Download - 菩提禅修常用词汇表 (Updated March 15, 2016)菩提禅修常用词汇表 (Updated March 15, 2016) 佛法 - Buddhadharma 大乘 - Mahayana 小乘 - Theravada (上座部) 金刚乘


菩提禅修常用词汇表 (Updated March 15, 2016)


佛法 - Buddhadharma

大乘 - Mahayana

小乘 - Theravada (上座部)

金刚乘 - Vajrayana

功德 - (spiritual) merit, merit and virtue

福德 - (material) fortune

积功累德 - accumulate merit and virtue/merits and virtues

无常 - impermanent, impermanence

发心 - aspiration, giving, donation, contribution 看语境, 发心还指捐钱、才/财、时间及贡献 -

donations, giving talents/money, time, contributions

定力 - fortitude

悟性 - insight

吉祥 - auspicious or auspiciousness (上师讲比较深的法时用); good fortune(一般,大众语境)

辟谷 - spontaneous fasting

签 - divine lots

解签 - interpretation or interpret divine lots

功德榜 - Donors’Honour Wall

离苦得乐 - leave suffering and enter happiness; be liberated from suffering and gain happiness; be

released from suffering and gain happiness

普度众生 - help all sentient beings

大慈大悲 - great compassion (n), great compassionate (adj), All-Compassion (n), the All-Compassionate

(n), All-Compassionate (adj)

自觉觉他 - enlighten the self and others

觉行圆满 - perfect enlightenment and conduct

以一灯燃百灯,百灯燃灯千千万。自明明他他更明。 - “The flame of one light can light hundreds,

which light millions –enlighten yourself to brighten the world.”

邪 - evil

魔障 - demonic obstructions/obstacles

身心障碍 - physical and mental obstructions/obstacles

(无)有神论 - (non) theistic/atheistic

佛 - the Buddha/ Buddha

诸佛菩萨 - buddhas, bodhisattvas

佛性 - Buddha-nature

密乘 - Tantrayana

功德圆满 - a perfect store of merit

因缘不足 - a lack of right circumstances

圣人 - sages, saints

俗人 - mundane beings

退转,不想修 - regression

上供下施 - make offerings and practice giving/ to offer and give

开悟 - realize/awaken, realization/awakening

觉悟 - enlightened, achieve/attain enlightenment

大彻大悟 - ultimate enlightenment,(to describe Buddha only) 大彻大悟是由一次次的小的

realizations or awakenings 累积而成的。

还未开悟的 - unenlightened

觉悟圆满 - perfect enlightenment

六度 - six perfections:generosity/giving, discipline, tolerance, diligence, meditation and wisdom

1. 布施 - generosity/giving

2. 持戒 - discipline/ observing/adhering to precepts (discipleship 上用)

3. 忍辱 - tolerance

4. 精进 - diligence

5. 禅定 - meditation

6. 智慧 - wisdom

缘起 - conditional arising

菩提心 - Bodhicitta (for higher teaching), altruistic mind (for general public), the vow to realize

Buddhahood for releasing pain for others

《论发菩提心》- Awakening the Inner Buddha

四无量心-慈悲喜舍 - four immeasurables: loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, giving

出世 - renunciation

世间的 - worldly

出世间的 - otherworldly

涅槃 - nirvana

顶礼 - prostrations

请转法轮 - requesting the Buddha to turn the wheel of dharma

请佛住世 - requesting the buddhas to remain without passing into Parinirvana

佛的光轮 - aura

结定印 - meditation mudra

触地印 - earth witness mudra

水月观音 - watermoon Guanyin

引磬 - a hand-held bell used by the timekeeper to mark periods of zazen

磬 - Tibetan singing bowl, singing bowl

药王茎 - myrobalan leaves, a potent medicinal herb

药钵 - a bowl of healing salve,

大愿 - great vow,aspiration

药师佛十二大愿:Medicine Buddha’s Twelve Great Vows

唐卡 - thangka

功夫 - kung fu

随喜 - rejoicing in

莲花姿 - lotus posture

释迦摩尼佛 - Sakyamuni Buddha

药师佛 - The Medicine Buddha

日光菩萨 - The Sunlight Bodhisattva

月光菩萨 - The Moonlight Bodhisattva

十二药叉神将 - twelve yaksha chieftains

东方琉璃世界 - The Eastern Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli

观音菩萨 - Guanyin Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara

文殊菩萨 - Manjushri Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva of wisdom

