Download - EECS gives us the differential form of Gauss’ law from the integral form University of California, Berkeley

  • EECS 117Lecture 9: Electrostatics and Poisson’s Equation

    Prof. Niknejad

    University of California, Berkeley

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 1/30

  • Review of Divergence

    If we try to measure the flux at a point, we are temptedto compute

    S A · dS is a small volume surrounding apoint

    This flux will diminish, though, as we make the volumesmaller and smaller. We might suspect that normalizingby volume will solve the problem

    In fact, the divergence of a vector is defined as follows

    divA , limV →0

    S A · dS


    We usually writedivA = ∇ · A

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 2/30

  • Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (I)

    ẑ r



    Consider the flux crossing a small differential volume atposition (x0, y0, z0). We can break up the flux

    S A · dS

    into several components








    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 3/30

  • Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (II)

    Without loss of generality, consider the flux crossing thesurfaces in the xz plane, or the third and fourth terms inthe above calculation

    The flux for these terms is simply

    = −Ay(x0, y0 −∆y

    2, z0)∆x∆z + Ay(x0, y0 +


    2, z0)∆x∆z





    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 4/30

  • Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (III)

    For a differential volume this becomes∮

    SA · dS = ∆x∆z∆y


    Thus the total flux is simply∮

    SA · dS = ∆x∆y∆z





    For rectangular coordinates, we have therefore provedthat

    div A =





    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 5/30

  • Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (IV)

    In terms of the ∇ operator

    ∇ = x̂∂

    ∂x+ ŷ

    ∂y+ ẑ


    Since the dot product of the operator ∇ and the vectorA gives

    ∇ · A =∂Ax∂x



    We can rewrite divA as simply ∇ · A

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 6/30

  • Gauss’ Law (again)

    Applying the definition of divergence to the electric fluxdensity D, we have

    limV →0

    S D · dS



    = ρ = ∇ · D

    Therefore we have the important result that at any givenpoint

    ∇ · D = ρ(x, y, z)

    This is the analog to the equivalent statement that wederived last lecture

    SD · dS =


    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 7/30

  • Divergence Theorem

    The Divergence Theorem is a direct proof of thisrelationship between the volume integral of thedivergence and the surface integral (applies to anyvector function A)

    V∇ · AdV =

    SA · dS

    Here V is any bounded volume and S is the closedsurface on the boundary of the volume

    Application of this theorem to the electric flux density Dimmediately gives us the differential form of Gauss’ lawfrom the integral form

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 8/30

  • Perfect Conductors (I)

    Perfect conductors are idealized materials with zeroresistivity. Common metals such as gold, copper, aluminumare examples of good conductors.A fuzzy picture of a perfect conduc-tor is a material with many mobilecharges that easily respond to an ex-ternal fields. These carriers behaveas if they are in vacuum and they canmove unimpeded through the metal.These mobile charges, though, can-not leave the material due to a largepotential barrier (related to the workfunction of the material).

    + + + + +

    + + + + +

    + + + + +

    + + + + +

    + + + + +

    + + + + +

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 9/30

  • Perfect Conductors (II)

    One may argue that the electric field is zero under staticequilibrium based on the following argument. Under staticequilibrium charges cannot move. So we might argue that ifan external field is applied, then all the charges in a perfectconductor would move to the boundary where they wouldremain due to the potential barrier. But this argumentignores the fact that the external field can be canceled byan internal field due to the rearrangement of charges (seefigure below).













    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 10/30

  • Perfect Conductors (III)

    Thus we have to invoke Gauss’ law to further prove thatin fact there can be no net charge in the body of aconductor. Because if net charge exists in the body,Gauss’ law applied to a small sphere surrounding thecharge would require a field in the body, which wealready hypothesized to be zero. Therefore ourargument is consistent.

    In conclusion, we are convinced that a perfect metalshould have zero electric field in the body and no netcharge in the body. Thus, we expect that if any netcharge is to be found in the material, it would have to beon the boundary.

