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Page 1: Editor’s Note · construcción naval, culturas marítimas, lacustres o fluviales, lagos de altura, material arqueológico descubierto en un contexto terrestre asociado a un medio


Volume 7: Issue 1 (Summer 2019)

Editor’s Note Dear ICA Members, We are happy to announce a series of recent additions to the management of the Island and Coastal Archaeology interest group! Justin Cramb and Isabelle Lulewicz of the University of Georgia have taken on roles as the group’s new President and Vice President, respectively. Justin is an archaeologist specializing in zooarchaeology on the East Polynesian atolls of Manihiki and Rakahanga in the northern Cook Islands. Isabelle is an environmental archaeologist specializing in zooarchaeology and stable isotope analyses in the context of fisher-hunter-gatherers in southwest Florida. We are also pleased to announce that Jonathan Hanna is joining us as a co-editor of The Current newsletter. Jon completed his PhD in Anthropology at Pennsylvania State University in 2018 and specializes in the pre-Columbian archaeology of Grenada, Eastern Caribbean. In addition to the group’s newsletter and e-Communities platform, we have recently opened a Twitter account (@ICArchaeology) to facilitate communication, and Brittany Mistretta of the University of Florida has agreed to serve as social media manager. Brittany specializes in Caribbean zooarchaeology, and she is happy to correspond with members regarding Twitter postings ([email protected]). We thank the recent leadership of the interest group for their past service and are grateful for their continued support as members. We would also like to extend a big thank you to Kristina Douglass for her service to The Current. Kristina joined Christina Giovas as co-editor of the The Current in 2016 and ensured that the newsletter continued to be an important forum for sharing research and other news.

Editor’s Note.................. 1

Minutes from the ICA Meeting in Albuquerque 4

Meetings, Announcements, and Calls for Papers .............. 5

Research Highlights ..... 10

Site Loss at Adams Bay, Louisiana.................. 10

Material Characterization of Archaeological Shell Beads from Madagascar ............. 12

Locating and Protecting Cultural Heritage using Remote Sensing Survey in Madagascar ......... 13

Research on St. John, US Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma ......... 14

Recent Publications ..... 15

Submission Instructions.................. 78


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From the compiled list of 678 entries in the "Recent Publications" section, it is clear that island and coastal archeologists have been actively engaged in the dissemination of new data. Although there are several new books, most of these come in the form of articles in peer-reviewed journals. Since the publication of the last issue of the Current, 72 new island and coastal papers have been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports alone, showing this importance of this relatively new publication in dissemination of new island and coastal research. Quaternary International (47 new papers), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (31 new papers) and Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology (29 new papers) also had very strong showings. As a group, we publish in a diversity of journals in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, but broad archaeology journals remain our bread and butter. In the Publications section, we have included a graphic showing how many papers were published in each of the journals represented, and we are aiming to develop more detailed analyses for future editions. As always, please continue to send us your new publications. While we do not rely exclusively on sources sent to us by our members, for each and every issue, we always receive at least one member submission from a journal that we missed in our biannual literature review. This helps to provide publicity for your new publications and assists us in putting together a more thorough bibliography each cycle. Recent documentation of ancient artificial islands located off the Scottish coast attest to the antiquity of human impacts on coastal ecosystems, and recent analysis of damage patterns in sea otter shell middens in California give a useful reminder that coastal material records are rich amalgams of traces of past animal behavior. Research also continues to highlight the ways in which the land and ocean can constrain life in coastal environments. This is perhaps best illustrated in a recent study that links catastrophic landslides on Stromboli with the devastation of ports in Naples in AD 1343 and in another study that links a 14th century precursor to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami to the devastation of a series of communities along the northern coast of Sumatra. Such research enriches our understanding for the past and provides important context for current decision making that involves development and heritage protection programs. For example, groups involved with the Interreg Europe project CHERISH work for the preservation of coastal cultural heritage, which has recognized value for promoting sustainable industry and marine conservation. Recently, members of CHERISH worked with local authorities and businesses in Mallorca to develop strategies to prevent the loss of traditional trades and curb sea pollution, with citizens of Alto Minho, Portugal to preserve traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) regarding the use of Sargasso seaweed fertilizer, and with fishermen and policymakers in Riga, Latvia to use TEK while fighting for small scale fishing opportunities. Coastal archaeology must continue to inform such efforts to promote sustainable coastal industries, and all citizens who consume marine resources in the U.S. can support sustainable fisheries by following updated guidelines from organizations such as the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch.

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As always, we welcome your research updates and announcements for conferences and symposia relevant to the ICA community for inclusion in the newsletter! In particular, many thanks to Dani Buffa for her contribution on Madagascar shell beads, Dylan Davis for his predictive modelling article, Jayur Mehta for his update on eroding shell mounds in Louisiana, and Brittany Mistretta for her note about CT scanning a shell offering in the Virgin Islands. The next deadline for The Current will be December 1st. Please contribute by contacting us at our new e-mail address, [email protected]. Reecie Levin, Sean Hixon, and Jon Hanna Co-Editors, The Current








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Minutes from the ICA Meeting in Albuquerque The 2019 meeting of the Island and Coastal Interest Group was held on Friday April 12, 2019 during the 84th Meetings of the SAA in Albuquerque, NM. Prior to the meeting, former executives Victor Thompson and Scott Fitzpatrick stepped down and appointed Justin Cramb and Isabelle Lulewicz as the new President and Vice President, respectively. Following a call in the previous Current, Jonathan Hanna has joined the editorial team, filling the seat vacated by Kristina Douglass. A reoccurring topic the past few years has been whether we should charge a nominal fee for membership, as many Interest Groups do. This would allow funding for a student grant, poster prizes, and/or group outings. We took an informal vote, and all were in favor of no more than a $3 fee. Justin and Isabelle will look into how the ICA group might begin doing this. We also formulated the position of Social Media Manager, for which Brittany Mistretta of the University of Florida volunteered. Shortly after the meeting, Brittany set up the ICA group's Twitter handle: @ICArchaeology (

Finally, we discussed the goals of the ICA group, which include planning group outings, promoting research opportunities (including a field school list on the website), enhancing the website, and increasing our advocacy about issues such as the threat that climate change poses to heritage sites in island and coastal settings. If members are interested in leading any of these efforts or would like to suggest other goals, please email us at [email protected] or send us a message on Facebook.

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Meetings, Announcements, and Calls for Papers

The Society for American Archaeology 85th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA – April 22 - 26, 2020 Following the success of the 2014 SAA meetings in Austin, the SAA contracted with the same vendors to return in 2020. Presentation submissions are due by 3pm EST on Thursday, September 5, 2019. Note that there are new attendance requirements— members must now certify they have never been the subject of a negative Title IX investigation nor received disciplinary action from the RPA grievance investigation.

The Island and Coastal Archaeology Interest Group meeting time and place will be announced early next year. We are planning to have an informal get-together outside of the ICA meeting (probably right afterwards), perhaps to visit the ship La Belle at the Bullock Texas State History Museum.





[email protected]

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International Association for Caribbean Archaeology (I.A.C.A.), 28th Congress Bridgetown, Barbados – July 21-27, 2019

Re-Examining Self: Caribbean Archaeology in the 21st Century

Caribbean Archaeology's 28th Congress will be hosted by the Barbados Museum and Historical Society in Bridgetown, Barbados. The biennial conference is open to all researchers to report current and recent research on any aspect of archaeology undertaken in the Caribbean region. There is no sub-disciplinary focus and we welcome papers from around the region that speak to the diversity of research being undertaken, encompassing terrestrial, marine, environmental and theoretical archaeology, irrespective of epoch. Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes, which the organisers will arrange into themed sessions. Poster presentations are also encouraged, which will be displayed at the conference venue during allotted sessions.

