Download - eChimes - December 30


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The ChimesN e w s l e t t e r o f F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f A t l a n t a



Sunday, december 30• Prayer breakfast for Homeless

persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:15 am, Winship Chapel

• No Sunday School

• Worship Service - 10:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 11:15 pm Reception Room

• Youth Musical Rehearsal - 1-6 pm, Fifield Hall


The Chimes is published bimonthly. in months where there are five Sundays (as in January), the fifth Sunday will be printed as a single issue.

in the single issues, we will place a greater focus on editorial content and relevant points of interest.

ORdeR THe CHiMeS ONliNe The e-chimes is a great alternative to the traditional printing of The Chimes. Help conserve our resources by switching over today. Simply send your correct email address and your mailing address to [email protected] or call

December 30, 2012 christ at the center

The world didn’t end on December 21st. It won’t end on December 31st. Nor does it end on Good Friday, when we

contemplate the death of Jesus and read about thunder claps and shaking earth. Yet,inanoversimplifieddefinitionof entropy, things typically do move from order to disorder and life to death. Batteries lose power, diapers get dirty, gas gauges plummet to empty, and friendships fade. Even if the world is not ending with a bang, it sometimes seems like the world is slowly slipping away from us. Our experienceisafightagainstentropy.

Happy New Year! Am I bringing you good cheer?! The writer of Ecclesiastes has a firmgraspontheups,downs,losses,and gains of this existence. He examines the ‘vanity’ and ‘chasing after wind’ of life that lead us to ‘eat, drink and be merry’ while we can. He acknowledges the reality of disorder. But he stares it in the face with humor and verve. Through the eyes of Ecclesiastes, alongside the depth of Christ’s Gospel, we can take the time to explore what it means to live in a world that seems to be moving toward disorder. It is my hopethatwecanfirmlyfindourplaceinJesus’creative,life-affirmingplansfor love amidst the chaos. As we move away from worrying about how the world will end, we can participate in the ways the God’s world is still being born.

Faithfully Yours,

Kevin Sunday December 30 6:30 am - Prayer Breakfast for Homeless

8:30 am - Communion Service in Winship Chapel

9:00 am - No Sunday School

10:15 am - Worship Service in the Sanctuary

11:15 am - Fellowship Hour in the Reception Room

One Service only!

December 30 - Kevin Knab to preach

December 30, “This is the Way the World ends”

The Chimes

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Care, Growth & events

Pastoral Care Report(As of december 19, 2012)

Prayers for THose IN MILITary serVICe

This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family.

To add names, please call 404.228.7719.

Pray for:Major Charles Ayers

PVT Forrest “Woody” Bass Maj. Jamison Bowman, Chaplain

ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges

LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew Staff Sgt. Kenneth Lee

Captain Alexandria Victoria Miller Captain John Warren Robey

Captain Gabriel Rulewicz Brig. General Russell Sanborn

Lt. JG David B. SibleyCommander Ryan Tewell Lt. Charles C. Thompson

Col. Roderick G. Turner III


IN the fAce Of lOSS


ur RAINBOWS program resumes on January 10. New children may join at this time. RAINBOWS is a weekly support group program for children and youth who have

experienced traumatic change such as divorce, abandonment, deployment of parent with the military, incarceration or death. Parents and guardians also meet as a group to consider what is happening in their families from the child’s point of view. This program is open to the community and there is no charge. call Susan Anthony at 404-257-9388, or the Pastoral Care office at 404-228 7719.

raINBoWs sCHeDULe Thursday evenings, Jan. 10 - Feb. 28 Dinner: 6:00 Groups: 6:35-7:45

Recuperating: Susan daugherty, Kay Whipple,

Aline Henderson, Richard Felker

deaths: We extend our heartfelt sympathy and lift up in prayer,

Beth Stanford, Molly Stanford Hudson, Mr. & Mrs. John Stanford, Jr.,

dr. elizabeth Feely, and other family members, following the death

of Beth’s husband, Mr. John O. Stanford, on december 18th.

