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1 EAPA News Fall 2013


Message from the Chairman ............................ 1

Current EAPA Sections ..................................... 1

NACE International Interviews Incoming EAPA Chair Hiroyuki Tanabe .................. 2

NACE Shanghai China Office Updates ....... 3

Upcoming NACE International Section-Sponsored Courses in EAPA ................... 3

Profile of NACE International President Tushar Jhaveri ............................................. 4

Dr. U. Kamachi Madali named a NACE Inter-national Fellow ........................................... 4

Successful Bring on the Heat Conference held in Malaysia ......................................... 5

2013 EAPA Conference & Expo Scheduled for November ............................................. 6

Message from the Chairman

Hello everyone. I am your new chair of the East Asia and Pacific Rim Area (EAPA), with my term beginning on July 1, 2013. Our area is relatively young and still

growing. There are many things that we should be communicating on to better understand each other and find solutions for the EAPA’s development. As we progress down this path, it may require some creative thinking as EAPA continues to grow not only in terms of membership, but also in the number of events and activities we conduct in the area and within the sections.

I believe in the motto that “education, learning from one another, and communication are important to grow the association.”

During my term in office, I will be leading and promoting EAPA based on this motto.

Learning from each other is especially important for the younger generation. Communication among all members also is a key principle for the EAPA to achieve NACE International’s Strategic Plan. The group online monthly meeting and the annual NACE EAPA Conference and Expo are activities in line with the motto.

I am happy and pleased to have this opportunity and look forward to the challenges ahead. We are lucky to have very committed area board members and staffs. Working together, they are achieving success in the EAPA.

As you know, we already have an international communicative tool and platform through the annual CORROSION conference, which covers many industries across the board, including suppliers, customers, builders, and users. The more we learn about corrosion, the more people we get to know.

I look forward to the year ahead and I hope to see all of you at the EAPA Conference 2013 in Kyoto this November and CORROSION 2014 in San Antonio, Texas next March, in addition to other corrosion-related events. Thank you and all the best.

NACE International News for the East Asia and Pacific Rim AreaEAPA NewsEAPA NewsEAPA News

Fall 2013

Hiroyuki TanabeNACE International

EAPA Chairman


The following sections are currently part of the NACE International East Asia and Pacific Rim Area.

Bangkok Thailand Section

Beijing China Section

China Student Section

Founding Malaysia Section

Founding Singapore Section

Gateway India Section

Guandong and Hong Kong Section

India Student Section

Indonesia Jakarta Section

Islamabad Pakistan Section

Lanzhou China Section

Manila Philippine Section

NIGIS South Zone Student Section

Shanghai China Section

Shenyang China Section

Taipei Section

Tianjin China Section

Tokyo Japan Section

University of Indonesia Student Section

Western Australia Student Section

Xi-an China Section

NACE encourages the formation of new sections and student sections throughout the world. For more information, please contact Cindy Tracy at [email protected]. To submit section news to this newsletter, please contact Astley Pung or Selly Tham at the NACE Kuala Lumpur office: [email protected] or [email protected].

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2 EAPA News Fall 2013

NACE International Interviews Incoming EAPA Chair Hiroyuki Tanabe

We were absolutely delighted when Dr. Hiroyuki Tanabe, senior advisor for Dai

Nippon Toryo Co. Ltd. and NACE International’s 2013/2014 East Asia and Pacific Rim Area (EAPA) chairman, agreed to an interview for EAPA News.

Dr. Tanabe has an extensive background in applied chemistry from Keio University and has a doctorate degree from National Kyoto University, Japan. He has received several technical awards, including one in 1998 and another in 2013 from the Japan Corrosion Engineering Association for outstanding papers and served as senior director and chairman of the same association. Moving up from his esteemed position as 2011/2012 NACE EAPA vice chairman, he is now your current chairman.

So what made him venture into the corrosion line of work? What inspired him to pursue this career? What does he hope to achieve this year as the NACE EAPA chairman?

When was your first involvement with NACE?

It was 1984, when I attended NACE’s CORROSION annual conference in the United States. It was very educational and impressive and I have continued as a NACE member ever since. However, my involvement increased with NACE when the Tokyo Japan Section was founded in 2004.

Name a person or persons who had a tremendous impact on you in the course of your career.

I started my interest in corrosion when I was a just a researcher in Keio University so I would have to say both the late Professor Sejich Fujii of Keio Univeristy and the late Professor David Scantlebury of the University of Manchester. They made a huge impact in my life! Professor

Fujii drew me into corrosion research by introducing me to corrosion inhibitor-related studies.Professor Scantlebury subsequently introduced me to protective coatings research. He remained a mentor and a close friend to me and my family.

