrVa'n **” **• | i7.m? o«.‘~ I-HEMOOM tema, *1.000 down. ™

__ ~I»e of titr ^i«lta,” l»Oo” 'doSV*wriIUla h. n^d|..^ ^niH.r lata toodal «ar. JOSX CRi

!»• NEW radarn hona, ) bedrooma. attached __ raraia. one acre land. Youn»alowB ales- T

",“■ 5 , , ' ; ^ ■ ■ » ■ “- , . . w a .;

-—- NEW i.h lfoom homa, earpetad ll.lnc ........... - —'•■ r~m l»m, btauUful fireplaee. Itrte ■__ dinette. mtM bulIUna. full <a<nant• M* liVuon"'’o-LM«v?B/,‘ ' ‘ **‘ S BH

TWO DCDROOMS, nle. ll»ln« ronoi, home. Non :tlr I j c imlator.. larajre. priced eallent Urm- l^ K i- JENKIM Uh d f l ^

_ ---------- ----------------------------------- - Ja^a^riM

H : — V E R ¥ - m e E - N E w - ~ I »- .Ua"tic;

o .k - -«■ G E O R G E W . F R A Z I E R f i t t '-S , I-• i:1 Sknahose N. Offlaa Ul'»• Rwldepca pboaa 01I7B1I

^ ------* hiU"'’ a ‘i

-" 2 BEROOM H O M E ■ ' “ i ‘5 : . , ™ l« .M I. c»k-.S d Y S “ i . , ' . " : . ! " . S : •^ S ”. . a

wrma.****” «1.«00. THA

5 TW TN FA L L S R E A L IT Y K O a- 4 IN SU R A N C E C O . _”r 119 Mala Aaa. Eait Twin Faila. Idabo eglUn

rboat l l l i • Jl b 11_ Tatma. Ban' .......... ' — * Warth. -Pkai

RE W A R D I I i_ For tbe kocnt lo er, Altrattiv* I r«m W ORTlS T S .M -T i-l.had faaaemeaL Excallaat leeaUoa. {i^a itiw at

: - - b e a i . , e s t a t e -Sarv ice A g e n c y 4 INS


- r - B 0 M E K m S 3

iES J ^ t ".aiuJ

NM.*-h” ? J'VPhon^^il.'j, ffl.*};

. .. '■'‘‘•hin, Vt!?i,7410 4lh dn«''n"i , '>«’>l*lai. _____ t-ARGK ,

^» u ,r. n . n y / S g , ,


tilra*'®’ ®*’'*®** '8503»3aL_ _ ri™,!.,.. = ,~ .; .^ W 1E

« « . S , £ . ' > ! ; i E u .

n e w l i s t i k g i x n n .

Tkla la tba flnt u „ ul ^

_____ K.'ri7;{o;:” c ^ ? t ^ - ^ r

ASE suburban HOIBlid Ilka ^ ‘‘>*• 1 ••W a

REAL ESTATZ Service Ajucy

P hoa tin j UllCrti*° "^'h.ia parklar na> aw b

^ Prc*lea"P. 1— _

l lB A i, ESTATE for!' W l^ tall nV tqiii. It a ^

location.'* IU h ’i ^ 'KE manD.1, paym.nU laM, |Afmr,, Norik, B.U, Uik.

I <0, 10, Itl RANCHZI Kal Eouth tida. Acraatia. IM menu. BOdar. b«a . f .k

^ i iU “ m. J, KACAW. TMH,m

UODEUN DREAM BaI badrooa boma, kirdeealiy Injulatad. ell fursaaa. eiib a

II a buj. ■SllALL ACniAGI

*• Ifoder ho^, ^.all l ia J^


a 373 ACMIrrlraled ranch.-ItklU awl

«» .alad rrouad, Jl( akii«,.(____ S.roocB modant beaa Till I---- ^ larra Bt> eow ban, jTtaau,}------ Bttehlot Jkop. tolate laOtt i

ellr on oil klrkwar. Oai ■< Ir = -T r auudlBr rancha* la Cattail

*" ItI.OOO.M with Utjoa.80 ACRS

I 144i Irrltalad ranch. 10 akara Hat -E W liSl' «iSdl*n^. Ilf,«Ul '

I II 4S ACRE____ Ranch. Iraa wala: tU»l. H U^ Va»w.' * II4.loe.0«. Terma. ---------dewB. Saa our maar otbw tua B*» part Coodlar and torreuadlat « »

ttW vbK tm



s bedroom UODMin, home. Norlfc«al »f tewi. n »

s w i w x a t t ^_ r .s s -"M iS i___ « l . « IMM.

- A O K IA 0I_ ;" ' t s s . t r - . ' s . ' i f f tre- Baat locallca. (eriBt.5k- .... - -FAEiO™-I f * w. S ,C 5 '^ ? * w k i»Ul LOAW .

Raal aatate laaaa aajraW^— I Vallay. i ‘i ^ » £ _ * 5 i

■ - - M A G IC -V A H Hi n v e s t m e n w

i : n » „ “ “ S t -s • —■ — r a a i s T B g ^— PAXPy a i^^ aena eglOnuo. ,

— ~ " 5 ^ ‘ p i S - ' l M ^ & ^

'8 0 A C ^ 'W O R TH T H B ^

t K S S S i i S

■■ /TWiNFALtS^i l N S U W ^ ^


Page 23: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

W '

t ~ : C = = = u ’^ ^ r ' l

S o i i w M N C H I ,(U T A L O ^ Perun. 8orur

.-—.tr r BulaaaM. C « tn l lUptlr- S S & S T A S i H a “ ••■>•"•■“

U S E D ;^,»....n"«-i.i.*- •••' SP

™trc W. F B a ^ I E K — ------- ----------0(tic« es» 1 MANtrnB t.{

■»»>'• 05«TBU "R" TRACTI______ - - I I DEAdnORN

— — ------------ 1 yUBQUSON

CIIADE " A ” , ,„cd a i b y f a r m

■ h * .r .« « ‘ “ “ "” *'■T H E SA '

SALES.a i r w a y , ■

jK^-ESTMENT CO. I------------------ -

iml.f. ________ .. This I

------------------------------------- T im eIJlCaK THACT

S w t e ®-"‘7UOI ttiact- hanbek • •bj»L Hu ^ B R IN

T-I” f*''*-’W ACRES S

m a n u f a

' 40 A CRE S I - -,_____________

“ • - O U R« A CRES

,ki« « term f.rtt Und. TO BE OFrABHtns oi

102 A C R E S ............... TRA CTO RSrtihl. fot ^

le S o iiaR LiSTiHCi •


fBOKE JHJ • •'“hn D«i

--- ------' PL O W S


i:>(<{taU7'< da lrn 4T«?on"o C U L T IV A l



^ .«■ rb«.‘ “M - r 'A E T C .* riao Irm w.Ur. plrt “bol-r - .*Sdf J S “ M O IIM ACRE R A N C H M A C Hh a rti .chool Imi. Bi.n TOt». KtaWlr Bo.d

Inttor m»chln«T. « room* 'S iV iS fS 'S S L " " " ' '"■■ .--------------------



f i ’ ■■' "■■“ ••1 . M R . F A R M

MOULTRIERea l e s t a t e r«rminf. m i

' ” « ‘; r ■■' ' MANOrACTTT

W IM P L E M E N T S “

- ^ £ . r j s a . ; r r i T r ' " :»'• rM«M"Ojk got of

^ 1 , .«.V H»-

. H a r r o w- - - - - I ----- for-For.

