Download - Dynamic Memory Management

Page 1: Dynamic Memory Management

Static Memory Management, limitations, Dynamic Memory Management Mechanism, use of new and

delete operators, Methods for allocating and deallocating memory for single objects and array

of objects, use of set_new_handler function to slide-25specify our own handler | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 2: Dynamic Memory Management

Memory for Program variables get allocated and

deallocated during the runtime only.

Eg – we write

int x;

in some function of the code. When the code containing this

line is compiled and linked, an executable file is generated.

When executable file is executed, all instructions contained inside

It, including ones to allocate memory for x are executed.

Hence memory gets allocated for ‘x’ during runtime.

This is known as Static Memory Allocation( although memory gets allocated during runtime only.) | Website for students |


Page 3: Dynamic Memory Management

The compiler writes instructions in the executable to

De-allocate the memory previously allocated for ‘x’ when it

encounters the end of the function in which ‘x’ was declared in the

source code.

When the executable file is executed, all instructions inside it

including the ones to deallocate memory for ‘x’ are executed.

Hence the memory for ‘x’ gets deallocated during runtime.

This is known as Static Memory Allocation

Static Allocation and deallocation of memory has limitations: | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 4: Dynamic Memory Management

It is rigidThe programmers are forced to predict the total amount of

data the memory will utilize.They write statements to declare precalculated amounts of

MemoryDuring runtime, if more memory is required, static memory

allocation cant fulfill the need. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 5: Dynamic Memory Management

As in SM allocation and deallocation, in DM allocation and

deallocation also, memory gets allocated and deallocated during


However the decisions to do so is taken dynamically in

response to the requirements arising during runtime itself.

If the program is running and user indicates the need to feed in

more data, a memory block sufficient to hold additional amount of

data is immediately allocated.

For this code, using relevant functions and operators provided

by C & C++ has to be explicitly written in source code. | Website for students |


Page 6: Dynamic Memory Management

Again, once a certain block of memory is no longer

Needed, it can be returned to OS.

For this again, code using the relevant functions and

Operators provided by C & C++ has to be explicitly written

in the source code | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 7: Dynamic Memory Management

//dynamic.cpp //new operator, keyword takes a

#include <iostream.h> // predefined datatype as operand( int)

void main() //new allocates memory to hold 1 value of

{ int *iptr; //datatype i.e. passed as a parameter to it in

iptr = new int;// heap( 4 bytes). Finally it returns the address

*iptr=10; //of the allocated block. The allocated block

cout << *iptr << endl; // can then be accessed through the

} //pointer | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 8: Dynamic Memory Management

Statement: int *iptr;


iptr | Website for students | VTU NOTES


Four bytes get allocated for iptr containing junk value with adrresses from 1265 to 1268(say)

Figure for Dynamic Memory Allocation

Page 9: Dynamic Memory Management

Statement: iptr = new int;

1265 5972

iptrThe new operator allocates memory in the heap to hold 1

integer type value. Suppose block from byte with address 5972 to byte with address 5975 get allocated. The new operator returns the base address of block (5972).This value gets stored in | Website for students |


5972 xxxx 4 bytes

Page 10: Dynamic Memory Management | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Statement : *iptr=10;

1265 5972


fig - Dynamic Memory Allocation

iptr is dereferenced and value 10 gets written into the memory

Block of 4 bytes at which iptr points( 5972 to 5975).


Page 11: Dynamic Memory Management

Statement : cout << *iptr << endl;

1265 5972


iptr is again dereferenced and value 10 gets written into the

memory block of 4 bytes to which iptr points

(5972 to 5975) is read. | Website for students |


5972 10

Page 12: Dynamic Memory Management

The new operator can be used to create multiple blocks of memory also shown in dynarray.cpp | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 13: Dynamic Memory Management

The Set_new_handler() function –

New operator attempts to capture more chunks of

memory from heap during run-time.

If there is no memory available to satisfy this attempt,

we get out of memory condition.

new operator when faced with out-of-memory

condition, calls a global function -> new_handler

function, then throws an exception bad_alloc.

We can specify our own new handler() function | Website for students |


Page 14: Dynamic Memory Management

We can specify that the New operator upon

encountering out-of-memory-condition, calls a

function of our choice.

This is done by calling ‘set_new_handler() fn and

passing the name of function desired as a parameter

to it.

Prototype of set_new_handler is found in new.h

header file.

