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  • 7/30/2019 e Lectures




    Mihir Sen

    Department of Aerospace and Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Notre Dame

    Notre Dame, IN 46556

    December 27, 2002

  • 7/30/2019 e Lectures



    Preface 3

    Welcome 5

    The laboratory 9

    Design of the experiments 14

    A theoretician looks at the Fluids Laboratory 21

    Limitations in our knowledge and methods 27

    Goodbye 32


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    Spring, 1999.

    These are electronic lectures1 for ME332 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, a course

    typically taken by juniors. The laboratory nature of the course means that you,

    the students, learn mainly by doing, and I would prefer that you spend the mostproductive time of the day working in the laboratory, discussing with your peers,

    analyzing your data, or writing the report. But, in being engaged in these essential

    day-to-day activities, there is a danger that you may miss the bigger picture and not

    really understand why you are taking this course in the first place, what relation it

    has to the professional engineers task, or what you are supposed to be learning. Since

    classroom lectures would mean additional time that the average student just does not

    have, these electronic lectures are a substitute. They have the main advantage that

    they can be read in a more leisurely fashion and in a more relaxed frame of mind;

    you can wait till your more urgent tasks are done.

    The purpose of these lectures is not to discuss specific experiments; the Notes are

    meant for that. They are not intended to be a substitute for a textbook either. Rather,

    they are designed to provide you the tools for the interpretation of experimental

    results. Though in this sense they may help you with the reports, they are not meant

    to have a direct relation with the actual experiments that you will do, but will provide

    an overall philosophical umbrella you will be working under.

    The chapters will be written as the semester goes along, much in the manner of a

    newspaper or magazine column. Since my intention is to substitute actual lectures,I hope you will find the writing style to be informal. The lectures will be placed on

    1The word lecture is used in its older sense; it comes from the Latin legere which means to read,

    but has now more commonly come to mean a discourse.


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    the Web for you to access from your dorm room or any other place where there is a

    computer with browser. It will be updated to grow as the chapters are written, and

    will ultimately contain all the lectures.

    One of the advantages of the written word is that you may go back and re-readwhatever catches your eye. It often happens that with time a paragraph or phrase

    takes on a different meaning. Another is that I can request colleagues on the faculty

    for their input without making intolerable demands on their schedules. I have done

    so, and from time to time you will find a guest lecture by someone else on some aspect

    of the subject that they are interested in. I thank them for their contributions. You

    will notice that though we share a common interest in fluid mechanics and agree on

    most of the technical details, our overall perspectives may differ. We are all involved

    in fluid mechanics, but each is on a different path.

    If you find errors in the text, or would like to discuss some issues that have been

    raised, please feel free to do so. An e-mail or a personal visit is always welcome.

    Mihir Sen

    Copyright c by M. Sen, 1999


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    Spring, 1999.

    A belated welcome to ME332 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory and this semester. As

    classes begin, you have many questions about how it will turn out, whether it will

    be a lot or work or difficult. These are legitimate questions from your perspective,but I have no concrete answers to give you. Moreover, reducing the acquisition of

    knowledge and skills to a certain number of hours spent per week is not the place to

    begin the discussion, I feel. The place I should start, perhaps, is by explaining what

    I feel this course should give you. If you know what it is you are supposed to be

    learning, you may be better able to allocate your time and be more efficient in your


    First, why is fluid mechanics included in a mechanical engineering curriculum?

    The answer to this is quite simple: it is part and parcel of what people expect of

    mechanical engineering and mechanical engineers. There was a time, maybe several

    decades ago, when all engineers took all the basic engineering sciences like thermody-

    namics, electrical technology, metallurgy, and sometimes even fluid mechanics. Over

    the last twenty years the curriculum has gradually been narrowed and more focused

    and few engineering disciplines require it now, among those being mechanical, civil,

    chemical and aerospace engineering, though perhaps under different names. There

    are a number of reasons for that, not the least of which is the explosion in knowledge.

    It is obvious that as time goes on, the amount of knowledge, if one could quantify

    it (computer scientists like to use bits, but it seems to me to be an overly simplifiedunit for this purpose) one must find that it can only grow with each generation. True

    some skills are lost as artisans pass away and few can, for example, make clay pottery

    as well as our ancestors did. But knowledge, as represented by facts and figures, must


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    be an integral in time up to the current moment. I have often wondered what the

    mechanical engineering curriculum will look like in a hundred years. The only thing

    I can be sure of is that it will look nothing like what it is today. For instance, take

    a look at what it was a hundred years ago (at Notre Dame we celebrated 100 yearsof mechanical engineering a decade or so ago). Geometry, mensuration, trigonometry

    and surveying figured among the advanced mathematical topics that were covered.

    And for good reason; that was what the engineer would actually use. Fluid mechanics

    was also taught, but was very empirical. There were many rules of thumb given and

    practical advice imparted. The twentieth century has been a technological century;

    and that has affected the engineering curriculum greatly. It was recognized, maybe

    about fifty years ago, that teaching only what the student would immediately use

    upon graduation was short-sighted; there had to be a way of teaching for the future.

    From this evolved an emphasis on the engineering sciences, like the ones that were

    mentioned before. The logic was that with the basic engineering sciences in hand, one

    could deal with whatever the future would bring; though the applications change, the

    laws of thermodynamics, for example, are immutable and the machines of the future

    would have to satisfy them. Of course, this was not satisfactory to all. Engineering

    technology was spun off as a separate degree program in many schools to prepare

    students who wanted to work with the technology of the day. Also, shouldnt engi-

    neers also be able to work with current technology? In any case, how do you design

    a machine knowing only Newtons laws and the laws of thermodynamics? Surely youmust be taught how to apply them. As a result, it seems to me, the pendulum has

    begun to swing the other way. You are in the middle of a period of change, but then,

    isnt any generation? The bottom line is that, at the moment, fluid mechanics is still

    part of the thermal sciences as taught to mechanical and other engineers.

