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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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Student Goals!!Students will extend their learning through the use of technology.!!Students will collaborate effectively and appropriately through the use of technology.!!Students’ learning experiences will be redefined as a result of technology.!!Students will develop an understanding of technology that allows them to transfer and operate across different platforms, devices, and learning environments.!!Students will employ digital citizenship.

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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EPSD BYODNearpod Question!


Why BYOD? (How is BYOD different from “regular” technology?

What problems are we solving?)

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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Digital Citizenship!the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior

with regard to technology use!!Classroom Timeline:!!

1. Lessons, procedures, routines: August - September 22!2. Parent information: Meet the Teacher Night!3. Devices enter the classroom: September 23!


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Digital Citizenship: Activity!!

Using a MacBook, find a specific resource that you would use to teach your students about digital citizenship. !!Think about how exactly you might use the resource in your classroom, possibly taking into consideration the integration of content areas, non-fiction reading comprehension strategies, etc.!!Share your findings and ideas in our Google Doc - - and then we will access your work through our mobile devices!!!!

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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About a monthinto school year

A few weeks"into school year

Beginning of"school year

Parent contact"!Short introduction to BYOD!!

Meet the Teacher Night"!Review with parents the implementation timeline!!BYOD FAQ

Form & Information "!Distribute Parent Consent Form along with FAQ!!Highlight recommended apps!!Provide BYOD research

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End of yearSpringAbout a monthinto school year

Start bringing in devices"!Students download recommended apps!!Emphasized proactively and reactively: classroom culture, digital citizenship, device responsibility and etiquette

Conferences"!Solicit feedback!!Use feedback to adjust instruction!

BYOD survey"!Anonymous!!Use feedback both on a classroom and a district level!

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RedefinitionTech allows for the

creation of new tasks,previously inconceivable

Tech allows forsignificant task redesign

Tech acts as a direct toolsubstitute, with

functional improvement

Tech acts as a direct toolsubstitute, with nofunctional change

Tools for visualization ofnarrative and structural

aspects of text

Textual, visual, audiotools for construction of

shared knowledge

Dictionaries, studyguides, history siteslined to online text

Shakespeare texts readin online versions


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EPSD BYOD• Where on the SAMR model does the activity fall? Why?!!

• How could you improve upon the activity in order for it to climb “farther up” the model?!!

• What questions do you have after reading the case study?!




RedefinitionTech allows for the

creation of new tasks,previously inconceivable

Tech allows forsignificant task redesign

Tech acts as a direct toolsubstitute, with

functional improvement

Tech acts as a direct toolsubstitute, with nofunctional change

Tools for visualization ofnarrative and structural

aspects of text

Textual, visual, audiotools for construction of

shared knowledge

Dictionaries, studyguides, history siteslined to online text

Shakespeare texts readin online versions

In small groups, read one of the case studies. Discuss the following questions.!!Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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Eyes Wide Open!Though I integrated technology in a diverse way with our district's supplied technology over the years, I found it challenging at times to transfer that level of effectiveness and consistency to BYOD. About 50% of the students in my class did not bring in a device, even though over 20 of my 27 students received permission to do so.!!Communication is Key!With the challenges listed above, a stronger, clearer message to family and students at the onset will help.!!Positive Sustained Usage!With the challenges listed above, I still found ways to integrate usage for the students who did bring the devices daily.!!Rome Wasn't Built in a Day!For anyone who is a type A, "get er' done" mentality, just realize this is a pilot and hiccups are a part of this process. It is a great opportunity for students and teachers alike to explore what BYOD will mean for our classrooms' futures. This is just another "tool in our toolbox", just another pathway to reach our students where they are "living". 

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Students should always have their devices readily available as there is no such thing as “BYOD time.”!!Students should constantly leverage the same devices and programs between school and home. !!Learning should be redefined as students use their devices to accomplish tasks that would not otherwise be possible without the technology itself.!!Digital citizenship must be stressed in both a proactive and reactive fashion.!!Classroom parents should be made aware of all of the above, and a whole lot more.

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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iMovieiOS   FREE+

Spelling CityiOS, Android, web   FREE+

Scanner ProiOS       $2.99+

Printer ProiOS    $4.99

SubtextiPad, web      FREE

SchoologyiOS, Android, web    FREE+

KidblogiOS, Android, web     FREE+

EvernoteiOS, Android, web    FREE+

SocrativeiOS, Android, web      FREE


Google DriveiOS, Android, web    FREE+

Bring Your Own DeviceCategories

Honorable Mentions: Popplet / Idea Sketch, Keynote / Haiku Deck,!Explain Everything, Notability, Qrafter Pro, Layar / Aurasma, Apps Gone Free

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Schedule!!Student Goals!!Why BYOD?!!Digital Citizenship!!Program Foundations!!Planning, Implementation, Case Studies!!Lessons Learned!!Apps!!Activity

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Using Kidblog, create a blog post that contains a photograph that represents something that you have done over the summer.!!Then, comment on each other’s posts with predictions as to what the photographs represent. !!!Password: 5thgrade

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EPSD BYODArticles & Posters!


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