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Entre la tierra y el agua - el patrimonio costero y subacuatico en america Latina Between earth and water - the coastal and subaquatic heritage of Latin America

Llamado A Contribuciones | Call for Contributions Fecha límite: 30 de junio de 2019 nos envíe | Deadline: June 30, 2019

Palabras clave: arqueología costera, arqueología marítima, arqueología fluvial, arqueología lacustre, América Latina | Keywords: coastal archeology, maritime archeology, fluvial archeology, lake archeology, Latin America

Nos invitarlemos contribuir a la producción de un libro colectivo destinado a presentar el estado actual de la investigación en el patrimonio subacuático y costero. Nos invitarlen estudios, proyectos o cualquier contribución inédita basada en evidencia arqueológica costera y/o subacuática en el área de América Latina (ya sea en ambiente marino, lacustre o fluvial ). Algunos temas posibles para incluir en el libro son: pueblos costeros, infraestructura costera, zonas portuarias, explotación de recursos marítimos, lacustres o fluviales, rutas marítimas, construcción naval, culturas marítimas, lacustres o fluviales, lagos de altura, material arqueológico descubierto en un contexto terrestre asociado a un medio acuático (remos, barcos, spondylus, redes de pesca, anclas, etc.) , organización socioeconómica y/o política en relación con un medio acuático, lugares de culto, técnicas y prácticas culturales asociadas a un medio acuático (pesca, navegación, explotación de recursos, etc.), cambio climático y arqueología paisajística, asentamiento humano costero en el continente americano, procesos de formación y formación de contextos sumergidos, rupturas y continuidades, iconografía, mobiliario funerario asociado a las poblaciones de pescadores, etc. Aspectos formales: Cada capítulo deberá tener entre 4000 y 5000 palabras y un máximo de 5 ilustraciones. El idioma es Español. Los artículos textos pueden ser realizados de manera individual o en co- autoría, sin restricciones del número de autores en cada uno. Todas las contribuciones estarán sujetas a evaluación de pares, lo cual contribuirá a la calidad y enriquecimiento de la publicación. Antes del 30 de junio de 2019 nos envíe Propuesta (preliminar) de título, y breve descripción de contenido (uno o dos párrafos indicando el tema que se trataría en el trabajo). En esta instancia no nos referimos al resumen o abstract, el cual será oportunamente solicitado. Contactos: Dolores Elkin * y Christophe Delaere ** [email protected] / [email protected] *Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas e Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (Argentina) ** Université Libre de Bruxelles (Bélgica) y University of Oxford (Reino Unido)

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Ninth Lapita Conference Call for papers and posters

Lapita, forerunners and successors in Near Oceania and beyond

When: 15 -18 October 2019 Where: Holiday Inn Express, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Organisers: Papua New Guinea National Museum University of Papua New Guinea

Poster session encompassing all aspects of Pacific archaeology One day excursion to sites near Port Moresby during the conference For more information, please visit the Papua New Guinea National Museum website: If you want to present a poster, please send title and abstract to Peter White ([email protected]), so it can be included in the program. If you want to give a paper, please get in touch with a session organiser, below:

From Time to Time: Towards a new chronology for human settlement of Oceania Organizer: Fiona Petchey ([email protected])

Exploring interaction and its many intricacies in the Lapita and post-Lapita periods Organizers: Nick Hogg ([email protected]), Charles Radclyffe ([email protected]), Scarlett Chiu and Glenn Summerhayes

In the wake of Lapita Organizer: Robert Skelly ([email protected])

Coastal environments and oceanic settlement dynamics Organizers: Mark Golitko ([email protected]) and John Edward Terrell

Society and social life at Lapita sites Organizer: Jim Specht ([email protected])

Migrations and Interaction Networks in Near and Remote Oceania: Multidisciplinary approaches

Organizers: Wanda Zinger (MNHN, Paris, France) & Frederique Valentin (CNRS, Nanterre, France)([email protected])

Lapita and Plant domestication on Near Oceania Lapita sites Organizers: Nick Araho, PNG NMAG, Papua New Guinea. ([email protected])

General Session Organizers: Robin Torrence ([email protected])

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Australian Archaeological Association Annual Conference 2019 Call for papers and posters

Disrupting Paradise: The Archaeology of the Driest Inhabited Continent on Earth

10-13 December 2019, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

We invite you to join us in (Surfers) Paradise this year to participate in the Australian Archaeological Association Annual Conference, ‘Disrupting Paradise: The Archaeology of the Driest Inhabited Continent on Earth’. Surfers Paradise and the Glitter Strip are famed for their sun, surf and sandy beaches along with a seamy underbelly after the sun goes down. But as Australia’s largest non-capital city, the Gold Coast arguably presents one of the clearest examples of complete terraforming and resurfacing of cultural and natural landscapes. Archaeology provides an arsenal of practical and theoretical tools to interrogate the long-term human interaction with and transformation of landscapes such as these. In this conference we take the opportunity to reflect on how archaeology has developed as a discipline and as a community in the 50 years since John Mulvaney published his landmark Prehistory of Australia. How has archaeology disrupted and continued to disrupt understandings of the past and ourselves? How have our understandings of people and transformation in Australia changed in the last 50 years? How has archaeology disrupted our dominant paradigms in archaeological method and theory? How has the culture of archaeological practice changed? The 2019 conference website including registration can be accessed here: We encourage everyone to take advantage of the early-bird conference registration rates, which will be AUD200 for students and AUD400 for regular members. These reduced rates, combined with other initiatives including travel subsidies for Indigenous delegates and students, aim to widen the appeal of the annual AAA conference and increase attendance. • Deadline for Abstracts: Friday 16 August 2019 • Deadline for Subsidy Scheme Applications: Friday 27 September 2019 • Early Bird Registration Ends: Friday 11 October 2019

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Research Highlights

Site Loss at Adams Bay, Louisiana Jayur Madhusudan Mehta, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL Email: [email protected]

Jayur Mehta, Brian Ostahowski, and Theodore Marks, executive directors of the Gulf Communities Research Institute (GCRI), conducted archaeological survey, coring, and educational outreach based on their research at the Adams Bay archaeological site, located in southern Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, near the town of Empire. Once the location of three earthen and shell mounds, barely one mound remains, having been eaten away due to erosion, sea level rise, and subsidence. Mehta, Ostahowski, and Marks received a National Geographic grant to document the loss of this important cultural resource. Their research last summer successfully documented increased biodiversity at the Adams Bay mound as compared to the marshes near the site and identified both local and non-local ceramics, including, a Pascagoula Incised var., Gasque sherd, that could have originated from Mobile Bay. A radiocarbon date from the mound sublayer dated to the mid-fifteenth century, suggesting the site landform was first occupied several hundred years after the Plaquemines-Balize subdelta began forming. While saving the mound could be achieved by building artificial and/or natural reefs along the

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mound’s erosional facies, the costs and time associated with this work are largely prohibitive. However, a volunteer-guided effort with donated materials could save the remaining portions of the mound, especially if mobilized before the next major storm season. In addition, they used their field research to teach young New Orleanians from the New Orleans Center of Creative Arts (NOCCA) and Native American youth through the New Orleans Video Access Coalition (NOVAK) about the state’s long history of indigenous cultures. Students from NOCCA learned environmental science and archaeology in the field and used their documentary filmmaking skills to make a short film about environmental threats to archaeological sites on Louisiana’s coast. Approximately 4-6 local middle and high school students from Houma and St. Bernard participated in a story-tellers summer camp led by NOVAK and Mehta, where they learned filmmaking skills and how to tell stories about their history and culture that matter to them. They also visited Adams Bay one day and incorporated the archaeology of the site into their summer project films. Jayur Mehta, is currently an assistant professor in anthropology and archaeology at Florida State University, and is accepting students for their funded Masters degree program in archaeology. GCRI are working on their final report to National Geographic and will submit the report to the Louisiana Division of Archaeology and for review and publication with Louisiana Archaeology.