    Now the issue of focused learning vs. a broad education. Why do you need to learn

    fluid mechanics when it is entirely possible that you may pass your entire working life

    without using it. On the one extreme, it is possible to provide an education on only

    what you will use. This presupposes of course that you know exactly what you willuse, but more importantly, it will confine you to the use of only that knowledge. On

    the other extreme, a liberal education gives you a broad preparation with a profound

    knowledge of nothing but the ability to learn later on anything that you need. The


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    path that you are going through is in the middle; you learn fluid mechanics but you do

    not learn to design multi-stage radial gas compressors, for instance. The hope is that,

    if you need to, you can learn to do so. You have the basic knowledge, the technical

    language skills to be able to read and understand the literature, and the analyticalskills to be able to apply it. In the end you will find that gas compressors work under

    the same physical principles you have been using in other problems in class, nothing

    new there. But what if you never work with anything related to fluid mechanics, is

    the time spent on it then wasted? The answer again is no. If all you learn from a

    fluid mechanics class is fluid mechanics, then perhaps the time is indeed wasted. But

    if you learn how to analyze a problem in general, represent it in mathematical form,

    solve the mathematics, and then interpret the results physically, it will help you in

    many different ways. This is similar to saying that you are better off learning to add

    any set of numbers, even though in life you will have to actually add only specific

    sets. You do not a priori know what numbers they will be, and in any case it is far

    easier to learn the general technique of addition than only specific examples. The

    use of examples to help in learning the general principle should not be confused with

    knowing only those examples. Once you have the analytical skills developed by fluid

    mechanics and similar courses, you will be able to apply the skills to whatever comes


    Next, why a fluid mechanics laboratory? The answer to this is more difficult.

    Given that fluid mechanics is important, isnt it enough to have it in a theory class?

    You learn how a fluid behaves, how it flows, and how to calculate things about it.

    This is related to an even deeper question: do you really need to have multiple objects

    around you to be able to learn to add? It is impossible to tell since we always have

    objects around us. Would an alien race, for example, that didnt have any discover

    arithmetic? In principle it is possible, and in principle it is possible for you to learn

    all that you need to know from a book. The human mind, of course, is capable of very

    abstract thought and can distinguish between the statement that 2 + 3 = 5 and that

    two apples and three apples together make five apples. In a similar fashion, losses inpipelines, to cite one simple example, can be learned through equations, but would

    they have the same physical feel? That is, would you know, really know what it means,

    long after the formulas are forgotten? I would argue, and I believe that most of you


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    would agree, that a hands-on laboratory experience reinforces, at the very least, book

    learning. But then, what about a laboratory for every course? Shouldnt dynamics

    have one, and thermodynamics, and all the others? An experiment with hockey

    pucks sliding across an air table can help explain the conservation of momentumduring collision; a p V T-cell can make thermodynamics more vivid. How would

    we fit these into the curriculum? Obviously we couldnt, even though faculty often

    wonder if laboratories in their favorite subjects should be included. There has to

    be a balance; traditionally a fluid mechanics laboratory is included in a mechanical

    engineering curriculum. In our case, we have designed this to be the third in a 3-

    course series: Measurements Laboratory, Solids Mechanics Laboratory, and this. The

    courses have been designed to be a continuum, and to teach a related set of concepts.

    So, the current course is not meant merely to confirm what you have seen in the

    fluid mechanics class, in fact it would miss the point entirely if this were the case.

    Moreover, one can argue that if the student were to take only one course in fluid

    mechanics, a laboratory course rather than theory should be the one. If children were

    left with enough apples and oranges, they would ultimately figure out the rules of

    arithmetic; the knowledge would be very firm, but too slow in coming. We are in a

    rush, we would like the student to know so many things in a four-year period, and

    so we put all that in the theory classes. But the point still remains that the theory

    has been developed to solve certain real-life problems involving fluids, and unless you

    see what they are, the knowledge is abstract. It may be, and I see a certain practicaladvantage to this, that the laboratory should come before the theory. After all the

    purpose of the theory is to explain the problems that you will need to solve, instead

    of those that canbe solved.

    I have tried to give a perspective on the role that fluid mechanics plays in an

    engineering curriculum as I see it, but there is much more to be said. In future

    lectures I will give you my perspective on what I hope you will be learning this



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    The laboratory

    Spring, 1999.

    By now you have had some experience with a couple of complete cycles of the

    laboratory, you are familiar with the experiments themselves and with data analysis

    and report writing. This is a good time to discuss the objectives behind the course,and what you are expected to learn from it.

    Fluid mechanics is, of course, the central topic. So what is it about fluid mechanics

    that you learn from a laboratory that is different from a book? Before I get into that,

    let me first discuss what I hope you will learn this semester that is not related to fluid

    mechanics, at least it is not exclusive to fluid mechanics. Put a different way, if fluid

    mechanics were all you learned from this laboratory, the time is not well spent.

    This laboratory, as I have mentioned before, is the third in a series of three

    laboratory-based courses in mechanical engineering, following those on Measurements

    and Solid Mechanics. The sequence is designed in the following manner. The experi-

    mental experience in the first is in a controlled environment; you are more or less told

    what to do and what results to obtain, and how to manipulate and interpret the data.

    It is, after all, the first engineering laboratory experience for you. The second revolves

    around solid mechanics, but the organization of the laboratory is such as to put a

    greater burden on you. You work under the supervision of a graduate student, but

    you have to depend on your own resources to read the written material to figure out

    how to process the data appropriately. The third course, this one, takes the process

    one step farther; you have some guidance in terms of written material, but it is upto you to decide what exactly to do, how to do it and what to make of the results.

    Moreover, there is a minimum that you can do, or you can be creative and do more

    than that. This is not the end of the series; in the senior year you will have Senior


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    Design in which you are set free and have only your own wits, imagination and the

    knowledge you have gained in the program, to design and construct a machine that

    will fulfill a given goal. Soon thereafter, of course, you may have to prove your ability

    for independent and creative thought and action in the context of a working life.

