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    30 1541-1672/07/$25.00 2007 IEEE IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMSPublished by the IEEE Computer Society

    R e c o m m e n d e r S y s t e m s

    Collaborative FilteringUsing Dual InformationSourcesJinhyung Cho, Kwiseok Kwon, and Yongtae Park, Seoul National University

    With the proliferation of e-commerce, recommender systems have become an

    important component of personalized e-commerce services and are essential

    for e-commerce providers to remain competitive. One of the most successful recom-

    mendation techniques is collaborative filtering, whose performance has been proved

    in various e-commerce applications.1,2 CF auto-

    mates the word of mouth process.3 It forms a pre-

    dictor group that serves as an information source

    for recommendations.

    However, conventional CF methods suffer from a

    few fundamental limitations such as the cold-startproblem,data sparsity problem, and recommender reli-

    ability problem.4,5Thus, they have trouble dealing with

    high-involvement, knowledge-intensive domains such

    as e-learning video on demand. To overcome these

    problems, researchers have proposed recommendation

    techniques such as a hybrid approach combining CF

    with content-based filtering.4 Because e-commerce

    Web sites for e-learning often have various product

    categories, extracting the many attributes of these cat-

    egories for content-based filtering is extremely bur-

    densome. So, it might be practical to overcome these

    limitations by improving the CF method itself.

    Conventional CF methods base their recommen-

    dations on a single recommender group. Our CF

    method forms dual recommender groupsa similar-

    usersgroup and an expert-usersgroupas credible

    information sources. Then, it analyzes each groups

    influence on the target customers for the target prod-

    uct categories.

    Using this method, weve developed DISCORS

    (DualInformation Source Model-Based Collabora-

    tiveRecommender System) and applied it to a high-

    involvement product: e-learning VoD content. In

    experiments,DISCORS outperformed conventional CF

    methods in situations involving variations in the

    product domain and in data sparsity.

    CF from the consumerpsychology viewpoint

    When deciding what to purchase,consumers depend

    on a variety of information sources and have different

    acceptance levels for each source. Influencing factors

    can be the product domain characteristics, the con-sumers degree of involvement with the product, and

    the users level of knowledge about the product.6

    In the real world, a person making decisions about

    movies or daily necessities will seek the opinions of

    neighbors with similar preferences. On the other

    hand, when choosing expensive products or services

    for long-term use, such as a notebook computer or

    an educational program, an individuals decision is

    strongly influenced by people with professional

    expertise in that field. Customer preferences for rec-

    ommendation sources might also differ within a

    product domain. For example, when choosing a

    movie, some customers prefer neighbors opinions

    while others prefer expertsopinions.

    In this article, source diversity refers to the variety

    of information sources, and source receptivity refers

    to the level of a customers acceptance of a source.

    Source receptivity can differ across customers or the

    involvement level of product domainswe call this

    heterogeneous source receptivity. Product involve-

    mentrefers to the level of personal relevancethat is,

    the level of importance of a product or ones interest

    in it.7 High-involvement products are those for which

    the buyer is prepared to spend considerable time and

    effort in searching. Low-involvement products are

    bought frequently with a minimum of thought and



    methods use onlyone information

    source to provide


    Using two sources

    similar users and

    expert users

    enables more effective,

    more adaptive


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    effort because they arent of vital concern and

    have no great impact on the consumers

    lifestyle. Unfortunately, existing CF methods

    dont consider source diversity, heterogeneous

    source receptivity, or product involvement.

    Similarity-based CFand its limitations

    In traditional CF methods, the single rec-

    ommender group comprises the nearest

    neighbors with preferences similar to those

    of a target user. So, these methods are called

    similarity-based CF.

    As we mentioned before,SCF methods suf-

    fer from the recommender reliability problem.

    That is, a recommender might not be reliable

    for a given item or set of items, even though the

    recommenders and target users preferences

    are similar.5 For example, when looking formovie recommendations, well often turn to

    our friends, on the basis that we have similar

    movie preferences overall. However, a partic-

    ular friend might not be reliable when it comes

    to recommending a particular type of movie.

