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  • 8/11/2019 e 401074


    Mitsubishi Heavy Industri es, Ltd.Technical Review Vol.40 No.1 (Feb. 2003)


    Paper and Printing MachinerySupporting the Information-Based Society

    1. I ntroduction1. I ntroduction1. I ntroduction1. I ntroduction1. I ntroduction

    The Paper & Printing Machinery Division started themanufacture of pulp and paper machinery in 1951, and

    of printing machinery in 1961 at the Mihara MachineryWorks. I n 2000, now renamed as the Mihara M achinery& Transportation Systems Works, thi s manufacture andsales-integrated organization began to supply productsto customers while responding quickly to changes in theindustrial environment. Also manufacturing paper con-vert ing machinery, Mit subishi Heavy I ndustries, L td.(MH I ) is the only company in the worl d to handle thethree major pil lars of paper and printing machinery. I tis now developing new and att ractive products to meetthe needs of customers.

    MHI is also developing next-generation high-speedpaper machines that are easy to operate and service, andprinting machines of high productivity and high flexibil-ity to cope with the trend toward small production andshort deli very to support the information-oriented pri nt-ing i ndustry.

    Thi s paper introduces the past, present and future of the pulp and paper machinery and printing machinery,especially sheet-fed offset presses.

    2. Past of paper and printi ng machinery support ing2. Past of paper and printi ng machinery support ing2. Past of paper and printi ng machinery support ing2. Past of paper and printi ng machinery support ing2. Past of paper and printi ng machinery support inginformation-based societyinformation-based societyinformation-based societyinformation-based societyinformation-based society

    2.1 Old days technology for pulp and paper maki ng2.1 Old days technology for pulp and paper maki ng2.1 Old days technology for pulp and paper maki ng2.1 Old days technology for pulp and paper maki ng2.1 Old days technology for pulp and paper makingmachinerymachinerymachinerymachinerymachinery

    (1) Start and progress of paper making machinery busi-ness

    I n the days when big paper making machines weremostly imported, Mihara Machinery Works started de-velopment of high-speed paper machines, anddeli vered the fi rst paper machine for newsprint pa-per of wire width 1930 mm and design speed 260 m/min, at H arada Mi ll of Fuji Paper I ndustry Co., L October 1952 ( F igF igF igF igF ig ..... 11111). I n 1957, MH I concluded atechni cal li cense agreement wi th Beloit Corporati onof the U ni ted States to acquir e the technology forbigger size and hi gher speed machine promptly. And

    Nobuo KiyamaTetsuo Makino

    Shinichi Fujimoto

    thereafter, i n 1971, the newspri nt machine of 8 690mm wire width and of 915 m/min i n speed install edat Tomakomai M il l of Oji Paper Co., L td. marked the100th machine for us. U nti l now, more than 200 sets

    of big and high-speed machines were manufacturedin every detai l using specific equipments for the cus-tomers not onl y in J apan but also K orea, China,Southeast Asian countries and so forth.

    (2) Challenge to technology progressSince the early stage of this business, great efforts

    have been exerted on research and development. I n1982, No.2 pilot coater was newly installed, and in1985 the first pilot paper machine was constructed.L eading engineers in the design and research sectionwere sent to Beloit R & D Center to study the latesttechnology. I n 1989, elemental technology test facili-ties were established in the Paper & PrintingResearch Center of Hiroshima Research & Develop-ment Center, and the technology of elemental studyand structural analysis of various paper layer whichare closely related to paper maki ng process were up-graded. In 1992, the second pilot paper machine wasconstructed, and in 1997 dryer section of the highestdrying capacity in the world was added, so that thepaper quality could be evaluated by the sample sheetstaken from the reel. Through such original technicaldevelopments, Acdeflo headbox, MH winder, Sortr ex,

    Fig. 1 Installation process of the first set of paper machine (1952)

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  • 8/11/2019 e 401074


    Mitsubishi H eavy I ndustri es, Ltd.Technical Review Vol.40 No.1 (Feb. 2003)


