Download - Ealing in London #5


!e regeneration magazine of the London Borough of Ealing/issue 05/spring ‘14

Smart cookieS: inveSt in ealingCREATIVE TALENT: BRIGHT BUSINESS

St James is a proud member of The Berkeley Group, an award winning developer and a UK leader in the visionary delivery of major urban regeneration schemes. We work with the world’s finest architects and designers, applying the latest thinking and technology to create some of the most stylish and enjoyable places to live in and around London; with our homes setting new world class standards in luxury and quality.

St James is proud to support Ealing in London

Roehampton House, Roehampton SW15Only one 2 bedroom Grade I listed apartment with a range of residents’ facilities. Priced at £1,850,000020 3004

Hurlingham Gate, Fulham SW6Just 13, 4 bedroom luxury townhousesfrom £2,250,000020 8246

Moore House, Grosvenor Waterside, London SW1WJust four 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments from £810,000020 8246

Kew Bridge West, Brentford TW81, 2 and 3 bedroom apartmentsand penthouses from £400,000020 8662

Riverlight, London SW81, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments andpenthouses with a range of residents’facilities. Register now for next release.020 7870

Coming SoonBrewery Wharf, Twickenham TW11 and 2 bedroom apartments3 and 4 bedroom housesRegister your interest 020 3002

Coming SoonThe Corniche, London SE11, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments andpenthouses with a comprehensiverange of residents’ facilitiesRegister your interest 020 8246

Coming SoonMerano Residences, London SE1An exclusive collection of 2 and 3bedroom apartments and penthousesRegister your interest 020 8246

Coming SoonHurlingham Walk, Fulham SW6An elegant collection of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and penthousesRegister your interest 020 8246

Homes & London on your iPad Our twice yearly lifestyle magazine is available on your iPad. Search Homes & London to download the latest edition.

Creating great places for London

Computer generated image depicts Riverlight, London proud member of the Berkeley Group of companies

St James is a proud member of The Berkeley Group, an award winning developer and a UK leader in the visionary delivery of major urban regeneration schemes. We work with the world’s finest architects and designers, applying the latest thinking and technology to create some of the most stylish and enjoyable places to live in and around London; with our homes setting new world class standards in luxury and quality.

St James is proud to support Ealing in London

Roehampton House, Roehampton SW15Only one 2 bedroom Grade I listed apartment with a range of residents’ facilities. Priced at £1,850,000020 3004

Hurlingham Gate, Fulham SW6Just 13, 4 bedroom luxury townhousesfrom £2,250,000020 8246

Moore House, Grosvenor Waterside, London SW1WJust four 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments from £810,000020 8246

Kew Bridge West, Brentford TW81, 2 and 3 bedroom apartmentsand penthouses from £400,000020 8662

Riverlight, London SW81, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments andpenthouses with a range of residents’facilities. Register now for next release.020 7870

Coming SoonBrewery Wharf, Twickenham TW11 and 2 bedroom apartments3 and 4 bedroom housesRegister your interest 020 3002

Coming SoonThe Corniche, London SE11, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments andpenthouses with a comprehensiverange of residents’ facilitiesRegister your interest 020 8246

Coming SoonMerano Residences, London SE1An exclusive collection of 2 and 3bedroom apartments and penthousesRegister your interest 020 8246

Coming SoonHurlingham Walk, Fulham SW6An elegant collection of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and penthousesRegister your interest 020 8246

Homes & London on your iPad Our twice yearly lifestyle magazine is available on your iPad. Search Homes & London to download the latest edition.

Creating great places for London

Computer generated image depicts Riverlight, London proud member of the Berkeley Group of companies

Investing in Ealing

Computer-generated image ofA2Dominion’s St Margaret’s scheme in Hanwell

A2Dominion is one of the country’s leading providers of high quality housing.

The Group is proud to be working in partnership with the London Borough of Ealingto deliver hundreds of new homes and A2Dominion’s new regional headquarters.

With over 3,300 properties in management and 500 in development in the borough, A2Dominion is investing more than £100m into Ealing over the next four years. us on Twitter @a2dominion

Ealing_V3.indd 1 12/12/2013 09:42:59




7_ updateNews – what is happening in Ealing’s regeneration story

��Bup and coming talent We meet the leading lights of Ealing’s creative talent wave, from employable artists to gourmet entrepreneurs

��Bcrossrail – gVaA look at the impact of Crossrail so far, from journeys to investment decisions

��Bmap We locate the borough’s opportunity sites and regeneration schemes

��Bprojects A summary of some of Ealing’s major development schemes and potential projects c







COVER IMAGE: Eat Cookie, Sleep Cookie and David Tothill

IMAGES: Ealing Council / DK-CM, DK-CM / Europa, Jane Packham, Carnival Films /ITV, Sarah Knight, Willmott Dixon, Crossrail, St George, bptw partnership, Newground Architecture, Make Ltd., Ealing Council, David Tothill, Delamar Academy, Kieran McManus/BPI, Brompton Bicycle, Radu Razvan / Shutterstock

PRINTED BY:Tradewinds

For Ealing CouncilPerceval House14-16 Uxbridge RoadEaling W5 2HL

PUBLISHED BY: 375 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY T: 020 7978 6840 SUBSCRIPTIONS AND FEEDBACK:

© 3Fox International Limited 2014. All material is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written permission of 3Fox International Limited is strictly forbidden. !e greatest care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine at time of going to press, but we accept no responsibility for omissions or errors. !e views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of 3Fox International Limited.

��Bsouthall The huge gas works project leads development in up-and-coming Southall

��BhousingA look at the homebuilders investing in Ealing

��Bregeneration A new 14-platform super interchange at Old Oak Common will provide rapid access to and from the capital, levering investment

55_cycling Ealing’s reputation as a pro-cycling borough goes from strength-to-strength

��B�sitematch A focus on the major opportunity at Middlesex Business Centre in Southall

Benson Elliot, a leading private equity investor, acquired the 2.8 acre Arcadia site in Ealing Broadway, London W5 in December 2012.

7KH�¿UVW�SKDVH��D�UHWDLO�UHGHYHORSPHQW��UHFHLYHG�FRQVHQW�in 2013 and was forward sold to Pramerica Real Estate Investors in January 2014, demonstrating the retailer and LQYHVWRU�FRQ¿GHQFH�LQ�(DOLQJ���$OOLHV��0RUULVRQ�LV�QRZ�working on plans for the second phase, a major mixed use retail and residential scheme.

The site is served by two London Underground lines and mainline rail services from Paddington to Heathrow and the west, and will see Crossrail arrive in 2018.





newsProjects and initiatives from Ealing’s regeneration

Independent panel to revIew CrossraIl statIon desIgns

Crossrail has agreed that an independent panel should review the design of Ealing’s stations. It comes after Ealing Council appointed architects HOK and John McAslan + Partners to improve the design of the proposed Ealing Broadway and Southall Crossrail stations.

For Ealing Broadway, HOK has been asked to review and amend plans drawn up by Crossrail. New designs will seek to improve the look and feel of the station building, including redesigning the canopy and facade.

At Southall station, council-employed architects John McAslan + Partners will work with Crossrail to improve the station’s appearance and make it easier to use. In particular, the council wants to harness the station’s contribution to the regeneration of the area, including proposed developments at Southall Gas Works, Middlesex Business Park and in the town centre.

Council leader Julian Bell said: “We know Crossrail will bring huge LJVUVTPJ�ILULÄ[Z�HUK�HJJLSLYH[L�[OL�regeneration already taking place. But we’re also determined to ensure we get the best possible station designs. Experience shows good design brings NYLH[LY�YLNLULYH[PVU�ILULÄ[Z�

¸0�ÄYTS`�ILSPL]L�^L�JHU�^VYR�^P[O�Crossrail to develop an innovative KLZPNU�[OH[�^PSS�ZPNUPÄJHU[S`�PTWYV]L�^OH[�PZ�WYVWVZLK�^P[OV\[�ZPNUPÄJHU[S`�increasing costs or delaying construction by even a day.”

warren Farm deal sIgned wIth Qpr FC

Warren Farm in Southall is set to be transformed after a deal was signed between Ealing Council and Queens Park Rangers Football Club (QPR).

Under the development agreement, QPR will build a new multi-purpose community sports complex and training facility, a base for the club’s training academy as well as giving local people access to high-quality community and sports facilities.

The plan will see improved football HUK�JYPJRL[�WP[JOLZ��H�UL^�HY[PÄJPHS�turf pitch and multi-use games areas suitable for sports such as netball

and tennis. A Community Sports Development Programme (CSDP) has also been drawn up as part of the agreement, which will see QPR offer sports programmes and other community activities to local people.

QPR chairman Tony Fernandes said: “We are committed to building the club in the right way and putting in place the foundations for success in the future.

“The academy is an important part of this, and this agreement is the next step in strengthening the long-term prospects of QPR.”

Crosstree buys Carphone warehouse CrossraIl sIte

Investor Crosstree has bought Carphone Warehouse’s former headquarters in Acton.

0U�^OH[�PZ�[OL�ÄYZ[�[PTL�*YVZZ[YLL�Real Estate Partners has invested outside of central London, the company bought the 1.8-ha site near Acton Main Line in anticipation of a Crossrail boost come 2018.

It is also close to Old Oak Common, where both Crossrail and, from 2026,

High Speed 2 trains, could be running. It is thought to have potential for residential or student accommodation.

The existing 14,089sq m building at 1 Portal Way includes a 164-space underground car park and a 71-space surface car park. It is currently only two storeys tall and so is thought to offer strong redevelopment potential. The deal has been reported as being worth around £40 million.