New_handler set_new_handler(new_handler);

New_handler is a datatype and a function pointer | Website for students |


Page 15: Dynamic Memory Management

The formal argument of the set_new_handler()

function is a function pointer.

If we pass name of our desired function as a

parameter to set_new_handler() function, all

subsequent out-of-memory conditions cause new

operator to call it and our desired function becomes


When set_new_handler() is called , it returns a

pointer to the previous new handler function

Illustrative example new_handler.cpp

Code for specifying a new_handler function | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 16: Dynamic Memory Management

If os is unable to allocate the requested amount of memory, from given code, new operator fails. new_handler function is called.

The call to set_new_handler() before the call to new operator , has already set function myNewHandler as new handler.

Important Characteristic of new operator –

When its request for memory fails, it calls new

handler function repeatedly until the request is


We can make new_handler function log an error

message and then call the abort() function. | Website for students |


Page 17: Dynamic Memory Management

Void myNewHandler(){//statement to log a suitable error messageAbort();}

Another action – Replace the existing newhandler by another one i.e.

call the set_new_handler() from within the existing new handler and pass name of new handler as a parameter to it. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 18: Dynamic Memory Management

#include <new.h>

void main()

{ //make an attempt to resolve out of memory condition

If (above_attempt_fails)


}Best way to define new handler is to allocate some buffer in advance and free it part by part when the

need arises. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 19: Dynamic Memory Management

A constructor gets called automatically for each

object that has just got created.Appears as member function of each class whether

It is defined or not.Has same name as that of the class and doesn’t return anything (not even void )

Constructor Prototype

<class name> (<parameter list>);Constructor fulfills the need to guarantee the data initialization. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 20: Dynamic Memory Management

Domain constraints on the values of data

Members can also be implemented via


Eg- We want value of all data member fInches of each object of class Distance to be between 0.0 and 12.0 at all times within the lifetime of object. But this condition get violated in case of an object just created. However introducing a suitable constructor to the class Distance can enforce this condition.

The compiler emdeds a call to the constructor for each object when it is created. Suppose a class A has been declared as follows. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 21: Dynamic Memory Management


Class A


Int x;


void setx(const int = 0);

int getx();

}; | Website for students |


Page 22: Dynamic Memory Management


Void main()


A A1; //object declared … constructor called


Code for constructor getting called automatically for an object when it is created. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 23: Dynamic Memory Management

Statement in main() is transformed into

Following statements

A A1; //memory allocated for object (4 bytes)

A1.A //constructor called implicitly by compiler

Second statement is transformed to

A(&A1); -> C calls that object of class A passed as parameter for this pointer.

C++compiler after ensuring that none of nonmfs are accessing private data of the class A, it converts C++ code to C code. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 24: Dynamic Memory Management

A *Aptr;Aptr = new A; //

constrcutor called implicitly //by

compilerThe second statement is

converted into a sequence of 2 statements

Aptr = new A;Aptr -> A(); //

constructor called implicitly by compiler.

A(Aptr); //see chapter 2Constructors don’t allocate

memory for objects.They are mfs called for each

object immediately aftermemory has been allocated

for the object. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 25: Dynamic Memory Management

class String

{ //character pointer to point at the

char *cStr; //character array

long unsigned int len; // to hold length of //character array

/*rest of the class string*/

}; | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 26: Dynamic Memory Management | Website for students | VTU NOTES



a b c \0




s1 Fig- Memory layout of an object of class String


Page 27: Dynamic Memory Management

Constructors take arguments and canhence be overloaded by1. Passing initial values for the data members for the data members contained in the object of a particular class | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 28: Dynamic Memory Management

Eg – The Distance class in a C++ program can

also be overloaded by passing initial values for data

Members iFeet & fInches as follows in class

Distance and member function definition. /*distance.h*/

class Distance




Distance(int, float); //prototype of parameterized


/*rest of class Distance

}; | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 29: Dynamic Memory Management

/* beginning of distance.cpp*/

#include “Distance.h”


iFeet = 0;


} | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 30: Dynamic Memory Management

Distance :: Distance( int p, float q)


iFeet = p;



/*definitions of the rest of the functiions of class

Distance*/ | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 31: Dynamic Memory Management

/*distTest1.cpp*/#include <iostream.h>#include “Distance.h”void main(){Distance d1(1, 1.1); //parameterized constructor //called

cout << “d1.getFeet() << “ “ << d1.getInches();}Listing shows A user defined parameterized

Constructor called by creating an object in theStack O/P – 1 1.1 | Website for students |


Page 32: Dynamic Memory Management


#include <iostream.h>

#include “Distance.h”

void main()


Distance *dptr;

dptr = new Distance(1, 1.1); //parameterized constructor //called

cout << “dptr->getFeet() << “ “ << dptr->getInches();


Listing shows A user defined parameterized constructor –

called by creating an object in the heap.

