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Presented To the Faculty Of The Department of Management Sciences

IQRA University

Gulshan Campus

In the fulfillment of the course “Writing Skills”

BBA Morning Program

Submitted to:

Dr. Imran Khan


Mohammad Muneeb Khan (7522)

Spring (2013)


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S.No Topic Pg noi. A cell phone 3

ii. An accident scene 4

iii. Your Dream House 5

iv. The Car You Own and the Car You Dream Of Owning 6

v. Two fast-food restaurants 7

vi. Two Pets 8

vii. Two Vampires 9

viii. Two Video Games 10ix. The Causes of Noise Pollution 11

x. The Effects of Computers on Our Everyday Lives 12

xi. Why people keep pets 13

xii. Why some students cheat 14

xiii. Your first visit to the country (or to a large city) 15


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xiv. Your first day at a new college 16

Table of content

xv. Your First Day at a New Job 17

Descriptive Essay

A cell phone

The role of a cell phone in today’s world is more important than just a cell phone. Cell phones have become more than just a cell phone. If we try to look in past and see that for what purpose do they were really made? So we will see that they were just made for to communicate from one place to another. Well I should start it from the history of it when the first telephone was made. The day 10th march 1860, was a beautiful in the history of this world. That day has a lot importance than we think because on that day the first telephone was built. It was built by a great scientist known as “Alexander Graham Bell” of course with the support of his junior named “Thomas A. Watson”.

In 1872, Alexander Graham Bell was come to Boston from Scotland. He got the idea from famous German inventor called “Hermann von Helmholtz”. There was no bell when the first telephone was built. If the call is made, so caller use to tap with hammer to let know that the receiver had a call. So Thomas Watson helped to invent the bell. And that’s how the telephone came into being. But this telephone was connected with wire and people need the wireless mobile that can help them to communicate from one place to another. So later on the first wireless mobile made by Dr. Martin Cooper. It was the day April 3rd, 1973. The purpose of this phone was to set the people free because when they have wired phone they can only make call from house or office or from car. But now they are free, they have no tension no matter where they are. They just have to hit the button to make a call.

Mobile in today’s world is playing an important role. The modern technology has changed the world into a mobile phone. It’s like you are having the whole world in your hand. The first mobile phone has a talk time about half hour with the 10-12 hours recharging. It weighted about 2 pounds and it was sold at the $3,995. But as the time passes, changes were made in mobile phones. If we compare the mobile phones of today’s world to the first one, so it might be difficult for me to explain because the mobiles of today’s world are entirely different from the first one which was made.


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In today’s mobile phones, there are too many features which can’t be enjoyed at the same time. In today’s mobile we can play 3D games to enjoy. We have the cameras to capture the time. If we are calling to someone we can call at same to another person. We can have different types of themes and new types of video players. We can save a lot more things like we can save unlimited songs with videos. Can save unlimited amount of themes, pictures, files or whatever we want. The technology of touch plus android has given us a chance to enjoy. We can just touch the screen to click the button that is inside the screen. We can apply any type of software we want to or etc. Therefore I can say that it is impossible to imagine what mobiles are capable of doing.

Descriptive Essay

An accident scene

I was hearing the voice of too many of people as my eyes were closed. I want to move my hands and legs, I want to stand up but I wasn’t able to do because I was feeling pain in my whole body. I feel like I was dying. It was hard to understand what was going on. Therefore I try to open my eyes so I could see what was really going on with me. As I see a blur. I see down, I saw that I was bleeding. I feel weak. I feel dark. I feel like I was going in a painful sleep as my mind wasn’t able to work. Then I try to see clearly as I don’t want to lose faith in me, so I found myself on the middle of the road.

I was hearing the voices but they weren’t clear to me. Then I heard a car voice. The voice of the car was looking to me similar like as I have heard it some were before but I couldn’t remember it. At that time I feel like somebody is trying to help me to get into the car. At that time somebody picks me up and helps me to get on something. It was felt to me like a bed. Then suddenly I heard a voice “come to me, come to me and I will show you a new world. There is nothing left. Let everything go because you no longer belong here. Come to me as your need is no longer required. Come to me and show you a new world.” But something stops me.