    To instill independence and creativity is really the purpose behind education. If

    all you have when you leave is a collection of facts and figures, it will be difficult, in

    the long run, to put that information to use in any practical fashion. Besides, it will

    soon be obsolete. If, however, you learn how to find information and how to use it,

    that process will never go out of style. In this course you are given a minimum of

    information, but you have at hand a basic knowledge of fluid mechanics as well as the

    textbook itself. This is much like how it is going to be in the real world. You have

    to figure out what to do in the laboratory. You will determine what measurements torecord, and how to process the data. This is the procedure behind every experiment,

    large or small, simple or complicated. You may find, in the beginning, that when you

    sit down to do the calculations you do not have all the data that you need. In this

    case you will have to go back again and get what you need. This is also how it is

    often done in real life, though it is not a recommended procedure. By the time the

    semester is over you will have learned to think and plan ahead, and make sure that

    you have noted all the information you will need before you leave the laboratory.

    Knowledge gained from a laboratory course is, in a certain sense, real. The calcu-

    lations themselves are no different from what you do in a theory class. The difference,

    however, lies in that you have a physical system in front of you. Your measurements

    correspond to some quantity in this system. For most people, this helps make the ab-

    stract concrete. You think of the pressure not simply as a symbol p, but as a physical

    quantity that can be represented by a symbol, p, x or any other. There is a difference

    between reality and our representation of it, and engineering is a discipline that is

    based on reality. Mathematics is often used as a model or surrogate for reality. It is

    certainly easier to manipulate equations to determine numbers than it is to make an

    experiment every time we wanted to know how a certain design would turn out, butwe must not confuse the model with reality.

    Another important aspect to learning in the laboratory environment relates to

    skills that you acquire on the use of tools. These skills, along with others such as


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    writing ability and computer literacy, will also be valuable in an engineering career.

    Generally speaking, current engineering programs do not really give you any exposure

    to the use of machinery for manufacture, which would have been good, but to a

    limited extent to the use of measuring instruments. You have used them before inthe previous laboratory courses, and any further experience that you get with them is

    beneficial. Each instrument is different and its operation has to be learned separately.

    When you come across any new device, it will take you some time to become familiar

    with it to the point that you know exactly what it is doing. However, having used

    similar instruments will give you the confidence to handle most anything new. Most

    of the instruments that you see in the laboratory are off the shelf items of general

    use, and you will become familiar with the practical aspects of characteristics such as

    sensitivity, offset and range. Along with the instruments themselves, you also learn

    to use modern techniques of data acquisition and processing. Computer use in the

    laboratory has become very common over the last ten years, and an ability to work

    with them is a necessary skill in most experimental work. Because of time constraints

    your exposure to these tools is necessarily partial; the computer programs are set up

    for you to use, although in a working environment you may be responsible not only

    for choosing the hardware appropriate for the job, but also writing the software to do

    it. You will also use computerized tools for data analysis, processing images, drawing

    graphs, and writing reports. The point to be remembered in all these items is not

    the specific tool that you learn to use but the fact that you have to learn by yourself,by asking other people or from the manuals. Again, it is not what you learn but how

    you learn it that will be the most useful skill in the long run. If you can do it once,

    you can do it again when required to do so in the future. Along with knowledge,

    skills should not be frozen but must move with the times.

    Reading the recommended reading material and making sense from it is another

    part of the learning process. There may be many instances in what you see and

    do in the laboratory that you need to read up upon. That is fine; if you dont know

    something, at least you know how to find the information. But finding the informationis also not enough, you must be able to understand it and to use it. This is where

    your previous education comes in. Someone without the appropriate education in

    the field can read the same material but not understand it at all. There is not only


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    technical jargon to be overcome but also a body of knowledge is needed that is simple

    for you but not for the other person. This is what you will have to do in the future

    in situations for which you are not completely prepared.

    Writing is another important ability that you are practicing. Engineers are often

    taken to task for their poor skills in this regard, even though writing and presentation

    skills are very important in many of the careers that engineers pursue. There are

    several reasons why writing is the often the preferred mode of communication: before

    you can write something down you have to really understand what you are going

    to say; what you write will stay around for some time and can be passed on and

    read by many who are not initial recipients of the information. There have often

    been discussions within the faculty as to where the writing skill is learned, and it

    invariably comes down to the practice of report writing. Of course, reports are notexclusive to the laboratories but, unlike in a theory class, they are the main vehicle

    of student expression in a laboratory course. What must you learn about writing

    and from writing? That it is important to express yourself clearly and concisely in a

    language that free from grammatical, spelling and other errors. It is often said that

    mathematics and graphics are the twin languages of the engineer. Use them well,

    but use them appropriately within a context of a text. Writing is an art, and like all

    arts cannot be taught. You have to see examples of it to see what is good and what

    should be avoided, and you have to practice it again and again.

    And yes, you will also learn about fluid mechanics. In the laboratory you will

    come across phenomena that you will observe or measure that merited only a passing

    reference in the theory class, if that. The reason is that not all fluid mechanical

    phenomena can be calculated and dissected from a theoretical perspective, but that

    does not make them any less important. It is also important to get a feeling for the

    quantities that you measure. How fast must a water flow really be before it turns

    turbulent? What kind of pressure drop can you expect in an elbow or other fitting as

    compared to a straight pipe? Another important aspect is to know the limitations of

    theory. Practical engineering applications of fluid mechanics is heavily dependent onthe use of empirically obtained coefficients and factors. It is often not obvious to a

    beginner in the subject what these are, and how much one should trust the values that

    one obtains from handbooks. In many cases you will find values and numbers that


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    are different from those commonly accepted in the literature. When that happens,

    does it mean that you are wrong and that the books are right? Not necessarily. Your

    measurements may be exact but the setup of the experiment maybe different from

    that in the literature. As a practicing engineer you may have to adapt an idealizedsolution or piece of information to a situation that is similar but not identical.

    Of course all measurements have errors, but how large are they and are they

    important? A laboratory exercise gives you some feeling for the order of magnitude

    of the errors you may have in any calculation derived from the measurement. You

    may find that for a given phenomenon, a 25% error is good, 5% excellent, and 1%

    impossible to get, while for another 5, 1 and 0.2 may be the corresponding numbers.

