Download - Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Page 2: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Early Government

• 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies

• Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a type of self-government . . . Someone had to be in charge

• Next 150 years colonists elected fellow citizens to decide local matters

• All matters had to be approved by royal governor

Page 3: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

The American Revolution recap

• Colonists not represented in Parliament

• Most still loyal to King; valued British citizenship

• French and Indian War; Proclamation of 1763

• Forced to house soldiers (Quartering Act)

• Taxes on necessities (Stamp, Sugar, Intolerable, Townshend Acts)

• Denied right to trial by jury

Page 4: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

The American Revolution recap

• Outright rebellion

• April 1776 – Battles of Lexington and Concord

• Declaration of Independence – July 4, 1776

• Upon signing Declaration, each colony became a “free and independent” state with all the rights of a separate country

Page 5: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

What is Government?

• Government – the formal institutions with authority to make binding decisions

• Determines way a country, state, county, township, city, or village is run

Page 6: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Purposes of Government

• Three or more levels of gov’t• Government makes laws

–Citizens must obey –Creates policies about everything

connected with the daily life of a community• Nation (Federal)• State• Town

Page 7: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Purposes of Government

Purpose Example

Maintain social order Police & Courts

Provide public services Highways & Firefighters

Provide national security Army & Navy

Establish and regulate an economic system

Banks & Currency

Page 8: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Purposes of Government

• Identify at least 10 ways the government is involved in our lives.

• Explore specific functions of government by visiting The Democracy Project and taking a “tour” of the town.

Page 9: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Is Government Necessary?

• YES! Why?

• Without government, “man” may choose to act on greed and selfish passions which violate others’ liberty.

Page 10: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.
Page 11: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Founding Fathers a/k/a Framers

• George Washington• Thomas Jefferson• James Madison• John Adams• Benjamin Franklin• Alexander Hamilton• Patrick Henry• Thomas Paine

See page 145

Page 12: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Articles of Confederation

• War continues• Treaty of Paris ends war

1783• Government divided

between national government and state governments (13)

See page 146

Page 13: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Governments share power

• National –Declare war

–Sign treaties

–Deliver the mail

–Create money

• States (13)–Collect taxes

–Issue money

–Own militia

–One vote in Congress

See page 146

Page 14: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Articles of Confederation

• Congress passed Articles in Nov 1777

• All 13 states agree 1781 (4 years!)

• Passed with difficulty – Land issues (western land had to be given up)– Voting issues (all states have one vote – big

or small)

See page 146

Page 15: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Northwest Ordinance

• Areas that are now Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota

• Described how territory set up government and became a state

• Freedom of religion• Trial by jury• Outlawed slavery

See page 146

Page 16: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Weaknesses of the Articles

• Congress (national) gov’t could not raise taxes could not pay massive debts (sound familiar??)

• Congress (national) gov’t could not control trade or enforce laws could not resolve trade disputes between states

• Required all 13 states to approve changes in the Articles

See page 147

Page 17: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Money Problems (already)

• After Revolutionary war, new country (USA) owed $42 million

• Much is owed to soldiers during and after war

• Soldiers received land in Northwest Territory instead

• Taxes high in many states– Rebellions against [new] government

Page 18: Early Government 3,000 miles separated Great Britain and the American Colonies Mayflower, 1620 – male passengers had to sign a compact (contract) to a.

Shay’s Rebellion

• Daniel Shay, Continental Army soldier (Patriot) & Massachusetts farmer

• Could not pay HIGH taxes, about to loose property (from not being paid)

• Organized group of angry farmers to steal guns from gov’t

• Were stopped by troops

• Alarmed people; no where to turn for help Shays' Rebellion

See page 147