O/P 1 1.1

SLIDE-B | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 33: Dynamic Memory Management

First line of main() in Slide-A and second line

Of main() in slide-B show the syntax for passing

values to the parameterized constructor

Parameterized constructor is prototyped and

defined like any other member function but it

doesn’t return any value. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 34: Dynamic Memory Management

Then the following statement will not compile

Distance d1; //Error no matching constructorThe formal arguments of the parameterized

constructor can be assigned default values asin other member functions. Here default constructor function should be provided, else an ambiguity error arise | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 35: Dynamic Memory Management

The formal arguments of the parameterized

constructor can be assigned default values as

in other member functions.

Here default constructor function should be

provided, else an ambiguity error arise when we

attempt to create an object without passing any

values to the constructor | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 36: Dynamic Memory Management

class Distance{public:

//Distance(); //zero argument constructor //commented out

Distance(int = 0, float=0.0); //default values

//given/*rest of the class Distance*/Listing – Default values given to parameters of a parameterized constructor make zero argument constructor unnecessary | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 37: Dynamic Memory Management

If we write ,

Distance d1;

An ambiguity error arises if zero argument

constructor is also defined.

Reason – Both Parameterized and default

constructor can resolve this statement. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 38: Dynamic Memory Management

Lets create a parameterized constructor for theclass string and assign default value for theargument of the parameterized constructor.The constructor would handle the following

statements.String s1(“abc”);or

char *cPtr=“abc”String s1(cptr);

orchar Arr[10] = “abc”;String s1(cArr);

In each of these statements, we are passing thebase address of the memory block in which the

string itself is stored to the | Website for students |


Page 39: Dynamic Memory Management | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 40: Dynamic Memory Management

p is a formal argument of the constructor.The address of the memory block containing thepassed string is 50. This address 50 is passed to the constructor. Hence value of p = 50.But constructor should execute in such a manner that adifferent block i.e. long to hold the string at which p ispointing should also be allocated dynamically in heaparea that extends from 101 to 104.The base address of this block of memory is stored

in pointer embedded in s1.The string is copied from the memory block at whichp points to memory block at which s1.cStr points.

Finally s.len is appropriately set to | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 41: Dynamic Memory Management | Website for students | VTU NOTES


Assigning a string to an object of class String




A b c \050

A b c \0 101


Page 42: Dynamic Memory Management

The value of cPtr is passed as a parameter to the

constructor. This value is stored in p. Hence p & cPtr

points to the same place.

s1.cStr should be made to point at a base address

of a different memory block of 4 bytes that has been

exclusively allocated for the purpose.

Only the contents of memory block whose base

address is passed to the constructor should be

copied into memory block at which s1.cStr points. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 43: Dynamic Memory Management

Assigning a string to an object of class String

A b c \050

A b c \0 101


50 cPtr


101 | Website for students | VTU NOTES





Page 44: Dynamic Memory Management

Fig - Assigning a string to an object of the class String | Website for students | VTU NOTES




a b c \050

a b c \0 101







Page 45: Dynamic Memory Management

is very similar to II case. Here we are passing

the name of the array. But name of the array is

itself is a fixed pointer that contains the address

Of the memory block containing actual address of

array i.e. seen in diagram.

The formal argument of the constructor should be

as follows :

const char *const

1. It should be a constant pointer because throughout the execution of the constructor, it should continue to point to the same memory block. | Website for students |


Page 46: Dynamic Memory Management

2. It should be a pointer to a constant because

even inadvertently, the library programmer should

not dereference it to change the contents of the

memory block at which it is pointing.