    Trust-based CF and its limitationsTo solve the recommender reliability prob-

    lem, researchers have proposed trust-based

    CF.5,8,9 Such methods derive the neighbors

    trust explicitly or implicitly and use it as a

    supplementary criterion of similarity to select

    more credible neighbors.Each trust-based CF method employs a dif-

    ferent meaning of trust. For example, trust can

    imply trustworthinesshow much a user can

    trust other users in a trust network. Such trust-

    aware CF9 uses an explicitly rated trust value

    to select trustworthy users as a recommender

    group. In this way, it solves the recommender

    reliability problem. However, it doesnt

    account for source diversity or heterogeneous

    source receptivity.

    Second, trust can imply expertise or competencya users ability to

    make an accurate recommendation.5,8 In this case, CF can account for

    source diversity and recommender reliability by forming a recommender

    group based on both similarity and expertise. To do this, it uses the prod-

    uct or mean of the values for similarity and expertise. However, because

    this method equally weights similarity and expertise when combining

    them, without considering a variety of user or product domain charac-

    teristics, it doesnt account for heterogeneous source receptivity.

    Group influence and thedual-information-source model

    Most people belong to a number of different groups and perhaps

    would like to belong to several others. However,not all groups exert

    the same amount of influence on an individual. Sociologists use ref-

    erence group to refer to those groups that can modify or reinforce an

    individuals attitudes. Group behavior theory in consumer psychol-

    ogy has adopted the reference-group concept to consumer behavior.

    It holds that two reference groupssimilar users and experts

    strongly influence a consumers buying decision and that consumers

    perceive these groups as credible information sources.7

    Similarity- and trust-based methods view CF from a personal-influence

    perspective (see figure 1a). On the basis of group behavior theory, our

    method views CF from a group-influence perspective (see figure 1b).

    It builds information sources for the recommendations to a target user

    in accordance with two criteriasimilarity and expertise. As we men-

    tioned before, it employs dual recommender groupsa similar-user

    group and an expert-user groupas the information sources.

    This model overcomes the recommender reliability problem by

    using not just the similarity criterion but also the expertise criterion,

    and it accounts for source diversity by utilizing multiple recom-

    mender groups. In addition, it accounts for heterogeneous source

    receptivity by determining each groups level of influence on an indi-

    vidual user (source receptivity is the same concept as group influ-

    MAY/JUNE 2007 31

    Target user

    Target user

    Personal influence

    Similar users



    Our proposed CF (DISCORS)

    Group influence(source receptivity)

    with personal influence

    Similar users



    Similar & trustworthy users

    Similarity-based CF

    Trust-based CF






    All users

    Personal influence

    Group influence


    0.80.6 0.7















    Personal influence

    Similarity Trustworthiness

    Similarity Expertise Source receptivity

    All users

    All users

    Target user

    Expert users



    Figure 1. Two views of collaborative filtering: (a) Similarity-based CF and trust-basedCF take a personal-influence perspective. (b) DISCORS takes a group-influence


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    ence, but from the users viewpoint). Consequently, a more person-

    alized recommendation is possible, taking into account variations in

    product domains and user tendencies.

    Redefining expertiseand trustworthiness

    According to the source credibility model, proposed in consumer

    psychology studies on word-of-mouth communication, an informationsources credibility comprises expertise,trustworthiness, similarity, and

    attraction.7 Here, expertise is the extent to which a source is perceived

    as being capable of providing correct information,while trustworthiness

    implies the degree to which a source is perceived as providing infor-

    mation reflecting that sources actual feelings or opinions.

    On the basis of this understanding of expertise, we define the

    expert-users group as users who have been carrying out a number

    of activities in a category that includes the target item so that they

    have a high probability of giving accurate recommendations to other

    users. We measure expertise by incorporating an appropriate mea-

    surement and various factors for the weights.

    DISCORSOwing to recent advances in multimedia and network technolo-

    gies, e-learning has become a promising alternative to traditional

    classroom learning. Web-based e-learning content services offer thou-

    sands of online courses. Currently,most e-learning content providers

    still offer all learners the same content, failing to satisfy individual

    learners. So, to provide more personalized content delivery, thereby

    increasing their competitiveness, they need to offer more relevant

    recommendation methods.