I feel like someone holds my hand and force me to come back. As I don’t want to come back but she pushed me towards herself. She comes to me in a white light. Looking like a fairy with wings, wearing white clothes and her blue eyes looking into my eyes. It was lovely. It was attractive. It was amazing. And the touch of her hand was driving me crazy. But when I looked into her eyes it was like her eyes were talking to me. Then I forget everything and hold her hand tight. And she takes me with her. At that time light blows up.


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After that when I open my eyes I see a girl who was looking to me as beautiful as sky’s. Her hands felt to me as smooth as flowers. Her face was so gorgeous that I have never seen before in my whole life. But when she saw me, she was looking to me like she was scared of something, like she was scared of losing someone. All of these things were frightening me off. So I stopped myself right there and try to remember what happened to me? What is going on here? Where am I?

It was the day 1 of January 2013, the day when I get into all of this mess, the day of my first wedding anniversary. I start that day with regular things as I do. I woke up and try to switch off my alarm as it never switched off that easily so I use to throw it to the wall or I try to hit it until alarm breaks itself. After that I get off my bed. At that day I don’t try to wake my wife up because I want her to take as much sleep as she can so that she can spend the whole night out with me. Therefore I took a shower. Pressed my clothes and had a breakfast. And get ready myself for office. However I picked the keys of my car of Bugatti and get onto garage. As I came out of my home I saw that the day was nice. The wind was cold and the temperature was normal, as well as too many white clouds were there. The air in atmosphere was fresh and wet. At that moment I took a deep breath as I was happy at that day. Hence I start walking towards my car. I step into my car and started it.

I have a hobby to drive as fast as I can so I used to press the accelerator on full speed. Daily I drive my car at the speed of 100 mph but on that day I was driving on the speed of 150 mph. In the morning the roads are clear so it is easy for me to drive fast. I was thinking that on that day I will come home early and take my wife to the hotel which was on the sea side. The reason of taking here on that place was not only that it was on the sea side but the reason was that she always loves to be there. As I was thinking that what surprise I gave to her I stopped focusing on the road. I start losing control of my car. The car felt to me like it was pushing me back and trying to go on itself. Formerly I saw a boy and his mother was crossing the road. The trawler was coming fast from the other side of the road. The boy and his mother were almost on the middle of the road, they see that the trawler and my car were coming fast and if they walk they couldn’t be able to make it. So they start to run. I was seeing them and trying to control my car but it was too late.

As the result, I when they came in front of my car I move the steering wheel and try to take my car on the other side of the road. Because I don’t want to kill them I try as hard as I can to control my car and save them and I was successful in doing that. And when I saved them I feel happy I feel relaxed but when I heard the horn I saw that the trawler was coming towards me. I try again to turn my car and save myself but this time I couldn’t make it and crashed myself and the car into the trawler. However, when I came into my senses I found myself in the hospital. I was feeling great at that time. My body was working and everything was just fine except my wife. She was crying shouting with loud voice just like a loud speaker on me. Then somehow I manage to calm her down and promised her that I will never drive fast again.

Descriptive Essay

Your Dream House

People are born with their own dreams. These Dreams can make them happy for some time; these dreams can make them imagine such things which aren’t real until they make it real.


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But some people still thinks that all of these things are rubbish. They believe in it but never try. They also say that it is a waste of time or how could we believe in such things which aren’t real? So these people don’t have any sort of enjoyment in their life. But I am not one of them. I also have a dream, a dream about my house that what it will look like?

Therefore, first I would like to begin with the front gate of my house. There are 2 guards with fully loaded guns standing on the gate for day and night. There should be big gate. The front design of that gate must be rare and will be handmade. And most importantly the gate must be automatic. It has a brown color on it. On the top of it there must be a slope covering the gate from the top of it. Then coming towards inside, there must a floor covered with glass of transparent. They must be cleaned and in sun they shine like a diamond.

On the back side of the house the must be a garden which will be huge. It must have all types of fruit in it. The trees should be small because the bigger trees give a look of forest. The small trees must be cut in design for example, some of them looked like a dancing girl or a dolphin or else. The grass must be small and have a green color and should not be look like burn. There must be rolling wheels fit in the garden to give the water. In the middle of garden, there must be gigantic pond. There must be a way that leads towards pool that should be in the end of the garden.