What did you find was most challenging in the course of your career and how did you overcome it?

Over the years, I have faced many challenges. One of them, I remember clearly, was trying to develop a new protective coating by collaborating with another organization. The problems became so overwhelming that we had to work nights for months! Most of my colleagues were just going to give up due to the difficulties we were facing. With hard work, innovation, and persistence, I managed to lead my colleagues through those tough times within the timeframe given.

Now I am facing a new challenge as the new EAPA chairman and I believe that through the same hard work, innovation, and persistence, I will manage to complement the area and bring it to new heights.

What strategies are you planning to implement for the EAPA or for NACE?

I believe that a few things are in order before we can fully develop and implement a strategy for NACE EAPA. It is crucial to understand the many different aspects of the area and the many different sections and have them in line with NACE International’s Strategic Plan. Communication and increased understanding of NACE among the members is key to ensuring a successful year. There is also a need for increased knowledge exchange, whether through workshops, conferences, or congresses, or just a mere meet-up with the local members. These activities will provide new insights to the development and

implementation of the NACE Strategic Plan.

And with NACE members? Are there any goals or additional support provided?

I welcome ideas from all members in the EAPA and implore for increased communication between the members and their member leaders. This can be done either by e-mails or attending the annual NACE EAPA Corrosion Conference and other events. Members are encouraged to contact their sections to find out more about the happenings in their area. Do read EAPA News as this will not only give you knowledge of your leaders but also an insight on the upcoming NACE events, classes, and other important corrosion-related matters.

What do you think is your biggest challenge as the NACE EAPA chairman?

I think the biggest challenge would be the ability to reach out to all the members in the area and being able to share our ideas and implement them. We have an exciting lineup of leaders this year and we are moving toward increasing member and section activities. It will be tough but not impossible to gain feedback from the members and I’m looking forward to that.

What advice would you give to someone who is an up-and-coming leader for NACE sections and areas?

Clear and open communication is important to ensure a successful organ-

By Michelle Tan

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NACE Shanghai China Office UpdatesBy Bei Gu

The NACE Shanghai China Section has launched an official Weibo account, an effective tool for communication between NACE and members in China or whoever is interested in NACE. This is in addition to the existing section Web pages that have been established on the NACE Web site. With support from our members, the landing pages on the NACE Web site have been translated into Chinese and are available to the public. Other content will be translated in the future to meet the needs of our members in China.The NACE WeiBo can be found at and the Web site is:

NACE International members in China are translating landing

pages on the Web site to more effectively communicate within

ization. I recommend concentrating on that first and foremost. As advice to all leaders, whether it is for the first time or not, communication with the team, to the team, and with your fellow members is highly encouraged.

What is one characteristic/quality that you believe every leader should possess?

One characteristic that I believe every leader should possess is the ability to share the implementation strategy and the clear-cut steps on how to achieve goals with their members and fellow colleagues.

What will you be doing to ensure your continuous growth as a member leader?

My philosophy is that if I can share my goals and plans to achieve those goals with the EAPA team and our fellow members, it will allow a constant communication stream and an approachability that will ensure my continuous learning and growth as one of the leaders of NACE EAPA.

Thank you, Dr. Tanabe, for your time. We wish you a great year and the best in all your future undertakings.

Continued from p. 2

To provide better services to members, leaders and representatives from sections in China gathered in Beijing on May 16, 2013. At the meeting, NACE staff presented the NACE five-year strategic plan, followed by discussion and shared plans of each section.

Since NACE launched its new corporate membership program at the beginning of 2013, we were pleased to welcome PetroChina’s Research Institute of Lanzhou Petrochemical Co. as a Diamond Corporate Member!

The NACE China office has been conducting outreach to relevant organizations from the time it was set up last October. Cooperative programs have been initiated, including with PetroChina and ASME to organize the China International Pipeline Conference 2013. Held in September 2013, the conference was attended by NACE Vice President Harvey Hack, who gave a keynote speech at the opening ceremony. He met Mr. Yao Wei, president of PetroChina, and the various sections in China.