Copley Close projeCt bags london plannIng award

Hanwell’s Copley Close estate was named Best Conceptual Project at the 2014 London Planning Awards.

The project, instigated jointly by Ealing Council and architect Hunters, will deliver the refurbishment of most of the existing homes and the public realm, alongside the construction of 205 new properties.

Community and retail facilities will be developed between existing buildings. It was granted approval in October 2013. Last year, Ealing set up its own company to act as developer and landlord for the project, which covers an 8-ha site.

Judges included the London mayor, the Royal Town Planning Institute, and

London First. They chose Copley Close ahead of competition from regeneration schemes at Stratford and Woolwich.

The accolade is designed to commend schemes that contribute to London’s world city status, regenerate areas of deprivation, maximise the potential of an area, or tackle long-standing planning problems.

Judges said the scheme was a “careful, sensitive and responsive approach” to estate renewal, adding: “The strategy addresses many of the issues resulting from the poor original layout of the estates and avoids unnecessary disruption.”

Work is under way and due to be completed by 2019.

£750,000 boost to london’s FIlm Industry

The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, chose Ealing Studios as the place to announce new investment in London’s ÄST��;=�HUK�HUPTH[PVU�PUK\Z[YPLZ��/L�said £750,000 of funding would help create 1,000 jobs and bring work to the city’s creative industries.

(SYLHK`�LUQV`PUN�[H_�YLSPLM�MVY�ÄST��London is reportedly now the third I\ZPLZ[�JP[`�PU�[OL�^VYSK�MVY�ÄST�THRPUN�after LA and New York.

Ealing Studios is the longest JVU[PU\PUN�ÄST�Z[\KPV�PU�[OL�<2�HUK�home to the Downton Abbey set, as well as the pioneering special effects studio Imaginarium.

James Spring, CEO and managing

KPYLJ[VY�VM�ÄST�HUK�[LSL]PZPVU�H[�,HSPUN�Studios, said: “The extension of the [H_�JYLKP[�Z`Z[LT�MVY�OPNO�LUK�;=�OHZ�already led to increased activity from foreign productions as well as UK originated television. This, together with the continued and increased support from Film London and the mayor’s VMÄJL��OLSW�THRL�3VUKVU�HUK�,HSPUN�Studios world class destinations for the ILZ[�WYVK\JLYZ�VM�ÄST�HUK�[LSL]PZPVU�¹

Gareth Neame, executive producer at Downton Abbey, said: “We’re fortunate to have one of the world’s TVZ[�]PIYHU[�;=�WYVK\J[PVU�PUK\Z[YPLZ�here in the UK. Much of that work has traditionally been located in London.”

new era For ealIng traInIng Centre

New facilities have been unveiled at Ealing Council’s centre for vocational training and apprenticeships.

Redwood College on Greenford Road provides courses in construction, hair and beauty, bike mechanics and electronics for 14 to 19-year-olds.

Students of school age attend two days a week and work towards HJJYLKP[LK�X\HSPÄJH[PVUZ�HSVUNZPKL�studying for their GCSEs in school. At the same time as learning

vocational skills, young people also study English and maths to help them prepare for the workplace.

The pass rates for individual courses are between 92% and 100% and 110 students are currently enrolled. More than £1.5 million has been invested by the council in building new workshops and classrooms, including a dedicated space for bike maintenance.

Redwood Education and Skills runs the college for the council.

Julie Guest, director of Redwood Education and Skills, said: “Redwood Skills is delighted to have been selected by Ealing Council to manage the centre. The new building provides a fantastic environment in which school students can learn and train.”

“What I love about Redwood is that it allows young people to play to their strengths and follow a vocational training route if that’s what interests them most,” explained council leader Julian Bell.




ealIng FestIvals prove smash hIts

The London Mela, Europe’s largest free, outdoor Asian festival, attracted crowds of thousands when it returned to Ealing in summer 2013.

Up to 80,000 regularly attend the celebration, whose name, ‘mela’, comes from the Sanskrit “to meet”.

Nine zones, including The Main Stage, BBC Asian Music, New Music and an outdoor arts, dance and

family zone, featured music from artists plucked from all corners of the globe, and celebrated the best of South Asian culture. Chiswick-born Pete Townshend of The Who drew the crowds to his talk about his musical career. The Ealing Music and -PST��=HSLU[PUL��-LZ[P]HS�PU�-LIY\HY`�2014 was designed to celebrate the borough’s cultural heritage.

buIlder Chosen For ealIng’s new CommunIty and CounCIl spaCe

Plans to construct a new children and adults service centre in Greenford have taken a step forward after Ealing Council appointed Thomas Sinden to carry out the work.

>OLU�ÄUPZOLK��[OL�UL^�I\PSKPUN��H[�9H]LUVY�-HYT�PU�6SKÄLSK�3HUL��^PSS�accommodate around 140 council staff. Departments housed there will include community-based services for adults with learning disabilities, occupational therapy and social work teams.

6\[ZPKL�VM�VMÄJL�OV\YZ�HUK�H[�[OL�weekend, the building will be available for community use.

The project is part of Ealing Council’s property strategy to bring council services together into a few modern buildings that are more sustainable and cheaper to run. The new building will sit on land alongside the London Motorcycle Museum, also in Ravenor Farm. The new centre is expected to open in October 2014.

Leader of Ealing Council, councillor Julian Bell, said: “This project puts some of our most important services right at the heart of the community and JYLH[LZ�H�TVKLYU�HUK�Ä[�MVY�W\YWVZL�building. We are also creating some valuable community space and I hope that local groups and families will make the most of it. I’m looking forward to seeing the new building.”

KIer gets go-ahead For £43 mIllIon hospItal In ealIng

Kier Construction has been given full approval to construct a new unit at St Bernard’s Hospital in Ealing, in partnership with the West London Mental Health NHS Trust (WLMHT).

The £43 million project will produce H�TVKLYU��Ä[�MVY�W\YWVZL�LU]PYVUTLU[�for services, and is set to help patients recover more quickly and reduce treatment times.

WLMHT chairman Nigel McCorkell said it meant the trust could now begin an “extensive modernisation process”.

Managing director of Kier Construction’s major projects business, Colin Lamb, said: “Kier has a proven track record of delivering highly complex projects creating facilities for the health sector, and this milestone PZ�H�ZPNUPÄJHU[�KL]LSVWTLU[�[OH[�demonstrates how successful the collaboration has been.

“We look forward to working very closely with the trust to deliver this project, which will provide excellent new facilities for patients.”


southall’s bIg plan moves a step Closer to realIty

Southall Broadway has undergone a dramatic facelift, the latest stage in the council’s multimillion pound project to transform the town.

Work in The Broadway is part of the wider regeneration of the area – known as the Southall Big Plan – which aims to improve the town centre, community and sports facilities. The second phase will begin in summer 2014.

;OL�[V^U�JLU[YL�PZ�ILULÄ[[PUN�MYVT�H�£3.5 million pot of cash from the mayor of London’s Regeneration Fund, a £70 million project to drive growth across the city, as well as funds from Transport for London and Ealing Council.

In October 2013, the council’s cabinet gave the green light to more improvements in Southall. They agreed to upgrade areas on The Green and King Street, as well as redevelop the area in front of Lidl supermarket in High Street to turn it into a public space for events and markets.

The entrance to Southall Park will be improved along with the parade of shops opposite the Manor House and the area in front of St Anselm’s church in The Green. The council will also transform a piece of land on King Street into a new public space.

study shows possIble ImpaCt on jobs From losIng heathrow

Up to 70,000 jobs across three boroughs neighbouring Heathrow Airport would vanish, with devastating economic consequences, if the airport were to close in favour of a new hub airport elsewhere.

That is the warning from research commissioned by the boroughs of Ealing, Hounslow and Slough, which

concluded that other recent studies, including one by Heathrow Airport itself, have underestimated the employment impacts of a scenario in which Heathrow closes.

Councillor Julian Bell, leader of Ealing Council, said: “Thousands of local families depend on Heathrow for their livelihoods and the airport plays

a critical role in the local economy. Closing it should not be contemplated.

“The Davies Commission should take into account the economic impact of each of the options that are being considered and pay particular attention to this report which makes clear Heathrow’s importance to the success of Ealing and west London.”

brItIsh land aCQuIre Crystal house bloCK In ealIng broadway

British Land has acquired the Crystal House Block in Ealing Broadway from a Northern Ireland-based private investor for £28.8 million.

The block forms one of the three entrances to Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre which British Land HJX\PYLK�PU�-LIY\HY`������HUK�ZPNUPÄLZ�single ownership of the entire centre for [OL�ÄYZ[�[PTL�PU�P[Z����`LHY�OPZ[VY �̀

The Crystal House Block comprises 3,000sq m of retail across 13 ground ÅVVY�\UP[Z��H��� ��ZX�T�VMÄJL�ISVJR�above and 125 car parking spaces.

Key retail tenants include The Body Shop, Monsoon, The Perfume Shop and Ernest Jones.

