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Vanessa CerviniPORTFOLIO

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All the pieces included in this booklet show a diversity of creations within the world of communication. The pieces have been developed in a work or academic enviroment always having in mind the possibility of expanding them into larger campaigns or expositions.

Graphic design of flyers, posters and other formats are showcased as part of projects for internal and external communication campaigns.

Writing samples, editorial designs, reinterpretation of book covers and the conception of new publishing projects and collections are also a big part of this portfolio.

Digital marketing and social media campaigns show a variety of contexts in which users can find rich content integrated with well thought design.


e.mail: [email protected]. +39 340 608 1490

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Summer is coming to an end and people are whining about it in every single social network, but frankly I couldn’t be ha-ppier. In case you didn’t know, here in Europe we didn’t have one but two KILLER heat waves; records were broken with temperatures rising to 39 degrees (that actually felt like 41). It was literally a summer from hell.

Other than the fact that I couldn’t stop sweating -like not even when I was completely still in bed right after a shower- or that wearing more than one layer of clothes was unthinkable (no pants everyday was awesome tho); my hair decided to rebel against me and become a nightmare.

I used to think I was a wavy hair kind of girl, but during the last months I was revealed the dark nature of what’s on my head, and that’s the curl. Not the beautiful structured sleek twist, or the fun afro do... more like the pre makeover Princess Mia frizzy, puffy kind of curl.

Of course it hit me like a truck when, after one week of wal-king around with what looked like a dead forest mammal on my head, I realized the situation would be most likely perma-nent throughout the season. Blow driers, flat and curling irons or anything that exuded heat was completely banned, and having no skills in the use of old school curlers or wrapping techniques I could only do one thing: panic and go into a full on hair meltdown.

To try to compensate the fact that it looked sticky but frizzy I tried washing it every day, which only made thing worse because it starting falling off. Then came the perpetual bun, so tight and ungraceful that it was breaking thread by thread; and although I’m not really a hat person I gave it a shot just to conclude that head sweat is real, and it is a problem.

So after weeks of trying and trying I decided I’d just let it go, if I was doomed to look like I’d gotten a perm from a toddler, so be it. Believe it or not, this was when things started looking up for me. By washing my hair a normal amount of times, letting it be and actually not saturating it with a whole lot of products, my hair started feeling and looking way better. More than this, I actually started enjoying my new found curls.

Figuring out how they decided to look every morning (I know now they have a mind of their own), and spicing it up now and then with braids and loose buns proved to be a challenge, and made me step up my coiffure game.

Sure, straight or wavy hair is easier and definitely safer, but I suddenly remembered something a friend of mine told me a while ago. One day at the office I pointed out how I admired the fact that her hair was always perfectly styled, to which she answered “Oh no, I love YOUR hair, it looks different every day. I mean, how do you do it?”. It was a genuine compliment, and I loved it.

So yes, this summer might have left me with some split ends and moments of self doubt regarding my high probability of not adapting and dying in hot weather; but it also thought me to embrace the unexpected. I still always have some bobby pins at hand, but I decided to invest my time thinking about really important things, and not sweat stuff like a “bad hair day”.

Sweating the curl: Trying to survive the summerNothing like a good old heat wave to bring out the evil side of your hair.

El Modismo blog

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The first time I heard about Jenny Lewis’ existence was about 10 years ago, when my idol list was topped by male bands with girl lead singers that rocked amazing hair. I forgot about her for a while, but this year when the music video for “One of the guys” went viral, I became obsessed with her all over again.

Back in 1998 Lewis went from child star to lead vocal when she joined Pierre De Reeder, Blake Sennett y Dave Rock to start the indie band Rilo Kiley. It was their third album in 2004, distri-buted by Warner Bros, that brought them to the big leagues and got them opening gigs for headliners such as Bright Eyes and Coldplay.

Fastfoward 8 years, another album, Rilo Kiley breaking up, a year long tour with The Postal Service and major collaborations for TV and movies; and we get to the lauch of her third solo work “The Voyager”. This is an album that shows a new version of Lewis’ work. From the lamenting but strong tone of the first single “Head Underwater” to the femenine and sweet vocals on “She’s not me”, it makes the listener feel like he just found some-thing he was looking for all along and didn’t even know it.