^ ■ • B e o l-b o


'=V,iS’£;i7 - ’• Hitch a• - - io r” P l i;

? J S n tT o ®P b „ . , „ •

' "■■‘ • Tractor Ttna LIST-----1 ’• Alfalfaof

-.r»w Equlpm ent ' ^ .................... ..... 'gliU 2'„V ~

J ' £ h S r P L A C E C. . ____________



e q u i p m e n t ’" ■ * “ ‘ “ We l d i n g s h o p r - i - t t wU^^AIL. fnm n

F A R M IM PL E M E N T S | FARM IMFHEW UOLLAND m» bilm. i HIT h 1 to it >Aut- p is ) ton Dsdn inmmli.lon. I lo*<!<r, tu|.(,1 I tu J m «oeipl»ul/ rtlmllu i«»l m ■il'.inn.MW. W. B. M.HlM. fciiB. Fbot. 8»»«. | — ',, ..,|... I '

PcrUkta W«jh.r» ■ c‘j*’sPerUH# 8a run tr»cnr :Tnick Btd*, Tr»ll« Hluliw Irr iiJ. iir,‘. ,7, ,1C ntn l lUiutr Work Cad U Mtn eio KI CoB»«7ori. ItMl or wtiod. *87 UfiHh., ! . ----------------

DOOQLAfl jMAcitmK BHOP " ! .i;,": f e ‘ '>“■

t t t 1b4 A.fc S. T-ln F.ll. I


SPECIAL - • ! i a g K:..'...1 MANtrnB t.OAOER Mil MH i T

-R" TRACTOR---------------- IIM * htlw t „ ..i'I DEARnORN DISC HARROW . Ii:s I T7-. , . t ' -----1 yUBQUSON DISC HARROW .. Ilto ' ifrn.iM,


1 Fo“nD . ™ will, r l - j ‘-IV E S T O C l



-------------------------------------------- - h,“r.vI I ■ ' I .. I Oingi,

..T h is I s T he Best

T im e F o r F a rm ‘’mi

E q u ip m e n t R epairs s

B R IN G ’E M TO 11 j;;;:

S E L F :l "M A N U F A C T U R IN G CO. l ■■su TIIIRD AVE. S.. TWIN FALI.3 j H IG I-----------^ -------------------------- i ----------- P W 0 E!

PI.OSE « . I Po j. ^

Frlrt.4lr Firm S.rrlt. St=« l*l» I A N I J I PHONE U!

......... -—I Goodinf 47

— O U R M O T T O - ! ■"10 BE OF SERVICE TO TOE FARuens o r hacio va lley*

IR A C T O R S - ! |~ ~ . B E L L I]• 0I1.T .0 O N TA R IO ,• A-nic’" J £>uip=,tn. T U E S i F E B . (• John D«Ti H Zttlr Coiulini

p l o w s ;• Xa. t l IMC TUBbW I iOO HEAD O P I• ! a nd LIQKT• aooi: N i T.-'i'hc i T b - . . .u . -m• A of HwroiL. I

M O W E R S O N T A R IO ICU L T IV A T O R S 1 ' C0M M IS 5

O n ta r io ,S ID E R A K E S i

I B.niD< fron 2.SMS P R E A D E R S “

P h o nC O M B IN E S _


P.TCIILAVt frrori. fm

yOOU’lfASSEY.nARRU DEALER a h ' lm ' a c r re a '^


K i.w i. Bo.. I

----------------------------------- --—TA L K IN G HULL’S Turk*7i . »

Y O U R LANGUAGE um -h.' { t w i j g '

i HEALTHM R. F A R M E R . . . |

Her*-* » check Ibt for betUr [ S ; ” ’'*’™ '!? ’’ ™ f .nn in f. AJI these ImperUnt |Item* arc av.llrtle i t 8ELP im ^clJrA ” **'* MANOrACTrrmiNQ co. of T»-tn F«lls, or for your eonvenlence. p Eorder them through your tivorlteimplement dealer In M«ic VaI- ------------B a W S I[ey. I -SUPER HATiNa

Chlcka. uaortAl u Clilcb. Miorud. uc IU. Kff» Uur.lui

• - G o r r u g . t « r - ( 3 « - ro w .) .-

• H a r ro w , pick-up ty p e — — fo r- F o r d ,- F e rg U f lo n _ _ . - rA R M M A S !

• B e e t-b c an cu ltiva to r ' F r« . o . aPollonin Tl

• P h o s p h a te broadcaatcrr«T d.ii»ct» «b«i

• F e e d D itch Cleaner

• H i tc h m d f in assem bly I , ----------------■ for P la n te r s F E R T I

. F r o n t . „ d c u l t l . . t . r

• Q u a r te r tu m plow FO R SAL<E

• T rs c to r ro w lM rk e M '

• A l f a l t a ^ w J t r ■ ^



.......SB“L F ” '^” ~-M A NU FACXU BJN G CO.^ S C R A P & C

\ w " V ?

r r i ^ r « » ■ A U T O :

f a r m i m p l e m e n t s j W ANTED

u tUHlI lr«,-lur Hiulct>«l »1U1 lllhtl. Tt.lM.T.


|C T p ^ -„ a OSK i . |^ ll

VAIjLr.V Kim- fu

ilt^LASI, StrrlM. ' UEKKICK lunI'-JlO. I,!rr.____________________ lot.. Phon*'l.m.

cmilM . 1,.

ll,'l.A V A^'l:kp-

Lu’» MIUlBl Co. Phsoi ler «ltk

S e s t o c k ' p o u l t r y ■

E 1 001) Gu.fn.«7 co». tmhtn .Oct.: rACTOKY .iilhorU.

^ISKY ^cn., f,»h.n 1.. Mh.h. nn.

MUJlt looj .prlni.r ’m w i.-T m tl. __________Motor Vu torn.r. rhoj. I’HACrll’AI.LY n.-

Ju 'uuLl. Xi.ocUtloD Uutmicri. Ilol. tJ**’■tlsi. HhlttlKt. SfiorUisrM. PJias* ,I3WI. John Rokllni. 1110.00 llO.\Sl'nlNc;

g ; t e , r ‘V B j ‘: A r a ; = ; r . ! “ j ' j

'ml)., rorih WurUuih er I tOTlli J'f'l' ‘I.*n . . Wood. , ..iV'-ji.R ” •'*'

-------------------------------------------- 1 GERMAN W.i.l„r I--DULLS

«'A 7ua,7il‘ "ni.mlrV”o?' 5*«°cc•Bl W .'cut. rtoBf <S.R. JtrciD. *’*"“« _____

— ■ ' | ^ H IG H E S T 1 THOSE OLI

------- P R ie E S - P A iD ------- — - . -t t t ii.-. . I.. . .’o r D E A D nnd U S E L E S S - H OM ART .