地藏王菩萨 - The Earth Store Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha

黄财神 - Jambhala

童子佛 - Baby Buddha

大日如来 - Maha vairocana

如来 - Tathāgata, one who has thus gone/come

龙王 - The Dragon Lord

大势至菩萨 - Mahathamaprapta (Bodhisattva of Authority)

阿弥陀佛 - Amitahba Buddha

金刚萨埵 - Vajrasattva

莲花生大士 - Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava - The Lotus Born)

卢舍那佛 - Rochana

金刚护法 - Vajra Dharma Protectors

弥勒佛 - Maitreya Buddha/Bodhisattva

龙树菩萨 - Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna

圆觉菩萨 - Perfect Enlightenment Bodhisattva

普贤菩萨 - Samantabhadra (Universal Virtuous Bodhisattva)

护法神 - dharma guardians (higher level), dharma protectors

金刚护法/护法 - diamond protectors

金刚兄弟 - diamond brothers

四大天王 - four heavenly kings

多闻天王 - Vaisravana (King of Hearing-All)-north-unbrella

增长天王 - Virudhaka (King of Growing-All)-south-sword

持国天王 - Dhrtarastra (King of Holding-Land)-east-lute

广目天王 - Virupaksa (King of Seeing-All)-west-dragon

八部 - eight divisions of divinities

天龙八部 - Heavenly Dragons and Eight Divisions of Divinities

菩提达摩 - Master Bodhidharma (The first Zen Patriarch)

大圆满 - great perfection

灌顶 - empowerment

口传 - verbal transmission

本尊 - cardinal master

大手印 - mahamudra

坛城,曼德拉 - mandala

曼陀羅化境之 法力光明(红) - The Transformed World of Mandala—Dharma Power and

Illumination (red)

曼陀羅化境之 清淨智慧(蓝) - The Transformed World of Mandala—Purity and Wisdom (blue)

无漏智 - perfect wisdom

相与随行好 - the marks and signs

劫(时间) - eon

末法时代 - Age of Dharma Decline

正法时代 - Perfect Dharma Age

比丘(尼) - monks/nuns

加持法会 - Empowerment Ceremony, Ceremony of Blessing

(注:上师给人加持灌顶,摸头时用 empowerment; 当指调理、祝福用 blessing)

净水加持 - Purified Water Blessing

菩提法门经典 - Bodhi Meditation Sutra Collection

药师佛經 - The Medicine Buddha Sutra

心经 - The Heart Sutra; The Perfect Wisdom Heart Sutra

金刚经 - The Diamond Sutra

圆觉经 - The Perfect Enlightenment Sutra

維摩詰經 - The Vimalakirti (-nirdesha) Sutra

六祖墰經 - The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch

三藏 - The Tripitaka Sutras

妙法蓮花經 - The Lotus Sutra (of Fine Dharma)

地藏菩薩本愿經 - The Earth Store Sutra

人生八苦 - human eight sufferings

生苦 - suffering of birth

老苦 - suffering of aging

病苦 - suffering of illness

死苦 - suffering of death

行苦 - suffering of impulse/action

求不得 - suffering of not getting what one wants

爱别离 - suffering of being apart from the beloved/the loved

怨憎会 - suffering of being together with the despised ones

苦苦 - suffering of suffering

坏苦 - suffering of decay/disintegration

五蕴炽盛 - suffering of the flourishing of the five aggregates

五蕴 - the five aggregates

八圣道 - The Noble Eightfold Path

1. 正见 - right view

2. 正思维 - right thought/intention

3. 正语 - right speech

4. 正业 - right karma/career

5. 正命 - right livelihood

6. 正精进 - right diligence

7. 正念 - right mindfulness

8. 正定 - right concentration

正行 - right action

四圣谛 - Four Noble Truths

苦集灭道 - suffering, cause of suffering, cessation of suffering and the Way to liberation

忏悔 - repetence, repent

三界 - triple realm, three realms (desire, form, and formless)

恒河 - The Ganges

随缘 - go with the flow; accept what you find

非我 / 無我 - non-self, selfless, small-self (小我)