    Unfortunately, most recommendation methods focus on relatively

    low-involvement, entertainment product domains such as movies, cell

    phone wallpaper images, and music. So, we developed DISCORS as a

    viable alternative. Also, for high-involvement, knowledge-intensive

    product domains such as e-learning VoD, collecting sufficient explicit

    rating data from customers is difficult. To over-

    come this difficulty, DISCORS employs Web-

    usage mining to create users rating profiles

    from their implicit Web-usage behavior.

    The DISCORS recommendation process

    combines offline mining and online recom-mendation (see figure 2).

    Offline miningThis subprocess has three phases: create

    each users rating profile, form the dual infor-

    mation sources, and extract each users

    source receptivity.

    Creating user rating profiles. These profiles

    describe a users preference regarding each

    item by mining the Web-usage data collected

    in the e-learning VoD Web site. DISCORS con-

    structs each profile according to the three basicsteps of online VoD service use: click-through,

    preview, and payment. The relative frequency

    with which a user performs these steps for an

    item serves as an implicit preference rating;

    we assume that if the usage frequency for an

    item is relatively high, the user has a high preference for that item.

    We define the user rating profile,Ru,i, by modifying a previous

    approach10 to make it suitable for e-learning VoD content service:


    whereRu,i is the rating profile of user u for item i, and m is the number of

    items. , ,and are the number of click-throughs, previews, and

    payments by a user for each item. The value ofRu,i is a sum of the nor-

    malized value of , , and . It ranges from 0 to 3, with a larger

    value indicating a stronger preference. It increases with the frequency

    of each stepclick-through,preview, and payment. Although each steps

    weights appear equal in equation 1, they arent, because customers who

    purchased specific content not only clicked the related Web pages but

    also previewed the content. So,Ru,i, which is used in the subsequent

    phases, is the normalized and weighted sum of , , and .

    Forming the dual information sources. In this phases first step,

    DISCORS selects users similar to a target user a and calculates their

    relative preference for a target item i.

    We define similar usersas a group of users with preference ratings

    similar to those the target user has had. To measure similarity, we

    employ Pearsons correlation coefficient, which is the most widely

    Ru ip

    ,Ru iv

    ,Ru ic


    Ru i



    Ru i,

    Ru i



    Ru ip

    ,Ru i,Ru i,


    R R

    Ru i

    u ic

    i mu ic

    i mu ic,

    , ,




    ( )

    ( )


    1 1

    ( )

    + ( )

    i mu ic

    u iv

    i mu iv

    i m


    R R





    , ,1

    1aax min


    , ,


    R R

    R R

    u iv

    i mu iv

    u ip

    i mu

    ( ) ( )




    , ,max min


    i mu ip

    i mu ip

    R R

    ( )( ) ( )

    1 1

    R e c o m m e n d e r S y s t e m s



    Web usefeedback

    ExpertExpert users







    Offline mining process Online recommendation process

    Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

















    Target user


    Figure 2. The DISCORS recommendation process combines offline mining and onlinerecommendation.

  • 7/29/2019 Dual Hybrid


    used in conventional CF methods. We define the similarity between a

    target user a and another user u, s(u, a), as


    whereRu,i is the rating of user u for item i, the item co-rated by two users.

    On the basis of previous research,1 we select the users that have a

    similarity threshold higher than 0.3 as the target users neighbors.

    We define theprediction term of similar users (neighbors), S(a, i),

    as the similarity-weighted sum of similar users relative preference

    compared to their average preference. We calculate this term as


    whereRu,i is the rating of similar user u for item i, and n is the num-

    ber of users similar to target user a.

    In the second step, DISCORS selects the category experts and cal-

    culates their prediction term. As part of this step, we devised a

    measure of expertise reflecting the users activity and prediction

    competency. Expertise can be measured at the total-item level (a

    movie expert), category level (an action movie expert), or indi-

    vidual-item level (a Titanic expert).5 For recommendation,

    expertise measured in a more specific domain can be more pre-

    dictable. However, individual-item-level expertise isnt meaning-

    ful for real-world recommendations (Hes an expert on the movie

    Titanic. So what?).

    So, in this study, we measure expertise at the category level. Wedefine the expertise, e, of user u for category c as


    where U(j) is the users who exhibited Web-usage behaviors for item

    j (except for target user u), C(i) is the item set that has the Web usages

    for the category of target item i,Nc(i) is the cardinality ofC(i) , and

    (u, c) is the activity weighting.