«»llni IJ ^ Ifl r 11 III ‘ 'Jai'U .tI D A H O H ID E SEARS F A I

& T A L L O W CO. !' :

[il S P ^S E L L IN G A T ....... .. i A SS O R I

O N T A R IO . O R E G O N ®J!T U E S D A Y ; 5 f o r


E.rlr Coiulinmtnt Intludlnr ' , tttmt400 HZAD. OOOD QUALITY | _ CLA U D E

STOCK c o w a 1 J1U3IC & F10 HEAD O P STOCK CALVES ■ —AND LIQK T YEARLINGS, ------------------ ------VERY OOOD QUALITY. FU R N IT U R E , .

O N T A R IO L IV E S T O C K WALK l'N t^^Nc' ."' • C O M M IS S IO N CO.

O n ta r io , O regon | T k .i. c .lllu fron 2.SM to I.IM bttl ef Ttrmi.

ll'ntock Mch TUMdir ano.P h o n e 2G4 ‘ "?ii;.V;

_ ______ — GOOD u rt oil h»l.rGOUD T H IN G S TO E A T i»r lu

BAVENPOIIT .nd"7h VVY frrori. fmh <lr»*«d. Fr~ <!•• oim ju s inJtr or>.rr. Phon. lUt._______________S o D rn liT s in rf i>LE£ 3«o med up. r*j peutoa IMt bmi m.rk.tHit 6rch«rd. «0U E..I AJJUon. }, of «r»-!'lp.r n

>l<r>Uni .pxU li. Phon. tlB*.J. LATE rr.odel SIlTfrlofATOta. eulK «na ifKi.d li!*Bo Grow .olwi^lo-wlr. r«oi V A»»eUtlon. m Will. Phr,,.. ii .r, H).{4. M * Y

c V.- AVTo-A-ric.'LE— Ho5a .„d Jo=.tK.n. . t or-i4r4 Atl t oU. wiloa bl»li»M „|,,XnVou /urnli

r - i ™■"*• , & ‘; L «

........... K 5 ' S ; r v “Sf„, -------- M A T T Rtu^.l food NEW INNEhM |'tim ,'po»d"id .klm milk. Sjiji | Iuf 4l lU ftc

i S S i ’ ™ " ’” ™ ”' ' EVE°E. . • a r . R " ' " ' * ' l i A t . M A TTRESS

P E T S -(INCEse pupslM for Mn.i.u^.th Mi^on. K1mh.Tlr. » .h^----- USED FUi

B A B Y C H IC K S P Q P gPER MATlNtJ Chic*.- lec. Urell«iltJ.. uiorVd uni«»l !*<» U IIuhi t^J.lonri ,1'. '" ■ fS - K i .Z " . '? '! .™ ! ii.» > » " s ? : . - s s ^ & n i s s r w :

•ARM M A S T E R C T IO K SFrooi D. a. Appwtd j .

Pollonin Tt»Ud Flock*

r « d & * ib « ® r o f w . .T tb « . I B U S

S E A R S F A R M S T O R E { ■.

F E K T I L IZ E R ~ ^ ^

. B i a c ^ E S ALi

g ^ R S A L E O R T l{ A U ir ~ ^

" c « ! ** »•*•'• * (^LtnNCtis a i

" W A N T E D T O BUY ^ i c OMM£HCmE iW A L L ^ Ji:^ W . C A111»<S!SJS: g siii, ,,i»thir of *il

i r a^!!:^irJSs*'°o.Hiiuon. u'.» a aitdMi.nn PV.M StA-BI. flam mMIii* or r«fii~ F r^ ifw u . » n a

■ U M * N n ra r» ----------- ■- - ^ uosby-t o -lcr«f Y w c Je>« I« boaa •

S C R A P & C A S T IR O N ,- n R o m n a f

w . p«7 T«p* PH»» "V 'udtoR crcL i. T W I N F A L L S B u d ,^ _ « T . P A i

A U T O P ^ T O _______

_ _____________ TIME5

^ S H H j

W ANTED T O BUY ■ S P E C IA L SI• 1-OULT^ drtuln^t. Pm

LOAM « ’ **'' MATTREbSLS«.uAI.I. Pl’lirOSK LOAN ***

l_SS.-‘,.-, K. m I tu i (i»l

MISC. FO R S A L E sgi^lc

“ir' ii'“ ''i'"v‘ ' ^. . . ..


.r.-o;i.,M .L ,. r>.„'. (lattHii.’ YOUR BATTER'..)J r.rrr., :> . c« .l /or FOB 49«.

irK"TI.'uLKH. l r s ' , V H!mp.hlr.ijll.ti. II so I-I'. 13’J-J11. Klmhfrly. ' Corapl.l*. D«["

j c u s f iM A C H IN E

SMiln:TOItY .iilhorU>) Hoo«y v.cmlm PRED BOT


■Cm’AU.Y n.w hfdr.ullc pump«»1 fur .tr.«U_hrOri\jllc prm. i : i J-'IU- FOF

in” w '" r ’ *:5 i m m e d imcl.l. KO.M. Drte to balr »r*lr*.

e x p e

U r« SER V I. . .«n .1 , » W.ln.t cr

MAN W.i,i,.r pu.ol. Ur.nd r,;i> inr.^^>.ti »rca tondllloa'wit "*hol.


' ''ui'o »T«nsSEARS F A R M S T O R E ----------------------—____________ 1 _ ____________ I R A D IO ANI

-• -■ ' I R»..on»bl«, i'hon. 1S P E C IA L 10 USED II0» .

A S S O R T M E N T ■ ru"..i.»r..A U TO S FO

N EW R E C O R D S Plymouth .v. , '. 5 F O R $1 .00

SEVERAL CLA89IOAI. AKD ------- ------------------POPULAR ALBUMS, ’i P R I C E --------------------------


RN ITUReT a P P L I A N C ^ these demto

: dinlni ..t- Wlti 4 cb»lr«. V.rr <l«n. , , , , CIIEVKOLET Di)fln. <il*.R<.____________^ R . d i o heittr. d.ICE Mott(om.rT W.rd oil U tl PLY.MOUTH Sinitl. prict. Phon. ,

V AND ujtl .iKlrlo r.niM. M.k* «• , , 4, DODC^tioo*?■ olln. Liquid C.ll .nd {,o,t.r, prieUc.D Ircarll. lron«r,~ condition. rvkb«r - T.rmi. WIUos-DilM ApcU* )»«> PLYMOU-HI Sic«. __________________ door ••J.n- IU»l'

.iltlc. XI M .l^ ^ t^ -------- ^---- J pLYMOufll B«■U U..4 oil h ..t .r ; .n r r«.on.kl. 0 • , STUDEBAKER r co«.14m*S. L qultl Cu .nd Appll- 4Hpt«) Irtnimlicr. 13H Xlmb«rl7 Bold.

S P E N C E MCKWU S^nJ,7cr .ft»r'. DBED CA]jER.-J I’.i SU.I lock.r for cold «ioru< Hi It.lB'SoiHh ,d cici m.rk.t coirtblntllon. Pkont Of tt.—I’lp.r »od P.rron. RlchfliM.


r. AVTOHATIC M O T O IIh’JIi .*Shm rnU .V :i;££^^^^ h a s T H EIIAVE .ictllenl b .rf.ln . In SE L E C !

s . .7 i '“ sro;f^n VnS ° K 9 ° ° Abur. Oppoill. ro.1 OIllc.. T*ln Uged (,11. Hom. P h ^ . 7I«. _

- M A T T ^ S S E S - CIIRYSLF.R Cl-KEW INNERSPRINO l,,.i,r Thli <»

Iu, .1 IU f.clorT . 1x1. . . . “ ? " ‘'SiitS ,FREE DELIVERY- S?“ £® ^lli.lE V E R T O N / X a l


I driv..- n — Itia CHEVROLtT S.

