Download - EASTER UNDAY · 2014-12-29 · 3 THE GIFT OF THE WORD THE EASTER GOSPEL John 20:1-18 James W. Crawford Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene



March 31, 2013

9:00 & 11:00 am

Welcome! Thank you for turning off cell phones, pagers and beepers, and for refraining

from using flash photography. Please maintain a respectful and meditative quiet

throughout the service, except of course when congregational participation is invited.


PRELUDE Fantasy in G Major, BWV 572 J.S. Bach

Très vitement – Grave – Lentement

Poème Héroïque, op. 33 Marcel Dupré

Prelude for Easter Day Calvin Hampton Sam Ou, cello


One: Alleluia! Christ is risen.

Many: He is risen indeed. Alleluia!


2 * Indicates all who are able may stand

One: We are afflicted in every way ...

Many: but not crushed.

One: Struck down ...

Many: but not destroyed.

One: For we are persuaded that neither death, nor life ...

Many: nor angels, nor principalities ...

One: nor things present, nor things to come ...

Many: nor powers, nor height, nor depth ...

One: nor anything else in all creation ...

Many: will be able to separate us from the love of God

in Christ Jesus our Savior.

One: For on Easter, God defeats death.

Many: On Easter, life wins!

One: Alleluia! Christ is risen.

Many: He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

*ORGAN FANFARE (All who are able, please rise) Calvin Hampton

*HYMN 233 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Easter Hymn

arr. Bruce Saylor The hymns are found in the black New Century Hymnal (in or under the pews)


ANTHEM Easter Hymn from Cavalleria Rusticana Pietro Mascagni

Rebecca O’Brien, dramatic soprano

Hail, Queen of Heaven, all glorious!

Thy Son is risen victorious,

Whom God chose thee as worthy to bear.

O sing praise to the Lord who is risen,

Death’s dominion and power to deny:

He has broken the bonds of His prison,

He is risen to glory on high!


—G. Targioni-Tozzetti and G. Menasci; tr. John Rutter



THE EASTER GOSPEL John 20:1-18 James W. Crawford

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb

and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb’s entrance. She ran to Peter and

another disciple and said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not

know where they have laid Him.” Then Peter and the other disciple ran toward the tomb.

The other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He did not enter, but bent down

to look in and saw the linen wrappings lying there. When Peter arrived he entered the tomb

directly. Peter, too, saw the linen wrappings. But Peter noticed that the cloth that had

covered Jesus’ head, was not lying with the other wrappings but had been rolled up in a

place by itself. Then the other disciple also entered. He, too, saw and believed; for as yet

they did not understand the scripture, that Jesus must rise from the dead. Then both disciples

returned to their homes.

Mary, meanwhile, stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into

the tomb. She saw two angels, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying. The angels

asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said, “They have taken away my Lord, and

I do not know where they have laid Him.”

She then turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not recognize Him. Jesus

asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Supposing Him to

be the gardener, she said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried the body of Jesus away, tell me

where you have laid Him.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She said to Him in Hebrew,

“Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Go to my brothers and say to them,

‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene

ran and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord.”

*HYMN 240 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Llanfair

arr. George Sargeant


*HYMN 242 The Strife Is O’er Victory

arr. George Sargeant




One: Jesus said to His disciples …

Many: In my Father’s house are many rooms …

One: I go and prepare a place for you.

And will come again and take you to myself.

Many: Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.

One: Held in Christ’s peace and promises, let us pray. (Please be seated)



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy

will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and

forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the

glory, forever. Amen.

PRAYER RESPONSE (seated) A Repeating Alleluia Calvin Hampton

The congregation is invited to sing.



Easter Flowers As we celebrate the resurrection of the Christ, we remember

and honor those who have touched us over the years.

The flowers and flowering branches adorning the Chancel are the gift of

Old South members and friends in remembrance or celebration of

hundreds of loved ones. A complete listing is available in the pews.

OFFERTORY ANTHEM Et Resurrexit from Mass in B Minor J.S. Bach

And on the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven,

and is seated on the right hand of God: and He shall come again with glory to judge both

the living and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.


*THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS from Messiah G.F. Handel

For congregation and choir. The music is in your pew.

Thank you for leaving the music in the pew at the conclusion of the service.


RECESSIONAL Carillon-Sortie Henri Mulet


You may exit the Sanctuary on either side of the Chancel

or back by the way you came in. Happy Easter!