Charles Maudsley, head of retail for British Land, said: “The acquisition of the front section of Ealing Broadway :OVWWPUN�*LU[YL�\USVJRZ�ZPNUPÄJHU[�opportunities to grow and develop the entire centre by continuing to improve the retail mix and increasing the leisure offer. Ealing Broadway continues to PTWYV]L�HZ�[OL�HYLH�ILULÄ[Z�MYVT�residential development and the completion of Crossrail.”

arCadIa Centre sells For £37.4m

Property investment specialist Benson Elliot has sold Ealing’s Arcadia Centre to Pramerica Real Estate Investors for ������TPSSPVU��[OL�ÄYT�OHZ�HUUV\UJLK�

The centre, which fronts Ealing Broadway and is currently being redeveloped, is part of the wider 1.1-ha Arcadia Portfolio site that Benson Elliot acquired in 2012 from

administrators Grant Thornton. Design work on the rest of the portfolio has now started, with plans to be designed by Allies and Morrison expected to include a core of residential development surrounded by new retail space and quality public realm. Benson Elliot partner Phil Irons said Crossrail was a “game changer”.


Ealing Filmworksbringing cinema back to Ealing

Working in partnership with Ealing Borough Council to provide a multi-screen cinema, new shops, restaurants and housing in the heart of Ealing.

LSC2330_Ealingin_London_Advert_ST5.indd 1 18/02/2014 15:10

12 the crossrail effect

Leaders of the PackFrom enticing aromas bubbling away in kitchens to the scent of OHPYZWYH`�^HM[PUN�MYVT�ÄST�ZL[Z�HYV\UK�[OL�^VYSK��,HSPUN�PZ�HSP]L�^P[O�[OL�\UTPZ[HRLHISL�ZTLSS�VM�Z\JJLZZ��,Z[HISPZOLK�JYLH[P]LZ�HYL�THRPUN�NYLH[�Z[YPKLZ�PU�KP]LYZL�ÄLSKZ��^OPSL�KYP]LU�HUK�^VYR�YLHK`�HY[PZ[PJ�NYHK\H[LZ�HYL�[\YUPUN�,HSPUN�PU[V�H�I`^VYK�MVY�`V\UN�[HSLU[��The borough is rich in success stories. Lucy Purdy meets some of [OL�WLVWSL�THRPUN�H�UHTL�MVY�[OLTZLS]LZ�¶�HUK�MVY�,HSPUN�H[�[OL�same time

This page and right: Angela Malik at her hugely successful cookery school. Below right: Delamar Academy graduate Holly Edwards on the set of Gam e of Thro�es.




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“Our cookery school aims to KLT`Z[PM`�(ZPHU�MVVK��HUK�^L�KV�[OH[�[OYV\NO�ZOVWWPUN��JVVRPUN�HUK�LH[PUN�

“We have a really good relationship with the community now. The new store will be bang in the foodie centre of Ealing”

14 uP and coming taLent


Though plans are afoot to continue [OL�L_WHUZPVU�YPNO[�HJYVZZ�[OL�JHWP[HS��^P[O�HTIP[PVUZ�MVY�H�¸KLSP�H[�[OL�LUK�VM�



This page: Intricately- designed cookies by Anjum Siddique are being snapped up by private and corporate clients alike.



university of West London






eaLing, hammersmith and West London coLLege


;OPZ�ZWLJPHSPZLZ�PU�HSS�HYLHZ�VM�HY[��TLKPH�WYVK\J[PVU��PU[LYHJ[P]L�TLKPH�HUK�KPNP[HS�HUPTH[PVU�HUK�PUJS\KLZ�an employers’ forum in which professionals working in a range VM�JYLH[P]L�PUK\Z[YPLZ�HYL�JVUZ\S[LK�about the course curriculum.

















MVY�HU�6ZJHY�PU������MVY�[OL�ZOVY[�animation Head Over Heels after Z[\K`PUN�MVY�H�)(�PU�-PST�7YVK\J[PVU�H[�<>3��;OL�ÄST��H�O\TVYV\Z�SVVR�


“Figures show that 94% RI�>8:/@�JUDGXDWHV�ÀQG�employment within six months”

16 uP and coming taLent

deLamar academy


)HZLK�PU�SPNO[�HUK�HPY`�JSHZZYVVTZ�H[�[OL�OLHY[�VM�[OL�^VYSK�MHTV\Z��I\aaPUN�,HSPUN�:[\KPVZ��Z[\KLU[Z�H[�+LSHTHY�YLJLP]L�[VW�JSHZZ�[YHPUPUN�PU�all aspects of professional makeup. It is the only makeup school in the <2�[V�OH]L�[YHPULK�[OL�^PUULYZ�VM�[^V�(JHKLT`�(^HYKZ��[OYLL�)(-;(Z��[OYLL�,TT`�(^HYKZ�HUK�H�=VN\L�4HRL\W�(Y[PZ[�VM�[OL�@LHY�(^HYK�





This page: Delamar graduate Jane Richardson is international lead makeup stylist for Nars Cosmetics. Below: Eye-catching designs from Delamar trained students.


issue four/spring ‘13

We are HUB.

We are proud to be contributing to major regeneration in the London Borough of Ealing with a residential-led development at Victoria Square. Energy efficient, and community oriented, the building will deliver 152 new homes of mixed tenure as part of Ealing’s ‘Southern Gateway’ around North Acton tube station.Victoria Square is part of our strategy of providing desirable new homes in London’s well connected, up-and-coming areas.

Hub Group Standbrook House, 2-5 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4PD T: 020 7534 9065 E: [email protected]

23010_EalingLondon_FPC_Ad_V2.indd 1 18/02/2014 09:48

KEY INFORMATION Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre provides 300,000 sq ft

of prime retail and leisure space across more than 70 units, 800 car parking spaces and a multi-let office

Anchored by Primark, Marks & Spencer, Tesco, River Island and H&M with other retailers including Boots, New Look, JD Sports and Wagamama

Both parts of the scheme were bought by British Land in 2013 providing single ownership of the entire centre for the first time in its 30 year history

LOCATION Ealing Broadway is an attractive convenient shopping destination in West London, well located in the centre of Ealing and close to the train and tube station.

It dominates the retail offer in the town centre and has an annual footfall of around 16 million. It has an affluent catchment of 1.7 million people, with over a third in the key retail spending group of 25-44 year olds.

FUTURE PLANS Drawing on its expertise and experience as the UK’s largest listed retail landlord, British Land’s ownership of the entire scheme unlocks significant opportunities to grow and develop the centre by continuing to improve the retail mix and increasing the leisure offer.

Looking forward, the centre is also expected to benefit from significant levels of development in Ealing, including a new leisure scheme, the Dickens Yard residential quarter and Crossrail which completes in 2018.

ABOUT BRITISH LAND British Land is one of Europe’s largest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). UK retail assets account for 59% of its portfolio. Comprising around 26 million sq ft of retail space across shopping centres, retail parks, superstores and leisure assets, the portfolio is modern, flexible and adaptable to a wide range of formats. Active asset management delivers space which is attractive and meets the needs of both retailers and consumers.

Further information about British Land can be found on the website at




Just the ticket

SouthallHayes and

Harlington< Maidenhead


Detail Of crOssrail rOute

The commercial and residential property market in west London – and the western section of the route out from London – will see a huge impact from Crossrail, with additional value of more than £1.5 billion. Five of Ealing’s train stations are set to be upgraded and with the total estimated value uplift within a kilometre of them pitched at more than £500 million, the borough is in investors’ spotlights. In an updated report, West is Best, consultants GVA discuss Crossrail’s “transformative” impact as a catalyst for regeneration. Ealing is ideally placed to make the most of this mammoth project. Lucy Purdy breaks down the good news

Launching West is Best in July 2013, Chris Hall, director at GVA says: “One of the biggest impacts of Crossrail in west London and west of London will be on the commercial and residential property market with additional value of more than £1 billion NLULYH[LK�HSVUN�[OL�YV\[L��(Z�H�YLZ\S[�VM�ZPNUPÄJHU[S`�improved transport brought by Crossrail connections, areas such as Slough, Ealing Broadway and Southall are highlighted as places to watch, with a distinct impact on the residential and commercial property markets. Crossrail is more than a new rail link, it will be the catalyst for regeneration, and a key driver in maintaining London’s position as a leading global city and the strength of the wider region.”

22 crOssrail – GVa

ealinG BrOaDway

WHAT’S HAPPENING?,HSPUN�)YVHK^H`�Z[H[PVU�PZ�\UKLYNVPUN�ZPNUPÄJHU[�work to accommodate Crossrail. When the new ZLY]PJLZ�Z[HY[�PU���� ��WHZZLUNLYZ�^PSS�ILULÄ[�MYVT�faster, more reliable links to central London and beyond. The current cramped entrance and ticket hall will be replaced with a spacious, new glass structure and new lifts and staircases will also be installed. Gateline capacity will nearly double. Platforms will be extended for the new ten-car Crossrail trains and a footbridge will be built at the eastern end of the Crossrail platforms.

Station work is set to start in October 2015, and expected to last around 14 months, remaining open throughout. Services are set to begin Y\UUPUN�[OYV\NO�,HSPUN�)YVHK^H`�MYVT�:OLUÄLSK�and Abbey Wood to Maidenhead and Heathrow in December 2019. Ealing Council has brought architects HOK and John McAslan + Partners on board to improve proposed station’s design along with Southall station.

IMPACTEaling Broadway is already experiencing growth due to the anticipation of Crossrail, but is set to ^LSJVTL�TVYL�ILULÄ[Z�[V�L_PZ[PUN�JVTT\UP[PLZ�and businesses as well as sites for remodeling. It falls into the ‘creating change’ category alongside Canary Wharf and Tottenham Court Road.

Crossrail is already making itself felt, not least on take-up at Dickens Yard – a major mixed-use scheme by St George. Ian Dobie, managing director of St George West London, said: “We are really pleased with the sales at Dickens Yard. With Ealing’s great transport links and amenities our purchasers are recognising that we are creating an exquisite place in a special location.”