Id l pLy'uoutu Cl USED F U R N I T U R E sm,

F O R S A L E . . . . S ^ c r s ; ^ . . ,Jlu» , 11*1 w Sm ooth b*.V.ii.lI.Dt eoodltloii. -- - . .......................n .fl« 1 p. re. Sun-l.r or . f t « • ASHW(T . z ^ ' ^ r . : ! m o t o i


B U S I N E S S a n d P E O F E S S I O N


.fdw.'.- IU ti^ w .. PtoSTjB ♦ SEWING-UAC/i : OMHERCIAL PJUNTMG ■ . W.ff ttwia*II, „t .ll T IBW Vr - '■S SA N littya • T O O ^ S H ^ E

r ..»«ii.» or Pfc. ♦ rYP£WfliT£BS

iWHEy-TO-LOAH' ..........

tfOTOflCrCLfe — ^ ^ nn.AHiB


S P E C IA L SE R V IC E S A U T O S FOF:TRY drtulnt. PMllrr Surplj. Pbon* TKAUE ..c l l .n t mo», T»In t-.ll.. U.S.. _________ lor l«t..m~l.l. ;it:.IREbSLS ~

.1’QULS .u l (i»tl< U.k< cum;«I. ' B R O W N ls S ^ - “ \ U S E D C

l.whiKow.n >h.rp.B.d.~'li.cki r .. ., '.umI-k’ s'"',V ij»J. LatMt M.ilj V.l- n.V,„ v—“.V. ... S.rrkfc «W »rd Btrwt Ww.— ' ' I J7 llltlCK .=r'cUl «-

PIPE TIlAwmO ** cootor. Sm Ihl

«,rE"rEW ' 2nd■_ - B R O W N IN G■ I (Wh.r« Ym t>f.l W

OUB BATTERY CHARGED ' I ----- ---------FOB 49«. PLUS ! ------ •

•RKE RENTAL WHEN NEEDED ’I -q t T-V \ C 1•or, D...nd.ll. B U Y A SA


4U. .nd H.IT, E.,1 LESSON

— ic u s t o m ” li

M A C H IN E W ORK M^T^Tnca'io.wU tb. . W.ldln. . E,. :

PRED BOTTCIIER | ” r” -A“ mI°i".°;


I lit) Lincoln


IM M E D IA T E ro r^ 'r lV .*”' "

E X P E R T ! Tol-lVi'crt Em.


I n tt



MI M.ln A*c E

■r a d i o AND M USIC | S T U D E E'•LAT cl.cln.., ..c.lLnt comlltlon. M, i'hon. Hl'l-R. AISED »I.|10.^ IW << ^na u^^Tir^i^ ^r n i .u '" " “ • " ^

A U TO S FOR S A L E CPLYMOUTH cvupf. Cood condHlffit. f.Mrl.1. Oood lli». IlK.OO. <IO-J.




I P L Y .W H ' SpKl.1 D.I«. 4- I onl?'l../j W I gi|5iX*c°b'ju‘i

’ dior'sSlio'R.'l'r hMl«r'“Vtlt# I STUDEBAKER*' 1

n:l.b«r ........................ -«U»» t S ,b wI PLYMOUTIJ Bp«l.l D .l«. «• I „ sxUDEBAKERS“ A»‘t'fr'’ 1 1 IlCM

,# aOICK Sui« Ciih Co'usr.- R.4I<Pj „ „ ?o*^V/X I I

’ i t :

S P E N C E M OTOR. CO. i,.j’ cirE'viioLET ■,.„ „ r , ,fy^ llt l CHEVROLET DBED CAR LOT c t? i? T

: U.I0'South t in t li* S -E -E I ---------------------------------- — ' T W I N I

- - n M O T O I


H A S T H E F IN E S T |---------- '. I -SE L E C T IO N QU ALITY

O f Good Clean ; a tU sed Cars , I R eaaonab li

- g M A G TIt CHRYSLER Club C«uP*. Rjdlo.

h..I.r. Thli c r llki ti.». N.w CHEVROLET .u r in.r.nlM. I duor. Pow.r-ilII DODGE Stdtn. R.dlo. hMKr. B.W 1 ,0 mllaif.. u<

1» BUICK (Super Coo.itlibit Tkl* j , j , d o 'c iT ’Sup.t'' c.r hu mlltf. flow t.dlc,. hu

IT BUICK M.ii.-rytU-*lBlpiM<. I . .eeMwHM __,. i - o n A , . . * w u ,. . . . . . r ,° “ “ f -„ g i H o u t , - " "11 pLyMOUTU Club C«u>t R.dl0. ^EV R O L rr fi< RERC'UBT SMitu Bidlo, b«Ur. CHEVROLET I11 BUICK siUa. R.dlo. h..t.r, hiw „ „ maSH Amhuu

lirM hM<«r ov.rdpll11 PLYMOOni W.«. R.dIc.hMlir. 2«.: . i lr . cl.ti1141 DUICK nsadnii

^ A S H W O R T H ' S S S “

M O T O R C O . ' " ’ s f f ' s s ;

tPZjri'v^INci'ATO'.UNbAys - " " "

l td luJCK^'pIciil

)PESSfONAL J ~ \ ‘* " S S i S

r o . R Y . . . . f eREPRJCERATION SERVICE “ “« «Ju?S r*l f i ; r u ± - w r " » . ' S ‘" • s s . s r i .

■ lu " Pi^ Mii--------- COMMn)C^'.1l'« n u t ^ t g r l . ^ Ph-'lMMtl J»‘»EWING-UACHINBS- - ■ -..

rCOI^SHABTENEP " "U v.iiCT s«rrtM 4» »-----1 , Many ]nrP£WWT£BS c u t & '


^ s ^ l s p . — p

~ * tS 2 U d .I r .

FALLS, IDAHO ___________ __

lU T O S FO R S A L E A U T O S FO R. • Itlo Ch.<r«l.t tnd o b Ittt MF.Hc'uk'?”erub coup.

B R O W N IN G 'S B E F O R E Y O IU SE D C A R S S e e O ui

lEVrnLCT FWllln. A.TOcd.n, A -lu s e d c a :

hi .“5" n*.-” ...***” ' • , * PISE SELECTV.r. ................................ n u t ' MID-WIJTTE.ticK .=r'cui «-ii.oT. j srEciALacootor. Sm IhU c r . ; m noE Cuilom t-<

2 0 2 2nd A ve. N . ; c m !v R ^ ? B i; ;i:lO W N IN G A U T O CO. ' I!*,*';!;*""h .r . You t>f.l Wah j ,„ j

------------ ~ ■ .— . :-^oor ------ !L___-■ l<fl CtlEVROI.ET P .