Protective Coating Specialist (PCS)

PCS Basic Principles November 11-13, 2013 Selangor, Malaysia

PCS 2 Advanced November 14-16, 2013 Selangor, Malaysia

Cathodic Protection (CP)

CP 1 February 10-15, 2014

Mumbai, India

CP 2 February 17-22, 2014

Mumbai, India

Coating Inspector Program (CIP)

CIP Level 1 December 2-7, 2013 January 27-Feb. 1, 2014 February 10-15, 2014 Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Vadodra, India

April 28-May 3, 2014 May 12-17, 2014 Mumbai, India Kochi, India

CIP Level 2 December 9-14, 2013 February 3-8, 2014 May 5-10, 2014

Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Mumbai, India

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Profile of NACE International President Tushar Jhaveri

Tushar JhaveriNACE International


Tushar Jhaveri has been a NACE International member for 19 years and has served the NACE

International Gateway India Section in a number of roles including both treasurer and secretary for two terms each and also membership chairman. He served in the capacity of director and chairman for the NACE International East Asia and Pacific Rim Area between 2007 and 2011 and he

currently serves on two NACE Specific Technology Groups and five Technical Exchange Groups. In 2001, Jhaveri was the recipient of the NACE Gateway India Section’s Corrosion Dedication Award. An active participant in NACE International sections and an advocate for increased global activity by NACE, Jhaveri is working to advance participation of members in sections and boost certifications worldwide.

Jhaveri received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Mumbai University and his M.S. degree from the University of Florida. He has been the chief executive of Vasu Chemicals since 1991. Headquartered in Mumbai with operations across India and the Middle East, Vasu Chemicals is a water treatment company that manufactures inhibitors and biocides.

As president, Jhaveri is working with NACE member and staff leadership to ensure the organization grows, develops,

and endures as a strong and vibrant association serving the needs of its membership worldwide. Motivated by today’s interdependent and rapidly changing world, Jhaveri is focused on positioning NACE to adapt to a world in which technologies are constantly evolving and creating new environments, new standards, new kinds of interaction, new behaviors, and new forms of competition.

Among numerous ambitious goals, Jhaveri is using his term as president to ensure that NACE member services are easily accessible and uniform across the globe to accommodate the needs of members and other customers; strengthening NACE education programs; and working to ensure NACE standards and the NACE International Institute certifications remain up to date and relevant.

In the past two years, NACE membership has grown almost 20%, with more than 32,000 members in 116 countries today. In order to continue this growth, NACE leadership gathered to develop a detailed strategic plan that Jhaveri has been sharing worldwide and steering action toward several goals within the plan. He believes NACE must provide content that is aligned with the needs of membership, and that it’s delivered in a timely, professional, and uniform way to members worldwide. He is focused on creating the systems to make this happen, including adding staff globally.

Working with NACE staff and member volunteers, Jhaveri is making strides toward achieving his goals.

Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali named a NACE International FellowIt is with great pleasure that the East Asia and Pacific Rim Area congratulates Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali for the honor of being named a NACE International Fellow.

Mudali is the associate director of the Corrosion Science and Technology Group and head of the Reprocessing Research and

Development Division and IGCAR-Technology Transfer Cell at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research in Kalpakkam, India. He has been with the organization since 1984. He is an internationally recognized materials and corrosion specialist in the area of development of advanced materials and coatings for aggressive environments, localized corrosion, and surface modification for corrosion protection. Mudali has published 275 papers in journals; 240 papers in

proceedings, books, and internal reports; one encyclopedia article; 160 plenary, keynote, and invited lectures; 13 books; and has three patents to his credit. He has average citation of 7.9 per paper and the h-index is 21 without self-citation.

Mudali is a professor and faculty member of the Homi Bhabha National Institute in Mumbai and an adjunct professor at the PSG College of Technology in Coimbatore. He has been a visiting scientist at leading institutions in Germany, Japan, France, the United Kingdom, and Israel. He has won prestigious awards in recognition of his excellent research and development contributions, including the Tamil Nadu Scientist Award (1997), National MASCOT Corrosion Award (2000), ONGC Excellence in Corrosion Award (2003), Homi Bhabha Science and Technology Award (2004), National Metallurgists Day Award (2005), Indian

Dr. U. Kumachi Mudali, FNACENACE International Fellow

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Successful Bring on the Heat Conference held in Malaysia

More than 200 people attended the August 2013 conference.

The conference included several technical sessions presented by experts in the field of high-temperature coating applications.

Networking opportunities were available throughout the event, as well as a table top exhibition.