The pool must be large and have a depth of 8 foot. There must be machines that make waves. There have to be filters that clean the water. On the top of the swimming pool, there must be a shelter to protect the human body from the skin burn from the heat of the sun. The swimming pool must have tiles of brown white color. And that’s not all. While before entering in the house, there must be gate with security key lock which requires finger prints. Then in the house, the walls and the floors must be covered with light brown color tiles. The border line must be covered with dark brown color tiles.

In the center of the house there must be a round deep floor. In it there is a round table of glass which has the flowers in the center of it. I like LCD which should be attached into the wall. The size of the LCD should be around 75 inches or something. And it must be automatic which opens by itself whenever somebody sits in the front of it. Then, there must be 3 rooms in ground floor while on the 1st floor there may be 2 rooms enough for me. The TV launch should be wide. Doors of the rooms are made of wood. The widows should be bigger and have an alarm for the robbers. Expensive show pieces are there on small tables. I like to spend my some time in reading books so a room for the library. It is might not big enough but not to small also. A room for prayers and a bed room on the ground and 1st floor.

The bath rooms must have a red shower cabin. A painting should be there. The wash basin must be automatic which feels the heat of the hands and open. While getting into the garage there is a car standing named Bugatti Veyron ready to drive. As a result, that’s how my house will look like. It is beautiful and amazing although it is never been built yet but I am sure that whenever will be it is made it will look like awesome something that have never been seen before.


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Compare and Contrast Essay

The Car You Own and the Car You Dream Of Owning

Cars are become as important as the need of science and technology. They have become the necessity of our life without which we cannot live. There are many cars and of different models. People who love the cars have many cars may be 2 or 3 or more. Those people who love cars also use to race with it. They make alteration in their cars and use to drive it like a wind.

I have a car which name is Ford Mustang Boss which was introduced in 2008. It is a hot car none like other cars. I have seen many cars but this car is something different. When I am in the middle of driving, something happens to me and after that I never stopped. This car has an engine of V6 with the 310 horse power and 300 pound feet of torque. This car has smooth features in it such as hard roof and the front shape of the car which gives an awesome look. In case of getting tire burst this car have flat tires which have a size of 18 inch which are specially added for a safety. The rims of this car are specially made by aluminum which reflects in the sun and gives the impressive look.

In addition, the Ford Mustang Boss has the manual gears in it. It can catch the speed of 60mph in 6 second. So you can think that it is the fastest car ever. But now there are fastest cars then the Ford Mustang Boss. And I have a dream of having Bugatti Veyron in my garage. The Bugatti Veyron is the fastest car in the world which is legal to have and have a top speed of 450 km/h. This car has only 2 cylinders which are equal to the power of 16 cylinders and 4 turbochargers.

Bugatti Veyron has the 1,200 horse power and it is capable of producing 1,500 N-m of torque power with dual clutch and direct gearbox, and it is fully controlled by computer. It has a less shifting time like 150 milliseconds and has a dual function of driving. It has a length of 4500 mm with the width of 2000 mm that means that its height is 1200 mm which make wheelbase 2800 mm with the weight of 2000 kg. Its transmission speed is about 7 of manual and automatic mode. It has an engine of 8.0 liter quad-turbo W16.

All of the above information about Bugatti Veyron when I first heard was driving me crazy. I have seen Bugatti Veyron in many colors and love to have it. Bugatti Veyron is my dream now. And I love to have these kinds of cars in my garage. So I am waiting for the day to come so that I can have Bugatti Veyron.


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Compare and Contrast

Two fast-food restaurants

Nowadays in each and every city or a country there many fast food restaurants. People are enjoying these restaurants. It’s like the whole country or city is running because of these restaurants. There are many restaurants because people like fast foods nowadays. Even I like fast foods to eat. They are hot spicy and are very delicious. And if they are not so some people make them especial.

I like two fast food restaurants. The first one is McDonalds and the second is Hot & Spicy. The McDonalds and Hot & Spicy food they both are world famous fast food restaurants. These restaurants are also known as QSR. These restaurants have a large business in world. Every time you can see that there are a lot of customers of it.

I like to eat with McDonalds because its food is hot and spicy. This restaurant give me that what I want. I like it because it has a lot of other varieties. If you are talking about Hot & Spicy food restaurant so their fish and chicken food are famous but the rest of other things are not so much tasty. So I like to have my dinner in McDonalds.