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 11/30

  • Perfect Conductors (IV)

    We could in fact define a perfect conductor as amaterial with zero electric field inside the material. Thisis an alternative way to define a perfect conductorwithout making any assumptions about conductivity(which we have not yet really explored)

    A perfect conductor is also an equipotential materialunder static conditions, or the potential is everywhereconstant on the surface of a perfect conductor

    This is easy to prove since if E ≡ 0 in the material, then∫

    E · d` is likewise zero between any two points in thematerial body.

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 12/30

  • Tangential Boundary Conditions (I)

    It’s easy to show that the electric field must cross thesurface of a perfect conductor at a normal angle. Since

    CE · d` ≡ 0

    For any path C, choose a path that partially crosses into theconductor. Since E = 0 inside the conductor, the onlycontribution to the integral are the side walls and Et, or thetangential component along the path.In the limit, we can make thepath smaller and smaller un-til it is tangent to the surfaceand imperceptibly penetratesthe material so the side wallcontributions vanish.


    E = 0


    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 13/30

  • Tangential Boundary Conditions (II)

    CE · d` = Et∆` ≡ 0

    We are thus led to conclude that Et ≡ 0 at the surface

    Another argument is that since E = −∇φ andfurthermore since the surface is an equipotential, thenclearly Et is zero since there can be no change inpotential along the surface

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 14/30

  • Normal Boundary Conditions (I)

    Consider a “pill-box” hugging the surface of a perfectconductor as shown below

    E = 0


    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 15/30

  • Normal Boundary Conditions (II)

    The electric flux density is computed for this surface.Like before, we’ll make the volume smaller and smalleruntil the sidewall contribution goes to zero. Since thebottom is still in the conductor and the field is zero, thisterm will not contribute to the integral either. The onlyremaining contribution is the normal component of thetop surface

    D · dS = DndS = Qinside = dSρs

    We have thus shown that Dn = ρs

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 16/30

  • Example: Spherical Shell


    Neutral Conductor

    Consider a charge placed at the center of a sphericalshell made of perfect conducting materials

    Let’s find the surface charge density on the inner andouter surface of the conductor

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 17/30

  • Example (cont)

    Let’s apply Gauss’ law for the dashed sphere lyinginside the conductor. Since E ≡ 0 on this surface, thecharge inside bus likewise be zero Qinside = 0 whichimplies that there exists a uniform charge density (bysymmetry) of ρinner = −Q/Si where Si = 4πa2

    If we now consider a larger sphere of radius r > b, sincethe sphere is neutral, the net charge is just the isolatedcharge Q. Thus

    Dr4πr2 = Q + ρinsideS1

    ︸ ︷︷ ︸


    +ρoutsideS2 = Q

    Thus ρoutside = Q/S2 =Q


    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 18/30

  • Example: Field Sketch

    The fields have been sketched in the figure below. Radialsymmetry is preserved and an induced negative andpositive charge density appear at the shell surfaces


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



















    _ __ _















    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 19/30

  • Example: Electric Field Summary

    We have found the following relations to hold

    Dr =Q

    4πr2 r < a

    Dr = 0 a ≤ r ≤ b

    Dr =Q

    4πr2 r > b

    A plot is shown below

    a b






    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 20/30

  • Example: Potential

    Let’s compute the potential from the fields. Take thereference point at ∞ to be zero and integrate along aradial path. For r > b

    φ = −

    ∫ r

    Erdr =Q


    Likewise for a ≤ r ≤ b, since Er is zero for the pathinside the conducting sphere, the potential remainsconstant at Q

    4π�0b until we exit the conductor

    Finally, once outside the conductor for r < a wecontinue integrating

    φ =Q


    ∫ r




    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 21/30

  • Example: Potential (cont)

    Thus we have

    φ =Q









    A plot of the potential is shown below. Note thatpotential on the conductor is non-zero and its valuedepends on the amount of charge at the center

    a b r


    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 22/30

  • Grounded Shell

    What if we now ground the shell? That means thatφ = 0 on the surface of the conductor. The work done inmoving a point charge from infinity to the surface of theshell is thus zero. Choose a radial path

    φ = −

    ∫ r

    Erdr = 0

    Since the function Er monotonic, Er = 0 everywhereoutside the sphere! A grounded spherical shell acts likea good shield.