    It all depends on the phenomenon that you are measuring. To be able to use the

    results of a theoretical calculation in a design, for example, is very important to know

    the accuracy of the numbers that you calculate. In fact you may be called upon to

    make predictions in situations in which there is no exact procedure to do so and a

    guesstimate is all that can be done. Engineers have to build and not everything

    they build is completely understood in all its details. Theoretical calculations, on

    the other hand, sometimes give the impression that something can be calculated to

    a large number of significant figures. This is not true if the calculation is based on

    some experimental quantity. In this connection, a common rule of thumb is to use

    numbers up to three significant figures only (except if it starts with 1 in which case

    four significant figures is all right); after all it indicates an accuracy of better than1%, which is pretty good. In fact, after doing the experiments you will appreciate

    how good an error of only 1% really is.

    So you see there is much more to the laboratory than getting numbers and cal-

    culating results. Most of the times you will not be aware that you are learning

    something. But if you spend time in the laboratory and think about the apparatus

    and what you are doing while you are doing it, you will gain the experience and skills

    that will serve you well in the future.


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    Design of the experiments

    This chapter has been written with the help of Rod McClain.

    Spring, 1999.

    Working with the experiments, you may wonder why they are designed exactlythe way they are. Another reason to know is that in the future, it may happen that

    some of you may be required by your job to not only work with experiments, but

    also design them. In this lecture I will try to give you some background on how the

    experiments you see came to be that way. Like all design, this is a creative process

    with no unique answer, and every semester we actually come up with slightly different

    results. There are several people involved the process: Mr. Rod McClain, Professional

    Specialist, is in overall charge of the lab, Mr. Chuck Klein, Machinist, does whatever

    milling, cutting, and drilling is needed in the machine shop, and Mr. Kevin Peters,

    Technician, helps to put the experiments together and set up the computers.The first step in the process is to select the experiments. Some of the most

    important criteria for this are the following.

    Safety: The experiments must be, above all else, as safe as we can make them.

    Water and electricity do not mix well, and a fluids lab must have both. The ex-

    periments are designed so that these two are well separated. Moving machinery

    is mostly kept out of the way.

    Simplicity of operation: By looking at the experimental apparatus, an observershould be able to figure out how to start it, which way the fluids flow, and what

    is happening in the experiment. In conjunction with safety, this means that the

    pumps should be separated from the measurement area but easily visible. A


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    very complex piece of machinery or piping would be hard to understand in a

    short time.

    Simplicity in manufacture and assembly: We usually have only a couple of

    weeks to put together the experiments. Even though instructional use of the

    Departments machine shop is given first priority, often there is need of an

    additional tool that takes time to get, or there is a breakdown of equipment

    that slows down the process. Apparatus that is complicated to construct is

    sometimes planned and built over several years. For example, the water tables,

    which are simple to use, are fabricated in a relatively complicated manner which

    includes the cutting, heating, bending, and joining of transparent material.

    Simple to maintain: Most operational problems should be simple to fix during

    use. The students are extremely careful with what they do in the laboratory,

    fully justifying the trust that has been put on them. However, normal wear and

    tear has to take place. This is especially important for equipment that has been

    in use for a long time. Sometimes maintenance is not possible and we have to

    adapt to a loss in the middle of experiments. Last year a turbine flow meter

    that had been in use for ten years simply decided that it had enough, and we

    had to retire that experiment.

    Expense: We have a fixed budget to work with. Some major items are purchased

    slowly over the years to replace those that are worn out or obsolete. We have

    recently bought new Windows-based computers to replace some old Macs, but

    we need more in the future.

    Robustness: The experiments must be able to take the wear and tear from

    ninety students a week without frequent breakdowns. We have also found that

    working with fluids other than air or water tends to be very messy.

    Variety: Some experiments should explain basic principles and a fundamental

    understanding of fluid mechanics, and others should parallel the use of fluidmechanics in industry. Similarly, some measurements should be manual and

    others computerized. This way you can see the advantages and disadvantages

    of both.


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    New experiments: We usually put in some new experiments every semester and

    upgrade others. If we ourselves dont take an interest in the experiments, we

    cannot expect the students to do so either.

    The following is the procedure that we use to put together the experiments.

    Selection: Rod McClain and I get together, perhaps several times a week, be-

    ginning a couple of months before the experiments are due to be operational.

    We have a long list of possible experiments and ideas from which to choose.

    We discuss what the experiments will be, what relation they have to the real

    life use of instrumentation and fluid mechanics, what basic principles they il-

    lustrate, whether they preserve an adequate balance between what can truly be

    calculated from theory and what cannot, as well as a balance between experi-

    ments using air and those using water. The experiments, furthermore, should

    be simple enough to be easily understood at a glance so that it isnt a black


    Design: We first sketch some options on the blackboard, and then decide on

    the ones we will do this semester. Rod McClain then designs the apparatus

    in terms of dimensions, pump sizes, measuring instruments, and mechanical

    assembly. Often the initial idea undergoes a substantial change for the better.

    This process is a combination of machine design and fluid mechanics. The

    design should be such as to be easily manufactured and assembled. The fluid

    mechanics calculations are essentially a reverse of what you do after you have

    taken the data. In order to estimate the various quantities, he looks up values

    of friction factors and flow coefficients reported in the literature so that he

    can determine reasonable flow rates and pressure drops. Then he can choose

    from standard piping sizes, pump catalogs, and electronic instruments so that

    the outputs that you actually measure, the voltage going to a multimeter for

    instance, are large enough for you to get good data. Often the requirements

    are conflictive, we have to make choices, and a perfect design is not entirelypossible. We also try to use off the shelf equipment and instruments, both for

    cost considerations and also because that is what you will probably encounter

    in the future.


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    Manufacture and assembly: Chuck Klein and Kevin Peters help out in this stage.

    Often this part of the process is iterative if there is some error in machining or

    in the design. Remember that it is very different having an experiment working

    in the blackboard, and actually doing what it is supposed to do on the labfloor. Pipes usually dont leak on the blackboard, for one thing. In this regard,

    experience is the best teacher, and I am happy to say that the staff is very

    experienced in what they do. Sometimes, when we try new things, the result is

    not entirely as expected.

    Testing: We run through the experiment ourselves before putting it on line.

    Sometimes there are minor modifications to be made even at this late stage.