Ceramics from the Adams Bay mound

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Material Characterization of Archaeological Shell Beads from Madagascar

Dani C. Buffa Department of Anthropology Penn State, State College, PA. Email: [email protected]

The earliest known examples of art in human history are decorated shells. Thus, it is no surprise that the earliest forms of jewelry were shell beads. In southern African and Indo-Pacific contexts, shell beads were significant to economic and social interaction. However, studies have only focused on the oldest contexts, recent glass beads, and imports. As such, locally produced shell beads from the mid-late Holocene have been ignored. Shell beads are found across Madagascar’s coastal archaeological sites, yet no targeted research has ever studied them. This project analyzes 698 whole shell and disc beads from 11 mid-Holocene sites along the southwest coast of Madagascar. As such, this project seeks to understand: 1) which shells were used to make beads, 2) from which environments the shells were harvested, and 3) how the beads were made and used. This project seeks to approach these questions using a chaine opératoire framework, studying shell as a production material. To understand shells in this light, taxonomic identification is needed, which will involve studying microstructure morphology and protein matrices. Shell sourcing will involve studying chemical composition and stable isotopes. Manufacture and use will involve studying bead morphology. Preliminary morphological analysis suggests that bead shape, bead size, and species used all change through time and vary by site. Little is known about the history of Malagasy people outside the highlands and still less is known about people’s connections to other regions through time. This project will begin to spotlight these stories.

Dani takes photos while surveying at the dune mountain site near Ankitambagna in 2018 (photo credit: Erendira Quintana Morales).

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Locating and Protecting Cultural Heritage using Remote Sensing Survey in Madagascar

Dylan Davis Department of Anthropology Penn State, State College, PA. Email: [email protected]

Much of Madagascar remains archaeologically unexplored despite decades of archaeological research. The oldest sites on the island are especially difficult to locate, as they contain the ephemeral remains of mobile hunter/forager campsites. This situation limits researchers’ abilities to answer key questions concerning the island’s occupational history, which is the subject of ongoing debate. The goal of this study is to identify likely locations of unrecorded cultural deposits and expedite survey procedures. By applying theoretical models derived from human behavioral ecology to freely available remote sensing data (i.e., Sentinel 2), the project aims to develop a predictive model for identifying archaeological sites along the coastal regions of Southwestern Madagascar. This process involves the use of machine learning algorithms to aid in image analysis procedures and GIS workflows that incorporate different environmental variables on the basis of ethnographic and archaeological data. By targeting the model towards the earliest archaeological deposits, this project will advance current understanding about when the island’s earliest inhabitants arrived and how they interacted with their environment. Additionally, by locating these deposits, increased efforts can be implemented to protect this endangered cultural heritage. In preliminary tests, the procedure successfully predicted the locations of dozens of pre-recorded archaeological deposits. Fieldwork this summer will target unsurveyed locations along the coast where the algorithm predicted the presence of cultural materials. This study will form the basis for future research concerning human-environmental interaction in prehistory as well as questions about the settlement history of Madagascar.

Figures: Left – study area in Southwest Madagascar. Right – preliminary results of predictive model. Many of the high probability areas (green) contain known archaeological deposits.

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Research on St. John, US Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma Brittany Mistretta Department of Anthropology University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Email: [email protected]

Roughly 75% of St. John, in the US Virgin Islands, is preserved under the US National Park Service (NPS). This protection has allowed robust documentation of its rich cultural heritage, which ranges the entire breadth of human presence in the Caribbean, beginning with the Archaic Age (3000-5000 BC) through to early Spanish contact, European colonialism, and today. In August 2017, St. John was devastated by Hurricane Irma, and recovery has been slow. As part of my dissertation research, I had planned to study the selection and use of ritual fauna from Cinnamon Bay, a pre-Columbian site excavated by NPS archaeologist Ken Wild in the 1990s. Luckily, these irreplaceable collections were well-protected in the NPS repository in the center of the island. I've recently joined the NPS as an intern on St. John, to not only conduct my research but also help catalog the collections. In June, Wild and I visited a radiology center on St. Thomas to CT Scan a shellfish offering made up of bivalves uncovered during previous excavations (see figure). Wild interpreted the shells as an offering because they remained unopened and were found in situ on a large, adorned ceramic plate and associated with other ceremonial artifacts. CT scanning provides the unique opportunity to further analyze the offering's interior through non-invasive techniques. Preliminary analysis suggest other shells such as conch may be included, as well as portions of the ceramic plate. It is our hope that this research will help restart archaeological work on the island following the hurricane's destruction.

Cinnamon Bay, St. John, USVI (top), and CT Scanning of the "Shell Offering" from the Cinnamon Bay Site (right) (photo credits: B. Mistretta).

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Recent Publications Featured New Books:

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Journals featuring recent Island and Coastal Archaeology papers:

Advances in Archaeological Practice

African Archaeological Review

American Anthropologist

American Antiquity

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Annual of the British School at Athens

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Archaeological Prospection

Archaeological Research in Asia

Archaeology in Oceania


Australian Archaeology



California Archaeology

Cambridge Archaeological Journal


Conservation Biology

Continental Shelf Research

Chungara Revista Antropologia Chilenia

Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment

Current Anthropology

Ecology and Evolution

Economic Anthropology

Environmental Archaeology

Estudios Atacamenos



The Holocene

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology

Japanese Journal of Archaeology

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory

Journal of Archaeological Research

Journal of Archaeological Science

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Journal of Conflict Archaeology

Journal of Ethnobiology

The Journal of Fasti Online

Journal of Field Archaeology

Journal of Human Evolution

Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology

Journal of Maritime Archaeology

Journal of Pacific Archaeology

Journal of Quaternary Science

Journal of Social Archaeology

Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia

Journal of the North Atlantic

Journal of Wetland Archaeology

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

Royal Society Open Science

Latin American Antiquity

Lithic Technology

Nature Communications

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

PLoS One


Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Quaternary Geochronology

Quaternary International

Quaternary Science Reviews

Queensland Archaeological Research


SCA Proceedings


Science Advances

Scientific Reports


South African Archaeological Bulletin

Southeastern Archaeology

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany

Western North American Naturalist

World Archaeology

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Relative Proportion of Island and Coastal Archaeology Papers from Each Journal

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New Papers in the Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology For PDFs of any JICA paper, please contact Scott Fitzpatrick ([email protected]) Astrup, Peter Moe, Claus Skriver, Jonathan Benjamin, Francis Stankewicz, Ingrid Ward, John McCarthy, Peter Ross, Sean Ulm, and Geoff Bailey

2019 Underwater Shell Middens: Excavation and Remote Sensing of a Submerged Mesolithic Site at Hjarnø, Denmark. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology.

Boulanger, Clara, Thomas Ingicco, Philip J. Piper, Noel Amano, Sandrine Grouard, Rintaro Ono, Stuart Hawkins, and Alfred F. Pawlik

2019 Coastal Subsistence Strategies and Mangrove Swamp Evolution at Bubog I Rockshelter (Ilin Island, Mindoro, Philippines) from the Late Pleistocene to the mid-Holocene. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1531957.

Brown, Andrew A., and Enrico R. Crema 2019 Māori Population Growth in Pre-contact New Zealand: Regional Population Dynamics Inferred From Summed Probability Distributions of Radiocarbon Dates. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1605429.

Clark, Geoffrey, and Michelle C. Langley 2019 Ancient Tattooing in Polynesia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1561558.

Erlandson, Jon M., Torben C. Rick, Amira Ainis, Kristina M. Gill, Nicholas P. Jew, and Leslie A. Reeder-Myers

2019 The Archaeology of CA-SRI-666: Shellfish, Geophytes, and Sedentism on Early Holocene Santa Rosa Island. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1579272.