The maturity of this 6 year studio work is also reflected on the well thought lyrics; it’s not about the teenage angst and youthful daydreaming anymore, but about relationships, uncertainty and the social pressure that comes with growing up. And this woman really knows how to make us sing along to stories about exes having babies, waiting forever for your boyfriend to propo-se and not getting over your long lost first love.

The third single, produced by none other than legendary Beck, “One of the guys” is hands down my favorite. Its catchy tune, yet rough almost apathetic vocals make it stand out form an otherwise fast paced album.

“There’s only one difference between you and meWhen I look at myself all I can seeI’m just another lady without a baby”.

It’s pretty hard not to relate to the lyrics of the song if you, like the vast majority of women in the world, are subject to the socially imposed pressure of motherhood. Not getting to the point of a feminist complaint on girls being able to make choices regarding reproduction, this song does bring out the subject that more often than not becomes the pink elefant in the room during family meetings and dinner parties: “the little clock that keeps ticking”.

But to be honest it’s the video for this song that brought it to my instant favorite list. Directed by Lewis herself, the singer appears in a majestic rainbow tuxedo accompanied by Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart and Brie Larson singing along and playing the instruments. The actresses are cladded in white pantsuits and amazing make up, just to appear as their male counterpants a minute later; breakdancing in matching shiny sweats, fake mustache and all. Just amazing.

Described by her in an interview as “A colorful end to a kind of dark period of time”; this album not only ratifies her status as one of the most important female performers in the indie sce-ne, but leaves us wanting some more of that sometimes sweet, sometimes sad but always awesome sound only Jenny Lewis can bring.

Jenny Lewis and The VoyagerSome thughts about an album that definitely gives you the feels.

Written for:We Plug Good Music

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A country as rich in history and culture is in every adventurer’s bucket list. If you have the chance, don’t stick to a Cairo city tour, go ahead and explores all the wonders alongthe Nile.

Pyramids and hieroglyphicsMenkaure, Khafre and Khufu, the three most emblematic monuments in all Egypt, show the greatness of a civilization and are a definite must. Although these were the tombs of some of the famous rulers, their corpses and golden gifts are not longer available for everyone to see, the tour of the cata-combs is not very recommended because of the small passages and lack of air that may cause claustrophobia.

But the pyramids are not the only structures worth seeing. The Valley of the Kings, Aswan, Edfu; you’ll find a temple in basically every city you visit, each one with a secret. And where you have no temples there are underground structures, Markettombs and obelisks.

Tip: The nocturnal show in the Pyramids may disappoint you, if like me, you don’t believe talking monuments and strobe multicolored lights. Better stick to the day tours.

Everywhere you’ll find hieroglyphics telling the story of how life was lived 5000 years ago. Sadly, most of these painting and carvings are not protected from rain, sun and the touchy hands of the tourists, so they might be gone in a few years.

Spices and EssencesBe advised, going to a Souk might be a really stressful expe-rience. In order to enjoy every bit of it you should be prepared for the frantic calling and grabbing. The first time, I made the mistake of wandering around on my own, in less than a minute I was pulled inside a stand and dressed, head to toe,

with a typical egyptian costume. ¿How did they put those shoes on without me realizing? I’ll never know.

Even so, it’s something you have to live, so get enough change, a small purse and remember to be firm with the sales person that comes onto you. If you’re not the shy type, talk to them and be amazed if they guess where you’re from without you even talking. (It took less than a minute in my case.)

The Spice Market in Aswan is the best tourist experience you can have in a market. Being the third biggest city in Egypt, it allows those who visit to find a rich variety of raw materials, exotic and colorful. In the ancient times, the city was the gateway to Africa, and so you’ll find the most enchanting spices in the country. From fragrant hibiscus and safran, to hena and indigo, the organized supplies are beautiful to watch and taste.