    Instructions: The write-up for an experiment cannot be finalized until the ex-

    periment itself is. There are two types of instructions to be given. Some are

    general in terms of a schematic of the experiment, the objectives, recommended

    readings, and the equations to be used; these are posted on the Web. Others

    make sense only with the experiment in front of you, like information on calibra-

    tion or how to use the software; so these are posted at the workstation. Some

    of the components, especially those hidden from view, also need to labeled. In

    the end, you will notice that not every detail is provided, so that you develop

    an ability to deduce what you dont know from the information at hand. As

    an example, you have to figure out that the valve handle parallel to the pipesignifies an open valve, which you can do by opening one valve and checking

    the resulting flow rate in the rotameter.

    There are also certain specific comments that we can make regarding each one of

    the experiments that you are doing this half-semester.

    Unit 1: Hydrostatics

    Hydrostatics is one of the few instances in fluid mechanics for which we have

    exact mathematical solutions (some laminar flows being another). The experiments

    will show that, in spite of this, the experimental results are not perfect and one should

    have a healthy respect for the difficulty of getting perfect results.

    (a) Piston in cylinder


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    This is an experiment that we have used for a number of years. It is simple

    but instructive. The interior spring and the process of bringing the piston back to

    the same level together enable the linearity of the force-pressure relationship to be

    demonstrated without knowledge of the spring characteristics. The piston-cylinderarrangements are off the shelf pneumatic actuators commonly used in control appli-


    (b) Free surface under rotation

    Though other measuring techniques, like optical devices, could have been used, we

    have opted for simplicity and not necessarily accuracy. Having to shift the origin of

    the distance measurements to conform to theoretical results, is also a useful exercise.

    In real life you will often find that the information is not in the form you would like

    to have; this is a simple example.

    Unit 2: Flow visualization

    This provides an excellent opportunity for the visual appreciation of the complex-

    ity of flow phenomena.

    (a) Water table

    The experiment itself is simple, but the handling of photographic images is very

    modern. In fact what you learn in this regard will hopefully be useful to you in

    other applications in the future. In the design of water flow visualization by dye, it isimportant for the water speed to be low enough for the dye not to mix quickly with

    the surrounding water, nor sink due to density differences.

    (b) Reynoldss experiment

    This is a classic experiment. The settling chamber as we have it is not large

    enough to do the job well. Furthermore, a vertical tube would have avoided the

    effect of descending dye streams due to density differences. We intend to redo this

    experiment in the future. Pressure measurement by a manometer illustrates a simple

    and accurate method that is to be contrasted to the electronic output of a pressure

    transducer used elsewhere.

    Unit 3: Flow measurement


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    These are a set of basic measuring instruments that are commonly used. One of

    the problems is that that the three measuring devices have vastly different pressure

    drops. Since we have used a single pressure transducer, there is no way out of having

    one of the devices, the total-head tube in this case, with a relatively small reading inthe multimeter. In each device the pressure drop produced had to be matched with

    the range of the transducer and the capability of the pump.

    (a) Mean velocity

    The Venturi was made in the shop (for a cost of $10 as opposed to about $800 for

    a purchased item). The main design criterion is that the expansion angle be small to

    avoid flow separation; otherwise it would be working as an orifice. Both Venturi and

    orifice meters are instruments in common use in industry.

    (b) Total-head tube

    Unfortunately this is one of the instruments that you cannot see, so a drawing has

    to be provided. The total-head tube is more common in air-handling applications; in

    fact it is also used in Unit 4(b).

    Unit 4: Pipe flow

    These are a couple of experiments with air. It is very difficult to have a laminar

    flow of air, and the flows here are turbulent.

    (a) Entrance effects and losses

    We introduce computerized data acquisition that is typical of many modern mea-

    suring systems. The software is written so as to display the pressure vs. distance curve

    which gives visual meaning to the difference in the behavior between the entrance and

    the fully developed regions.

    (b) LFE and velocity profile

    You get to see what a turbulent velocity profile looks like, and how different it iscompared to a parabolic laminar one.

    Unit 5: Minor losses


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    These are basic components of many hydraulic systems, widely used but only

    empirically understood. These experiments illustrate how the coefficients reported in

    the literature are obtained.

    (a) Valves

    You are introduced to a variety of different valves, each with a different loss

    coefficient to opening angle relation. An appreciation of the nonlinearity of this

    relation is important, especially for control applications. Valves, particularly globe

    and needle valves, are carefully designed to produce a near-linear behavior around

    the point of operation.

    (b) Fittings

    You are introduced to a variety of different fittings.


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    A theoretician looks at the Fluids


    The guest writer for this lecture is Professor Joseph M. Powers.

    Spring, 1999.

    When Prof. Sen asked me to make a contribution to this new venture of electronic

    lectures, in the old sense of the word lecture, I was somewhat unsure of what to

    contribute. Having skimmed through the first few of these lecture has not led to

    any grand insights, but has encouraged me to adopt a somewhat informal, stream-of-

    consciousness style in giving my comments on fluids lab.

    First a bit about myself, as it relates to this topic. I was educated entirely as a

    mechanical engineer, obtaining three degrees in this field, with my graduate work fo-

    cusing on developing and solving theoretical models for the fluid mechanics of chem-

    ically reactive systems. I never had a fluids lab in my undergraduate or graduate

    curricula, though there were plenty of courses on fluids theory. We werent short on

    lab courses however: there were full courses in solids lab, measurements lab, controls

    lab, chemistry lab, physics lab, etc. Fluids just did not happen to make the cut in

    the required courses. Thats all immaterial, as Prof. Sen has pointed out in his earlier

    lectures, in many ways one important goal of a laboratory course, whatever the sub-

    ject matter, is to instill in the student the idea that the theory has some grounding

    in empirical physical reality. That is there are many paths to knowledge and under-

    standing. Observation is one of them and in many ways is the foundation of Westernscience, at least after the Renaissance. You may recall the dangers of theory not

    grounded at some level in empiricism: Aristotle wrote books on physics. He decided

    that F = mv. He should have checked. Any rocket he designed would probably


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    crash ; even knowing F = ma, about 10% of our rockets dont make it. Anyway,

    despite the bulk of my own research being theoretical, I have always been surrounded

    by fluid laboratories. At the University of Illinois, my office was next door to half a

    dozen screaming supersonic wind tunnels, and my office, save me, was filled with fourscreaming graduate students working on their experiments. I have also worked at a

    number of laboratories and in most instances sought and found significant interaction

    with my colleagues whose first priority was in the laboratory.