B U Y A S A F E BUY: p o '^ t'ac" ■ U SED C A R

m« cHcvnoLCT wocLESSON-NO,-1 - ------ -- --COMMSRC1

™ut Cir bu>lni, thjt UJ i lltl Ctl^VilO^LCT Mr

.*B.p'"t.lfjB* DOUOl.AS^SEL? ' *’** •

5 S ' r . S S l ; ”T . r . » S ' C H U R C H R•r” -ft'‘rm:°i".n'i4S*'“ “ ■ 'r ^ I^O T Q R S , .]

Lincoln C.jiroopclli.n «.rui.n|«COMP.; r.,llo. hjdr.ra.tls COOD WILL USl

M u *"iorn«^flV.*°'!*'...*° "*!__ in tJ ' hrdro-drlr.. n-Jlo.

l ow-pVl'crt Em’ilii ISiind ----------5tud<b.k>r Ltnd Cnili/r t.dooci


Junior', cti.^ .ftrr . S.lurxI.rright b.lh .............. ......... IlOH [ III} BTUDEtlAXER Co.Duick .ur'.r .t.tlon w.toni r.dlo. I <*].n. Rtdlo. h.ih e .t.r; ’.m .It up •"'•jjiS; '

T to D.°.” * U ." V " .c l l M.rllo !' lilt MERCURY «.;ui

) O U G L A S - S E L F ' i ~ “ r T r p r s : ‘

M O T O R C O . id .ln A>c E PbontlMtW |---------------------------------- Ilto CllEvnuLET

T U D E B A K E R ; . w l " ! ; ^ !n F.i

A ' . I SP E C IE. G Itil PI.YMOUTH J-1.

I . . . i h i.u r . lood uphQ : »nd Ut«.modil m

.AUo • tood t.lKllony I ■ to Chou..

•^ T ! B A R N A I^ T U S E D C A I

^ CoBiw InH At,. E.E PHONE I*

Y ' " ' —B E S T B U Y S -------- --------------------

STUDEBAKER Comm.nd.r SdiB T>Tr< n t :Primlom'^Whl” ' Sl.ll-.ll B l G G l l

i i i P l ! # ; : : : v a l uwith Cllmitl.«r .nd Omdrlti.STUDEIIAKEIl L .11J CnjU.c wllh I

.......... : - I N T O \S'^DEBAKER^^Cli.mpron R»J.ti ,

PONTI/X I ElruinllDM B«Un IwIlA rUdl . H our .nd Spoilltbu ; . mFORD V.l Super D.luM Kordor > A X rV.ri' low nll.tK.I 70RD V.l D.lui. FonJor (R*. Ihli on.lCHEVllOLET Town BcJ.n. _ _ _CHEVROLET to-n S«l.n. I s l L i i

S -E -E D -I-C -KT W I N F A L L S I R E L A IM O T O R C O . i

n j l S * ’‘’ 5AKER0Tn I

cmrvROLCT ai

Q U A L IT Y C A B S •-L llt{ DODQE R«Ui.. •»

a t iMleoT.n. c»d UR e a s o n a b le P r ic e s n tt w jrd Tudor,

iiltc.. »li-lUt..UlG M A C T E R M S ---------------

CHEVROLCT_S^lln»^D.luuJ-1 mll.if.. «cepiloMllr ' — ——c l . . n -------------------------«IIH »4I rORO Tadof DUtDUICK Suptr Dnu> tn lt tr tulle,, hutzf. mHTOtlir^^. __ vwy seed’ORD • « » i» i MTOCURT^Tb<w

i l ' L t S ’ssT ” " . . . . .CHEVROLTT Ar««1.i>. Uj.l«r l>ui Ilk. ttw ------" H E V M L f f l » M CnCTBO W CaNASH Ambuudo'r^-dMrTludlo. »har. r*a»..».rr i

MRO a .DUiCK Fo»dniul.r 4-loor, DfM. Uf". •»< 1«

CHCVBOLET FlMtniMln *.doOf. «»»« M W . I«a»Iieii » ‘‘ «>BD b«Ub. Ra

OHSwifoLIT- - SMiia.. ------11m » “ HUDSON i ^ n .

S £ 5 2 i i r S K t»HWW>„T040f B pXJICK *upw «-ioof. «*^K6m m . othw wctfM. „ „ „ ,tm O O T» CoiCHEVKOLfcT J-door. 8* ^ , Bpet*U*M ^L^!!

“ « >oius"eto.'firtftimllM. W ttM - OTodrlt^ udw i

s S f L i i ^ : : I —CO & oaR C IA U I BEB

CHEVROLET 14 to# »leV.uii.CHEVMLET~~Vi ' toa ' P’ ’. p*. ..............

_ n ! m ANDCHXVBOLST.X tan troll- I- '. ! - ...->»nd. o«d wfcWr 1 .............." R o y H o \dorrH O tET l t«a trw*. (*^»w4 _________I_____

Many MoreC an & T rucki '' 193»-XM1 1

A T ItBASOHABLS fRIOM------ ------_ _ ^ v -NOSTHSIDE B I L L I H E t

, - -AOTO CO.............. - tlN lO N MlM V n*M IU ‘K a tB u d M -V s t


~ ' "— ^ ~ r" ^ ''^ -A itjT 6 s 'T O 'i

— - -—.;.•. • — • ..i-.i. ^ ......... - ......•j„-|- jnjick........ - .................................................................................................................................................................................... -lUTOS FO R SA LE ___HlcUHY- cilbcoup.. « c l l.M.on.. «m. Co..ldn tr»d.. Cll JHtWI t ________________________ ROZMER-8--------------------------------------- VSED OARJ3 E F 0 R E YOU BUY . **"” ^

S e e O ur ' ' ■ . ■ —



U S E D C ACmlvROI.irr Strl— .t.. t i ' i " CnEVBOLTT 4-Jo«H..ilo .nd h . . lc r -----------t 1t] | ---------------

” !!!!L_11c!« ” ” CBEVlOLtT- m p.^oRD-v-»-T«^.^^l••«-------— -lu e - i^ v io L n u id M

CtlEVROI.ET ^^Ml.l D«loi. J. , , , , rttrvnnlTTlloor. H.coBJlilun«l throutboot. >.0001V,r, c l r . n ------------------- IIU •«*•» -------------- ;PONTIAC 4.<Mt ncca- U4T PLTMOtmJ «.dwr

ClIEVKOLrr t.ton Tbortite, I l«T POKTIAC Woo, .. “ ".I^r l[llU f!ii_ !!!!!llJt» **“ C'leVROLET 11 lo GMC 5-lon. S«w ^_ lt1 l

. . . . Como In andC H U R C H M A N th em oveiM O T O R S, I N C - „ » » Y MAB

- J En oiiM u A iio----- -------------------XEAB£LAHRK!

