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  • 1. Clips Duration No. Shoot List Description Yes/No MVI_5506.MOV 00:08 1st Characters walking towards camera. Too slow. No MVI_5507.MOV 00:20 1st Characters walking towards camera. Chris acting stupid. No MVI_5508.MOV 00:27 1st Characters walking past camera. Talking in the background. No MVI_5509.MOV 00:06 1st Character un responsive to signal. No MVI_5510.MOV 00:15 1st Characters fine. Un-needed person walking in background. No MVI_5511.MOV 00:19 1st Good shot but Chris walking too fast. No MVI_5512.MOV 00:38 1st Panning test shot. Too long of a sequence. No MVI_5513.MOV 00:20 1st Chris not listening and Nan talking. Still testing panning. No MVI_5514.MOV 00:27 1st Nan looking directly at the camera, breaks character seriousness. No MVI_5515.MOV 00:31 1st Good sequence but the panning is too fast in places. No MVI_5516.MOV 00:13 1st Nan holds onto trolley too long when stumbling. Characters break. No MVI_5517.MOV 00:20 1st Chris breaks character. No MVI_5518.MOV 00:14 1st Nan drops trolley, Chris runs to help. Shot good. Yes MVI_5519.MOV 00:08 2nd Characters in passing. Too zoomed in. Characters talk out of frame. No

2. MVI_5521.MOV 00:10 2nd Characters passing by. Almost in shot. No MVI_5522.MOV 00:08 2nd Characters in passing. Chris talks before in frame. No MVI_5523.MOV 00:08 2nd Nan coming into shot before Chris. Not loud enough (dialogue). No MVI_5524.MOV 00:10 2nd Characters in frame at right point. Dialogue not loud enough. No MVI_5525.MOV 00:10 2nd Still not loud enough. No MVI_5526.MOV 00:10 2nd Not loud enough on behalf of Chris. No MVI_5527.MOV 00:09 2nd Characters in time and in frame. Loud enough. Yes MVI_5528.MOV 00:07 2nd Cut too short. Lens flare on camera. No MVI_5530.MOV 00:13 4th Good framing. Can see good focial expressions. Entering Maries house well. Yes MVI_5531.MOV 00:03 10th Marie and Anthony sitting at table looking at camera. No MVI_5532.MOV 00:59 10th Characters composed well. Conversation looks far too serious. No MVI_5533.MOV 00:11 10th Chris out of character. No MVI_5534.MOV 00:28 10th Good laughing and smiling conversation. Composed well. Yes MVI_5535.MOV 00:57 11th Conversation looks serious. Close enough to characters. Yes MVI_5536.MOV 00:33 11th Chris cant keep a straight face throughout. No 3. MVI_5537.MOV 00:59 11th Out of character conversation. No MVI_5538.MOV 00:07 11th Characters start laughing in serious conversation. No MVI_5539.MOV 00:05 11th Character cant keep straight face. No MVI_5540.MOV 00:08 11th Chris keeps touching face throughout conversation. No MVI_5541.MOV 00:31 11th Character laughs half way through conversing. No MVI_5543.MOV 00:12 12th Chris forgets lines during conversation. No MVI_5544.MOV 00:09 12th Chris holds eye contact and remembers lines. Yes MVI_5545.MOV 00:16 12th Not that much enthusiasm in Chris voice. Yes MVI_5546.MOV 00:15 12th Lines are consistent. Yes MVI_5547.MOV 01:00 12th Chris laughs all the way through his lines. No MVI_5548.MOV 00:33 12th Beginning of clip, lines are scruffy. Ending works. Yes MVI_5549.MOV 00:24 12th End of clip lines works better than beginning. Yes MVI_5551.MOV 00:05 13th Lines good. 180 degree rule broken. No MVI_5552.MOV 00:06 13th Lines good. 180 degree rule broken. No MVI_5553.MOV 00:15 13th Lines good. 180 degree rule broken. No MVI_5554.MOV 00:45 13th Lines good. 180 degree rule broken. No MVI_5555.MOV 00:10 13th Lines good. 180 degree rule broken. No MVI_5556.MOV 00:56 5th Testing half way through. Shot at the end works. Yes 4. MVI_5557.MOV 00:57 6th Chris doesnt take direction well. Reading note isnt liable. No MVI_5558.MOV 00:23 6th Perfect shot, good depth of field. Chris reading note is understandable. Yes MVI_5559.MOV 00:39 7th Beginning Chris doesnt look distraught enough. Walk wrong way. No MVI_5560.MOV 00:18 7th Chris in perfect character. Walks at appropriate speed. Yes MVI_5561.MOV 00:20 8th Exact idea of the shot I wanted. Throw in perfect action of note. Yes MVI_5562.MOV 00:17 3rd Chris doesnt enter shot at correct time. No MVI_5563.MOV 00:20 3rd Nan forgets lines. Sounds too forced. No MVI_5564.MOV 00:21 3rd Nan looks directly at the camera. Dialogue too quiet. No MVI_5565.MOV 00:31 3rd Chris forgets his lines. No MVI_5566.MOV 00:32 3rd Dialogue louder, characters remember lines appropriately. Yes MVI_5567.MOV 02:21 14th Side angle of Nan eating. No MVI_5568.MOV 01:48 14th Closer side angle of Nan eating. No MVI_5569.MOV 02:03 14th Face on angle, works the best. Yes MVI_5570.MOV 00:16 14th Extreme close-up of Nan eating. No MVI_5571.MOV 00:05 15th Nan folding washing. Too dark. No MVI_5572.MOV 00:50 15th Nan folding washing. Too bright. No MVI_5573.MOV 01:19 15th Good lighting and framing. Yes 5. MVI_5574.MOV 00:43 17th Journey after front door. Yes MVI_5575.MOV 00:02 17th Journey into living room. Yes MVI_5576.MOV 01:07 17th View of Nans house. Yes MVI_5752.MOV 02:53 18th All characters joking and laughing too much. No MVI_5753.MOV 01:52 18th Chris breaks character. No MVI_5754.MOV 01:54 18th Ending of shot works the best with the clink of the wine glasses. Yes MVI_5760.MOV 02:00 18th Too close to Chriss face. No MVI_5763.MOV 00:55 - - - MVI_5765.MOV 00:36 19th Other characters in shot. No MVI_5766.MOV 02:31 19th Other characters in shot. No MVI_5767.MOV 00:23 19th Washing up. Lighting good. Yes MVI_5770.MOV 00:13 9th Doesnt walk far enough away from the camera. No MVI_5771.MOV 00:23 9th Suitable distance from the camera. Yes MVI_5772.MOV 00:20 13th Appropriate lines Yes MVI_5773.MOV 00:09 13th Appropriate lines. Yes MVI_5774.MOV 00:16 13th Appropriate lines. Yes MVI_5775.MOV 02:31 13th Appropriate lines. Yes MVI_5776.MOV 00:13 16th Good shot of Chris entering Nans house. Yes MVI_5777.MOV 00:13 16th View from inside, Chris entering. Looks at camera. No MVI_5778.MOV 00:24 16th View from inside Nans house. Chris Entering. Yes MVI_5779.MOV 00:15 16th - - MVI_5780.MOV 00:02 16th - - MVI_5782.MOV 00:02 20th Character on phone. No MVI_5783.MOV 01:16 20th Chris didnt shut magazine and mum looked directly at camera. No 6. MVI_5784.MOV 00:29 20th Good acting from both Chris and mum. Shuts magazine perfectly. Yes MVI_5785.MOV 00:40 21st End of clip works well. Exiting down the stairs. Yes