    In a recent experience, I shared an office with a physicist who was designing multi-

    million dollar experiments involving high speed impact dynamics. He had been doing

    this for nearly ten years after an education similar to my own, which focused entirely

    on theory. What I saw in him was someone who truly understood the motivation

    for why he was doing the experiment and was really able to do excellent detectivework in analyzing why it behaved as it did. I think he achieved success because

    he worked at having competence in all areas. First, his work had certain goals,

    generally requiring detailed experimental evidence. An example question would be,

    if we hit this material really hard (some number would be attached to quantify it),

    will this component survive or break? The answer is simply not known beforehand,

    and it is going to be very expensive to find out, so he needs to do it right the first

    time, no partial credit. Second, he knew how to design and engineer his equipment

    to provide definitive answers to those questions. Heres where a lot of creativity

    was required. Could one design a simple experiment for a prototype that would

    mimic the behavior of the model? Third he knew how to use theoretical analysis to

    guide him in designing his experiment. Before any experiment was run, a large finite

    element code was exercised to get an idea of what would happen. As with nearly all

    theoretical models, their predictions do give some idea of how the system behaves, but

    they cannot capture every detail; some of these details can be critically important.

    Nevertheless, the theoretical model predictions were able to give very good estimates,

    and reassurance that the experiment had a chance to answer the proper question.

    Often times, the experiment was re-designed before the actual test in response todisturbing model predictions. After the experimental tests were run, there was a

    quite long post-mortem phase which required a lot of analysis of the results. An

    important question was always, did it behave in the way we thought it would, and


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    if not, why not? What impressed me most was that one skilled person was able to

    marshal both experimental and theoretical skill in such a fashion to get at the heart

    of some important science/engineering questions. The goal was to get at the truth,

    and to use the best set of tools to get the answer. Brains, theory, empiricism: allworked together.

    Do they always work together? No. Sometimes I see this as a problem and some-

    times not. Working at another laboratory a few years ago, I found myself surrounded

    on one worksite by some experimentalists who had little use for theoreticians, and at

    a nearby site by theoreticians who had little use for experimentalists. The method of

    the experimentalist was to hit a specimen hard and see what happened. Then try it

    again, then again. Theyre still hitting things, breaking them, and Im not quite sure

    what theyve learned. Their theoretical colleagues in a nearby building stayed busymainly talking with themselves, making tweaks to a code which had fundamental

    flaws and have little hope for providing first principles answers for any questions. It

    may have some value as an fancy way to do interpolation, but it was not clear that

    it was either science or engineering.

    At yet another laboratory, I worked with a group that was purely theoretical, and

    many of them were making good contributions despite not having a experiment in

    sight. What were they up to? In a nutshell, algorithm improvement. There are some

    very classical problems that are so well understood theoretically and experimentally

    that no one really questions them. Nevertheless, many of these problems may require

    a lot of computational resources to accurately simulate with a theoretical model. An

    example might be the flow of a low Reynolds number fluid over a sphere. Currently

    there is a lot of room for improvements in algorithms for solving well-known equations

    of fluid mechanics. At lunch recently, Prof. Bass of the CSE department relayed a

    story of a researcher here at Notre Dame who was solving equations which modelled

    groundwater flow. A simulation generally took over twenty-four hours. This faculty

    member asked a colleague in the CSE department to look at the source code; by

    making a few changes in how do loops were structured, what used to run in twenty-four hours then ran in twenty-four minutes! Often times however, it is much more

    challenging to increase the efficiency. In fact some of these problems have challenged

    some of the best minds of this century. We do not have the best algorithm yet, and


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    we are probably not even close to what could be, so there is still lots of work to be


    So what does all of this have to do with fluids lab? Im not really sure. I do

    know that one goal that I would encourage you to adopt in your education, whichwill continue after university is to do your best to understand why things behave as

    they do. Being able to answer such questions will make you a valuable person to your

    company and more importantly to your society. Having taught the fluids laboratory

    before, I know there are many opportunities to flex your neurons on such matters.

    Now most of you will not be spending your lives calculating Strouhal numbers or

    measuring friction factors. There may come a time when they might in fact be useful,

    but even more useful I think is that fluids lab offers an opportunity to understand

    some basic realities of nature which are well grounded in theory, and in that offers

    hope that there are other things in nature that we may come to understand. My

    hypothesis is that it was the instilled bravado, combined with a knowledge of both

    theory and empiricism that was instilled in generations of past engineers, that led us

    to Kitty Hawk in 1903 and the Sea of Tranquility in 1969 and many places to come

    in future years. It is only with an appreciation of both that we will reach them.

    Question from a student

    I just read your lecture, in conjunction with continuing work I am doing on a fluids

    lab. In the E-Lecture you said, most of us probably will not be calculating Strouhal

    numbers and friction factors. While those exact words have not been uttered by

    other professors, others have said that we will probably not be doing this specific

    task or that specific task. It seems then that we do a lot of things that we will never

    do. I write, not to say why dont we do what we will actually do as professionals,

    the reasons we do those things is reasonably clear. What, then, does a professional

    engineer do in a career? Clearly there are too many things we can do to enumerate,

    but generally speaking, what is so different about the work of a professional engineer

    and a student engineer? Artificiality, trivia, and simplicity seems to be the core of a

    student engineers life, does this go away at the professional level? graduate level? Inclass I have heard three professors recently comment that we will not be doing this

    or that ... it just made me wonder. If you have any insight on the subject and/or

    know what it is that a real engineer does, please, do tell.


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    Professor Powerss answer

    Thanks for reading the lecture. To your question, what do real engineers do,

    a comprehensive answer is very difficult. They really do an incredible range of tasks

    from designing new technology, maintaining existing technology, selling products,

    managing personnel and projects, running companies, etc. These tasks usually re-

    quire a wide variety of skills, including fundamental knowledge of math, chemistry,

    and physics; fundamental knowledge of an engineering discipline, written and oral

    communication ability, and broad knowledge of humanistic knowledge.