“Hallowing Every Season of the Journey: Drawing upon the Wisdom of Julian of Norwich

and Teresa of Avila” Rev. Lynnsay Buehler, an Episcopal Priest and the spiritual director of The Julian of Norwich Center will lead the retreat focusing on the sayings and images of Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Avila in order that we may grow in knowing that

each one of us is God’s beloved.

Join us for a weekend of spiritual renewal Cost: $150.00 for 2 nights and 5 meals Reservation deadline February 10, but

Space is limited so reserve your room now. Call Pat Kimbrell at 404-228-7719


with Rev. Lynnsay Buehler

The Chimes

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proGrams & events


There will be no Wednesday evening programs other than Youth Musical Rehearsal

Jan. 2youth muSical rehearSal 4:00 - 9:00 pm - FiFielD hall

W e D N e S D A Y @ F I r S T

J a n u a r y 2


No Wed. night activities

Jan 2


Please join Jim Coil, Chair of the Transition Teamfor a Discussion of the Congregational Survey Results

and Pastoral Transitions.

Sunday, January 6, 201310:05 - 11:00 am

Fifield Hall

Stewardship Season BreakfastSunday, January 13, 10:15 a.m. Fifield Hall

renewing Our


W I N G S~ Worship

~ Invite ~ Nurture

~ Give ~ Serve

Featuring The Reverend Dr. Joanna Adams

Get inspired to

“renew our strength” in 2013!

Monday, January 21, 2013 8:00 am

Breakfast in Fifield Hall

9:00 am -11:00 amKid friendly work projects at FPC.

9:00 am -1:00 pm Off-site projects through Hands On Atlanta

Elementary Families please contact Lauren Patrus if you are interested in participating at 404.228.7735 or [email protected]

Everyone else please contact Unetia Byrd, in Community Ministry, if you are interested in participating at 404.228.7746 or [email protected]

Save the Date!Join the FPC Family as we take

“A DAY ON; NOT A DAY OFF”for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The Chimes

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proGrams & events


below the poverty line. This economic challenge means we have many sisters and brothers in our midst who are currently homeless. There are many different reasons people are homeless. Some work on a regular basis but do not earn enough money to support themselves and their families. Some had jobs that have been terminated. Some have mental illnesses or addiction challeng-es, that prevent them from maintain-ing housing. The list can go on & on. Through our Community Minis-tries, we see hundreds of people each week and many of them are home-less. Therefore, this year’s conference willfocusspecificallyonhousing.Wewill identify, educate and act on some of the factors that can assist us, as a community of faith, in reducing the numbers of persons in Metropolitan Atlanta who are homeless. To that end, our schedule will include a Saturday Conference event in which we partner with the City of Atlanta in bringing together service providers, other participating organi-

zations, governmental agencies and members from the faith community for an opportunity to learn, share and network with each other. We will hear from panelists and begin building collaborative relationships in order to implement a more wholistic approach in providing services to those in need. One of our key efforts will be to sup-port an initiative to provide 100 jobs in 100 days! On Sunday, we will focus more exclusively on ways we, at First Pres-byterian Church of Atlanta, might respond to the call. We will show an excellent movie during our Sunday School hour which will be followed uponatlunchinFifieldHallafterthe11:15 service. Of course on Monday, we will have an opportunity for many to respond to the MLK day of service. We look forward to you joining us and learning more about how we can join hands in addressing the issue of housing the homeless. For more information or to RSVP for Saturday’s conference please contact Unetia Byrd at (404)228-7746.

You are being called... How will you answer?Mark your calenders now for the 2013 Urban Ministry Conference.

