Download - EconForecast newsletter Mar. 16, 2011

Page 1: EconForecast newsletter Mar. 16, 2011

Hi Everyone, Lots of things have happened in 2011 so far. We finally did the grown-up thing and moved our blog to a new domain >> Same insight and analysis that matters, now at a new address. Be sure to visit and reconnect via Google Friend at the new site so not to miss our latest blogs and events. I know, what happened to EconForecast? Well, that domain unfortunately is taken! So, it took a long time to finally decide on another name. We also came up with brand new site and icon designs, new features, and hope you will like it. We are also very excited to have quite a few distinguished authors guest posting. Check out all the guest posts here. Meanwhile, the tragic Japan earthquake and the subsequent nuclear crisis could have ample global implications. Our two Japan crisis related posts are here, and more at my interview with Resource Investing News here. Of course, we are always looking for a few good bloggers. Please do drop us a line at [email protected] if you or someone you know are interested. That's it for now. Hope to see you at our new home! Dian L. Chu

| Global Economic and Market Analysis That Matters