Fiori, Sandra, Romina Frontini, and Cristina Bayón

2019 Morphometric Analysis of the Yellow Clam (Amarilladesma Mactroides) to Interpret Fragmentary Archaeological Specimens. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1521482.

Gill, Kristina M., Jon M. Erlandson, Richard E. Hughes, Tom Origer, Alexander K. Rogers, and René L. Vellanoweth

2019 Material conveyance in the Southern California Bight: Obsidian on Alta California’s Channel Islands. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1570988.

Groom, Peter, Catriona Pickard, and Clive Bonsall

2019 Early Holocene Sea Fishing in Western Scotland: An Experimental Study. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1521481.

Hil, Greg 2019 Better Management Through Measurement: Integrating Archaeological Site Features into a GIS-Based Erosion and Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment—Blueskin Bay, New Zealand. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1531331.

Jackson, Kendal, and Thomas J. Pluckhahn 2019 A First Millennium A.D. Vegetation History from the Crystal River Site (8CI1), Florida. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1531958.

Krus, Anthony M., and Victor D. Thompson 2019 The complexities of dating island and coastal settlements. The Journal of Island and Coastal

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Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1562500.

Langley, Michelle C., Stuart Bedford, Matthew Spriggs, and Iarawoi Phillip

2019 Manufacture and Use of Lapita Conus Multi-Segment Broad Rings: Evidence from the Teouma site, Central Vanuatu. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1570989.

Larrain, Alina Álvarez 2019 The Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Environment of the Marismas Nacionales: The Prehistoric Pacific Littoral of Sinaloa and Nayarit, Mexico. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1604008.

Lidour, Kevin, Philippe Béarez, Vincent Charpentier, and Sophie Méry

2019 The Prehistoric Fisheries of Akab Island (United Arab Emirates): New Insights into Coastal Subsistence during Neolithic in Eastern Arabia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1531330.

McCain, Joseph, Todd J. Braje, Raquel L. Hernández Estrada, Antonio Porcayo Michelini, José Aguilar, and Torben C. Rick

2019 The Four Crowns of the Sea: Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Coronados Islands, Baja California, México. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1536901.

Moore, Summer, and Jennifer G. Kahn 2018 Archaeological Research on the Early Post-Contact Period at Miloli‘i, Kaua’i, Hawaiian Islands. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 13(4):606–613. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1472152.

Napora, Katharine G., James Bonsall, Stuart Rathbone, and Victor D. Thompson

2019 Geoarchaeological Analysis of a Dunefield Shell Midden Site in Carrowdough Townland, County Sligo, Ireland. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1531332.

Paterson, Alistair, Tiffany Shellam, Peter Veth, Ken Mulvaney, Ross Anderson, Joe Dortch, and Jo McDonald

2019 The Mermaid? Re-envisaging the 1818 exploration of Enderby Island, Murujuga, Western Australia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1604007.

Pietrusewsky, Michael, Michele Toomay Douglas, Rona Michi Ikehara-Quebral, and Karen Kadohiro Lauer

2019 Skeletal and Dental Health of Early Tongans: The Bioarchaeology of the Human Skeletons from the To-At-36 Site, Ha‘ateiho, Tongatapu, Tonga. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1564711.

Preston, John, David Sanderson, Timothy Kinnaird, Anthony Newton, Marianne Nitter, Joris Coolen, Natascha Mehler, and Andrew Dugmore

2019 Dynamic beach response to changing storminess of Unst, Shetland: implications for landing places exploited by Norse communities. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1555193.

Rick, Torben C. 2019 Why So Late? AMS Radiocarbon Evidence of a Late Holocene Appearance of Shell Fishhooks in Alta California. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1579273.

Rivera-Collazo, Isabel C. 2019 Severe Weather and the Reliability of Desk-Based Vulnerability Assessments: The Impact of Hurricane

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Maria to Puerto Rico’s Coastal Archaeology. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1570987.

Roberts, Amy L., Adrian Mollenmans, Lester-Irabinna Rigney, and Geoff Bailey

2019 Marine Transgression, Aboriginal Narratives and the Creation of Yorke Peninsula/Guuranda, South Australia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1570990.

Rogers, Ashleigh J., and Marshall I. Weisler 2019 Assessing the Efficacy of Genus-Level Data in Archaeomalacology: A Case Study of the Hawaiian Limpet (Cellana spp.), Moloka‘i, Hawaiian Islands. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1481467.

Springer, Chris, and Dana Lepofsky 2019 Conflict and Territoriality: An Archaeological Study of Ancestral Northern Coast Salish-Tla’amin Defensiveness in the Salish Sea Region of Southwestern British Columbia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1562499.

Sutton, Nicholas, Glenn R. Summerhayes, and Anne Ford

2019 Oposisi Revisited: a Fabric Analysis of an Early Papuan Pottery

Assemblage from Yule Island, Papua New Guinea. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1531329.

Takamiya, Hiroto, Chiaki Katagiri, Shinji Yamasaki, and Masaki Fujita

2019 Human Colonization of the Central Ryukyus (Amami and Okinawa Archipelagos), Japan. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1501443.

Tushingham, Shannon, Justin Hopt, Colin Christiansen, Me’-lash-ne Loren Bommelyn, John Green, Michael R. Peterson, Suntayea Steinruck, and Crista Stewart

2019 In the Footsteps of Amelia Brown: Collaborative Historical Ecology at Shin-yvslh-sri∼, a Tolowa Village on the North Coast of California. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2018.1539789.

Veth, Peter, Jo McDonald, Ingrid Ward, Michael O’Leary, Emma Beckett, Jonathan Benjamin, Sean Ulm, Jorg Hacker, Peter J. Ross, and Geoff Bailey

2019 A Strategy for Assessing Continuity in Terrestrial and Maritime Landscapes from Murujuga (Dampier Archipelago), North West Shelf, Australia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/15564894.2019.1572677.

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Other Recent Publications: Acabado, Stephen B., Jared M. Koller, Chin-hsin Liu, Adam J. Lauer, Alan Farahani, Grace Barretto-Tesoro, Marian C. Reyes, Jonathan Albert Martin, and John A. Peterson

2019 The Short History of the Ifugao Rice Terraces: A Local Response to the Spanish Conquest. Journal of Field Archaeology 44(3):195–214. DOI:10.1080/00934690.2019.1574159.

Acebo, Nathan, and Desireé Reneé Martinez 2018 Towards an analytic of survivance in California archaeology SCA Proceedings 32:144-152.

Ackermann, Oren, Helena M. Zhevelev, and Tal Svoray

2019 Agricultural systems and terrace pattern distribution and preservation along climatic gradient: From sub-humid mediterranean to arid conditions. Quaternary International 502:319–326. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.09.032.

Adams, Shaun, Rainer Grün, David McGahan, Jian-Xin Zhao, Yuexing Feng, Ai Nguyen, Malte Willmes, Michael Quaresimin, Brett Lobsey, Mark Collard, and Michael C. Westaway

2019 A strontium isoscape of north-east Australia for human provenance and repatriation. Geoarchaeology 34(3):231–251. DOI:10.1002/gea.21728.

Ainis, Amira F., Jon M. Erlandson, Kristina M. Gill, Michael H. Graham, and René L. Vellanoweth

2019 The Potential Use of Seaweeds and Marine Plants by Native Peoples of Alta and Baja California. In An Archaeology of Abundance: Reevaluating the Marginality of California’s Islands, edited by Kristina M. Gill, Mikael Fauvelle, and and Jon M. Erlandson, pp. 135–170. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Ainsworth, J. T., J. K. Pringle, P. Doyle, M. Stringfellow, D. Roberts, I. G. Stimpson, K. D. Wisniewski, and J. Goodwin

2018 Geophysical investigations of WWII air-raid shelters in the UK. Journal of Conflict Archaeology 13(3):167–197. DOI:10.1080/15740773.2018.1583472.