    We define (u, c) as 1 1/n (where n is the number of ratings in

    the category) to obtain a higher value of expertise for a user as that

    user rates more items in that category. We select the users who have

    expertise within the top 3 percent per category as expert users,because

    they showed the best recommendation results in terms of precision

    and coverage compared to other top-ranking user groups. We define

    the expert usersprediction term,E(i), as the expertise-weighted sum

    of expert users relative preference compared to their average prefer-

    ence. We calculate this term as


    whereRu,i is the rating of expert user u for item i, and n is the num-

    ber of expert users in category c.

    Extracting source receptivity. The final phase extracts the hetero-

    geneous source receptivity for information sources with reference to

    the users and product domains. In other words, we build the follow-ing source receptivity model, under the assumption that each user

    demonstrates different susceptibility to the group influence:


    Here, a and i denote a target customer and item number. ks andke are

    the importance weights ofS(a, i) andE(i)that is, a users receptiv-

    ity to the similar-user groups recommendation and the expert-user

    groups recommendation, respectively. We estimate these by multiple

    regression analysis using the least-squares method. If an overlap exists

    between similar and expert users, theres a high probability of multi-

    collinearity between S(a, i) andE(i). In that case, measuring each

    groups influence is difficult. So, when multicollinearity exists betweentwo variables (we consider it to exist if the variance inflation factor is

    greater than 10), we use ridge regression analysis to estimateks and ke.

    Online recommendationDISCORS generates personalized recommendations in real time by

    combining each users source receptivity values with each informa-

    tion sources prediction terms. Here we explain recommendation pro-

    cedures for an existing user, a new user, and a new item. Figure 3

    shows the pseudocode for our recommendation algorithm.

    Recommendation for an existing user. DISCORS gets the prediction

    terms after it forms each recommender group for the target user and

    item. Next, it finds the target users source receptivity, extracted dur-ing offline mining. Then, it determines the target users recommen-

    dation score by multiplying each sources prediction term and the

    users receptivity values:


    If only one information source exists (for example, there are no

    similar users who rated the target item), DISCORS employs the single-

    source receptivity calculated with the existing information source

    only (see figure 3).

    Recommendation for a new user or a new item. Because finding sim-

    ilar users for a new user is impossible, DISCORS provides recommen-

    dations based on the expert users for the items category. For new

    that is, early-stageitems, we might not find similar users who rated

    the item, either. So, recommendations are once again based on those

    expert users. As time passes and Web use increases, DISCORS will apply

    the same recommendation procedure for existing users to these cases.

    Pilot system implementationOur pilot DISCORS system consists of six software agents and five data-

    bases (see figure 4a). Figure 4b shows the Web interface. The pilot sys-

    tem operates each agent independently so that the whole system remains

    stable during experimental substitutions or adjustment of an agent.

    Theuser profile creation agentcreates and manages user rating pro-

    files through offline Web-usage-mining tasks such as periodic collect-

    P a i R k S a i k E i Ca s eprediction , ,( ) = + ( ) + ( ) +

    R a i R k S a i k E i Ca s epast_rating , ,( ) = ( ) + ( ) +

    E iR R u c

    u c

    u i u eu



    n( ) =

    ( ) ( )( )



    , ,





    u j a ja U jj C i

    c i

    u c u c

    R R

    N, ,

    , ,

    ( ) = ( )

    ( ) ( )




    S a iR R u a

    u a

    u i u su







    ( ) =( ) ( )

    ( )=




    su i u a i ai


    u i u a

    u aR R R R

    R R R

    ,, ,


    ( ) =( ) ( )

    ( )

    = 12

    ,,i ai



    mR( )==



    MAY/JUNE 2007 33

  • 7/29/2019 Dual Hybrid


    ing, parsing, and analyzing of real transaction data from the Web-usage

    database, customer database, and product database. It integrates the

    Web-usage data in a form suitable for the recommendation method.

    The SCF agentandECF agentactivate and manage the parts of our

    CF algorithm that calculate the similar-user groups and expert-user

    groups prediction terms, respectively. DISCORS uses these prediction

    terms to extract source receptivity and generate recommendations.

    The receptivity extraction agentextracts each users receptivity for

    the dual information sources. For this task, the agent analyzes users

    past rating profiles and the dual information sourcesprediction terms.

