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description DECRIPTION

The dying poison dart frog is a smooth skinned slender frog . It has parallel pupils in black eyes . Their Fingers , and toes are unwebbed. The dying poison dart frogs mainly lives on land , but they still have small discs on fingers and toes to climb through vegetation.They are also Two inches long. Their fundamental color is black with a pattern of golden stripes and the legs and feet are blue with black stripes . Dying poison dart frogs also may be white and black , white and blue , or blue and black . The dying poison dart frog probbobly got it’s because Spaniards reportedly thought natives in South America used the skin of the frog to dye the parrot feathers used in their rituals.

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The dying poison dart frog lives in Amazonia , mainly the three Guyanas.

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The dying poison dart frog dines on mainly ants and termites , from witch the frog derives the chemicals necessary to fuse its poisonous skin ooze.

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These amazing animals are diurnal and terrestrial. Both of the different sexes of frog engage in posturing , chasing and bouts of wrestling on the forest floor .Breeding of new dying poison dart frogs occurs throught the year . Most of the frogs that engage do not coddle in amplexus . The male dying poison dart frog may deposit sperm followed by females laying eggs or vice versa .The female frog usually lay small clutches of eggs[2-10]on a leaf or a carefully cleared patch of ground . Tadpoles upon hatching wriggle carefully onto the back of an attending parent , where they are attached by a sticky mucus and carried next page

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To a small pool. The metamorphosis of a dying poison dart frog takes 8-12 weeks . Several clutches of eggs are laid during the year.

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SPECIAL ADAPTATIONS. Dying poison dart frogs evolved to be

able to roam freely in the daytime when they could take advantage of the vast food source of day-active ants. Mucous –producing skin glands on the back of the dying poison dart frog have been modified to produce toxic compounds called alkaloids . These compounds on the dying poison dart frogs cause varying effects from a distasteful

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Numbness of enjoyment to heart failure. The dying poison dart frog’s color is a warning to predators that they are toxic. The bright colors of the frog warn the color-vision predators , such as birds. Dying poison dart frogs place place the colors in a pattern on a dark background warns the mammal predators that see in black and white.

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INTESTINNG INFORMATION Members of at least four genera of the

frog family are known as ” poison dart frogs “ or “ poison arrow frogs “ . Skin secretions from some of the most poisonous out of the frog family are used by native Indians to tip the darts of their blowpipes for hunting . If the toxins enter somebody or something's bloodstream , they act on the nervous system , blocking transmission and causing rapid paralysis.

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Scientists are presently studying these secretions , hoping to develop anesthetics , muscle relaxants and heart stimulations for medical use.

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Many of the genera Dendrobates are listed as vulnerable in the wild , but is not vulnerable or endangered .

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A FROGS PREDATOR Poison dart frogs only have one

predator : snakes [liophis leimadephis enipephelus]. The snake is resistant to the frog’s poison , but not immune .