Developer Land Securities has secured planning consent for a £100 million, 0.8-hectare, cinema-led leisure destination, Ealing Filmworks. Ealing Council is working closely with Land Securities to assemble land.

“ Developers believe fashionable apartment living – the sort that exists in Docklands, Fulham and Putney – will attract urbanites who previously steered clear of this leafy suburb”

David Spittles, Evening Standard’s Homes and Property supplement

Acton Main LineEaling BroadwayWest EalingHanwell

“ Ealing will be one of WKH�ELJJHVW�EHQHÀFLDULHV�as it will connect commuters to every key employment centre”

Simon Walker of Savills

To Current journey time

Crossrail journey time

Bond Street 23 12

Tottenham Court Road

26 14

Liverpool Street 35 19

Canary Wharf 44 26

Heathrow, 1, 2 & 3

24 15



“ Southall is one of London’s gems and the arrival of Crossrail in 2018 will herald a new chapter for the town, stimulating large-scale investment in commercial activities, retail and housing and sparking massive regeneration”

London mayor, Boris Johnson


WHAT’S HAPPENING?:V\[OHSS�OHZ�ILLU�PKLU[PÄLK�HZ�VUL�VM�[OL�ZWV[Z�ILZ[�WVZP[PVULK�[V�ZLJ\YL�^PKLY�LJVUVTPJ�ILULÄ[Z�from Crossrail. It will be only 18 minutes from central London when Crossrail opens in 2018. There will be a new station building with a larger, enclosed ticket hall with access from South Road. Platforms will be extended and lighting, information and security systems improved.

IMPACTCrossrail will help establish Southall as a strong investment opportunity. It is an area where Crossrail will “create change”. West is Best WYLKPJ[Z�P[�^PSS�IYPUN�HIV\[�[OL�KP]LYZPÄJH[PVU�and strengthening of the town centre offer and JH[HS`ZL�IYV^UÄLSK�ZP[LZ�¶�YLZPKLU[PHS�HUK�YL[HPS��It is also a major opportunity to unlock Southall Gas Works and Middlesex Business Park. One of London’s biggest regeneration projects, the former gas works site is being redeveloped by Berkeley Homes subsidiary St James to create 3,750 new homes. The 46-ha Southall Opportunity Area is VUL�VM����HYLHZ�KLZPNUH[LK�HZ�OH]PUN�ZPNUPÄJHU[�capacity for new development. The draft Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework sets out guidance that will lead to the creation of 6,000 new homes and up to 3,000 jobs. It proposes new residential neighbourhoods at Havelock, the Green and Southall East.

FarringdonTottenham Court Road

Bond StreetPaddington

“ With such a rich cultural tapestry, Southall is brimming with opportunities for economic growth and our challenge is to build on the work already going on in the area and take advantage of WKH�HFRQRPLF�EHQHÀWV�Crossrail will bring”

Councillor Julian Bell, leader of Ealing Council

To Current journey time

Crossrail journey time

Bond Street 32 18

Tottenham Court Road

35 20

Liverpool Street 44 24

Canary Wharf 51 32

Heathrow, 1, 2 & 3

16 9

24 crOssrail – GVa

actOn Main line

WHAT’S HAPPENING?A new station building will house a larger ticket hall with access from Horn Lane. Step-free access will be between street level and all platforms via a new footbridge with stairs and two lifts. Platforms 2 to 4 will be extended to allow 10-car trains to stop.

IMPACTCrossrail will slash journey times to Liverpool Street from 42 to 16 minutes, opening it up as a strong commuter location. “Acton will be a Crossrail winner too as current property values are cheap by London standards,” states the Evening Standard.



Canary Wharf

Liverpool Street


west ealinG

WHAT’S HAPPENING?A new station building will house a larger ticket hall with access from Manor Road. Platforms 3 and 4 will be extended to enable 10-car trains to stop and passenger facilities improved. A new bay platform will be built for Greenford branch trains.

IMPACT(�ZPNUPÄJHU[�PUJYLHZL�PU�WHZZLUNLY�U\TILYZ�PZ�expected, about 3,500 entries or exits during the three-hour morning peak period. A strong commuter location, West Ealing’s housing stock is likely to undergo a boost in value.


WHAT’S HAPPENING?Hanwell already meets most requirements. Ealing Council has been working with Crossrail to secure a second station entrance. Selective door opening will be used and branding and signage improved.

IMPACT*YVZZYHPS»Z�ILULÄ[�PZ�L_WLJ[LK�[V�IL�SVJHSPZLK��focusing on immediate residents and businesses. Existing residential values should increase.

To Current journey time

Crossrail journey time

Paddington 9 6

Liverpool Street 42 16

Heathrow, 1, 2 & 3

44 18

To Current journey time

Crossrail journey time

Liverpool Street 42 21

Heathrow, 1, 2 & 3

22 13

To Current journey time

Crossrail journey time

Paddington 15 10

Liverpool Street 44 20

Heathrow, 1, 2 & 3

20 11

Countryside Properties is a responsible developer of new homes & communities and specialists in estate regeneration and design & build contracting. Our vision is to createoutstanding places for people to live, work and enjoy.

We have been building new homes in London and the South East since 1958, many of which have been delivered through partnerships with central government agencies, localauthorities and housing associations.

We are proud to be working with our partners L&Q, Ealing Council, local residents and businesses to regenerate SouthActon, Ealing’s largest estate, by building over 2,300 newhomes, new retail units and community facilities.

For further information please visit:


Ealing Broadway Business Improvement District

Responding to the changing face of EalingHome to a bustling retail centre, a new hotel quarter and a vibrant office location, over 350 businesses operate in the BID area, contributing to Ealing’s growing economy.

Ealing Broadway BID works to benefit businesses and their employees, customers, guests and visitors, to help realise Ealing’s long term potential.

For further information, to join as a commercial partner, participate in regeneration projects or invest in the area please contact the BID team.

Ealing Broadway BID Walpole House, 18-22 Bond Street, Ealing, London, W5 5AA

T: 020 8231 2417 E: [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter

@ealingbbid and


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E B452




















































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work in progressProjects under way across Ealing’s main regeneration sites. What is planned and what has been delivered?

Featured projects:

�. Acton Gardens�. Acton Town Hall �. Dickens Yard4. Film Quarter5. Greenford GSK site6. Southall Gas Works7. University of West London

Site development key

Development opportunities

Council service centres

Council owned property opportunities

Transport connections key

Crossrail line

Crossrail stations

Main line station

Underground station

Ealing Broadway Business Improvement District

Responding to the changing face of EalingHome to a bustling retail centre, a new hotel quarter and a vibrant office location, over 350 businesses operate in the BID area, contributing to Ealing’s growing economy.

Ealing Broadway BID works to benefit businesses and their employees, customers, guests and visitors, to help realise Ealing’s long term potential.

For further information, to join as a commercial partner, participate in regeneration projects or invest in the area please contact the BID team.

Ealing Broadway BID Walpole House, 18-22 Bond Street, Ealing, London, W5 5AA

T: 020 8231 2417 E: [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter

@ealingbbid and


W1493 EalingBroadwayBid Ad 230x276_V3.indd 1 17/02/2014 16:19

Fortune favours the brains.Earn up to 20% more with a postgraduate degree.*

*Sutton Trust Report. The postgraduate premium-earning potential over a 40 year career period for a Masters degree.

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Acton GArdens

This £600 million regeneration of the South Acton estate – in a joint venture partnership between L&Q London housing association and Countryside Properties – will reconnect the estate to the wider neighbourhood by creating an urban village of around 2,600 homes with traditional tree-lined streets.

;OL�ÄYZ[�WOHZL�PZ�UV^�JVTWSL[L��[OL�second phase on-site, and a planning application for the two sites in the third phase has just been submitted to Ealing Council.

The 11-phase Acton Gardens has been planned as a series of local neighbourhoods, arranged around public squares, parks and play areas, to replace the homes on the old South

Acton estate, which had reached the end of their natural life.

It will also feature a community hub HUK�ZWHJL�MVY�J\S[\YL��VMÄJL�HUK�YL[HPS��

The new homes, many of which are affordable, will be built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 offering low heating, power and water consumption, feature green roofs with photovoltaic cells providing electricity to the landlord areas. A tenth of the homes are wheelchair adaptable.

The development also offers jobs and training opportunities.

Phase one offered apartments of one, two and three-bedrooms, most with a balcony or winter garden, and is now complete, with residents in situ.

Building work on phase two started on-site in October 2013 and is forecast [V�IL�ÄUPZOLK�I`�Z\TTLY�������

Known as Liberty Gardens, it comprises 106 new apartments and maisonettes with between one and four bedrooms, in six to eight-storey buildings. This part of the development has semi-private landscaped open ZWHJL�H[�[OL�ÄYZ[�ÅVVY�SL]LS�

All homes will have private amenity space, and feature either a garden, terrace or balcony.

As Ealing in London went to press, a planning application was due to be submitted in March 2014 for phase three, which will see a further 240 homes completed.

Fortune favours the brains.Earn up to 20% more with a postgraduate degree.*

*Sutton Trust Report. The postgraduate premium-earning potential over a 40 year career period for a Masters degree.

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30 projects

Acton town HAll

The refurbishment of Acton’s Victorian town hall and construction of new JV\UJPS�VMÄJLZ��SLPZ\YL�HUK�JVTT\UP[`�facilities is almost complete.