If you’re a perfume lover, the you’ll find yourself in heaven when you get to the Essence Stores. Egypt is one of the biggest oil based perfume exporters in the world, and so you can get the heart chord to your favorite perfume.

The importance of essences in the egyptian culture cannot be overlooked, from the time of the pharaohs until today. Black Cummin Oil to help stomach ache and good digestion, Mint for the respiratory system and White Musk for headaches; take them home and carry a millenary tradition.

Women and heritageThe old dynasties that ruled the country were mostly leaded by

4 reasons to visit Egypt

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men, we all know the story of Tutankhamun; but what you discover while in Egypt is that women portrayed a huge part in building this civilization.

Not only in the Egyptian Museum you’ll find many sculptures and busts of Cleopatra, Nefertari and Nefertiti, all praised for their beauty and wits. But traveling throu-gh the western bank of the Nile you’ll find the temple of Hatshepsut, the most prolific female pharaoh of all times. This beautiful structure took about 15 years to build, and is located in the sacred valley of Deir el Bahri, that related to the goddess of death.

Sunrise at the desertThe Sahara Desert is one of the most beautiful sights for a traveler, and watching the sun come up makes it even more wonderful.

There are special tours to spend a couple of days in the dunes, visit the oasis or have the full explorer visit. If you don’t have that much time, just get the tour bus that leaves before dawn from Aswan to Abu Simbel, you’ll get too see the most colorful and magnificent moment of your day.

Loud Traveler blog

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The very first day of my post high school exchange in Vancou-ver my host mother promised to show me around the city, a couple of hours later I found out that “showing me around” meant leaving me all alone downtown during rush hour. She just said “Dinner will be ready at 8 pm, don’t be late” and went back into the Skytrain station without even looking back.

I was 17, all alone and panicking. She didn’t even give me a word of advice on where I should, or more importantly, shouldn’t go. What if got lost and ended up having to sleep in a park bench? I thought this was çoutrageous, careless and my host mother was awful.

What I didn’t know was that this lady leaving me stranded actually taught me one of the greatest lessons of my life: It was up to me to create my own paths in the city, not only in order to survive -and avoid the whole park bench situation- but also to get to know the places where I was going to live for the next 6 months. After all I was the one who decided to spend part of my life there, might as well choose how to.

Getting familiarized with a city is one of the hardest things when you decide to go abroad for a long time period, but it’s essential if you want to really live and not only scratch the surface of what a new place has to offer.

It’s both amazing and horribleNo, I’m not saying you have to go to the sketchiest part of town on your first day, and safety is always a priority; but the best thing you can do is trust your common sense. Still, be prepared to feel lost and confused but also for amazing lessons and experiences while you find your way.

It’s a taskIts something you definitely don’t accomplish in a day, a week or even a month, it takes a long time but it has to be pursued from day one. Make the most of every day specially in the beggining, when it’s new and exciting, but don’t let yourself be consumed by the routine and find time to expand your city map afterwards.

The solo way is the best wayHave in mind that it’s your experience, and sometimes people will not let you make the most of it by guiding with a biased perspective, maybe without even knowing. I strongly belie-ve that having no judgements helps you have a really unique contact with the city. Remember there will be plenty of time for everyone to suggest and recommed, but don’t miss out just because they said so.----

Fast forward 8 years and once again I’m that frightened teenager in the last step of a metro station, only this time it’s the other side of the atlantic ocean and there’s no host mother jumping back in the train; just that tingly feeling that goes up my spine.

I’m looking forward to this magnificent fear, because I know underneath it all lays a wonderful and exciting reward: discove-ring yet another home away from home.

Getting familiarized with a new cityHow to enjoy while you build your own map.

Written for:VERGE

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Mujeres que emergen de la niebla como si acabaran de salir de la casa de su amante en algún recóndito edificio de París. To-davía llevan en sus rostros un gesto de ilusión, pero lentamen-te la soledad de la madrugada y el sentimiento de abandono las invaden… aun así, su paso sigue firme, llevando el peso del mundo sobre sus hombros y un aura de ensimismamiento que hace que los espectadores desaparezcan casi por completo.