Albero Santacreu, D. J., G. Mateu Vicens, A. Ramos Benito, J. C. Carvajal López, and M. Georgakopoulou

2019 Pottery in the backyard: Almohad ceramic distribution networks in rural areas (SW Mallorca, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12520-019-00814-7.

Alessandri, Luca 2019 The early and Middle Bronze Age (1/2) in South and central Tyrrhenian Italy and their connections with the Avellino eruption: An overview. Quaternary International 499: 161–185. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.08.002.

Alexander, Michelle M., Alejandra Gutiérrez, Andrew R. Millard, Michael P. Richards, and Christopher M. Gerrard

2019 Economic and socio-cultural consequences of changing political rule on human and faunal diets in medieval Valencia (c. fifth–fifteenth century AD) as evidenced by stable isotopes. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12520-019-00810-x.

Alfonso-Durruty, Marta P., Eugenia M. Gayo, Vivien Standen, Victoria Castro, Claudio Latorre, Calogero M. Santoro, and Daniela Valenzuela

2019 Dietary diversity in the Atacama desert during the Late intermediate period of northern Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews 214:54–67. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.04.022.

Allentuck, Adam, and Arlene M. Rosen

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2019 The risky business of keeping pigs during periods of climatic fluctuation: A case from the Mid-Holocene Near East. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:939–945. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.03.009.

Álvarez‐Busto, A. García, A. Laca, and A. Fernández González

2019 Revealing the Monastic Kitchen: Chemical Analysis of the Soil Inside the Monastery of Cornellana (North-West Spain). Archaeometry 61(1):145–160. DOI:10.1111/arcm.12408.

Ames, Kenneth M., and Emily E. Shepard 2019 Building wooden houses: The political economy of plankhouse construction on the southern Northwest Coast of North America. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53:202–221. DOI:10.1016/j.jaa.2019.01.002.

An, Ting, Galyna Pashkevich, and Martin Jones 2018 Re-examining millet impressions in Usatovo clay materials from NW Black Sea region, Ukraine. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12520-018-0718-3.

Anderson, Atholl John, Eric Conte, Ian Smith, and Katherine Szabo

2019 New excavations at Fa’ahia (Huahine, Society Islands) and chronologies of central East Polynesian colonization. Journal of Pacific Archaeology 10(1):1–14.

Anderson-Cordova, Karen F. 2017 Surviving Spanish Conquest: Indian Fight, Flight, and Cultural Transformation in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.

Aono, Tomoya 2018 Jomon Period. Japanese Journal of Archaeology 6:65–66.

Apodaca, Alec J

2018 Exploring clam bed tending at CA-MRN-202: Selective harvesting of Pacific Gaper Clam (Tresus nuttallii) from the Toms Point Trading Post, in Tomales Bay, California SCA Proceedings 32:305-318.

Arauna Lara R., Hellenthal Garrett, and Comas David

2019 Dissecting human North African gene-flow into its western coastal surroundings. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286(1902):20190471. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2019.0471.

Ares, J. de Juan, N. Schibille, J. Molina Vidal, and M. D. Sánchez de Prado

2019 The Supply of Glass at Portus Ilicitanus (Alicante, Spain): A Meta-Analysis of HIMT Glasses. Archaeometry 61(3):647–662. DOI:10.1111/arcm.12446.

Arkin Shalev, Ehud, Gil Gambash, and Assaf Yasur-Landau

2019 Disheveled Tenacity: The North Bay of Roman and Byzantine Dor. Journal of Maritime Archaeology. DOI:10.1007/s11457-019-09235-y.

Armstrong, Kayt, Paul Cheetham, and Tim Darvill

2018 Tales from the outer limits: Archaeological geophysical prospection in lowland peat environments in the British Isles. Archaeological Prospection. DOI:10.1002/arp.1725.

Arobba, Daniele, Rosanna Caramiello, Marco Firpo, Luca Mercalli, Lionello F Morandi, and Stefano Rossi

2018 New evidence on the earliest human presence in the urban area of Genoa (Liguria, Italy): A multi-proxy study of a mid-Holocene deposit at the mouth of the Bisagno river. The Holocene 28(12):1918–1935. DOI:10.1177/0959683618798107.

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Arriaza, Bernardo, Luis Huamán, Fiorella Villanueva, Roxana Tornero, Vivien Standen, and Natalia Aravena

2018 Estudio del cálculo dental en poblaciones arqueológicas del extremo norte de Chile. Estudios atacameños(60):297–312. DOI:10.4067/S0718-10432018005001505.

Arriaza, Bernardo, Vivien Standen, Leonardo Soto, and Natalia Aravena

2019 A prehistoric case of developmental defects of the spine in a young adult female from the Atacama Desert. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29(2):346–349. DOI:10.1002/oa.2738.

Athens, J. Stephen, and Thomas P. Leppard 2019 Settlement and Subsistence in the Remote Western Pacific: Archaeological and Radiocarbon Data from Alamagan, Northern Mariana Islands. Journal of Field Archaeology 44(2):109–125. DOI:10.1080/00934690.2019.1571856.

Baena Preysler, J., E. Carrión Santafé, C. Torres Navas, and M. Vaquero Rodríguez

2019 Mousterian inside the upper Paleolithic? The last interval of El Esquilleu (Cantabria, Spain) sequence. Quaternary International 508:153–163. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.11.015.

Bailly, Matthieu Le, Nicolas Goepfert, Gabriel Prieto, John Verano, and Benjamin Dufour

2019 Camelid Gastrointestinal Parasites from the Archaeological Site of Huanchaquito (Peru): First Results. Environmental Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/14614103.2018.1558804.

Banerji, Upasana S., Ravi Bhushan, and A. J. T. Jull

2019 Signatures of global climatic events and forcing factors for the last two millennia from the active mudflats of Rohisa, southern Saurashtra, Gujarat, western India. Quaternary International

507:172–187. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.015.

Barber, Sarah B., and Daniel E. Pierce 2019 Ceramic production and consumption in an in-between place: Instrumental neutron activation analysis of ceramics from the Manialtepec Basin of Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:868–880. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.11.036.

Bardolph, Dana N. 2018 Controlling the Narrative: A Comparative Examination of Gendered Publishing Trends in the SCA and Beyond. California Archaeology 10(2):159–186. DOI:10.1080/1947461X.2018.1535813.

Barnett, Catherine 2019 Fuelling the Fires: The Contribution of Wood Charcoal Analysis to a Landscape Scale Project at and Around Pre-Conquest Iron Age Silchester and a Reflection on Its Wider Implications. Environmental Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/14614103.2019.1590513.

Batmaz, A., J. W. Lehner, and G. Dardeniz 2019 Long-distance interaction in Urartu?: Provenance and composition of copper alloys from Ayanis, Turkey. Archaeometry 61(2):406–422. DOI:10.1111/arcm.12428.

Batmaz, Atilla 2019 A Study of Urartian Red Glossy Pottery Production in Van, Turkey, Using Archaeological, Ethnoarchaeological and Experimental Archaeological Methods. Ethnoarchaeology 11(1):34–60. DOI:10.1080/19442890.2019.1573283.

Baug, Irene, Dagfinn Skre, Tom Heldal, and Øystein J. Jansen

2019 The Beginning of the Viking Age in the West. Journal of Maritime

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Archaeology 14(1):43–80. DOI:10.1007/s11457-018-9221-3.

Baysal, Emma L., and Cevdet Merih Erek 2018 Material Movement in the Near Eastern Epipalaeolithic: Implications of the Shell and Stone Beads of Direkli Cave, Turkey. Journal of Field Archaeology 43(8):591–603. DOI:10.1080/00934690.2018.1529506.

Béarez, Philippe, and Laurie Bouffandeau 2019 Fishing for survival: The forgotten slaves of Tromelin Island (Indian Ocean). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. DOI:10.1002/oa.2763.