    .I ntegrated central operation and remote-controlledmaintenance

    .Realization of excellent paper qualityI n the process of research and development, much

    time has been spent on the elemental studies fromthe viewpoint of front loading. Extraction and analy-sis of parameters ruling the performance,development of simulation technology, and fabri cationof simulation models were thoroughly worked out anddeveloped, and results were techni cally reviewed bythe speciali sts in each field at the MH I Research &Development Center. On the basis of results of theseelemental studies, each part of the pilot machine weremodifi ed and evaluated in the individual operati onsof each section, and integrated paper making trialswere carried out. The latest layout of the second pilotpaper machine is shown in F igF igF igF igF ig ..... 22222.

    The outline configuration of the second pilot paper

    machine is as follows: The former is of roll blade type,which is notably enhanced in dewatering capability,the press is a non-open draw dual shoe press withadvanced water squeezing performance, and the dryeris an all-top felt arrangement with the air caps dis-posed in the latter section. The calender is a shoecalender capable of gett ing bulky paper (independentoperation also possible), and the reel has a centerwinding function also. The wet web is supported bymachine clothings all the way from the former to theterminal end of the dryer, so threading the machineis very easy and steady. F rom the dryer to the reel,the web is transferred by a vacuum conveyor typethreading device. By the advantages of this stablethreading and many other devices, hi gh-speed opera-tion of 2 000 m/min (120 km/h) i s reali zed.

    Machine configuration and scaffold layout of MJ 2000 paper machine are presented to major cus-tomers by 3D-CAD, and maintenance facilities,devices for clothing change and other points are im-proved in detail based on the users opinions. F igF igF igF igF ig ..... 33333shows the appearance of the MJ 2000 paper machine.

    I n M ay 2002, more than a hundred customers

    were invited to an open operation trial of the secondpil ot machine, and newsprint paper r eel take-up wasdemonstrated in sensational success at 2 000 m/min,that exceeds the maximum commercial speed of 1700

    m/min in J apan. Thi s pilot paper machine can be util ized to analyse

    and evaluate the quality of the paper which is madeout of various paper stock, fillers, and chemicals fol-lowing to the customers choice.3.2 Present situation of sheet-fed offset press3.2 Present situation of sheet-fed offset press3.2 Present situation of sheet-fed offset press3.2 Present situation of sheet-fed offset press3.2 Present situation of sheet-fed offset press

    (1) Inaugurati on of projectE xisting sheet-fed offset presses are often called

    by the name "DIAM OND series" in order to publi cizethe corporate identi ty. However, the "mechatronics"philosophy proposed by MHI is no longer unique these

    days as the technical level has been averaged owingto advances in computer technology and intensifiedcompeti ti on among manufacturers. In J apan, mean-whi le, the decline of the bubble economy was followedby a low-growth era, and customers are much moredemanding about the degree of finishing of machines,printing quality and performance, while needs andpreferences of printing are more diversified, and uni-form massive lot production is being replaced by smalllot production in a wide variety.

    Against this background, for survival of sheet-fedoffset press along with retention of customers, im-provement of production efficiency is urgentlyrequir ed. F or this purpose, the keenest needs are con-centrated on the perfect printing press capable of printing two faces by one path and enhancing pro-ductivity substantial ly, and MHI 's efforts are beingaccelerated. The present situation of development of the perfect printing press is here introduced.

    (2) Features and meri ts of major productsFor paper travel of recent sheet-fed offset presses,

    the ideas of fl uid dynamics based on M HI 's accumu-lated aircraft technology are uti li zed in various parts.

    The technology of install ing air chambers under thepaper guide of the delivery unit of DI AM OND andskeleton transfer cylinder and conveying thin sheetsby air cushion has been introduced in wider stock

    Fig. 2 Layout of No.2 pilot paper machine

    Fig. 3 MJ2000 paper machine

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    Mi tsubishi Heavy I ndustri es, Ltd.Technical Review Vol.40 No.1 (Feb. 2003)


    range press. This technology has been further en-hanced so that it can be applied in the perfect printi ngpress. I nk for sheet-fed press is cured by oxidativepolymerization, and is not dried for several hours af-ter pri nting. In the perfect printing press, therefore,a higher technology of flawless transfer of sheets tothe delivery unit without making contact is required.