    The recommendation generation agent

    makes a personalized recommendation list

    for each target user according to the algo-

    rithm in figure 3. For each target user, it

    determines recommended products that

    reflect his or her source receptivity.Finally, the Web interface management

    agent provides user interfaces enabling

    Web-usage behaviors such as selecting a

    category or content, previewing e-learning

    content, and making electronic payments.

    Figure 4b shows the interface for present-

    ing recommendation lists.

    Evaluating DISCORS performanceWe wanted to answer these questions:

    How does DISCORS perform compared to

    CF methods based on a single-informa-tion-source model?

    How does the degree of product involve-

    ment affect the performance of DISCORS

    compared to that of CF methods based on

    a single-information-source model?

    How does data sparsity affect the perfor-

    mance of DISCORS compared to that of SCF


    We compared DISCORS to three CF rec-

    ommender systems based on a single-infor-

    mation-source model. We used these bench-

    mark systems:

    SCF (similarity-based CF)a single-

    information-source model with one


    ECF (expertise-based CF)a single-

    information-source model with one


    HCF (hybrid CF with similarity weight-

    ing and expertise weighting)a single-

    information-source model with two criteria

    and homogeneous-source receptivity, and

    DISCORSa dual-information-source model

    with two criteria and heterogeneous-source


    Evaluation metricsTo evaluate Discors performance,we employed two broad classes

    of recommendation accuracy metrics.

    The first ispredictive-accuracy metrics. Here, we use the mean

    absolute errorto compare each systems predictive accuracy. MAE

    is the absolute difference between a real and a predicted rating value.

    We use coverage, the number of items for which predictions can be

    formed as a percentage of the total number of items, to compare the

    range of recommendations for each system.

    The second class is classification accuracy metrics. To evaluate

    how well the recommendation lists match the users preferences, we

    R e c o m m e n d e r S y s t e m s


    Figure 3. Pseudocode for the recommendation algorithm.

    Algorithm : DISCORSInput :R: user rating matrix;k: source receptivity;

    OutputP(a, i) : Recommendation Score;

    Main()for all items i

    for all user uif (u= new user) then call NewUserRecomm();

    elseif (i= new item) then call NewItemRecomm();else call ExUserRecomm();



    end Main()

    ExUserRecomm()begincalculate prediction term of dual recommender groups S(a, i), E(i);if (both S(a, i) and E(i) exist) then select ks, ke, C;calculate P(a, i) = Avg(Ra) + ksS(a, i) + keE(i) + C;elseif (E(i) doesnt exist) then select kso, Cs; //kso is the single-source(similar-user group) receptivitycalculate P(a, i) = Avg(Ra) + ksoS(a, i) + Cs;elseif (S(a, i) doesnt exist) then select keo, Ce; //keois the single-source(expert-user group) receptivitycalculate P(a, i) = Avg(Ra) + keoE(i) + Ce;endifend ExUserRecomm( )

    NewUserRecomm( )begincalculate prediction term of expert-user group E(i);calculate P(a, i) = Avg(Ru) + E(i); //Avg(Ru) is the average of entire users ratingsend NewUserRecomm()

    NewItemRecomm()begincalculate prediction term of expert-user group E(i);select keo, Ce;calculate P(a, i) = Avg(Ra) + keoE(i) + Ce;end NewItemRecomm()

  • 7/29/2019 Dual Hybrid


    MAY/JUNE 2007 35

    employ the widely usedprecision, recall,

    and F1 measures. If a user rates an item as

    being greater than 70 percent of the maxi-

    mum preference value (which is 3) or has

    purchased the item, we consider that the user

    prefers that item. DISCORS recommends anitem when that items predicted rating is

    greater than 70 percent of the maximum

    preference value. Precision refers to the

    number of recommended items that a user

    actually prefers, whereas recall refers to the

    number of preferred items that the system

    actually recommends. F1 is the harmonic

    mean of precision and recallthat is, (2 *

    precision * recall)/(precision + recall).

    A preliminary experimentwith research data

    Before we implemented DISCORS, we eval-uated its feasibility with a research data set

    that was open to the public. In the prelimi-

    nary experiment, we used the MovieLens

    data set consisting of approximately 1 mil-

    lion ratings involving 6,040 users and 3,900

    movies ( To

    evaluate each recommender system, we sep-

    arated this data set into two parts:

    a modeling set containing the 6,040 users

    ratings of 3,000 movies and

    a validation set containing those usersrat-

    ings of the remaining 900 movies.