CoMMUnitY Ministries

In Galatians 3: 28 the Apostle Paul reminds those of us who are baptized

believers, that because of Jesus Christ, we have a unique relationship with each other. He tells them, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” According to this scripture, for those of us who are people of faith, the barriers that often divide us from each other, should now be erased. No longer are we to be divided by race, no longer are we to be divided by social status, no longer are we to be divided by gender but we are to live together as one family in Christ Jesus. Since we each are being called to live in this manner, our Urban Ministry Conference theme this year is: “You Are Being Called...How Will You Answer?” As we remember, celebrate and act on the life and legacy of Dr.Martin Lu-ther King Jr., we want to focus on ways we can better live out our calling. One of the major issues plaguing our society today is the number of persons living

The Chimes

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proGrams & events

Limited space. Pre-registration required and available on line and at registration tables after Sunday Schoolbeginning November 25.Cost: $89.00. Scholarships available.

For more information, please contact:MC Allvine, 404.520.9395Tom Greene, 404.350.0250Lindsay Armstrong,404.228.7713

Financial Peace UniversityDave Ramsey’s bibically based curriculum that teaches

people how to manage money.Wednesdays, January 16 -March 20

6:00 - 7:30 pm

The transition process is underway and work has already begun on one of our

key objectives – finding a dynamic Interim Pastor to serve follow-ing George’s retirement while we look for a new Senior Pastor.

At its October meeting, the Personnel Committee proposed, and the Session approved the appointment of the following members to act as the Church’s Interim Pastor Search Com-mittee:

Florida Ellis – Chair Peter Boorn Stephanie Fields Larry Galindo Joel LeMon Eddie Newsome

First Presbyterian Youth present...

ThursdayJanuary 3rd

7:00 PM

Friday & SaturdayJanuary 4th & 5th

7:30 PM

SundayJanuary 6th

3:00 PM

All performances in Fifield Hall

Tickets: $10 in advance$12 at the door






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away for the holidays? Dec. 30, one Worship Service only

10:15 a.m.

Worship with us live from any

place in the world.


Contact any FPC Youth

The Chimes

D e c e m b e r 3 0

proGrams & events


save the datesA look at the Fine Arts calendar by Cindy Candler.

tHe Fine Arts CoMMittee

FEBRUARY 7TH 2013 PreAcHerS AND LeADerS Photographs from Donna and Jim Philips’ CollectionIn celebration of Black History Month this wonderful group of pho tographs, featuring many of the leaders involved in the Civil Rights movement, will be on view in the Reception Room for the entire month of February. We will join with mem bers from Hillside Presbyterian Church for a Southern Supper and conversation with Brett Ab bott, Curator of Photography at the High Museum, high lighting the photographs and the era. Space will be limited.

MARCH 21st 2013 eVeNING AT THe HIGHWe are delighted to continue this tradi-tion with the High, and this particular evening, we will enjoy the works of Mexico’s most famous artists, Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera. The collection of 136 works was assembled from inter-national museums and private collec-tions, and Atlanta will be the only U.S. venue! In keeping with the theme, we will enjoy a Mexican dinner at First and remarks about the collection from David Brenneman, Director of Collections and Exhibitions at the High Museum, before departing for the High.

APRIL 25th 2013 the wareHOUSe tourJoin us for an elegant evening on the west side of Midtown, where we will meet Sue and John Wieland for a tour of their impressive contemporary art col-lection housed in a newly created 20,000 sq. ft. space. This is a unique opportu-nity to see the work of contemporary art-ists from around the world, as we enjoy a light dinner and drinks.

Thank you to all the

participants in the 29th

annual Children’s

Christmas Pageant.

We are grateful for your role in this

beloved holiday tradition, when our

children lead us in worship and

share with us the wonder of this

holy season.


thank you to our Pageant directors:

Laurie Campbell and Jane Race!

ChriStmaS Pageant

the C h i l D r e n’S

Al-ANON Group meeting

Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

lunchtime group in Midtownin room 332

All Are Welcome!

The Chimes

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LENT SMALL GROUPSJoin in fellowship and conversation around our

2013 theme for Lent: Discerning the Will of God.

6 weeks, February - March Different Days. Different Locations. Different Times.

For information or to register, please contact

Joel Moore at 404.664.9004 or

Lindsay Armstrong at 404.228.7713or [email protected]

Now is the time our brothers and sisters without homes really need your help! Please check your

closets for warm, gently used, coats and blankets for our Community Ministries Clothing Closet.