    Combining these technologies, a convertiblepress capable of changing sides applicable todouble-face coating has been developed for the fi rsttime in the world and delivered to a customer inthe Uni ted States ( F igF igF igF igF ig .....44444).

    With regard to the exclusive perfect printing press

    without reversing mechanism, in the type of printingone color alternately on the face and reverse side, sincethe sheet is elongated during printing, the precisionof register is lowered, and high printing quality is hardto obtain. T his problem was radicall y solved by de-veloping the Tandem Perfector applicable tostretchable thick sheets and UV (Ult ra Violet) print-ing field. This printing machine is an original MHIperfect printing press having a unique cylinder con-figuration capable of finishing printing of the reverseside in the fir st half of the process, and transferr ingthe sheet to the front side printing unit by an evennumber of transfer cylinders to conclude perfect print-ing. Great expectations are held of it in the print ingindustry ( F igF igF igF igF ig .....55555).

    F rom now on, efforts wil l be accelerated in the de-velopment of one path both side coating.

    4. Future of paper and printi ng machinery4. Future of paper and printing machinery4. Future of paper and printi ng machinery4. Future of paper and printing machinery4. Future of paper and printi ng machinery

    4.1 Future technology of pulp and paper machinery4.1 Future technology of pulp and paper machinery4.1 Future technology of pulp and paper machinery4.1 Future technology of pulp and paper machinery4.1 Future technology of pulp and paper machinery(1) Outlook and vision

    Reviewing the consumption trends of paper andpaper board in the world, an annual growth rate of

    about 2.8% is conti nued, and a steady increase is pre-dicted also in the years to come. On the other hand,the Kyoto Protocol requires that J apan, the EuropeanUnion, and other industri alized nations must reduceemissions of greenhouse effect gases at a specific rateas compared with 1990 level, and J apan must r eali ze6% reduction. To protect the environment on a globalscale, various action programs are being promotedintensively, including recycling of paper, saving of energy, and planting of forests.

    J apan's pulp and paper companies have the tech-nology to operate machines at the highest productionefficiency in the worl d. MH I has developed MJ seri espaper machines on the basis of high paper quali ty cul-

    tivated in the market i n J apan and high-speed papermachines of hi gh production efficiency. I t i s MHI 's ob-

    jective to upgrade thi s seri es machines in the globalmarket, and by developing a new technology vigor-ously, to realize the still higher productivity machinewith less sheet break and to realize energy-savingmachine to conserve environment, thus contribute tothe whole world.

    (2) Pr oductivi ty improvement of new machineProductivity improvement by prevention of mist in

    the former and press, prevention of paper dust gen-erati on i n tr imming and tail cutti ng devices, anddevelopment of a stable runni ng device in the dryer,make the target frequency of sheet break into half of the conventional level. Sheet break suddenly increasesthe working load of the operators, and automation isrequir ed for broke removed and machine cleaning.

    There is a requir ement to develop automatic startingand stopping of the machine and to develop technol-ogy to keep machine clean for the extension of continuous operation period. I n the operation of next-generation paper machines, remote monitoring isrealized in the less-man power central control room

    by using a monitoring device, ( F igF igF igF igF ig ..... 66666), and all the pa-per machine including the winder is operated only bythree operators.

    (3) For conservation of the environment and energy sav-ing

    Construction of new paper machines is necessaryto cope with the growth in global demand for paper,and at the same time it is essential to lower the en-ergy consumption rate. MHI is now concentr ating itsefforts on drastic energy saving in the screen andpulper, reducing sliding resistance in the former, andsqueezing the required power in the shoe press.Equally important is the design concept for minimiz-ing the mechanical parts that require periodical

