Download - E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Page 1: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)


(Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Page 2: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Understand the definition and purpose of the English Language Proficiency Assessment

Administer ELPA appropriately




Page 3: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

The ELPA (English Language Proficiency Assessment) measures the proficiency of English Language Learners (ELL) in reading, writing, speaking and listening English based on Oregon’s English Language Proficiency Content Standards.

Used as part of Title I accountability to document which students are Limited English Proficient and as part of Title III Accountability incorporated into the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO).

Required for all students eligible to receive English Language Development (ELD) services. 3


Purpose and Use

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2012-13 ELPA test window: Jan. 9 – April 30

Each test opportunity is subject to a 45-day expiration period and expired ELPAs are not re-opened.

ELPA scores will be loaded into ODE’s system within approximately 6 weeks of the end of the month in which a test is completed. For example: If a student completes the ELPA anytime in March, the student scores will be available after May 15th.



Schedule and Scoring

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Review Appendix H of the Test Administration Manual and your training notes

Identify students to be tested Make sure you have the correct SSID for each

student Make sure each student’s LEP flag is set to

“Y” in TIDEProvide students with opportunities to

become familiar with the test format and technology

Check headsets to ensure they are properly installed and functioning correctly (Use the Practice Test to check headsets)



Before Testing

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ELPA is a Test Subject that can be selected for inclusion in a test session from the OAKS Online TA Interface.

ELPA is administered as one adaptive test, with the speaking domain segmented at the end.

While the ELPA is not timed, we estimate that it will take 75 minutes to complete.



Test Administration

Note: Tests that are not completed within 45 days of starting will expire.

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TA Interface Administer the ELPA, track progress, and

manage students testing in their session Adjust test settings for individual students

before they are approved to start the test Approve and submit print requests from


Student Interface Secure online test that must be

accessed via a secure browser


Overview of Test Delivery System

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Used to create/edit sessions and approve students All information is visible on one screen

Tests in session Students needing approval to start testing Students with tests in progress Print requests


TA Interface at A Glance

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Create / Edit Sessions List of available tests automatically

displays upon logging in and remains on screen while monitoring students

Select the tests for inclusion in the session and click [Start Session]

System generates a Session ID that students will use to log in

Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout Sessions cannot be resumed Students may resume a paused test in any new test session that

includes the applicable test subject and grade Example: TA creates a test session for students on Tuesday. To

resume testing on Wednesday, the TA will create another test session for students to resume testing


TA Interface, cont’d

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Student Test Settings and Approvals

Approvals Preview (right) allows TAs to see students that need to be approved while monitoring test progress

The complete list of students awaiting approval will display on a pop-up screen


TA Interface, cont’d

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Student Test Settings and Approvals,

cont’d Adjust test settings for an individual student


TA Interface, cont’d

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Print on Request Printed reading passages are an

allowable resource for all students

All print requests must be approved by the TA in the TA Interface

Print Size Available in 4 levels of

magnification Students can manually adjust for

individual items Selected magnification for a

given item will persist for print requests


Student Test Settings

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Color Choice The Student Interface can be set to

present the test background with different options

Text and background color combinations are pre-defined for a colored overlay over test content


Student Test Settings, cont’d

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NEW– Domain Exemption New for 2012-13, domain

exemption is a restricted resource for individual students whose IEP or 504 Plan exempts a student from responding to a particular ELPA domain

Must be based on individual student need documented in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan

Must be identified for the student and entered into TIDE by a DTSA/DSA prior to approving the student to start the ELPA.

District must also enter ELPA “Only” IEP test admin code in Student Centered Staging


Student Test SettingsImportant: Once a student is approved to start the ELPA, the district may no longer set this restricted resource for the student. Approving a student to start the test without this restricted resource in violation of the student’s IEP or 504 Plan is a reportable impropriety.

Page 15: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Student Login 1. Log in using First Name, SSID,

Session ID2. Confirm identity – “Is This You?”

screen– First Name (same as in SSID

upload), Enrolled Grade, DOB, School, SSID

3. Select Test – If logging into an ELPA session,

will only see ELPA test opportunity

– If logging into multiple subject session, will see multiple subject tests

4. TA Approval required to start test 5. Confirm test -- “Is this your test?”








Test Administration, cont’d

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Student Interface at A Glance

Click to view list of item pages. Pages with marked items will be indicated. Select item/item page to navigate.

Click to have instructions read aloud.

Click to mark item for review.

Click to select a comment about the item.