3. Specify a default value for ‘p’(NULL) so that there

is no need to need to seperately define a zero default


Definition of class String along with prototype of

the constructor and its definition are as follows | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 47: Dynamic Memory Management

Class String


char *cStr;

long unsigned int len;

public: //Default constructor*/

String(const char *const p = NULL);

const char *getString();

/*rest of the class String*/

}; | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 48: Dynamic Memory Management

String::String(const char* const p){

if (p==NULL) { cStr=NULL; len = 0;}

else { len = strlen(p); // dynamically allocate a seperatecStr=new char[len+1]; //memory block & copy into itstrcpy(cStr,p); } | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 49: Dynamic Memory Management

Const char *string::getString()


return cStr;



void main()


String s1(“abc”); //pass a string to parameterized

//constructor display the string

Cout << s1.getString() << endl;

} user-defined parameterized constructor

for acquiring memory outside the | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 50: Dynamic Memory Management

Another function called getstring is written in class String that enables to display the string itself and returns a const char* so that only pointer to a constant can be equated to a call to this function

const char* p = s1.getstring(); | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 51: Dynamic Memory Management

It is called when object is created and equated to an existing object at the same time.

The copy constructor is called for an object being created.

The preexisting object is passed as parameter to it into the object for which it is called. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 52: Dynamic Memory Management

If we don’t define the copy constructor for the

class, the compiler defines it for us.

In either case, a call is embedded to it under 3


1. When an object is created an simultaneously equated to another existing object, the copy constructor is called for the object for object being created. The object to which this object was equated is passed as parameter to the constructor. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 53: Dynamic Memory Management

A A1 //default constructor calledA A2=A1; //copy constructor called Or A A2(A1); //copy constructor called

Or A *APtr = new A(A1) //copy constructor called Here copy constructor is called for A2 and forAPtr while A1is passed as parameter to the copyconstructor in both cases. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 54: Dynamic Memory Management

When an object is created as a nonreferenceformal argument of a function. The copyconstructor is called for the argument object.The object passed as parameter to the functionis passed as parameter to the constructor.void abc(A);A A1; //default constructor called abc(A1) // copy constructor calledVoid abc( A A2){/* definition of abc() Here again copy constructor is called for A2, while A1 is passed as a parameter to the constructor

} | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 55: Dynamic Memory Management

A abc()

{ A A1; //default constructor called

//remaining part of definition of abc()

Return A1;


A A2 = abc(); //copy constructor called

Once more, copy constructor is called for A2 while A1 is passed as a parameter to the copy constrcutor | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 56: Dynamic Memory Management

Class A



A(A&); //default copy constructor


A::A(A& AObj) //default copy constructor

{ *this=AObj; //copies the passed object

//into the invoking object.

} | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 57: Dynamic Memory Management

Is converted as followsA A2; //memory allocated A::A(A& AObj) //default copy constructor

A2.A(A1) //copy constructor called for A2 and A1//is passed as parameter to it

This last statement is transformed toA(&A2,A1) //see this pointer in chapter2When above statement executes, ‘AObj’ (formal arg

in copy constructor becomes a reference to ‘A1’ whereas this pointer points at A2 the invoking object). | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 58: Dynamic Memory Management

Suppose formal argument (AObj) of cc is not reference and following statement executes

A A2 = A1;

CC will be called for A2 and A1 will be passed

as parameter to it.

Reason – AObj is a nonreference formal arg

of constructor & an endless chain of calls to cc

will be initiated.

c.c->copy constructor | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 59: Dynamic Memory Management

However if formal arg of cc is a reference, no constructor will be called for it. This is because reference to an object is not a seperate object and no memory is allocated.

Hence a call to constructor is not embedded for it. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 60: Dynamic Memory Management

Recollect the conditions we decided to implement for all objects of class String.

Suppose an object of class String is created and at same time equated to another object of the class.

Eg – String(“abc”);String s2=s1;//cc is called for

s2 and //s1 passed as a parameter to it. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 61: Dynamic Memory Management

To overcome this problem of default cc , we define our own cc.

From within cc of a class String, a separate memory block must be allocated dynamically in heap. This memory must be equal in length to that of string at which pointer of object passed as parameter (s1) points. string.cpp | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 62: Dynamic Memory Management

Class String


char *cStr;

long unsigned int len;


String(const String &); //rest of class String

}; | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 63: Dynamic Memory Management

String::String(const String& ss)

{ if(ss.cStr == NULL) //if passed object’s

{ //pointer is NULL

cStr = NULL;


} else

{ len = strlen(ss.len);

cStr = new char[len+1];

strcpy(cStr, ss.cStr);


} | Website for students |


Page 64: Dynamic Memory Management

Void main()

{ String s1(“abc”);

String s2=s1;

cout << s1.getstring() << endl;

cout << s1.getstring() << endl;

} | Website for students |


Page 65: Dynamic Memory Management

Here in cc , formal arg is a constant that has to be a reference in order to prevent an endless chain of calls to itself. LP want to prevent change in value of object that get passed to the constructor | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 66: Dynamic Memory Management

The prototype of a destructor

~<class Name>();

Need for Destructor – guarantees deinitialization of member data of a class and frees up the resources acquired by the object during lifetime.