随业流转 - conditioned existence

開光 - the ceremony of consecration

金刚 - diamond, 梵文 vajra

道 - The Way

退转、不想修 - regression

身心障碍 - physical and mental obstructions/obstacles

超脱 - transcendence

贪 - greed

识 - consciousness

触 - touch

观世音菩萨真言 - Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva

见地 - view

行 - mental formation, volition

般若 - transcendental Wisdom;Prajñā梵, wisdom

舍利; 舍利子: 三种意思

1. 烧出的舍利 - Buddhist relics, sarira;

2. 佛的大徒弟 - Sariputra;

3. 觉悟、自在的状态 - enlightened/free state

自他交换,自他平等 - exchange and equalizing of oneself with others

胜义谛 - ultimate truth

老死 - aging and death

羅漢 - arhat, arhatship;

缘觉 - Pratyekabuddha (a lone Buddha)

缘分 - karmic connection/bond (for higher teaching), fate(for general public)

绝对光 - absolute light

经 - sutra

空 – emptiness

色不异空,空不异色 - Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form.

种下因 - implant imprint

禪定 - samadhi, deep meditative state, meditation concentration

真言 - mantra

真性 - true nature

皈依 - take refuge in

痴 - ignorance

班禪 - Panchen

爱 - desire or craving or love (depending on situation)

烦乱得心绪 - galloping/coursing mind

灌頂 - empowerment

淨土 - Pure Land

涅槃; 佛滅; 圓寂; 安穩; 滅度 - Nirvāṇa

派 - Schools (of Tibetan Buddhism)

法力 - dharma power; spiritual power (神通)

法 - dharma

正見 - the right view

内觀 - Insight Meditation; Vipassana

止 - concentration, calm-abiding meditation; shamatha

观 - Vipashyana

梵语 - Sanskrit

莲花生上师真言 - Mantra of Guru Rinpoche

有 - imprint or becoming

智积菩萨 - Akṣobhya;

智慧口袋书 - pocket guides to Buddhist wisdom

智慧 –wisdom

无记业 - Avyakrta-Karma, no-good-and-evil karma

无明 - ignorance

无数无量无边世 - infinite, innumerable, boundless past or future lives

无常 - impermanent, impermanence

无分别心(平等心) - impartiality

施受法 - practice of giving and taking/receiving

方便 - with skillful means

执著 - attached to; attachment

手印 - mudra

我执, 执著自我 - ego (for general public); self-attachment (higher teachings)

成佛 - achieve Buddhahood

慈悲 - compassion

想 - perception, cognition

六道 - six realms

人道 - the human realm

畜生道 - the animal realm

恶鬼道 - the hungry ghost realm

地狱道 - the hell realm

阿修罗道 - asura realm

天道 - the celestrial realm

恶业 - bad karma

善业 - good karma

密法 – esoteric teachings

实现 - actualize, attain, achieve, realize

定(三摩地) - samadhi/ calm-abiding meditation

如意宝 - wish-fulfilling jewel

大願心 - great vow

大捨棄心 - True Generosity

大乘佛教 - Mahayana Buddhism

声闻 - Scravaka

回向 - dedication

喇嘛 - Lama

咒语 - mantra

名色 - form

受 - sensation; feeling

取 - attachment or grasping

博愛 - Universal love

十二缘起 - 12 links of conditional arising

動功 - dynamic meditation

劫 - eons

六入 - six entrances or sources

僧 - spiritual community, Sangha

像法时代 - Dharma Semblance Age

修平等心 - cultivate mind of impartiality

供养 - offering

佛心 - Buddha-nature

伏藏 - terma

世間, 僧娑洛, 流轉生死, 海, 無始生死, 輪廻, 轉輪 - Saṃsāra, reincarnation

世俗谛 - conventional truth

三十二大丈夫相 - thirty-two/32 marks of Greatness

八十随形 - Eighty/80 Auspicious Characteristics

七肢供 - seven limbs

轮回 - samsara, cyclic existence, wheel or cycle of reincarnation

佛身 - buddha-bodies

虹光身 - rainbow body

光身 - light body

“大识净光身” - pure light body of chenpo

中阴身 - bardo

法身 - ultimate-body; Truth Body; Dharma Body (Dharmakaya)

报身 - Enjoyment Body (Sambdogakaya)