For more information please contact Connie Lee at (404) 228-7741. (Fleece is a good choice for the homeless.)

C O a t S & B l a n K e t S n e e D e D

you are


being called.. how will you

urban ministry conference




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Mark your calendars for January 17-21, 2013 as we celebrate our ministry to the city of Atlanta. The UMC is jointly sponsored by The Partnership Ministry of Hillside and First Presbyterian and Community Ministries in co-sponsorship with the Cousins Foundation. The Conference will offer a variety of opportunities for all members of our congrega-tions and community: the King Concert at the King Chapel at Morehouse College on Thursday evening, Dr. Joan Brown Camp-bell keynote speaker on Satur-day at FPC, and worship leader Sunday at FPC, Day of Service on Monday. You are invited to share a great fellowship as we dialogue, listen, work alongside each other to be the presence of healing and hope to our beloved community. More details com-ing soon.

THE ARTIST’SWAYA SpirituAl pAth to higher CreAtivity

Calling all types of Artists! Whether you paint for a living or only sing in the shower, join us for a 13 week program that will follow Julia Cameron’s best- selling book to help you rediscover and reignite

your creativity. Everyone can find their inner artist. the only cost is buying the book!

Contact [email protected] for more information and to register.

MondAyS, JAnuAry 14 – April 8, 6:00-7:30 pm

A course sponsored by the Fine Arts committee

JAN. 17 - 21

Mark your


The Chimes

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No LoGoS or WedNeSday @ FirSt Wed. Jan. 2nd - Happy New Year!

MLK, Jr. Service day A Day On, Not A Day Off Monday January 21st - Make plans now to join us and serve in and around the church - be on the lookout for details!

FirSt coMMuNioN SuNday JANuArY 29tH Contact Lauren with any questions!

youthnursery/presChool & elementary


youtH SuNday ScHooL uPdate We will not have Youth Sunday School on December 30. Regular classes will re-sume on January 6. This is a very important day because we will begin planning for Youth Sunday which will be February 10, 2013! Please plan to attend.

“FootLooSe” – youtH MuSicaL Our 2013 Youth Musical is “Footloose” and we want EVERYONE to be part!

The remainder of the rehearsals:

December 30 - 1:00-6:00 PM

January 2 – 4:00-9:00 PM


Performances are January 3 at 7:00 PM, January 4 and 5 at 7:30 PM and January 6 at 3:00 PM! Get your tickets to sell. Everyone must sell at least 10 tickets!

WiNter WedNeSday NiGHt BiBLe Study For youtH JANUARY 9-FEBRUARY 6, 2013! All youth are invited and encouraged to come to Bible Study on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7:30 PM! Bring your Bible and money for dinner. We will go out to dinner this winter! Join us and bring friends!

youtH SKi retreat! JANUARY 18-21, 2013 All youth going on the Ski Retreat to Winterplace, WV, watch your email for details for the trip. We will depart Friday afternoon at 5:00 PM and return on Monday at 5:00 PM. Think and Pray SNOW!!!

Thank you Elementary families for giving out gifts at the Christmas Prayer Breakfast!

Taking a peek at Christmas

The Chimes

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almost every Sunday for over 20 years, 16intheExecutiveDirector’soffice,itis time, and there is a fresh call. I begin every morning with the prayer “Here I am Lord; I am open to your leading. Use me as you will.” And for several years I have been open to receiving a new call, believing that in my mid 50’s (I am 57 now), there would be another chapter. The call to Trinity was, and still is, a surprise to me. But as best I can discern, it is true. But Why now?” I agonized about this, but came to the conclusion that there really is no “good time” to leave, and that perhaps, all things considered, this may actually be the best time. For now, this news does create more uncer-