    It really is impossible for any four year educational institution to give each student

    detailed preparation for EVERY possible contingency that you may be faced with in

    an engineering career. It cannot be done, and it would be foolish to try. What

    we can do is focus on some standards which are accepted throughout the engineeringcommunity and educate you for proficiency in those. To some what may seem artificial

    and trivial, to others may be a fundamental core principle.

    I play the piano, and there is an analogy between piano pedagogy and engineering

    pedagogy. I have spent literally hours working on scales and arpeggios. They are not

    fun, they are not particularly interesting musically, and certainly most people dont

    want to hear them, especially when repeated and repeated. And yet to play Mozart

    well, one really must get the discipline which is most easily acquired by doing the

    preliminary exercises. I also played basketball in high school. Our practices focused

    on calisthenics, drills, and wind sprints; scrimmage was a small part. Without these

    however, our game would have suffered. The same analogy holds for figure skaters:

    the beauty of Katerina Witts long program would not have been obtained without

    the focus in practice on the fundamentals. I think you get the point.

    You mention that some professors, including myself, say you probably wont be

    doing [this] in your job, That is often a fact, to deny it would be dishonest. That

    does not mean there is no value in learning such a task. Another fact is that you will

    be doing SOMETHING, who knows what, and that something will probably require

    you to know some aspect of engineering VERY well. A visiting faculty told me he washired as a consultant by some former students of his. He was not terribly impressed

    with their performance in his fluids class ten years previously, but found working for

    GE Gas Turbine Engines had considerably honed their fluids skills so that they were


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    completely up to speed with him on most of the issues. These students DID need the

    Strouhal number. Another group that should have learned the Strouhal number were

    the engineers who designed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which collapsed because of

    a Strouhal number effect. But it remains a fact that most engineers dont use theStrouhal number.

    I remember well two contrasting conversations Ive had with graduates of our pro-

    gram. The first was with Jim Weatherbee, ND 74, BSAE, who has piloted several

    space shuttle missions. I asked him how much of his undergraduate education he has

    had occasion to use. His reply was instant, Ive used all of it. Now, Weatherbee

    was an unusually gifted student put into extraordinary circumstances, but that still

    made me feel pretty good. I saw another former student, David, in the hallway as

    he returned to campus for a football game. David had been in my fluids class, and

    graduated with a roughly 2.4 GPA. I asked what he was doing now. Consulting

    with a financial firm, was his reply. I asked him how often he got to use the fric-

    tion factor and the rest of his engineering fundamentals. His reply was also instant:

    Never. I then asked, with so many engineers going to non-traditional jobs, would

    he recommend altering our education system to reflect that. Once again, instantly, he

    said, Dont change a thing! He said that the problem solving skills, the work ethic,

    and the fundamental thinking that an engineering education instills were extremely

    valuable to him on his job. His supervisors recognized that, which is why they hired

    engineers over seemingly better qualified business majors.I will conclude by reiterating the point I was trying to make in the e-lecture.

    Understanding Strouhal numbers and friction factors can be useful, but even more,

    understanding them gives evidence that there is a part of nature that we can un-

    derstand and hope that there is more that can be understood. This spirit has led

    engineers to fly to the moon, win the cold war, and build the internet. Theres more

    to build.


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    Limitations in our knowledge and


    Spring, 1999.

    Knowledge in all the sciences is of two kinds: theoretical and empirical. Theformer comes from paper and pencil calculations while the latter is more based on

    experimental observations. Fluid mechanics is especially well-placed to exemplify this

    separation, as well as their unification and blending for the purposes of practical use.

    Theoretical knowledge and methodology can also be of two kinds: analytical in which

    closed-form solutions are obtained, and numerical where a computer code must be


    All knowledge is, at a fundamental level, empirical. We observe the world around

    us and see things always happening a certain way. From this we formulate our basic

    laws, examples of which are the laws of motion and those of thermodynamics. There

    is no way to provethese laws; it is just the way nature is. Once we accept that, we can

    use these laws to build up predictions for more complex situations. We use the tools

    provided by mathematics, for instance, to calculate quantities that may be of interest.

    One example of this procedure is CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) that uses

    computational techniques (finite differences, finite elements, spectral methods, panel

    methods, etc.) for flow calculations that can be used to help design a fluid machine.

    If every fluid problem could be accurately and cheaply solved in this way, there would

    be no need for experiments. Unfortunately, this is not so.There is one elementary reason why experimental information is needed: theoret-

    ical models are useless without material properties like fluid viscosity, density, etc.

    However that is not all; even if all information on properties were well known, not all


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    problems are solvable by theoretical means. There are various reasons for this.

    Analytical solutions of the differential governing equations are available only for

    very few cases, and approximations can be obtained for some more. Even though

    wherever closed form expressions for the calculated quantities exist they are

    preferable to numerical computations, the range and variety of these solutions

    are limited.

    Computation may not be possible in a given problem. This is particularly true

    for many turbulent flows for which the best that can be done is to replace

    the governing equations with its time-averaged analog with plausible models

    to take into account turbulence. In any case and in the best of circumstances

    these models have free constants which have to be carefully calibrated against


    The cost of a computation may be too high. This happens if there is a wide

    distribution of length or time scales in the problem. For example, if the ratio of

    the largest to smallest length scale is of order 10 in a three-dimensional flow, a

    computational mesh of at least 101010, i.e. 103, will be needed. Many of the

    practical problems in the field involve scale ratios much larger than that which

    cannot be solved at a reasonable cost. Such is the case for many laminar flows

    and most turbulent ones. The cost of computation is based on the hardware

    necessary to run the computational code and the time it takes for it to obtain

    results. The hardware can range from a PC or a UNIX-based workstation all

    the way up to a supercomputer where an hour of computer time could cost a

    thousand dollars.

    Computational results may not be obtained in real time. For control purposes,

    for instance, it is important to have results in real time so that a stabilizing

    signal can be applied.

    The items above suggest that it is not always possible or practical to take ourbasic engineering laws and deduce from them analytically or numerically the desired

    results. If this is so, why then do we teach or learn the theory? There are several

    reasons for this.