化身 - Emanation Body (Nirmanakaya); manifestative-body

化现 - manifestation

供养 - offering

供佛台 - altar

结授法印 - Buddha's teaching mudra

自在相 - in relaxed pose

坐佛 - sitting Buddha, seated Buddha

磬锤 - striker

二资粮 - the two accumulations

淨土 - Pure Land

修行 - self-cultivation (generally accepted)/Buddhist practice/practice

修行人 - self-cultivators/practitioners

同修 - fellow practitioner

自修 - self-practice

動禅 - dynamic meditation

静禅 - static meditation

超脱 - transcendence

因果關係 - laws of cause & effect/consequence, causality (especially for subtitles)

业 - karma

共业 - collective karma

个业 - individual karma

烦恼障 - the afflictive obstructions/obstacles

所知障 - the cognitive obstructions/obstacles

十恶业 - ten negative courses of action

1 杀生 - killing

2 偷盗 - stealing

3 邪淫 - sexual misconduct

4 妄语 - false speech

5 贪 - greed

6 嗔 - hatred

7 痴 - ignorance

金菩提禅师弘法系列 - Meditation Master JinBodhi's Dharma Teachings

金菩提禅师修持系列 - Meditation Master JinBodhi's Dharma Practices

金菩提禅师加持系列 - Meditation Master JinBodhi's Energy Blessings

大光明修持法 - The Meditation of Greater Illumination (GI)

清净观想法 - The Meditation of Purity

药师大光明修持法 - The Medicine Buddha's Meditation of Greater Illumination (MBGI)

化骨法 - The Meditation of Bone Melting

菩提开智功 - The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom

药师佛心咒 - The Medicine Buddha's Heart Mantra

蓝色的呼唤 - The Call of Azure Realm

见证禅修 - The Meditation Journal

观世音菩萨圣号 - Chanting to Avalokitesvara

禅修注意事项 - Guidelines for Practicing Meditation

论发菩提心 - Awakening the Inner Buddha

学佛的目的 - The Purpose of Practicing Dharma

身心光明法要 - Illuminating Body and Mind: A Guide to a Deeper Bodhi Meditation Practice

拜出来的美好人生 - Prostration: Introducing Prostration for Better Living

天音 - The Celestial Chant

般若密咒 - The Prajna Mantra

千手千眼观音密法 - One-Thousand-Hand-and-Eye Guanyin Esoteric Dharma

袈裟 - Buddhist Robes

禅修与健康 - Meditation & Health

禅的境界 - The Zen State of Mind

心灵的力量 - The Healing Heart

滑雪的启示 - Inspirations from Skiing

心灵的视觉 - Spiritual Sight

慈悲的力量 - The Power of Compassion

国际文宣部 - Int'l Promotion Dept.

加拿大菩提法门协会 - The Canada Bodhi Dharma Society

美国国际菩提法门协会 - The American Int'l Bodhi (Puti) Society

加拿大菩提禅修学院 - Puti Meditation College (Canada) Ltd.

