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Education system of Tanzania

• Introduction• History of Tanzana

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Page 3: Education system of Tanzania Introduction History of Tanzana.

Dare care centre• Age of 1-4• Singing,• playing • writing on the floor or wood

bords using chalks• Counting 1-10 using their

hands• No curriculum and any

atachment with government• Not free of chanrge, Parent

should pay per month 10-20£

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• Pre primary education• Is cooparated in formal

schools, age 4-6A. Objectives. • preparation for primary school• to acquire communication,

numerical and manual skillsB. Number in classroom is 25 due

to higher population is 120 a 45 hours of classroomC. Subject- mathematics, music,

science, language, arts and craft, health, physical and civics, 22 period per week for 20 min

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Primary education• Age of 7-8• Standard 1-7• Subject-English, kiswahili,

mathematics, social studies, science, practical arts and religion

• Language of instruction- kiswahili

• Compasory and free• About 96.5% complete • Problem, truency, early

pregnancies and drop-out

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Challenges facing primary pupils

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Secondary education

A. Lower secondary for four years

form two examinations Subject- Social ( geography,

histiry and political educationand unifiedscience ( biology, chemistry and physics)

B. Upper secondary school 2-years

• National examinations• Bridge to University

Let all go to school no one can remain at home

Education For All not for


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Higher education

• Public and private mushooms of University

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Teachers education

• Grade B/C• Grade A teachers• Diploma teachers• Vocational teacher

((Diploma and Certicificate)

• Special need teachers ( Diploma and Certificate

• Higher education Teachers

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SPecial need education• There are 140 primary school for chidren with disabilities, 25

for blind, 18 for deaf, 89 for mentally handcaped and 4 for physically and 3 for deaf-blind

• At secondary level attend regular school and receive assistence form special education teacher and follow the official curricum

• Blind students do not study mathematics after primary education

• Estimated about 3% of disabled receive basic education

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Challenges facing disabled women

Lack of special equipment and instrument

Lack of specialist teacher Limited educational opportunities

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Adult Education and Non formal

• Meaning- out of school education, promotes general and functional literacy

• Alternative for those who lack the opportunity to gain access to formal school

• Or extension of formal school for productive employment, self employed, up grading the skills of those already employed

• Adulr education programme• Basic and post literacy, vocational skills and

continuing education

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• Major issuesEducation is the path

way to success