    Table 1 shows the results. The MAE of

    DISCORS is approximately 4.5 percent lower

    than that of SCF, 8.7 percent lower than that

    of ECF, and 5.8 percent lower than that of

    HCF, at a significance level of 1 percent.

    Although the performance gain of DISCORS

    over SCF isnt high, it does indicate our sys-

    tems superiority, and we expect the gain to

    increase as product involvement or data spar-

    sity increases. The coverage of DISCORS

    exceeds that of SCF by 9.30 percent and that

    of HCF by 2.90 percent.

    Experiments with realWeb-usage data ( is a Web

    portal operated by Korea Telecom Hitel, a

    subsidiary of Korea Telecom. This site,

    which has approximately 16 million sub-

    scribers and 8 million unique visitors per

    week, is a major Korean digital-content provider. pro-

    vided us with the Web-usage data and purchasing data pertaining

    to e-learning content for foreign languages and to digital-comics

    content (digitalized comic books), logged from 1 January to 30

    June 2006. The e-learning content comprises various English,

    Japanese, and Chinese categories and provides 192 items. The dig-

    ital-comics content comprises 456 items in eight categories (such

    as action and drama).

    Through data preparation and Web-usage mining, we obtained

    14,731 ratings of 1,452 users for 126 items in the e-learning content



    User ratingprofile


    User profile creation agent






    SCF agent(similarity-based CF)

    Similarity calculation

    Similar-user-group formation

    Similar usersprediction term calculation

    Recommendation generation agent

    Web interface management agent

    ECF agent(expertise-based CF)

    Expertise calculation

    Expert-user-group formation

    Expert usersprediction term calculationReceptivity


    Figure 4. The implementation of the pilot DISCORS system: (a) the system architectureand (b) the Web interface for presenting recommendation lists.

  • 7/29/2019 Dual Hybrid


    and 373,514 ratings of 11,245 users for 318 items in the digital-

    comics content, standardized from 0 to 3. We divided each data set

    into a modeling set and a validation set. The modeling set contained

    randomly selected items amounting to 80 percent of the total items;

    the validation set contained the remaining items.

    The e-learning content is more expensive (US$44 to $50 per lec-ture) than the digital-comics content ($0.1 to $0.3 per volume). Also,

    typical usage of e-learning content lasts more than one monthmuch

    longer than for digital comics. So, we classified the e-learning con-

    tent as a relatively high-involvement product and the digital-comics

    content as a relatively low-involvement product. We then compared

    the systems performance on the basis of product involvement.

    Classification accuracy with product involvement. The rating-pro-

    file data we used in this experiment didnt come directly from users;

    we inferred the data through Web-usage and purchasing results. So,

    we compared the systemsperformance by measuring classification

    accuracy. We expected that DISCORS would perform better than sin-

    gle-information-source CF because our system considers sourcediversity and heterogeneous source receptivity. Also, because con-

    sumers will more likely listen to experts opinions as their product

    involvement increases,we assumed that DISCORS would perform bet-

    ter for high-involvement products.

    Table 2 shows the results. DISCORS outperformed SCF by 26.0 per-

    cent for e-learning content and 10.34 percent for digital-comics con-

    tent, with F1 values at a significance level of 1 percent. Furthermore,the performance gain of DISCORS over SCF was significantly higher

    for e-learning than for digital comics. This supports our hypothesis

    that DISCORS performs even better as product involvement increases.

    We initially expected that DISCORS would perform worse than ECF

    for e-learning content because consumer reliance on experts tends

    to increase as product involvement increases. Contrary to our expec-

    tation, DISCORS outperformed ECF by 16.33 percent for e-learning

    content and 13.08 percent for digital-comics content. However, the

    difference isnt statistically significant.

    DISCORS also outperformed HCF by 7.18 percent for e-learning

    content and 9.83 percent for digital-comics content. This result sup-

    ports our assumption that a dual-information-source model can out-

    perform a single-information-source model. However, the differencein the performance gains across products isnt significant.