The 2013 Bring on the Heat Malaysia Conference, held August 27 to 29 at the G Hotel in Penang, featured three days of informative programming with some of the industry’s leaders in fireproofing, high-temperature,

and other protective coatings. The conference combined the best of Malaysian hospitality with an exciting technical program and a social networking session to make the event a truly memorable experience. The event attracted nearly 200 leading practicing coating professionals, upper management, engineers, and inspectors.

The technical program covered the following topics:• Passive Fire Protection • Corrosion Under Insulation • Corrosion Under Passive Fire Protection • High Temperature Coatings • Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA) • Epoxy Intumescent Fireproofing • Cementitious Fireproofing

NACE thanks the conference organizers and event sponsors for their support of this successful event.

Nuclear Society Medal (2005), NACE Meritorious Contribution in Corrosion Award (2009), Vocational Excellence Award (2012), and DAE Group Achievement Award (2011 and 2012).

In addition to NACE, Mudali is a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Metals (2006), Indian National Academy of Engineering (2009), Institution of Engineers (2009), Tamil

Nadu Academy of Sciences (2010), and ASM International (2013). He is currently president of NIGIS South Zone, vice president of NCCI, vice chairman of ASM International, anda governing council member of Electrochemical Society of India.

Continued from p. 4

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2013 EAPA Conference & Expo

Scheduled for November

Join one of the most valuable conferences in the East Asia and Pacific Rim Area on state-of-the-

art technology concerning corrosion and protection. Scheduled for November 19 to 21 in Kyoto, Japan, the 2013 EAPA Conference & Expo will focus on topics that include marine coatings, protection of steel and concrete structures, cathodic protection, energy, the cost of corrosion, atmospheric corrosion, ISO-related activities, and more. The accompanying exhibition will feature the products and services of prominent companies from the corrosion control industry around the world.

The NACE International Tokyo Japan Section is hosting the event at the National Kyoto Conference Hall, led by organizer Professor T. Shibata.



NACE New Orleans Education Week

December 2-7, 2013Kenner, LA

Charlie Speed, phone: +1 504-400-7878, e-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Corrosion Mitigation and Surface Protection Technologies

December 9-12, 2013Luxor, Egypt

Dr. Nabil Abdel Ghany, Egyptian Corrosion Society, phone: 0020104476238, e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

Bring on the Heat Abu Dhabi

December 15-16, 2013Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

CaLae McDermott, phone: +1 281-228-6263, e-mail: [email protected], Web site:


NACE Power Plant Coatings Symposium

January 14-15, 2014Orlando, FL

Katie Flynn, phone: +1 281-228-6210,e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

NACE Northern Area Western Conference 2014

January 27-30, 2014Edmonton, AB, Canada Web site:


15th Middle East Corrosion Conference (MECCE)

February 2-5, 2014Manama, Bahrain

Mohammed Barot, NACE Dhahran Saudi Arabia Section, e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

Liberty Bell Corrosion Course

February 12-13, 2014Horsham, PA

Dave Krause, phone: +1 610-344-7002, e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

MARCH 2014

CORROSION 2014 March 9-13, 2014San Antonio, TX

CaLae McDermott, phone: +1 281-228-6263,e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

MAY 2014

Appalachian Underground Corrosion Short Course

May 13-15, 2014Morgantown, WV

Danielle Petrak, phone: +1 304-293-4307, e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

SINOCORR 2014 May 19-22, 2014Beijing, China

NACE Shanghai China Section, phone: +86 21 5012 4418, e-mail: [email protected], Web site:

NACE Central Area Conference 2014

August 25-27, 2014Tulsa, OK

CaLae McDermott, phone: +1 281-228-6263, e-mail: [email protected]

NACE Eastern Area Conference 2014

October 7-9, 2014Myrtle Beach, SC

Lesley Williams, phone: +1 281-228-6413, e-mail: [email protected]

A Taste of Conference

During CORROSION 2013 in Orlando, Florida, several lectures, symposium presentations, and technical information exchanges were recorded to

provide “A Taste of Conference” for people unable to attend, or who may have missed some presentations because of conflicts in the schedule.

NACE made these presentations available to NACE sections for the six months following the conference as a programming option for their meetings. The presentations are now available for viewing by anyone. Several have been archived as NACE Webinars, available at

A list of sessions recorded at CORROSION 2013 is available and we encourage members to contact your respective section officers to obtain one. The recordings captured PowerPoint presentations and audio. We trust the sections will be organizing technical and networking sessions in the coming months to share these videos.

If you have any questions, please contact your local section officers or Bei Gu in the China Office ([email protected]) or Myers Liao in the EAPA office ([email protected]).

We hope you enjoy A Taste of Conference!