The £16.4 million project, being undertaken by Willmott Dixon, is the ÄYZ[�WOHZL�VM�[YHUZMVYTH[PVU�VM�[OL�Grade II-listed town hall. It includes replacing Acton’s former swimming baths with a three-storey building OV\ZPUN�H���T�WVVS�HUK�H�[YHPULY�WVVS��while retaining and refurbishing part of the town hall to create a new library and JV\UJPS�VMÄJLZ��;OL�SPZ[LK�MYVU[HNL�HUK�baths chimney will be restored.

The pool will have eight lanes and the new smaller training pool will feature H�TV]LHISL�ÅVVY�[V�PTWYV]L�KPZHISLK�HJJLZZ��(IV]L��[OL�ÄYZ[�ÅVVY�^PSS�OVZ[�

a glass-fronted gym with dance and Ä[ULZZ�Z[\KPVZ�HUK�JOHUNPUN�MHJPSP[PLZ��along with the library and IT training Z\P[L��*V\UJPS�VMÄJLZ�HUK�ZWHJL�MVY�adults, children and families services, including day care facilities and community space, will be housed on [OL�ZLJVUK�ÅVVY��

Ealing Council will sell the remainder of the town hall for residential redevelopment, subject to planning. The council is in discussion with One Housing Group to take forward development of this building.

The current Grade II-listed Acton Library building will be disposed of with vacant possession later this year. The 80-week project is due to open in April 2014.



dickens YArd

Phase two of Dickens Yard, a major mixed-use scheme by St George, continues apace. It will eventually comprise 698 apartments, three new W\ISPJ�ZX\HYLZ��VMÄJLZ��ZOVWZ�HUK�restaurants and create a new focal point for Ealing town centre.

Dickens Yard will also link a trio of Victorian-era buildings – the town hall and Old Fire Station and the parish church of Christ the Saviour – with a new town square.

The development will also include a 24-hour concierge, underground parking and exclusive spa facilities for private residents, with swimming pool, sauna, steam room, treatment rooms and a gym.

The current phase of Dickens Yard comprises four apartment buildings – Belgravia, Skyline, Dickens, and Fitzroy.

,HJO�ÅH[�SVVRZ�V\[�HJYVZZ�landscaped private gardens or pedestrian boulevards, linking the piazzas, which will host markets,

Z[YLL[�[OLH[YL�HUK�QHaa�L]LU[Z��;OL�ÄYZ[�building to complete was the Belgravia, with a selection of one, two and three-bedroom apartments.

Phase two, the Skyline Apartments, is the tallest building at Dickens Yard and features 100 apartments, each with its own balcony or terrace.

Residents have already moved into phase one of the scheme.

At the heart of Dickens Yard are the Dickens Apartments, set within landscaped courtyard gardens.

Nearly all the 200 one, two and [OYLL�ILKYVVT�OPNO�ZWLJPÄJH[PVU�apartments, along with ‘elite’ apartments and penthouses – with private terraces – have already been sold, even though the foundations are only now being laid.

;OL�ÄUHS�I\PSKPUN�[V�IL�JVUZ[Y\J[LK�will be 48 homes at Fitzroy Apartments, each with its own balcony or terrace, many of which overlook Dickens Yard’s centrepiece, Victoria Square.

Developing potential in

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We are now focusing our long term strategy on our latest purchase, Villiers House at Ealing Broadway station. Our aim is to realise the full potential of this important landmark asset

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Film QuArter

(������TPSSPVU�ºÄST�X\HY[LY»�PZ�ZL[�[V�transform central Ealing, giving it a JPULTH�MVY�[OL�ÄYZ[�[PTL�ZPUJL�������Developer Land Securities has secured planning permission and signed a deal with Ealing Council to create a 0.8-ha leisure destination with a multi-screen cinema, cafes, bars, shops, restaurants HUK�\W�[V�����ÅH[Z��[V�IL�RUV^U�HZ�Ealing Filmworks.

The proposed scheme will create pedestrian routes between Walpole Park, the New Broadway and Bond :[YLL[��HUK�H�ÅL_PISL�WLYMVYTHUJL�HYLH�with amphitheatre-style seating and an outdoor screen. The initiative will create ����QVIZ��3HUK�:LJ\YP[PLZ�HPTZ�[V�VWLU�the cinema in late 2017 and complete the development by 2018. The council has commenced a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process to assemble land to enable the creation

of this cultural quarter. Riccardo Mai, Land Securities development director, said: “We received overwhelming support for the Filmworks project during consultation. The scheme will bring a fantastic cinema, leisure quarter and new homes to Ealing, increasing footfall, creating jobs and encouraging further investment. We are continuing to work closely with the council and others to deliver this exciting project.

Ealing Council leader Julian Bell said: “Ealing has waited long enough to see this derelict site brought back to life. We are committed to Land Securities building the new cinema quarter and won’t wait a day longer than needed to get this scheme back on track. We hope agreement can be reached quickly but have commenced the CPO process to ensure this development is achieved as quickly as possible.”

34 projects



GreenFord Gsk site

A planning application to regenerate the former GlaxoSmithKline site at Greenford was lodged in November 2013. Iceni hopes to create a mixed-use development offering employment, residential, education and leisure use and opening up the area to the JVTT\UP[`�MVY�[OL�ÄYZ[�[PTL�PU�KLJHKLZ�

The hybrid (part outline and part detail) planning application, mainly for the southern part of the site, proposes \W�[V�� ��OVTLZ�� ��OV\ZLZ�HUK�� ��ÅH[Z���;OPZ�PUJS\KLZ�[OL�WHY[PHS�demolition, extension and conversion of the Grade II-listed Glaxo House from VMÄJL�[V�YLZPKLU[PHS�\ZL��^P[O� �����ZX�T�VM�YL[HPS�����ZX�T�VM�YLZ[H\YHU[Z�����ZX�T�VM�JVTT\UP[`�facilities and a 3,100sq m cinema, part of a canal-side leisure hub which would also include a food store, restaurants and cafes. It proposes the re-opening

of Berkeley Avenue to connect the site with Greenford, open space, regeneration of the canal side, surface and basement car parking, cycle parking and public realm.

Decisions from Ealing Council, then the mayor of London, are expected this spring. If approved, work will start in LHYS`������

GSM London, an independent business college, opened on the 9-hectare site in October 2012, while Glaxo Welcome House is available to SL[�HZ�HU�VMÄJL�I\PSKPUN��

The site is north of Greenford town centre and to the south of Sudbury Hill. It is well-connected to central London and Ealing town centre, with regular tube, bus and rail connections to London Heathrow, Wembley Stadium HUK�>LZ[ÄLSK�:OVWWPUN�*LU[YL��HZ�^LSS� as the A40.

Hallmark Property Group

46 Great Marlborough Street : London : W1F 7JW Phone : 020 7494 9000 : Fax : 020 7479 4944

Email : [email protected]

Investing in London Borough of Ealing



universitY oF west london

The University of West London has now delivered a new students’ union building and performance centre, and by September 2014 will see a brand new library, refectory, bookshop and a social space. Existing teaching and social spaces across the university will also be upgraded, including new heating and cooling systems.

The project started in May 2013 with the students’ union opening in September. A new bar, lounge, gym and modern cafe, provide space for students and the wider community to come together and participate in a range of extracurricular activities and campaigns.

The performance centre, designed for London College of Music students, includes industry-standard stage and theatrical lighting, as well as an advanced sound system for recitals, concerts and theatrical productions.

By September 2014, the next stage of the project, Future Campus, will be complete, with library, refectory, bookshop and a social space.

soutHAll GAs works

In one of London’s biggest regeneration projects – signalling a decisive vote of JVUÄKLUJL�PU�[OPZ�WHY[�VM�,HSPUN�¶�[OL�former Southall Gas Works site is being redeveloped by St James of the )LYRLSL`�.YV\W�[V�JYLH[L�������UL^�OVTLZ��;OL����OH�IYV^UÄLSK�ZP[L�^PSS�HSZV�WYV]PKL�������ZX�T�VM�JVTTLYJPHS�HUK�JVTT\UP[`�ÅVVY�ZWHJL��H�UL^�primary school and large areas of landscaped public realm and open amenity space.

It will be built over a 30-year period, and is anticipated to create more than 1,000 permanent jobs, in addition to the several thousand stemming from the construction works.

The site is next to the Grand Union Canal and a future Crossrail station, close to the M4 motorway and next to 36-ha of country park in one of 33 of the London mayor’s Opportunity Areas.

The gas works ceased production in the 1970s and is now being used as a car park.

Work is expected to start on the ZP[L�I`�������^P[O�[OL�ÄYZ[�OVTLZ�completed in 2019, the year Southall Crossrail station is due to open. The Crossrail system will bring a huge boost to the borough, as it will halve journey [PTLZ�IL[^LLU�[OL�Ä]L�,HSPUN�Z[H[PVUZ�and central London.






Sales & Marketing Suite and Show Apartments 4VUKH`�[V�-YPKH`���HT�¶��WT�:H[\YKH`� �:\UKH`���HT�¶��WT���5L^�)YVHK^H �̀�,HSPUN��3VUKVU�>���?(�

*HSS!�0800 904 7142�MVY�TVYL�PUMVYTH[PVU� Proud to be a member of the Berkeley Group of companies






Sales & Marketing Suite and Show Apartments 4VUKH`�[V�-YPKH`���HT�¶��WT�:H[\YKH`� �:\UKH`���HT�¶��WT���5L^�)YVHK^H �̀�,HSPUN��3VUKVU�>���?(�

*HSS!�0800 904 7142�MVY�TVYL�PUMVYTH[PVU� Proud to be a member of the Berkeley Group of companies

Transforming Southall GasworksSupporting Ealing!s Economy

You can find out more on National Grid’s regeneration projects

A spectacular redevelopmentat the heart of Southall

In 2010 National Grid secured planning permission for 3,750 new homes at the redundant SouthallGasworks site. The plans will also deliver new jobs and community facilities. National Grid is nowpreparing the site for redevelopment by removing redundant apparatus and rationalising our kit. This willenable residential developer and specialist place maker, St James (part of the Berkeley Group), totransform the site and deliver this exciting regeneration opportunity in west London.