- ’ — ---------- G L E N G . J H----------------------------------------- 1 SA L E S & 3 E IGOOD WILL USED CARS PhOD.-IOMOI. Ill UiOLDS.MOriLE 4-Joor Md.a T« 'Ktlu. A iMiuurul Iwo-IoM br<i>h

J i « r 1 i ' '« ” 'B ^ ’'.“ i ^ ' i ^ , * CHECK,«,„d --------------------- IU4t.«. . jg jg

DUICK SpkI.I 4-door i»l4B. lU­dlo. ha.t.r, n tr . cood

ISII.M Fo, fiM^T^iji It Bl

BTUDEtlAXER Comn,„4., 4.door i « /«<»].n. R.dlo. h«.ur. <n.rdrltfc \ lt4» NA8M Atshuiidw An .xc.pUon.llr tik . c.r. Abo JJfi. R»il«. hMWr,n,lon t,rh=;.t.rr .nd -Mw t'oKO V-t CuuA• Id. tl r« ---------------- IlHl.M Rt4io h,.i«.

lt4> PICKUP Utmtll.1‘!i* olosiIobTl^ ti“

h!ir'* ^*ldT ‘t lT 'th l iT " ^ ' '" ’ m i ?ilWoUTO^af^n a d \ r t i c ^ - ^ - ^ - i n . . ^ ^ ^ 1 g Z ;

CllEVnULET !-3oor .«!.«. A b«S.'oJS tJjJ*!too.1 .trr lc .b l. u r oltb r.dlo. | IMI NASHh ..t.r . ThU I. on. of th. b«t j j ,„ CKBVBOLtr*AtnW . In Twin F.IU --- L—UK.M Uat Itia. ndl. *s4

S P E C I A L " “ * V ^1140 NASH ABhut.4cf PLYMOUTH J-loor ivlia. bu JBd hMUf. Cl«» .h ..,.r , iood uphol.l.rli.,, p.lot«nd l.t«.modil m otor----IJM.M m t PI.YMOUTH 14m

* from’ "

b a r n I r d ’3 U S E D CA R LOT ^m iw Pwpl-

■n.1 inH At,. E. .nd Ird I t I . BELBOT DSSI

" . ' l» .

B I G G E S T I ■ ' ■■ " ' “ '

V A L U E S ^

- I N T O W N

A T '■'T a ° . B

iVu OLCmOBtLBB I L L i a r . , a : j r :

1*41 OHEVBOLJTI R E L A N D ’S i s s s r j s r J

r N I O N M O T O E S “ " g S y . .

IMS itim m E zik cmrvROLCT Ar«i.rf.«. B*41». £S5*JJiSlrt5??i«V“ moL7jI!l^!!22L-.--« im iw‘!S5? '1S—DODQE (M4H. t « t dws. Hrw ■MleoT.rf. ttici U rc. li..t« I tUPORD Tudor. Radio. bMts, rm - SFECIA'iiltc.. »li-lUt..URi.»mr e u .a ------------------- I im , , , , cH m O L tt

s g g f

" i t S BARNAEVery soed ' * UlMERCURT TBasr. JUilol fcMtn. ' USED CABrood ttr« . StlU *«IT nod I IU

lm Ilk. . « ----------------- I imcnEVROLrr CooTOtlbl. Oosv*.R»dlo. lM»tn. »pol Uibt», WB.vtaor. n a t.y ir r .CDoi-------l *H I 1 ,.roRO C«I»«. a ^ io . kMur, cood T R U C K fl'A N D 'i

roBD Bodu. iudu.'bMtw. wlib mTcHiVlBQEfTOiMg»_lt^.wjnjl^ y«t7 than I «W eoadHfaa, fbw. MH.1 HUDSON B.daB. Badlo. kum . d S iS 'w S S S T u r ^ t h i i ^ ^ f tS n T ’

n t D J h i e t B«dam. BUtk U SS2 “‘*?S . I S S W -------I im

. I m J v e y Sb e b . l iB e d -T r

Jack C o x - .C ara aad Pj

■■■ “ ' a n d ' ' ’

-Roy Howard------—

" B n S T B f f i L j a i i D ^ " ^

i» B d M ;V « t ■* Twli

‘ PAO*N®P A O K t m m n p r 9

AIDTOS'POS^J l b ~ ~ B

i Bg ==t5 Ii tt i BUICK "

TB» 1MI40


(ArMw rrom Sm n)


USED c a r s ’ Hr CnEVROLST«r

9 CUEV10LIT> m p. ___SlUUIi-CMevl/>LET- l .<»«. . ........... .....

> PLTMOtnn «-dwr

r DODQE. l-do«r Md» _JU tU 4r PONTIAC wo«“'.»jrB ;zim r5rI CHEVROLET U to. ,

Como In and look th em over.

-MAMT-MAKE9...................- m n a A w pjjO D S ig___ _ _


».'I(lMel. Ill HUB A*» WmI

" c h e c k ^ ,■



M/7« JiiT S w iriirS i^ rS K» HASH AtstaUider 4.4eer C »

“r"; ___n mIt rORD V.I Cutem Clufc Ccm

Rtdlo, luttn. ««rdrlT* __ IIW" IIS 'S ,;,It OLDSHOBILB t l «.doer

i T ^ W o u ^ ^ s f i u i ^ f S 'c U

tl TOW «i»“ ••*•«. ju d G r l 41 NASH Moor l U t ^ H u ^ l ^

41 CTE^BO CT Mtofc Bwh

“ M V L w * c 1 I i * L ^ ^ j w » o»>* . ^It PLYMOUTH I4 » r MdU. KhU.


D.rf Cu U ^ W ^ g y k 'l* » W.

Ml Siennta. til n«bOM •!. W. . PhOM I4»


liS liflWdw i^aim

II PLTMOUTH l* » rM 4 ii6 e e 4 _______

4S OLCmOBtLB . ^U i ^ ' A l i 2r ! L . f ! L l S 8

41 OHEVBOLJTy w iy iw Fanr W l» M -.




Ooiaci la l A*.. C. u it M lB t B. -' ' .- ,:|

raoN t itii-w

r o r t liaiiW f :'•'

TTt A ' >?? MTlltT iiTitirV.- ^

Pw> T » ^ B»>». itW K totU rim **. 'y'r

M ftV E y S In e .'■ •■tfged-Trueka'm T M B . Cara end P l p k - g p |M H H

Page 24: ees Fi^ht Dp^ Dogged Batt 5attle Price Againstli · ’oaej and Dick Bura. , Henry L. Wl ... AlOH A, Hof. Jerome:

~PIanSs7 Sun, Moon Gather - In One Zone

By J. OUGU PRWETT / ’ - 'AitrooMner. RjUotlcnrDlTliIra ' nO

OrecoB B Itbcr' EducaUon Brrtrm weThOM Incllnod to be aUrrned by of

p lm iU ry eonnjur»Uoiifl In ihe tisl* *'*•UemntUi of heavtn should pul an maUiMr tuU deferulre snror at once. ■

Tbe «uo. moan and all Uio brUhl ■•• ’ pUaeU but Saturn oow are loeaiod ■

la OSS general part of the iky. Con* ■junction* ' a n d occutatloru a n ■aplenty on Uie proeram for iho ■comlns week. ■

Aitfonomers, however, are not H)n the trail. WiTlircc Orouprd H

The planet Mer«ury la now rlUnj H ahorUy beforo Uio iun but U poorly ■ pUted for obiervaUon. Vcnua. Mara

__and Jup iter are grouped clo»«‘y

ahauW be aeen an liour after min- ^

**'n>e 'lowe«t and brl«lil*.l li Venui. J}"* Juplt«r somewhat higher, li. next ,labrtmMiw-KSthUtUoM^dtsliMare ^ ,very n e a r lU The grouping i«lll be »UI] more inWreJtlnft the evening

— -cf-Peb.-7-wlUl Ui9-''ililn-oilp-of-*. —' new moon" attending the

party. Venua »n<l JurH«r will be - v*ry close to ench other the evo-

ning* o t Feb, ,10 ond 11.Moon Sh»df« Venui

Venuji will hide behind thc moon - -d u H h r^ '» * le m o o n F«6.-7. IM lio —.