Today’s ASL Interpreter is Gabrielle Weiler.



Today, immediately following 11 am worship, all who are interested in a tour of the Sanctuary are invited to meet docent Emily Click

at the front of the Sanctuary at 12 noon.


Join us for fellowship and refreshments following worship in Mary Norton Hall on the second floor.


Childcare is available for children through six years on the third floor. Easter activity books are available in the rear of the Sanctuary for children

worshipping with their families.


Membership at Old South is a vital avenue to full participation in the life and ministry of the church. Intrigued? Join us for our next Connections Class on

May 6 and May 11 (choose one). RSVP to [email protected].

Old South Church has a full array of programs for children and youth– music, education, fellowship, and ministry. Contact Tricia Hazeltine at

[email protected].

Blessing of the Athletes Marathon Sunday, April 14th

On the Sunday before the Boston Marathon, Old South Church’s worship

celebrations at 9 AM and 11 AM include “Blessing of the Athletes” as we

pause to acknowledge the runners, their families, and volunteers, and ask God

to bless them, to keep them safe from injury and harm, exercise respect for

each other, and find the stamina to endure the competition.

May you run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31



Harry L. Huff, Minister of Music & Conductor

George Sargeant, Associate Organist & Choirmaster

Tom Oppedisano, Verger


Steve Banzaert, Mary-Lynne Bohn & Andrew Sorg, trumpets

Joe McEttrick, Wesley Hopper & Don Robinson, trombones

John Grimes, Pierce McInturff & Linda O’Donnell, percussion

Soprano Alecia Batson

Amy Beckhusen

Amy Cleaveland-Hudson

Laura Connors

Maggie Finnegan

Marie Hurd

Louise Jones

Lisa Loveland

Dawn Patterson

Gloria Platt

Adriana Repetto

Megan Stephen

Nina Vyedin

Anita Winikka

Dooseon Woo

Alto Carol Blair

Carrie Cheron

Yoana Dimitrova

Kim Elliott

Alliea Groupp

Katy Hartnett

Elise Krob

Anna Lifvergren

Erika Mitchell

Rebecca O’Brien

Nancy Rockwood

Hannah Spencer

Susan Stern

Katie May Tucker

Tenor Chris Bocchiaro

James Giessler

Christopher Hutchinson

Larry Mynatt

Frank Napolitano

Tom Oppedisano

Bill Salem

Corey Spence

David Story

Tom Watt

John Williams

Bass Erik Gustafson

Michael Hand

Bob Kosturko

Sean O’Donnell

Sam Ou

Ned Pride

Phil Stern

Nathan Troup

Matt Wight

Rob Woodin



Through the ages Easter has inspired a fountainhead of the world’s greatest music. Today we

celebrate the risen Christ with a rich tapestry of music – particularly with an array of alleluia

settings. On no other day in the church year is that word more appropriate. Indeed at Old South we

rejoice in the “resurrection of the alleluias”, which were symbolically buried throughout the Lenten

season. The Hebrew word Halleluya as an expression of praise to God was preserved, un-

translated, by the early Christians as a superlative expression of thanksgiving, joy and triumph.

This morning, as the alleluias reemerge from their “tomb”, the Old South Choir, with organ, brass

ensemble and percussion will present the beloved “Easter Hymn” from the popular opera

Cavalleria rusticana by the Italian composer Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945). This 1890 masterpiece

caused one of the greatest sensations in opera history and single-handedly ushered in the Verismo

(“realism”) movement in Italian dramatic music. Following the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, we

will respond with Calvin Hampton’s soaring “A Repeating Alleluia”. Then, at the close of the

service, we as a congregation will sing Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus”, perhaps the most enduring

piece of sacred music ever written.

The offertory anthem is Bach’s triumphant “Et resurrexit”, which, in the context of his epic Mass in

B Minor, virtually erupts out of the sorrow of the preceding “Crucifixus” – sonically illustrating the

victory over the bonds of death. Though not likely intentional, it seems to be fashioned in the form

of a bolero (such as Ravel’s most famous orchestral piece, or even “The Impossible Dream” from

Man of La Mancha!). The bolero is a Spanish dance characterized by triple meter, which has a

triplet on the second beat of each bar, and is abundant with hemiolas – a rhythmic device that gives

the illusion of shifting from triple to duple meter. One is almost tempted to accompany this

marvelous work with castanets!