Existing site Proposed redevelopment

Across London National Grid is bringing over 300 acres of vacant industrial land back into use – delivering 12,500 homes, thousands of jobs and a range of community facilities.

Southall Advert_V5_Layout 1 17/02/2014 15:38 Page 1



Southall has always been a magnet for business – and it is changing rapidly, with a Crossrail station set to halve journey times to central London. When Berkeley Group company St James announced it is to develop the massive gas works site, it ZPNUHSSLK�H�TVTLU[V\Z�]V[L�VM�JVUÄKLUJL�PU�the further potential to be tapped in Southall, as Suruchi Sharma reports

Western promise

Regeneration can be a tricky business. When plans for changes to a community are announced it is fair to say the public takes slightly longer to ZLL�[OL�ÄUHS�]PZPVU�[OHU�JVUZ[Y\J[PVU�bosses. It is to the credit then, of property development company St James, part of the Berkeley Group, that public opinion is a key strategy in the early planning stages of a mammoth regeneration project for Southall Gas Works, a game changing development for this part of west London.

Eclectic and electric, Southall is a bustling, entrepreneurial community. It’s

Transforming Southall GasworksSupporting Ealing!s Economy

You can find out more on National Grid’s regeneration projects

A spectacular redevelopmentat the heart of Southall

In 2010 National Grid secured planning permission for 3,750 new homes at the redundant SouthallGasworks site. The plans will also deliver new jobs and community facilities. National Grid is nowpreparing the site for redevelopment by removing redundant apparatus and rationalising our kit. This willenable residential developer and specialist place maker, St James (part of the Berkeley Group), totransform the site and deliver this exciting regeneration opportunity in west London.

Existing site Proposed redevelopment

Across London National Grid is bringing over 300 acres of vacant industrial land back into use – delivering 12,500 homes, thousands of jobs and a range of community facilities.

Southall Advert_V5_Layout 1 17/02/2014 15:38 Page 1

42 premises

Sean Ellis, chairman at St James, says the company is excited about the “huge opportunity” to give Southall a new urban village and to improve housing provision across London. He says: “The vast majority of the housing supply in the next 10 years will be coming from the east London boroughs. However, there is a similar level of demand but with far lower supply in west London. This is one of the largest regeneration opportunities in west London and the scale gives us so much opportunity to create a new quarter – which will be unparalleled in this part of the capital.

“There are so many positives to the area, such as an already thriving high street. We also have fantastic transport links as we’ll join on to the Hayes bypass and there will be improvements to the junction on to the M4 nearby. Southall is also within striking distance of Heathrow Airport and you’ve got the new Crossrail station to top it all.”

St James has already begun a public consultation to help shape the facilities offered at the development.

Ellis adds: “Apart from the housing, there is the potential for a very wide commercial offering including leisure facilities, retail, hotel, conference centre and potentially a cinema, as well as

the new school and other community facilities. “What we’re currently assessing is where the gaps are and asking people what they would see as useful for Southall. For example, an initial concept is for banqueting facilities that could easily become important, as weddings are a huge celebration within the Asian community.

“This development will take many years to complete but then that gives us plenty of opportunity to engage with the community. We’re not going to just suddenly unveil a plan and say: ‘Voila, this is it’, because that’s simply not our style. What we want to do is enrich :V\[OHSS�^P[OV\[�SVVRPUN�[V�YLKLÄUL�[OL�area’s very strong identity.”

;OL�ÄYZ[�OVTLZ�PU�[OL�neighbourhood are set to be completed by 2019, hitting the mark alongside the behemoth of Crossrail. Southall Crossrail station is another crucial phase in the area’s development and this high speed rail service will bestow upon the area a special status on the national railway map. Crossrail will help confer upon Southall the status of a strong investment opportunity.

Charles Connoly, senior joint venture manager at National Grid Property, acknowledges the immense amount of planning work both completed and in

“ The scale gives us so much opportunity: unparalleled in this part of the capital”known for its large Punjabi population,

which is solidly represented in business and commerce terms, and unlike many parts of the country it hosts a thriving high street brimming with successful eateries, jewellers and clothes shops. Most residents care deeply about their home town and changes on the horizon are always ripe for discussion. St James has teamed up with National Grid for the redevelopment of the former gas works, an important vote VM�JVUÄKLUJL�PU�,HSPUN�*V\UJPS»Z�regeneration strategy. Getting the community on side is just as vital as mayor Boris Johnson’s seal of approval.

Unfolding by the side of the Grand Union Canal, the works, which are expected to start next year, will [YHUZMVYT�H����OLJ[HYL�IYV^UÄLSK�ZP[L�into 3,750 homes, including low-cost and family properties, a new primary school and shops. No mean feat, its size dictates that at least two decades of work will be needed.

The Berkeley Group, of which St James is part, has a healthy track record for large-scale regeneration with successful projects such as its ÅHNZOPW�KL]LSVWTLU[�H[�.\U^OHYM�Quays in Portsmouth, which includes shops, restaurants and bars as well as apartments. Another triumph is one of the largest residential-led projects in London: the company’s ongoing creation of Kidbrooke Village in Greenwich, south-east London.




the pipeline for this vast project.He says: “Getting the site ready

has required a great deal of work from us along with substantial investment. The end result will not just be new homes but a new community which ^PSS�ILULÄ[�:V\[OHSS��,HSPUN�HUK�3VUKVU�as a whole. We’ll be working with St James to prepare the site for future development and we’ll keep the local community informed about our work.

“Our work in Southall is a good example of what we are doing across the country to help regenerate disused sites and help communities thrive.”

Development opportunities in Southall have the potential for 6,000 to 7,000 homes, as the town grows to meet the housing demand. This is part of a trend as London prepares to absorb a population equivalent to the size of Birmingham plus Hartlepool – all within the next decade, according to Susan Emmett of Savills.

Growth and regeneration in Southall will be fuelled further by Catalyst Housing’s £200 million plans to regenerate the sprawling Havelock

estate, approved by Ealing Council in November. Catalyst’s masterplan for Havelock will see 922 new homes built and large sections of the current estate demolished. The project is expected to IL�ÄUPZOLK�I`������

Tom Titherington, director of business development and market intelligence at Catalyst Housing, says: “We are taking a series of estates and a part of Southall and we are really going to transform it, visually and in terms of tenure mix and how people think of that area. We are going to lay down the basis for a continued transformation of

Southall – it is a great project, it builds VU�[OL�WHZ[��VU�[OL�UH[\YHS�ILULÄ[Z�of the area; we are going to make the canal beautiful. Other developers working in Southall will be able to follow this because we will have created a dynamic of change. We are working really hard as part of the Southall Partnership, doing a huge amount of work with schools on employment and skills, getting really stuck in for the long term. In Havelock we are a developer providing homes, a steward of a neighbourhood and a community investment agency.”

Top left: An aerial shot of Southall Gas Works. This page: The is set to be completely transformed.

44 southall

southall Big plan

1\Z[�HZ�ZPNUPÄJHU[�[V�[OL�V]LYHSS�regeneration programme is the Southall Big Plan. Though not quite as huge in scale, it is like a vitamin pill to boost the neighbourhood’s health. This partnership of businesses, community groups, Ealing Council and other stakeholders, includes projects to improve the area and lives of residents – such as in The Broadway – the heart of the Punjabi business community. Four islands will be installed down the centre of the newly resurfaced road, made safer for WLKLZ[YPHUZ��J`JSPZ[Z�HUK�[YHMÄJ�HSPRL�

Pavements will also be widened with new granite paving and new streetlights, benches and bins installed. To complete the facelift, trees will be planted and raised pavements created at the entrance of all side roads next to The Broadway to create

ZOHYLK�WLKLZ[YPHU�HUK�[YHMÄJ�aVULZ��2013 saw a new car park being built adjacent to Southall Market and improvements to Spikes Bridge Park, including a new pavilion. A new HY[PÄJPHS�[\YM�WP[JO�^PSS�ZVVU�IL�ÄUPZOLK�

Tony Khurll, director of property consultants Monarch Commercial, believes the development is an extremely positive step forward for an area already big for business.

His Isleworth-based company, just a few miles from Southall, has been letting commercial properties and luxury apartments there since 1995.

Khurll says: “I think Southall has always been a marketable place. It has been a fantastic area for predominantly Asian business for many years and it’s well known that if you want to shop for Asian products including textiles, fashion or jewellery

you come to Southall rather than anywhere else. It has always been an incredibly strong area for rentals and property values and the gas works development will bring a slightly different type of retail and opportunity to the area than exists at the moment. What the gas works and Crossrail developments will do is broaden the appeal to an even wider market.

“The work is an extension of what is already there and means for many members of that community that they KVU»[�ULJLZZHYPS`�OH]L�[V�NV�Å`PUN�[V�Brent Cross or Uxbridge for shopping any longer. It will all sit very nicely along with what is already there.”

Whatever size the developments, it’s clear the process from beginning to end will be community-led. Southall citizens certainly wouldn’t have it any other way.

This page: Southall’s Big Plan is unfolding, improving the area and residents’ lives in turn.