Beck, Robin A., David G. Moore, Christopher B. Rodning, Timothy J. Horsley, and Sarah C. Sherwood

2018 A road to Zacatecas: Fort San Juan and the defenses of Spanish La Florida. American Antiquity 83(4):577–597. DOI:10.1017/aaq.2018.49.

Becker, Fabian, Raphael Eser, Philipp Hoelzmann, and Brigitta Schütt

2019 Reconstructing human–landscape interactions in the context of ancient iron smelting on Elba Island, Italy, using sedimentological evidence. Geoarchaeology 34(3):336–359. DOI:10.1002/gea.21726.

Beherec, Marc A 2018 The archaeology of the plague in Los Angeles, 1924 SCA Proceedings 32:224-245.

Bellina, Bérénice, Aude Favereau, and Laure Dussubieux

2019 Southeast Asian early Maritime Silk Road trading polities’ hinterland and the sea-nomads of the Isthmus of Kra. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54:102–120. DOI:10.1016/j.jaa.2019.02.005.

Belov, Alexander 2019 Loose-footed Sails of the Egyptian New Kingdom Ships. International Journal of Nautical

Archaeology 48(1):77–84. DOI:10.1111/1095-9270.12335.

Beltrame, C., P. Mozzi, A. Forti, M. Maritan, A. A. Rucco, A. Vavasori, and A. Miola

2019 The Fifth-Century AD Riverine Barge of Santa Maria in Padovetere (Ferrara, Italy): A Multidisciplinary Approach to its Environment and Shipbuilding Techniques. Environmental Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/14614103.2019.1586084.

Beltrame, Carlo, Thalia Percic, and Lorenzo Lazzarini

2019 The archaeometric identification of the marbles of the Roman shipwrecks of Capo Granitola (TP), Isola delle Correnti and Marzamemi I (SR). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:953–967. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.11.021.

Ben Arous, Eslem, Christophe Falguères, Olivier Tombret, Mohamed Abdeljalil El Hajraoui, and Roland Nespoulet

2019 Combined US-ESR dating of fossil teeth from El Harhoura 2 cave (Morocco): New data about the end of the MSA in Temara region. Quaternary International. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.029.

Bermeo, Nicolas, Michelle Elliott, Nicolas Goepfert, Belkys Gutiérrez León, and Vásquez Sánchez Segundo

2019 First Contributions of Charcoal Analysis to the Study of the Specialised Fishing Site of Bayovar-01 (5th–8th Centuries AD), Extreme Northern Coast of Peru. Environmental Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/14614103.2018.1563981.

Bernardini, Federico, Elena Leghissa, David Prokop, Anton Velušček, Angelo De Min, Diego Dreossi, Sandro Donato, Claudio Tuniz, Francesco Princivalle, and Manuela Montagnari Kokelj

2019 X-ray computed microtomography of Late Copper Age decorated bowls with cross-shaped

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foots from central Slovenia and the Trieste Karst (North-Eastern Italy): technology and paste characterisation. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12520-019-00811-w.

Berryman, Stan 2018 What’s happening in Late Holocene Southern California, is it agriculture or what? SCA Proceedings 32:36-50.

Bevan, Andrew, Alessio Palmisano, Jessie Woodbridge, Ralph Fyfe, C Neil Roberts, and Stephen Shennan

2019 The changing face of the Mediterranean – Land cover, demography and environmental change: Introduction and overview. The Holocene 29(5):703–707. DOI:10.1177/0959683619826688.

Beyin, Amanuel, Parth R. Chauhan, and Ahmed Nassr

2019 Reconnaissance of Prehistoric Sites in the Red Sea Coastal Region of the Sudan, NE Africa. Journal of Field Archaeology 44(3):147–164. DOI:10.1080/00934690.2019.1580099.

Bird, Michael I, Scott A. Condie, Sue O’Connor, Damien O’Grady, Christian Reepmeyer, Sean Ulm, Mojca Zega, Frédérik Saltré, and Corey J.A. Bradshaw

2019 Early Human Settlement of Sahul was Not an Accident. Scientific Reports. DOI:0.1038/s41598-019-42946-9. Blanz, Magdalena, Philippa Ascough, Ingrid Mainland, Peter Martin, Mark A. Taggart, Burkart Dieterich, John Wishart, Kerry L. Sayle, Andrea Raab, and Jörg Feldmann

2019 Seaweed fertilisation impacts the chemical and isotopic composition of barley: Implications for analyses of archaeological skeletal remains. Journal of Archaeological Science 104:34–44. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2019.02.003.

Bloch, Lindsay, Neill J. Wallis, George Kamenov, and John M. Jaeger

2019 Production origins and matrix constituents of spiculate pottery in Florida, USA: Defining ubiquitous St Johns ware by LA-ICP-MS and XRD. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:313–323. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.01.012.

Blom, Philipp 2019 Nature’s Mutiny: How the Little Ice Age of the Long Seventeenth Century Transformed the West and Shaped the Present. Liveright, New York, February 19.

Bocanegra-Ramírez, Dulce María, Hong-Chun Li, Gabriela Domínguez Vázquez, Isabel Israde-Alcántara, and James L. Bischoff

2019 Holocene climate change and sea level oscillations in the pacific coast of Mexico. Quaternary International. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2019.01.003.

Bonshek, Elizabeth, and Lindy Allen 2018 Finding the Signatures of Glass Beads: A Preliminary Investigation of Indigenous Artefacts from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia 42:48-80.

Borrazzo, Karen, Luis Alberto Borrero, and María Cecilia Pallo

2019 Exploring lithic transport in Tierra del Fuego (Southern South America). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:220–230. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.01.002.

Borrero, Luis A., Amalia Nuevo Delaunay, and César Méndez

2019 Ethnographical and historical accounts for understanding the exploration of new lands: The case of Central Western Patagonia, Southernmost South America. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 54:1–16. DOI:10.1016/j.jaa.2019.02.001.

Bortolini, Eugenio, Stefano Biagetti, Gianluca Frinchillucci, Hussein Abukhar, Ali A. Warsame, and Marco Madella

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2019 Newly found stone cairns in Mudug region, Puntland: a preliminary report. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 54(1):94–106. DOI:10.1080/0067270X.2018.1540214.

Boschian, Giovanni, Davide Caramella, Daniela Saccà, and Ran Barkai

2019 Are there marrow cavities in Pleistocene elephant limb bones, and was marrow available to early humans? New CT scan results from the site of Castel di Guido (Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews 215:86–97. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.05.010.

Boswijk, Gretel, Dilys Johns, and Alan Hogg 2019 Dendroarchaeology in New Zealand: extending the range of archaeologically useful species beyond kauri (Agathis australis). Journal of Pacific Archaeology 10(1):33–44.

Bovy, Kristine M., Michael A. Etnier, Virginia L. Butler, Sarah K. Campbell, and Jennie Deo Shaw

2019 Using bone fragmentation records to investigate coastal human ecodynamics: A case study from Čḯxwicən (Washington State, USA). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:1168–1186. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.08.049.

Bradfield, Justin 2018 Identifying animal taxa used to manufacture bone tools during the Middle Stone Age at Sibudu, South Africa: Results of a CT-rendered histological analysis. PLOS ONE 13(11):e0208319. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0208319. 2019 Fishing with gorges: Testing a functional hypothesis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:593–607. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.02.030.

Brady, Liam M., and Jeremy Ash 2018 New radiocarbon dates from Kirriri 4: extending the 2,500 BP signature for the onset of the Torres Strait Cultural Complex to south

Western Torres Strait, Northeast Queensland. Australian Archaeology 84(1):98–104. DOI:10.1080/03122417.2018.1458271.