The prelude begins with the tripartite Fantasy in G Major by J.S. Bach. It opens with a sparkling

“jig” accompanied by the organ’s zimbelstern (tiny bells), followed by a grand chorale. Toward the

end of this second section, the pedal slowly climbs scale-wise for two octaves, perhaps illustrating

the rising of Jesus in the tomb. After an abrupt, shocking diminished chord, the piece concludes

with a dazzling toccata in which the listener can almost feel the brilliant rays of light emanating

from the resurrected Christ.

For the second piece of the prelude, brass and field drum join the organ for Poème Héroïque, op.

33 by Marcel Dupré (1886-1971). Written in 1935 it was composed for the newly restored

cathedral in Verdun, France, which had been completely destroyed during WWI. Verdun was the

scene of the bloodiest battle during that war, in which a million soldiers were lost. The one-

movement piece includes three distinct themes—martial, heroic and elegiac—and ends


The final piece during the prelude is “Prelude for Easter Day” by Calvin Hampton (1938-1984), an

Impressionistic tone poem that cleverly weaves the hymn-tune Easter Hymn (“Jesus Christ Is Risen

Today”) in dialogue between cello and organ. The quiet jubilation of this piece seems a fitting

depiction of the wonderment experienced by Mary Magdalene as she discovers the empty tomb.

—Harry L. Huff, Minister of Music



Easter Sunday Sunday, March 31 9:00 am EASTER FESTIVAL Worship

10:15 am Fellowship Hour on second floor

11:00 am EASTER FESTIVAL Worship

12:15 pm Fellowship Hour on second floor

Tuesday, April 2 5:30 pm Old South Ringers Rehearsal

6:00 pm Stewardship Committee

6:00 pm Christian Education Committee

Wednesday, April 3 12:00 pm Retired and Ready, MA Historical Society

7:00 pm Wednesday Prayers

7:00 pm Christian Service and Outreach Committee

Thursday, April 4 6:00 pm JAZZ Worship, John M. Edgerton preaching

7:00 pm Font and Table Class

7:00 pm Disciple Bible Study

7:00 pm Caritas Dinner, Back Bay

Friday, April 5 6:00 pm North of 35, South End Open Studios

8:00 pm Boston Conservatory Wind Ensemble Concert

Saturday, April 6 10:30 am North of 35, Back Bay Brunch

New Members Join Sunday, April 7 9:00 am FIRST Worship, John M. Edgerton preaching

9:45 am Old South Café in Gordon Chapel

9:45 am Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

10:00 am Sunday Morning Bible Study

10:00 am Wills Clinic

10:00 am Breaking (Good) News

11:00 am FESTIVAL Worship, John M. Edgerton preaching

12:15 pm Fellowship Hour in Gordon Chapel

12:30 pm Bagels and the Bible

6:00 pm EVENING Worship, reflection by Jackie Geilfuss

Join Old South Church for weekly worship

First Worship informal & vibrant Sundays at 9 am with communion Festival Worship grand & expressive Sundays at 11 am

Evening Worship ancient, timeless & alive Sundays at 6 pm Jazz Worship eclectic & bathed in candlelight Thursdays at 6 pm with communion

Healing Worship gentle & tender 2nd Sundays at 10 am



Nancy S. Taylor, Senior Minister John M. Edgerton, Associate Minister � Harry L. Huff, Minister of Music

James W. Crawford, Senior Minister Emeritus Donald A. Wells, Theologian in Residence � June Cooper, Theologian in Action

Calvin Genzel, Wedding Outreach Minister � Ken Orth, Healing Worship Minister

Shawn Fiedler, Pastoral Fellow � Maggie Lowe, Field Education Intern Patricia Hazeltine, Church School Director � Adrienne Kisner, Youth Leader

Carolyn Davis, Director, Old South Preschool George Sargeant, Associate Organist & Choirmaster

Laurel Leslie, Choir Director, First Worship Willie Sordillo, Music Coordinator, Jazz Worship

Peter Coulombe, Director, Old South Ringers � Amy Budka, Children’s Music Director Linda O’Donnell, Director, Children’s Choir � Katie Gerrish, Director, Chime Choir

Mark Schueppert, Moderator � Kate Silfen, Clerk � David Vogan, Treasurer Phil Stern, Chair, Board of Trustees � Emily Click, Historian

Candace Kosturko, Senior Deacon � Vicki A. Newman, Pledge Secretary

Helen McCrady, Senior Church Administrator Amy Perry, Administrator & Webmaster � Rosemary Clarke, Accountant

Janet Butler, Wedding Coordinator Elias Perez, Senior Sexton � Ozo Nwodo, Robert Blenman & Jahadul Islam, Sextons

Corey Spence, Rubia Reyes & Jim McDonnel, Receptionists � CCLI License #2802138

A NOTE ON THE INCLUSIVE DIMENSIONS OF GOD’S GRACE Old South Church in Boston, in the name of its host, Jesus Christ, and in the spirit of Christ’s invitation carved into the stone of this church’s portico, “Behold I Set Before You an Open Door,” welcomes all who seek to know God.