Compiler embeds a call to destructor for every object when it is destroyed.

Void main() { A A1; } //A1 goes out of scope here

A1 goes out of scope before main() fn terminates. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 67: Dynamic Memory Management

Compiler embeds a call to destructor for A1. It embeds the following statement.

A1.~A(); //see chapter 2

An explicit call to destructor for an existing object is

forbidden. Above statement can be transformed into

~A(&A1); //see chapter2

Destructor will also be called for an object

that has been dynamically created in heap before the

delete operator is applied on the pointer pointing at | Website for students |


Page 68: Dynamic Memory Management

A *APtr;

APtr = new A; //Object created – constructor //called

delete APtr; //Object destroyed – destructor //called

Last statement is transformed into

APtr -> ~A(); //destructor called for //APtr

delete APtr; //memory for *APtr

// | Website for students |


Page 69: Dynamic Memory Management

1. Destructor is called for object i.e. going out of

Scope. Memory occupied by object itself is


2. Delete APtr;

Is transformed into

~A(APtr); //on this pointer

Destructor is a member function that is called for

each object just before the object goes out of scope

(gets destroyed)

1. Compiler embeds a call to destructor for each & every object i.e. going out of scope( gets destroyed) | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 70: Dynamic Memory Management

Before After

Class A class A

{… {…

… public://implicitly by compiler

Public: ~A();//prototype inserted

//implicitly by compiler


… …

//no destructor }; }; | Website for students |


Page 71: Dynamic Memory Management



//empty function definition inserted implicitly by


} | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 72: Dynamic Memory Management

Lets add our own destructor to class A defined

In previous slide and verify whether destructor is

Actually called Implicitly by compiler or not.


class A

{ int x;



void setx(const int =0);

int getx();

~A(); //our own destructor

}; | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 73: Dynamic Memory Management


#include “A.h”



cout << “Constructor function of class A called\n”;




Cout << “Destructor function of class A called\n”;

} | Website for students |


Page 74: Dynamic Memory Management

#include <iostream.h>

void main()


A A1;

Cout << “End of Program”;


o/p – Constructor of class A called

End of program

Destructor of class A | Website for students |


Page 75: Dynamic Memory Management

Eg – consider the following code block


String S1(“abc”);


} | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 76: Dynamic Memory Management

The memory allocated to S1 gets deallocated when this block finishes execution

But s1.cStr was pointing at a memory block that was dynamically allocated in the heap area.

After S1 gets destroyed, this memory block remains as locked up lost resource and s1.cStr is no longer available. This is memory Leak.

User defined destructor

String::~String() //our own destructor

{ if (cStr!=NULL) //if memory exists

delete [ ] cStr; //destroy it

} | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 77: Dynamic Memory Management


{ cout << “Constructor of the class A called\n”;



{ //empty definition implicitly by compiler


Void main()


A A1;

Cout << “End of the Program\n”;

} | Website for students |


Page 78: Dynamic Memory Management

Class String is one such data type

Consider adding a function to class String

Void String :: addChar(char);

Function to add a character to a string

String S1(“abc”);

Pointer inside s1 points at a memory block of 4

Bytes. Executing s1.addchar(‘d’); would do | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 79: Dynamic Memory Management

Another block of 5 bytes should get allocated.String contained in memory block at which s1.cStr is pointing should get copied into this new memory block.

Character d should get appended to stringNULL character should get further appended to the string

s1.str should be made to point to this new memory block.

The memory block at which s1.cStr was pointing previously should be deallocated to prevent memory leaks. | Website for students | VTU NOTES

Page 80: Dynamic Memory Management

There are no memory leaks( destructor frees up unwanted memory)

There are no runtime errors( no 2 calls to destructor try to free up same block of memory)

Data is never in an invalid state and domain constraints on values of data members are never violated. | Website for students | VTU NOTES