    If Er(b) = 0, then ρs = 0 at the outer surface as well.

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 23/30

  • Charged Spherical Shell

    To find the charge on the inner sphere, we can use thesame argument as before unchanged soρinside = −Q/S1

    But now the material is not neutral! Where did thecharge go?

    Imagine starting with the ungrounded case where thepositive charge is induced on the outer surface. Thenground the sphere and we see that the charge flows outof the sphere into ground thus “charging” the materialnegative

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 24/30

  • Charged Shell Field Sketch

    The fields have been sketched in the figure below. Radialsymmetry is preserved and an induced negative chargedensity appears at inner shell surfaces. The field outsidethe shell is zero.


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


















    __ _

    _ _

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 25/30

  • Poisson’s Equation (aka Fish Eq.)

    We already have an equation for calculating E and ρdirectly from a charge distribution

    If we know E, then we can find ρ by simply taking thedivergence: ρ = �∇ · E. If we know φ is it possible topredict ρ? Sure:

    ρ = �∇ · E = −�∇ · ∇φ

    The operator ∇ · ∇A is a new operator and we call it theLaplacian ∇2

    Thus we have Poisson’s Equation ∇2φ = −ρ�

    In a charge free region we have ∇2φ = 0. This is knownas Laplace’s equation

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 26/30

  • Laplacian in Rect. Coordinates

    Let’s untangle the beast operator

    ∇ · ∇φ =


    ∂xx̂ +

    ∂yŷ +





    ∂xx̂ +


    ∂yŷ +




    OK, all cross products involving mutual vectors die (e.g.x̂ · ŷ ≡ 0) so we have

    ∇2φ =







    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 27/30

  • Example: Parallel Plate Structure

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _EV1



    Consider a battery connected to a grounded parallelplate

    Suppose the plates are made of perfect conductors. Ifthe plates are large, then we expect φ to be a functionof z alone (ignore the “edge effects”). Thus the operator∇2 degenerates and inside the plates we have 0 ≤ z ≤ d


    ∂z2= 0

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 28/30

  • Example (cont)

    Thus φ = az + b. The boundary conditions on the topand bottom plate determine a and b uniquely. Sinceφ(z = 0) = 0 we have b = 0. Also since φ(z = d) = V1,a = V1/d

    φ(z) =V1d


    And the field is easily computed

    E = −∇φ = −ẑ∂





    = −ẑV1d

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 29/30

  • Example (cont)

    The field is constant and points in the −ẑ direction.Since the charge density on the inner plate surface isequal to the normal component of the field there

    ρs,b = �n̂ · E = −�V1d

    ρs,t = +�V1d

    University of California, Berkeley EECS 117 Lecture 9 – p. 30/30

    Review of DivergenceDivergence in Rectangular Coor. (I)Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (II)Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (III)Divergence in Rectangular Coor. (IV)Gauss' Law (again)Divergence TheoremPerfect Conductors (I)Perfect Conductors (II)Perfect Conductors (III)Perfect Conductors (IV)Tangential Boundary Conditions (I)Tangential Boundary Conditions (II)Normal Boundary Conditions (I)Normal Boundary Conditions (II)Example: Spherical ShellExample (cont)Example: Field SketchExample: Electric Field SummaryExample: PotentialExample: Potential (cont)Grounded ShellCharged Spherical ShellCharged Shell Field SketchPoisson's Equation (aka Fish Eq.)Laplacian in Rect. CoordinatesExample: Parallel Plate StructureExample (cont)Example (cont)