Download - ECS MediaStore Key Features and Integrations

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ECS MediaStore Overview and Key Features

June 2013

Hamish Buchanan

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MediaStore – Key Features

Enterprise repository for images and rich media

Automatic creation of thumbnails and renditions for publishing

to multiple channels

Simple interface for batch upload, download and approval

Images can be cropped into new revisions or new images

Secure repository allows audited and controlled access to users

Creation of promotional campaign Jobs with business user controlled access for third parties

Image embargo and copyright compliance

Multi-lingual interface and support for multiple browsers

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MediaStore - Homepage

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MediaStore – Thumbnail Zoom

Adjust thumbnail size

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Quick search

Quick search

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Keyword Search

Keyword search

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Advanced Search

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Dynamic Search Results

Dynamic search results – are triggered by the scroll bar.

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Search results - List view

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Upload media (step 1)

Metadata will be applied to all uploaded files

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Upload media (step 2)

Drag and Drop images to upload

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Alternative uploader

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Pending Items (workflow)

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Image Preview

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Image metadata

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Approve/Reject single item

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Select multiple items

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Approve/Reject multiple items

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Image rendition details

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Full screen preview

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Metadata update

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Cropping (step 1)

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Cropping (step 2)

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Cropped image

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Selecting items to download

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Download – Terms and Conditions

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Download – Select renditions to download

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Downloaded zip file and index file

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Rich Media

As well as images users can upload rich media such as videos and mp3s. Story boards are created for the videos.

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Galleries – Collection of Images

A collection of Images can be arranged into a Gallery.

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Gallery View

A collection of Images can be arranged into a Gallery.

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Gallery Edit View

Editing a Gallery.

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Mediastore is multilingual and currently supports three languages.

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Jobs – Key Features

Jobs are collaboration areas within MediaBank

Jobs are created for campaigns or projects

Business users can control access to team members

Access can be provided for external users

Jobs have a lifecycle and can be sent for approval

Job assets can be downloaded for editing in tools such as

Adobe InDesign

Jobs have access to approved assets in MediaStoreand can

also publish completed artwork back to MediaBank

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MediaStore Jobs allow users to collaborate on artwork

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Jobs can hold multiple items of different types

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Item details and image previews are displayed

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Job owners can assign internal and external users

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Entire jobs can be sent for approval

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Job contents can be downloaded and uploaded

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Job Approval

When a Job is approved it’s images can be published to core MediaBank

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ATG Integration – Key Features

ATG lacks features to manage rich media

Assets in MediaStore benefit from the content management facilities

such as renditioning, searching and efficient storage.

MediaStore users can collaborate internally and with third parties to

create and approve assets

Image renditions will be automatically created depending on the asset

type. MediaStore will publish all renditions to ATG

MediaBank will publish images to the file system for use by ATG or a

Content Delivery Network

ATG is responsible for building pages and ATG users select media as


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Item details in MediaStore

Click link to publish image to ATG

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Item is published to ATG via Web Services

Item is copied to a shared folder

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Assets automatically enter an ATG Project

ATG Project is created automatically

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On approval assets are released to Publishing

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Assets appear in the BCC

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WebCenter Sites Integration – Key Features

Integrating the leading customer experience management engine with

a state of the art media publishing tool provides a number of key


WebCenter Content includes powerful tools for managing assets

including images, banners and video content.

MediaStore provides a rich user interface with powerful features such

as bulk uploading and approvals.

Jobs allow internal and third-party users to collaborate on campaigns


Images renditions are automatically created based on asset type.

Page creation and display remains with Sites. Sites is responsible for

publishing all website changes to production environments.

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Item details in MediaStore

Click link to publish image to Sites

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Item is published to WebCenter Sites via Web Services

The Image asset in MediaStore is given a unique reference to link it to the asset in WebCenter Sites

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Item is published to WebCenter Sites via Web Services

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Item is published to WebCenter Sites via Web Services

Renditions of the images are sent to WebCenter Sites.

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More Information

More about MediaStore:

Try MediaStore Today:

Contact Details:

Hamish Buchanan - [email protected]

Extended Content Solutions Ltd

Surrey Technology Centre

40 Occam Road



01483 688 030