The name of the restaurants doesn’t make it special. It’s the management of their which make them special. The management of the Hot & Spicy food is so bad that if you enter you will see the color of the restaurant is 10 years old. The lights are too dim. There are always less people to eat. The tables are looking like a mess. Seats are too dirty that you don’t even think to sit on it. And forget all of this, if you will order something so first it will come too late that you will have no mood to eat, second the food will be cooled like they have taken it out from the refrigerator and third it will not be tasty. And because of all of this sometimes I think that how they are able to run in the world if they start to run like this.

The management of McDonalds is good. They serve the food in time. They have the good services like the tables, chairs are clean. They have the expensive lights and the ACs. They have the air fresheners to keep the room fresh. And most importantly their food doesn’t feel like they have taken it out from the refrigerator. The food is hot and tasty. And they get ready their order in 10 minutes. So you can imagine what the management of their restaurants is.

So in the conclusion I would like to say that if the management of the restaurants is just like the McDonalds so it would be easy and simple to run the restaurant. And if the management of the restaurants will be like Hot & Spicy food so you will have many problems and it would become difficult to run the restaurants in such way.


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Compare and Contrast Essay

Two Pets

Having pets is the most difficult kind in the world. First we bring them then we feed them, make a place for them and take a care of them for each and every minute of them is just nothing like having painful dreams. I don’t know how do other people do that? I have seen many people who love to have a pet of their own. Some love to have goats, some love to have cows but I am talking about small pets which are called cats and dogs. They are mostly common, popular and loving and caring pets known in the whole world.

The dogs and cats, both have comparisons between them like they both have brown or black color hair and both belong to the mammal family. They are able to produce children in offspring at the same time. People say that they both are tension revilers. But they both are different in nature. If you are talking about dogs they require some care. The care that dogs needed are they have to be washed and prepared regularly. The responsibility of the owner is to spend time with the dogs. But if you are talking about cats you need to love them and be very caring with them.

The nice thing about dogs is that they use to play and use to spend most of the time with their owners. Dogs are mostly trained outside of the house. Once they are trained, they can go with the owners to anywhere they want. And most important part is that they don’t scratch or make a mess in the house or out of the house like cats. The feeding might become problem sometimes with dogs but once they step on the regular track they will no longer be a problem to their owner.

Cats mostly disturbs when they are in getting trained. It is hard to teach them at what time they have to sit and roll over. Another most dangerous matter with them is that they are short minded. Sometimes these cats do mad things. But once they are trained they have nothing to give their owner except love and fellow feeling. The cats show their love by cuddling in the arms of the owner. They show the owner that they feel relax when they are in the arms of owner.

So we have seen that somehow they have some things in common and some things in different. They can have fun with you or sometimes they can make a mess of things that might be around you. But people say that it is a responsibility of the owner to rain their pets. If they are not trained well, it means that owner doesn’t pay the full responsibility on their pets. But if they are trained well they can help you in many things.


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Compare and Contrast Essay

Two Vampires

Vampires, what are they? From where do they come from? Are they human or not? We saw that they came from dark unknown palace. They use to bit human and drink there bloods. They use to have 2 long teeth’s. They can jump and run with more strength then a normal human. They can crawl and stick to walls more easily. There hearing power is too much. But these all are stories we heard about or movies we heard and see. But still we don’t know who they are in real?

While talking about classical vampires, the first vampire that came into our mind is Hammer Dracula. This Dracula was first introducing in 1958. People of 1958, fear with this vampire. They say that this Dracula use to came from Transylvania. This Dracula hypnotize their target and take them in the dark so that they can suck the blood from them.

That was the start of vampires. As soon as time passes they began a threat to people. Then people start to make movies of them. They start become a source of entertainment to people. Some of its examples are “Twilight, Blade, True blood, Underworld” the world famous movies. Now the people are not scared of them. People use to enjoy these movies and have fun in watching these kinds of movies.

But in 2013, the most amazing part of vampires is that they can live for long time without growing `old. They have different kinds of powers and skills; they `can `do `whatever they` like except `walking in `daylight. But people say that some of them are immortals can walk in a daylight.