Click for item type tutorial.

Zoom in/out buttons (to adjust text size).

Pause test button.

Toggle between test pages.

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Monitor to ensure that students only have access to the allowable resources listed in Appendix H

If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, the student will see the next item if the previous item was “submitted” during the previous session. Otherwise, the test will resume on the item the student was last on.

For the Speaking segment, students may receive a pop-up warning if their recorded response is too soft. Students can play back their response to verify before moving on and can re-record if necessary.

For students whose IEP or 504 Plan exempts them from a domain, enter domain exemption in TIDE as a restricted resource prior to approving the student to test.


Test Administration, cont’d

Page 18: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Do’s Schools must use Oregon’s ELPA for ALL students eligible

for services under the ESEA criteria for an English Language Learner, regardless of whether the student actually receives services.

Districts must set the LEP Flag to Y in the SSID system for students to be eligible to take an ELPA test. This must be done by appropriate district personnel prior to logging the student in for the ELPA.

Districts must set the Domain Exemption restricted resource in TIDE for students whose IEP or 504 Plan exempts them from an ELPA domain based on individual student need. This must be done by appropriate district personnel prior to logging the student in for the ELPA.



Do’s and Don’ts

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Do’s (cont’d) If a student arrived at a U.S. school on or

before May 1, 2012, the student must take the ELPA and all state assessments: Reading, Math, Writing, and Science (as appropriate for his/her grade).

If a student arrived at a U.S. school after May 1, 2012, the student must take the ELPA and state assessments in Math and Science (as appropriate for his/her grade).



Do’s and Don’ts, cont’s

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Don’ts Districts may not exempt an ELL student from

taking ELPA based on their Language Proficiency Level.

Districts may not assess a student on monitor status (Exited within the last two years) in ELPA, unless student was exited between July 1 and September 19, 2012 using the 2011-12 ELPA score of a 5 composite.

Test administrators may not translate any of the items on ELPA



Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d

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Don’ts (Cont’d) TAs must not share their login information and

passwords, even with other authorized users. Do not approve students to test until you are

sure the students are taking the correct test at the right time.

Students may not use resources such as electronic translators, a dictionary, a thesaurus, literature texts, or literary glossaries. Remember that wall charts that contain literary definitions or vocabulary must be removed or covered during the testing session.

Do not let tests linger, they will expire after 45 calendar days and expired tests are not re-opened.


Do’s and Don’ts, cont’d

Page 22: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Familiarize yourself and your students ahead of testing about available accommodations and supports, especially for newcomer ELLs.

Provide students with practice on how the headset and microphone work in ELPA prior to administering the test. The ELPA practice test is available for this purpose at

Some students may benefit in having their testing broken up over a couple of days.



Promising Practices

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Early Advanced ELL students should take the ELPA earlier in the assessment window in order to receive scores back sooner in the school year.

Any student who may have moved up a proficiency level should take the assessment early in the assessment window in order to receive scores back sooner in the school year.

Test administrators may choose to assess all Beginning level and Newcomer ELL students later in the testing window as students need more language acquisition time to demonstrate their ability on ELPA.



Promising Practices, cont’d

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You may have students pause the ELPA at the beginning of the speaking domain and have the student resume later, being sure to keep in mind the 45-day test expiration period (expired ELPAs are not re-opened).

You might choose to provide students with a name tag with picture to avoid confusion during the log-in process.



Promising Practices, cont’d

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Remember, your best source for immediate and accurate information and assistance is your Regional Helpdesk. Contact them directly, prior to calling or emailing ODE assessment personnel.

List of contacts can be found at:



Regional Help Desk Contacts

Page 26: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

2012-13 ELPA test window closes April 30 ELPA is administered as one, adaptive test

consisting of two segments, with the Speaking segment administered second.

All students in grades K-12 eligible for LEP services must take the test.

Only those students with a valid ELPA score and a valid submission in the LEP collection will be counted as LEP for accountability reports.



In a Nutshell

Page 27: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

Test Administration Manual, Appendix H:

Promising Practices:

OAKS Portal and Practice Tests:

Accommodations Manual:

Test Administrator User Guide, Appendix C:


Online Resources

Page 28: E L P A (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA TAs)

What is the process for deciding which students should take the ELPA?

How should a TA determine which accommodations should be provided for a student taking the ELPA?

What steps should a TA follow to ensure valid test administration for all eligible students?

How should results from the ELPA be used?



Acorns for Storage