金菩提宗师 - Grand Meditation Master JinBodhi

仁祖师 - Grand Master Ren

上師 - Master

金菩提禅师 - Meditation Master JinBodhi, Master JinBodhi

菩提禅修机构 - Bodhi Meditation Organization

甘露印 - The Amrita Mudra

清心印 - The Pure Heart Mudra

無量印 - The Infinite Mudra

通天印 - The Universal Connectivity Mudra

拈花印 - The Flower Mudra

圓通印 - The Wheel Mudra

真火印 - The True Fire Mudra

阿密特印 - The Ah-Mee-Tuh Mudra

菩提禅修初级班 - The Introductory Bodhi Meditation Class

菩提禅修健身班 - The 8.5-Day Bodhi Meditation Health & Happiness Retreat

菩提禅修二级班 - The Second Level Bodhi Meditation Retreat

菩提禅修三级班 - The Third Level Bodhi Meditation Retreat

菩提禅修念佛班 - The Bodhi Meditation Chanting Class

行愿班 - The Aspiration Fulfillment Retreat

法才班 - The Dharma Leadership Training Class

温哥华药师禅院 - Vancouver Medicine Buddha Meditation Center

纽约菩提禅堂 - New York Bodhi Meditation Center

彌勒佛生日 - The celebration of Bodhisattva Maitreya ’s Birth

釋迦穆尼佛生日 - The celebration of the Buddha's Birth

地藏佛生日 - The celebration of the Earth Store Bodhisattva's Birth

阿彌陀佛生日 - The celebration of Buddha Amitabha’s Birth

藥師佛生日 - The celebration of the Medicine Buddha’s Birth

觀世音成道節日 - The celebration of Bodhisattva Guanyin’s Enlightenment

觀世音菩薩圣诞日 - The celebration of Bodhisattva Guanyin's Birth

药师佛圣诞加持法会 - Medicine Buddha Birthday Blessing Ceremony

浴佛节加持法会 - The Bathing of the Buddha Blessing Ceremony

金菩提禅师出山弘法纪念日(8 月 3 日)- Meditation Master JinBodhi’s Anniversary of

Commencing Dharma Teaching

金菩提禅师首次讲法纪念日(8 月 10)- Meditation Master JinBoddhi’s Anniversary of the First

Dharma Teaching

佛欢喜日/盂兰盆节 - The Ghost Festival/Ullambana

金菩提禅师圣诞日 - The Celebration of Meditation Master JinBodhi’s Birth

法會 - Dharma Events/Public Events (减少宗教色彩)

加持 - Empowerment; Energy Blessing

加持法會 - Empowerment Ceremony; Ceremony of Blessing

加持者 - Blessing-givers/Blessing guides

共修 - group practice

收功 - the closing steps

当我们讲菩提的产品,标牌时,we use Bodhi Meditation

法物 - blessed gifts

菩提禅修健康快乐 - Bodhi Meditation For Health For Life

金菩提禅师使用的法器或是加持方法 - Dharma Tools or Blessing Methods used by Meditation Master


鼓 - a drum

古筝 - a guzheng (a zither-like string-plucked instrument with 21 or 25 strings)

吉他 - a guitar

木鱼 - a Wooden Fish (Chinese Temple Block or Muyu)

磬 - a singing bowl

酥油灯 - a butter lamp

加持方法 - Blessing Methods

削苹果 - peel an apple

燒报纸 - burn newspaper

淨水加持 - Purified Water Blessing

觀音竹 - the Guanyin Bamboo twig

淨水加持的金盆 - the golden bowl for Purified Water Blessing

画符 - draw Magical Figures/Magical Figure Drawing

大的白板 - a big white board

燒茶餅 - burn a piece of tea cake

扇扇子 - fan a fan

擰毛巾減肥 - Face towel 毛巾(长方形的毛巾)- wring a face towel to help lose weight (a small

rectangular towel for cleaning face)

脸盆金盆洗手 - wash our hands in the golden bowl meaning to stop or wash away bad habits or


药师佛心咒 - Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra

Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha

喋 雅 他 嗡 贝 堪 则 贝 堪 则 玛哈

Bekanze Radza Samudgate Soha

贝 堪 则 拉杂 萨目 嘎喋 梭哈。


器官 – organ

胃 – stomach

肺 – lung

肝 – liver

心 – heart

肾 – kidney

脾 – spleen

胆囊 – gallbladder

胰腺 – pancreas

膀胱 – urinary bladder

肠道 – intestine

隔膜 – diaphragm

胸腔 – thoracic cavity

腹腔 – abdominal cavity

淋巴 – lymph

内分泌 – endocrine

前列腺 – prostate

免疫系统 – immune system

心血管系统 – cardiovascular system

消化系统 – digestive system

生殖系统 – reproductive system

泌尿系统 – genitourinary system

骨骼系统 – musculoskeletal system

神经系统 – nervous system

淋巴系统 – lymphatic system

阴包穴 – Yinpao acupoint related to liver

足三里 – Tsusanli acupoint related to stomach

百会穴 – Baihui acupoint related to brain

涌泉穴 – Yongquan acupoint related to kidney

劳宫穴 – Laogong acupoint related to heart

经痛 – menstrual pain

不育 - Sterile (can’t get pregnant)

更年期 – menopause

眼角膜 – cornea

鼻塞 – nasal congestion, stuffy

花粉症 – sensitive to pollen(Hay fever)

焦虑 – anxiety

中风 – stroke

便秘 – constipation

甲状腺 – thyroid

肿瘤 – tumour

癌症 – cancer

哮喘 – asthma

脑溢血 – cerebral hemorrhage

失眠 – insomnia

中风 – stroke

老年痴呆症 – alzimer (dementia)