    The effects of sparsity. CF methodsperfor-

    mance depends on the availability of a criti-

    cal mass of ratings. Conventional CF meth-

    ods exhibit the data-sparsity problem; that is,

    the recommendation quality decreases sud-

    denly as data sparsity increases. We assumed

    that a CF method using a dual-information-

    source model will perform well even with

    data sparsity. To prove this assumption, we

    compared the performance of DISCORS to SCF

    for various levels of data density.The original data density levels were 1

    14,731/(1,452 * 126) = 0.9195 for e-learning

    R e c o m m e n d e r S y s t e m s


    Table 1. The predictive accuracy of DISCORS

    and three benchmark collaborative-filtering systems.

    System Mean absolute error Coverage (%) t-value (p < 0.01)

    DISCORS 0.6923 98.96

    SCF (similarity- 0.7250 90.52 6.952based CF) (4.5%)* (9.30%)*

    ECF (expertise- 0.7584 85.71 24.075based CF) (8.7%)* (15.50%)*

    HCF (hybrid CF) 0.7348 96.13 21.534

    (5.8%)* (2.90%)*

    *The figures in parentheses indicate the performance gain of DISCORS over that benchmark system.

    Table 2. The classification accuracy of DISCORS and three benchmark systems,for high (e-learning) and low (digital-comics) product involvement.

    Precision Recall F1

    System E-learning Comics E-learning Comics E-learning Comics

    DISCORS 0.3258 0.3363 0.2088 0.3187 0.2545 0.3272

    SCF 0.2257 0.2696 0.1828 0.3295 0.2020 0.2966(44.35%)* (24.74%)* (14.23%)* (3.30%)* (26.00%)* (10.34%)*

    t-value between DISCORS and SCF 82.563 63.452 8.875 4.512 8.924 4.572

    t-value between domains 8.276 3.548 4.853

    ECF 0.2972 0.2677 0.1731 0.3149 0.2188 0.2894(9.62%)* (25.63%)* (20.62%)* (1.20%)* (16.33%)* (13.08%)*

    t-value between DISCORS and ECF 2.872 3.548 15.602 4.669 12.245 9.642

    t-value between domains 3.300 4.887 0.085

    HCF 0.2804 0.2887 0.2059 0.3078 0.2374 0.2979(16.19%)* (16.49%)* (1.41%)* (3.53%)* (7.18%)* (9.83%)*

    t-value between DISCORS and HCF 12.533 13.234 0.072 8.187 10.669 6.715

    t-value between domains 0.069 0.877 0.819

    *The figures in parentheses indicate the performance gain of DISCORS over that benchmark system.p < 0.01

  • 7/29/2019 Dual Hybrid


    content and 1 373,514/(11,245 * 318) = 0.8955 for digital comics.

    We obtained seven different density levels as follows. After dividing

    the data sets into modeling and validation portions, we retained 100

    percent, 87.5 percent,75 percent, 62.5 percent, 50 percent, 37.5 per-

    cent, and 25 percent of the nonzero entries in the modeling set, by ran-

    domly removing nonzero entries.Density affects the F1 values for DISCORS

    and SCF and the performance gain of DISCORS

    for both e-learning and digital-comics con-

    tent (see figure 5). For e-learning, as the den-

    sity decreases, the performance gain increases

    from 26.0 percent to 36.4 percent (F = 2.956,

    p < 0.01). For digital comics, as the density

    decreases, the performance gain increases

    from 10.3 percent to 32.0 percent (F = 4.275,

    p < 0.01). The F statistic provides a test for

    the statistical significance of the difference in

    the observed DISCORS performance gain over

    sparsity levels through ANOVA analysis.These results have three interesting impli-

    cations. First, the lower the data density (the

    higher the data sparsity), the better the perfor-

    mance gain of DISCORS relative to SCF. This

    implies that DISCORS helps mitigate the data-

    sparsity problem regardless of product domain.

    Second, for relatively low product involve-

    ment, the performance gain of DISCORS rela-

    tive to SCF is more sensitive to data density.

    This implies that for high-involvement prod-

    ucts, sparsity doesnt affect SCF; however,this

    isnt the case for low-involvement products.

    Finally, ECF, a component of DISCORS, is moreeffective for high-involvement products. This

    supports our assumption that consumers tend

    to be more receptive to experts opinions as

    product involvement increases.