Subject to planning permission, the former GlaxoSmithKline site at Greenford Green could soon be redeveloped into a high quality, modern mixed use scheme focused on new homes, leisure and employment. The regeneration of this important Brownfield site would make a major contribution to the economy of Greenford, Ealing borough and West London as a whole. The project team have been working closely with Ealing Council and the local community since 2011 to revitalise this historic site. The proposals comprise:

Above: artist’s impression of the Grade II listed Glaxo House which is proposed to be redeveloped into new homes.

Above: artist’s impression of the redeveloped canal side to the south of the site. The project will open up this section of the Grand Union Canal to the public with a new cinema, restaurants, cafes, and public open space adjacent to new homes and employment.

Above: Glaxo Wellcome House is an existing modern HQ of!ce building that is being retained and is available to let.

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The scheme, Victoria Square, will see 132 private rented and 20 affordable homes built on an empty site adjacent to North Acton underground station, as well as a new public square. From the seed laid at MIPIM, the relationship between developer and the council OHZ�ISVZZVTLK��^P[O�VMÄJLYZ�OLSWPUN�[V�guide the shape of the development – a revised version of an existing planning application. Sloss says: “It was a stroke

Homeward Bound

Serious business gets done at MIPIM, the annual property conference in Cannes, business which improves lives. This time last year, Robert Sloss, founding partner of Hub Developments, was busy looking for development opportunities when he bumped into representatives from Ealing Council. A year later, he is preparing to send in the diggers on a 152-home development at a major gateway location in the borough. Colin Marrs�ÄUKZ�V\[�TVYL

of luck meeting the council at MIPIM. Within three days of getting back, we ^LYL�PU�[OLPY�VMÄJLZ�KPZJ\ZZPUN�[OL�shape of the project.”

Sloss praises the council’s approach, and has returned to discuss with them proposals for a new scheme involving the conversion into YLZPKLU[PHS�\UP[Z�VM�HU�L_PZ[PUN�VMÄJL�block near Ealing Studios. So why has the borough become such a hotspot

for housing developers? Sloss says: “Buying a home in central boroughs has become an unattainable dream for so many Londoners. In Ealing, the transport links are excellent, and when Crossrail arrives, the journey times to the centre of London will make it virtually a zone one location.”

Pat Hayes, regeneration chief at ,HSPUN�*V\UJPS��PZ�H^HYL�VM�[OL�ILULÄ[Z�HUK�JOHSSLUNLZ�VM�[OPZ�UL^�PUÅ\_�



of residents. He points out that the borough needs to build more housing for all groups – including those who rely on welfare. “We are probably suffering more from the displacement of WLVWSL�SP]PUN�VU�ILULÄ[Z�[OHU�HU`�V[OLY�London borough, due to our excellent connections to the capital’s centre.”

In response to the increased demand for housing, the council is NL[[PUN�WYVHJ[P]L��;OL�ÄYZ[�Z[YHUK�VM�its multi-pronged approach is to start taking on the role of developer. Some councils in London are selling off land in their ownership to developers. But Ealing has taken a different tack. Hayes says: “We are not looking for a cash receipt from developers – we engage with them and take a receipt in homes we can rent.”

The approach means the council can provide new housing at below-market rental levels, while producing a return to reinvest in new homes.

Ealing, Hayes says, has even used new powers to set up its own company aimed at providing 500 new homes over the next four years. The company can borrow money at preferential rates,


This page: Dickens Yard, a scheme by developer St George, is now under way. Opposite: How Ealing’s ÄST�X\HY[LY�TH`�SVVR��



and is aimed at tackling tricky sites. 6UL�VM�P[Z�ÄYZ[�WYVQLJ[Z�PZ�H[�*VWSL`�Close in Hanwell where it is undertaking a refurbishment of 551 council rented and 98 leasehold homes, along with the building of 205 new properties. Hayes says: “This allows us to keep hold of the homes which otherwise would have been vulnerable to being lost to us under the Right to Buy scheme.”

And plans for the estate were recently named Best Conceptual Project at the 2014 London Planning Awards. Judges said the scheme was a “careful, sensitive and responsive approach” to estate renewal.

The council is also working in partnership with housing associations, using central government grants to kickstart development. Hayes says this approach is providing some of this housing to private rented tenants, which will both increase supply and provide income or future schemes. He says: “We might consider selling private rented schemes to an investor,

depending on the economics. Our main aim is to help increase housing supply.”

Finally, the council is stimulating the market by buying existing properties to use for emergency accommodation for people on its housing waiting SPZ[Z��>P[O�NV]LYUTLU[�ILULÄ[�J\[Z��these numbers are rising, and buying properties actually works out cheaper than pouring money down the drain by spending it on bed and breakfast accommodation. “In the happy event that the housing crisis disappears, we will have assets which we can either ZLSS�VY�ÄUK�V[OLY�\ZLZ�MVY�¹�OL�ZH`Z�

Of course, private developers are always going to provide the bulk of new housing in the borough, and here, Hayes says that the council is keen

to play a key role. The authority has so far resisted the option it has at its KPZWVZHS�[V�JYLH[L�Ä_LK�[HYPMMZ�MVY�UL^�development, retaining the Section 106 system of negotiated deals for planning gain. Hayes says: “Section 106 is a sophisticated instrument that has IYV\NO[�NYLH[�ILULÄ[Z�[V�[OL�IVYV\NO��We like it.”

And he says that if the council ever PU[YVK\JLZ�H�Ä_LK�[HYPMM�JVTT\UP[`�infrastructure levy approach, the charges will be set low, to encourage new investment.

An example of where the council has used its negotiated approach to good effect is at Dickens Yard in central Ealing. Hayes says that this area is a particular hotspot at the moment, with


the biggest developers undertaking schemes in the town centre. Land Securities is developing 161 new homes as part of its mixed-use Ealing Filmworks regeneration project, while the Dickens Yard scheme, by St George, is now well under way.

The scheme received planning permission in October 2010 and will eventually provide 698 apartments HSVUNZPKL�VMÄJLZ��ZOVWZ�HUK�restaurants. As part of the section 106 deal, a range of affordable homes have been provided, along with a new town square, which will be framed by existing historical architecture, including Ealing Town Hall, the Old Fire Station and George Gilbert Scott’s gothic Victorian Christ the Saviour church.

“We are not looking for a cash receipt from developers – we engage with them and take a receipt in homes we can rent”

50 Housing

Ian Dobie, managing director of St George West London, says the scheme has acted as a catalyst for the transformation of the town centre. He says: “Ealing has always had the reputation of being the Queen of the Suburbs but it had become a little tired. We got involved because it is a brilliantly connected town centre that just needed an injection of energy.”

The development is attracting new YLZPKLU[Z�VM�HSS�HNLZ�¶�MYVT�ÄYZ[�[PTL�buyers to retired couples. “It’s buzzing”.

Elsewhere in Ealing, in the traditionally less active areas such as Northolt, Acton and Southall, KL]LSVWLYZ�HYL�ÅVJRPUN�PU��:[�1HTLZ��part of the Berkeley Group, has bought the former Southall Gas Works site from the National Grid, and is currently decontaminating the site in preparation for the creation of a new community of up to 3,750 homes.

In Northolt, housing association Network Housing, in partnership with the council, is building a scheme of 425 homes to regenerate the Rectory Park estate. Problems with funding caused by government cuts are gradually being overcome, and Network PZ�UV^�^VYRPUN�VU�JVTWSL[PUN�[OL�ÄYZ[�two phases of the project, which will

provide 160 new homes in total. Tim Porter, regeneration manager at

Network says: “It hasn’t been easy, but the council has been very supportive and we are now sorting out funding for [OL�ÄUHS�[OYLL�WOHZLZ�¹

Ealing Council will return to MIPIM this year, at no cost to the taxpayer through sponsorship from its private sector Ealing in London partnership.

Meetings with developers and investors from across the world should help the borough continue to meet the housing needs of its residents. Hayes is optimistic about the chances of further success: “Funds and developers who never had a policy of going outside central London are now having to look for opportunities outside that area, and ^L�HYL�ILULÄ[PUN�MYVT�[OH[�¹

This page: The Rectory Park estate in Northolt will be regenerated.

Catalyst was responsible for the first two phases of

the regeneration of the South Acton

estate in the London Borough of Ealing.

Phase 2 was the winner of the ‘best urban regeneration project’ in the First

Time Buyer Readers’ Choice Awards 2011

and winner of the ‘best regeneration

project’ at the 2011 Affordable Home

Ownership Awards.

Catalyst is a major developer of new homes for sale, rent and shared ownership. As a housing association we manage more than 21,000 homes.

We have delivered over 3,500 new homes in the last five years, making us experts in large-scale mixed tenure developments and delivering projects through joint venture partnerships. We will build more than 7,000 new homes by 2020.

We have a long-term interest in the homes we develop and make profit to fund low cost homes and invest in communities.


A new kind of developer

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52 regeneration

old oak, new PotentialIt’s early February 2014. Giant earth chewing machines have reached halfway on their journey underground to build tunnels for Crossrail, a new railway that will link west London boroughs, such as Ealing, with Canary Wharf and the West End. Paul Coleman reports



as well as new roads, cycleways and pathways. Such a transformation would HSZV�ILULÄ[�SVJHS�WLVWSL�^OV�J\YYLU[S`�live nearby on Old Oak’s fringes. These neighbourhoods are in the bottom 1% of the most economically disadvantaged communities in the country. Ealing Council also wants to help ensure Park Royal businesses and industry continue to thrive. Ealing OHZ�HSYLHK`�PKLU[PÄLK�[OL�WV[LU[PHS�PU�one part of the area to create 2,000 UL^�VMÄJL�QVIZ�HUK�������UL^�OVTLZ�in a mixed commercial and leisure development – and the council is also keen to promote Park Royal as a centre for green industry and to encourage freight usage of the Grand Union Canal.