Braje, Todd J., Jon M. Erlandson, Kristina M. Gill, Torben C. Rick, Linda Bentz, and Paul Collins

2019 Historical Degradation and Ecological Recovery: Re-evaluating the Marginality of California Island Ecosystems. In An Archaeology of Abundance: Reevaluating the Marginality of California’s Islands, edited by Kristina M. Gill, Mikael Fauvelle, and Jon M. Erlandson, pp. 31–58. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Braje, Todd J., Torben C. Rick, Tom D. Dillehay, Jon M. Erlandson, and Richard G. Klein

2018 Arrival routes of first Americans uncertain—Response Potter et al. Science 359(6381):1225. DOI:10.1126/science.aar8645.

Bravo, Gabriela, Andrés Troncoso, and Boris Santander

2019 Bone tools of Late Holocene hunter-gatherer-fishers of North-Central Chile: Case study of the Punta Teatinos assemblage. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29(2):314–324. DOI:10.1002/oa.2742.

Brown, Alex, Anneli Poska, and Aleks Pluskowski 2019 The environmental impact of cultural change: Palynological and quantitative land cover reconstructions for the last two millennia in northern Poland. Quaternary International. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2019.05.014.

Brown, Kaitlin M. 2018 Gender, Race, and Mentorship: A Perspective from California Archaeology. California Archaeology 10(2):187–209. DOI:10.1080/1947461X.2018.1535814.

Browne, Kim 2019 “Ghost Battleships” of the Pacific: Metal Pirates, WWII Heritage,

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and Environmental Protection. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 14(1):1–28. DOI:10.1007/s11457-018-9223-1.

Brück, Joanna, and Alex Davies 2018 The Social Role of Non-metal ‘Valuables’ in Late Bronze Age Britain. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 28(4):665–688. DOI:10.1017/S095977431800029X.

Bruins, Hendrik J., Jörg Keller, Andreas Klügel, Hanan J. Kisch, Itzhak Katra, and Johannes van der Plicht

2019 Tephra in caves: Distal deposits of the Minoan Santorini eruption and the Campanian super-eruption. Quaternary International 499:135–147. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.09.040.

Brumm, Adam 2018 Lightning teeth and Ponari sweat: Folk theories and magical uses of prehistoric stone axes (and adzes) in Island Southeast Asia and the origin of thunderstone beliefs. Australian Archaeology 84(1):37–55. DOI:10.1080/03122417.2018.1468059.

Brunetti, Antonio, Francesco Grazzi, Antonella Scherillo, Marco E. Minoja, Gianfranca Salis, Sergio Orrù, and Anna Depalmas

2018 Non-destructive microstructural characterization of a bronze boat model from Vetulonia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12520-018-0731-6.

Buckley, Sarah M., Tim R. McClanahan, Eréndira M. Quintana Morales, Victor Mwakha, Jatieno Nyanapah, Levy M. Otwoma, and John M. Pandolfi

2019 Identifying species threatened with local extinction in tropical reef fisheries using historical reconstruction of species occurrence. PLOS ONE 14(2):e0211224. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0211224.

Butler, D. H., S. Koivisto, V. Brumfeld, and R. Shahack-Gross

2019 Early Evidence for Northern Salmonid Fisheries Discovered using Novel Mineral Proxies. Scientific Reports 9(1):147. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36133-5.

Butler, Virginia L., Sarah K. Campbell, Kristine M. Bovy, and Michael A. Etnier

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Ghezal, Salma, Elsa Ciesielski, Benjamin Girard, Aurélien Creuzieux, Peter Gosnell, Carole Mathe, Cathy Vieillescazes, and Réjane Roure

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Green, Ulrike Matthies, and Kirk E. Costion (editors)

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Greene, Elizabeth S., Justin Leidwanger, and Numan Tuna

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Hofman, Corinne L., and Dr Andrzej T. Antczak (editors)

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Holt, Brigitte, Fabio Negrino, Julien Riel-Salvatore, Vincenzo Formicola, Almudena Arellano, Daniele Arobba, Giovanni Boschian, Steven E. Churchill, Emanuela Cristiani, Emanuele Di Canzio, and Giuseppe Vicino

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Villalba‐Mouco, Vanessa, Pilar Utrilla, Rafael Laborda, José Ignacio Lorenzo, Cristina Martínez‐Labarga, and Domingo C. Salazar‐García

2018 Reconstruction of human subsistence and husbandry strategies from the Iberian Early Neolithic: A stable isotope approach. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 167(2):257–271. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.23622.

Villanueva Críales, Juan, Pablo Alonso González, and Patricia Ayala Rocabado

2018 Arqueología de la ruptura colonial: mouros, chullpas, gentiles y abuelos en España, Bolivia y Chile en perspectiva comparada. Estudios atacameños(60):9–30. DOI:10.4067/S0718-10432018005001402.

Wada, Gregory H, Jelmer W Eerkens, Beth Shapiro, and Ruth V Nichols

2018 Insights Into the Ancient Oral Microbiome: Survey of Microbial Diversity from the Dental Calculus of Two Precontact Sites by the San Francisco Bay. SCA Proceedings 32:199-214.

Wait, Gerry, Ibrahima Thiaw, Elizabeth Gardner, and Tim Copeland

2018 Archaeology and Ethnography Along the Loango Coast in the South West of the Republic of Congo. Archaeopress Archaeology, Summertown, Oxford.

Wallis, Neill J., and Victor D. Thompson 2019 Early platform mound communalism and co-option in the

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American Southeast: Implications of shallow geophysics at Garden Patch Mound 2, Florida, USA. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:276–289. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.01.022.

Walsh, Kevin, Jean-François Berger, C Neil Roberts, Boris Vanniere, Matthieu Ghilardi, Antony G Brown, Jessie Woodbridge, Laurent Lespez, Joan Estrany, Arthur Glais, Alessio Palmisano, Martin Finné, and Gert Verstraeten

2019 Holocene demographic fluctuations, climate and erosion in the Mediterranean: A meta data-analysis. The Holocene 29(5):864–885. DOI:10.1177/0959683619826637.

Walthall, Alex, Randall Souza, Jared Benton, Elizabeth Wueste, and Andrew Tharler

2018 Preliminary Report on the 2015 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). The Journal of Fasti Online 408:1–23.

Walton, David P. 2018 An Experimental Program for Obsidian Use-Wear Analysis in Central Mexican Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. DOI:10.1007/s10816-018-9398-7.

Ward, Ingrid, Peter Moe-Astrup, and Kelly Merigot

2019 At the water’s edge: Micromorphological and quantitative mineral analysis of a submerged Mesolithic shell midden at Hjarnø Sund, Denmark. Journal of Archaeological Science 102:11–25. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2018.12.009.

Watson, James T., and Iván Muñoz Ovalle 2019 Early Andean Diaspora, Culinary Traditions, and Dietary Continuity in the Periphery. Current Anthropology 60(2):264–274. DOI:10.1086/702306.

Watson, Rachel, and Heather McKillop 2019 A Filtered Past: Interpreting Salt Production and Trade Models from Two Remnant Brine-Enrichment Mounds at

the Ancient Maya Paynes Creek Salt Works, Belize. Journal of Field Archaeology 44(1):40–51. DOI:10.1080/00934690.2018.1557993.

Webster, Rebecca J., and Julia A. King 2018 From shell to glass: how beads reflect the changing cultural landscape of the seventeenth-century lower Potomac River valley. Southeastern Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/0734578X.2018.1495543.

Weeks, L., C. M. Cable, K. A. Franke, S. Karacic, C. Newton, J. Roberts, I. Stepanov, I. K. McRae, M. W. Moore, H. David-Cuny, Y. Y. Al Aali, M. Boraik, and H. M. Zein

2018 Saruq al-Hadid: a persistent temporary place in late prehistoric Arabia. World Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/00438243.2018.1491324.