En un momento en el que la moda diverge desde la máxima simplicidad hasta la opulencia, Haider Ackerman es uno de los pocos diseñadores que logra encontrar el punto de la sutileza. Sus prendas poseen una curiosa dualidad entre la estructura y lo involuntario; con hombros y cinturas enmar-cadas, se envuelven, drapeados, sobre el cuerpo de cada mujer con suma naturalidad, sin esfuerzo.

Desde su debut en París hace 11 años, Ackerman ha creado una sólida identidad dentro de la industria de la moda. Sus diseños ready to wear están inspirados en la multiculturalidad a la que ha estado expuesto desde que era pequeño, cuando a los nueve meses fue adoptado en Bogotá por una pareja francesa. El encanto de los vestidos habesha qemis de Etiopia y los velos de los Haik, tradicionales de las mujeres en Argelia, fueron tal vez algunas de las influencias que capturó mientras acompañaba a sus padres en sus viajes a los destinos más remotos.

Con cada una de sus colecciones pone de presente su talento, y a sus cortos 40 años ya ha rechazado ser cabeza de Maison Martin Margiela, una de las casas de moda más importantes

de Francia; y fue sugerido por Karl Lagarfeld como uno de los diseñadores más opcionados para sucederlo en el trono de Chanel. Celebridades y artistas han escogido sus diseños para engalanarse en alfombras rojas y eventos, es favorito de Tilda Swinton, y ella su musa gracias a su silueta andrógina y elegan-cia formal, pero atrevida.

La mujer que Ackerman crea en cada una de sus colecciones se debate entre la fuerza y la fragilidad, se apega a su instinto de supervivencia animal para sobreponerse a las eventualidades de la cotidianidad. Esto deviene claramente del ideal del diseña-dor de volver a una idea de la moda que apunta a despojarla de cualquier tipo de objeto que se vea superpuesto, que no esté en sintonía con el equilibrio de cada look.

La mezcla de materiales y texturas, convierten cada creación de Ackerman que pasea por la pasarela en un momento cinema-tográfico, de esos en los que el aire se pone tenso y no se les pueden quitar los ojos de encima.

Esta admirable iniciativa de INEXMODA en sus 25 años, hará posible que este diseñador presente las prendas claves de sus colecciones en el desfile de apertura de Colombiamoda 2013. Además, en la segunda visita que realiza a Colombia, el diseñador dará una conferencia sobre su modelo de negocios. Los asistentes podrán descubrir cuál es el secreto de Haider Ackerman que, con algo de suerte, habrá traído desde su atelier en París.

LOS IMPÁVIDOS DISEÑOS DE HAIDER ACKERMAN EN COLOMBIAMODAEn la pasarela de apertura se desfilarán las prendas de uno de los diseñadores revela-ción de la última década. Colombiamoda le da la bienvenida a Haider Ackerman para celebrar los 25 años de INEXMODA.


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Havana series2015

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Havana series2015

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Havana series2015

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Egyptian sand series2013

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Egyptian sand series2013

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Redes sociales

Asistente de la Decanatura del Medio Universitario

Tel. 3208320 Ext.4580

Más informaciónKarem Díaz

Promotional design for faculty events


H.B. Adams

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Promotional design for faculty events


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Con una mezcla de influencias culturales y estilos, esta banda ha conseguido imprimir a sus numerosos trabajos musicales un sello personal inconfundible. Fiel reflejo del ambiente multicultural y multirracial de su ciudad, Nueva York. The Toasters nos ofrecen una poderosa fusión de World-Beat, Soul, Reggae y Ska con influencias del Rock y el Punk. El resultado es una mezcla altamente explosiva de música para bailar denominada por la propia banda como "East-Side-Beat". TheThe Toasters es el máximo exponente del Ska de los EE.UU. Con más de 5000 conciertos a sus espaldas han conseguido un público fiel y son considerados una banda de culto en todo el mundo.

