Download - Eastenders

Page 1: Eastenders

I know which soap this is because of the O2 arena and the river Thames, these both relate to East enders because it is set in London and becomes part of recognition to the soap immediately due to visual credits. You get so used of seeing the same sequence for east enders you recognise sometimes without even watching the soap itself.

East enders is set in East London due to the ‘east’ enders.

BBC institution broadcasts East enders.

East enders is set on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. After tea time (generally when women's chores are finished, making dinner)

It is set now because you can see the modernised version of the O2 arena.

From the music we assume that the lifestyle of the characters are boring, dull, dramatic, crisis, problematic,

Page 2: Eastenders

The river Thames is dull because they place a blue filter over the camera to make it look more dull/miserable to represent and reflect the lifestyles of the characters in the soap

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I can tell that children live in this house preferably a male because there’s a lot of blue, football, boys sports bag, felt tips, P.E t-shirt

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There is also a young girl living in this house I can tell this because there are a couple of pink jackets and a bag. By the colour this also indicates that the child is young

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