tainty, but can’t it also make for new op-portunities? To wonder about, and get excited about the unfolding discovery of what God has in store for this Church, what new leaders God will raise up and call here for a new time, for the next lap. You know, this congregation has thrived for over 160 years. You have incredible leaders among you: elders, staff and teachers. And when you add all our elders, staff, and all those work-ing on the Transition Team, the Person-nel Committee and the Interim Search Committee, the number is over 80 people. You are in wonderfully capable hands, both human and divine. So what I really want to say to you this morning is Thank you! This is not “goodbye”. That will come in March. Our time is not yet done. (There is still the Annual Giving Campaign, after all!) So not good bye, but Thank you! It is an incredible privilege and joy to serve our Lord Jesus Christ with you and to serve with this gifted staff so remarkably as-sembled and led by you, George. Finally, it has been overwhelming to experience the love of God here in this place and your love. That love goes deep. We love this Church and we love you, and that is why Andie and I are sad, even as we are convinced that this is the right thing for us and for both churches. It is Advent, a season of expecta-tion, of promise and of hope. And so for now, in this time of waiting and of trusting, Andie and I say thank you and we love you with all our hearts. We ask for your prayers and your blessing. You can be sure that you will always have ours.

God bless you dear friends.

Rev. Craig Goodrich

Why? Why now?remarks from the December 9, 2012 11:15 Worship service by rev. Craig Goodrich.

rev. CrAiG GooDriCH

By now you have probably heard that next March, Andie and I

will be leaving our Church. I have been called -- as of last Sunday -- to become the Senior Associate Pastor at Trinity Presbyterian here in Atlanta. Reactions have varied: from shock, to excitement for Andie and me, to perplexity, disappointment, sadness and expressions of love, to anxiety and wondering what God is doing? Some have asked, “Why?” and “Why now?” especially with the retirement of Charles Black in September and George’s upcoming retirement in May. These questions cannot be fully answered here, and in truth the answers may have yet to unfold. But I will say this, that after being here

The ChimesNon-Profit Organization

U.S. PostagePAid

Atlanta, GAPermit No. 1521

Allegra Whitney Soprano

Heather Witt Alto

Wes Stoner, Tenor

Ivan Segovia Bass

Wade Thomas Bass

Musicians for December 30

Music for December 30

Prelude Tierce en Taille - F. Couperin

Anthem Torches – Joubert

Offertory Coventry Carol – Shaw

Bene Resp Good Christian Friends, Rejoice

Postlude Noel - L. Daquin

The Mustard Seed Open Wednesdays and Sundays 9 - 1 through December 23rd (404) 201-6442 [email protected]

Winter winds are blowing–time to cozy up by the fire with a good book. Our staff can make excellent suggestions.

Bi-weekly Newsletter ofFIRST PReSBYTeRIAN chURch of

ATlANTA1328 Peachtree Street, NeAtlanta, GA 30309-3209

hOW TO cONTAcT USPhone/404-892-8461

Fax/404-228-7760E-mail: [email protected]


WORShIP Sunday communion Service - 8:30 am

Sunday Worship Services -9:00 am & 11:15 am

Sunday School 10:05 am

WeeKlY BROADcASTSSundays live at 9:00 am & 11:15 am

On demand anytime

AIB cable Network (comcast channel 5; Smyrna channel 22)

Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

The haiti Mission committee requests that you help them collect children’s vitamins (expiration date NO earlier than January 2014) to take to the Bill Rice clinic on laGonave). The group is also in need of usable, but no longer used by you, luggage – especially

large suitcases or duffel bags. You may bring items to the reception desk at the church through Sunday, January 6.

A group will be traveling to haiti on January 11. The luggage will be used to transport the vitamins and other supplies to the island.

Vitamins and luggage neededThe haiti Mission committee requests that you help them collect children’s vitamins (expiration date NO earlier than January 2014) to take to the Bill Rice clinic on laGonave). The group is also in need of usable, but no longer used by you, luggage – especially

large suitcases or duffel bags. You may bring items to the recep-tion desk at the church through Sunday, January 6. A group will be traveling to haiti on January 11. The luggage will be used to

transport the vitamins and other supplies to the island.






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ViTamins and luggage needed.

We reopen Jan. 6th!