Para más información visita: a la venta a partir del 7 de Julio

Promotional design for faculty events


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Sustainable Fashion magazine concept. Using various editorial elements and levels of information, the both content and information could tie up seamlessly these two worlds.

With the integration of infographics, the aim of the magazine is to make the various processes and final products of the fashion industry easy to understand and be taken under evaluation by the readers.

SOS Environmental Culture2015

Class project created under the premise of magazine editorial design.

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Book created with the objective of understanding the narrative process of the media regarding the tragic dissapearence of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa.

Messico 432015

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The quantitative and qualitative analysis aims at comparing the way the news were devoleped inside Mexico and at an international level by choosing 5 media channels and scanning Social Media.

The final product is a three color, 63 page book showcasing the results.

Class project created under the premise of social news analysis.

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The book of Multiple Intelligences2012

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Not every child has the same learning process and the voids in education methods become more evident with time.

With this studybook the aim is to take children in a process that developes Multiple Intelligences instead of taking on education as a segmented scenario, by stoping making students book smart, but to make smart books for children to enjoy.

Class project created under the idea of a new education material concept.

Illustrated and colored by hand by S. Archila. Digitalized and diagramed in Illustrator.

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APERIO Publishing2012

APERIO Publishing is a children’s book editorial specialized in language teaching.The most popular books for infants will be available in various languages including english, italian, german, spanish and portuguese.

The marketing strategy includes public readings in language schools and libraries, alliances with educational centers and promotional materials.

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Class project created under the idea of a new specialized publishing company.

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El hombre que confundióa su mujer con un sombrero

El hombre que confundió a su m

ujer con un sombrero

Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks nació en Londres en 1933 y en la actualidad es

profesor de neurología clínica en el Albert Einstein College

de Nueva York.

Se considera seguidor de la t tradición propia del siglo XIX

de las "anécdotas clínicas".

Su producción literaria ha servido de inspiración no sólo a series

televisivas, sino también a obras de teatro y películas.



Veo una voz: viaje al mundo de los sordos

El tíoEl tío Tungsteno: recuerdos de un químico precoz

Un antropólogo en Marte: siete relatos paradógicos

La isla de los ciegos al color

y la isla de las Cicas


Otras obras deOliver Sacks

Conozca el nuevo tipo de medicina que Oliver Sacks propone donde los pacientes son vistos desde un punto de vista íntimo

para contarle al público cómo estos se adaptan para llevar una vida normal a pesar de su condición.

Los delirantes protagonistas son personas que padecenenfermedades neurológicas, lo que resulta en que el mundo al que estaban aal que estaban acostumbrados se derrumba, no lo recuerdan

o están perdidos en él.

El talento literario de Sacks y vocación profesional evidentes ensus diagnósticos y relatos de vida harán que el lector se

contagie de sentimientos de admiración y reconozca el valor de un cuerpoy mente sanos.

Atrévase a conocer las historias de “El hombre que confundió a su mujer a su mujer con un sombrero” y entrar a un mundo lleno de

personajes comunes en situaciones extraordinarias.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a HatOliver Sacks

Book Cover Design2010

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How are the women created by the fashion industry? The Bretelle book collection gathers the history of the most important fashion designers and brands throughout the ages.

Bretelle Collection2010

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As Digital Editor of the most important women’s magazine in the country, a new vision of the biggest fashion event of the year was created.A much closer communication with the reader established via backstage and runway videos, interviews and live streaming. Social Media was also included withTwitter, Facebook and Instagram pictures and videos.

The minisite had over 2,500 pageviews in a month.

ColombiamodaWeb Special


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The Brand Colombia strategy with JW Thompson was changed towards actions that developed conversations with the users through the official web page in english and spanish, and social media channels.

Facebook +25967 Page LikesTwitter +12910 FollowersGoogle+ +48672 Followers

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Web page and Social Media content appealing to emotional aspect and national pride. This was the biggest campaign in terms of content and Ad investment.

Facebook +11475 Page LikesTwitter +4993 FollowersGoogle+ +13247 Followers

Colombia in the World CupBrand Colombia


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Vanessa CerviniPORTFOLIO