I like movies of vampires. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is the most romantic, thrilling and having a different story which I have never seen before. The most astonishing part of that movie is that it is a different movie. In early 1990’s-2005 the vampires just get burned when they are hit with a bullet or something. But in 2013 they are made of carved marble, granite, limestone, and other stones so that they can’t be broke easily.

In 1990’s movies the vampires are turned into bats by which they can fly but in 2013 they run fast like a wind so that they don’t have to turn into bats. But some things are remain as common. As in 1990’s the vampires can’t live without drinking blood so the same thing is here that they can’t live without drinking blood. Especially the blood of new born baby is more liked by vampires. Sometimes I think that may be the blood gives them the power which they need for time to time. Other things in common are that they have same jaws, claws and long teeth’s now as they have before.

So the now the vampires are no longer seemed as a threat to anyone. People make jokes about them and have more fun. I watch the movies about vampires and not get scared of these things. So I can say that vampires are a source of entertainment to us nowadays.


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Compare and Contrast Essay

Two Video Games

Video games are the games played on a TV screen. In the history of video games, the first game which was launched in “1958” is known as “TENNIS”. It was made by “William Higginbotham”. In 1972, another game was launched known as “PONG” which unlocked the doors for the future games. It was invented by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Danby. In 1975, a game name “GUN FIGHTER” was released by Tomohiro Nishikado. It was a shooter game. This game opened the doors for America. America uses this game for the Intel 8080 and made it a first game which is used on a microprocessor.

After 1990s the changes were made in video games and were continued. Later on, they has emerged computing, art work, 3d effects, graphics and some realistic photographic work by bringing them together. They made crime which appeared by including highway hijacking, mortal battle, etc. New technologies (games system) take place with better-quality graphics, speed, increased in CD-ROM capacity, etc. In 1995, it was detected that in homes more than 40% of children demand new games. Then computer games were in progress to make on a large scale using more machinery. Games started to fill with horror and frightening imaginaries.

I like two video games. The first one is God of War and another one Resident Evil. These two games are somehow different from each other. The God of War is about the Greek mythology. The hero of this game is Kratos. He is the power man in the game which is covered with chains of steel which is the weapons of it. His weapons have the power of raging fire which cuts the enemy and destroy each and everything that stand s in it way. The concept of this game is to destroy the kings of the kings to have to their power so that he could proof himself that he is the powerful one.

The journey of the hero of this game name “Kratos” starts with the death of his wife and his son. And that’s how it begins but this game when we play is just like we are having a war in world. The whole world is scared even when they hear the Kratos name. But the game Resident Evil is about a virus which is spread in the cities or countries. And the most dangerous part is that people get turned when they inhale that virus. This game is full of horror. People are affected to these virus and they lost control from themselves. The hero name “Leon” is killing the infected one saving those people who managed to survive the attack.

The game Resident Evil is also about a war which is going in the world because of the evil people who only want to see the destruction of the world. So both of these games are having common things like the war in the world and hero is trying to save the world. And the graphics of these games are just awesome. They both are having demand of them in the whole world. So I like to play these kinds of


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games. And I spend most of my time on these games. Sometimes I think that may be a time will came when I will be given chance to fight bad guys and save the world like in these games.

Causes and Effects

The Causes of Noise Pollution

Noise problem is the most serious problem nowadays. People are disturbed because of this problem and no one can escape from it. There are many causes of this noise pollution on the humans. But somehow we see that people are used to this noise pollution. But from where these noises are coming from? After researching we have seen that the heavy noises are created from airplanes from the point of the takeoff till the landing. The next source of noise is created from the truck, motor cycles and from music.

Whenever there is a huge noise, after that noise the ears start to make noise which heard our head and due to this many people have Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS). In the world many people are having this TTS problem. This problem is usually appeared when there is a gun fire or a long drive car with the open windows. And if that noise continues to 8 hour the permanent loss of hearing can be possible for the whole week. And it is not necessary that if this kind of noise will be created by the gun fire. It can be created from simple voices like too much shouting or from other things.

In this modern world, people are aware of the harm that could cause by this noise. So now people are solving the problem. The researches have shown that those children who were not able to hear clearly are because of this cause of noise pollution. So the researchers have said that it’s the responsibility of the parents to take care of the child so that he could be saving from the cause of the noise pollution.