*ky la quito clear, offnert of good ^

eaU both the moon and Venus; In- tb» m ounU ln time te n t Vrniin *-111

disappear around 3 p. m. and be cone for about on hour.

Look for the white cre.icent «noon aotnewhat east of the sun. Venus h / ■wUl bo on ' the eaaiem side o! the ' moon before occulUtlon and »-lU / reappear on Uie western side,

Batara to Caat of gYellow Saturn 1* rUIng now al- c^ll

.. noU due «ait around-0 p, m. Let ; u» locale the brighter stars around ^or 8 p. m. - If ,

High and almost due »ouin are a , i Uje suira of Uie fine Orion group.Mole the short line of three equally joor bright Btara. the belt of the hunler. Let Above and lo the lett of Uie belt, d p i r td Detelgeuse hs brilllBnt: below .j.; and to the^rlght, bluc-whlte Rlgel ,f,o aparkle*. aro

filrlu* a tltU n------ftiU ie r e u t—«nd consldfTirBiy uqj,

lo w r th a t\ Otlon, the (ln«sV &Ur In Ul# aky. BIrlus In the Dig Dog, j , ,glitters gorgeously, A line dran-n ___from eirlus through Orion’e l>elt and extended on aome distance will pa*t throtlgh the V-shaped group of Uia Hykde*. which claim* one of

- the bright « tan , oranfe Aldebaran.It conUnued itlu fu ther. tha Ilna

vu i itn k e Ui« tiny. (Upper e l tb« Pleiades. * group ot amall tUra which often look Uke a UtUa cloud.

Capella Ceaiplenoo*Almost orarhtad yaUow CapeU*

b Tsry canspieuoui. Low In tha north northwest Deneb 1* swinging down and to the right.

And well up in the « » t blue- whita Regulua Ups the end of the handle of tha heavenly alckle.

CKA6H BZFORTED BT7BL. F e b . 9 — Automobiles

drtren by Mrs. Uoyd Chldester and Rareld Anderson coUlded la Buhl a t I a . m . Friday’becau^a of tha I ■now on tho street. Mrs. Chldester'a , automobUe skidded Into Anderson’s ' parked vehicle. |[L _

^ l a s s s s ^ s s ss a sssssss ts^

f V/10A p p re cia te d L as tin s: B ea

“V ir tm ” r



T I I 9

E v e n i n g s -


I AS YOUE Pher I—--------------------Thef ' By H. B, UUOHEB more^ l i e - <ra*U,r. r irsi Chnrth o t the Uon

.. .. Naaarrtel Thi: r r . - Tlie world wc hate today we didDlTlstra — not bulld, we accepted. The world\ Brrtrm we have l;i pretiy largely the productarmed by of someone elje's labor. I t wns1 Ihe bat* handed down to us by our fore- d put on fathers, 1 did notat once. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I r e a l l z * thl* u n til I

Jjo brUht traveled In jui- P''^P're loeaiod M E * ' other country. I j " ”sky. Con- w u w accustomed

for lha M M * . f ® our land I did no t years reallte that the lives

ara not ever>’day the hthings we tue were Eack luxuries until titiidc

ow rising t*0P'®U poorly i B ^ ' ^ H o ’lthout them. Kr b

iu« Mars . I did not rcnIUe ludc^n.«iv low ■ * " • l''at a bed wn.i a b.tnd g|| I. ‘“'“..PMOle .Sleeping Ir^nrt u f J a . 1 did notrealiM tha t w hat « th

we cansldcr a poo; homo n not i i , v .n in unUI I taw people living ents

It ne»t under a thatched roof with no fu rn l- o ' luii Mar* Th')' cooked on he coL im rocks, sleptr on the floor, nnd* " * " i ” did without what we call fum lturr, lauBh oilp-of-*. — WhcnX£aw-PM5le..fftnning_wlUi celfsUal “ crooked stick, waUIng wherever will be “ frying great bu r- ,

the eve- ho sanitary ,Vmetlvxls of Uvlng as we have, nnd no conveniences, then I came tn '

' realize that I was fortunate lo have7 11 t ^ ^ en_bom m America, of good I l’ wns’ lhcn 1 reiUied that'w lioT diam.

enus- ' l ^ produced In one short lifetime,•ntu will the work of gpne(nllon a fte r j,on,pand be *cn"atlon of working people added „nd „

« toReUjer and handed down lo you Z v e " t ,nnnn '^orld

I Venus handed lo us weslc5 o! tha “ ^ w n e else. Wealc;ind will thought ahould serve to make appea3, us feel our responsibility to those mospl

who shall follow aderus. Whnt kind Influe of a world shall we hand down to o u r feet u;

no" children and to their children? I-e t --------m. Let UJ ix m re th a t w« ire shaping th e ^ around world o t tomorrow as well as today.

If we are building a wcfld as well ■Uth are as hving in one. which we arc. then I group, let u,i think of thote factors which m ■ equally loom up so largely In such a ta.-ik. m M hunler. Let us took a t the foundation p rln-

Jie belt, ciples, , I t »There U no greater Influence In B»nHa

10 itigei jf,Q world thnn tlie home. T here Colo.are many reasons why this Is tru e. Proof

, First, thff homr i th> p'*'-’- fpllcwlaerawy uqj, reproduction. Hpme ts mnlllp fl "Where ihe bloodstream ot clvlllraUon liter.

* . ^ 1 ’ on either In a purer o r scores n’s belt I , • : = ------

• c^of Friendly, DependaUw plus 40 yeara Dry C leaning kno

01 u»6 buBlneaa in Twin Fulls. You too cioui"^ cuBtomer once you i;ry . . .

1 “ L U S T E R I Z E D D R YW . S T A - P R E S S P R I

twingingst blue- — Y O U ' L L L I K E O U R B E '.i of the '

omoblles M I Jster and ■ la Buhl



appreciated by every member of th c familj ^stins: Beautiful . . . .

' CHROME DIN]' N E W 1951 S T Y L l is J I

Beat thc new Jan. p ricc aiiv T ^ ^ ^ ^ J - . - p r e H e n t s t o c k - a t old priceH.

one.of th c m a n y ajyl and patterns Ti'e'hffVfe'ln at

— SETS PRICED d j r n K A ' ' 'i U P FROM........^ D J . O U - — -a'

UE MINISXERl-J----------The Home and the World--------

more degraded state from genera- Ttw the Uon to gcnemUon. tora I

T he level of a M ilan e*naot rise we did the people who make up ihe

s world notion. It Id imposslBle to have a oroduct good community made of bad people.I t was There Is no InsUtuUon In the world *ou“ r fore- “ Of® Influence than the o n o .tdid no t home. Tell me what the home Is *I u n til I “ " ' ' ■I *haJl t«ll JOU what thi in a a . ‘f ‘ home *}«_ ,rv I tha t nu)si of the hablU are formed istoriied formauve yean of life.urlei of Tho*e hsblU of U>e'formsUfo did no t years live oa through the entire g C f '

