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  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20081

    Personal Entrepreneurial


    Workshop 3

    memihkar lemeizam

    24 June 2008

    Uzi de Haan co-developed with Mia Erez

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20082

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20083

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20084

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    Workshop BEIC-TT-20085

    Entrepreneurial Characteristics

    Fundamental Research Questions (Baron, 2002)

    How and why do some people, but not others,recognize opportunities

    How and why do some people, but not others,decide to become (a) an entrepreneur, (b) start newventures, and (c) exploit opportunities

    How and why do some people, but not others,

    organize new ventures that grow rapidly and aresuccessful or become life-style entrepreneurs orintrapreneurs

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20086

    Entrepreneurial Characteristics

    Are you born with them or can they be learned? Can you assess/measure them and use this for

    recruitment and decision to invest Can teams complement the entrepreneurial traits andabilities needed

    To which degree are entrepreneurship characteristicscontextual. E.g. in certain environments, organizationalcultures individuals are entrepreneurial and in othersnot

    Are there thresholds values for essentialentrepreneurial characteristics above which, contextdetermines entrepreneurial action. E.g. Chinese andIndians in Silicon Valley, Russian immigrants in Israel,laid off employees

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20087

    Essential conditions for successand attracting investment

    High Growth


    The Founder

    The Team






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    Workshop BEIC-TT-20088

    To team or go to on your own

    Advantages of teaming: Complementary skills Risk reduction Emotional support Can be part-time for some team members e.g. faculty members Investors like teams

    Success rates of founders teams of start-up companies

    Disadvantages of teaming Dilution of ownership Conflicts in team

    Inequalities in responsibilities Changes in roles and composition of team difficult to manage

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-20089

    Entrepreneurial Roles and Involvement of

    University Researchers in Technology Transfer

    Level ofInvolvement




    CEO of Spin-Off

    (part-time) member of founders team

    consultant of the spin-off or licensee

    consultant during the Technology Transfer Process

    Support of TT Office in communication with licensees

    Invention disclosure to TT Office/ ISKIT

    No involvement, only publications


  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200810

    Research on the characteristics of

    entrepreneurs and innovators

    Despite extensive research and research hypotheses little conclusive evidence of relationsbetween personality and other characteristics and intention to be entrepreneur orentrepreneurial performance.

    Variables with an impact are:- Need for achievement- Need for autonomy

    - Personal Initiative- Self confidence- Open to experiments, innovativeness- Tenacity and endurance- Incremental Innovator- Breakthrough innovator- Passion- Creativity- Risk-taking- Conformity- Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy- Employment status, education, married, experience, age, social


  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200811

    Research on the characteristics of

    entrepreneurs and innovators as predictor for

    entrepreneurial intention and performance - Need for achievement

    - Need for autonomy- Personal Initiative- Self confidence- Open to experiments, innovativeness

    - Tenacity and endurance- Incremental Innovator- Breakthrough innovator- Passion- Risk-taking- Conformity

    - Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy- Employment status, education, married, experience, age, social

    ties- Entrepreneurial Experience

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    Workshop BEIC-TT-200812

    Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy

    Motivational construct of self-efficacy and situational self-efficacy is developed by Bandura, 1986

    Self-efficacy is the belief in ones ability to muster andimplement the necessary personal resources, skills andcompetencies to attain a certain level of achievement on agiven task (Bandura, 1997)

    Self-efficacy can be seen as task-specific self-confidenceand has been shown to be a robust predictor of individualtask performance

    Entrepreneurial self-efficacy concerns entrepreneurshiprelated tasks and will influence entrepreneurial intentions

    Self-efficacy is changeable amongst others by learning

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200813

    Dr. Michael KirtonsKirton Adaption/Innovation Inventory

    Outgrowth of British government study

    Measures STYLE of creativity, NOT amount

    Facet of who you are as a person

    First published in 1976 by Dr. Kirton

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200814

    Your Creativity Style

    An inborn Orientation, its not achoice; you cannot change it.

    Part of who you happen to be. Observable very early in life. Stable over time. Independent of age, education,

    birth order, gender, culture.

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200815

    Creativity Style Continuum

    32 160

    96Perfects thesystem


    Changes thesystem


    KAI Continuum


  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200816

    My first impulse on taking any

    apparatus into my hand, is to

    seek a way of improving it.

    I have never worked on anything

    that didnt already have a

    working model.

    -Thomas Edison

    With 1093 patents to his credit, HOW was

    Thomas Edison creative?

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200817

    Imagination is more

    Important thanknowledge.

    If we knew what we weredoing it wouldnt be called

    research would it?

    -Albert Einstein

    HOW was Albert Einstein Creative?

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200818

    Differences in Style

    32 160


    Edison Einstein


  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200819

    Research on the characteristics of

    entrepreneurs and innovators as predictor for

    entrepreneurial intention and performance - Need for achievement

    - Need for autonomy- Personal Initiative- Self confidence- Open to experiments, innovativeness- Tenacity and endurance- Incremental Innovator- Breakthrough innovator- Passion- Risk-taking

    - Conformity- Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy- Employment status, education, married, experience, age, socialties

  • 7/31/2019 E Characteristics


    Workshop BEIC-TT-200820

    Exercise with short questionnaire

    Please complete and calculate average scores onvariables

    Entrepreneurial Experience Q 1-2 Score between 0-2

    Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy Q3- 10 Score between 1-5

    Personal Initiative Q11-13 Score between 1-7 Incremental innovation Q14-17 Score between 1-7

    Entrepreneurial intention Q18 Score 1-5

    Radical Innovation Q19-21 Score 1-7

    Risk-taking Q22-23 Score 1-7

    Discuss results