    Fig. 4 DIAMOND 3000R for DYNA GRAF Fig. 5 DIAMOND 3000TP

    Fig. 6 Central control room of next-generation paper machine

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    Mitsubishi H eavy I ndustri es, Ltd.Technical Review Vol.40 No.1 (Feb. 2003)


    maintenance. T he roll cover materi al of wear-resis-tant ceramics make the roll change frequency to lessthan half of now. The clothing life will be extendedsubstantial ly by joint development with clothing sup-pliers. With these environment-conscious machines andthrough conti nuous development of energy-saving tech-nology, M HI wi l l contribute to conservation of theenvironment.4.2 Future of sheet-fed offset presses4.2 Future of sheet-fed offset presses4.2 Future of sheet-fed offset presses4.2 Future of sheet-fed offset presses4.2 Future of sheet-fed offset presses

    (1) Outlook and visionHuman beings cannot exist without culture, and

    no cul tur e can exist wi thout pri nti ng. In every coun-try around the worl d, printing offices are concentratedin the capitals and major citi es from which informa-tion is transmitted. The printing industry is thebusiness of converting information into media andtransmitting it to the people. A few years ago, elec-tronic media began to grow rapidly as new media, and

    pri nting was predicted to fade away. H owever, to-gether with the advancement and popularity of personal computers, mobile phones, information-re-lated appliances and the I nternet, the envir onmentof information-sharing by the public grew larger, andthe total volume of information has increased explo-sively. Data of commercial printing is digiti zed, andthe data can be dir ectly uploaded to the Internet. I nthe printing business alone, as lifestyles become di-versified, large-scale jobs are decreasing, butsmall -scale jobs are increasing steadily. I ncluding thedesign business, the entire printing industry i s clearlybecoming transformed into an information transmit-ti ng industry. I n thi s situati on, the speed of transmission of information in the world is becomingfaster and faster, as compared with the manufactureof electronic media, and the manufacturing speed of printing equipment needs further improvement.

    (2) Enhancement of producti on effi ciency of new ma-chines

    I n order for a machine to exhibit hi gh productiv-ity, changes in the operating environment and thepeople using it must be taken into account.

    What must be kept in mind is development of "printing machines used by people, fri endly to people,and friendly to the environment."

    A printing machine is basically a machine for massproduction of duplicates of the designer's image, andit is required to print at a specified repeatability. Forthis purpose, (1) elements and components compos-ing the machine must work reli ably, (2) maintenancemust be easy or not required, and (3) response tomechanical operation is always constant, are needed.Especially, when the digital image data created by thedesigner is distributed through the communication

    network and print ed at shops, the pri nting machineis a printer at the terminal of the network, and it iseven more important to exhibit a specific repeatabil -ity all the time. On the other hand, the printingmachine is an expensive asset in production, and it isrequired to enhance production efficiency, that is, tomaximize the actual operating time.

    (3) For the environment and energy savingOnly part of printed matter is reserved in book

    form, and the majority is consumed. That is, once read,printing matter is destined to be discarded. Paper ismade from forest resources, and images are formedon the sheet of paper by using ink and dampeningsolution by operating the printing press while con-suming electric energy. After the operation, the ink iswashed away from the machine by using solution.I ndeed, thi s is an industry that i mposes a heavy en-vironmental load. Accordingly, recycled paper and soy

    oil ink are used, and water less printing not requir-ing the use of dampening water is being evaluatedanew.

    F rom the printi ng machine side, attempts havebeen made to decrease waste paper occurring in theprocess of color adjustment at the start of printi ng,reduce the operating power, and recycle the cleaningsolution, and this campaign must be further intensi-fied so as to reduce the environmental load.

    5. Conclusion5. Conclusion5. Conclusion5. Conclusion5. Conclusion

    The Paper & P rinting Machinery Division is the onlycompany in the world capable of researching and devel-oping both paper and printing, and it is henceforthdetermined to make its merits known widely to custom-ers in the pulp and paper field, paper converting field,and printing field, to expand its operation while makingbest use of its advantages, and to develop further tech-nology and products. Your kind suggestions and adviceto MH I wil l be greatly appreciated.

    (Home page address:

    Director, General Manager,Paper & Printing Machinery Division

    Nobuo Kiyama


    Tetsuo Makino Shinichi Fujimoto