Ealing Council also supports the establishment of a regeneration agency with planning powers over the area. Plans would need to be carefully drawn to protect existing businesses in the Park Royal Estate and to maintain certainty for proposals in North Acton that have already received consent.

With these important caveats, Ealing Council supports attempts by the mayor of London to seek political approval for a Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) for Old Oak Common: a body with similar planning powers to those used to transform Stratford and to create a sustainable Olympic legacy of new jobs, homes and viable communities. Hence, Ealing shares excitement at the proposed Crossrail-HS2 transport node. In some ways, the plan compares with the Victorian building of the Metropolitan line that fostered the growth of north-west London’s famous ‘Metroland’ suburbs in the early 20th century. Others say the project resembles the potential of the DLR which created residential and business zones in east London. Stewart Murray, assistant director of planning at the GLA, cites a study that says that the Old Oak Common transport hub could see \W�[V������IPSSPVU�NYVZZ�]HS\L�HKKLK�to London’s economy. Consultants estimate Old Oak Common and Park Royal’s regeneration could supply up [V������VM�[OL�OVTLZ�HUK�����VM�[OL�jobs needed in London before 2031.

The project shows that railways are often found to be at the heart of sustainable regeneration.

Ealing Council has taken note.

Above ground, at debates in town halls and at Westminster, progress is also being made on determining the shape and scope of another huge project, the High Speed 2 (HS2) rail link between London and Birmingham.

The High Speed 2 Preparation Act became law in late November 2013, part of which includes a plan to create a new HS2 station and a London rail ‘super hub’ at Old Oak Common by ������;OPZ�NLULYH[LZ�T\JO�PU[LYLZ[��particularly in west London – and especially across Ealing – because of Old Oak Common’s close proximity to

Park Royal, one of the largest business parks in Europe.

Ealing Council has been at the forefront of helping the government and mayor of London Boris Johnson to develop plans for the new transport UVKL��(U�LZ[PTH[LK���������passengers could use the new facility each day, many of them travelling on Crossrail and HS2. Potential also exists to link HS2 and Crossrail at Old Oak with the inter-city Great Western and West Coast main lines, the suburban North London and West London lines, the Heathrow Express airport shuttle, and the Bakerloo line.

Ealing Council believes this project would likely lever the potential for major new investment and act as a catalyst for growth. Old Oak Common’s huge tracts of underused and derelict industrial land, crisscrossed with railway lines and pockmarked with abandoned and derelict light industrial buildings, could be transformed.

“Ealing welcomes the opportunity that the development of Crossrail and HS2 stations will bring, helping to create jobs and homes at Old Oak Common,” says Pat Hayes, Ealing Council’s executive director of regeneration and housing.

Close to central London, Old Oak Common also lies within the Park Royal 6WWVY[\UP[`�(YLH��PKLU[PÄLK�I`�,HSPUN�as a spot offering great potential, and featured by the mayor in the London Plan. Park Royal supports 40,000 jobs and hosts companies that manufacture products ranging from digestive biscuits to luxury cars. Park Royal is also the corporate home of Diageo, the premium drinks multinational.

New ideas to enhance the opportunity area preceded the commitment to HS2. Ealing is already at the heart of developing projects that are improving the area for the businesses of Park Royal and introducing new mixed-uses including homes around the transport nodes such as North Acton station.

The council is creating a new public square to open up the entrance to North Acton station. And inward investment around Old Oak Common could create an estimated 90,000 new jobs, 19,000 new homes, new schools, HUK�H�OPNOS`�LJVUVTPJHSS`�ILULÄJPHS�cluster of shops and leisure facilities,


issue three/spring ‘12

For more information about these companies, visit

Ealing in London partners group Joining together to support Ealing

Child Graddon Lewis James Felstead

[email protected]

Eat Cookie, Sleep Cookie Anjum Siddique

[email protected]

Michael Rogers Niall Christian

[email protected]

City and DocklandTony Helliwell

[email protected]

Greenwich School of ManagementMartin Halsall

[email protected]

Monarch CommercialTony Khurll

[email protected]

CrosstreeMatt Mason

[email protected]

InquilabJackie Thomas

[email protected]

Thames Valley Housing Guy Burnett

[email protected]






would be that instead of buying a new JHY��0»K�H[[LTW[�[V�J`JSL�������TPSLZ�I`�[OL�LUK�VM�[OL�`LHY��([�ÄYZ[��[OL�two miles from my house to the town hall felt like climbing a mountain, but I NYHK\HSS`�I\PS[�\W�[OL�KPZ[HUJL��J`JSPUN�PU[V�JLU[YHS�3VUKVU�MVY�[OL�ÄYZ[�[PTL�which felt like a real mental barrier, and [OLU�YPKPUN�[V�)YPNO[VU�¹


/PZ�OLHS[O�OHZ�]HZ[S`�PTWYV]LK�¶�OL�has shed two stone since taking it \W�¶�HUK�OL�JVUZPKLYZ�OPTZLSM�H�SP]PUN�L_HTWSL�VM�^O`�J`JSPUN�PZ�Z\JO�H�




Glued to his television watching Bradley >PNNPUZ�^PU�[OL������;V\Y�KL�-YHUJL�and the likes of Victoria Pendleton and *OYPZ�-YVVTL�L_JLS�H[�[OL�3VUKVU�6S`TWPJZ��*V\UJPSSVY�1\SPHU�)LSS�QVPULK�[OL�O\UKYLKZ�VM�[OV\ZHUKZ�JH\NO[�\W�PU�H�^H]L�VM�J`JSPUN�PUZWPYH[PVU�









¸(Z�MHY�HZ�0»T�H^HYL��^L»YL�[OL�VUS`�IVYV\NO�[OH[�PZ�WYVWVZPUN�[V�NP]L�H^H`�some of our money to neighbouring IVYV\NOZ��;OPZ�PZ�ILJH\ZL�^L�^HU[�[V�JVUULJ[�\W�[V^U�JLU[YLZ��JYLH[L�J`JSL�YV\[LZ�[V�^OLYL�WLVWSL�^HU[�[V�NV�¹�


making it more accessible to those WHY[Z�VM�[OL�JVTT\UP[`�^OV�KVU»[�[YHKP[PVUHSS`�J`JSL�HZ�T\JO��(IV]L�HSS��,HSPUN�OHZ�H�YLJVYK�VU�KLSP]LY �̀�>L»]L�delivered so much more in cycling terms, including a cycle hub which has ZL[�H�ILUJOTHYR�MVY�,\YVWLHU�JP[PLZ�¹�








¸@V\�Q\Z[�MLLS�ZV�ZHML�HZ�H�J`JSPZ[��>L�are doing those things already and we ^PSS�JVU[PU\L�YLNHYKSLZZ�VM�[OL�IPK�¹



>OH[�Z[Y\JR�)LSS��K\YPUN�OPZ�������mile challenge was just how much needs to be done to ensure that cycling in London is less of a challenge and TVYL�VM�HU�L]LY`KH`�MVYT�VM�[YHUZWVY[��/L�OVWLZ�,HSPUN�JHU�ILJVTL�¸H�J`JSPUN�L_LTWSHY¹��H�WSHJL�^OLYL�THZZ�J`JSPUN�

JHU�ILJVTL�H�YLHSP[`�YLSH[P]LS`�X\PJRS �̀Beginning this journey with children,



Good for business, good for YLZPKLU[Z��NVVK�MVY�[OL�LU]PYVUTLU[!�there seems nothing to lose from ,HSPUN»Z�WYV�J`JSPUN�Z[HUJL�¶�L_JLW[�MVY�WLYOHWZ�H�ML^�L_[YH�PUJOLZ�¶�HUK�L]LY`[OPUN�[V�NHPU�

“We’ve delivered a cycle hub which has set a benchmark for other European cities”

Previous page: Tour de France 2012 champion Bradley Wiggins. Left: Ealing’s cycle hub, installed in Haven Green in 2012, is proving very popular with cyclists.

58 Sitematch: development opportunity


From 2018, Crossrail will make Southall one of the best connected places in London – with travel times of just 18 minutes to central London and 10 minutes to Heathrow. Southall is already an investment hotspot and is now attracting the attention of some major developers.

The area as a whole has the potential for 7,000 new homes and 3,000 new jobs. Ealing Council has published a draft version of the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) to help ensure development unlocks Southall’s full potential.

Public consultation on this closed on 5 February 2014.

;OL�6(7-�PKLU[PÄLZ�RL`�development sites for housing, employment, transport hubs and public spaces. Southall has traditionally had a strong industrial economy with many well-established businesses, and its industrial estates continue to perform well, offering homes to many household names. One exception to this is the Middlesex Business Centre, located south-east of Southall station, which has never been fully occupied.

The potential redevelopment of the Middlesex Business Centre as a mixed- use scheme providing employment space, housing and amenities like a hotel and supermarket adjacent to the

Crossrail station is an exciting prospect. The council is keen to facilitate this by assisting with the assembly of adjacent sites if necessary.

On 2 April 2014 at Sitematch London, Ealing Council will be represented by Pat Hayes, executive director of regeneration and housing, Lucy Taylor, director of regeneration and planning policy, and Noel Rutherford, director of built environment.

For more information visit


issue three/spring ‘12


Partner Organiser


Find out when the next event is SITEMATCHLONDON.COM or call 0207 978 6840