Following the One who we believe is Sovereign and Savior, we affirm that each individual is a child of God, and recognize that we are called to be like one body with many members, seeking with others of every race, ethnicity, creed, class, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to journey together toward the promised realm of God.

We invite everyone to join in the common life and mission of our reconciling community through participation and leadership in this congregation, and by fully sharing in the worship, rites and sacraments of this church.

As we all move forward with the work of this church, we commit ourselves to making justice and inclusivity a reality in this congregation and in the world. On the threshold of Christ’s open door, we rely upon the healing, unconditional nature of God’s love and grace to be our help and guide.

March 31, 2013


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(617) 536-1970

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FIRST WORSHIP: Sundays, 9 am. In the intimacy of the Gordon Chapel we turn our attention to God in an

informal service of word and sacrament. Led by Rev. John Edgerton and Field Education Intern Maggie Lowe.

FESTIVAL WORSHIP: Sundays, 11 am. Our worship is enhanced by the Old South Choir and the E.M.

Skinner organ. Led by Revs. Nancy Taylor and John Edgerton, and Minister of Music Harry Huff.

EVENING WORSHIP: Sundays, 6 pm. Be called into worship by the sounds of trickling water and the beauty of

the flute. Our worship is a blend of ancient and new, contemplative yet bold, song and story. Led by Pastoral

Fellow Shawn Fiedler and members of Old South Church. (There is no service Easter Sunday.)

JAZZ WORSHIP: Thursdays, 6 pm. The Willie Sordillo Trio, Rev. John Edgerton, Pastoral Fellow Shawn

Fiedler, and the Holy Spirit are your guides as you move through rhythms of music, silence, and spoken word to

freshen the faith of longtime Christians and invite new ones into discipleship.

HEALING WORSHIP: Sunday, April 14, 10 am. Tap into God’s healing love with a gentle service of prayers and

reflection led by Rev. Ken Orth, a pastoral counselor and spiritual director.

WEDNESDAY PRAYERS: Wednesdays, 7 pm. Join Old South Church’s Sanctuary in the City Task Force for a

time of reflection, meditation, and prayer. Beginning April 3, learn the practice of meditation during a 4-week

series led by Field Education Intern Maggie Lowe. Join with other novices to learn how to incorporate meditation

into your prayer ritual. RSVP to [email protected].


BLESSING OUR MISSION WORK TEAM: Sunday, April 7, 11 am. We commission a team of builders who

depart for New Orleans on April 14 to build a home in the St. Bernard Parish of New Orleans. An effort of the

entire congregation, we are closing in on our goal of raising $35,000. It’s not too late to give. Visit

MARATHON SUNDAY: April 14, 9 am and 11 am. On the Sunday before the Boston Marathon, Old South

Church’s First and Festival Worship services include “Blessing of the Athletes”. We pause to acknowledge the

runners, their families, and volunteers, and ask God to bless them, to keep them safe from injury and harm,

exercise respect for each other, and find the stamina to endure the competition. Begin your journey where the 26.2

miles will take you – join the “Church at the Finish Line” for a celebration of the human spirit.

CLIMATE REVIVAL: Saturday, April 27, beginning at 10 am. Join a host of faith communities as well as national,

international, religious, and environmental leaders for an ecumenical festival to embolden the Renewal of

Creation. Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu will send a video message. The daylong event begins at Old South

Church. Visit

SUNDAY FLOWERS: The 2013 Sunday Flower Calendar is posted in the Elevator Lobby. The cost is $50.

Write your name beside the date you want. Send the message you wish to appear in the bulletin to

[email protected]. Please note that multiple people can sign up for any one Sunday.

CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Pam Holland, Stewardship Committee

I love attending worship at Old South Church. It fills me with a sense of wonderful completeness that lasts for

days. I breathe in peace from the stillness during a prayer. I drink in togetherness from the cup and bread at

communion. I feast my eyes on the light shining through the stained glass windows. And the hymns we sing swirl

around in my head until I find myself humming one at unexpected moments. That is why I love Old South

Church and that is why I pledge and give each week. This year my family has pledged to give 6% of our income to

this wonderful church. An amount that feels just right for us.

Worship services and events at Old South Church are sometimes photographed and videotaped to document the vibrant life of our church. If you do not wish to be included in these recordings, please notify an usher.


RETIRED AND READY: Wednesday, April 3, 12 pm. Meet at the MA Historical Society for “Mourning

Lincoln: Shock, Sorrow, Anger, and Glee in the Archives.” Free. We will lunch at a neighboring restaurant. RSVP

to [email protected].

CARITAS POTLUCK: Thursday, April 4, 7 pm, Back Bay. An opportunity to meet for a meal and fellowship — a

great way for people new to Old South Church to meet others. For directions, RSVP to [email protected].

NORTH OF 35: Friday, April 5, 6 pm. Meet at 450 Harrison Ave to tour The South End Open Studios.

Optional dinner follows. On Saturday, April 6, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, bring the kids for a potluck brunch in the

South End. RSVP for either event to [email protected].


WIND ENSEMBLE: Friday, April 5, 8 pm. This free concert features students from Boston Conservatory. Visit

CLASSICAL CHAMBER MUSIC: Wednesday, April 17, 7 pm. Berklee College of Music student composers

present original classical chamber music. Free.

MUSIC OF RESURRECTION: Sunday, April 21, 2 pm. Featuring selections by Franck, King, and Widor

performed by Old South Church Minister of Music Harry Huff and Associate Organist George Sargeant. Free.

PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER: Sunday, April 7, 9:45 - 10:45 am. The Church School and Youth

Group invite you for homemade pancakes to support the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry. Suggested donation: a

box of wholesome cereal, hot or cold, or $5 per person; $10 max per family.

ROLLING FOOD DRIVE: We are collecting cereal to benefit the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry. Next month we

will collect low sodium canned soup. Kid varieties appreciated. Donation baskets in the tower entryway.

MISSION WORK TRIP FUNDRAISING: In April and June, Old South will send two groups to New Orleans to

work with the St. Bernard Project on rebuilding one home devastated by Hurricane Katrina. An effort of the entire

congregation, we are closing in on our goal of raising $35,000. It’s not too late to give. Visit


WILLS CLINIC: Sunday, April 7, 9:45 am. No will? No way! Come for a presentation and tips on how easy it is

to write a will.

BAGELS AND THE BIBLE: Sundays beginning April 7, 12:30 pm. The stories in the Book of Genesis captured

our ancestors’ imaginations more than 3,000 years ago and they hold us still today. What explains their power and

endurance? Join us for a 10-week, homework-free journey. We will use materials from the Bill Moyers PBS series

Genesis: A Living Conversation. RSVP to [email protected].

THEOLOGICAL BOOK GROUP: Mondays beginning April 8, 6 pm. Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin,

God, and the Drama of Life by John F. Haught. Led by Theologian in Residence Donald Wells. Copies available

at the Front Desk for $15. If you already have a print or electronic copy, email [email protected] for a reading

guide. Limited to 18 people.

URBAN BODY OF CHRIST: Wednesdays beginning April 17, 6 pm. Theologian in Action June Cooper will

train future leaders of Old South Church. Participants will learn to engage the life of our city in creative, faithful

ways in order to develop and lead a new service program. Begins with an MBTA pilgrimage revealing the stark

divisions within Boston. RSVP to [email protected].

CHILDREN AND YOUTH: The Old South Church School offers programming for children, infant through

high school. Infant, toddler, and preschool care is offered Sundays, 8:30 am - 12:15 pm. Elementary aged children

are invited to a multi-age class during First Worship. Graded classes (through seventh grade) and a Confirmation

Class (for eighth through tenth graders) are offered during Festival Worship. A variety of enrichment activities are

available between services. The High School Youth Group meets at 9:45 am. [email protected]

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY: Resumes Sunday, April 7, 10 am. Prepare to experience worship more

deeply by studying and reflecting on the day’s preaching text. [email protected]

BREAKING (GOOD) NEWS: Resumes Sunday, April 7, 10 am. As you listen to or read the news do you often

ask “Where is God in this story”? Join us as we discuss the topics of the day. [email protected]