There are 2 types of hearing loss. The first one is conductive and the second one is sensorineural. The effects of these types of hearing losses could result in dangerous ways. In conductive hearing loss the sound waves aren’t able to reach the cochlea which results in as not able to hear the voice when someone is talking to you. Another one is sensorineural which effects on now advance ages. This is due to hearing heavy noises.

So in the conclusion I want to say that hearing problem has become common now in which half of the world is somehow affected to it and if this continues so the day is near when there will be no one left on earth to hear each other voice. But if we control it now it might be possible that somehow in the future we will be able to save the world from this problem.


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Causes and Effects

The Effects of Computers on Our Everyday Lives

The computers in this world are playing an important role. We are live in a world in which the need of the computers is too important that human can say that the world is running because of these computers. Computers have changed this world and convert it into a global village. This computer has helped us in many different ways. At many point like for security we need it. The whole business is running because of computers. And the whole America is just in the control of the single computer. So you can imagine that how much a computer can help us.

Computers don’t help only in the business and in running the whole country but in other aspects too. Mostly what now people say is that the computers have made their lives easier than what was earlier. It has helped them in solving many problems. And nowadays computers are converted into such a technology which can be in your hands like mobiles. They are another source of technology helping us like a computer. If you want to talk to someone which outside of the country the computer is there to help you. If you want any sort of information the computer is there to help you. If you want to work faster than a human so computer is there to help you. There are many advantages and disadvantages of every technology in the world so the computer is also a technology which also has the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the computer are discussed above. So let’s start with the disadvantages. The main disadvantage of the computer nowadays is that 99% of the population spends there extra time on the computer because of which they have become lack in every activity. In which 70%-80% of the population is addicted to these computers. In 50% of the population have the same problem of the PC failure. And the remaining 1% of the population has the control on themselves.

So in conclusion I agree that these computers have made our work easier but on the other side they are making us week. Not in the activities but the also the lack in the capacity of the mind. So we have to stop the use of computer and have to try to give our extra time to other activities.


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Cause and Effects

Why people keep pets

I think of this question every time that Why do people keep pets in their houses? It may be because of various reasons. Some people keep pets because they want some company. Some of the people want to have because they want to have fun and some people keep pets because they want win the championship. Some people think that having a pet makes them lucky.

People use to train their pets and try to bring them in their lives. Some people are attached to their pets. They don’t even move without their pets. And these types of people pay a lot of attention to their pets. Some people use to say that the pets are stress revealer to them. They make them happy when they are alone. Some people say that when you come exhausted from the work to home so by seeing them you feel relax. But people also say that having pets are most risky kind of the thing. They can harm you in many aspects.

There are two pets which are common, the dogs and cats. They both have comparisons between them like they both have brown or black color hair and both belong to the mammal family. They are able to produce children in offspring at the same time. People say that they both are tension revilers. But they both are different in nature. If you are talking about dogs they require some care. The care that dogs needed are they have to be washed and prepared regularly. The responsibility of the owner is to spend time with the dogs. But if you are talking about cats you need to love them and be very caring with them.

These are the two which also disturbs in many ways. Dogs and cats are very expensive to keep. People say they cost you so much. Like you need to buy them food every time then we has to pay for their vaccines then for sterilization then shampoos, soaps and for their medicines when they get sick. And sometimes we have to pay for their health. And these are not all. You have to make sure that they have to eat on time have to do their exercise then they must be bath every day and mostly they require attention of their owners.

So in the conclusion I will say that having a pet is not a bad thing but still they require some attention from their owners. Those people who don’t pay attention to their pets will always have problem with them. So try to take a good care of your pet.


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Causes and Effects

Why some students cheat

Cheating in today’s world has become a main problem. Many of the students cheat in their exams in many different ways. Some of them take all of the notes with them in the examination hall. And if somebody is not taking the notes with them so they will ask the answer by murmuring in the ears. Some of these people copy the answers of the other student in the examination hall which are sitting in front of them.

My question is that why do students cheat in their exams even when they know that if they get caught in the university they can be expelled from the university. When the researches have done some research on the students they find three main reasons of the students to cheat. The first one is that they cheat because “they are afraid of being failed in exams”. Second one is they cheat because “they have no talent in them”. Third one is that they cheat because “they want to take risk”.