,at the lives of the individuals. Jt U in ^ 2 * , veri’dny the home that attitude* »re lonned, ue were Hack of every deed there Is an at- untu I titudc. If people have right atU. 5^“ e dolriK tudes the world wlli tw o^ade bet* rr-hA > em. f<T by thtlr living. If their alU- ' renllie ludc^vnre wrong the world will suf« ,

j wn.H a fcr bccause of them. Much of law- keeping lrMnes8ln_ih«_n«tloa.geia lli start I t w hat « th c fireside. The cWId'that does r f ^

ft not respecl the authority o( par- living ents w litnot rcspect.the authority

, (u m l- 0 ‘he power th st be, wheoiked on he comes to manhood.3r nnd Ucspccl It caught, more than rn ltu rr taught; therefore the home mutt 2g w iu i P™'’*'*® atmosphere Of respect ____

There must be more than respect “ .7 Ic lor parents. There must t>« respect 4n lta t7 tor th e rlRhls of others. There mmt i-e, niiu rcsjKct for Ood and for lland- ''"h a v e righteous living.■° Home and parenthood stand out...-almost .n*.premlncatly.aa.da.famoua _

.,1°, charncters In history. Back ol the __fetime, jo,,, ^ tieyoUd mother and a'> home. Tho Influence of that homeadded nnd mother stands lo testify to tho

lo you power of a home In shaping thekve to - siorld. Back of the sainted John1 lo us Wesley of Methodism sundi Sutan

Wealcy, & aalMed jnolhtr. Thtre also»m ake appears a father end a hema at-

those mosphere. Tell me If you will, what>tk lnd Influence could have had mor* ef*to o u r feet upon the home than these.

1? I«et -------------------------------------------^—

i S I C K ’;x U I V n ■I t so. write la Bpesn ChlrspracUe

nee In Banitarlum and Iloipltal. Deoier,T here Colo, fo r I t page* e t TestUsoBlal I tru e . Froot o t results in cancer. poUo, r -rna^ rnllTMr. atlhrlllt- Thfi.m.Ua t . . . , ----tne ts malllple sclerosis, strokes-hcart IzaUon iUer, skin, ttomaeh, Udney snd rer o r scores o t otlier ailment*. sdr.

ependable Servicelean ing know-bow h as built our tils. You too, will be a satisfied , r y . . .





■H O M E j

f th e fam ily. ' 8 | |


m. price acivnnce—buy from our I ; old prices. — { - -

! m a n y a jy les. colora . « ■'r h f f v r l n atock. “ | f. I - -

-------available aa desired ,. 8

■H|j HrER£E=:lD elivery |

E a sy I

T erm s |

ER:-SEES-IT.J®aVorld----------------------------------------------------' , Oragener*- T here are msuiy contributing Jac-

tor* la the m aking ot a home. Wecould not name them all. One lm- ,javg t

ha« a p o rtaa t t*ctor ts the ChrliUan T t- u id Bilgl«m. The prlnclplea of Chriat are which

eWorld sound tnough to buUd a home on. and nlh , and-they are sound enough to bulld The

lome is * °n' I^on«l i th . O od. *tMl Uiy neighbor and thysd t." or e hoiSe * '« *'* ''« tm p r o ^ upjm.

■ ,. the ChrUtlan reUglon there U every j,,;.

*1 a cabin. The rea l home is the cre-“ Uon of people *ho make It. of brlc

I “J*, Tho honfe 1* people. The home 1* an mortalatmosphere. BulM the greatest m an- chnrac

7 alon th a t Is poa«lbIe, and strip It of real h, , "T m olher and fa the r, take the chit-:, mcagt

flrein.out'of I t. rob ll of the.hom-: real w.atmoaphere and you have only a pile right I

ithorily !. wheo

5 than e muttr e s p e c t_______________________________________

f“ P«t"must ^ ^“ •hd- • I ,-

fanous ... B iiiU lp, fan---oMhe ___L -

•"and'a ‘f" I I■ home t o 8 h r . ^ l '1to tho H H E s T ^ " . 1

1* theJohn t a c t f l * >

Sutan H U n C b■TO abo WWyfc-nP'ni j

L«h*t M f p 'M j l i m I

? %’«i»er, - AmoBlaJ

t»Uo, ____________________ ^

-heart «y and \ 1

1 U ^

S ! B I f

i % ^ /I \

I M J i

better-th crisp wa ...broadc

I I ^ I -

j t 3

• , / ■

TIMES-MEWS. t w t n f>. TW TN F A L tS ; ID A H O

Decision Is Made “ ^SuitD em iirrer jsi^

' ' * OverruUn* In p a it a n d s iu tiJn- vlUan ng tac- ^ ^ * dem urrer tUed In a trict I

w , suit based on a lease a o d *hare crop sre I agreement. Judge Kalea E. Lowe count

me tm- ,javg the defendantx. O. W-'DanfeU tors, i Ian TV- and Bob Dale Daniels. 1 0 'day* tn as in rial are which to file aa amended aWTO jme on. and cross-complaint. p p * rtobuU d The Daniels a re .b e in g aued by -------ird thy Leona M. Vuzell to r th e return o t hysclt. or lu equivalent value In money.

up<m. WM grtfwn tm ground p u i- G Kove the chi^rf by her. The dlsUlct court , aer*. in ^ outgrowth o t a 2-year- '

old dispute over a lease agreement laing 01 district eourt ^

here and b pending now tn thc st*te■"I” ” '' ^ «

^ e It. of brick and mortar le tt. Brick andne 1* an mortar do not give the worldst m an- character and moral stamina. The-Ip it of real home can c a r ry ^ n even withJe ch^^ mcagtr surrounding*. and-buU d-a ._H'^e hom’; real world If It is all bu ilt upon thely a pile right foundation.______________ B M

a 11‘yrTSiita ilSSiK1 ^ W

1 I W ‘'! ^

i^ B P i

er-than-ever C, p waffle pique oadcloths...sf-ill

bSK x


e Appointed r * ^ T eru ta ln - vlUan defense,director for the d» . f t a a W rt thst includes Hagerman. Plans Aaj*

H.”Hnfels tors and be rond® public as eooo sy* m as tn ty t»= completed. - ''

M A D T W is - N m ia w « irr u r a . «

1 pur- G E T !to iit.,FA R M LOANS

3 JT

S “j.E.W HltE r>- T h ' Fof new tow n le* and terms Jou a U7 Mato ta** Phont Ml |3n the ^

' « Be

™ 'A i • ■I iO

A ' j ] W 0

i j r o iJ m

, C 0 T 1

i q u e s . . . 8 0 s q sfill only

’M T sm s* s tx e s i ^

W o m e n ’s s iz e s l

^ — J u n i o r s i z e s l ■

5 H o i# s i z e s l _______ _

I C o tto n Shop

. ..b a se m e n t___________________ f tu c h c d I

B n r r f i n

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^ U T A H — ID A H O — C A L 1 F .-N E VSkilled. E tndenl, Carefnl Havers, Packlni

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i i b u t t h e p r

'» B e t te r > th a n > e v e r fa b ric s !

• N e w e s t S p r in g c o lo r s a n d

• S m o r te r - l r t i a n - e v e r styling



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Come a > n m iu n g i n to p ic k f r o m tb e u 'lx i t b u ^ ! W aS i« p iq u e s i n s tr ik iB g & e w p

- p l a i d i n so f t p a s t e l c c l o n l B r o id d o t___ ttU c h e d tr im m ig g l P e te a le i n a e w w ide i

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• SUNDAY, r E s ^ . J B


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’e r fabrics!

colors and printsl-

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p e r c a l e s

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