Weiberg, Erika, Andrew Bevan, Katerina Kouli, Markos Katsianis, Jessie Woodbridge, Anton Bonnier, Max Engel, Martin Finné, Ralph Fyfe, Yannis Maniatis, Alessio Palmisano, Sampson Panajiotidis, C Neil Roberts, and Stephen Shennan

2019 Long-term trends of land use and demography in Greece: A comparative study. The Holocene 29(5):742–760. DOI:10.1177/0959683619826641.

Wesley, Daryl, Mirani Litster, Ian Moffat, and Sue O’Connor

2018 Indigenous built structures and anthropogenic impacts on the stratigraphy of Northern Australian rockshelters: insights from Malarrak 1, north western Arnhem Land. Australian Archaeology 84(1):3–18. DOI:10.1080/03122417.2018.1436238.

Wesley, Daryl, Mirani Litster, Sue O’Connor, Elle Grono, Jeff Theys, Andrew Higgins, Tristen Jones, Sally K. May, and Paul Taçon

2018 The archaeology of Maliwawa: 25,000 years of occupation in the Wellington Range, Arnhem Land.

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Australian Archaeology 84(2):108–128. DOI:10.1080/03122417.2018.1521237.

Westley, Kieran, Ruth Plets, Rory Quinn, Chris McGonigle, Fabio Sacchetti, Mekayla Dale, Rory McNeary, and Annika Clements

2019 Optimising protocols for high-definition imaging of historic shipwrecks using multibeam echosounder. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. DOI:10.1007/s12520-019-00831-6.

Wickler, Stephen 2019 Early Boats in Scandinavia: New Evidence from Early Iron Age Bog Finds in Arctic Norway. Journal of Maritime Archaeology. DOI:10.1007/s11457-019-09232-1.

Wilde-Ramsing, Mark U., and Linda F. Carnes-McNaughton

2018 Blackbeard’s Sunken Prize: The 300-Year Voyage of Queen Anne’s Revenge. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.

Wilken, Dennis, Tina Wunderlich, Hannes Hollmann, Michaela Schwardt, Wolfgang Rabbel, Clemens Mohr, Detlef Schulte‐Kortnack, Oliver Nakoinz, Jonas Enzmann, Fritz Jürgens, and Feiko Wilkes

2019 Imaging a medieval shipwreck with the new PingPong 3D marine reflection seismic system. Archaeological Prospection. DOI:10.1002/arp.1735.

Wilson, Andrew, and Alan Bowman (editors) 2018 Trade, Commerce, and the State in the Roman World. Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.

Wiltshire, Kelly D., Mirani Litster, and Grant Rigney

2018 “Necessary Self-Defence?”: Pastoral Control and Ngarrindjeri Resistance at Waltowa Wetland, South Australia. Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia 42:81–114.

Woodbridge, Jessie, C Neil Roberts, Alessio Palmisano, Andrew Bevan, Stephen Shennan, Ralph Fyfe, Warren J Eastwood, Adam Izdebski, Canan Çakırlar, Henk Woldring, Nils Broothaerts, David Kaniewski, Martin Finné, and Inga Labuhn

2019 Pollen-inferred regional vegetation patterns and demographic change in Southern Anatolia through the Holocene. The Holocene 29(5):728–741. DOI:10.1177/0959683619826635.

Wright, Elizabeth, Anna J. Waterman, David W. Peate, Michael Kunst, João Luis Cardoso, and Cleia Detry

2019 Animal mobility in Chalcolithic Portugal: Isotopic analyses of cattle from the sites of Zambujal and Leceia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:804–814. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.02.005.

Wu, Li, Linying Li, Hui Zhou, Xinyuan Wang, and Guangsheng Zhang

2019 Holocene fire in relation to environmental change and human activity reconstructed from sedimentary charcoal of Chaohu Lake, East China. Quaternary International 507:62–73. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.11.035.

Xu, Wenpeng, Lisa C. Niziolek, and Gary M. Feinman

2019 Sourcing qingbai porcelains from the Java Sea Shipwreck: Compositional analysis using portable XRF. Journal of Archaeological Science 103:57–71. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2018.12.010.

Yalçın, M. Namık, Meltem Sezerer‐Bulut, Charlotte Pearson, Peter Kuniholm, Oya Algan, and Tomasz Wazny

2019 Establishing a high-resolution stratigraphy in the Holocene marine sequence of the ancient Theodosian harbor of Istanbul with the help of dendrochronology. Geoarchaeology 34(3):360–374. DOI:10.1002/gea.21729.

Yaussy, Samantha L., and Sharon N. DeWitte

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2019 Calculus and survivorship in medieval London: The association between dental disease and a demographic measure of general health. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 168(3):552–565. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.23772.

Yi, Peng, Zhongbo Yu, Peng Chen, Ala Aldahan, Xiaolin Hou, Yukun Fan, Li Chen, Göran Possnert, Raimund Muscheler, Weijian Zhou, Edward Sudicky, Frank Schwartz, and Ahmed Murad

2019 Late Holocene pathway of Asian Summer Monsoons imprinted in soils and societal implications. Quaternary Science Reviews 215:35–44. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.05.002.

Zanchetta, Giovanni, Monica Bini, Mauro A. Di Vito, Roberto Sulpizio, and Laura Sadori

2019 Tephrostratigraphy of paleoclimatic archives in central Mediterranean during the Bronze Age. Quaternary International 499:186–194. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.06.012.

Zangrando, Atilio Francisco, Hein B. Bjerck, Ernesto L. Piana, Heidi M. Breivik, Angélica M. Tivoli, Joan Negre, Atilio Francisco Zangrando, Hein B. Bjerck, Ernesto L. Piana, Heidi M. Breivik, Angélica M. Tivoli, and Joan Negre

2018 Spatial patterning and occupation dynamics during the Early Holocene in an archaeological site from the south coast of Tierra del Fuego: Binushmuka I. Estudios atacameños(60):31–49. DOI:10.4067/S0718-10432018005001401.

Zhao, Wenke, Gang Tian, Qiang Lin, Xing Wang, Yimin Wang, and Kang Bie

2019 Integrated characterization of ancient burial mounds using ERT and limited drillings at the Hepu Han Tombs,

in coastal area of Southern China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:617–625. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.11.016.

Zhilin, Mikhail, and Svetlana Savchenko 2019 Fishing in the Mesolithic of the Trans-Urals. Quaternary International. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2019.05.006.

Zhushchikhovskaya, Irina S. 2018 A non-ordinary goods complex of the paleometal period in the southern Russian Far East. Archaeological Research in Asia 16:34–45. DOI:10.1016/j.ara.2018.02.001.

Zierden, Martha A., Elizabeth J. Reitz, Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman, Laurie J. Reitsema, and Bruce L. Manzano

2018 What is this bird? The quest to identify parrot remains from the Heyward-Washington House, Charleston, South Carolina. Southeastern Archaeology. DOI:10.1080/0734578X.2018.1555407.

Zohar, Irit, and Michal Artzy 2019 The role of preserved fish: Evidence of fish exploitation, processing and long-term preservation in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age (14th–13th Century BCE). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23:900–909. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.12.008.

Þórhallsdóttir, Rannveig, Joe W. Walser, Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir, and Kesara Anamthawat-Jónsson

2019 SEM analysis of an archaeological hair sample from East-Iceland and comparative samples from nine modern-day species of mammals from the region. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:24–29. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.12.022.

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Submission Instructions: How to Contribute to The Current

A variety of interest pieces and announcements are accepted for publication in the ICAIG newsletter, The Current. Generally, the deadline for submission for the Spring/Summer Issue is June 1st and for the Fall/Winter Issue, December 1st. Submissions and inquiries may be directed to The Current Co-Editors Reecie Levin, Sean Hixon, and Jonathan Hanna at [email protected]. Instructions for Submitting Announcements

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Past Issues of The Current Past issues of the The Current are available on the interest groups’ Island & Coastal Website.