Afraid of being failed in the exams is mostly common because the students know well that what would happen to them if they fail. First, they will be punished by their parents. Another one is that their friends will laugh on them. And the third one is that they will have stress all the time. So these are the reasons because of which they cheat in exams.

The second reason that they have no talent in themselves is because of some reasons. The first reason is that they cheat because they don’t have their self-confidence in themselves. The second reason is that they think that it is too difficult to study. And the third reason is that some students think that they are smart enough to pass the exams by not studying. So these three reasons lead them towards cheating.

And the last is that they want to take risk on themselves. It may sound crazy but some students who are over confident have these kinds of stupid reasons. It is mostly because they just want to show-off to others that they have the abilities to do it even without studying. Another reason is because that they think cheating in the examination hall is some sort of a challenge to them and it makes them to feel chiller. So these are the stupid reasons that make them to cheat in exams.

So in the conclusion I will say that there not only three reason but some other reasons too because of which students are involved into cheating. And researchers have said that there is no stop to this problem but I think there is. If you think about what the punishment you would be given if you get caught during it and prepare yourself before the exams so you might not be able to cheat in exams.


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Narrative Essay

Your first visit to the country (or to a large city)

I remember when I had a visit to a country name New York City. It was a quiet and happy place. It was the 19 of October 2011, when I was about 18th years. The day at which my father said that we are going to have a journey… At that day I was very happy. It was not only because I was going to New York City but it was because I was excited as it was the first journey. The New York City, it was three words but for me it was the whole world. I heard a lot about New York City but never visited. People use to say that it was the supreme city in the whole world because each and everything you need you can find from there.

And that is not all. People also say that the population of New York City was around 8 million and there are fancy restaurants in which they use to have dates. There city is neat and clean and the people are educated. So absolutely in such place you will definitely enjoy. When I heard all these things I was thinking that I just close my eyes for 1 second and when I open it, I will found myself in New York City. I was so much excited that I was forcing my father to have tickets as soon as possible. So my father got tickets of the date of 22nd of December 2011. So now I and my family were going on 22nd of December 2011.

As we visited the New York City, I was on airport and I was losing my controls because it was tremendous. I and my family were on airport. It was so beautiful and the fresh air of New York City was just amazing. I see that everybody was calm and busy in their meeting with their friends, relatives etc. The people were looking nice and happy. There was a large flag on the top of building, which was a symbol of a Great city known as United States. Here the people cheered and provide somewhere to stay to other peoples who come from the other countries and cities. I see many restaurants filled with customers and having different variety of foods. Then I went to the malls. The malls were too big. They were filled with customers on regular days. The kids were enjoying and there were too many games to play that if we spend the whole week we will never get bored.

Then we went outside of the malls by purchasing a camera so we will get pictures of New York City. We went to many popular places. We saw a lot of amazing things there that we have never seen before. We take a lot of pictures and enjoyed a lot. We stayed for 1 week in New York City. This 1 week I know that it was never coming back so I try to enjoy more and more. I am in 2013 living in Pakistan and still never forgot the places which I have went. And the amazing part is when I see those pictures which I have taken there, I feel like still I am there. So it was awesome for me. The first visit in my life is going to be that much remarkable, I never thought about it. So whenever in the future I will go to another country the first visit is my will be from Pakistan to New York again.


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Narrative Essay

Your first day at a new college

The first day of everything’s give’s a new experience. I have different types of experience in my life. Like when we met some body or when we are in middle of friends etc. I don’t know about others but the first day of my college was not too boring but not too good. Those things which I expect to do there, doesn’t happened. Let’s start with the very first day. When I first get admission in the college I feel very happy because I want to see how students deal with their college life. The administrator gave me the permission to enter in the college. He gave me the date on which the colleges are going to open. The date of college opening was 21st of August 2010.

A day before, when my college was going to start I make a list of things which I need to buy before I go to college. The list takes 1 hour to prepare. The list was not so long but not too small too. Then we went to shopping. The first thing in the list was the clothes which were required by the college. To buy clothes we have to go to Zainab market. We arrive there in 2 and a half hour. In the clothes, we have to buy the shirt in white color and pent in blue color. On the pocket of the shirt there must a monogram of college which I had to paste. There must be a tie with the collar. Tie is of the dark blue color. Now the second thing which I have added in the list was the shoes. To buy shoes, we have to go to Bata shop. It is the shoe store. It takes 30 minutes to reach there. After reaching there we buy a new shoe which was of black in color.