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    Numerical computations must be first validated against known analytical solu-

    tions. If we write a computer code to do a certain job, the first solution that it

    must be asked to obtain is one for which we have a known answer. If it can get

    that, then there is a chance that it may be right in another problem for whichwe do not have the solution.

    A similar situation exists with respect to experiments. If possible, the first time

    the apparatus is run, the experimental results must be checked against known

    results. These may be in the form of solutions obtained another way or by

    previous experimenters. Instruments are often calibrated in this fashion.

    For both numerical and experimental techniques, analytical solutions provide

    an absolute benchmark against which they can be validated or calibrated and

    the order of any error precisely determined.

    Analytical solutions provide a physical understanding of the flow from which

    much can be obtained. For example, it is known that for laminar flow the drag of

    an object is proportional to the flow velocity. Neither numerical nor experimen-

    tal techniques will give such precise information. This physical understanding

    is often all that is necessary for a successful analysis or design.

    What then are the advantages of numerical techniques? Let us summarize.

    Numerical methods are of greater reach than analytical methods. For example,

    analytical solutions exist for the drag of flow around a sphere for low Reynolds

    numbers. This is the Stokes drag relation which is valid only for a Reynolds

    number of order unity or below. Numerical methods can provide solutions for

    higher Reynolds numbers even in the presence of separation behind the sphere

    as long as the flow is laminar.

    Numerical methods can be used where no exact or approximate solution is


    Once the computational code has been written and verified, it can be used over

    and over again with little change. This has led to a number of commercial codes

    in the market to solve general problems in fluid mechanics.


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    Now we come to the advantages of experiments.

    Experiments arereality. This cannot be overemphasized. The approximations

    made in all theoretical approaches are not present here. Of course, there maybe other approximations if we are forced to carry out the experiment in a setup

    different from the one in which we actually want the answer. The size or some

    other factor may be different.

    Turbulence is dealt with in a much easier fashion. Using modern tools like the

    hot-wire anemometer, laser doppler anemometer, or particle image velocimeter,

    detailed spatial and time distributions of the velocity can be obtained.

    Parametric variations are sometimes much easier. If, for example, one is inter-

    ested in the drag coefficient on a sphere as a function of Reynolds number, one

    merely has to run the experiment for measuring the drag force the desired num-

    ber of times. Each experiment does not take long. In a numerical method also

    the runs have to be repeated many times, but the computational time increases

    as the Reynolds number goes up.

    One can thus look upon the triad of techniques, analytical, numerical and ex-

    perimental, as complementing rather than substituting for each other. Often, if the

    prediction is critical, two or three of the approaches will be used, the most common

    being the numerical with the experimental. If they confirm each other, one can be

    reasonably sure that the results are right. From that point on one can use whichever

    method is cheaper to provide an accurate answer.

    The last issue that I would like to discuss today is the limitations on our theo-

    retical knowledge. If we are to blend theoretical and experimental approaches in real

    life, we must be aware where knowledge of one kind ends and the other begins. The

    undergraduate-level books often do not make this very clear, I have sometimes dis-

    cussed experimental results with students who have assumed that whatever is given

    in the textbook is accurate and that his or her experiment must be wrong. To takean example, let us look at the critical Reynolds number of 2300 for transition from

    laminar to turbulent flow in a pipe (p. 37 in the book). What the book does not

    say is that there is no theoretical basis for this number. All that it represents is an


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    average value for a large number of experiments. In fact there is a wide divergence

    in the results of these experiments due to entrance conditions and other disturbances

    that may be present in the pipe. Some semesters students have obtained values of

    1700 and in others 2800. There is nothing wrong in either value; what would bewrong is to discard ones answer which is dependent on what is actually happening

    in favor of what the book says. To be fair, it is extremely difficult for you to question

    a number provided by a source of certain authority, especially when it uses words

    like pipe flow is laminar when Re 2300 . . ., but it is important to bear in mind

    that the authority may possibly be wrong. Well not exactly wrong, but there are

    complicated arguments that are, for reasons of simplicity, left out of the discussion in

    the book. One of the main purposes of the fluid mechanics laboratory is for you to

    learn the limitations of theory and the kind of information that can only be obtained


    There is another kind of trap that one can get into in not looking at the fine

    print in a book. Again, taking the example of Reynolds number, the critical value

    of 2300 is only for pipe flow. In fact this is clearly mentioned in the text. However,

    I have encountered many instances where the values have been assumed as holding

    for all flows internal or external. I wish that fluid mechanics were so simple, but

    it is not. The transition of a boundary layer from laminar to turbulent may occur

    for a Reynolds number (based on distance from the leading edge) of around 5 105

    (p. 413). In this case it turns out that the theory of the onset of turbulence isquite advanced and there is considerable theoretical overlap between theoretical and

    experimental results.

    The conclusion of this discussion is that neither theoretical nor experimental

    knowledge is superior to the other but is merely complementary. One must be careful

    to find out which is which, and also be aware of the exact boundaries of our knowl-

    edge as well as those of the methods that we use to work with them. Only then can

    we apply them appropriately to practical problems. Though here I have used fluid

    mechanics as an example, the basic ideas are true for many of the disciplines that

    you will see within engineering.


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    Spring 2002

    In the Spring of 1999 when these lectures were written, I had made some notes

    to myself of topics to add in future versions. However, I have not taught the course

    since then. Since this is something that I have not done, I leave them for you as ideasto think about.

    Unconstrained by reality, what would a dream lab be, what hardware would it

    have, and what would the students learn?

    Rather than being a science, experimentation is an art with no unique answers.

    These is a tendency to think of a lab as being just like a theory course, with the

    only difference being that you have to generate the numbers experimentally to

    do the homework. It is, however, more than that.

    In these electronic lectures I have tried to tell you the reasons behind why we

    teach things the way we do, and also what the objectives of this course are. Some

    of the goals are tangible and clear while the others are not so. My hope is that

    you have learned the tangibles and are well on your way towards the intangibles.

    Learning to think, do and write clearly about something will be a lifelong need, and

    fluid mechanics is merely an example. What you have learned in this course during

    this semester is only a beginning. In the future I hope that you will have the time to

    look back and the desire to build on it.