糖尿病 – diabetes

白血病 – leukemia

忧郁症 – depression

肺结核 – tuberculosis

肝硬化 – hepatocirrhosis (cirrhosis)

胆结石 – gallstones

肾衰竭 – renal failure

乳腺癌 – breast cancer

高血脂 – hyperlipidemia

高胆固醇 – hypercholesterolemia

高血压 – hypertension

肝腹水 – liver ascites

胃出血 – gastrorrhagia (gastrointestinal bleeding)

化疗 – chemotheraphy

放疗 – radiotheraphy

透视 – x-rayed

扫描 – ct-scan (imaging)

核磁共振 – MRI

活体抽样 – biopsy

超声波 – ultrasound

乳房彩超 – mammography

药诃子花 – flower of terminalia chebula

三阴交 – Sanyinchiao acupoint related to spleen

香港脚 – athletes foot

散光 – astigmatism

白内障 – cataract

近视 – myopia, near-sighted

流鼻血 – epistaxis (nose bleed)

胃炎 – gastritis

肝癌 – liver cancer

小便失禁 – incontinence

B (乙)型肝炎 – Heptitis B (Hepatitis B)

贫血 – anemia

供灯、助印佛经经典及建佛殿的功德 - The List of Merits and Virtues of Light-Offering,Sutra

Printing and Buddha Hall Construction Contribution

佛前供灯、印佛经及建佛殿功德 - Merits and Virtues of Light-Offering to the Buddha

在佛教里, 明灯象征光明和智慧,可以驱除黑暗,带来解脱。供灯的功德不可思议,过去曾有贫

女以一灯供佛而得大福报,转生天界。金菩提禅师开示了供灯的十种功德 - In Buddhism, a bright

light symbolizes illumination and wisdom which eliminate darkness and lead to liberation from suffering.

Merits acquired from offering lights are inconceivable, as illustrated in the story of Nanda, a poor lady

who reincarnated in the celestial realm after offering all she had in the form of one lamp to the Buddha.

According to Meditation Master JinBodhi’s teachings, 10 merits of offering lights are as follows:

1. 相貌端庄 - Being good-looking

2. 得天眼通 - Gaining Divine-Eye

3. 聪慧超然 学业有成 福禄双至辨别正法和歪法 懂得一切因果和取舍 - Having extraordinary

intelligence and academic success; blessing and fortune; wisdom to distinguish between virtues and non-

virtues; knowledge of causality and making right decisions

4. 虽处黑夜却有明灯和繁星照路 得菩萨引路 不入迷茫 - Having the Buddha’s guidance: At

night, one has stars and moons to light the path and won’t be lost

5. 健康长寿 - Gaining health and longevity

6. 智慧光明 人生事业圆满 吉祥顺利 福慧一生 - Obtaining wisdom and illumination: having a

perfect life with success in career, auspiciousness, smooth sailing in everything, fortune and wisdom

throughout one’s whole life

7. 消除一切天灾人祸 吉祥如意 生生世世不会转生在邪见 - Having all wishes granted and

auspiciousness: eradicating all calamities and accidents; not reincarnating into places of darkness and

deviated views

8. 消累世罪业 - Eliminating all the negative karma in all lives

9. 快速开悟 早成正果 - Having quick enlightenment; reaching Buddhahood soon/early

10. 照世如灯-Illuminating the world as dharma-light

助印经书建殿功德 Merits of Contributing to Sutra Printing and Construction of Buddha Halls: One can

obtain the following:

一.获得身体、精神健康 Healthy body and mind

二.获得财富 Abundant wealth

三.获得学业顺利和智慧 Academic success and wisdom

四.获得事业成功 Career success

五.获得美满的情感和家庭 Harmonious relationships and family life

六.化解灾难、遇难呈祥 Protection from disasters; transformation of misfortune to good fortune

七.改邪归正 Return to the right path

八.求法者获得开悟圆满 Awakening and perfect enlightenment

九.获得圆满 Perfection and completion

十.获得能量 Positive energy

法物清单 The List of Blessed Gifts

菩提禅修组织结构名称 The Organization Structure Names

金菩提上师开示视频及音频清单 Meditation Master JinBodhi’s Dharma Teachings

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