After finishing the second thing in the list, I went to shop to buy a bag. When I went there, I saw that there are too many bags of different colors and designs. Every one of them was made by a strong and different material. Each one of them was looking awesome. I wanted to buy them all for me but I can’t do that because I have the choice of only one to buy. So I buy a bag, named “CAMEL MOUNTAIN”. It’s a company name. The reason for buying this bag was not because of company. But because of the additional things that are there in it. The bag has the hidden pockets. It has a big pocket to carry a laptop, a small pocket to keep small things and three extra-large pockets to keep books in it and other things.

Then I had a lunch outside. After that I came home press my clothes to prepare for tomorrow. The time was about 6:00 at which I had to leave. I sleep early. At 5:00 I woke up. I take a shower and breakfast. I wear my clothes and shoes. Then I went to college at 5:45. It was my first day in college. I see many students are there. Some of them were looking to me in tension so some of them are having a talk. Some of them are busy in there mobiles phones with someone and some are sitting in cafeteria having breakfast. So it became hard for me to find the class. I have 15 minutes so I decided to take a walk and see what is in there in college. First walk towards cafeteria because it was close from where I was standing. So I talk to those peoples who are running the cafeteria. I start talking with them about what is in the cafeteria? What can I buy from there? So they said that anything you want you can


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have it but prices are high. So keep it in mind that whatever you buy you have to purchase it at high price.

Then after seeing that what was in the cafeteria, I went to the garden. The Garden was big. They have a pond in middle of it. The pond was beautiful. There are benches to sit and enjoy the fresh air as well as beauty of pond. I then went to the inside of the college. My college has 2 floors. The classes were looking too short from the outside but when I see them from the inside they were large enough to cover 100 students in 1 class. The tables which were in the class were dirty. And not the tables were looking dirty the whole class was looking dirty. The paint that was on the wall was about 20 years old. There were inks on the walls. Some of the walls were broken. The floor was not so clean. The class rooms were looking to me like a mess. Some students called the classes’ garbage. Then my class starts. The desks which were looking in a good condition were broken from the inside when I have a look on it from the inside of the class. The fans were also broken. Some which were in better condition were having spiders web on them. So it was hot in class. Therefore the first of my college was not too boring but not too good after all.

Narrative Essay

Your First Day at a New Job

The first day at a new job is always an experience. I remember my fist day at a new job. It was the date of 1st January 2013. As we all know that first day is very important day even if it is not for job. So my first day begin with some work as I went to office at 8:00 o’clock. I was called at that time at which I arrived there.

The building was too big. I see that everyone was busy in their work. When I went there, I was called by manager, who takes me to show my office in which I will do my work. There are securities and cameras at every end to get know what is happing in the office. The computers were new and were core to due.

I did not know that much advance system. But somehow I manage it. I was given work by manager. The work was too hard and time consuming. The work was too making the list of employees who work here. Then to sort out the list and make another one which tells who work in groups. And what was the work is given to whom?

So first I start my work by knowing the company. I was told that 1000 workers work there. The workers were too many but they still need some more workers. I was thinking that why they don’t use some help from machines. Then I start my work. I see that the working there was almost fast and good. I have to talk to everyone so that they can help me in making my work easy. It takes me 5 hours to get to know


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who were working there. Then I only made a list and still the main work was left. It was easy to write the data on a paper rather than on computer.

The computer system was working too fast for me that in writing sometimes I get confused that where am I? It was hard for me to handle so much advance computer. Somehow I manage to handle it and start to do my work. It takes another 6 hours for me to have the list prepared in computer. Then I went to manager and tell him that the list which he need is completed. And when the manager look at the list he was impressed and said that now you can go home and enjoy. Come tomorrow and I will give you some other work.

And that’s how I spend my whole first at a new job. I have done some hard working but it really paid off. The manager was impressed and I was happy. So the first of everything is always full of experience as I say. And I really enjoyed my first day at my new job.