    Visualizing source receptivity. We used a

    visualization to analyze the users source

    receptivity with variations in the product

    domain. In figure 6, thex-axis represents receptivity to similar

    users recommendations (ks), and they-axis represents receptivity

    to expert usersrecommendations (ke). For a low-involvement prod-

    uct (digital comics), most users have a low dependency on experts,

    as we expected. The centroid of the users segment for that product

    MAY/JUNE 2007 37


















    100 88 75 63 50 38 25

    100 88 75 63 50 38 25

    Data density (% of original)














    DISCORS (D) SCF (S) (D S)/S

    DISCORS (D) SCF (S) (D S)/S

    (a) Data density (% of original)












    Figure 5. How data sparsity affects DISCORS and SCF for (a) a high-involvement product(e-learning) and (b) a low-involvement product (digital comics).

    (a) (b)







    Receptivity to similar users recommendation (ks) Receptivity to similar users recommendation (ks) 0



























    1.5 0

    Figure 6. Users source receptivity for (a) a high-involvement product (e-learning, 1,452 users) and (b) a low-involvement product

    (digital comics, 11,245 users).

  • 7/29/2019 Dual Hybrid


    R e c o m m e n d e r S y s t e m s


    is (1.126, 0.239). However, for a high-involvement product (e-learn-

    ing), many users exhibit expert-user dependencies; their centroid is

    (0.8034, 0.5337).

    We observed that you can classify users into expert-dependent

    users and neighbor-dependent users with respect to product

    domains. Accordingly, marketing staff in an e-commerce company

    can identify the most effective information source on the basis of

    the characteristics of individuals and product domains. Conse-

    quently, expert-dependent users could receive Web or mobile con-

    tent that reflects expert users recommendations, even for low-

    involvement products. Similarly, neighbor-dependent users could

    receive neighbors recommendations, even for high-involvement

    products. This strategy will enable more effective and more adap-

    tive personalized marketing.

    Because our results are based on data of a particular e-commercesite and a specific research data set, we need to evaluate DIS-CORS with data sets from various e-commerce product domains. In

    addition, we need to devise a more refined technique for analyzing

    Web usage that can automatically extract both user preference and

    user credibility. Also, it would be interesting to expand DISCORS to

    other challenging e-commerce domains or environments that require

    a recommendation method. Although we implemented DISCORS for

    providing e-learning services in this study, we believe its generallyapplicable to a variety of e-commerce recommender systems.

    AcknowledgmentsWe thank Korea Telecom Hitel for providing us with the

    Web usage data used in this research, and Jeeyoung Yoon for his researchassistance.

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    T h e A u t h o r s

    Jinhyung Cho is an assistant professor in theDongyang Technical Colleges Department of

    Computer and Information Engineering and aPhD candidate in the Seoul National UniversitysInterdisciplinary Graduate Program of Technol-ogy and Management. His research interests in-clude Web personalization, e-business, socialcomputing, and knowledge management systems.He received his MS in computer engineering from

    the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Contact him atthe Dept. of Computer and Information Eng., Dongyang Technical Col-lege, 62-160 Kochuk-Dong, Kuro-Gu, Seoul, 152-714, Korea; [email protected].

    Kwiseok Kwon is an assistant professor in theAnyang Technical Colleges Department of E-business and a PhD candidate in the SeoulNational Universitys Interdisciplinary Graduate

    Program of Technology and Management. Hisresearch interests include Web personalization,new-service development, and the Semantic Web.He received his MS from the InterdisciplinaryGraduate Program of Technology and Manage-

    ment. Contact him at the Dept. of E-business, Anyang Technical College,San 39-1,Anyang 3-Dong, Manan-Gu,Anyang, Gyeonggi-Do, 430-749,Korea; [email protected].

    Yongtae Park is a professor in the Seoul NationalUniversitys Department of Industrial Engineeringand served as the director of SNUs Interdiscipli-nary Graduate Program of Technology and Man-agement. His research interests include knowl-edge network analysis and online-service creation.He received his PhD in operations management

    from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Con-tact him at the Dept. of Industrial Eng., Seoul

    National Univ., San 56-1, Shillim-Dong, Kwanak-Gu, Seoul, 151-742,Korea; [email protected].